Experiences Qs for the long-time RPers

I wrote awful stories a few years back on Roblox, I was a clannie and someone kindly pointed me to the RP forums on Roblox. I bombed one rp very quickly, screwed up another one, then slowly got a little better over time. People hated me because I have low self-esteem, I got depressed, did some stuff, people migrated to another offsite forum that failed to accomplish anything except for shiseposting, then migrated here.
It's complicated and nobody cares.
I pretty much started writing when I was in grade school. I just loved the idea of creating an alternate self because my reality was pretty sucky. Being a person who was bullied and isolated, writing kinda became a solace. Then, when I got my own computer and found out about forums and RP, I kinda just stuck with it. I started with Gaiaonline in the Chatterbox with asterisk actions so it was pretty basic. Then eventually found my way into open/sandbox type RPs and finally onexones. I can't say I regret my decision, but good stories and partners are hard to come by.
I'm 20 now. I find RP I want to play becomes more difficult to find as I get older. I can't really blame anyone though.

RPN is a youth-friendly site with its rules and I appreciate that. I'm not RPing to type out sexual desires, which, lets be honest, most "Mature" RPs are there for.

I trouble I have is finding well written ORIGINAL stories. I don't enjoy RPing fandoms. I like world building and creating a universe. I enjoy making characters as legitimate people who develop and grow. Characters that feel like you could have a conversation with them in real life.

Even if the characters are not "realistic", at the least write well. More exagerated and 'cartoon'-like characters and tropes are just as fun! Just put effort into the work.

I had an idea/plot in my head ages ago for the site but I made it too big in player-size and was too afraid to deny bad writers. Learned from those mistakes. I'd want to try it again but with way less players. Maybe 4-5. (Including myself) I'd also have to rely on people sticking around.

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