Punish the person above you for their confession

You will fall desperately in love with a fictional character and no longer be able to form relationships with anyone else.

I used to scare other kids with large, fuzzy spiders.
Your punishment is to face a boggart every day of your life with no means to get rid of it. And if you don't know what a boggart is, you muggle, you'll have to look it up every day an hour before the boggart appears before you.

My confession: I stole a little blue dog key chain from Rite Aid. I was keeping it in my pocket until we got to the cash register to have my mom pay. It was going to be a gift to my older sister. I found it still in my pocket when I got home. I hid under the table and cried because of the guilt and fear that had consumed my tiny child mind. It still haunts me to this day.
Everyday, at exactly 3 AM in the morning, you must break into your older sister's house and steal something of hers. The next day, you must return the item and exchange it for another one of her possessions. This continues until your death.

I confess to being unable to tear myself from one on one RPs in which my other partner is not meeting up to standards. Why? Because I feel too bad to reject them or tell them I lost interest.
Your punishment is to flat out tell them you don't wanna RP with them because you think they are boring. After this, stand in front of a mirror and think about what you have done for the rest of your life.

I confess to not liking a gift someone got me and told them I liked it.
You shall now say you hate every gift you receive and reject all of them, regardless of whether or not you like the gift.

I confess to having too many games and never playing them.
You shall now say you hate every gift you receive and reject all of them, regardless of whether or not you like the gift.

I confess to having too many games and never playing them.
You will now be forced to choose one game that you will play for eternity and run over the rest with a lawnmower.

I confess! I'm pro-Trump. #MAGA
You will build a wall between america and mexico with your bare hands. and then destroy it. with your bare hands as well.

I very often watch videos of tips and tricks for game, even though i don't own and don't intend to own them.
You will build a wall between america and mexico with your bare hands. and then destroy it. with your bare hands as well.

I very often watch videos of tips and tricks for game, even though i don't own and don't intend to own them.
will it have to be 10 feet higher?
Everytime you watch such videos, the game will disappear from the face of the earth.

I confess to never re reading a book.
Everytime you watch such videos, the game will disappear from the face of the earth.

I confess to never re reading a book.
You must now spend the rest of your life studying the deep intricacies of the Bible.

I confess to having watched almost the entire important videos playlist.
Now you must watch all unimportant videos that exist.

I confess that I intend to kill the person that will punish me, if the punishment is harsh and I don't like it.
Attempts to kill me will result in your face being clawed off. I might also kick you once or twice if I feel like it.

If people are too traditional for my taste and I must visit them, I like to paint my lips and nails black just to see their looks of fear and disgust..
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You must paint your lips and nails black and visit every person you know, depending on relationship, and watch how they react to your lips and nails.

I confess that I use Overwatch on console rather than PC
Your Overwatch gets magically ported to the NES with according 2d graphics and you will never be able to play normal Overwatch again.

I confess to saying rude things to my dog a lot because it doesn't bother him and he's happy anyway.
Caccutus Caccutus
From this day onward, your dog will gain sentience. Each day of your life, he will be very rude to you and say mean things, that will most likely result in your overall self-esteem going lower. So much so, that you will feel like a filthy dog. The only thing you'll be able to do is to watch from afar, as the dog steals your life and all of your accomplishments-- I'm really going too far on this, one, am I? Fuck it. I'll go even further. The dog won't just steal your life. The dog will steal your destiny!

CHAPTER 1: The Dog of Britain/Mesopotamia
He will pull the great sword; Excalibur from the stone and marry the great goddess of the ancient land of Mesopotamia; Ishtar. Yes, she is the goddess of sex... and war! After the dog discovers her true identity, he will promptly leave her behind for her much darker and edgier sister; Ereshkigal, the goddess of the dead. Unfortunately, Ishtar shall get mad, and she shall send a huge bull after the dog. He will cast a fireball, but the fireball will merely hit against the bull's mighty horns and burn out the hair on its forehead, enraging it further. The dog will then be forced to rise Excalibur and point the sword heroically toward the sky and heroically declare his intent to slay the beast. The bull will then proceed to jam his mighty horns into the dog's body, which will result in heavy bleeding, but the dog shall manage to cut its head off. He will carry it back to your room and present it to you as the proof of his superiority, laying it on your bed whilst you cried yourself to sleep over how superior he is. He will then leave once again to get some sweet vengeance on his ex. The dog will hire two mercenaries; Sir Lancelot and Propane Man, to help him, using money donated to him from the villagers that were bullied by the bull. At first, Sir Lancelot and Propane Man didn't get along, but the dog had an idea to get them all to camp together in the legendary Cedar Forest. Surrounded by supernatural enemies, the three friends killed them, and after some timely character development, Sir Lancelot and Propane Man will become friends. With only one goal in the mind, the three of them set their differences aside and move for Ishtar's Castle. They surprise the evil b***h while she's waxing her legs, and Sir Lancelot jabs his mighty, anointed spear into her eye. This, however, only annoys her more, as she was already quite irritated they dared enter at such a holy moment as her waxing her legs. Having no other choice, she punishes the blasted mortals by yelling: "THIS MA BOOMSTICK" and taking out an oversized two-barelled shotgun. She then proceeds to blast Propane Man with it, literally atomizing his head (because this is a cartoon, if you didn't realize yet,) and causing Lancelot and Dog to grieve the loss of their friend. Fortunately! Dog's girlfriend and Ishtar's sister: Ereshkigal found her way to the Castle just in time to revive Propane Man to life. That way, the four of them managed to kill Ishtar by sending the photos of her half-waxed legs to her new boyfriend: King Gilgamesh. She proceeds to run off crying and the episode ends with the four of our heroes go to the tavern to celebrate.

CHAPTER 2: Ripped Him A New One
Dog, or as he likes to be called: Big Boxx (a kind of codename, you see) calls his friends in the morning after calling you a "baka" and tells them they will be going to the recent festival because Sir Lancelot really wanted to participate in the tournament. The group of heroes arrives and Dog, of course, flirts with Ereshkigal as always. The group watches as Sir Lancelot walks out of his tent in ceremonial space marine power-armor with a large deamon-possessed lance in his hands. They clap to give him encouragement as he sits upon his horse and looks forth to see who his opponent is... only to see Gilgamesh! Surprised, he watches as Gilgamesh receives a large lance from Enkidu, his dearest friend and servant. Shocked, Lancelot tries to withdraw from the duel, but before he knows it, the horses set off and Gilgamesh's lance pierces through his armor, killing him instantly. The group is shocked but can't do shit about it because Ereshkigal is out of mana. Propane Man runs to the dead, pulverized corpse of Lancelot and cries over it, thanking him for the short time they had to be friends, and says his goodbyes to the knight, while Gilgamesh gloats and laughs in a maniacally arrogant way, posing for the cameras. That's when Propane Man gets hella mad. He takes out a portable artillery cannon from his pants and shoots it at Gilgamesh, blasting him into oblivion as revenge. Whilst he does this, Dog and Ereshkigal watch as Ishtar flies overhead and shoots a tactical nuke. Having little to no time to do anything, Propane Man erects a bubble-shaped forcefield around his friend. While this is happening, Jesus is watching from above the clouds. In order to reward Propane Man for his true kindness and purity, he revives Sir Lancelot. The group proceeds to beat down Ishtar, because DEUS VULT AND GOD WILLS IT, INFIDEL because she deserves it. Propane Man shoots actual propane at Ishtar from the lamprey mouths that suddenly grow out of his fingers, then ignites it with a spark made by his teeth clashing against each other. She ignites and burns like a witch, whilst the group looks toward the sky and smiles as Jesus shows them his thumbs-up. Having received God's blessing, they set out to participate in a crusade, but Dog actually says he has to go home to insult you. He does so, then, the legendary Bix Boxx, goes to sleep.

CHAPTER 3: Too Long For Names
Big Boxx is about to retire, so he sets out on his final adventure. After insulting you in the morning, he takes Excalibur and sets out to have it blessed by Jesus. The only way to do that is of course to conduct the Holy Grail War ritual, so he summons a magical spirit to act as his familiar. He finds himself having summoned a Mage-class familiar by the name of Joseph Joestar, who knows the Path of the Hermit; Police Summoning! Using his powers, Joseph calls 911 and your Dog gets arrested for weapon ownership. You are finally free.

Or so you think, only to discover that he returns one day later to insult you all over again. Apparently, they released him on good behavior
~ fin

I confess that I sometimes make things that are needlessly long. Also, I have an active imagination.
This man RPNations

Also you must make every story you write in one sentence, and they must lack any grammar or you will be locked out of every RP site known to man.

I confess that I'm very loud and hyper.
your lungs shut off for 30 seconds every time you make a sound above 50 decibels or every time you move faster than 0.5 meters per second

i confess to being sad about my punishment and i confess that i want a hug
Your punishment is that you will be hugged by prickly-furred assault kittens from the fifth dimension of Alzari, who will huggle you until you obey their word as law.

I confess to wanting to be tiny, adorable, and fluffy
You will be tiny, adorable, and fluffy, but you are trapped in a world filled with furries and people with a beastiality fetish. This is assuming you want to be a cat.

I confess that I'm having trouble finding more confessions
As a punishment you will go out and involve yourself in things that will give you more confessions to make

I confess... To not really minding my most recent punishment
As punishment, you will take care of a cactus for 6 months, nurturing it, giving unconditional love (Hugs, Kisses, etc.) Feeding it, giving water.

I confess that I am always paranoid and afraid of being embarrassed and called out about it.
You must give a public performance on international TV, and you must continue doing international performances until everyone you know and love has seen you in one.
I confess to having the personality and reflexes of a stray cat.
As punishment for this confession, one day, someone you may or may not already know will give you food, and you will keep coming back for food and then never leave their side.

I confess that I have faith that anyone can be good

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