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Active [Quang] Of Rabbits and Servants

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently open to limited participation, so let me know if you want to join and I'll see if we can make it work.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is meant to last relatively short, but to have a decent (2-3 day) pacing.

What to expect in character:
Saoirse's been summoned by her mother, after the latter heard she'd obtained a slave with healing magic. Despite not wanting to go, she decided it might be better to keep relations with her family at least somewhat cordial.

Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


She sighed as they approached the estate she'd called home during her youth. Her family owned multiple properties like this, including ones into the city centre, but this had always been her mother's favourite place. So this is where she'd spent most her youth, whenever her father wasn't teaching her the trade at least. Being on suboptimal terms with her family, she was surprised her mother still asked for her to come here.

It's why she'd warn Ryuuji. “The fact my mother has asked for me means this will likely be something serious. Please try not to offend her. She really doesn't like non-Beasts to begin with. It's why I had Melia and Jastira stay back at the beach-house.” She'd also have preferred letting the Cow stay there, but she didn't dare leave that one alone just yet.

As they'd approach the fence, a man in a suit would stop them.



“Greetings, young miss.” He'd state, upon recognising Saoirse. Giving a bit of a bow. Yet, from his tone alone, it wasn't suggested he was happy to see her.

“I brought the healer. Let's just get this over with.”

“I'm afraid that will be impossible. Your mother is currently away and she stated she wished to witness the process.”

Saoirse instantly seemed angered. “She has the gal to summon me, yet isn't even around?” She'd instinctively stamp her food on the ground.

“That is correct.” The goatman answered with a smile. “In the meantime, why don't you and these... slaves... have a nice walk around the garden?” He stated, clearly enjoying this. “Don't worry, your mother has asked some of the others staff to ensure your stay here is as pleasant as could-be.” He stated, as he gestured to some others that were waiting.



Saoirse smiled upon seeing the first one, though she did not speak up.



“Leo.” She'd greet the second one, somewhat respectful, though definitely with nothing warm or pleasant to her voice.



She didn't seem to recognise the third.



The fourth, she ignored.



She didn't seem to recognise the fifth either.



The last, being by far the largest, did get her attention. “Cow, this is Elphanso. If you ever want to learn about growing thick skin, he's the one to ask.”

The elephant laughed a little. “You think too highly of me, young miss. I've merely been living up to the mistress' expectations of me.”

She sighed. “Well, either way, I guess we're stuck for now. Keren, could you join me for a bit?” She asked, upon which the first one she'd spotted would smile and nod. She'd turn to Ryuuji and the cow. “We're going to catch up. Ask the servants if you need anything. I'm sure they'll treat my [property] with all the care that's warranted. I'm going to quickly catch up on some things.”
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Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario
Well here he was being taken with Saoirse and the minotaur who had proven they were a cow so far, to presumably meet her mother, and as expected she saw beasts as being superior and wasn’t the most keen on non beasts from the sound of things usually. The rational was understandable about why leaving the cow behind alone was probably a bad idea, who knew what asinine idea she’d cook up and act on when they weren’t around to keep her out of trouble, but if she knew what was good for he she wouldn’t dare disrespect in the way she had with Saoirse in front of her mother..

The estate itself looked quite nice, hopefully should their success continue Saoirse would be able to get her own place of a similar caliber, the sight inspired Ryuuji always being one to favor nice worldly things where possible, becoming wealthy had been a goal since he got here after all.

Ryuuji would respond with a “Of course Miss Desrosiers, I couldn’t imagine it, I will do my utmost to meet your expectations.” and giving her a small bow in the process.

However Ryuuji was soon met with what looked like a goat man, who was actually rather well built. The goatman quickly dashed the hopes of Ryuuji being able to give a positive view of himself to Saoirse’s mother out the gate, since at least for the time being she wasn’t around.

Surprising the process did that mean she would show up later unannounced with who he was supposed to heal? Who really knew, but it seemed like that was what was going on. It wouldn’t be a surprise if there might have been ulterior motives at play too to set the scene for her to try to get Saoirse to do something she wanted her to do.

The various servant line up was curious as he respectfully looked all of them over and gave each a small respectful nod of acknowledgement.

As Saoirse made it clear she was going to head off he gave a proportionate bow of respect. “<Understood My Mistress.>” Knowing full well she was going to go catch up he’d turn to Lei-Cao.

“<I think you understand how you are to be? Yes?>” He’d ask rhetorically if for some reason she had forgotten.

He would then look to Ayala in particular, and passively exude some Etiquette F and Seduction F together, sort of just subconsciously looking at her and speaking to her in a tone which might have suggested some sort of underlying interest.

“< I am Ryuuji Kamimura, faithfully in the service of Miss Desrosiers. May I ask what your name is? And how long have you been working here?>” He said, trying to keep things respectful. He could only imagine she must have been on the pricier side with what the market desires tended to be..she was rather fortunate to have ended up as a maid rather than something less savory, was what he couldn't help but think in the back of his mind.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao didn't really get the point of whatever trip they were supposed to be going on, she was still waiting on to be trained once more to become the greatest minotaur warrior ever. Which she already was, but because Saoirse oh so made a point that she could do so, then Lei-Cao would continue to expect it. The haregon hadn't even replaced her weapon yet after so rudely sabotaging and dismantling it pre-combat as she suspected the fight MUST have been cheated for her to lose. Clearly. Evidently.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How much longeeeer? Why do we have to go on this stupid trip, couldn't I just have stayed home? You don't need me to come with you, there's more important stuff I could be doing. Like sleeping. Big, strong champions like me need beauty sleep, you wouldn't get it... either of you... " Lei-Cao complained as they approached the Desrosier Estate, getting a look at it as she hummed to herself in thought.

"Oh, now this is a home worthy of my greatness, I'm surprised to see you FINALLY came around, little rabbit. It's okay, I forgive you, perhaps you're just slow to things sometimes... but why isn't the other two skinny-ones here? Your trip makes no sense whatsoever" Lei-Cao continued to voice even if she hadn't been asked for it, listening and rolling her eyes when new faces started showing up. Whilst words were going on amongst people, Lei-Cao blatantly spoke allowed to herself.

"Man, there's way too many pointless characters here for me to give a damn about... " she spoke, hearing her name- she means- I mean a rude nickname of Cow called in reference to her as she glared at Saoirse.
"Not my name" she quickly added, hearing what the little one had to say and eyeing the elephant beastkin. She hesitated for a moment before scoffing, looking back at her master.

"Shouldn't you be asking for lessons then? If you're the one whose supposed to train me, it's not very impressive if your plan is to just get other people who know what they're doing. I knew it, you're hopeless. That whipping- that.. thing, that doesn't matter, was a complete fluke, wasn't it?" she asked with a smug expression and huffing a quiet laugh. Continuing to giggle to herself about it, she looked to Ryuuji who asked about proper etiquette. Even though she could understand beastkin as per her origin, she didn't repeat it back.

"Ohoh, I don't know what you're talking about. Great champions like me, LEI-CAO, GREATEST WARRIOR AMONG BEASTS AND ALL, RIGHTEOUS HAND OF CHAOS and all that don't just kiss-ass to anyone. I know it's your favourite pastime wittle biddy-baby, but that's not a thing I do" she answered tauntingly to Ryuuji. She had forgotten all sorts of decency and respect to anyone for the moment.​
Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Have her healer slave out help out with her mother's request.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Try to bear with miss Desrosiers senior and fulfil her demands.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Outskirts, Desrosier Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


She'd left the Cow to her rambling for as best as she could during their trip. At best, it gave her reasons to look forwards to their next 'training session' whilst at worst, it encouraged her to find new ways to 'train' the Cow next time around.



The girl was utterly shocked by Ryuuji suddenly addressing her. In beastial, even. “<M-m-me?>” She looked at him as if to say 'but why?' at the end of that sentence. “<It's Ayala, but you can call me Aya... I think.>” She looked at the lion-like fellow. He shook his head. “<No... I'm Ayala.>” She corrected herself. Upon closer inspection, it'd be clear that these were 'free' servants, rather then enslaved ones. That probably explained the instant rejection of nicknames.

“<I've been working her for almost three months.>” She would add, though perhaps saying even that would be more than what she was usually supposed to talk about with mere slaves (Ryuuji's seduction). “<So ehm... Do you need bread or water or something? Or do you want to go on a walk?>” She decided to ask, recalling she'd been instructed to take care of this 'property' of the young miss.



“<By the gods, what an awfully obnoxious noise this one makes.>” The lion would state, upon hearing Lei-Cao. “<If it weren't for it being the young miss' property, I'd suggest having stake for dinner.>” He shook his head. “<In the meantime, KNEEL.>” He'd state.

The moment he did, [Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus] would feel her body obeying him before she could even think to do something different. It seemed the lion had some form of mind-control, or another, hidden means of taking over her body's movements. “<That's mildly better. Shame I can't have you shut that mouth of yours. Perhaps I should ask the young miss if it's okay to just sew it shut.>”



“<Hi! I'm Mupi!>” The owl-like one would suddenly say, as if nothing else was going on at all.



“<Whipping?>” He stated, upon hearing the Cow mention it. Then he just nodded. “<Then the young miss was incorrect, there is nothing I could teach you better than she could do herself.>”
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “<Beastial>”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

The great news was that of course the cao was being obnoxious, it seemed that another whipping session would be in order if she kept this behavior up. It would be really bad if the minotaur acted ignorant in front of Saoirse’s mother should she arrive at some point. He would let out a soft sigh of displeasure as she continued to go off throughout the encounter, deciding he would not entertain the cow by responding to her taunt.

Thank goodness someone could force the cow to focus. He would pick up on the fact these were looking more like freed employees rather than slaves by the time that Leo was enforcing his speech ability on the Minotaur, particularly how they weren't being surveyed by anything obvious and how they seemed to have more authority and freedom than slaves might be afforded otherwise as well as the stringent formality. This would mean he would try to not overstep his bounds to the majority of them, since he was aware he was below them in the caste and did not wish to bring Saoirse trouble.

Before anything else he would turn to Leo and give him a respectful bow, and give one to all the other servants , including Otto who..made Ryuuji curious, he didn’t seem to be one for speaking much compared to the others but that was fine.

“<I sincerely apologize on behalf of Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus. You see it’s truly a tragedy. Lei-Cao is..truly slow in the mind, and my caring mistress, out of her ability to see great potential and her generosity decided to take her in anyway. I believe if there is anyone who can help her become of some use, it is her. I hope that should there be future meetings with her she will show proper decorum.>”

He would then turn to Mupi, “<It is a pleasure to meet you, thank you for your hospitality.>” Giving another bit of a bow.

He also gave a respectful nod to Elphanso who he had already bowed too prior “<It is true. You see, she really is a special case, my Mistress hasn't had to resort to discipline of this nature on any other one of her properties.>”

Ryuuji would then address Ayala, continuing with the wombo combo of Seduction F and Etiquette F. giving her that certain sort of disarming look again, that was gentle, like one might give to someone they’re admiring.

He smiled a bit, perhaps picking up a bit on what she might have said then.

He’d nod before continuing, “<I understand, I’ll call you Ayala then.>”

“<Three months? I am pleased to hear that you are working in the service of the very people who helped my Mistress to be the wonderful lady she is today. Your uniform certainly suits you too.”
He spoke with a soft warmth.

“<Thank you. Perhaps if there is a natural point to do so, some water and bread would be appreciated, but for now I feel humbled to be offered the opportunity to walk with a proper lady such as yourself, if you would have me, I would quite enjoy that, and if you’d be so inclined to talk with me, I’d be grateful if I was given the opportunity to learn more about yourself.>” He further added. At this point Ryuuji was also wondering if there’d be anything useful to gain from his time here besides pleasantries. Thankfully now he knew there was someone who could keep the cow in her place so he could do what he needed to do.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier
Point Booster: Attentive Student (F)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao still didn't understand the reasoning of why others were speaking in beastkin, but wondered if she was being blatantly ignored just because she wasn't. So this time, she tried to answer back in beast language to the lion beastkin who called her one that makes an oh-so-obnoxious-noise.
"<Excuse you, but I happen to be fully allowed to speak my own mind if I so please, Mr. High and Mighty glorified cat>" she retorted back, though soon enough felt herself pretty easily dropped to her hands and knees wondering what had happened.
"<T-this is a joke, I'm doing this ironically, not because you said to>" she suddenly answered defensively, trying her best to get back up although finding that she couldn't muster the willpower to break whatever was happening. What sort of witchcraft was this? This was surely some sort of dishonorable cheating or something, no mere beastkin should have the capability to force her into submission like that.

"<Nobody is gonna sew my lips shut, I'm the logical and smart one here, clearly. I-I'm not gonna be steak, that would never happen, I'm too great and powerful for that. And that young mistress can't teach a single thing, she hasn't taught me one thing ever since she promised to! All she did was get rid of my weapon, that's a useless 'master' if I've ever heard or seen one. Why look at me, that whipping did nothing at all, I'm the pure perfect picture of health. I'm big, strong, attractive, and not a scratch on me>" she answered, soon getting a smug grin on her face. It was probably important to note that the reason she didn't have a scratch on her would likely lend to Saoirse having Ryuuji healing up the injuries from the whipping training that had caused them. So it was more rather just a display of Ryuuji's talents more than anything that she was just trying to brag as her own durability.

Though, the man in question had started calling her slow in the mind.
"<What? I'm nothing of the sort, just because I don't kiss the ground that little rabbit walks on doesn't mean I'm slow. I'm clearly the smartest one here, ask any smart person... which would be me, and not anyone else here, so clearly I'm right... >" she answered, hearing that Ryuuji was getting rather conversational with Ayala. Gasping a small huff under her breath, was both Saoirse and Ryuuji going off elsewhere while she was stuck on this stupid trip?

"<What? You're not allowed to leave too, I didn't even want to come on this stupid trip, I could've stayed home doing anything else productive why do I have to be here? Stop talking up women and stay here so I'm allowed to taunt you for being inferior! What am I supposed to do? Be stuck with the rabbits' parents' little zoo? What am I supposed to do with that? At least just tell Saoirse that I'm going back and enjoying the waterfront for the evening. Hey, hey, HEY, RYUUJI, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME AND UNDERSTAND ME, RYUUJIII->" she started speaking aloud to the other slave, stuck in submissive kneeling on the floor as she looked at and started yelling at Ryuuji like a child throwing a tantrum.​

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