Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)


New Member
Hey i thought i'd make this as no one has and the old one was quite funny so get posting them pictures

people! Whether it's you posing, with friends or dressed up in a crazy outfit, lets see it all!

Keep the comments friendly as well!

Post away! *Flash!*

I'm so purrty sitting on a one legged stool.


Pictures do last longer :D
Me // you'll have to forgive the sparrow on my head not looking directly to the camera ... he's a bit shy :(


Me, fear my stare into the distance ... while sitting in an enclosed environment! Fear ittttttt !

*ponders* Hmm....eh why not *shrugs*


So this is me at Halloween last year! ^.^ I made this costume with my mom so I'm really proud of it. I'll give out a virtual cookie if you know who I'm portraying!


This one's kinda big but this is me eating the Epic Snowcone of Epicness! It was my treat for climbing all the way to the top of Diamonhead in Hawaii last year
:D It was epic @.@
It's Black Cat from Spiderman...

(or maybe just Marvel comics in general)

I've only seen her in spiderman though...

am I right?

(I don't have a pic of me on hand right now... sorry...)

And I've climbed Dimondhead about 50 times (back before there was an admission for it)... it's not so big of a deal...
*gives Sui a cookie* Correct! ^.^ She IS from Spiderman originally but there have been rumors that I haven't actually investigated that she has appeared in other Marvel series as well O.o .

Shadow Cat is from x-Men and usually has more of a blue outfit and brown hair. But I got people guessing I was her or storm a lot that night. No one knows Black Cat apparently in my town.

And Diamonhead was a big deal for me since it was my first trip to Hawaii and I'm REALLY out of shape when it comes to hiking and whatnot

Coolest cool guy you've evaa seen. and you all know it.

Don't I look as high as a kite in this one? ..... ^^
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Yah, this is me in Portugal last year... unfortunately, every other picture of me scares me, so like hell I'm putting them up. :D Not that there are that many... xD

I got a hat made, but I wish I got a blue one... :< I haven't worn it since...

Chibi picture :D

This is me~ Well, last summer when I graduated High School. I've got much more color now though - considering I work outside all day. I'll put up a more recent photo... eventually... :P
Ill post a picture when i find somewhere to use my webcam that's actually well lit since tis so dark you cant see crap most the time

On another note. KT, you should totally post a bigger picture i see you betters. *-*

Everyone else is also pretty sexy. Puts me to shame by far. <3 hanako's picture xD ! <3 Jamie's hair color. I feel like a nerd, totally thought shadowblade was hispanic.
Cute picture midnight. :3

LOL Rex you look about how i look at that time in the morning, tired and ready to kill someone xD

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