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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

(That show though xDD)

Taylor remembered this memory but he couldn't recall much of this because they didn't pay much attention to it. Instead they were more interested in each other and kissing. Folding the clue and putting it with the others Taylor headed to the next clue.
(I know xD XD)

If Taylor was smart enough he would have known that they spent their time watching the show together on the side of a house. What house exactly? His old house. They used a projector screen and after they finished their episodes would just enjoy their time together and look at the stars in the sky.

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Taylor was smart he just had to be various when looking for the paper. He wasn't sure what kind of mood his mother would be in today. Quietly he made his way to the side of the house and spotted the card rested against the window.
Inside the card was a picture of him,sitting under the tree drawing back in high school. The note written inside said,

"One more! Good job on finding this one. Your final little gift and the key to the room is at a place so top secret.

Clue #4 "it's so country out here."

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Taylor didn't even have to think about this one, he knew exactly where it was and wasted no time getting to it. There was no telling what Victoria had in store but he was anxious to figure it out. I'm
What was there at that destination upon Taylors arrival was Victoria herself. She wore her hair in a braid and wore a dress with her boots. Their song they danced to on their wedding day playing. The kids were back at the house with Victoria's mother getting the last things finished.

"Well howdy partner." She said and tipped her hat at him with a laugh.

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"Well hey there beautiful." Taylor replies with a wink stepping closer he kissed her resting his hands on her waist. "That was quite an adventure Mrs. Young."
"Was it really?" She asked as she smiled and kissed him again as she began to sway along with the music. "Did you enjoy it?" She asked and smiled again.

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Taylor took her hand and began to sway with her. "Not as much as I enjoy you." He whispers leaning over to kiss her again before her twirled her. She was so genuinely sweet and not to mention she looked cute right now he loved her like crazy.
Victoria laughed quietly and smiled when she was twirled. Her dress flowing with her. "I see." She said and continued to sway with him. "good lucky trying to one up me on my birthday. You got two months." She whispered and kissed him as se led him out the barn to the back of it. There was the car he always talked about. All fixed up and spiffy just for him.

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"Oh really?" With raised eyebrows as he followed her to the back of the barn. When he saw what was waiting he could have sworn his jaw dropped. For a moment he was speechless, all he could to thank her was kids her, this time long and lovingly.
Victoria happily accepted the kiss and smiled at how long it was. When he finally pulled away, she smiled. "Yes really." She whispered and then went to open the car. "Come on. Get a feel for it." She said. She was happy she was able to get this for him. He deserved it and so much more

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(This is so adorable, I can't [emoji87][emoji86][emoji85])

Taylor quickly made a dash for the car sitting in the front seat. It was something he had always dreamed of but he never expected his wife would do something like this. It was too much in his eyes but he accepted it happily. "It's nice but there is one thing that could make it better."
(I know [emoji85])

"Oh really? What is that exactly?" She asked her husband as she watched him get in the car. He was acting like a child getting just what they wanted for their birthday.

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Taylor took her hand and sat her in his lap. "That's better." He whispers, resting His hand on her cheek he kissed her yet again. "You're amazing, you know that?" He asks with a wide smile taking her hand in his own. This was a pretty awesome moment.
Victoria laughed at his comment and smiled softly. "I didn't know that." She whispered and kissed him again and when she pulled away, she smiled. "Happy Birthday Taylor Young."

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"Well now you do." She truly was amazing in his eyes, as both a wife and a mother for their family. "Why thank you." He says taking her into a hug. There was nothing more he could ask forZ
Victoria smiled and she rested her head against his chest. She was so happy she could make this birthday memorable. "You're quite welcome." She whispered and kissed his chest then his neck,jawline and finally lips. "I love you."

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"Hmm, did I ever tell you I love it when you do that?" His fingers found their way to her lips where he placed them before he kissed her. This was the last thing he expected when he arrived home today. She did an excellent job in surprising her husband. "Hopefully though there's nothing left for you to give me."
"No you didn't." She whispered and smiled into the kiss and when he talked again she laughed and kissed his neck. "Well mom is taking the kids tonight so we get a night to ourselves." She whispered and kissed his jawline again then his cheek. "We should get going Mr. Young." She whispered in his ear and smiled.

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"Ahhh is there something you're not telling me?" He asks with a smirk helping her up from his lap and taking her hand as they headed back towards the house.
"Maybe. Let's just say Rose may get what she wants for Christmas after tonight." She whispered and laughed as the snow began to fall. She loved the winter. She always did.

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Stopping in his wife's path Taylor picked her up in his arms as he quirky carried her back to the house, snow powdering his hair. It finally left like the way things were meant to be again and he refused to let that go.
Victoria squealed as her husband picked her up and she began to laugh. "Taylor Young, put me down." She said as she continued to squeal. Everything felt right finally and nothing would change that.

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"Make me." Taylor warns with a laugh running through the front door and up the stairs to their room. When the door was still locked he cursed in his breathe and sat m set her down before unlocking it. When he saw what. His wife has done to the room he smiled over to her. "How nice." He comments before wasting no time kissing her with an excited laugh.

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