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Fantasy Protectors

Alec woke up, his head pounding. As his vision became clear, and his eyes focused, he saw a girl looming over him. He gasped and sat up quickly, "Who are you? What do you want?"
Ooc: you are suppost to post this in the main tab! ( :) ) Lol. And Is your character talking to Kydlin? She is outside knocking on the dorm door
Name:Adam Prosser




Crush:To be revealed


Divine power(several incarnations)

Divine pulse:unleashes a pulse from self that unleashes powerful negative effects on all evil caught in its 20ft radius

Holy smite: strikes the opponent with Relic dealing damage that scales with the targets sin. The more evil the target the more damage is done

Sheild of purity: erects a powerful barrier around a target this barrier will Sheild the target from evil of any kind, even going so far as to block evil words

Miracle: fires a ray of light that can heal grevious wounds, this isn't the run of the mill healing it is instant and painless.

Alter of judgement: summons an actual alter made of solid gold...it halves the power of all Dark and evil beings, while simultaneously doubling the power of all Good hearted individuals Who can see the alter.

What side are you on?:protector

Mentor name(optional):N/A went strait to protectors after making a start as a preist

Mentor backround?(optional):N/A

Mentor power:(optional):N/A

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0a243c639304cf479ee3757764768d6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0a243c639304cf479ee3757764768d6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description:he stands 6ft tall and weighs a mere 160lbs


Other:Relic is the name of his cross hammer it greatly amplifies all his powers and is what allows him enough power to fight against evil without this divine artifacts his powers are 1/10th as powerful. Protectors



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Don't worry my dudes not really to strong alone he needs a teammate to access nearly half of his abilities
Name: Rene Labelle
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Crush(optional): None
Powers(can't be op.): Can control electricity.
What side are you on?: Protectors

Description: While he tries to act tough and ready to fight at any given moment, he's actually just a grumpy dork who'll get upset over empty cereal boxes. He needs to find his chill and learn how to calm down once in a while.
Backstory(optional): He figured it'd be easier joining a group of people with powers instead of being alone.
Other: Protectors
Name: Alexander Fawks





Pheonix- The boy is the physical embodiment of a Phoenix. He has the ability to produce flames out of his bare skin and has an acute resistance to it. He technically cant die from physical pain as long as his ashes can start a spark. So he naturally has a very real fear of water, the vacuum of space and extremely cold temperatures.

What side are you on?:Protectors


Description: His standard training gear


Other: Uses his fists as a primary weapon
A bit new to the site, but in no way new to RP, and just wondering a couple things. 

             1)Is the RP still open to join, interested at the activity and characters.

             2) If so, where is the general information for it, haven't seen much yet.

             3) Any right off the bat rules or regulation to it. 

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@Warhawk @Blacknife

so sorry for not responding more quickly guys! This new site has really thrown me off!!! Blacknife you are excepted and I agree with SecretRock but am fine with it as long as you don't overuse the ability. 

Warhawk- There was a page telling about this thread and some rules, but do to the new site I have no idea how to get to the , my apologizes. The thread is still open!! I will try and give a breif description!

It takes place in a large city and has three different kind people. 

Protectors- live in a dense forest just outside the city and they try to keep control of the Decimators crime rate.

Decimators- live under the city and catacombs and tunnels. They love to cause mischief!

unabilitied- they live in the city and do not have an abiblities. They fear the decimators, but most of the time are to proud to get help from the Protectors.


no killing others without permission!

no sextual junk!

please do not constantly curse. 

Sorry that was really quickly written. Please fill free to join!
Of course, don't worry about it! I have a character in mind that I have been dying to RP out but have a couple world questions that you should feel no rush answering! Could I make a character that lives in the city, but has an ability? (Just because the character is centered around it). Also, what is the level if the technology your world has? And finally, what are the restrictions on the abilities? Thank you!! 

And when I say lives in the city, she'd be likely to join the protectors at a later date, buy initially, she'd live in the confines of the city if that's ok. And I'll probably present two character ideas (maybe) and whichever one works better, Iet me know!
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It would be great to have a character with powers that lived in the city! The tech is undecied. It isn't like ipad and cell phones everywhere. But there can be a couple labtops. The city is pretty average day save for the cell phones and higher up tech. What did you have in mind?

and I know you didn't ask this but guns are also very rare. It plays a key plot in the real story. And the restrictions for the powers are like don't make it so you can win every fight and never die
@SecretRock. You just made me laugh out loud in class! Hehe at least everyone else it talk and no one noticed! Lol xD
Well, before I go and do whole character sheets ill just label out the two characters I had in mind.

       1) Annabeth Tirith, 19 years of age

Anna is a kind and gentle soul, timid but rugged from her life in the city. She is slim, mostly from lack of proper nutrition, and very nimble. She is quiet, and antisocial, but the moment someone is in danger, that changes in a flash.

Likes: Protecting others, the protectors, romance, good food, dancing, music, friends

Dislikes: Being in public places, bullying, pain/suffering, being poor, Decimators

                Anna would be intricately in tuned with the suffering and pain of the city dwellers at the hands of the Decimators, and despises them for it. However, for the past 18 years, she has had no means to defend herself, or attempt to protect the city she cares for without any family, both having fallen to Decimator terrorist attacks years ago (when she was 12) she has lived on her own in the poor districts of the city since her parents deaths, and has been forced to scavenge for supplies. It was her 18th birthday when she discovered her power upon finding a fellow street rat, dying of wounds from the most recent attack. She felt a strange draw to him, and shared his pain strangely. Without knowing what she was doing, acting off instinct and a need to protect him, she knelt and from her body issued a vibrant glow, pure and powerful, rushing over him and healing his wounds. She also managed to take away his pain unto herself, all his fear and worry disappeared and settled over her shoulders. But the extraordinary power came at a cost; one which she discovered in two parts later in the year. To heal and use her ability, she drew on her own life force... slowly killing herself as she healed and protected others. The pains went from a bad nose bleed, to falling unconscious for days at a time, and each time.. there was a little less of her left. The other was an even more terrible power... it happened during a recent terror attack, she felt the lives snuff out around her like a candle, hundreds extinguished at one moment... the next moment, she felt energy like she had never felt before course through her. Not energy of the light, but a dark and corrupting magic that filled her to the brim and more, the deaths of the many fueling her power like never before and... warping it, changing her. It's excess swept out of her, the pain of hundreds using her as a channel to nearly level the entire street around her. And it felt good, the energy like an addiction, one that would constantly plague her for months after, the dark side of her blossoming powers, her little secret... the deaths and pain of others, unwittingly an energy source for her power. After the event she learned to control it to the best of her ability, keep it under control until she almost forgot about it... now, she roams the city depths, forced to heal and protect those around her even as she felt her own life slipping away from her, drop by drop, her own sacrifice to save the ones she cared about. Recently she has heard rumors of an organization that attempts to protect the city against the Decimators, and used them as an example, running a solo mission to live up to the mission of the Protectors within the city, doing whatever limited amount she could do to save the people.

"The greatest sacrifice is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of someone else."

That will be the only one, I fused the two a little. Any thoughts opinions, changes, please comment ^^




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Sounds very interesting! I can't wait to see what happens to Annabeth! As for posting on the thread since you said your character is goign to be in the city you can start whenever.

Name: Roy Minukaze

Age: Nineteen 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

Powers: Superhuman Speed.

What side are you on?: Protectors

Mentor name: Shaun McDonald Codename: Blackhound

Mentor backround: N/A

Mentor power: Hellhound Physiology


Description: Roy is described as a laid back, easy-going character though when needed he turns a stern side. He is seen to seen to share jokes once in awhile but is mostly studying and/or training. 

Backstory: TBA

@Tohoak please read this, bro,

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Li Zhao

24 - Male - Pansexual



Super strength and speed, and accelerated healing at night

Has the innate knowledge of how to be at least decent with any weapon he touches


What side are you on?:



Li is a serious person, preferring not to get close to people, keeping things to a professional relationship mainly, and occasionally become acquaintances with people if they spend a lot of time together. He's also very curious, as reason he became a PI, and won't stop investigating something until he's satisfied that he knows the answer.


Li lived with his sister, Yang, for most of his life, both of them being moved around in care homes since their parents disappeared when they were little. Once Li became old enough, he took her in, the two of them starting their own PI business, using Li and Yang's powers to solves cases. They became quite successful, solving several cases and earning enough money to get by. Despite their relative poverty, they were both very happy with their lives, until one day, a case went wrong. When chasing a perp, Yang got stabbed. Despite paramedics best attempts to save her, she died the next day.

Since then, Li has been working as a PI on his own, solving cases to pay his rent for his office, where he now stays. He has no quarrels with the Decimators or the Protectors, but he doesn't support either. 



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Immagine Gates










None, but is very knowledgeable in the art of weaponry. 

What side are you on?





A selfish and egotistical mercenary who will do anything for her greatest love: money. If the money was good enough she would even take part in genocide. She has no feelings of love or compassion, she just gets the job done to indulge herself in her own sick pleasures. She also likes gambling and witty banter.


Protectors @Tohoak
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