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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

"That isn't true! I love him!" She exclaimed as she looked at him and then looked away. Why was he saying such things. They weren't true. She married Taylor because she loved him. Because e was the one for her. "I liked him when I was younger because he cared about me and he saved me from living in hell with you!" She yelled. She wanted to leave. She hated being with her father.

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Her father gave her a menacing look and stepped closer once more. He watched her wince before he grabbed her arm and cut it deeply with the knife, leaving her blood and through her screams he spoke. "Keep talking, if you lose enough blood you know what'll happen."
Victoria kept her mouth shut her mouth when her father threatened her again. She let her arm bleed out but she knew she wouldn't live if things kept going this way. "Stop." She whispered as she was losing a decent amount of blood and fell unconscious from it. She didn't care about what happened to her. She wanted the baby safe.

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When she passed out her father tightly bandaged the wound, not because he cared but because he wasn't finished with her. He picked her up and locked her in a room where he later came back to feed her.

Taylor didn't sleep for three days now, still no traces of his wife he tapped his fingers on the counter. He had left the kids with his mom, as far as they knew Victoria was on a trip. Taylor didn't want to worry Rose and Chris wouldn't be able to grasp it. It soon became a local news outlet, cameras never leaving the house and the best part was the police were still looking into him as a suspect. When Taylor organized a search party Chelsea approached but he just walked away.

"How are you?" She asks Taylor. He looked at her in disgust. "I don't know Chelsea, how am I? My wife and daughter are missing no where to be found and I'm the public's interest and better yet I can already tell you're loving this encounter."
Victoria's mom stayed at the house with Taylor because she knew he would need someone to keep him calm. She walked over to him and noticed Chealsea. She rolled her eyes at her and noticed Zach walking over. "So how are things Taylor." He said and laughed darkly.

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Taylor turned sharply to face them both. "Unless you want the police involved in this I suggest you leave." He glared at Zach for all he knew he has something to do with it. This sparked something inside Taylor when the jerk laughed again. He took him by the shirt and used all his strength to pin him to the ground, Taylor's knee in his stomach. "And if you know where she is you better fucking tell me or I can make this a whole lot worse for you."
Zach looked at Taylor and bit her lip as he looked from Taylor to Chelsea then back to Taylor. "It's not that hard Young. Just think." He said then pushed him off him and stood up. "No I suggest you don't ever do that again or you really won't ever see her again." He whispered and then looked at Chelsea. "Let's go Chels."

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Taylor didn't really feel intimidated by him. It was obvious he took her, the question was where were they and how much time was left?
It was now a week and Victoria woke up from a dark slumber. She hated being here and she needed to see her family. She looked at her dad and wished she could comfort her baby girl. She was kicking a lot.

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Taylor had been released as a suspect but that didn't make him anywhere closer to finding Victoria. He knew she had to be under stress in such a hostile environment and Taylor's mother was worried it would lead to premature labor. Everyone was working to find her, even Rose was beginning to get worried and when Taylor was alone he paced back and forth between trying to think where they could be he even researched her father's name not much to help. On the seventh night he tried to sleep but it was near impossible and he felt helpless, as tears gently made their way down his cheeks. Months they said, this could take months.
Rose walked into the room with her father and went over to hug him. She knew now what was happening and she knew her mother would be okay. She just felt it.

Victoria was laying in the bed when all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain shoot down her back and abdomen region. Something was wrong. She began to cry from the pain. She needed Taylor.

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Victoria's dad didn't hear the screams because he was asleep from drinking. Soon though it became hard to miss and he went into the room and drugged her sleep again.
Victoria soon fell asleep again and it was just terrible but before she fell back asleep, she whispered Taylors name. She knew at this rate the baby would get killed and she couldn't let that happen.

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Two weeks had passed and still nothing, Taylor decided to take the kids away from all the publicity and took them to the cabin.
Rose and Chris went with their dad but they didn't care. They wanted their mom. Chris hand become a handful and he was more rowdy without his mother there with them.

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After the kids went to bed Taylor stayed up and looked at the fire. "where are you?" He whispers playing with his wedding ring. Taylor jumped at the sound of his phone and answered it in an instant. Could it be? Did they find her?

A neighbor had heard the screams and once while Victoria'x father left her toes in a room while he left to buy more alcohol the neighbor went snooping and when they saw her through a sundown they they were shrines. She quickly called the the police and they rushed full speed with sirens and when they entered a women approached Victoria and untied her. "It's okay Victoria, you're safe now, " she reassures her. If was blatant Victoria had been beaten it made the officers in scene sick. "Are you in any pain?"
Victoria was only half awake since she was drugged to sleep again by her father. She heard the voice and she nodded her head and when they helped move her, she groaned out in pain. "That hurts..." She said. Her body covered in bruises and in some cases fresh wounds from the knife. She was a mess and all she wanted was her husband. She wanted him to hold her where she knew she would be safe.

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A male officer offered to carry the badly beaten victim to the ambulance. They had all invested time into this case and all were determined to find Mrs. young. "You'll be back with your husband soon." He whispered as they sent her off and waited for the arrival of the criminal.
Victoria nodded at what the male officer said and relaxed against him. She felt safe for once and she was happy. Those 2 weeks were a long pair of weeks. She got put on the stretcher and eventually fell asleep from all the drugs as they drove off. All her thought of was her finally getting to see her family again.

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Taylor's mom was the first to call him, she was there when Victoria was rushed in, hooked to oxygen. She was barely there but Lisa still couldn't believe they found her, if was unrealistic. It wasn't looking promising though for Victoria and the unborn baby, if they didn't find her sooner it could've been too late.
The doctors were doing all they could to ensure that Victoria and the baby would be fine. The doctors worked fast and cautiously and finally when she was stable, they took her to a room while they waited for lab results. The baby was surprisingly okay.

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Taylor rushed to his wife as soon as he hung up the phone picking up the kids and rushing to the car. He left the sleeping kids with Angela as he rushed into the room and when he saw her, he couldn't breathe for a moment. Bolting to her side he kissed her and whispered that she was okay multiple time as he held her in his arms that she threw herself in practically and stroked her hair.
Victoria stayed in her husbands arms as she began to cry. These past two years were terrible and she was happy to finally be home with her husband. Or well with her husband at least. She had scares and bruises and when Taylor tried to pull away, she held him close. She wasn't letting him go. She needed him right now.

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Taylor didn't try to pull away after the fact and continued to hold Er close as he watched her fall asleep he kissed her forehead. He looked down at her arms and saw all the cuts and bruisers and felt tears and let them fall as he continues to hold her he kissed her cheek. She was going to be okay, they both were.
Her bruises and cuts were ugly and she didn't want anyone to see them. She stayed asleep in her husbands arms and when the doctor came in, he smiled at the two. "We got the results. Both seem to be healthy and okay the only thing we noticed with Victoria is her pain. We understand considering what happened will hurt but we can't give her any more medicine. She was drugged far to much as it was and we don't want to risk the baby's life."

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