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Fandom Puella Magi Site - Characters



Majestic Dinosaur
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Art \\ みずは
Note: Please no WIPs so that there's no confusion on what sheets are ready to be reviewed. Also, no need to use any fancy codes!

Name \\ Answer
Age \\ Between 12 - 19
Height \\ Answer
Soul Gem \\ Where is it when she's transformed? What does it look like?
Appearance \\ Optional


Personality \\ Answer

Backstory \\ Ideas can include their wish, motivation of becoming a magical girl, why they joined the hunt, etc. These are just suggestions and not required!

Powers & Weapon \\ Magical girls typically have a unique power related to their wish, even if it's just a cursory connection

Extras \\ Optional
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Kindly Click Open the Bar Below
Art \\ ともしび
Name \\ Serina Carroll
Age \\ 17
Height \\ 153cm / 5'
Soul Gem \\ Takes the appearance of a dark-green, tear-shaped gemstone underneath the right eye.


There lays a girl atop a round bed within a round room, draped in fog-like curtains and surrounded by mirrors on every wall. Nestled under the heat of heavy blankets, she holds onto an otherworldly plush, clutching it to her chest like an over-zealous tick. All over the mattress serving as her respite, stuffed dolls and teddy bears in the shapes of long-forgotten fairy tales keep faithful watch over their Master, providing her with comfort and an undeniable illusion of love. . . almost as fragile as her past constitution.

There may be tears forming at the corners of her eyes, little bubbles of sadness disfiguring an otherwise expressionless face, or maybe they’re just signs of this boiling room’s condensation. It would only be fair. While the world outside is eternally cold, this room alone provides an inferno of comfort. This knowledge alone makes the warmth quite unpalatable.

“I don’t understand…

On a momentary whim, you broke our precious, irreplaceable promise.

…How cruel. You humans are so selfish and cruel.

. . .

You must be so hungry, waiting for me.”

Personality \\
Silence is most often the language of Serina Caroll. Not verbal silence, but a suppression of any and all emotion, which might seep into the world and create an unsightly spectacle. What is loud is irrational, and what is irrational can cause only grief and harm; in this way love and hate are equivalent. One must be composed, demure, elegant and well-mannered if they are to avoid the tragedies of life.

That is the philosophy of this unlovable girl, so often judged as cold and unapproachable. If she must make a moral or heart-bound judgement, it is always detached and analytical, as if she has no life to spare for a human dilemma.
Yet, this is the same girl clinging to stuffed cats for comfort. Away from prying eyes, she is nothing more than a child stuck in time, unwilling to accept the world or adulthood. On a different person, her hidden innocence might inspire thoughts of cuteness, but paired with her… wouldn’t you say it’s distasteful?

Backstory \\
“. . .If only I could [✱✱✱✱] [✱✱✱✱✱] human.”

This child would prefer to keep her past hidden, so allow us to trample on her wishes. She originates from a destitute family, but has lived with wealthier fosters for a very long time. Alas, unreachable riches are no substitute for love, and so the child—having always been a stranger—never experienced what it feels like to huddle together. Through a miracle three years ago, she had befriended a girl about her age, and a promise was forged that meant very much to her. Ah, but cold as she was, she had never noticed her friendship slowly thawing. The girl, smitten by a boy she had never met, abandoned their promise like it meant nothing, leaving the child betrayed and weary. Though she fears human connection, she is full of regrettable pining, which is how we arrive at this point.

Powers & Weapon \\
One might expect a child such as this one to attack from a distance, or to take the role of a puppeteer. However, it is this child, with the body of a marionette, that acts as the puppet. Able to temporarily replace and modify her mechanical limbs with those of fairy-tale creatures and animals, she can augment her body with a variety of inorganic options. As long as it can be found on a doll, puppet or plush, the child can appropriate it into her form. To exchange her hands for the claws of a bear, to trade her legs for those of a dragon, to grow a crow's wings upon her back; these are the examples.

Additionally, this child's body, though clumsy, does not exhaust by natural means. Missing limbs are easily replaced, and wound by clockwork-like will, possess far more strength than that of humans. Naturally, such an unnatural body requires a lot of magical energy, and corrupts at a faster rate.
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Open Sesame
Art \\ n_n_ntr3
Name \\ Ines Bloore
Age \\ 16
Height \\ 156cm | 5'1"
Soul Gem \\ A crescent-shaped gemstone of bluish-grey colour. It's attached to a tassel that hangs from a glass bead bracelet on her left wrist. Most of the time, both are hidden under her sleeve.

You're at school, but you wish you weren't.

A second has passed, two, four, then thirty-three, and the teacher is still talking. You have long since lost track of the discussion, but you are still tied to your desk. And, judging by the clock, will be for another hour and a minute.

Why are you here? You don't really know. You haven't for a long time. A crude sense of responsibility, perhaps, despite the lack of attention. Your perfect attendance is still something you are quite proud of, but the more you look around, the more it loses its appeal.

You stare at the back of a classmate sitting in front of you. Her name is on the tip of your tongue. Or so you think. But you know she doesn't really like you. Neither do her friends. Once you overheard them gossiping about you. About your hair, about your eyes, about your attitude. About everything, really. You have left them alone since then, but you doubt it has improved anything.

She turns and looks at you. Her face contorts and you smile at her. All teeth and gums. She quickly turns the other way and your lips fall. Oh well.

You stare out of the window. Still an hour to go.

Personality \\

A reckless whirlwind that charges headlong into the first hole screaming fun or entertainment. Eager to share any joy with everyone around her, she drags them in by their toes and nails. In doing so, she often rudely tramples on their personal boundaries as if they do not exist. Although her intentions are largely harmless and her sheer enthusiasm genuine, one might ask how far her inability to understand social cues can be tolerated.

Not a long mile, judging by the glaring lack of friends in her circle. Although her misplaced optimism prevents her from seeing the flaws in her behaviour. On the contrary, she has a nasty habit of doubling down when asked to stop. Her self-confidence borders on unnecessary arrogance, and her hatred of authority figures makes teamwork a fragile concept in her presence.

The bouts of lethargy that take hold of her mind seem to be the only respite from her usual antics. Where small fears and pressures claw at her body, turning every inconvenience into a skin-scratching worry. Her bed and blanket become her only salvation when her limbs turn to heavy lead. It's best and easiest to just leave her alone during these times. After all, she's quick to bounce back. Another morning, another smile.


"I wish [••••] could [••••••] me"

In the eyes of a child, a parent's approval can mean everything, and exactly that was something Ines lacked. Born into a family where expectations piled up like the stones of a mythical tower, it was inevitable that they would soon crumble. All she did was try to impress them, and although her trophy case filled up with each passing year, and strangers praised the family for their exceptional daughter, her parents' recognition was nowhere to be seen. Criticism came much easier than praise, and after experiencing the stick for so long, Ines realised that the carrot was no longer worth it. She discarded her studies, disregarded the rules and discovered unexpected comfort in a practice that had initially been taken up to annoy them. This fascination with the unknown turned out to be as much as her escape as her social doom. Not that she took much notice.

Powers & Weapons \\


Art \\ Yosumi - VTuber

As befits the one hunting apparitions and dying myths, it is now her turn to become invisible to the keen eye with a simple snap of her fingers. A power that spreads to everything she touches and lasts for a few seconds after the contact is broken. People are easier to hide, while objects will drain her energy quickly, depending on their size. Although she would like to hide the occasional building, one attempt has made her reconsider. For now, cars remain her upper limit.

With some extra energy, Ines can make herself increasingly undetectable. Reducing the sound of her footsteps, removing the heat she emits are some simple examples. It makes her exceptional at stealth and her scimitar a nasty surprise. In addition, her senses become much sharper than it is the norm.

Please...Click forth
Art \\ Ollybollywolly
Name \\ Clair Yonce
Age \\ 19
Height \\ 6'3
Soul Gem \\ A vibrant blue round soul gem that sits at the base of her throat as part of a pendant.

Appearance \\
One would think Clair lacks any sort of color if it wasn't for the fact she dyes her hair green. Her dress style is prim and proper favoring clothes that are easy to change out of or layer. Even though her eyesight has healed since becoming a magical girl she still wears her glasses out of habit.

Magical girl outfit:
Her normal outfit looks like she somehow stopped transforming midway though out of sheer will power. She has a pale shiny pearl bodysuit that is overlaid with a transparent coat and skirt made out of some sort of vinyl.

Transformation dress: Her upgraded form is a princess dress with the main colors being white and the accent color being blue. While wearing her dress her soul gem takes on a more ornate look almost like a grief seed...

Personality \\

Hates people, places, and things

So crusty a piece of toast is jealous. Not wanting other people in her business Clair comes off as cold and abrasive. A life lived with little trust in others or empathy for their situations but it doesn’t bother Clair when such things make her a loner. Guided by a strong set of personal values Clair has quite the double standard about what she can do but others cannot, which comes out frequently when giving advice to others. Surprisingly this advice normally turns out to be quite sound since even though she does not want to empathize with people she can understand their problems pretty well.

As terrible as Clair tries to seem she does have some redeeming qualities like being reliable and coming off as debonair to those that don’t know her personally. Since she does not want her life to be bothered by other people, she is more than willing to step in and try to solve their problems before they get worse. Clair's stalwart side is resolute and loyal to the choices she makes and works hard to maintain them. Her mental endurance ensures when the going gets tough she is not afraid of going against the flow to clean up the mess.

She may not be the life of a party but she will not be the death of one unless it annoys her.

Backstory \\
"I wish...it seems like this girl hasn't made a wish how odd..."

As most of the girls that attract an incubator Clair has had a rough and tumble life. Her mother who was frequently involved in multilevel marketing schemes and shady cults passed away leading Clair and her father to move into the city near Millbury. Finding herself in a house too big for the both of them that was bought with the settlement funds and life insurance pay out she was fine just spending the days studying or playing the stock market as she felt one should. A peaceful respite away from the rumors and pity she had left behind in her old town...or it would have been if Kyubey hadn't appeared.

Having some sense of disbelief and the foresight to look before she leapt Clair did not immediately make a wish so Kyubey introduced her to another magical girl to try and change her mind. Unlike some of the more daring people Clair never ventured into a witch's labyrinth with the girl who became her friend but slowly it became clear that the girls in her area...were worrisome. At that point it became less if Clair would make a wish and more trying to find a wish she felt was good enough to be granted. This cat and mouse or maybe it should be put magical girl and incubator game continued even though Clair drifted apart from her friend as things in the town took a turn for the worse.

The witch population in her city boomed and with it Clair found herself suddenly as a magical girl.

Both Clair and Kyubey don't remember her ever making a wish but with magic being an actual thing she wasn't really going to worry about it. Eventually, thanks to Clair's efforts and an influx of new magical girls the situation with the witches was brought to a close but a new problem was born in its place. There were now too many magical girls for the area to be broken into nice territories.

Seeing the writing on the wall and getting fed up with girls whining how she shouldn’t fight familiars Clair decided to leave the city for the nearby town of Millbury buying a property with the money she made from playing the stock market to use as a home base. Mostly due to Clair having been invited to the Puella Magi Site then banned for some reason but she got a message she was unbanned. Clair knew from the posts on the site that those Millbury magical girls could not be left to their own devices and thus Clair inflicted herself upon them.

t̴̺̽h̸͈͝ê̴̗ ̷͓̇f̸̯̿u̵̝̅t̷̯͠ú̴͇r̴̗̓ë̷̥́\\
"I wish to prevent this!"

A wish...no a prayer born from Clair's heart was made in the future. A version of her who did not suddenly become a magical girl, a version of her that was powerless to stop the magical girl farm that had been created in her city due to the fallout from the influx of witches that had originally plagued her town and destroyed her future. The cry that rang out across space time transformed Clair into a magical girl but as soon as they were granted they vanished before Kyubey's eyes leaving nothing but an corpse.

t̴̺̽h̸͈͝ê̴̗ ̷͓̇f̸̯̿u̵̝̅t̷̯͠ú̴͇r̴̗̓ë̷̥́\\
"I wish to prevent this!"

A wish...no a prayer born from Clair's heart was made in the future. A version of her who suddenly became a magical girl, a version of her that stopped the magical girl farm that had been created in her city due to the fallout from the influx of witches that had originally plagued her town...but at a cost. Clair's powers were pushed to the limit by her efforts and so she laid watched by the incubators as this mysterious magical girl became a witch destroying her own future as they bared their secrets to Clair in her final moments. The cry that rang out across space time defied what was possible granting this version of her the ability to wish again as her witch burst from her soul gem sending her powers yet back again through time along with her karma.

Stuck in a karmic loop Clair is doomed to repeat the same wish over and over. Unknowingly she borrowed power from her future selves while the price of such a feat lurks within her soul gem...

Powers & Weapon \\

Powers: Psychic
Clair’s power as a magical girl relates to psychic powers

Using psychic abilities Clair can interact with the things around her. She is able to use this power to perform fine manipulations on or with them. The power works with light objects costing less magic to manipulate and heavy objects causing more. For things which typically have lighter or no weight the cost is calculated off the force instead.

It grants her a low level of spacial awareness/blindsense around herself so it's rare for her to be caught completely off guard by physical things outside of her sight. If she identifies it or reacts in time is a completely separate matter.

Whether from precognition, clairvoyance, or some other form of esp clair is slightly luckier than a normal person when it comes to things of chance related to making a choice. This aspect of her wish is what has allowed her to persist her duties as a magical girl without needing to split her time with a job due to being good at the stock market.

Overall Clair’s powers are weaker compared to others with similar abilities but she makes up for it with using her versatility and magic efficiency thanks to the mental and magical endurance she has.

Weapon: Dress(?̶͓͎̈́̀)
Clair’s weapon is the ability to undergo a second transformation of sorts and summon a princess dress upon herself. While in this state her psychic powers increase unlocking stronger telekinesis, ESP for stronger supernatural blindsense, and the ability to perform short range teleportation. The darker her soul gem the stronger this power seems to get…as does their cost.

Most of the time if no other objects are around she partially summons it to generate cloth squares to use with her telekinesis which doesn’t deplete her soul gem very much. Due to how her magic and weapon works she lacks strong finishing moves other magical girls develop such as trio finale.

As an veteran magical girl Clair has picked up some of the more generalist magic magical girls are capable of using.

h̶̟̍ô̵̫w̴͖̏ ̵̠͑d̴͓͛ó̷̢ ̸̖̽ỳ̷͎o̷̰̓u̵͕͗ ̸̦͒f̶͇̓ë̵̺́e̸̺͘l̸͕̃?̵͇̆
Name: Anne
Type: Witch of therapy
Nature: Persistent
The witch of therapy. Her nature is persistent. Waiting and judging this witch observes those around her. If she senses despair she is quick to offer her consultation. Sometimes it is free and sometimes it costs a soul gem.

This very small witch is commonly found with her familiars in another witches barrier. Some make thing this witches size makes her weak but this witch's persistent nature makes her quite the pest. Some magical girls may be lured into making mistakes with other witches since Anne tends to not be aggressive any sometimes even helpful to her clients that show potential for improvement. This witch fights using their psychic powers to exert pressure which makes her hard to defend against but, a good offense will quickly do her in.

Familiar: Lapis
A small collection of colorful butterflies. Their job is to let others know of the witches presence.
Familiar: Lazuli
A siren with the body of a bird and the head of a woman. Part of her face is a tape recorder which she uses to parrot her victims words back to them. This is most commonly the witch they serve and her wish so that she may never forget it.

Open Sesame!

  • Basic
    Soul Gemi
    Art \\Goldie, Alchemy Stars
    Name \\ Asuka Kayahara
    Age \\ 18
    Gender \\ Female
    Height \\ 5'5"
    Soul Gem \\ A purple gem located on the back of her right glove.


    Personality \\
    There are two sides to Asuka : the dreamer and the realist.

    The Dreamer is the girl on stage who sings her heart out. She is the girl on stage who flashes a peace sign at every camera. She is the girl on stage jumping even though there isn't a single song where she needs to do all of that. She lives for every moment that she can spend on stage or interacting with fans because it validates all of her hard work. No matter how big or small the venue, she is willing to perform so long as there will be someone to witness her. Even when her throat dries and her legs burn from her second encore, she refuses to give up--she can rest when she's dead.

    The Dreamer is the girl who wished that she could be an idol.

    The Realist appears behind a hoodie and sunglasses. She reflects on the three years of her life and wonders whether the fame justified witnessing her closest friends die. Though her lips settle into a smile, her eyes are hollow and slow moving. She speaks gently but firmly, always guiding people in the right direction. Despite being only eighteen years old, her unmasked demeanor seems older-feels older. It isn't uncommon for her to play mediator among her younger peers, nor the magi she teams up with.

    The Realist is the girl who wished she could have become famous the honest way.


    "I want to be famous! I wish to be an idol."

    Her parents tell her that she sang before she could talk. She loved watching idol shows on television, singing karaoke, and pretending to perform in front of her family. It helped that her primary school friends shared a love of dancing and gushing over the latest bands (both boy and girl). With some encouragement her parents even booked a year of dance lessons so that she could cultivate her skills. She stood above her peers as a talented dancer, but it wasn't enough to catch any agency's attention.

    After a year of failed auditions, her parents sat her down and told her that she would have to go back to school. Though they weren't a poor family, they certainly weren't rich and with two other sisters, they couldn't sustain her career path. It was the safer choice and as a consolation, she could keep attending her dance lessons. Heartbroken, she fled from home with nothing more than the clothes on her back. The police found her several hours later at a park surprisingly calm and willing to go home.

    Not a day later, her family received a phone call from a entertainment company she previously auditioned for. They were looking for someone to join an upcoming girl group and they thought she would be the perfect fit!

    Much to the chagrin of her parents, she accepted the offer and began a career of concerts, homeschooling, and protecting the world from witches!

    As it turned out, several of the members in her group also turned out to be magical girls (presumably ones with a similar wish as herself)! Asuka quickly fell in line with her other band mates as she learned to balance a double life. With the help of the older members, she acclimated to witch fighting in a matter of months while become the group's center.

    She wanted to say she was living a happy life, but she'd be lying. Despite the happy faces everyone presented, the dark side of witching fighting left the group running on fumes. Every time a member died, she felt a piece of her soul erode and her gem responded in kind. One by one, the rest of her allies succumbed to a grisly fate until only her, her best friend, and her leader were left. As the only remaining magical girls of the group, Asuka genuinely thought they'd have a few more years left together.

    They had one.

    Though Asuka sung her heart out, it wasn't enough to prevent her best friend from dying nor her leader's transformation into a witch.

    She barely escaped with her life, sustaining injuries that cut the tour early. Throughout all of this, the public was supportive but they remained ignorant of the tragedies behind the group's fame. Whether by Kyubey's interference or unfounded optimism, their fan base only grew as the years went on. Fans would put up missing posters, raise funds for the grieving families, and even cosplay as the former members--but they would never stop asking for more.

    Opting for a hiatus, Asuka vacationed in New York for a few months before coming upon Millbury's Puella Magi website.

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Click me! Beep me!
Art \\ @MIIx777

Name \\ Siena Keo
Age \\ 18
Height \\ 155cm / 5'1
Soul Gem \\ A light, thistle purple gem located on the back of the choker of her dress, sitting at the base of her nape. Normally, it is covered by her long, flowing hair.

Appearance \\

She was never too well off, and her clothing reflected that. Grabbing stuff from cheap stores, Siena is mostly seen wearing a white halter dress that's flowing down to her knees, the zipper on her back hidden by her long hair, and a grey jacket with button badges clipped on that is typically worn off shoulder and left open. A pair of wedge heels on top of black thigh highs can be seen as well. To top it all off, she wears a white beanie, a cute, bear eye mask-like thing embroidered on the front, and a black, medical mask hanging from her ears and tucked under her chin. However, when at school, or simply out on small errands, she dons quite the lazy attire, runners, sweater and sweatpants.

Transformation: When transformed, Siena has a much more regal appearance, reflecting her—in her opinion, stupid—wish. She is seen wearing a black and red sleeveless choker dress, the frilly ends stopping at her thighs, while a red, cloth choker is attached to her chest. On top the red choker is a black, metallic, more intricate choker, her gem being adorned at the back, hidden by her curled hair. Her sleeves are detached, starting at her elbows and ending at her wrists, the top half is black, with gold accents, while the bottom half is translucent, showing off her arms, albeit not clearly. While hidden from the poofy nature of the sleeves, it's attached to her arms by straps. Red heels can be seen on her feet, over a pair of white thigh-highs going up to her knees, embroidered by a back pattern of hearts. On top of her head is a black crown, a makeshift ruby gem being shown off in the middle. Her nails seem to be painted a light purple in this form.


What does one do when they are faced with a possibility of a wish coming true? Would one sit down and think of something serious? Something that could change their life—and perhaps other’s lives—for the better? Or would they be selfish about it, only wishing for something that would give them an easier route in life.

Both possibilities are what a child would do, especially one with a questionable home and school life. A divorced father, abandoning his child and wife, replaced with a drunkard of a step-father, one who sat around, drinking convenience store beer and hoping he’d win the lottery. Then there was a mother, dejected, working day and night as she hopped from job to job, just to support a teenager and her new husband. School was boring, the child stayed by her lonesome for the most part, only talking to specific people in specific classes, never making plans or hanging out with others.

. . .

Or would they waste it on something, not taking the situation seriously? Would they regret it? Or would they find it hilarious, laughing away as they choose to forget that this even happened.


Personality \\

At her core, Siena parades herself as an entitled—yet vulgar—girl, speaking in snarks and expletives. Yet, this is all a coping mechanism to keep people away. Siena is not one to trust easily, always expecting the worst out of people so she doesn’t get disappointed in the long run. However, she does know when exactly to dial back her attitude, something that can be seen when the situation calls for it.

To expand on her snarky attitude, she is literally just a villain’s minion with a failing grade in being evil. She tries quite hard to come off as rude and imposing, coming off as rebellious and misbehaved. Yet, her attempts tend to fall flat, especially around people who don’t give her the time of day, ignore her, or tend to bite back harder.

She acts like being a magical girl is amazing, a way to easily get money. It doesn’t help that she’s able to easily sneak out or skip school to do her duties. Deep down, Siena isn't exactly happy about going out needing to fight things; she is prone to break in a panic the quickest when something goes wrong, either running away, or hiding behind a stronger person. To mask her panic, or to play it off, she tends to be slightly egotistic, taking credit for victories—no matter how mundane—entirely on herself.

But do not be fooled, Siena is far from a misbehaved narcissist. Secretly, she’s empathetic to others, willing to listen and hear them out in times of need. Moreover, if she messes up, she’ll admit her flaws and recognize her mistakes—even if it is masked by an air of comical arrogance.

Backstory \\

“A wish? Is this like, legit? Hah, okay buddy, I wish to become a millionaire!”


Well, now that might have been a waste of a wish, but Siena quickly realized it was coming true, a little too soon. It started from her jokingly buying a lottery ticket from a local corner store, a cheap one. She snuck home, her father too distracted by beer and some random sport airing on TV. Her mother wasn’t home yet. It was the perfect time to do whatever she wanted. She took a random coin, buried within the abyss of her messy drawers, and began scratching away at the lottery ticket, following the instructions.

Picking up her ticket, Siena just stared at it. Now what? This was her first time using something like this. For now, she snuck it in her bag, holding onto it.

The next day, as she was silently making a hot dog for herself, the cheap processed sausage sizzling in the frying pan, a loud expletive could be heard by her father. She turned her head to the living room, spotting the TV. He was hoping he’d won the lottery. She sighed. This guy was a deadbeat, never worked a day in his life. While her mom was working her ass off at some run down bar. Just where did she find this guy. She stared at the TV, the winning numbers flashing on the screen.

She paused, sausage beginning to burn.

Wait, weren’t those the exact same numbers she scratched off yesterday? Quickly, she put together her hotdog, sliding it within the buns and messily putting on mustard and ketchup, running up to her room. Just to double check, she searched up the winning numbers on her phone, comparing it to her ticket.


A few questions and a check later, Siena had access to a substantial amount of money, even after taxes. This was... too easy.

“...I wanna cash this in...” She sheepishly spoke to the banker.

“Where did you get this much money?” They asked, looking at the check, flipping it over and checking if it was legitimate.

“...ttery” She mumbled, still too flustered over winning such a big sum of money.




Oh right, she was still a magical girl, huh? Kyubey popped up, saying that she had to go fight Witches. Siena groaned, just where was she supposed to find one? Do they just, pop out out of nowhere? One night, curled up under her blanket, Siena tried doing research on what she was, or what Kyubey was. Alas, nothing was found. Sooner or later, she was invited. Who was this? Was she getting scammed? Did they want her money? She lurked the site, wary of everything so far.

Well, it's not like she’d lose anything from sending a message. She already got money, and will most likely continue to do so. She spotted a recruitment post of sorts, talking about a witch or something they had to fight. Fine, why not. Sending a message, she threw her hat into the ring.

Surely, nothing bad will happen. Right?

Powers \\

Coming off as a queen—even though she acts more like an entitled princess—Siena's power comes in a form of control and authority over money, specifically coins of varying sizes. At the core of her power, she's able to create coins to essentially flick or toss at her targets. They do not do a lot of damage, but can still hurt due to her being a magical girl. Now, when she chooses to actually care about fighting, she'll begin using her coins in more creative ways. Creating bigger, and thicker coins, to be flung around as attacks, to even be used as platforms to be maneuvered on, or a defensive wall to block attacks. Typically, Siena chooses to stay near the back, attacking from a distance and helping those she's working with. After all, why should a princess get her hands dirty!

Weapon \\

Siena's weapon comes in the form of a regal scepter, long and hard enough for her to inflict blunt damage on her targets. While it can—and should—be used as a conduit to channel her magic, she chooses to rely on getting physical instead. Very unbecoming of a Princess, eh?

Extras \\
- If not at school, home or dealing with weak Witches, can be seen killing time at arcades or staring at other lottery tickets.
- Is a relatively new magical girl, but doesn't want to do the work. Tries to just focus on weaker Witches so Kyubey will stop bugging her.

Name \\ Ella Mason
Age \\ 17
Height \\ ~175cm
Soul Gem \\ Ella's soul gem takes the form of a simple round indigo brooch, the kind that would usually be set on a choker. Instead, it is embedded into her chest, just below her collarbone enough to be obscured by the undershirt that appears on her when she transforms.

Personality \\ Despite the nature of her powers suggesting a wild, thrillseeking nature, Ella is in truth the modest type. She doesn't much like showing off or aggressively competing to win. Being trained to analyze and fix broken machines since her childhood has given her a drive to understand the other problems people face as well, and help when she can. In her duty as a magical girl, she has a habit of relying on her own efforts predominantly, and lacks experience working with a team, though not due to any particular aversion on her part. While willing to speak up for herself, she is not so tenacious as to insist on her own way all the time, and is willing to back down (or avoid someone altogether) to avoid interpersonal conflict.

Backstory \\
If one believed in concepts like the multiverse, one might perhaps imagine a world where Mr. Albert Mason was an accomplished motorcycle racer; perhaps even the MotoGP champion. But this is not that world. Raised in a family of motorsports enthusiasts, Albert had always dreamed of achieving his dream of going pro. He'd studied all kinds of high-performance machinery, learned them inside out, watched racing events of every type. He was barely out of high school when he began participating in amateur league events with his family's blessing, and his efforts paid off as he distinguished himself, winning one after another with only a short hiatus to marry his high school sweetheart Beatrice, who never quite shared his passion but encouraged it as fully as she could.

Soon the day came when Albert was signed to a contract with a well-known international motorsports team to make his debut in the entry level championship of the international league. And then: disaster struck. An accident during qualifying left Albert's legs mangled. He would eventually walk again after rehabilitation, but doctors said he may never be in shape to compete again. Keeping a brave face on, Albert moved with Beatrice to Millbury, where he continued to vicariously live his dream by opening a workshop that repaired and modified vehicles for tuning enthusiasts and amateur racers just like him. And it was there that the main player of this side of the story comes in, as Ella was then born on a cold winter's night.

Years passed, and Ella grew in much the same environment as Albert himself did, surrounded by grease and gears, watching cars and bikes roar by on a screen. She didn't like the idea of competing so much, and Albert never pushed his dream on her...much. She did however, come to appreciate the machines she helped him work on, their complexity and power. But that wasn't always enough for him. Soon Albert took to gambling on races, betting the workshop's profits on practically any competition someone was taking bets on. Perhaps this was some way of recapturing the thrill of being on the track himself: by putting stakes on it. As talented a rider as he was, he lost far more than he won when it came to staking his hope on others, and soon Albert found himself in deep debt to some very...insistent people.

Unable to deal with his spiral, Beatrice left (temporarily, she claimed), leaving the teenage Ella with him. In her moment of doubt and worry, a creature with soft white fur and strange ears came to her, offering her her father's freedom and happiness. She accepted.

While Albert could never race again, the pain that had filled his legs for years vanished, and so did the debt collectors. He could run again, he could breathe again. Even if not on a racetrack, maybe he could ride again. More importantly, he could show up to work again.

But wishes that come true like this never come freely, and the happiness of father and daughter may pass faster than a speeding superbike.

Powers & Weapon \\
Ella's transformation gives her an outfit that is perhaps quite different from that of many other magical girls, taking the form of a biker's jacket and helmet, with boots to match.

Her power manifests in two aspects: the first grants her absolute and precise control over any vehicle she operates the controls of, as well as the ability to drive them along any solid or liquid surface. While she cannot do otherwise physically impossible tasks (like making a car fly like a helicopter), the speed and agility of the beneficiary are greatly increased. She might not be able to dodge every single shot from an automatic weapon being fired at her, but she can perfectly maneuver to minimise the duration and area of contact between her and her aggressor.

The other aspect of her power is the ability to summon a magical replica of the Knight superbike, one of Albert's favourite models and itself a rebadged variant of the Cavaliere motorcycles produced in Italy. Under Ella's control, the Knight can achieve speeds of up to 500kmh with a proper run-up (though there is rarely occasion to do so). Equally notable is the Knight's ability to split at the middle, each side turning into an oversized bludgeon with either wheel serving as grinding sawblades. As such, the Knight serves as both Ella's conveyance and primary weapon when carrying out the duty of a magical girl.

As a backup when collateral damage or subtlety is a concern, Ella also possesses Excalibur, a bladed semi-automatic shotgun that usually deploys from a hidden compartment in Knight, but can also be summoned to hand at any time like most magical girl weapons.

Extras \\



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