Question About This Site

I have to get off for a bit, but I look forward to seeing her post so I can figure out how to message people and get roleplaying! :D
xxRoobixx said:
Sorry I mean if you are following a person is it easier to tag them? Or can you tag anyone?
Well, you can tag anyone, sure, but it gives them a notif so don't just go tagging random people for the fun of it. x3 But if you need to grab someone's attention, that's the way to do it!
Roobix, I am just going to make a thread for us for now and we can talk when I return if you happen to be on.
Okay. I was just wondering because if I can't PM yet... Then I would like to tag them in a forum. Lol this is a lot easier than I thought it would be

I'll be here
I'm on my phone so my answer won't be super long, but it's not glitching. It can take up to an hour for the server to update you after you achieved your 10 posts. Seeing as your posts were made fairly recently, give it another half hour to update. If it's not updated by then, let me know.

(: Mordecai
No problem! Again, if it doesn't update soon let me know and I can update it manually, but it should do it on its own soon. (:


Let me try again, Roobix. I am tagging you

Did you get it this time?

Also, once I am allowed to send Private Messages, How do I?

Is that the conversation buttons?

God I hate being a newb xD
Yep. You can click on someone's name and then click Start Conversation, or click the message icon, click Star a New Conversation, and then input participants.

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