god howard's eepiest soldier
hi there ! i have an idea of what i'm doing thanks to experience editing basic tumblr themes & using bbcode on an old rp forum years and years ago. that being said, i'm still pretty lost with what to do on here!
- how do i hide the scroll bar while still being able to scroll?
---- will i need to adjust the padding to keep everything looking centered on a coloured bg while hiding the scroll?
- how many different sections of [div] should i have for let's say a reply post with a sidebar hat has two separate quotes and maybe a picture?
i understand nesting for the [div] boxes but what do i make a div box for? for each individual "item" (quote, picture, etc) ?
- how do i change the positioning of what i'm working on?
---- will things get messy if i do this to multiple [div]/items? ie i want the sidebar on the right but i also want the whole thing centered or off centered
- how can i make variables to plug into my code? ie background: var(--quote-shadow-colour);
---- where do i put these in my script
---- can i add multiple factors to a variable like colour, font, and font-weight or do these all have to be separate variables ?
---- if i were to bold something, could i have it also coloured/add shadow/etc to that?