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Fandom Prophetic - A PJO Roleplay

Play On Words

Musical Goddess
Rules for character creation:

This isn't first come, first serve. I will accept those who I feel are worth accepting.

Maximum of three characters per person.

Think about your characters, don't just pull them out of your ass.

If everyone has a tragic backstory, it ruins the point. Be realistic. Not everyone killed their parents or watched their little sister die.

Both Roman and Greek characters are allowed.

No overpowered characters.


REALISTIC picture:


Brief Personality:
Optional Backstory:

Godly Parent:
Weapon(If it was a gift from their parent, why did they get it?):
Years at Camp:​
Janus Demi-god - FC: Luanna Perez Garreaud - COMPLETE





Fc: Luanna Perez-Garreaud
Coded by revalia revalia
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Apate Demi-god - FC: Arden Cho - COMPLETE





Fc: Arden Cho

Coded by revalia revalia
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Miles Akers

  • 52344c414f582f341919d4150170313b.jpg
    Name: Miles Akers

    Nickname: None

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Nationality: European-American

    Birthday: April 4th

    Height: 5'11"

    Rank: Centurion of the Fourth Cohort

    Godly Parent: Pluto

    Years At Camp: 10

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Apollo(Greek) Demi-god - FC: Scarlet Leithold - COMPLETE





Fc: Scarlet Leithold

Coded by revalia revalia
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Name: Alexander Clayton Moore
Nickname: Alex, Clay
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: British
Height: 6'1"

Brief Personality: Alex is brave, loyal, confident, although occasionally he's overconfident. He'd give his life for his friends without a second thought, or anyone who fought on his side. Despite the fact that he still holds a slight grudge against Greeks, if they fought on the same side of a conflict, he'd lend his aid to whoever was at his side. He doesn't forgive easily, and would never forgive a betrayal.

Strengths: Fighting, especially hand to hand, spears, or swords. He's a leader, natural born. People tend to gravitate toward him, trust and respect him, and he returns the favor. He's incredibly loyal, an would never betray anyone.

Weaknesses: Ranged weapons, especially a bow or throwing knives. Overly violent people annoy the living hell out of him. He still has a slight prejudice toward Greeks, although one of his best friends is from Camp Half Blood.

Godly Parent: The Roman god Jupiter

Powers: He can fly, although he's not very good at it. He can summon lightning, he's mostly immune to electricity. He can manipulate the wind, and has very minor control over the weather.

Weapon: Two Imperial Gold spears and a sword. He doesn't often use a shield, but he does have one. His only magical item is a backpack, it looks like a regular duffel bag, but it carries much, much more than it looks like it should.

Years at Camp: 11 years, he's a Praetor. He's also in the fifth cohort.


Name: Daniel James Stanton
Nickname: Danny
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual, in the closet
Nationality: American
Height: 5'11"

Brief Personality: He's not the most typical Ares kid. Sure, he's strong, tends to fight a lot, but he isn't a bully. He's gay, which his cabin doesn't really approve of. So nobody knows of his sexuality.
Strengths: Swordfighting, hand to hand, most forms of exercise.
Weaknesses: Ranged fighting, homophobia, idiots.

Godly Parent: Ares, Greek god of war
Weapon: Two regular celestial bronze swords
Years at Camp: 4

Name: Lorenzo Salvatore
Nickname: Enzo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 6'0"

Brief Personality: He's blunt to a fault. He doesn't have or keep secrets well, he speaks his mind. He has a younger brother, the one secret he does keep. Hephaestus seduced his mother twice, but the second time, it was as Vulcan, his Roman aspect. His brother goes to Camp Jupiter, and they rarely speak.
Strengths: Fighting with large weapons, brute strength, dueling.
Weaknesses: Graceful movements, having nothing to do, subtlety.

Godly Parent: Hephaestus
Powers: He's immune to fire, and can manipulate it, a rare power of Hephaestus children. He's an excellent crafter, especially of metal.
Weapon: A large war hammer, celestial bronze with a black leather grip.
Years at Camp: 6​



Name: Cain Miller
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: American
Height: 6'0"

Brief Personality: Incredibly laid back, he doesn't really get riled up. He's kind, sarcastic most of the time, and annoys a lot of people by staying neutral in arguments, and playing harmless pranks on people.
Strength(s): Water, swimming, fighting with a trident.
Weakness(es): Swords, fire, electric shocks.

Godly Parent: Poseidon
Godly Power(s): He can manipulate water, create miniature hurricanes(It greatly exhausts him), and heals in water.
Weapon: A celestial bronze trident, about five feet long with three prongs.
Years at Camp: 2 years

Coded by revalia revalia
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Name: Zachary Salvatore
Nickname: Zack
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Height: 5'8"

Brief Personality: Very shy, he's not like his brother. He isn't secretive, although he knows better than to tell anyone about the fact that he has an older, Greek brother, but he's just... Awkward. He doesn't talk to people, he spends most of his time in a forge.
Strengths: Building things, machinery, architecture.
Weaknesses: Fighting, arguing, exercise.

Godly Parent: Vulcan
Powers: Crafting mostly, and being able to manipulate machinery through touch. He understands most mechanical things with just contact.
Weapon: An Imperial Gold sword, he barely knows how to use it.
Years at Camp: 2, he's in the fourth cohort.​
Bellona Demi-god - FC: Kristin Kreuk - COMPLETE





Fc: Kristin Kreuk
Coded by revalia revalia
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Name: Ethan Samson
Nickname: His sister usually thinks of something embarrassing to call him.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, only a select few people know.
Nationality: American
Height: 5'10"

Brief Personality: He's not very uptight about anything, although he'd do anything to protect his baby sister. He hates his father with a passion, and has a curse of his own, not that anyone but he and his sister know about it.
Strengths: Archery, swordfighting, healing.
Weaknesses: Brute fighting, his sister being used against him, pain.

Godly Parent: Apollo
Powers: Healing, archery, the ability to manipulate light, albeit weakly, and the sonic whistle.
Weapon: A golden bow, automatically reloads. Celestial bronze sword.
Years at Camp: 5






"Reporting for duty."
Erin Ramirez


"Not too shabby."
18 years old

"I ain't afraid to get my hands dirty."

"Still looking for the girl of my dreams."

"Got anything to say?"

"The sky's the limit!"
Godly Side

Code by Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf

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REALISTIC picture:


Name: Elias Blake


Age: 16

Gender: Trans guy

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality: American

Height: 5’5

Brief Personality: He is fairly shy, partially due to bad experiences in the past and partially due to social impairment from autism. He is, however, very kind, and caring, often rushing to help someone and overcoming his shyness when someone needs help.










Godly Parent: Hecate

Powers: Magic, as other Hecate kids; Specifically telekinesis and protection spells. With telekinesis he cannot accelerate things very fast, but he can move them around and bring them to him. His protection spells are somewhat limited: He cannot protect from conventional or celestial bronze/imperial gold weapons, only from monster attacks. His protection magic specifically takes the form of a shimmering blue field around the target. However, a significantly powerful blow can shatter it completely, and indeed will be more effective than normal if it destroys the spell. He can also make limited illusions, but only single-sensory ones, such as a silent image or a sound.

Weapon: A long wooden wand, with an empty slot at the end for some kind of object to go. However, Elias has nothing to put there, so he just has a weird-looking magical wand he got from his mom. She gave it to him after he managed to prove to her the intensity of his magical studies.

Years at Camp: 5 (Year-Rounder)
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Nova Hobbs
Name: Nova Hobbs
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Nationality: American
Height: 5'8"

Brief Personality: Nova is unnaturally lazy for a demigod, especially since she's never really been cursed to be eternally tired like her siblings. Though if anyone brings it up, she blames it on her genetics anyway. When she can help it, she tries to avoid conflicts or arguments, seeing them as a waste of time and energy. She would rather be doing useful things like reading or, well, anything else. She's good at reading how others are feeling based on their expressions or actions (dreams help too), though it's harder when she doesn't know the person very well. She doesn't believe in the idea of love.

+Charisma - She can usually reason her way out of a fight, or to solve a problem.
+Quick Thinker
+Fast Reflexes

-Not physically strong

Godly Parent: Hypnos
Shapeshifting/Hallucinations - She can bring inanimate objects to life, or make someone hallucinate something from their dreams while they are awake. She can only do the first part of this with small things, like a drawing of a pencil or something painted. If she tried this with something that was 3D, especially something big like a spear or a tree, she'd probably die instantly.

Hypnokinesis - Can make animals and non demigods fall asleep. Weaker willed demigods can be affected by this, but mostly she can just make demigods sleepy.

She can see into the dreams of other people, but she can't manipulate them

Weapon: Twin celestial bronze daggers, though she doesn't use them much.

Years at Camp: 5

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Andrew Hollis
Name: Andrew Franklin Hollis
Nickname: Andy
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nationality: Canadian
Height: 5'6"

Brief Personality: A mellow, yet fun-loving, down-to-earth young man. Andrew is the kind of guy who'd rather drink with his friends than do hard work, though he tries to be punctual and proper when he has to. An optimist of the highest caliber, he's almost always in a good mood or at the very least content. He enjoys making conversation and getting to know people without much reservation, though that isn't to say he hasn't any shame. He just wishes to be civil and friendly. He is, of course, a massive fan of all forms of liquor, his favorite being wine, and he often overindulges.

Sometimes his optimism and constant chipperness irritates some people, especially some of his more serious comrades, and he's easily persuaded into things as long as he's assured things will go well and the outcome will be good. Yet while he's rather gullible over some things, he's far from stupid. He's a quick thinker, which comes in handy for combat, though it often means he'll jump to conclusions. When dire situations arise, Andrew proves himself to be surprisingly brave and determined, never thinking twice about thrusting himself into danger to aid his friends, blatantly disregarding any sense of self-preservation.

Optional Backstory: To be written

- Compassionate
- Optimistic
- Confident
- Courageous
- Quick thinker

- Overly trusting
- Slothful
- Careless
- Impetuous
- Naive

Godly Parent: Dionysus
- Andrew has a high tolerance for alcohol. It doesn't seem to have any damaging effects on his body, and so he doesn't get 'drunk' in the same way others do.

- Can turn water into wine, though only in 1 cup increments.

- Andrew can make minor influences on another person's mind. He can create illusions, make them see or hear things that aren't there, or even force a state of mild insanity on them for a few minutes. Demigods tend to be less susceptible to this power, and other children of Dionysus are entirely immune.

- Much in the same way he can induce madness, Andrew can also cure it, to some extent. Useful for patching up some of the mental scars of battle, though not so much for more chronic mental illnesses. He can fix a thousand-yard stare, but not depression.

Weapon: Spear - the everyman's weapon, and in Andrew's opinion, grossly underrated. Seven feet long and fitted with a celestial bronze head.
Years at Camp: 6

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