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Fandom Protecting the Ethereal Horizon, a Chuunibyou RP!


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
Welcome to the character creation portion of this RP! Below is the Base CS you are required to fill out. Everything in it is required, unless specified. Feel free to be as creative as you like with it, just make sure you fill everything out! I've put explanations below each item in the Base CS for your own understanding, you can either simply edit them out, or copy the blank CS on the bottom of this post to make your own.

Mortal Side- This is the 'you' who other's see. Those non-magical would look at you in this way, so keep that in mind while writing this portion.


Age: (Between 16-18.)


Appearance: (Please use a picture, anime/drawn only!)

School Grade: (Related by age.)



Other: (This is not required, fill out anything extra here if you like.)

Magical Side- This is the side of 'you' that magical people see. Your real self, if you will.

Name/Title: (It can be fancy or simple, a name or a title.)

Age: (This is related to your magical age. So between 16-1500.)

Relationships: (Explain your relations with other characters. You may discuss with other people prior to the start of the RP, if they know each other or not before hand. If you haven't met any other characters before starting, then update this when you do.)

Appearance: (Please use a picture, anime/drawn only!)

Affiliation: (Dark, Light, other. Keep in mind what you choose may effect your relationship with other characters.)

Main Source of Power: (What/where your magical power comes from. I.E., faeries, nature, the sun/moon, darkness, light, The Law of Linkage, blessings/curses, Spirits, etc.)

Main Weapon: (Describe or use a picture for appearance. Explain what it does, if it has any special powers of it's own. Explain anything else you would like.)

Special Abilities: (These are more or less unique powers your OC has. They are usually decently powerful, hence the title of 'Special Abilities'. You can have 2-6 at the start. Explain each one, and give them a title.)

Ultimate Abilities: (These are the strongest powers you can have. They over power any other ability your character may have. As such, they can only be used rarely, and can possibly leave your OC in a bad state after using them. You can have 1-3. Explain each one, and give them a title.)

Other Abilities/Powers: (Any other ability or power not strong enough to be classified as 'Special', or 'Ultimate'. Usually common powers that other's may posses, or be able to learn. These do not require titles, but explain them.)

Strengths/Weaknesses: (Tell us your OC's strengths, and weaknesses. There isn't a required amount, just tell us what we need to know. Remember, no one is perfect!)

Bio: (Explain when you got your powers, and when. Any notable past experiences before the start of the RP, and any other things worth mentioning.)

Other: (This is not required, but feel free to use this to explain anything else.)

Mortal Side-





School Grade:




Magical Side-






Main Source of Power:

Main Weapon:

Special Abilities:

Ultimate Abilities:

Other Abilities/Powers:



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Mortal Side-

Name: Elizabeth Delauney

Age: 17

Gender: Female



School Grade: Junior

Personality: Elizabeth is a happy person, always willing to give up her time to lend a hand, no matter how onerous the task might be. She has some trouble going outside of her comfort zone, and has trouble meeting new people and being adventurous, but to those she knows and has a friendship with she is loyal through and through. She does her best to hold up a 'live and let live' attitude towards others, though she does tend to keep her more negative emotions repressed for the sake of how others might see her.

Bio: An only child, Elizabeth grew up as the daughter of an up and coming family, one which was heavily invested in a rapidly expanding business, which had been brought to such prominence by her father. She was groomed to take over that business, taught the right things to say and do, how to act in public, her life controlled from the beginning. But she didn't object to it, seeing that as her duty as a respectful daughter.

Eventually though she went to school, and things began to change.She was exposed to different perspectives and viewpoints, and began to wonder if there wasn't more to life that she was missing. She still did her best, of course, but a sort of wanderlust became apparent. The set in of chuunibyou was most unwelcome from her parents perspective, but they figure that if she doesn't grow out of it then they'll deal with it sooner or later.

Other: N/A

Magical Side-

Name/Title: Syrete, The Clockwork Guardian

Age: 25

Relationships: N/A



Affiliation: Light

Main Source of Power: A special mineral known as alarite, which is fed into a custom miniature reactor.

Main Weapon: A giant powered gauntlet

Special Abilities:

Quake - By slamming the ground with her fist, Syrete can create ground tremors, chasms that her opponents can fall into and limit their ability to dodge.

Shockwave - By firing the pistons in her gauntlet, Syrete can deliver a solid blow of air to an enemy in front of her gauntlet.

Delirious Fumes - By running her power core at a higher rate than normal, Syrete can release a decent sized smokescreen as a byproduct of that. While it will not affect her, it can blind the enemy, and the fog itself will dizzy the opponent due to the alarite fumes.

Rain of Thunder - In the same way that she overcharges her reactor, she can emit short range directed lightning bolts from her palm. This can, though, be negated or dodged if adequately prepared.

Ultimate Abilities:

Beam Storm - By overcharging her reactor, Syrete is able to shoot a destructive beam of energy from the palm of her gauntlet, which annihilates everything in its path.

Other Abilities/Powers:

Structural Analysis - With a keen eye and training, Syrete has the ability to quickly identify the structure of an object and its weak spots.

Rapid Construction - Through her training and her mentor, Syrete has the ability to quickly build items, at a rate faster than the average person, with the time required directly proportional to how complex the object is.



Melee combat - With her weapon, she can pretty easily beat your face in and punch through any obstacle in her way.

Engineering - Due to her particular skillset, she is very good at building things, fixing things, and can work well under pressure as a result.


Ranged Combat - Because of her weapon choice, she doesn't really have a way to fight at range besides makeshift projectiles and closing the distance. This is a serious flaw in her fighting style that opponents can take advantage of.

Tactics - While she can fight, she isn't the best at thinking on her feet in combat situations, tending to just punch her way through a problem, or use some gadget that she's come up with to do it for her.

Bio: In this place, Syrete was abandoned and alone, until she was rescued and taken in by a kind man. He raised her, mentored her, then one day he went missing. She waited for him, only for him to never return. He had fallen to the dark forces of the world, and those continued to swell even as time passed by.

Eventually, she got tired of waiting. While she returned to living her life, she could never expect stumbling upon a hidden workshop, filled with wondrous machines, and the blueprints for a device that would allow her to fight back, to protect the world just as he had. So she got to work, and through painstaking trial and error managed to create what he had designed. With it in her possession, she crafted armor, a weapon, and then set out to defend the world, and to find her father.

Other: N/A

Mortal Side-


Seiko Nishijima







School Grade:



Intelligence and an aura of impenetrable calmness is what stands out when you first speak to Seiko. She seems almost TOO calm at times as she doesn't panic at even the most important of situations, her intelligence shows in all aspects of her life, especially when she speaks as she always seems to know the right thing to say in any situation. But she does have her flaws, like the fact that she is extremely arrogant and selfish, also a huge liar at times. The thing that people dislike about her lying is that 9 times out of 10 she gets away with it, and that's mostly how she's upheld her facade of calm and cool in front of everyone without seeming like a mess. Seiko does have those moments where she lets loose those feelings however, it just depends on the amount of trust she has in you.


Seiko grew up in a decently wealthy family where she had two strict parents and 3 crazy younger siblings. With all the pressure that was put on her to study hard and the amount of times she had to stay home and babysit, Seiko was definitely a mature child. She was a star pupil in her younger days, always the top in class and she always made sure she did everything to the best of her abilities, but as time went on, school work got more difficult and she started to slack off. It's not that her grades plummeted by the 10s, it's just that they weren't as good as they used to be, but maybe she was just putting too much pressure on herself.

As Seiko grew up, she started locking herself up in her room for most of the day to watch anime, play video games, normal stuff that her parents wouldn't allow her to do. She started to break her parent's rules a lot, it started out slow of course, sneaking a few packs of chips into her room at night and it son escalated to sneaking off at night with her skateboard and hanging out with her friends till the wee hours of the morning. Sooner or later, Chuunibyou had started to set in and at first, Seiko was a bit panicked. She had thought that these were all hallucinations and that it would soon blow over but it didn't so now she's just learnt to live with it and to her this is now part of her lifestyle.


She has won 1st Place in a National Ballet Dance Competition Solo Category

Seiko does smoke occasionally

She is a closet Otaku

Magical Side-


Dekka, The Guardian Of Time

Age: 26

Relationships: PM me or OOC





Main Source of Power:

A necklace that has a shining purple crystal called an Emedite on it, the crystal might be small but it holds immense power

Main Weapon:

Twin Guns and a whole army of throwing knives

Special Abilities:

Freeze- The ability to freeze time for 10 seconds, also gives her a speed boost

Prediction- Allows her to see 60 seconds into the future

Bullet Shower- Both of her pistols will shoot out 20 bullets each in rapid succession, regardless of her ammo

Multiply- She can summon an item of her choice from the future for 10 seconds, essentially cloning items temporarily, however this will drain a lot of her and the Emedite's energy.

Ultimate Abilities:

Soundwave- By focusing all her energy to her chest, Seiko is able to produce a ear-shattering scream that's able to shake the earth itself. This will take up almost all her energy.

Other Abilities/Powers:

Speed- One of the more basic and foundation skills which as the name entails, gives you super speed.

Dark Flame- A lower level skill where you can throw what looks like a dark purple to black ball of fire, more effective than a normal fireball though.

Barrier- A basic skill, which basically just creates a decently strong barrier against your opponent.



Quick thinker| She is capable of coming up with a quick solution on the battle field

Agility| Her weapon of choice isn't big or clunky, allowing her to freely move around and dodge attacks

Accuracy| After using her weapon for as long as she has, her aim is tremendously better than the untrained eye


Strength| Seiko doesn't do much weight training, leading her to be a tad bit weak physically

Hand-to-hand| Her weapon set does not require hand-to-hand combat which makes her weaker in the particular skill


In this world, Seiko was brought up by a young woman and her husband as an adopted child. The young couple were well versed in the realm of magic and soon taught them her ways. But one day, they were both slaughtered by men of the light side. Seiko was angry, distraught and she vowed to seek revenge for the people she called her parents.

Seiko had started to train by herself and she was determined to become the strongest in the world. She had to eliminate those that did her and her family wrong, it was the right thing to do.


Seiko is actually pretty tall in this world, 6'2 (188cm) to be exact.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/46883493_p0.jpg.645d6c3f76c1f16825e28d1ee17bab39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/46883493_p0.jpg.645d6c3f76c1f16825e28d1ee17bab39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Emi Kamiko Inoue




Female, although she looks like a boy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6b7865d7_unnamed(39).gif.dd9f658477a60c40b9323456e3206546.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6b7865d7_unnamed(39).gif.dd9f658477a60c40b9323456e3206546.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

School Grade:



A cheerful, bubbly, happy-go-lucky girl. Emi has always seeen smiling, and was never saw frowning. When Emi talks, many of her words may sometimes come out randomly without her actually giving much thought to anything she comes up with. This is caused by her tendency to jump into a different topic most of the time and her rather peculiar imagination. Because of this and her free-spirited attitude, Emi's personality changes according to her mood and is capable of becoming a nuisance to the people around her, lose the point of a conversation or even experience anxiety attacks. However, Emi is more insightful than one would think and is capable of being serious when mostly necessary.

Emi is very open with her companions and quickly grows fond of them. Because of her motor mouth, she is very open to conversation and plays with her friends almost all the time she is interacting with them, making her a very social and likable person. She can also be protective and supportive when she sees teammates need it. She is also considerate of their personal space and respects their decisions even if she doesn't agree with them. Emi does not doubt the talents of her friends and places her entire faith in them.


Emi has had Chuunibyou ever since she was fourteen. She was the only girl in her family, with four brothers and a father. She was treated like a boy. While other girls have dolls, she has race cars. Her room was filled with boyish sthings :boyish clothes, race cars, boyish wallpaper, etc. She didn't really mind, for she didn't really care. She started to hallucinate, throwing race cars at the walls, pretending that the race cars were stars, and that the wall was.....a monster. Eventually, some racecars broke, and her wall had deep marks on it. Her family was...well, they didn't care, poor Emi. Plus, she never even knew who her mother was. All she knows is that, all her brothers aren't really her brothers. They're her step-brothers, each from a different woman.

Magical Side

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6b7e3ba9_unnamed(40).png.7590c7002104b92288dff67726f3e24b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6b7e3ba9_unnamed(40).png.7590c7002104b92288dff67726f3e24b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Reimei, The Lunar Goddess






None for now


A little mixture of dark and light

::Main source of power:;

The moon

::Main weapon::

Reimei is able to control daggers, kept in what appears to be a small mechanical backpack, with simple movements from her hands. She is able to manipulate every sword simultaneously without any difficulty at all, and can fire energy blasts when she brings them together, with the swords going into a special rotating configuration.

Special abilities:

::Aura Barrier::

A barrier, made by aura, from the moon

::Sense the soul::

Reimei is able to sense one's soul from afar, let's say...fifty meters around her area


For a girl, Reimei seems to posses immense physical strength, and she thinks it comes from the aura of the moon

::Ultimate Abilities::


Reimei takes half the aura of the moon, which allows her to create glyphs that can be used in a variety of ways. Unlike in the trailer where she seems to use her glyphs to teleport, her glyphs act as a way to accelerate her in a given direction, but she is clearly visible while doing this. With her glyphs she can create a platform in midair, enabling her to engage in aerial combat with no need to return to ground level or can be used to simply slow her descent. She can also use them to perform time dilation and summon creatures, although she has struggled greatly with the latter. This technique is referred to as glyphs.

While on the ground, she can also create glyphs that she uses to greatly increase her speed by launching herself in a particular direction, seemingly gliding across air for a short time.

::Rain of stars::

Stars rain down from the sky

::Other Abilities/Powers::

::Lights out::

When the moon and the stars are up, she can manipulate them, making them light up, and then turn off, making everything dark and not visible


Ranged combat

Hand-to-hand combat

Fighting when the moon is up



Lack of accuracy

Fighting when the sun is up

Opponents that are faster than her


Reimei was born on a night of a blue moon, giving her the ability to consume it's aura. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father left her. Others called her a freak, due to her having white hair, and because of an accident she caused. She lived alone in the house her mother used to love. She trained herself, swearing to protect the house. Because, she wanted the house to last long, it's her only souvenir from her dead mother. She got mad at those who came near the house, a little overprotective, aye? Well, what happened to those who passed by the house? Dead. D. E. A. D, DEAD. Nobody else would dare come near the house, leaving the corpses on the front yard. They called Reimei crazy. Truth is, she is a little bit of a psychopath, and will do a anything to make the house last long. She spent her time staring at the moon, slowly absorbing it's aura.





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