Quarris, the Other World. (Sign-up)


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On a dark, stormy night in London, there was a strange occurrence that went unnoticed by people who passed by. Over the next few nights, these occurrences began to happen more frequently, and around the world. There was one in Beijing, New York City, Paris, Tokyo, Ottawa, and Mexico City. Over time, they began to spread out into rural and suburban areas as well. They all went unnoticed just like the one in London, until a group of kids individually discovered the occurrences. For some reason, adults can't see them, and only kids up to the age of 19 can, if at all. The first kids who did stumble upon these occurrences realized that they were a type of portal, or gateway, that lead them into an entirely different world, very much unlike their own. The humans could end up anywhere on the other side.

This other world that the kids stumbled upon is called Quarris, comprised of creatures and humanoid-like beings completely unlike the people they know back at home. There is such a variety of them that they can hardly keep up with every species they come across. They are friendly to the humans, so they quickly found friendships among the new beings. The creatures can go to the human world, but only for 24 hours before they disintegrate into the human's atmosphere. On the other hand, the humans may stay in Quarris for an unlimited amount of time. The kids soon found that there are certain objects in Quarris that could give them special abilities as long as they had that item in their possession. The objects sometimes work in their home world, but the powers aren't nearly as strong.

The kids all fell deeply in love with this new place, but soon found that something is awry. A dark creature had began to try and take over Quarris with the assistance of dark, shadowy minions. It is up to the humans to assist the creatures in destroying the dark shadowy beings and their leader, or else the evil creatures would begin to seep into the human world and wreak havoc.


1. You can choose to either have a creature or a human character. If you are a creature, you have free reign over what kind of humanoid or monster-like thing that you want your character to be. Be creative and unique! Please refrain from using nekos or anthropomorphic beings.

2. You are limited to two characters. However, if you choose to have two, I ask that you have one human and one creature.

3. If you have a human character, you can start off by discovering the portal, or start as if you've already discovered it. Remember, kids have discovered these portals at different times because they are each found at random locations around the world.

4. As for the objects, only humans who find them can use their powers. For some reason, the creatures can't use them, but they typically have some sort of natural ability themselves. The humans have to acquire an object as the role play goes on, and they cannot start out with them. They may only have one object at a time equipped, but may have many stored elsewhere and can change them out. The object can be pretty much anything that your character is able to carry. If there is a problem with it, I will let you know.

5. This is a literate role play, and it requires proper grammar, proper spelling, and at least two paragraphs per post. They must be in third person.

6. Most romance is available for ages 17 and upwards, and it may be role played, but try to not to elaborate too much or just fade to black. Below 17, characters are allowed to have light romances and crushes, but nothing too intimate, please. That's gross.

I believe I covered everything. Otherwise, use the site rules, and have fun creating and role playing!

Here are the character skeletons. Try not to give everything away about your character(s) so things about them can be discovered over time.

For humans






Appearance: (Description preferable, but isn't all that important. Pictures and drawings are also acceptable.)


Talents: (Such as horseback riding, art, cooking, etc.)


For creatures/humanoid like beings




Gender: (If it has one!)

Species: (You may come up with your own name for the species. Be creative!)


Appearance: (Description preferable, but isn't all that necessary. Pictures and drawings can also acceptable.)


Special Ability:


As people come up with different species of creatures, I'm going to list them here. They are all free to choose from and you can be any one you would like as long as you stay true to their creator's description. It would be more realistic (despite the unrealistic, fantasy plot) if more people chose creatures that were already created. That doesn't mean I don't want lots of new creatures! Feel free to post more creatures, even if you aren't playing as them.

List of Creatures:

Greenie- a tall, slender creature that is, of course, green. The shades of green can vary. They have no nose, milky, white eyes, and two pairs of large pointy ears on either side of their head (think elf-like). They have only two toes on each foot. Their upper backs usually get smooth bumps as they get older that are the size of a quarter and can be any color. The rest of their physical appearance is similar to that of a human. Their average life-span is 130 years. They are born from transparent, silicone-like, soft shelled, birthing pods (or eggs) that are built and fertilized by their parents. Usually there are several children born at one time in separate pods.

Rippens- a humanoid bird species closely related to that of their Harpie siblings. The only real differences between Rippens and Harpies is that their wings resemble something that would belong to a large bat and they have incredibly sharp teeth, which they commonly use to help with their diet of rocks and trees. Rippens aren't known for being the smartest of creatures.


Name: Margo Doss

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Species: Greenie- a tall, slender creature that is, of course, green. The shades of green can vary. They have no nose, milky, white eyes, and two pairs of large pointy ears on either side of their head (think elf-like). They have only two toes on each foot. Their upper backs usually get smooth bumps as they get older that are the size of a quarter and can be any color. The rest of their physical appearance is similar to that of a human. Their average life-span is 130 years. They are born from transparent, silicone-like, soft shelled, birthing pods (or eggs) that are built and fertilized by their parents. Usually there are several children born at one time in separate pods.

Personality: Margo is a really upbeat, and curious girl. She tends to be a little ditsy and has a hard time taking things seriously. She loves to explore new places and solve mysteries. She is also a very loving person and tries to get along with everyone, no matter how disagreeable someone may be.

Appearance: For a Greenie, Margo is relatively short for her age, only reaching the height of 5"4. She has straight, black, jaw-length hair and light green skin. On her back, there already appears to be several bright orange bumps that she likes to flaunt by wearing tank tops with a low back. She typically wears the tank tops with mini skirts and her black pea coat. Her favorite footwear is her bright red rain boots.

History: Out of all of her siblings, of which she has 16, she is the shortest. They pick on her about her stunted growth and like to call her Stumpy. Her parents do not favor this nickname but they have always treated her like the younger sibling by mistake, even though she is the same age as five other siblings. To make up for her lack of height, Margo likes to go on daring adventures which involve a lot of danger to prove that she is as strong willed as the rest of her siblings, if not stronger. This often leads to her getting lost and her family has often formed search parties to go after her.

Her crazy adventures did lead her to discover a strange looking child who is even shorter than herself. She found out that the child calls herself a human and her name is Molly. Margo quickly becomes best friends with this strange human girl and plays with her whenever she comes around.

Special Ability: Margo discovered at an earlier age, when she first began to get her bumps, that she had the ability to make them glow. The more bumps she grows, the brighter they glow. This is handy in dark places.

Other: During one of Margo's adventures, she discovered a large, black, headless dog aimlessly wandering a forest. For some reason, instead of being absolutely terrified by the fact that this dog was still alive and had no head, she felt sympathy for the creature and took it home with her. The dog quickly took to her and is very loyal. Despite not having a head, it can somehow understand Margo perfectly. The dog is larger than her, standing at the intimidating height of 5"7. She named him Poncho and uses him as a mount to get around.



Name: Molly Williams

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Personality: Generally quiet around most people, especially strangers. When she gets close to someone she warms up to them and is able feel confident about talking more freely. She is very sweet and kind, and she never has a bad thing to say about anyone. Very mellow temperament.

Appearance: 4"3 with average weight for a 10 year old. She has long, thin, wispy blonde hair that goes down to her back. Her eyes are glazed but you can still tell they are a very pale blue; typically she wears a pair of bright, pink-rimmed sunglasses to hide them. Her face is rounded with a soft sprinkle of freckles and she has a short nose accompanied by a thin mouth, but a wide smile.

History: Molly has been blind ever since she was born. Her eyes already had the glazed look that some blind people have, and her parents like to say that an angel kissed them. Since she was born without sight, it was easy for her to adapt to society rather than someone who had lost the ability to see later in life. She even has her own seeing eye dog, named Snowy, who accompanies her everywhere she goes. Both of her parents have taken good care of her and they have always been very nurturing. Molly's mom and dad plan to continue home schooling her until she requests otherwise, but she is perfectly content at home. She is a single child and can be very shy around new people. Once she opens up she is very sweet and kind, but still remains calm even for a child her age.

While taking her dog out for a walk around the backyard one day, Molly felt a strange chill and tickling sensation all around her. Her dog whined and she realized something wasn't quite right. Walking forward a little, she felt that the ground was no longer the soft grass she had previously been standing in, and it had an almost mossy kind of texture to it. She called out for her parents but they did not reply. Instead, something else did, but it sounded friendly. It turned out that the person who had responded was a creature unlike any she had ever stumbled upon, but found this out much later. The creature's name is Margo, and she has a dog of her own that quickly became playmates with Snowy. Now Molly goes to visit Margo and her faithful companion whenever the opportunity arises. She has told her parents all about this place and her new friends, but they just seemed to be proud of their daughter for having such a unique imagination.

Talents: Can read 6th grade level brail, has excellent hearing, and knows piano basics.

Other: Her seeing eye dog, Snowy, is the picture perfect, yellow Labrador Retriever.
Name: Zoe Late

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: I lean towards the silent type I guess. I rather explain things with logical explanations but ever since i was dragged to Quarris *courtesy of my 10-year-old brother* that logic died in a dark little corner. I`m confused about my life now, nothing makes sense with the magic sparkles going around my head. My logic is a lie, that means my life is a lie...


History: Normal life as a straight A`s student. Annoying little brother, overprotective and proud mom, and a hardworking dad. Oh, and Freda, the family rottweiler. I work hard to get my grades and tutor some of my classmates here and there along with my brother. My brother is the one person that uses me the most, dragging me everywhere to do almost everything. I swear..... He`s the one who got me mixed up with magical words and whatnot. That little pest and world destroyed my logic of science. Now i have to learn a whole new life for me.

Talents: Excellent grade, the ability to ignore people, logical thinking*whats left of it*, and managing schedules.

Other: She finds Coko extremely annoying.

Name: Coko, just Coko

Age: 16-17 ish? Can`t remember

Gender: Male

Species: Dark Harpie. Half Dark elf and half harpie. He is most likely to be the first of a new race seeing as there isnt anyone else like him. He retains the natural golden hair and feathery wings of a harpie and the skin, eyes, and ears of a dark elf.

Personality: Happy all the time I guess, never really gave a thought about it, or anything else really. I go with the flow as humans say. Their funny you know, I love to play with `em but they tend to ignore me...


History: Uhhhh my mom was a dark elf and my dad a harpie. I'm a mix I guess. We lived IN a giant tree for a couple years before moving into a Tree-"House". I like sneaking out to the human world too.

Special Ability: Flying I guess, I sing a tune or two here and there but almost everything dies around me...I'm I that bad at singing? I'm pretty fast on my feet.

Other: Zoe is my new friend. Joseph showed her to me last week at the dump? I think that's what it's called. She's fun to play with.

Name: Tsukino Yui

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Yui is a geeky girl. She enjoys video games, comic books, cosplay, you name it, and if it's dorky she's probably into it. She is actually pretty quiet and normal until someone gets close to her or she discovers a mutual interest in a subject. Then she reveals a hyper (yet still intelligent and clever) side. She likes to go to the beach and spends much of her time drawing.

Appearance: I posted a link because the photo is actually quite large. Please let me know if it doesn't work.


History: She's had a nice life, never really struggling. She lives with her single mother but they get along well financially. Her father has never been in the picture and she has no siblings but is overall very happy. Her mother has a very good job and buys Yui most of the things she wants. Yui seems a little spoiled because of this but it doesn't affect her personality. She was coming home from school one day when she discovered the portal. At first she was terrified and didn't want to go back to the magical world on the other side, but now that she realizes the inhabitants are mostly nice, she returns on a daily basis.

Talents: She is an amazing artist and can speak pretty good English along with her native Japanese.

Other: She's afraid of storms.
Berace said:
Name: Zoe Late
Hey there! Thank you for posting. I only have a couple things to add; when we begin the role play, posting in third person is a requirement. I just want to let you know since you wrote your bios in first person. Also, it'd be superb if you could elaborate on Coko's species a little bit (and about the hybrid bit), maybe add some description to what Dark Harpies typically look like or what they all have in common, so that I can add it to the species list.

I really like the pictures you chose, specifically Coko's! 

KaitWink said:
Name: Tsukino Yui
Looks fantastic! And is most certainly accepted, thank you.
Name: Grock

Age: Somewhere between 15-320,000, it's not entirely sure.

Gender: Once again, it's not entirely sure. It is simply Grock. It's mother is fairly sure Grock's a male, but she has yet to take the time to find out.

Species: Um... Grock - Grock is a small, dark grey, rock-like... thing. It's not entirely sure what species it is exactly, or if it is even supposed to be alive. It is the only known member of it's species to itself, and as such has no real idea what it is supposed to look like. Grock is highly adaptable, when it was found it resembled nothing more than a rock with dark blue piercing eyes, and over the years it was able to change itself to a form closely resembling that of the family that found it, growing legs, arms, and even a mouth over the years it was with them. The family that found him were a group of Rippens, a humanoid bird species closely related to that of their Harpie siblings, the only real differences being their wings resembling that of a large bat and their incredibly sharp teeth, which they commonly use to help wih their diet of rocks and trees, the teeth being the only thing Grock was having issues replicating, as it had two large bumps on it's back, a sign that it was soon to develop the wings. The most noticable feature about Grock is it's hard, stone like body, which is almost impenetrable to most things it has come across, it did manage to break it once when Grock fell off the back of it's Rippen mother, shattering it's arm and revealing a pink flesh like substance beneath, the shell reformed into a stronger sustance, but the flesh may be a future step in his constant evolutionary state. Grock also doesn't have to eat or drink, it can do so for recreational reasons but it's not necessary for it to survive.

Personality: Grock is rather simple in it's personality. To the Rippen it is considered very intelligent, yet this isn't exactly saying much since they aren't known for being the smartest of races, and to other species Grock may seem rather tribal in it's knowledge. It isn't very curious of the world, Grock much prefers to live in ignorance as long as it's happy and relaxing, as such, it has never really had any urge to look for other members of it's species, self discovery doesn't matter at all to it. As far as it cares, it is an honorary Rippen, and it is happy to be so.

It's not really comfortable in sociallising with others outside of it's Rippen family, they have lived alone up in the moutains for most of Grocks life which means that it is very rare for it to meet new lifeforms. When it does meet others, Grock is initially very cautious of them in fear of attack, but will eventually warm up to them if it believes they can be trusted.

Appearance: In it's current form, Grock is 4"2, dark grey and boulder like. It is short compared to the average hight of his Rippen family, but has grown significantly in the 15 years it has been with them. When it first made contact with them, it was no larger than 3 inches tall and had no real physical appearence apart from resembling a stone with eyes, and has grown to look more like it's four siblings whilst it stayed with them. It has never bothered wearing any sort of clothing, as it does not feel any cold beneath it's outer shell, nor does it have any noticable gentalia that it feels needs to be covered. It was willing to be coated in the tribal markings that are quite common with the Rippen, in it's family's case, light blue colourings across his face and chest in the shape of waved lines.

History: Not much is known about Grocks history before the Rippen, how long it has lived or even how it even got to the moutains peak. It may not have even developed eyes until a few months after they arrived on his mountain home. It's first contact with the Rippen was a few months after they first inhabited the moutain, one of it's siblings picked Grock up and proceeded to chew on it. Upon noticing that Grock had eyes, the infant brought it back to it's mother as an interesting pet, the mother then decided to take care of the creature until she could understand what exactly Grock was. After a few months in the family's care, they noticed that Grock had begun to grow four stumps on it's body, which later grew into arms and legs, and eventually gained a mouth and the ability to speak and even learn from the Rippen. Astonished with the creatures ability to adapt, the family decided to allow Grock to live with them up the moutain, even treating it like another member of the family and raised it as as another of their, now five, children.

Years past, and Grock looked more and more Rippen each day it stayed with them, and eventually became a valued member of it's family due to it's unbreakable body and wide range of skills. As such, Grocks main purpose was gathering for the Rippen within the moutain, his size and body made him the most able to traverse the small and dangerous caverns for rocks and supplies, and Grock loved the tasks it was enlisted. One day, a great storm grew over the moutain, and the Rippen were forced to leave their home for the first time in years until the storm passed. Taking to the sky with Grock perched on the mothers back, they began to flee down the moutain to safety. They looked like they were close to escape when the mother was struck by a lightning bolt, forcing her and Grock to the ground below. With it's mother dead, and unknowing whether the rest of it's family managed to make it out safely, Grock was forced to search the surrounding forests in hope of finding any sign of their suvival. It was here that it came upon a strange sight, a glowing light in the distance, and from this light entered a strange creature from another world.

Special Ability: Grock doesn't really have any special abilities. The closest that it has to one is it's hard, almost indestructible rock like skin. Because of this, Grock also doesn't feel any pain that is inflicted onto it, meaning that it is a very formidable foe in combat. This is also a hinderence, however, as if something was able to break through and reach the sensitive flesh below, this would cause Grock to feel an intense pain that it's not used to, and quite possibly render it unable to cope and fight back, or even pass out for a long period of time. If this happens, however, the shell would eventually reform over a few hours in a harder state.

Other: Currently, there is no human companion that Grock is travelling with, and if someone wishes to be the individual that Grock sees through the portal, then I would be willing to travel with them.
Berace said:
Im thinking Grock might look like one of these?
That is certainly something along the lines of what I had in my head. Maybe a little skinnier though? It's pretty cool.
Berace said:
Do you mean two images in particular? It just keeps connecting me to Google images in general, so I unfortuately can't see the two invidual pictures you sent.

KaitWink said:
Mjlox if you'd like, he can meet and travel with Yui
I would love to travel with Yui, thank you very much for offering. I look foward to Grock spending time with her in Quarris.

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