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Graded [Quang] Of Rabbits and Servants

Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji was pretty shocked to hear Lei-Cao say all that, but he did not allow it to show, instead nodding maintaining the soft smile. "<I accept your apology. Very well then. I look forward to your development toward being a true champion.>" He figured putting it that simply would be good, even if he was somewhat pessimistic this behavior would last all too long, somewhat unsure why Lei-Cao was..conflicted perhaps? was the word. Whatever it was if she could keep up her good behavior enough for business with Saoirse's mother that would have to do for now.

"<Yes she did very well by me my Mistress, thank you for having her assist me in my effort for success this opportunity.>"

He would give a small bow to Keren before accepting the cloak. "<Thank you kindly.>" That would be most helpful to allow him to be as non descript as possible should Saoirse's mother want to find out about his titles.

He would promptly put the cloak on over and put it over himself to cover as much of him as possible.
"<That would be correct, I do not possess any titles which would not be hidden by this based on what you are describing.>"

Ryuuji would see Leo, give a small bow after his words, before diligently following near Saoirse. When he walked onto the scene he could see why they would want him to be healed it looked like he had gotten serious injuries to the point of probably nearly dying. Thankfully a limb reattachment was something that Ryuuji could actually do so that it'd be good as new, not only that he could heal the rest of him up.

He would tap into his Etiquette E and silently prostrate himself as a form of bow to Miss Desroiers first. Then do the same for her after his mistress gave him the okay, before making his way over. Presuming if the arm was wrapped up where it had been disconnected he would work quickly to re expose both sides for reattachment, lining them up before he would tap into his healing ability magic, raising his hand, the green light energy leaving his hand and enveloping Harland as he attempted to reattach the limb and get some of the more serious injuries taken care of, being careful not to be too flashy about it or restore too dramatically beyond what was needed.

Going into a combo of Magic C, Componentless Magic C, Healing C, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F
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Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario ElvarioHave her healer slave out help out with her mother's request. | Keep dealing with her mother until she can leave without trouble.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePieceTry to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands. | Stay out of trouble whilst enjoying his 'rewards'?
Cow Femboy FemboyBe a good cow. | Keep being a good cow until the end.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



As Ryuuji set to work, he would realise this wasn't the easiest job he'd had thus far. If anything, the limb reattachment was an excruciatingly slow process due to how long ago the limb seemed to have had been severed from it. Not only that, he'd need to peel back the bandages, clothing and compressing materials, which would cause the stump to immediately start bleeding, after which he'd have to keep pressure up against it with the severed arm to heal it quickly enough for the rabbit not to bleed out. Still, he did possess the skill needed to fix it.

The other wounds were less troublesome, but they were plenty. A gash here, some severe bruising there, a broken rib or two, some internal bleeding, a rather high fever from all the injuries, and multiple broken toes. This rabbit had clearly been through a lot. Some wounds also seemed to have been closer to the results of torture rather than battle. Either someone was lying about how he'd got injured or the [monsters] hadn't just fought him, but captured him altogether to have their fun.

Through-out the process a groan in pain was all the response he'd get from the rabbit, as he seems to get back to conscious before almost immediately falling back unconscious again. Perhaps for the better, seeing the state he was in. Once he was eventually fixed up and stable, he could hear someone click her tongue.

Miss Desrosiers


“<Colour me impressed, you actually did find a useful one.>” She stated, looking at Saoirse.

Saoirse Desrosiers


“<Thank you, mother.>” She'd reply shortly and with a bow. Clearly not wanting to say a single word more than needed. “<Do we have your permission to leave?>” She asked.

“<No, it's been too long. Why don't you stay for dinner?>” She asked, although it didn't sound like a question.

“<Right. Of course mother.>” She stated, clearly not the happiest, yet not wanting to resist the command.



As they were talking, however, Leo was gesturing to Ryuuji to follow him. Once they were out of hearing range (assuming he'd follow), he'd speak up. “<Best not stay around miss Desrosiers longer than needed. Though I must say, that was a job well done.>” It seemed Ryuuji had actually impressed the big cat.

“<Knowing miss Desrosiers, she'll tell the young miss to stay the night here as well. We'll get some servant's quarters in order for you.>” A glint of... something... appeared in his eyes, as he suddenly stared directly at Ryuuji. “<Would you, perhaps, wish for me to assign one of the junior maids as your personal attendant for the rest of your stay here? Whilst miss Desrosiers is likely not planning to reward you, I must admit that I am pleased to see the young master's life saved.>”
(sry, dont really know what to do for this post)
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao hated everything that she had said, as well as the entire trip. Reluctantly coming along and having to watch Ryuuji help heal up the wounds of some random rabbit person she didn't care about. Rolling her eyes and just holding her mouth not wanting to say anything more ridiculous at this point, she waited for the process to be over up until Saoirse's mother was asking her to stay for dinner. Not really looking to be sat around an awkward family dinner that she wasn't even related to, and having noticed Ryuuji go off with the lion servant, Lei-Cao supposed she might as well just walk off now that there was nobody telling her not to.

"<Well, this is f***ing stupid... >" Lei-Cao muttered under her breath over the entire conversation, how could tiny rabbit people be so annoying? One was already enough to deal with. Though, she found interest that in her mumbling the supposed black magic had appeared to wear off at least somewhat. Huffing quietly to herself, she decided to go ahead to try and take her leave away from the talking Desrosiers as she headed for the door they came in. She was at least sure she could find the same way they came from, and she knew it wasn't like anyone here was going to treat her somewhat nice to begin with so there was no point asking.​
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji would work through the process to the best of his ability healing where he could, fully aware this was more complicated than any previous healing attempt frankly. This was one of the first times he needed to even utilize such high level healing, but over time with it's use he seemed to manage well which pleased him, getting through reattaching the limb was the messiest and most precarious part but when he had gotten through that much, the rest of it felt much easier in comparison to heal up what one could only assume was torture wounds based on the sort that he was seeing, it didn't take an investigative genius to figure that much out.

It was good to see when it was all over that Harland was looking much better than he had at the start of this session. Perhaps fortunately he lost consciousness once again not long after having been healed up, perhaps that would complicate things less all things considered, he was certain Harland would hear of the deeds he did when he woke again and asked what happened, Ryuuji wasn't even sure if Harland knew where he was at this point, getting out a battlefield like that. But it was no matte what was even better was that Saoirse's mother actually sounded impressed. Something told Ryuuji that she did not give out praise particularly easily from the way she said that too.. Upon being gestured, Ryuuji would prostrate himself once more to those relevant out of respect with Etiquette E since he was leaving the scene, and doing so abruptly without showing respect again seemed like a poor move. He was quiet as ever as he left, before joining Leo out in the hallway.

As Lei-Cao was moving out after him apparently he didn't really get a good gander at her to see what she was doing, but it was likely if it was a problem what she was doing it would be dealt with shortly.

Ryuuji looked a bit surprised to see the glint in Leo's eyes, the way he spoke, it almost sounded like what someone might do if they were offering a business partner a "comfort woman". He knew full well that wasn't what was going on here but it did make him think about the office men he had once worked with who might have partook in that sort of activity...

"<That would be very kind of you, to do something like that and I am humbled by such kindness, when I am but carrying out my Mistress's and Miss Desrosiers's wishes.>" Of course he had no expectation of being rewarded by Saoirse's mom that would be expecting way too much so earlier on with her clear racial bias from what he had heard.

"<Sir Leo..Do you think it would be..okay, if I were to..request Miss Ayala once more in that case?>" He'd ask softly. It would be a relief if he could speak to her a tad more normally at times and not use that strange..seduction or as Keren called it 'Charm" skill, it would also be nice if he could talk to her a bit more without a certain cow making things incredibly difficult, to the point where he needed take one for the team to help protect Ayala's job..of course it hadn't been out of pure intentioned kindness, but he was figuring it wouldn't be a bad idea to further ingratiate himself with those working for his mistress's family.

"<...On that note, if you do not mind me inquiring of course, do you know why Miss Mupi said she wasn't a 'hospital' earlier during my greeting? I hope didn't say something wrong or confusing to her...>" Ryuuji couldn't help but also wonder where Saoirse's dad was in all of this, now that he had seen her mom. Perhaps he was away on business affairs or something else of the like?
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Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario ElvarioHave her healer slave out help out with her mother's request. | Keep dealing with her mother until she can leave without trouble.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePieceTry to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands. | Stay out of trouble whilst enjoying his 'rewards'?
Cow Femboy FemboyBe a good cow. | Keep being a good cow until the end.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



“<Of course.>” He stated with a knowing smirk as Ryuuji called for Ayala. He'd show Ryuuji to the guest room. “<I'll sent Ayala up with some food shortly. Miss Desrosier never comes into these rooms, so you're free to take off the cloak so long as you stay inside.>” He added, as he seemed to plan on leaving.

Upon Ryuuji's question, he turned around. “<Nobody ever truly knows what she means, as she doesn't speak any language too well due to growing up rather... feral. If I had to guess...>” He thought back on the events. “<You were thanking her for her hospitality, were you not? I think she was either trying to tell you she wasn't particularly hospitable or that you didn't have to do thank her for it.>” He shrugged. “<Well then, I'll sent up Ayala shortly.>” He stated again, this time heading off for real.



It wasn't too long after that Ayala would enter, blushing heavily and looking rather nervous. She was carrying a basket with food as she nervously fiddled with a lock of hair upon knocking on the door and entering. “<Eh... ehm. H-hi... again...>” She muttered.

“<M-mister... Leo.. to me to... tell you, that, ehm... If you'd want... a... ehm. Dinner... bath or... m-me-me...>” She stated, clearly having some trouble getting that word out with a straight face and looking rather nervous about this whole development.




The cow managed to make it pretty far before being spotted, already being outside the house. However, as she was heading for the gate, the elephant from before stopped her. Physically stepping in front of her. “<Oh, come on, you're planning on leaving before sharing your experience? As a fellow connoisseur, surely you've gotta tell me all about it. How was it? Is the young Miss still as good at it as before she left? How did it make you feel? How much do you look forwards to a next session?>”

The previous composure of the elephant seemed to be replaced with something a tad more primal and a lot more concerning. Yet he seemed rather eager to hear out the Cow about something.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

“<Thank you Sir Leo.>” Ryuuji would give him a respectful bow after he told him what he had done, that sounded rather nice, plus he didn’t even have to wear the cloak, and no expectation of needing to join the no doubt beast only, not slave, family dinner where his neck wouldn’t have to continue to be on the line with Saoirse’s mother. In addition the room looked really nice! Yes, this was the sort of room he hoped he’d be able to obtain at a proper place of operations when he was off with Saoirse again..that would be most pleasant.

He would nod thoughtfully when Leo explained the owl maid’s situation.

“<I see thank you for the explanation of Miss Mupi’s speech habits as well, It is good to know that It wasn’t anything I had done wrong then…>” That was curious indeed, he wondered where she had grown up if that was the case and under what conditions if the proper beastial language wasn’t something that came naturally to her..perhaps there was some form of disability there? No matter, curious as he was, he had other priorities to focus on.

He nodded that he understood that Leo would fetch Ayala. And at that with the door closed Ryuuji would slip off the title obscuring cloak now that he had some privacy, not wanting the wrong person to pass by and see too much of him should it offend them.

Ryuuji would open the door Upon seeing Ayala, he would then smile, giving her a bit of a bow, hoping to allow her to feel more at ease, as he hadn’t quite expected her to come in looking so flustered, and clearly the way Leo had expressed it to her. It was almost enough to make Ryuuji show that he was feeling self conscious but he managed to maintain his courteous and friendly look

He’d speak with Etiquette E “<I’ll be honest, It is true that I requested you and that I wanted you especially. I did have a most wonderful time with you earlier today Miss Ayala afterall. I do once more apologize for Lei-Cao and.I did my utmost to ensure she didn’t cause you any additional trouble, but I still apologize on her behalf, you shouldn't have had to have dealt with that unsavory behavior..but please don’t take her words to heart, personally I’m pleased you were the one to tend to me, thank you for walking with me, showing me the garden, and showing me such kindness.>”

“<And... I’d certainly be happy if you’d spend some more time with me, over dinner perhaps. There’s still much I’d like to know about you..of course if you wouldn’t mind sharing.>”
He figured this was the proper more formal place to start rather than suggest anything that could be construed as..suggestive like a bath or saying he wanted her in other ways. But overall he felt content, after a job well done, to be able to dine, be with Ayala, and have a nice room to boot.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

On her way to leave, she was surprised how far she had actually made it without being interrupted or told to return. Though, that surprise would soon drop when Elphanso had stopped her along the way to ask questions about something she didn't think he'd ask about. Sighing, she supposed he too was probably on the very totally scientifically proven black magic that was put on her... and that he was probably also asking about Saoirse's... what was it? A baseball lesson, or something?

"<What, why are you asking about... whatever? N-no, that rabbit isn't good at anything, she has done nothing but fail so far. I'm not a conno-whatever of anything that rabbit does and it doesn't make me feel anything but annoyance. I'd expect a training lesson, but quite frankly I still have proof that she'll ever do one yet. All she's done is absolute nonsense which clearly hasn't seen any sorts of results whatsoever, but I might as well become invincible to whatever that little rabbit has to throw at me so that I can stick it to her annoying and tiny self. Now why are you even asking, I don't know why you're being a weirdo about those sorts of things, I was just about to leave so I don't have to bother with the sappy and annoying things Saoirse is doing, and whatever stupid probably flirting Ryuuji is up to. They can go off hells' knows where without me, I'm going back home and they can come back whenever they're done screwing around>" Lei-Cao answered back as her point before going to try and move past him to take her leave. She didn't care for staying any longer than she had to, and the fact that one of the servants was making an annoying attempt to stand in her way to ask pointless questions was just making it all the worse.​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario ElvarioHave her healer slave out help out with her mother's request. | Keep dealing with her mother until she can leave without trouble.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePieceTry to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands. | Stay out of trouble whilst enjoying his 'rewards'?
Cow Femboy FemboyBe a good cow. | Keep being a good cow until the end.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate



She got more and more flustered by what Ryuuji was telling her. Clearly going nervous about where this might be heading as well. “<Dinner, yes, of course!>” She was very quick to call out, the moment it seemed that was his wish. She'd take various foods (bread, cheese, fruits, butter, nuts, ham) and drinks (milk, orange juice, apple juice, beer, water) out of her basked as well as some plates, glasses and cutlery. “<I'm afraid it's not all that fancy, as the chefs are preparing the miss' and young miss' meal, but you can take what you want from this.>” That said, she was still a bit nervous, wondering if the dinner was all Ryuuji would want.



He shook his head. “<What a waste, for you not to realise what golden opportunities have been given to you.>” Then he sighed. “<It's an art to inflict the right kind of pain onto someone, one the young miss has surely mastered. If you cannot see that much, I wonder if you're even worthy of her. However, I can prove it. Try to hurt me, I challenge you. I won't try to defend myself, yet even then you won't succeed. The young miss has trained me so well that few else could hurt me and definitely not someone as ungrateful and unknowing as you. I'll give you until tomorrow morning to try prove me wrong, but should you give up and leave, I'll just assume you're too weak to even keep trying.>”

I'll give you both the option to figure out how to fill-in the time-skip. Ask me in PM's if you want to know about the NPC's behaviour. All I can say is that Ryuuji might succeed while Cow is doomed to fail.

Saoirse Desrosiers


Saoirse would be up early during the next morning, knowing that it would be best to leave at the break of dawn, before her mother could get any more ideas. Sending Keren to go fetch both Ryuuji and the Cow, she'd meet them at the gate. “<It's best we leave early, as to not risk stirring any trouble. I definitely don't want to be around when my brother wakes up either.>” That was all she'd add. “<That said, there's a weapon-shop not to far off. We'll stop by on our way home, as I must admit my mother's granted a nice enough reward for this aid.>”
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao huffed and glared at him.
"<I. Don't want. To play. Your. Stupid games. Any longer>" Lei-Cao answered in an annoyed tone, clearly mouthing her words to him as she didn't even feel interested to take up his offer. She just wanted to go to bed at this point, but it felt like everyone and everything here was constantly just trying to get on her nerves to get a reaction. She didn't know why this dumb elephant even cared so much.

"<If you're so durable, why are you sat here wasting your life away playing second-fiddle to some snooty, stuckup rabbit mother who clearly isn't proud of the ridiculous mistakes her children make. Hell, if she saw Ryuuji was human, I bet your prissy princess'd be up in arms, which is saying a lot when the rest of the family tree is losing theirs clean off on a regular day out. Why not go have THEM be able to take a single hit instead of badgering me about it? Seriously, you butler-types wipe one rich person's backside after they've done their business and think you're some kinda peak perfection. Watch, I'll sometime 'train' with Saoirse again, and show you that it's so easy and nothing at all. Seriously, put a cap on it, go rave to Saoirse's mother about how much you want to be beaten if you care that much. Nobody could be  that interested in receiving that kinda thing>" she answered in retort, not interested in Elphanso's antics. Though, considering her entire day got wasted with such a trip she'd have to spend the night... somewhere.

The next morning, the minotaur was simply tapping her hoof impatiently ready to leave.
"Good, lets go already, this is the stupidest trip I've ever been on. Your entire family and all these servants are so annoying and I hate them, I'm not coming back again" she answered bluntly, looking at Saoirse when she said about a weapon shop.
"It took you long enough, rabbit".​
Ryuuji Kamimura
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji took a seat should there be a spot too, and he looked over the spread. "<My you say it isn't fancy, but I think it's perfect for this occasion>" He'd give Ayala a warm smile.

"<So please, feel free to join me, I'd really appreciate it, there's plenty to go around.>" Ryuuji, Should Ayala be willing to join him to dine and would actually have some food, he'd use Etiquette E, and offer to assist her first in getting what she wanted, since she was the lady and he was lower in the caste anyway, however if she felt obligated to only be serving him, he'd back off on the matter. Regardless after either way it went he'd partake in the bread, cheese, fruit, nuts, and meat, as well as some beer since it was being offered, drinking was something he had done in his last life, and was a big part of his work culture, so it only felt right to drink for this celebratory occasion.

Despite having free range access he would indulge with restraint taking modest portions of everything that he felt so inclined toward, making it pretty evident how he maintained such a figure. What he couldn't wonder was..did a place that had similarities to China in his last life..did they have the same rice he had here? Was it something Saoirse liked? Ryuuji was a big fan of rice...his mind wandering,

However he would spend some more time attempting to get to know Ayala better, asking more questions about her likes and dislikes, as well as her family if she was keen on sharing something beyond her growing up in a village, he felt like now was a good time to ask given the context. If she had questions for him, he'd try his best to answer her to the best of his ability.

At one point he would speak up, "<And..about what Sir Leo may have insinuated to you, pardon me if I am incorrect in my assumption. but, I can assure you I'm not the kind of guy to try to take advantage in a way which would make you feel uncomfortable in that way. You deserve only respect, I am more than fortunate that I've gotten to spend time with such a wonderful lady like yourself particularly given my position in this society. I couldn't imagine trying to impose upon you in a way that you wouldn't like or be uncomfortable with.>" He wanted to speak as respectfully and eloquently on the matter as possible.

"I hope that..should we make contact again we might be able to do something like this again if you'd find it agreeable of course, I wouldn't want to impose."

Ryuuji would hope that he was able to leave a positive impression when everything was said and done and that in the future Ayala would not be oppose to spending more time if he was around.

Thankfully Ryuuji was used to the song an dance of getting up early even if it sometimes meant irregular sleep or anything of the like so there he was, diligently ready. to go. Unfortunately it sounded like Lei-Cao might need to be reminded pretty soon since she was acting a fool even when finally getting the weapon she had been hounding over.

However instead of debating with Lei-Cao yet again about this, Ryuuji would give an appropriately placed bow in height for this occasion. "<Understood my Mistress. I am ready to depart when you are.>
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario ElvarioHave her healer slave out help out with her mother's request. | Keep dealing with her mother until she can leave without trouble.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePieceTry to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands. | Stay out of trouble whilst enjoying his 'rewards'?
Cow Femboy FemboyBe a good cow. | Keep being a good cow until the end. Failed.

Cow had been able to find a place to stay in the shed. Yes that shed. She wasn't allowed into the house after acting up, yet leaving the grounds meant she'd have to travel around alone at night. It'd also started raining.

Ryuuji had pretty much been able to see Ayala's nerves calm down the moment he made clear his more proper intentions. Whilst she might've pulled through if needed, it was clear she was way too nervous about it as of now. Perhaps in the future, as he did manage to get her to warm up to him a lot more. She'd even agree to try ask if she could serve them again if they were to revisit in the future, but added that he'd have to do a really good job again for her not to get into trouble for serving a mere slave. To that extend, it'd already been odd of Leo to arrange for this. Perhaps the lion had just been testing him? Whatever it was, he was able to wake up and leave in peace, so he'd likely passed the test.

Saoirse Desrosiers


She sighed, upon hearing her 'good morning' from the Cow. “<Oh my, already back to being a Cow again? I guess I should plot our next training session.>” She really had her work cut out for her with a Cow like this. Even the elephant had been easier, which was saying something, as that'd been a rough one. “<You're lucky that I'm planning to head for a more dangerous area, or your right to new gear would've been revoked.>” She realised the value of her Cow would be higher with the needed gear, even though Cow hadn't earned it.


Saoirse Desrosiers


The best thing was the aftermath, where Saoirse could freely splurge her [Wealth E] now that her mother's pay-out had aided their finances even more.

“<Considering where I'm planning to go next, I'd say we'd better be over-prepared than underprepared.>” She stated, as she browsed some things for herself. A paddle was the first thing to pick up, for obvious reasons. She even went as far as to buy herself a basic bow.

“<Here, use it to fake needing it. That should get us a tactical upper-hand. Be sure to also make some gestures and mumble a bit to make it seem real.>” She'd state to Ryuuji, buying him a Catalyst E. She'd pick up some [Light Armour E] next. “<Take this as well.>” She'd add, also handing him a basic bow. “<And this. Just in case.>”

She sighed as it was the Cow's turn. “<You can get the Mace.>” She stated, pointing at a mace looking close enough to what she'd use before. “<Take that as well.>” She'd point at a bigger bow. “<And get yourself a dagger in case your mace breaks.>”

With that, they should be well-prepared for what they were going to head into next.

The End

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Elvario Elvario

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Elvario Elvario

Standing Grade S from:
Kalina Chivernu
Victorique Sopheana
Regula Caelia
Zahrah Fiore

Standing Grade A from:
Euthalia Apricot

Standing Grade C from:

Standing Grade D from:
Saoirse Desrosiers

Standing Grade E from:
Amice Bellamy

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
Saoirse, Ryuuji and Lei-Cao travelled to an estate owned by Saoirse's family, after having been called in by her mother upon request to bring her 'healer slave'. She's hoping to get into better graces with a higher-ranking noble in the West Empire (her mother) by obeying said request. The party briefly gets overwhelmed by the sheer number of staff coming to greet them. Ryuuji nearly gets tricked into make moves on a servant, but stays wholesome. Lei-Cao gets special training. In the end Ryuuji heals one of Saoirse's brothers upon her mother's request. They make a brief stop at a weapon's shop to buy the slaves some new gear with profits earned from the endeavour.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
The overall goal of having Ryuuji fulfil Saoirse;s mother's demands (heal her brother) was met. The side-goal of doing so without making her consider taking Ryuuji away for her own personal use was also met.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
The Desrosiers Estate is a large estate on the outskirts of Quang in the Ororoot Empire, owned by the mistress of the Desrosiers family. It has nearly exclusively beast staff (the free and proper kind) working on it, as the mistress is said to not even wish to look upon non-Beasts, despite trading in them as slaves. The Desrosiers form a large family of haregons/rabbitfolk that are heavily invested into the training and trading of slaves. The relation between the members of the family tends to be rather business-oriented and has little show of (unearned) family kindness. They would not hesitate to enslave one of their own, should they fail too badly.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)
Not applicable.

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)
Not applicable.

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:
  • Character name. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • RPer name. Elvario
  • Link to character sheet. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • Character name. Ryuuji
  • RPer name. TheTimePiece
  • Link to character sheet. Ryuuji Kamimura

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).
  • Character name. Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
  • Type of Point Booster. Attentive Student
  • Link to relevant post. N/A | Characters with higher standing grade were present.

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)
  • Character name. Ryuuji
  • Title: [Beast Charmer] – Character is a non-beast that has found a way to make themselves more like-able to [Beast] characters.
  • Link to relevant post. Relevant post.
  • Character name. Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
  • Title: [Tenderized] – Character has been forcefully made to become more tender, in a way.
  • Link to relevant post. Relevant post.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Character name. Saoirse Desrosiers
  • Asset: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F
  • Justification: Having succeeded at fulfilling her mother's request and therefore increasing the ties to her family.
  • Character name. Ryuuji
  • Asset: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F
  • Justification: Having proven himself to be a highly valuable slave, in the employ of one of their own.

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
Not applicable (at the time of finishing up the RP).

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rp'ers: Elvario Elvario => Femboy Femboy
Characters: Saoirse Desrosiers[/url] => ]Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
Traded Goods:
  • Lei-Cao will receive Mace E, Bow E, Dagger E.
  • Saoirse will receive a better equipped slave.
Relevant Mentions: Saoirse possesses the Wealth E skill and has bought the items for them in-RP.
Relevant Post: Exchange.

Rp'ers: Elvario Elvario => TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Characters: Saoirse Desrosiers[/url] => Ryuuji
Traded Goods:
  • Ryuuji will receive Bow F, Catalyst E, Light Armour E.
  • Saoirse will receive a better equipped slave.
Relevant Mentions: Saoirse possesses the Wealth E skill and has bought the items for them in-RP.
Relevant Post: Exchange.

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules. | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Saoirse's reputation among her family increases. The Desrosiers name in general becomes slightly more prominent in the West Empire, especially around the capital.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
The items bought and titles should suffice for this one.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
Do look at this meme Femboy Femboy made.
Last edited:
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy

I generally like to see more ability usage, but some rp's are like this. Feel like there were too many named npcs. Otherwise, it seems like things worked out. the memes were interesting.


The Desrosiers name starts to appear in more gossip chains around West Empire. The particularly dynamic with their slaves was of note to some.



Saoirse Desrosiers - 30pts
(character needs updated for system changes)
  • Asset: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F - character has proven useful to the family. may be worth something someday.
  • Title: [Bottom Rung] - character is in low esteem of the social circles they frequent. They'll have to have continued successes to change their circumstances
Ryuuji Kamimura - 20pts
  • Asset: Connected [Desrosiers Family] F - character has proven useful to the family. may be worth something someday.
  • Ryuuji will receive Bow F, Catalyst E, Light Armour E from Saoirse
  • Title: [Beast Charmer] – Character is a non-beast that has found a way to make themselves more like-able to [Beast] characters.

Lei-Cao - 40pts (attentive student)
  • Lei-Cao will receive Mace E, Bow E, Dagger E from Saoirse
  • Title: [Tenderized] – Character has been forcefully made to become more tender, in a way.

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