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Help Question about Crochet Commissions


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I was thinking of setting up a thread for stuff I make and sell, would crocheted/sewed stuff fall under commission though? Am I even allowed to set up a thread for that as well? I would be using my kofi link for sales, so no payment stuff would be taken through rpn.
What do you mean? I would only make post every couple of days at most on the thread, I'm just trying to figure out of its allowed
Putting it under the Commission is fine, though I'm not sure how active sales via communications on RpN. The usual format would be to make sure prospective buyers DM you, which you can settle prices in.

The stuff in your thread looks amazing btw.
Putting it under the Commission is fine, though I'm not sure how active sales via communications on RpN. The usual format would be to make sure prospective buyers DM you, which you can settle prices in.

The stuff in your thread looks amazing btw.
I gotcha, and thxx!

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