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Queen of Noms
The war between Witches and Demons has been ongoing since the beginning of time. Witches, connected by being both mortal and magical, have been trying to keep world order and peace between the magical realm and human race, while the demons viewed the Earth as their playground. The world of the Witches works in Covens and through sisterly power. A witch alone is not as strong as a witch with her sisters. With more witches together, the more power they get. On the other hand, demons are cunning tricksters who have terrorized witches, humans, and all magical beings. They are feared because they are beautiful and full of promises that usually come with consequences. The average human wouldn't be able to tell who amongst them are any magical being, which allows them to live harmoniously together. Witches are the ones who are in charge of all the rules and laws of the magical world, being the top of the hierarchy and responsible for peace. The leaders of the Witch world are known as the Ancient Ones, and they do not reveal themselves unless they desire to. Demons despite this, however, with the vast amount of different demon races that are at war with each other- they have never been able to successfully go against the united witches.
However, a prophecy in both the world of the witches and demons speaks of a source of unlimited power. A power that if obtained by the wrong hands can lead to the end of the world. For generations, witches and demons have been on the hunt for this source but no one had any idea where it could be. All that was known was that the power was being held in a dagger that needed to enter the body of a strong enough being to handle the power. And in order to activate this power, a life must be sacrificed. It also said that the mark of the beginning of this doomsday prophecy is when the source itself would reveal a glimpse of its power and pull the strongest of magical beings in the same town, causing chaos amongst the world of humans and the murders of the Ancient ones which would throw harmony off its scale.
Present day, in a small College town in Massachusetts, the pull of attraction finally revealed itself, calling subtly for the strongest of Witches and Demons alike to migrate towards this area. No one realizes that it is the source that is pulling them, they simply believe it is their simple destiny calling them through work, school, or life as they make this move. It is during this time that the most powerful witches would awaken their powers and recieve their own whitelighter who will train and protect them from harm. These powerful witches have shown up every century after the death of their predecessors and are known as The Coven of Unity, a sign of hope that peace can exist in the world. Their unique magic is of the natural elements and no other witch could replicate or hone such powers as they do. But as every witch, they do not know of their magical powers until their awakening. And as these newly awakened witches arrive to meet their Coven, the powerful demons lurk around them and if they figure out that the Coven of Unity is once again alive, the witches are hunted by demons to strengthen their power and authority.
This is where the whitelighters come in. Not only do they train the Witches, but they must protect them at any cost. Whitelighters are guardian angels that are destined to guide and protect good witches to fulfill their duties in life. They are trained and given power by the Ancient Ones and assign them to the witch they must guide. Sometimes the assignments come from a spiritual connection between the witch and the whitelighter, and other times it's to compliment the personality of the witch that needs to be guided. These angels had past human lives, but their memories were erased by the Ancient Ones once the potential Whitelighter agreed to their destiny. Whitelighters are immortal and their powers include orbing (teleporting), mind manipulation (to the witch they are assigned to), glamouring, healing, photokinesis, cloaking, literary manipulation, and have high intelligence and the best combat skills. All whitelighters are connected by their powers, and they all know each other so when the Coven is fully assembled, it will certainly be a full house.
With the Prophecy beginning to unfold itself in this small town in Massachusetts, chaos and obstacles of all kinds will appear, disrupting human life. Will the Coven of Unity be able to prevent the world from ending? Or will the Demons get hold of that power and unleash their wrath unto everyone? That is something only time could tell.

YES, I was heavily inspired by the show Charmed but by no means have you ever had to watch either the original or the reboot. The main playable characters will be witches, whitelighters and demons but there are other magical creatures in the world that our characters can and will encounter. ALSO, not all demons have to be fully evil! And demons don't even have to be fully demon, they can be half human and half demon! Drama, action, romance, all that spicy stuff is SUPER encouraged throughout the plot as I do want us all to interact with each other!!

That being said, here are the Roles:

Types of Witches of the Coven of Unity (Only 8)~
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Ice
  • Earth
  • Wind
  • Light: Xenagg
  • Shadow: GhoulKid

Whitelighters (Only 8)~

Demons (Unlimited)~

  • Follow RPN rules
  • No godmodding or taking full control of other characters
  • Romance, violence, cursing allowed just please follow RPN rules on it
  • If you read the rules, please put “Charmed” in the etc part of the CS
  • Minimum of 1 paragraph per post
  • Do not end someone's life or permanently harm a character unless the person allows it
  • Follow the plot as it goes along, side stories are super encouraged to add to the plot as long as it makes sense!
  • If more rules need to be added, I will mention in the OOC and update the rules
  • Enjoy!
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