Punish the person above you for their confession

You must attend Hogwarts for a full term as a normal human being.

I am horrible at speeches
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You will now have to give a 5 hour speech to all the fish in the ocean.

I confessed to having gained an hour in the eve of my test and using it for RPN and anime instead of studying
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Your punishment is to study Ohm's law for exactly 1:00:01.

I confess to being in #forumgames instead of finishing my character.
You are punished through having to do the characters for every one else too that is in that role play. 

I confess to not have had much contact to my online husband lately.
Your punishment is that hw will be your number one priority for the next three days, and will do anything he asks.

I confess to listening to ASMR sometimes when I'm bored xD  
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I hereby sentence you to listen to an entire Nickelback cd in one sitting.

I confess that I am a vehement griefer in video games and I take satisfaction from others suffering.
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Your punishment is to be the one suffering while everyone else takes pleasure in it. 

I confess that I hate listening to theme songs, no matter how good they might be because I am an inpatient fucker who just wants to watch my shows.
Your punishment would be to listen to repetitive theme songs for 5 hours straight.

I confess to reading through books way too quick
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Your punisment is to read The Hunger Games books slowly, like 1 page per minute slowly.

I confess that I'm horrible at making characters with a song.
"You are forced to make a character over a dubstep song"

"I confess to being unable to find love"
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I command you to go outside and have a real human discussion.

I confess to not giving a shit about how you feel and will not do what you tell me to do.
you must scream this to your mother and your dog

i confess to drinking alcohol at school, im a mess
"You are to laugh at a terrorist bombing right in front of you"

Hazama in the Susano'o Armor: "Mind if i take over for a bit? I confess to 'liking' Makoto a lot. And not for her... You know"
Your punishment is to look at Makoto's...you know for being a liar!

I forget to say excuse me sometimes when I burp ;^;
Hazama: "Im not lying! I just dont want to be one of Relius's stupid dolls for not attacking her!"

Ignis: !!!

Susano'o regains control: "You are to learn all about manners"
Your punishment is to look at Makoto's...you know for being a liar!

I forget to say excuse me sometimes when I burp ;^;

Always say excuse me when you fart, cough, sneeze or burp. Or else you will have to fart endlessly.

I sometimes skip breakfast.
Your punishment is insatiable hunger.

I confess that I'm too honest sometimes.
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Your punishment is to become more gullible for every person you scam.

I confess to being bad at sleeping.
You will now be forced to sleep until you are good at it!

I confess that I want chocolate.
Your punishment is that you are now allergic to chocolate.

I confess to not confessing in this post.

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