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Fandom Puella Magi Site



Majestic Dinosaur
Bippity boppity booo
Puella Magi Site

At 5:00 PM, just as the streets were getting crowded with the throng of adults trying to get home from work, Elena and Marina found their way to the park on Mason Street. As per their communications with the magical girls who answered Elena's recruitment, they drifted over to the sand pit on the far edge. Despite the good handful of families that were here with their children who were on summer vacation, this corner of the park was quiet. The sand pit wasn't an attractive option anymore since it was completely devoid of… well, sand, and whoever was in charge of maintaining the park never bothered to fix that.

As the magical girls begin arriving, Elena would greet each of them cheerfully, while Marina would offer her own more subdued greetings. Once the last of them made their way to the meeting spot, Elena clapped her hands and grinned.

“Phew, I'm glad you all came!” Elena said, wiping off invisible sweat off her brows. “Thanks for coming! Uhmm… I'm sure you all know, but I'm Elena, and this is the friend that I mentioned in my post. Her name is Marina.”

Marina nodded. To the more observant of the group, her features will seem slightly tense and unhappy. Nevertheless, she quietly said, “Nice to meet you all.”

“So let's get down to business!” Elena smiled as two giggling children ran past the group. She stepped closer to the others and lowered her voice as she spoke, “Marina said that she ran into the Witch around here–”

“Though it may have moved,” Marina added.

Elena nodded her acknowledgement. “–so we’ll start our search on this block and expand from there. We’ll pay extra close attention to alleyways.”

“Please keep in mind that the sigil of the labyrinth looks like waves crashing on a rock, except the water is purple and the rock is blue,” Marina murmured.

“Right! We wouldn't want to go after the wrong Witch and poach someone else's kill,” Elena said. She stepped back and searched everyone's faces. “Are we ready?”
Code by Nano
Interactions: Dawnsx Dawnsx but technically everyone with her questions?

Clair took one last look in the mirror before getting ready to head to the meeting point. Her hair was neat and tidy, her outfit was business casual, and a fresh set of long gloves were on her hands. She didn’t practice smiling at all since Clair assumed most of her time with this group would be spent frowning to various degrees. While Clair enjoyed things being clean her reputation was far from a clean slate already so there was no point in faking an act. Clair stuck her one grief seed in her pocket half wishing she could have brought her stash with her but it would better serve the magical girls in her old city. Hopefully Kyubey gave the code to the safe she kept them in to someone.

And with that she was off well and early to the meeting spot both in case the driver she called got stuck in traffic or if some other witch appeared. Some girls would waste their magic to get to the destination in some flashy fashion but Clair was not that sort of girl. Also, she was not the type to take unclean public transport, deal with some average cab company, or walk and get shoved around in a crowd. With the spare time she had on her hands Clair grabbed her notes on the original post that she had made in case Elena, if that was even her real name, had tried to edit it or use what was written there to deceive someone. It seemed like the typical request but as a veteran magical girl Clair knew how quickly situations could change. Both witches and her peers were constant headaches in her life since why would you focus on the danger to your city when instead you could fight amongst each other.

So, around the time of the meeting Clair sent a simple message with ‘Arriving : |’ since Elena seemed to like those little text kaomoji. As much has she hated magical girl meeting around other people a park was a good place to have one. Not many people would spare a second glance at girls of various ages hanging out together in it. Thankfully, the sand put had no sand in it but Clair didn’t let her guard down that some snot nosed kid or dog off a leash could swoop in and try and get her dirty.

“Good evening. My name is Clair,” she replied to Elena and Marina’s greetings matching the latter’s subdued energy but rather than tense she just seemed irritated due to her resting mean face. Those who arrived after Clair would get the same greeting unless the looked like the limp lettuce sort of magical girl that would wither away at social interaction.

Elena seemed like one of those leap before you look magical girls that ran on hopes and dreams. With each passing moment it made sense why she would boldly state she had a spare grief seed as did Clair concern that someone would trick her out of it and then run away from the mission.

Marina on the other hand seemed the more grounded type. Less likely to swing between hope and despair or find herself lost in winnable battles but still the type to snap in an unwinnable situation. The two made for a good balance based on their first impressions. While Clair’s actions may push and prod whatever dynamic they had she should be able to work and support them just fine.

When Elena stepped closer Clair resisted the urge to step back and regain more of her personal space as the duo expanded on the info from the post. She desisted the talk of poaching someone else’s kill. Magical girls shouldn’t fight over territories or final blows or the sort of nonsense that got them killed because others would not step in due to paper thin things such as honor.

“What’s everyone’s experience levels? Has anyone used Kyubey to access telepathy yet?” Clair asked the group raising her hand slightly in front of herself as she was asking a question at a business meeting or in a student council meeting. Her tone hovered somewhere between default and the blunt one you use to call out someone who made a stupid comment.

Really, she had more questions she wanted to ask like what everyone’s abilities were or the state of their soul gem but she didn’t want to be the only to reveal hers. The ones asked were the most pressing for the situation to make sure everyone was on the same page. At this point Clair stance showed she was ready to go even if she would nag the whole way.
» serina carroll
『 TAGGED 』 Dawnsx Dawnsx galvanismgal galvanismgal

Was there ever any worth to a rose refusing to bloom, or would the gardener be justified in plucking it off the bush? Passing by a street-side flower shop, a young girl strutted through the city with elegant strides, mechanical enough to give the impression of being burdensome. Her cheeks devoid of warmth and her lightless eyes half-lidded, the faces of all other humans blurred past her as if they didn’t exist, and so she remained alone in an isolated world. Surely enough, she didn’t fit in too well into the world of modern reality. Clothed in a long-sleeved dress of creamy chartreuse, fitted with frills, bows and even a corset, this vintage look of a child playing princess clashed heavily with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses combo, her deluded way of ‘staying inconspicuous.’ She was stuck between the conventions of two separate eras, and her partial adherence to both had left her belonging to neither. Such a mismatch of fashion statements would usually raise eyebrows, but past that obvious infraction she had remained—by design—invisible. She didn’t look anyone in the eyes, never bumped into anyone by accident, and never spared a single smile. In short, while a human is subject to judgement, a doll is beholden to none.

That is precisely what she wanted, which is why her behaviour still needed a touch of adjustment before being marked as perfect. Out of the corner of her shaded gaze, the girl had spotted a troublesome distraction through the window of what must’ve been a day-care. Playing on a black, digital monitor, a strange video of cute-faced fruits dancing on the screen had captivated her in an instant, and without a change in her expression or an inch of hesitation, she immediately sneaked through the door and sat down; transfixed. Supporting her chin while resting on her knees, she might’ve given off the airs of a noble lady musing over fine literature, were it not for the dubious video and the concerned children surrounding her. Only after being asked to kindly remove herself from the building did she finally remember; she had gone to the loud outside for a reason.

Thus, she had arrived at the park on time, rather than early. Finding her way to the… just pit, she greeted those already assembled with an unnotable curtsy, tugging at the sides of her dress just far enough as to not reveal her feet.

“Pleased to meet you, I am Serina Carroll,” such were the only words to leave her mouth, with no fondness to be found in them. As eye-contact could provoke an unnecessary confrontation or squabble, she only made sure to familiarize herself with the other girls’ voices and clothes, even then sparing only brief glances. Her voice was perfectly clear, collected and calm, and her partially obscured face betrayed nothing at all. It’s not that she had judged her companions unworthy of her time; she simply didn’t wish to be judged herself—neither as friend or foe.

In response to Clair’s question, Serina offered a light shake of the head. Of course, she could’ve added something along the lines of, ‘It has never been necessary,’ but she had been asked for an answer, not her additional input. “I am ready,” to move ahead, those were the only words required.

This girl… truly loved the bare minimum.
code by @Nano
Asuka Kayahara
One of the benefits of New York was the lack of noticing. Aside from having only mild international success, everyone was so busy with their own lives that they didn't care about celebrity sightings. As far as everyone was concerned, Asuka was just another teenager in a face mask. Even the paparazzi that once followed her have long died down in favor of searching for the latest influencer-turned-singer.
With her cross body purse slung over her shoulder, she left the subway and checked her phone for the time. Unfortunately, Millbury was farther from Midtown than she first anticipated and due to a lack of a license, she was stuck bus hopping and finally taking a ride share the rest of the way to Mason Street. By time she finally reached the park, it seemed that a few of her prospective allies already appeared.
Asuka approached the cheerier of the two, returning the blonde's greeting with her own rehearsed "hello, nice to meet you." She stopped short of saying "thank you for your support" and instead repeated her introduction to Marina.
How old could they be? Thirteen? Fourteen? They certainly couldn't have been older than her when she started. Was that how she looked when her manager first introduced her to the group?
Suddenly, a flash of blonde appeared in her mind's eye: Minako with her spiked mace, bashing in Juliet's skull. Were it not for her, Asuka would have been mince meat, witch food, as good as dead. It gave her some hope that the two were smart enough to ask for help, though it made her wonder how much experience the two actually had between them.
“What’s everyone’s experience levels? Has anyone used Kyubey to access telepathy yet?”
The question by itself was valid, but the speaker gave Asuka a different type of pause. Between her frumpy office clothing and tall stature, Clair seemed more like a career woman than magical girl. Were it not for her line of questioning, Asuka would have mistaken her for someone's older sister.
It clicked for Asuka then, as she waved for everyone's attention, what position she was in.
"Hello, Asuka here! Three years and counting," she chirped, before stroking her chin in thought, "to be honest, my old group has always been together so we never needed it."
Interactions: everyone
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Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

[kumakumabearkuma] kayyyyyyyyyyyyy omww

And send. Her name on the forum could use some work, but Siena wasn’t going to just expose her real name to a site that she still saw as shady. Despite saying she was on her way, Siena was instead in an ice cream parlor, standing and staring at the various tubs of ice cream on display. The creamy and sweet scent rested in the air, and Siena gazed lovingly at the various choices she had before her. With a finger on her chin, she finally settled on the flavor for the week.

French vanilla.

She did not take being a magical girl seriously whatsoever. To her, she already got what she wanted. Thank god for America allowing eighteen year olds to play the lottery. A quick order later, Siena began making her way towards the supposed meeting spot. If it turns out to be shady, she’ll just walk away. As she made her way to the park on Mason Street, Siena sat at a different bench, looking for other people who could be the same as her. Her eyes focused on a group not too far away.

Her gaze initially fell on Elena and Marina. Ah, they looked like freshmen in highschool. Was that white rat really employing literal kids to hunt down monsters? Then there was Clair, who looked around Siena’s age, if not slightly older. But damn, really? She had to dress up for this meeting? Holding back from rolling her eyes, Siena looked over at Serina, a girl who chose to not make eye contact, and Asuka...

Wait, as in the Asuka? Siena could almost gasp!

As if, surely the Asuka wouldn't be one of them, fighting Witches and all... Siena didn’t really watch idols and the like. Her father always hogged the TV. Siena definitely has heard her music here and there, and eavesdropped on school gossip about how the idol group kept getting smaller and smaller. There was always theory after theory, each one sounding more inane than the last.

Her hand slid into her sweater’s pocket. Unlike how she usually dressed, Siena opted to max out how casual she could be. Clothed with a grey sweater, black sweatpants, and a pair of beaten up running shoes, Siena decided it wasn’t worth putting in the effort to dress well, especially with a bunch of people she had yet to know.

Getting up from the bench, Siena had walked up to the small group, ice cream cone in hand as she carefully lapped at the scoop of french vanilla ice cream, a rich, creamy taste coating the tip of her tongue. She managed to catch the round of introductions and the question from Clair, although she wasn’t really aiming to eavesdrop.

Quietly, she used her other hand to push back her hood, raking her fingers through her hair as she lazily waved at the others that happened to be there. “Hiya!” Siena grinned at the group of girls, pulling out her phone and showing off her post, proving her identity. “It’s Siena, nice to meetcha!” Sliding her phone back into her pants pocket. “I uh... began all this last week? So, this is all new to me.”

Then there was talk about poaching kills... That was a thing? That was the first she heard of that. Were there rules on the site? She didn’t really read through it properly. The surprise didn’t show through her face. Averting her gaze, she sheepishly went back to eating her ice cream.. Oops, here’s to hoping she hadn’t stolen anyone’s witch kill.

Code By Nano
Bippity boppity booo
Puella Magi Site

Elena looked faintly surprised and sheepish about Clair’s questions – ones that she had neglected to ask about the allies whom she’d be working with.

“I’ve been a magical girl for a year or so,” she replied, though her previous cheer wilted just a tad upon realizing for the first time that she’d be leading a team of older, possibly more experienced girls.

“I only contracted two weeks ago,” Marina declared. Her neutral tone and calm expression stood in stark contrast to Elena’s fidgeting. The younger girl looked a little embarrassed on Marina’s behalf about the lack of experience.

“But we always use telepathy, and we work well in a team,” Elena added quickly, as though she needed something to make themselves look attractive. She startled slightly when Siena joined their little huddle, but seemed immediately relieved about another pair of helping hands. “Hi Siena! No worries, we’ve got your back! We’ll show you the ropes as we go along!”

The next few minutes were spent splitting them up into two parties to search for the Witch. Out of consideration for the girls who hadn’t accessed telepathy before, Elena and Marina would helm each of the two groups; Serina and Siena with the former, and Clair and Asuka with the latter.

Elena’s group headed east, while Marina’s group went west. Both girls held their Soul Gem and watched it carefully for any sign of brightening in response to a Witch.

If there was one thing that Kyubey tended to neglect to mention to potential magical girls, it was the tedium of actually finding a Witch. The minutes stretched on as the two parties walked. Elena tried to keep things upbeat by pointing out various things as they searched (“I got lost in that supermarket once! Oh, that restaurant’s desserts are all really yummy!”) but Marina remained largely silent as she kept her eyes glued on her Soul Gem.

It would be about fifteen minutes before Marina’s Soul Gem finally glowed. She paused to inform the other group via telepathy and a brief flare of her magic. Elena's group then backtracked and veered southeast. The two parties continued in a vague sector pattern until both Soul Gems emitted a steady glow, at which point they slowly reconvened at their midpoint.

The group found themselves in a narrow alleyway between a closed-down stationery store and an old, battered deli. Here, they could distinctly feel a dark presence.

Posture stiff, Marina lifted her Soul Gem. With a quick burst of light from the gem, a sigil wobbled into existence like a heat haze.

Elena squinted at the sigil for a moment and sagged. “That… that’s not our Witch, is it?”

Indeed not. The sigil looked like a child’s scribble of a princess; quite different from what Marina had described.

“It’s not,” Marina agreed, relaxing her stance. “Let’s go, then. Maybe we could search–”

“Wait, look!” Elena cried out. She pointed down at a briefcase laying a few feet away from the sigil. A quick inspection would show that the briefcase was pristine and fairly new. Should anyone look through its contents, they would find a few business documents marked with today’s date. The owner was nowhere in sight.

Elena fretted, looking between the sigil and the abandoned briefcase. Had it only been herself and Marina, she wouldn’t hesitate to throw herself into the labyrinth to search for possible victims. But she had just warned everyone about not going after another Witch! It’d be horribly hypocritical of her to make everyone go in with her.

“W-what do you all think we should do?” she asked meekly.
Code by Nano
Interactions: the whole group again so Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Dawnsx Dawnsx AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 methoxetamine methoxetamine

Clair observed each of the girls as they introduced themselves.

For someone who let every intrusive thought decide what they wanted to wear for the day Serina somehow embodied the phrase go girl give us nothing. Clair was concerned about the lack of social effort but given this was a group formed on the site for a specific purpose it didn’t matter. The only thing that would matter is if the girl would get in the way of fighting the witch or not.

Asuka had three years of experience so at least there was another veteran here. Clair wouldn’t pry further into why the girl was no longer with her team since unlike herself Asuka gave off the personality of someone people would want to work with. Maybe it was life circumstances or maybe it was due to some of the less stellar parts of being a magical girl. If they didn’t’ need telepathy their lives must have been pretty closely intertwined to function and respond to witches or one of them had powers that worked just as well for communication.

Siena…well some girls wish for a personality like hers…A week was a short time so hopefully she knew the basics or hunted a witch at least. Clair sent a very are you going to teach her the ropes expression to Elena and Marina. Looking after a new magical girl would add a layer of complexity to the situation since while some could hold their own right out of the gate the lack of experience could impact the groups teamwork.

Clair gave no indication of the duos experience levels being good or bad since while experience was good having a personality suited for leadership was more important. At the end of the day, it was the pairs decision what would happen. If things went south Clair knew she would try to salvage the situation but ultimately the repercussions of their actions would fall onto the leader. Elena seemed like the type to share a grief seed with a girl who just sat on the sidelines doing nothing so it would be a lie if Clair said she wasn't concerned by that. The group of hopes and dreams type magical girls they had tended to end just as well as selfless wishes did.

She kept her face neutral as the groups split up hoping that Elena could handle the two Clair deemed as potential struggle busses. Hopefully the time it took for them to find the witch could help smooth out any rouge edges in the group’s vibe.

Thankfully Marina was largely silent and Clair had no qualms with the lack of conversation. It might be nice to know what everyone was capable of but they could always lie and once the team entered the labyrinth it would become clear anyway. Unlike Marina, Asuka seemed to want to chat so Clair made some polite small talk with her but it had the vibe of being between strangers rather than friends in the making fizzling in and out. Eventually the group converged outside of a battered depressing area witches loved. Sadly, it did not seem like this was the witch they were searching for but instead a troublesome situation.

“You know some witches hide in other witch’s labyrinths so it could be possible the witch you’re looking for is in there as well,” Clair said giving a flimsy excuse for her actions as she readied to enter the labyrinth even if she would be the only one to do so, “I’m sure whoever is chasing this witch wouldn’t mind us saving someone as long as we don’t keep the grief seed.”

The group did have a spare grief seed so Clair wasn’t as concerned as she probably should have been about it. Not all witches dropped grief seeds and even though it could turn into a magical girl vs witch vs magical girl squabble waiting would just make the situation worse. Either it might be too late for the victim the briefcase belonged to or else maybe this was a newly hatched witch. Two things were clear to Clair one that time was of the essence and the other was that she really really hoped the witches layer took more inspiration from the stationary store than the deli.
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» serina carroll

After her lacklustre introduction, Serina simply stood there for a while, her arms slack by her sides as she dissociated over the introductions of the new arrivals. To remember them would be folly in its own right, but for now their features would do. Gloves worn in the summer, flowing hair like silken eggplant, something like a bear mascot, and… ice cream?


Her dim eyes glazed over, as if she had just taken her last, anaemic breath. Under the melting heat of early August, she once had shared the very same creamy respite. The shade of rainbow parasols. People sweating in the shade. Little Parisian chairs and tables lined up in rows. In the distance, the heated air had cast its mirage… Then came a drop, falling from the edge of the soggy cone. Splashing onto her shirt, it had left an unpleasant mark, but even that could be laughed away. Her laughter had always been soothing. They ate together, and eating had always been a mark of the deepest bonds. Hungry. To wait for someone would be the same as starving.

From that point on, her gaze failed to break from that ice cream. Distantly, she would follow it wherever it went, which is why they didn’t even need to pair her up with Siena. She tailed her like a lost dog, entirely out of it. At best, any remarks from Elena would be met with an unpresent murmur of acknowledgement, or maybe a huff and a blink of the eyes. If she had desired to dispel awkwardness with small-talk, she had chosen a truly terrific half of her company.

Only once they had met up with the others did Serina remember; that she was a living part of the living world. She had held onto enough information to figure out their conundrum, and began formulating an answer in her mind. ‘Formulas’ would be the appropriate word for her ruminations, as they, too, had been stripped to their minimums.

if ((a suitcase) = (sign of owner)) ∧ ((owner) = (lost in labyrinth)) ⇒ ((death) = (inevitable))
also, ((saving owner) = (sign of empathy)) ∧ ((empathy) = (loud))
((serina) ≠ (loud)), ergo ¬empathetic

however… nh…

((grief seed) = (tasty)) ∧ ((tasty) = (good)) ⇒ ((grief seed) = (good))

It was a childish, inaccurate use of sentential logic, but more so a sad way of pretending to understand the world around her. She raised her arm abruptly, a movement that dislodged the wide-brimmed hat from her head and sent it falling to the pavement. Even to an untrained mind, the way she articulated her body seemed unnatural, like a wooden doll lacking in range of motion. She didn’t bother picking her headwear back up, and spoke mechanically.

“Serina… A-Ahem, ah. I think we should dispose of it. All marionettes have their duty to play, and ours is this. If that’s undesirable, I can stay behind.”

Her lifeless voice was backed by confidence, though she had been the only one to refuse to divulge her experience.
code by @Nano
Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

While Clair was shooting worried looks over at Elena and Marina over Siena’s lack of experience, Siena simply loitered around casually, not picking up over anyone’s worries. Surely her lack of experience wouldn’t come to blow up in anyone’s face, right? As Marina had no qualms with stating her own lack of experience, Siena did shoot her a thumbs up, silently indicating that Marina wasn’t alone in being a new magical girl. Then again, perhaps there was no reason to do that. Marina didn’t seem to be bothered by the fact she was new. Well, it never hurts to be friendly.

As the two experienced kids decided to split the group into two, Siena stood there, biting into her waffle cone as she stood near Elena. She would have simply focused on getting this ice cream done before they had to do their magical duties, but she couldn’t shake aside this feeling of being watched. Punctuating her confusion with a slow crunch, Siena’s eyes darted around her immediate surroundings. It didn’t take much to find the culprit, after all, a pair of eager dark-green eyes were fixated on the ice cream. Siena simply blinked at Serina, a quiet girl who had finally shown her true colours: her love for ice cream.

As if she was playing with a dog fixated on a toy, Siena lifted her hand, holding her ice cream high in the air, seeing if Serina’s gaze would follow. She would repeat this; moving the delectable treat to the right, then to the left, merely observing what Serina would do. Regardless, Siena grinned at the girl, licking off a drop of ice cream that seemed to be running down the cone. “You like?” Maybe she’ll treat Serina to some after all this.

Walking after Elena, Seina focused on downing as much of the ice cream as she could, only communicating in energetic grunts and nods. Once she had swallowed the ice cream, Seina pointed at one of the restaurants that were brought up. “It’s kinda expensive, no? Maybe we can go there one of these days and hang out,” she had offered, lowering her hand as she thought about what to get. A dessert restaurant would have crepes, waffles, and pancakes, all topped with icing sugar, sweet sauces and perhaps even fruits. Ooh, and they’d also have nice milkshakes and other drinks. There was another restaurant she went to once, alone, grabbing a waffle with a scoop of chocolate ice cream; adorned with bananas, chocolate syrup and praline bits. Then she grabbed a virgin mojito—non-alcoholic of course.

But before she could gush about sweets more, they had to turn back. Like she was a duck following its mother, Siena followed Elena southeastward. As they met up with the other half of the group, Siena smiled and waved over at Clair, Asuka and Marina, only a little under half of her ice cream being done. While the two discussed what to do with the newfound witch, Siena walked over to the briefcase, crouching down as she opened it with one hand, only to frown at the contents.

“Ugh, how boring,” She then closed the briefcase with a click. Okay, but what was she expecting from that? More money? “Ooh, it would be hilariously hypocritical if we went after this witch, eh?” Siena looked up, grinning at both Elena and Marina, poking fun at the magical girl ethics and whatever that was put into place. “Oh, who cares about the grief seed or whatever Clair, we found this place first, no?” Siena stood up, walking back to the group as she stared at Serina’s hat falling to the ground. Well, seems that was her way of voting to go in and deal with this witch.

Siena loved taking the opposing side just to see reactions, but she wasn’t heartless. With a hum, she bent down to pick up the hat, pursing her lips to blow dust off the hat as she placed it back on Serina’s head. She patted Serina and the hat once, craning her neck slightly to look at the sigil in question. Pulling out her phone, she tapped at it as she held her ice cream to the side carelessly. “Hey, if we are so terribly worried about stealing a kill or whatever, we can just ask on the site, no?" Siena paused for a split second, her voice going slightly deeper as if she was mimicking someone else speaking "Like “Hey we found this sigil, is anyone planning to deal with it, or can we deal with it instead” or something.” For a girl who was upbeat and outgoing, her phone case was rather boring. It was just one of those cases that tried to promise physical protection. Humming some tune under her breath, she tapped at her phone a few more times, lifting it to try and take a picture of a sigil.

Did those even appear in pictures? Here’s to hoping it did... and her ice cream wouldn’t be inhaled by a creature.

Code By Nano
Asuka Kayahara
The purple-haired idol waved at the last girl to arrive, hiding a wince after hearing about nearly everyone's lack of experience. While Asuka couldn't comment on Serina, the rest had a collective year and a half between them, which was half of her own tenure. In the span of a few years she'd gone from being her group's baby to being a solo artist, and now a veteran.
Would she meet the same fate as Yumemi?
She pursed her lips when Elena and Marina offered to help Siena, unsure how beneficial it would be for the group. While it would offer teaching experience, she had doubts on how well the two divide their duties. Yes, they likely knew the area better than anyone else here; however, mentorship was no easy task. Rather, it wouldn't be easy considering that Elena's other group partner seemed to have little on her mind. She wouldn't pry too hard into Serina's life, but it would sit in the back of her mind until they could reconvene.
Asuka walked alongside Marina and Clair, keeping her eyes peeled for signs of the labyrinth. Occasionally she'd ask about a nearby business or landmark, kicking off some small talk between her and Clair. Marina seemed more focused on her Soul Gem, staying largely silent as she led the trio.
After another five minutes of searching, Marina's Soul Gem found a Witch and alerted Elena's group to meet them outside of a depressing alleyway.
Asuka frowned at the sight of a decrepit stationery store, squinting to see if there was any leftover merchandise. She missed the fun of window shopping with her parents and disguised, actual shopping with her old teammates. Did they have calligraphy pens? How fine were their tips? What brands of ink did they have on sale?
Even the deli was a missed sight. On tour, the record label funded all of their meals while at home, they had a private chef. These days she was more familiar with the taste of burgers and fries than her mother's cooking and if she wasn't spending so much time hunting Witches, she was sure her waist line would show it.
Clair's voice pulled her away, reminding her that they hadn't come here so she could ruminate on her private life.
WISHMAKER divided grief seeds evenly among the group, though priority always went to whichever member had the cloudiest gem. Due to the amount of traveling they did, things like territory and Witch scarcity never occurred to her. Hunts always coincided with concert dates and though she suspected that Kyubey influenced their manager, she never found evidence. It hurt to think about how many magical girls they potentially deprived of a seed so she chose instead to chide Siena's flippancy.
"It's not about who came first, but who needs the grief seed the most." Asuka wagged a finger. "I'll keep an eye out, but if we're all in agreement let's head inside."
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Bippity boppity booo
Puella Magi Site

“A Witch within a Witch…?” Marina murmured in response to Clair’s reasoning. She frowned and turned to Elena. “You never mentioned that.”

“Because I didn’t know!” Elena exclaimed, looking equal parts surprised and awed by this new knowledge. Marina huffed. Elena was pleased that most were in agreement for going into a labyrinth, until Siena pointed out the exact hypocrisy that she was worried about. Her cheeks turned red as she argued, “I – I know what I said, but the person could already be in danger!”

“Either you come with or you don’t,” Marina interrupted icily, leveling a flat look at Siena. “We don’t have time to wait for someone to respond to your post.”

Elena gawped at Marina. “Don’t be so rude! Sorry, Siena! Um, umm… Maybe you can make a post afterwards asking if anyone needs a Grief Seed…? Wha– Marina!”

Apparently tired of the dawdling, Marina let out a tiny sigh and leapt into the sigil.

“Oohh, why would she– C’mon, let’s head in!” Elena said hurriedly. Just before stepping foot in the sigil, she quickly sent her location to another magical girl who had responded to her hunt recruitment post, just in case she still wanted to join.

Once the group entered the labyrinth, they would find that Marina had already transformed. She donned a knee-length Victorian style dress with a white bodice and layered cyan silhouette. Her black underbust corset was accented by three white ribbons on the busk. If any of the girls looked closely, they would spot a square cyan gem at the center of the top ribbon. Her outfit was completed by a pair of black ankle boots.

Elena followed suit and transformed into a stereotypical pirate’s outfit, complete with a navy coat, ragged black shorts, and brown knee-high boots. Her inner blouse was adorned with ruffles at the front, and a circular blue gem was nestled at the collar.

No sooner had the girls transformed than the sound of shuffling papers reached their ears. Looking around, they would find themselves in an enclosed room. Rotting wooden bookshelves, tall and low, were scattered about, most of them empty. Between them were several clotheslines with scrap papers clipped on them. The papers all had something akin to poems written on them, though the writing on each became more and more ineligible until they became mere scribbles. On the walls were framed photographs of famous authors and poets, though their eyes seem to eerily follow the girls around as they moved.

Familiars that looked like used erasers trotted back and forth on legs that looked drawn with charcoal. They each carried books or papers, paying the girls no mind as they hurried to fill the shelves with nameless books and hang up more poems.

And at the center of the room was a middle-aged woman. She was surrounded by clotheslines and swaying on her feet, eyes unfocused.

Marina narrowed her eyes, noting the lack of a Witch’s distinctive heavy magic. “This is a familiar’s labyrinth.”
Code by Nano
Interactions: the whole group again so Steve Jobs Steve Jobs Dawnsx Dawnsx AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 methoxetamine methoxetamine

Clair did not have much chance to retort to Siena before Asuka chimed in seeming to scold her based on that finger wag. At least while the girl seemed ignorant of how the world worked, she had her heart in the right place with how she picked up Serina’s hat since the effort that would have taken Serina would have been immeasurable given her screen saver nature. Between that and riffling through the briefcase she sure seemed to like touching other people’s belongings. Clair would need to be on guard around her. Asuka on the other hand saw a decrease in Clair's opinion of her since it became clear outside of whatever tight knight group she had belonged to limited her world view.

“Unfortunately, you will find that most magical girls do not have the same ideas on how grief seeds should be distributed. Without grief seeds magical girls lose the ability to use their magic so they are a highly contested resource,” Clair said trying to give some context while skirting around the truth. Best to keep the true nature of the system under wraps until she knew who was mentally strong enough to handle it. Marina and Asuka seemed like they could but the rest were a tossup.

It was unsurprising that they did not know of dual witch labyrinths since such occurrences were rare naturally. In areas with a high population of magical girls it was unsurprising for one of them to have magic that would cause it to happen artificially. It was one of the reason Clair tried to meddle so much in other magical girl’s business since fights between them could cause problems for everyone in her home city.

“I would take care not to rely on the website too much. The most skillful trait a magical girl can have is making quick decisions by themselves,” Clair said before she entered the labyrinth after Marina. Making a post online afterwards would just be advertising what they did so Clair would need to make sure such a post was worried carefully so the possible blow back would be minimized. Between the two of them both had issues with one of their leaders acting too fast and the other acting too slow.

Like the others Clair was quick to transform. Her white pearlescent bodysuit topped with her clear iridescent jacket, skit, shoes, and gloves made it look like she simply stopped transforming early on. While her outfit may be simple it was no less gaudy than others with how it caught the light like a crystal.

Clair did not like this.

She also did not like how her soul gem was clearly visible as an immaculate untainted blue pendent on her chest but as a veteran magical girl she knew how to turn that weakness into a strength.

Quickly scanning the labyrinth Clair also concluded it was a familiar’s labyrinth and the objective of this side mission being in the center. She made mental notes of the environment and the possible dangers lurking within it. Thankfully she also noticed it was based more on the art store but those charcoal drawn legs still looked like they could cause a stain. Luckily, those familiars did not seem like the aggressive type but that could change in a moment once the group started to act.

“We shouldn’t get a grief seed out of this than so it might be wise to show restraint,” Clair said glancing to check the darkness of everyone’s soul gems. Just because they had a spare didn’t mean they would be in the clear since another magical girl could show up to try and chase them away from the familiar or try and grow it into a witch.

Clair summoned two small cloth squares to hover in the air with her telekinesis to help cover her blind spots. If needed she could do the same for the other girls since while weaker than others her magic was efficient. It wouldn’t do well if they perished simply because something got the jump on them and destroyed their soul gem.

“I’ll support cleaning up any mess that you all make but it would be best to focus on saving the victim first before we fight,” she said giving everyone a fixed look that implied anyone that goofed around would be nagged after this was over. Clair was prepared to react to any situation that developed from the witch or her teammates trusting her experience tempered with the wisdom that unexpected things still could happen.
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The sun had set as an indigo streak cut its way through the main streets of Millbury, barely distinguishable in its form as a motorcycle and its rider as it wove its way through the clearing traffic, its arcane mechanisms emitting a comparatively quiet squeal not unlike an electrical vehicle instead of the roar of a combustion engine. Ella's main means of crossing the city as a magical girl was undeniably fast, but rather unsubtle, compared to those of other magical girls who preferred to jump, swing, or fly across the skyline according to their capabilities. As such, she generally avoided going on patrol close to the morning and evening rush hours, though she would not hesitate to act if the situation warranted.

Now was one of those times.

She wasn't a member of the so-called Puella Magi Site, but an acquaintance of hers had brought up the recent post regarding the "witch at the park on Mason Street", and it wouldn't be hard for her to swing by and check it out. Magical girls were generally pretty mobile, but for her in particular, even several miles' distance could be a trip of a minute if she pushed it. And right now, she barely needed to.

As she approached the park, Ella pressed her thumb on one of the buttons on the handlebars, shifting the gears down as she turned and headed into an alley. Getting on top of one of the buildings would give her a perfect vantage point. Still moving at a steady pace, she barreled towards the wall at the end of the alley, popped a wheelie, and smoothly continued riding up the wall. She leveled out onto the roof, did a sharp turn, and looked out over the park as she kept moving, looking for traces of the supposed witch.

For most people, riding a motorcycle at a steady pace across rooftops was a task that would obligate them to look exactly where they were going, but Ella easily negotiated the bumps and "little" hops over other alleyways that were needed to keep her elevated position.

And then, it hit her. That familiar chill that ran straight into her soul gem. Not from the direction she'd expected, but down in one of the alleys...

She stopped and looked down. There it was.

A sigil with a strange, unsettling air about it that would either drive humans away with an unconscious fear and revulsion...or if it so chose, abduct them and add to its number of victims.

Somehow, no one had cleared it away yet despite the supposed coordination granted by the Puella Magi Site. Was that strange? Or was it just the way such things tended to slip through the cracks every now and then until they became a real problem that took a concerted effort to solve?

Well, time to find out.

The Knight vanished in a shower of sparks as Ella stood at the edge of the rooftop...and then stepped off, falling feet first into the alley and onto the sigil.

As she emerged, she took in the scene that was akin to that of a rather musty, old-fashioned classroom or library, familiars skittering about, and a human woman...seemingly trapped in the center.

Quietly, Ella ran up onto the top of a slanted bookshelf before addressing the gathered group. "Hey, I'm here to help. Do you have a plan?" Her voice was clearly muffled by her helmet, but still louder and clearer than one might expect from that circumstance.
Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

Keeping an eye out? In the alleyway? Wait, what happened to the phone!? Y'know, the pride and joy of the twenty-first century? Siena held her phone up lazily, waving it slightly to get Asuka's attention. There is no way an idol could be this daft, right? Er, wait, what if Siena was misunderstanding what she had meant. Yes, yes... She, Asuka, can keep an eye on the site while everyone deals with the witch...

As if, god damn it!

That’s a dumb idea! Wasn't she one of the more experienced ones here!? “N-No it's okay, we don't gotta keep an eye out—or fight for the grief seed...” Ah, she lost to some idol.

God damn it, Kyubey...

Why couldn't this white rat let Siena be lazy and have an easy life. She had such an awesome wish too. Ah, if only she could kick back and relax... life would be such a breeze; no need to work, she could skip the need to go to college, no need to worry about paying rent or mortgage, or even taxes.

For once, just maybe, Siena was against the notion of taxing the rich.

Alright, next time she sees Kyubey, that little white runt of a cat-rat-thing was going to get punted. For now, Elena. Siena held a smug look on her face as Elena grew embarrassed over her own hypocrisy. Well, despite that, she was still willing to help the group out on dealing with the labyrinth. However, before she could even think about saying something to Elena, Marina spoke up. Not to tell Siena off for bugging Elena, no. But to snap back over the fact Siena was trying to be a decent magical girl. Siena put her hands up defensively, grumbling under her breath.

“Ugh! I’m coming, I’m coming! Apologies for wanting to be slightly caring for others! You darn...” And then Marina lept into the sigil, not letting Siena get the last word in. Whatever she was going to say ended up as a silent interjection. She blinked once, twice, staring at the sigil. “Ahh, if someone gets upset, you’re the one talking to them! Not any of us!” Siena yelled after Marina, fully expecting the sound of her voice to not be carried through the sigil.

Truth be told, she didn’t care about continuing this little argument. Actually, was it even an argument in the first place!? Marina was just getting aggravated for no reason! Yeah, that was it. Siena didn’t do anything wrong. Annoyed, she went back to licking her ice cream, trying to finish it up so she didn’t have to multitask with it.

“Ugh, whatever...” Siena muttered under her breath, walking forward to the sigil, entering in the labyrinth after Clair. “I gueeeess IF we get a grief seed, we can just decide what to do with it later,” Responding to the taller magical girl, punctuating the end of her sentence with a crunch of her ice cream cone.

Hearing a new voice, Siena yelped, flinching in place as her almost finished ice cream cone fell to the ground. She didn’t think about it, scampering after Clair for one specific reason. Not because Clair looked strong or anything, but because Clair was the tallest magical girl in the group right now. Seconds later, she peeked out from behind Clair glancing at the new arrival, her hands held close to her chest. She stared at Ella, trying to get a read on the new girl. A biker? Cool but ugh, at least let Siena see your face!

Clearing her throat, she stepped out from behind Clair, finally transforming; giving off a more regal air compared to before, donning a bicolour sleeveless choker dress that went down to her thighs. The red collar was covered with a much more intricate collar, not attached to the dress. Her soul gem was located at the back of her neck, covered by her long, flowing hair that was no longer hidden by a hoodie. Once that was done, Siena finally looked at the ground, lamenting the loss of her ice cream. This as a travesty. With her scepter in hand, she pointed it at Ella, scowling.

“You owe me another ice cream.”

She spoke with a huff, lowering her weapon for now. Wait, what was that about a familiar? What was a familiar? Has Siena fight one before? Can it be eaten? Okay, focus. “Ah, wait, is the lady in the middle the person we gotta save? Should we just rush in and save her? Or deal with everything else first? I vote for rushing in by the way.”

What a simple girl she was.

Code By Nano
» serina carroll

As her hat had been picked up from the dusty pavement, Serina watched Siena’s movements with mild curiosity (none of which could be read from her face), tilting her head clumsily to the side. This veering had found itself unwittingly accelerated as the other girl’s hand landed on her head, smushing her ear against her shoulder due to the surprising lack of resistance. The sunglasses masking her eyes had slipped down to the tip of her nose during the motion, but yet again she made no attempt to correct this. Neither did she offer any response to the patting of her head, other than an invisible quaking of the eyelids, which could be interpreted as any number of muted emotions. With a crooked neck, she observed Siena as she skimmed through the briefcase, taking close mental notes of the contents. Unfortunately, she understood none of it.

“…Entering,” she answered to nobody in particular.

That tantalizing ice-cream had still occupied at least 20% of her reserve logic centres, but she had to ignore it for now or risk confrontation. Peering at her team members and the labyrinth stretching around, there was an immediate firing inside her overloaded mind.

((this) = (mistake))

Had she made an error due to some misplaced loud emotion? The decrepit bookshelves were oppressive, and the scattered writing… sad. Nothing could be worse than losing one’s mind and making regrettable decisions, which is why…

Heading back. Before she could utter those words, the sound of ice-cream sloshing had alarmed her to a highly distressing sight. Food thrown away or wasted; love melting on the ground; betrayal and wounds. If sharing food equated to kinship, pictures like this could only mean rejection.

She stared blankly at empty space, then suddenly found herself transformed in an instant. Contrarily to her dainty, anaemic nature, her uniform consisted of a heavy, sleeveless bodysuit. It did very little to cover up the mechanical, doll-like joints connecting her limbs, and a vast amount of geometric patterns, slots and channels embedded in her body. Stirrup knee-socks and a see-through veil atop her face were the only other pieces of clothing, though they were all ornately decorated in tatters, frills and her colours. The face itself saw glowing lines and two slots at the side of her forehead, paired with two intense, dark green eyes formed by multiple, visibly separate lenses. Was she a marionette or a robot? Most of all, she had clearly not once worked in a team.

There came a loud pop and crackle. She had effortlessly torn off her own hands at the wrist using her teeth, replacing them behind a boom of magical light with gnarled bird talons spanning enough length to wrap around a human skull. Perhaps with those erasers, she could wipe away the sad churning of her stomach.

Rather than muttering something predictable like, ‘Initiating combat mode,’ she began humming a soft, comforting lullaby, as she charged ahead without warning. Skewering the nearest ‘eraser-head’ on her talons, her jaws unhinged with an ugly scowl, and she carved out a large chunk of its ‘flesh’ before gulping it down. Chewing for a good while, the taste proved to be rather fleeting, grim and disappointing, crumbling like sand and leaving behind bitter disappointment. Serina sighed as her posture relaxed, flashing an extremely brief pout with her back turned to everyone. Calming her face back into nothing, she observed each and every familiar.
code by @Nano
Asuka Kayahara
“Unfortunately, you will find that most magical girls do not have the same ideas on how grief seeds should be distributed. Without grief seeds magical girls lose the ability to use their magic so they are a highly contested resource.”
"I know." The words hung in the air as Asuka shed her civilian clothing. A zip up hoodie became a cropped, black jacket while a purple and gray halter replaced her t-shirt. Her loose, linen shorts shrunk into a white tutu with purple accents. Even her socks extended into knee high stockings held up by black garter belts. Bows and ribbons added the final touch to her already outfit, leaving her looking closer to a performer than a battle-ready hero.
She didn't need an explanation on what happened once your Soul Gem finally faded to black--she saw it before her own eyes. Yumemi deserved better than the "death" she received. Had she the strength, Asuka would have bashed her head in before it morphed into a rat's nest of musical notes and hands grasping one another to form a crown.
"But that's why we do better!" she chirped, a smile reappearing on her face. She waited for everyone to enter before addressing a new arrival.
"We're going to go in, kill the witch, and...that's about as far as we've gotten." She clasped her hands around her staff before beckoning her towards the sigil. "c'mon! Let's go before they do anything rash."
Once inside the labyrinth, a wave of discontent washed over her. It was a mockery of the stationery store that she pictured in her head. The rotting wood, scattered papers, and eraser-like familiars made her crinkle her nose while the hostage left her fingers tense around her weapon. She expected another magi, not a civilian (and an older one at that).
Could she see what was happening? In the years Asuka fought against Witches, it never occurred to her how normal humans rationalized these monsters. Would the woman go insane? Rationalize it as a natural phenomenon? Or would she suppress the experience entirely? Judging by her eyes, she wasn't entirely lucid so it was difficult to say how much of this she would even remember.
“Ah, wait, is the lady in the middle the person we gotta save? Should we just rush in and save her? Or deal with everything else first? I vote for rushing in by the way,” announced Siena.
"Okay. You, Elena, and Serina take care of those erasers. And you-"Asuka turned to the newcomer with the motorcycle helmet. "Sorry what was your name? Er actually, tell me later." Before the other magical girl could respond, Asuka already begun singing.
"I can give you all a speed boost. Just grab the hostage!"
"Hey are you ready? (Yeah!)"
"ARE YOU READY? (Yeah!)"
Though there were no fans, rainbow beams shot up from the ground, swirling around her before traveling to each member of their team. A hybrid of pop beats and harmonies of members past boomed from her staff--there was no question that this was her calling both in and out of costume.
"Faster than the speed of light,"
"Watch as our dreams take flight!"
Her words bathed everyone in an intense, almost electric energy that left them restless and jittery. She might have been the center once, but now she was the veteran fostering victory.
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Ella was feeling a little embarrassed at the way she had chosen to make her entrance, to be honest. It wasn't like she regretted showing up, but...it was clear that her arrival was met with a...mixed reaction, to say the least.

One girl chose to blame her for the loss of her ice cream, which was...regrettable. Another got to work tearing at the familiars in a rather ferocious manner, creating a welcome opening for someone to swoop in and rescue the imprisoned woman.

And as if on cue-

"Faster than the speed of light,"

"Watch as our dreams take flight!"

An electric sensation washed over Ella, like the feeling she got with the wind on her chest, buffeting her as she streaked along the highways after midnight. Receiving empowerment from another magical girls' powers was a rather new sensation for her, and she knew just how to take advantage of it.

"Oh, uh...thanks!" She nodded at Asuka. "Alright, I got this covered!" She leapt off the bookshelf she was standing on, flipping forward once before landing on the Knight, which materialized in the same shower of sparks. The familiar squeal of the engine joined the cacophony of battle as she twisted the throttle, peeling out for a moment before surging forward, the vehicle's already impressive acceleration boosted even further by Asuka's magic.

Several bookshelves wobbled and splintered as she shot past; while any vehicle she helmed could handle perfectly on any surface, she couldn't avoid any incidental impacts caused by her movements. Thankfully, no major structural damage occurred within the labyrinth just yet. Even the entangling clotheslines snapped like fine threads as Ella barreled through them, leaning aside slightly to pick up the imperiled woman.

And then-

A subtle whizzing noise split the air, a noise that would barely audible to a regular human in such dire conditions but abundantly clear to the magical girls thanks to their magic improving their senses and keeping them conscious in the labyrinth.

Several stylus pens the size of javelins flew at Ella as she attempted to retrieve the labyrinth's prisoner. She could dodge them narrowly, but then they'd hit the woman. No, that wouldn't do. She leaned into the turn she was already doing, allowing the heavy projectiles to strike and pierce through the body of the Knight, embedding into the metal beast's body instead of hitting her and the woman.

Damaged beyond its capacity to bear, the Knight vanished momentarily, sending Ella soaring through the air with continued momentum. By now well-used to situations like this, Ella tucked into a roll, landing outside the ring of clotheslines and jumping to her feet.

"Damn it..." Summoning the Knight again immediately would greatly tax her remaining power: the alternative would have to do for now. With a wave of her hand, Excalibur appeared. Leveling the weapon in the direction the projectiles came from, she got a good, clear look at the familiar leading the assault. A...tall pencil with limbs, dressed comically like a soldier in dress uniform. Not quite a witch yet, but close to it. And not to be underestimated despite its absurdity.

It swung again, launching several more pens. Ella pulled Excalibur's trigger.

With several successive BOOMs, the rain of fire from her gun splintered the styluses, leaving fragments to shower down mostly harmlessly on her surroundings.

Noticing her weathering their master's assault, several eraser familiars leapt at her. With a wide spinning slash she sliced them out of the air, though a couple hit her anyway, leaving behind clouds of chalk dust and bruises that would rapidly heal thanks to her soul gem, but hurt nonetheless.

As Ella tried to fend off the familiars, the situation continued to escalate. Someone had to deal with the main familiar...and someone needed to retrieve the prisoner.

Dawnsx Dawnsx Steve Jobs Steve Jobs AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 methoxetamine methoxetamine
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Direct interactions: methoxetamine methoxetamine Steve Jobs Steve Jobs (?)
Possible interactions: Dawnsx Dawnsx AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Nellancholy Nellancholy

It did not take long for things to speed into full swing but rather than coming from in front where the victim was it came from where they had entered.

Based on the new girl’s question it was clear she wasn’t planning on getting in the groups way or accuse them of pouching territory. Well, maybe she would afterwards but at least the girl had her priorities straight focusing on the task at hand.

“Tsk,” Clair let out as Siena dropped her ice cream. Not because it was wasteful which it was but, because it could have spilled onto her. Just because Clair could summon and unsummon her magical girl outfit did not mean she wanted proceed with it stained. Her annoyance was due to simply the principle of the matter since if Clair had been in her normal clothes the soggy scent of dairy product would have clung to her. Before familiars, before witches, and before terrible magical girls the thing she disliked the most was being dirty.

“Looks like rushing in is the winner. You’ll find most people act before they think so planning is best done before hand,” Clair said dryly responding to Siena hiding behind her as she watched Serina shake off screen saver mode and run an execute program. Apparently, Serina was one of those only hunting witches mattered girls. Hopefully no one in their group was squeamish given the body horror and crime against the culinary arts that Serina was committing just chomping into the familiar. What was clear is she would be acting as an object of rejection killing familiars so Clair would just consider Serina as if she was some stage hazard in a game.

In fact, it seemed the lot of them really liked to start an attempt at conversation and then give up with Asuka joining in with the same old song and dance literally. Based on the hopes and dreams vibe and the annoying prickle of another’s magic Asuka’s magic fell squarely into the support type.

Was her buff given out of confidence born from being a group-oriented veteran or foolishness due to the belief that saving someone was worth it no matter the cost?

Clair would need to keep an eye on her soul gem just like she would try to for all the others to judge which category their actions fell into.

It wasn’t the quick Clair meant when she said quick decisions were important when Ella took advantage of the speed boost and rushed in like a white knight on her motorcycle. But as they say haste makes waste and the group quickly paid for the hubris of just rushing in as the pencil-based boss familiar responded by trying to erase the threat they perceived. As if roused by their leader the familiar seemed more aggressive as well. It seemed like Ella could hold her own at least to keep the victim and herself safe for the moment.

“Siena, familiars or help save the woman. If you want to hide, at least choose something wide enough next time like a bookshelf rather than just tall,” Clair barked glancing about to see if anyone else wanted to wanted to start a conversation they wouldn’t finish. Since Siena was new it might be best to suggest limited options to not overwhelm her. Given the mix of the team favoring their magic or weapons it didn't really matter what Siena favored since observing the more experienced magical girls would help her grow if she chose to hide. However, with Siena's vote to rush in Clair doubted that would be her first choice. If Siena took care of the familiars Serina could focus on the main familiar and if she went to help the woman Ella would be freed up from suddenly playing defense or a least that’s what Clair assumed would happen.

“I’ll keep a path clear,” Clair said to everyone projecting her voice because shouting would be uncouth. Harnessing her magic Clair used it to give little tugs on the clothesline, bookshelves, and anything else nearby in the labyrinth to test how much telekinetic power it would take to use them. Nothing was off limits if it was more efficient than her cloths and she planned to use the environment to its fullest potential. Even those creepy photographs that she hoped were not familiars waiting to surprise them if it meant the group could regroup or make a safe exit when the time came.

Moving towards Asuka to watch her back, Clair would use her telekinesis calculatingly and opportunistically to prevent things heading further south. Tipping book shelves, trying up familiars, creating foot holds, or redirecting attacks she would do her best to protect and support her teammates…even if past experiences made it feel more like Clair would be saving them more from themselves than the enemies.

Based on Serina’s actions and the groups leaders' personalities leaving without defeating the familiar would mostly not be an option. So, with victory and defeat on opposite sides of the coin toss the group would be balanced on the third side, the edge, until fate tipped it over.

Hopefully, it would land on victory with no one perishing only to be remembered by the poetry that was strewn about. Clair got a sense from looking at them that they were on par with Asuka's lyrics.
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Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

“Oh, but isn’t it good to hide behind a woman who’s skilled and can probably defend me?” Siena grinned at Clair, walking out from behind her. Clasping her hands together around her scepter, she twirled in place once before glancing over her shoulder. “Like ”Oh, Clair! Save me from a scary witch!”...” She paused for a second, sticking her tongue out slightly. “Blehh!” Annoying Clair would be fun. She should stick to doing that actually.

In fact, she will.

Anyway! Siena might be new, but she wasn’t a coward. She wasn’t going to hide and watch them fight. Sure, it would help her learn, but wouldn’t she also learn if she was directly involved? Plus, she already had Kyubey bugging her about lazing around, she didn’t need actual people doing the same thing. Humming under her breath, she glanced over at Asuka, who was transformed and...

Oh god, it was actually the idol.

Why was Siena so rude to her earlier? Dear netizens, please don’t dox me... She mentally prayed to no one in particular as she gritted her teeth behind a nervous smile. Turning her head away, a sheepish look coated her face. Maybe she should apologize to Asuka later. Sure, Asuka seemed nice, but she was also an idol. While Siena was never the type to really watch idols or get too invested in them aside from their music, she still felt like she was supposed to respect people like Asuka, especially if she was a veteran magical girl! Wait, then what happened to the rest of her group? She was with an all-girl idol group, right? The rest of them went missing and Asuka apparently went on hiatus. Was it related to magical girls? Nah, surely not. A whole group couldn’t be filled with magical girls. That would just be unrealistic.

Siena’s mind was getting frazzled at this rate.

"Hey are you ready? (Yeah!)"


"ARE YOU READY? (Yeah!)"


Siena wasn’t ready! Clutching her scepter to her chest, Siena let out a shaky sigh. The rush of energy from Asuka’s magic wasn’t helping as well. Sure, it made her feel energized, but it also made her jittery, as if she just had too much coffee and was dealing with the caffeinated aftereffects. Oh, Asuka. Why were your powers just magical coffee? Siena stood there for a second longer, words of both veterans echoing in her head. Fight the familiars or stay back. Fight the familiars or...

Fight the familiars.

“Yes ma’ams!” She shouted out, responding to both Asuka and Clair. Weren’t they similar in age? Whatever, Siena wasn’t thinking about her words anymore. Dashing forward, Siena—in her usual fashion—would bring down her scepter on one of the eraser familiars, using both hands to bash it with the head of her staff. She wasn’t sure how much damage it would do to an eraser. So she brought her arms above her head again, swinging down against an eraser once again.

Lagging thoughts and nerves finally caught up to her, reminding the woman that she too, had magic to utilize against these things. How could she forget? God, she really wasn’t used to being buffed by another magical girl, let alone fighting alongside multiple of them. Um! Please forgive her for her ineptitude! Regardless of the state of the familiar before her, she gave it a cheeky kick before jumping back slightly. There were a few familiars littered about so...

She lifted her scepter above her head, red gem on the tip glowing in colour as she materialized a gold coin beside her. It didn’t seem to have any design on it, it looked like a standard coin one would see in a fantasy game or media. Regardless, magic was magic. It stood around a few inches above five-feet, and it was thick enough to balance on one of its sides without tipping over. The scepter, pointed up at the ceiling, then was brought down to point at the familiars.

“Go, dammit, go!”

With a hasty command, the coin would roll forward, wobbly as Siena tried to make it barrel into the familiars, especially the ones hounding the newcomer; the lady on the motorcycle. Leaving a few unharmed of course. Perhaps it was because she wasn’t able to control them properly. Or she simply wanted to let Serina nom on a few as she pleased.

Or maybe she just wasn’t cut out for magic!

Code By Nano
» serina carroll

Upon successfully opening up hitherto unexplored culinary horizons, Serina took good stock of the enemies around her, making sure to process all of them into her upcoming performance. The ever-changing lenses comprising her eyes settled especially on the tall, uniformed conductor of the eraser march; the source of all the noise beating through the labyrinth like a discordant heart about to collapse. To cut a path through to it, the mechanical marionette would be forced to wipe away at least a few lingering mistakes. She lunged forward and raised her gnarled claws, smashing down on a nearby familiar with enough force to shred it into mush and strips. Unrelenting, she took advantage of her momentum and the talons now embedded in the ground, hoisting her body into the air and sending her legs flying into a perfect, violent spin thanks to the 360° mobility of her arm joints. This upside down spin-kick blew everything around her several steps back, providing an opening. She landed on her feet and prepared to dash.

"Faster than the speed of light,"
"Watch as our dreams take flight!"

Flinching, Serina had to hold back a sudden influx of vomit. The artist would probably appreciate hearing that it wasn’t due to the quality of her music, but the unpleasant reaction remained. That song left her feeling… uneasy, like she had eaten too much sugar and her nerves were overclocking. In such a rabid state, the risk of becoming loud and troublesome increased tenfold, which is why her coded response had always been to instinctually shut down. It wasn’t a malevolent gesture, but a misplaced—!

“—I’ll keep a path clear.”

The sound of someone else’s voice inside her mind had brought her back to her senses, just in time to witness the aftermath of the unknown newcomer’s charge into battle. Serina watched the splinters falling from the sky, and eventually nodded. Entirely unaware of the art of telepathy, she peered back over her shoulder and spoke aloud.

“AFFIRMATIVE. Although, I would be much more pleased if nobody intruded upon my HEAD. That place is for Serina ALONE.” Yes, if she asked without making demands, it could not be misconstrued as an upset or irrational command. Always wary of anything that could possibly make a human being tick; she found it impossible to ask directly and concisely like a normal person. Speaking of… why on Earth was she talking like THIS?

Back into battle, the girl had spotted an opportunity in the form of a massive, rolling coin. Running awkwardly in its shadow, she raked through any erasers in her way with massive swipes of her claws, unwilling to spend power on new weaponry in the current situation. When the coin had wobbled away and parted directions with her sprint, Serina leapt into the air and soared like a corkscrew right at the head Familiar, intending to take it by surprise.

Boom! Thinking her ambush had been a success, she suddenly found herself grappling with reality, though it would be more appropriate to call it a bullet fired from an antiquated musket. The dark projectile crashed against her forehead… and splattered into fine dust on impact. It was pencil lead. Now with a black mark smeared on her forehead, she landed kneeling in front of the Familiar. Still fuelled by that bothersome song, she quickly sprang into action; attempting to ram her claws into the wooden body of the pencil and peel it like a sharpener.
code by @Nano
Bippity boppity booo
Puella Magi Site

Despite the distinct lack of facial features, the pencil familiar’s surprise was clear in the way it reeled back when Serina landed in front of it. The familiar’s rigid body made its movements awkward, and it flailed backwards as Serina made a swipe at it. Wooden splinters flew when the magical girl’s strike landed true, and it jolted violently as though in pain.

Even as it was being peeled into shreds by Serina’s claws, the familiar started waving its musket wildly in the air like an angry conductor. Another giant stylus pen manifested out of thin air and launched itself at Serina. Regardless of whether the massive projectile managed to land on Serina, the familiar would use the moment’s distraction to point its musket downward; not at the magical girls, but rather at its ensnared victim in a last ditch effort to kill her and devour her soul.

Two bullets whizzed down at the woman, one aimed for her head and another at her chest.
Code by Nano
The...voracious girl didn't miss a beat, going from the other familiars straight to tearing at the pencil creature like a wild beast. Even its projectile shattered against her face, barely slowing her down. But Ella knew enough to know such endurance couldn't last forever, and the energy of a soul gem could only sustain so much. It was right at that moment in which the pencil familiar raised its weapon, aiming not to save its own body but to claim its victim. To what end? Would it then be able to properly transform into a witch?

The others were still just that much more out of reach, and the beastly girl was doing everything she could to keep the familiar itself tied down. Thanks to her earlier attempt at rescue, Ella was already in the perfect position to try and get it right this time.

She broke into a sprint, clenching her fist. She was about to push her soul gem harder, so it was fortunate that there was still a good amount of light in it. Rapidly, the Knight regenerated from its "wounds" in whatever void it occupied while waiting for her to call upon it. Leaping into the air, Ella called for the Knight, and it materialized in motion, just in time to catch her. The process was just like a shot of nitrous into an engine already approaching its limit. Making it burn even more fuel, run hotter, risking severe damage for the sake of amplifying the power that was there.

Just then, two shots rang out from the familiar's musket. It was now or never. But with the singer's magic, Ella could make it.

She twisted the throttle back fully, accelerating into a streak and snatching up the woman, awkwardly holding her upper body close with her free arm like a baby lamb.

With that opening created, she was well in the clear, ramming over a few more familiars as she headed towards the others.
Asuka Kayahara
"Things always get worse before they get better" used to be her mantra when the odds were stacked against her. If they worked together then nothing could stand in their way.
So why did she feel perturbed? While the rider snatched the hostage, it came at the means of her escape. The familiars turned their attention on her, erasers leaped to avenge their companions.
Even with the oversized guns and plastic fragments, there was no way for the new arrival to come out unscathed so Asuka turned her attention to the magical girl currently clawing away at one of the larger familiars. While she dealt significant damage, the group's efforts were a result of overpowering the familiars and not cohesion--the familiars were far more coordinated than their ragtag group.
Siena's inexperience shined in the way she carelessly flung her coin while Elena and Marina were too busy batting away the lesser familiars to help the rest of the group.
To Clair's credit, she'd taken advantage of the environment to maintain the flow of battle, but the lack of cohesion nagged at the back of Asuka's mind. As much as she didn't want to compare .
Do I double down? Do I pivot? A true performer controlled the audience--they sung the songs that the crowd didn't even know they wanted to hear. But this was not an audience. These were her teammates. Regardless of how new they were, everyone had to keep up appearances.
More importantly, they still needed to get that woman to safety.
Asuka raised her staff upward, calling down a spotlight for one last push.
Let's band together for one last fight.
Don't disappear in the night!
The final verse seemed to be enough for the rider to swoop in and take the woman out of harm's way.
Finally taking a breath, Asuka ran over and grabbed the woman and dragged her back to the original spot where she and Clair resided.
Siena Keo
A utopia where persevering will bring blue skies

Scepter bashing into the lesser familiar before her, Siena was quite mentally preoccupied with making sure it stayed dead. In her opinion, everything was going pretty well for such a rag-tag group of magical girls! With so little experience, she hadn’t gotten hurt yet. Hey, maybe she was cut out for this business. She stood with a huff, feigning wiping away sweat as she grinned to herself, clearly proud of herself despite her limited contribution. Before she could get too lost in her own thoughts, she spotted how the pencil familiar took shots at the victim, desperate.

Woah, wait. Wasn’t keeping her safe their main objective? What was that one saying from that one magical girl anime? To serve and protect? No, that was the police??? Okay, it wasn’t her fault that they sounded like they had a magical girl catchphrase that belonged in an anime or something! Wait, ohmygodthefellowicecreamfanisabouttogetskewereddddddd...... Raising her voice, Siena cupped her mouth, hoping her voice would reach Serina. “THE STYLUS! ABOVE YOU, TO YOUR LEFT! SERINA DON’T GET STABBED!” She lowered her hand, hoping that would suffice as a heads-up to Serina. Actually, what would happen if Serina got stabbed? It looked like it was big enough to cause lasting damage. Or even...

Surely that wouldn't happen. Haha. Kyubey wouldn't allow that!

Punting the familiar away, she began to dash over towards the victim. Her objective wasn’t to save her—Ella was much faster than her on that motorcycle anyway—but to get close enough. Extending the scepter out, Ella pointed at the space between Serina and the Familiar, and Ella and the victim. A gold coin was summoned, looking similar to the first one. This time it shot forward, rolling fast before it came to a skidding stop. It worked as a shield—hopefully—as it attempted to block the bullets from reaching Ella and the Victim, and now Asuka. As Asuka would carry the victim towards the backlines, Siena would make sure the coin moved in tandem, protecting Asuka and the passed out woman. Ugh, hopefully it balanced well enough to not topple over.

Although, while Siena stood there, hoping that she could at least manage to do something to help, a thought popped into her head. What would have happened if the familiar succeeded at killing the office lady? Would it just get stronger and bigger? Kyubey mentioned witches as well... Would that thing turn into a witch if it managed to succeed? Siena placed one hand on her hip, holding her scepter at her side with her other hand, puffing her chest out slightly.

Well, she doesn’t have to dwell on that too much! They’re doing well so far!

Code By Nano
Interactions: Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
Telekinetic tee hee: AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 methoxetamine methoxetamine
mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Dawnsx Dawnsx

Clair said nothing to Siena as she moved to join the fight. Unlike the cheeky little brat, she had more important things to focus on and knew that the easiest way to annoy Siena back would be to ignore whatever childish attention seeking behavior she did.

Siena must have gone to Kyubey’s school of magical girls to learn how to use blunt force with their weapon to attack.

Only inefficient blunt force.

Given it has only been a short time since she started it was unsurprising since with her personality people would not have been lining up to teach Siena the finer points of being a magical girl. It was girls like her which made Clair worried enough to involve herself in this mess. To her credit Siena did eventually use magic as well. Thankfully, it seemed she was a hybrid type of magical girl because Siena’s physical skills were lacking compared to the weapon focused girls. While it Weeble wobbled along Clair took advantage of the coin using her cloths to bounce nearby lesser familiars into it to increase its path of carnage.

Speaking of carnage Serina also kept tempo with the coin to close the distance and seemed to trade blows with the main familiar. She seemed sturdy enough…though the main familiar’s powers did raise some concerns.

Pinging away a couple more lesser familiars that dared to try and get the jump on Clair and Asuka she spared a glance to Elena and Marina to ensure they were still holding their ground. While they were less dangerous than other minions Clair had encountered their sheer peskiness made them annoying. The fact it was taking this many of them this long to deal with the situation did not bode well for their future witch hunt.

Tsk,” Clair let out since while both her and Asuka were experienced enough to have handled their area so far things were going to be getting messier with the main familiar having added another annoying factor to the fray. Really taking the lead out so to speak.

Taking stock of the moment Clair assessed that a speed buffed Ella should be able to save the woman but nothing was a surefire bet in a labyrinth. Siena called out a warning saving Clair the need to call one out herself and summoned another coin but it was clear Siena’s handling of them left much to be desired. Clair moved a couple cloths over to the coin in case she needed to support it or bounce the coin into the air. If the familiar was smart it might try to take a non-direct shot at them so Clair was going to ensure that none of them had their soul gem snipped by a lobbed shot.

Clair used her powers on some clotheslines to send them forward to try and ensnare the gun and the stylus. If she was lucky further use of the musket would be prevented and the damage the stylus might do to Serina would be something her soul gem could handle. Serina did not seem to attend Kyubey’s school for magical girls since dodging was not something Clair assumed the babies first berserker toy would be keen to do.

If she was Clair would have just thrown a bookshelf at the familiar to try and better support her fight even if Serina seemed to prefer a one vs one. Clair at least had the dignity to not do friendly fire.

When Asuka broke away to help Ella with the woman Clair returned most of her focus onto keeping everyone as safe as possible while fishing for the grief seed she had stashed away before she had left for the meet up. She shouldn't need it and more pressing concerns were on her mind.

“Asuka here,” Clair said using her telekinesis to toss the grief seed and ensure that it wouldn’t get lost in the fray. Anyone could pick it up if Asuka did not catch it but since she stopped singing it could mean her soul gem had darkened enough that more magic would be risky... Given what Clair had seen Asuka was the best suited currently to assist everyone with their soul gems if needed now that Ella had taken the woman out of harms way.

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