
The combined strikes of WPyromon and FAisomon were enough to finish off GKuwagamon as he fell to the ground and started fading away into data. He looked at the Digidestined one last time.

"No.... the ancient tablet......." His data completely faded away into the sky, when suddenly a small portion floated back formed into a Kuwagamon DigiCard.

"Wait, what?! First he can Slide Digivolve. I've never seen this happen before. I've seen Digimon fade away, or become a DigiCard. But never half-half. What in the heck is up with this Digimon, what is going on?!?!" WPYromon said before he De-Digivolved back into Dane and Pyromon.

"Who cares, we won anyway. No one can stand up to us!" Pyromon jumped up and did a victory pose.

"Well we have to focus on the artifact. At least we know it's a tablet now thanks to GrandisKuwagamon. Let's go inside the temple and try find it." He looked back where the two new Digidestined were hiding.

"Hey new people, you can come out now. Follow us and we'll explain everything." He looked at the others and started heading for the temple. He looked at the Kuwagamon DigiCard in his hand.

"This is weird, what do you guys think is going on?"
William de-digivolved with Alephmon, suprised at the new arrivals. He looked very skeptical.
Bethany had nearly fainted again from the overload of information, but instead of doing so she just ceased the stream of questions in her head and stopped watching. She waited until the action died down slightly, hearing a voice telling her to follow them. She peeked around the tree, and her mouth automatically dropped after seeing the devastation around her. She couldn't mouth any words, and eventually stopped trying and walked up to the group slowly. Vespamon was right there next to her, although Bethany didn't pay her any heed. She looked around at everyone in quick glances, but dropped her gaze after doing so and tried to take her mind off of the flood of questions that were making her head explode. She focused instead on the hum of Vespamon's wings, who hovered next to her. This was her idly attempting to get herself together before trying to speak. She knew that if she did try to speak, there would be no stopping the torrent that gushed from her mouth. So she kept it shut, for now, not wanting to be a nuisance any further.
Jagermon gave an embarassed look, kicking himself for being spotted so easily. With a huff he stood up, lifting his rifle up with one hand, and pulling Lucas up with the other. Lucas on the other hand was excited after seeing the power of a Digimon and Human combined. He wondered what it would look like if he and Jagermon fused. But as of now he wasn’t even sure how to do a regular Digivoluiton. But he thought it would come to him easily.

“Hey, my name’s Lucas and this is Jagermon,” Lucas said, “And I guess you guys are the other Digidestined?”

Jagermon bumped Lucas in the back with his rifle and said, “Of course they are, can’t you see?”

“But I thought you said, not every Digimon is a good person, and to be wary?” asked Lucas a bit confused.

“Well, that was, er, until they proved who they were.” Replied Jagermon a bit flustered.

Lucas gave a light laugh before moving toward the others and into the temple. Jagermon took a few seconds to compose himself before following after Lucas. Jagermon wondered how easily Lucas got over seeing that titanic battle. Jagermon had learnt while living in the Digital World to be wary of those with true power like the others showed. He was unsure if he had that potential in him but hoped that he did so he could save his world.

Lucas, though having a smile on his face, was making notes of what he saw. He was curious about the potential of humans and Digimon working together. He also sized up the other Digidestined as they would be his team in this battle and many more, battles he intended to win.
With grandisKuwagamon defeated MechaHeromon de-digiviled back down to Neil and Robomon. Neil stretched and his happy go lucky persona returned. "Man wasn't that awesome Robomon?!" The little digimon was bouncing on his heels in excitement. The two did a quick high five before Neil remembered the new girl. Seeing her slowly make her way to the group Neil gave her a big smile and waved at her. "Hello new girl! Names Neil!" "and I'm Robomon!" The two seemed full energy. 

A moment later two more people appeared and their energy seemed to double. "Hallo Lucas, Hallo Jagermon" Blrited out the human and digimon at the same time. "Wait where did Dane go?" asked Neil as he looked around. Robomon pulled on Neil's sleeve and pointed toward the temple that Dane and Pyromon were entering. "They are going into the cool looking temple." "Ahh no fair we have to catch up for ADVENTURE AND TREASURE AWAITS US!" with a loud yell the two chased after Dane.
Dane nodded to Lucas and Jaegermon.

"Welcome, Lucas and Jaegermon" Truth is, Dane hadn't noticed them. He had just been referring to the girl and bug Digimon. He didn't know even more were hiding there...

He looked back as he was followed to the girl.

"You are Bethany, correct?" He remembered the bug Digimon screaming it hysterically. "And you I don't know who you are..." He quickly scanned the bug Digimon.


Type: Wasp

Level: Rookie

"Vespamon ey? Cool, we've been needing a Jungle Trooper. Welcome all." He looked around, he had never seen so many Digidestined gather together, was the DigiSeer recruiting so much. He hoped this didn't mean anything bad.

"Welcome to the Digital World newbies! First lesson you need to learn is, I am the lord of this world. I rule all!" Pyromon exclaimed as he turned back to face the others while walking backwards.

"Bowing is not necessary, but highly recommended if you wish to keep your lives."

"Oh stop it!" Dane rolled his eyes. But clearly explanation was still needed as that girl still look confused as a Chuumon.

"So this is the Digital World. A world made entirely of data, populated by Digital Monsters, Digimon for short. It lies in a shadow parallel dimension to our world, so the two affect each other. Just like the television show that you have all watched.

Somehow, even though it was just a television show. It became real, we still aren't sure how yet. I do believe however it was recent that it came to be. However, since it wasn't really meant to exist, the two worlds can't seem to exist overlapping. So as the DigiSeer explained, they are going to collide and merge, causing major destruction. It has already begun, hence why some Digimon are already appearing in our world, causing trouble that we have to stop."

"That is why the DigiSeer chose you kids to be Digidestined, the chosen heroes along with your epic Digimon partners." Pyromon pointed to Vespamon. "To protect you and fight with you, together you need to help stop this imminent danger somehow. Using your D-Cell, that little device you can make your Digimon digivolve into Champion, a stronger form. We believe we'll even be able to combine Digimon using D.N.A. Digivolution to form Ultimates. Of course our trump card is BIo-Merge Digivolution where the Digimon fuses with their human partner to become a Mega Digimon, the most powerful kind."

"However as the others know, in the Real World where we are flesh and blood, not data like we are here. We can't use Bio-Merging..." Dane added on.

"Let's not forget some Digimon even want to try speed up the collision so they can take over the Human World." Pyromon nodded. "But you should all know that by now if you twits bothered to listen to the DigiSeer." With that Pyromon turned around and walked with Dane. "Now that we are done with plot exposition...."

As Dane walked through the dark passages, using his D-Cell as a light they pass all sorts of strange DigiCode.

"Now we are looking for a supposed artifact that can help, as evidence by what GranKuwagamon said, it's probably a giant stone tablet."

Finally they arrived in a huge central room, filled with DigiCode and murals on the wall of Digimon, digivolving and even the two worlds, showing their collision.

Dane looked looked around for a big stone tablet, but what he saw instead in the centre of the room on a large pedestal, surrounded by wires plugging into it and the walls was a tablet alright, a computer tablet. Dane picked up the handheld tablet which had DigiCode written along the perimeter.

"This is not the tablet I had in mind.... But I guess this is the Digital World, based on technology and the digital airspace...." Dane raised his brow.
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Lilyan sat at the edge of a cliff and sighed as she looked out into the open ocean. "This is just my luck getting stuck in some virtual world, with no idea how to get back." She laid down staring at the sky above her head a blue dog looked down at her shocking her she sat up quickly. Only to hit her forehead against his they both held onto their foreheads in pain. Lilyan turned to the dog rubbing her forehead. "Geez Gaoly don't scare me like that." "It's Gaomon ma'am also my apologies." Lilyan nodded her head then shrugged. "I know that I just think Gaoly is better. Also it's cool I forgive you you find anything?" Gaomon nodded his head pointing to the forest. "I saw a group of digimon fighting over." Lilyan sighed resting her head in her hand. "Yeah tell me something new." Gaomon shook his head. "Actually ma'am this wasn't like the fights we saw before these digimon had people with them like us." Lilyan stood up she picked up Gaomon and began hugging. "Why didn't you that sooner!? Let's go Gaoly!" The two ran through the forest back to where Gaomon said he saw the digimon and found a temple she looked at Gaomon. "This the place?" Gaomon nodded his head and went ahead Lilyan followed behind as they made their way down the dark passage Lilyan stopped Gaomon. "Hey wait how do we know these guys are good. I mean I sure in the show they're always the good guys but, what if some jerks got their hands on digimon what will we do if they attack us?" Gaomon thought about it for a minute then slammed his fist into each other. "We'll just have to beat them!" Lilyan chuckled at his answer then slammed her fist together. "Right!" The two made it into the room and looked around at everyone. "Oi you guys aren't bad or anything right!?" She asked Gaomon and her back to back. "Right cause if you are we'll clobber ya!" Gaomon added. 
Albert followed the leader begrudgingly to the temple, with Alephmon at his side. "That ancient tablet... is a modern tablet... Interesting."

After watching Grandiskuwagamon turn into data then a card, the pair had officially seen it all as they split back into their respective forms. Micha sighed in relief as heloosened his tie up a bit and gave Yunomon a quick fist bump to celebrate their victory.


"Well I think we can mark him down as a speed digimon, might be useful to have a card like that around."   Micha stated as he began mentally going over the fight in his head as be followed behind Dane into the ruins, listening to him and pyromon go over everything for the new comers who'd recently joined them. 


"Well I suppose introductions are in order, I'm Micha and this is my partner Yunomon, we try to do most of the research for the team." The blonde gestured to the bipedal wolf as they walked, Yunomon giving a half wave as he looked over the markings on the wall. This place sure did fit the old and creepy factor but was not surprisingly filled with a bit of modernized tech, wires flowing around, and data making its way through cracks in the really was just like the show.


"Heh..well they take things a bit to literal in the digital world don't you think?" Micha chuckled quietly as he looked over at the tablet Dane held  before taking note of a few books in the corner. "Should I take these to look over? I've been trying to do a bit more reading on the digital world myself in order to help with our goals."  He said while picking up one of the old pieces of text. 


"You still need some sort of translator though...I think that should be our next item of interest, whenever we get the time we'll have to find some sort of library here." Yunomon said as he picked over a few important looking books to hand over to Micha, only turning to see a new girl and her digimon enter the area.

"Forgive me for asking but, why would you ask if we were bad...then threaten us when you're clearly outnumbered by people with pretty powerful digimon?" Micha asked while taking a small step forward to wize uo the girl and her digimon, not really in a mood to fight Micha sighed and gave a faint smile before holding out a hand. "I'm Micha and tnis is my partner Yunomon but as far as you need to know we're the good guys around here." 
Bethany nodded at those who introduced themselves, resorting to being polite in her confusion. She then realized it was probably her turn to introduce herself. "And, uh, my name is Bethany." She quickly introduced, still evidently flustered. She was out of her comfort zone, that was for sure. Bethany listened as diligently and as best she could to Dane. Unfortunately, his explanation' didn't make too much sense. But she could at least get from it that she was no longer in her world. And, not only that, but she was stuck here with Digimon? She shrugged internally, deciding that her questions would be answered eventually. Glancing over at Vespamon, she saw the wasp staring up at her. She immediately returned her gaze to Dane, then looked at the tablet curiously.

Immediately, her heart jumped at the sound of shouting. She jumped away from the voice, accidentally bumping into someone behind her. She jumped away from that, being as she was on edge, and then her eyes widened. She spun on her heel. She thought that she bumped into Neil, as she remembered he was called. "Sorry! I'm... On edge, I guess, hehe..." She apologized, stumbling over her words slightly. Ugh, why was she so obnoxious... 

Tags: @Dante Verren
"Technically, we are the good guys, since we are the Digidestined. So you can chill."

"Oh right, yea. I'm Dane and that's Pyromon." He introduced himself to the newbies,as he had forgotten, more focused on the tablet. Pyromon just scoffed and rolled his eyes at the girl and her Gaomon. Yea, like those two would stand a chance against him.

Dane seemed a bit more preoccupied on the tablet, as he touched it a myriad of DigiCode and symbols appeared. He took out his D-Cell and scanned it, putting it into the translator to see what it said, but it couldn't translate it.

"Yup, it seems the D-Cell also can't translate this code..." Dane nodded as Micha made his suggestion.

"Yea, maybe at least those books can be translated. But to find a translator for this code, if the D-Cell can't and this is an ancient artifact, there is no guarantee anyone who even knows the code still exists..." He scrolled down through the text to the bottom when he saw something interesting.

"That's odd." It showed 9 rings, 8 empty and one filled with a slightly glowing symbol. He felt this was important, he slowly reached over to touch the symbol. He had no idea what it would do. He touched and.... nothing happened. Dane grumbled internally and decided to show the others.

"What do you guys make of this?" He showed the display of the tablet, showing what was under all the DigiCode text:

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Lana marveled at the digital world. It was so unlike the city she left behind. It was much more empty. She smiled to herself, finding she could probably get used to it very quickly. Her partner had explained as much as where she had been taken. As she thought of him her eyes shifted to the bouncing animal just in front of her, leading their way down an unknown path. They had seen an old building in the distance, a temple by the looks for it and were headed there. It was still hard to believe there was a real live digimon...and it, he, was partnered to her.

"I just know we'll find other humans." Tiramon said optimistically.

"Its not like there's a rush." Lana whispered under her breath, taking in the quiet scenery.

It wasn't long after the sound of a fight drew them to the temple gates. Things looked well in hand by the time Lana and Tiramon arrived so they waited, not wanting to get underfoot. As soon as the fight ended Tiramon made to go down to the group but Lana grabbed him quickly, putting a hand over his mouth. "Mmmph! What's the big idea?"

She shushed him and together they listened as Dane and his digimon explained, following the group when they went inside.

"We should go and say hello, not spy on them." Tiramon whispered sulkily, his two tails waving behind him.

Lana knew he was right, still she wanted to make perfectly sure they were going to get a friendly reception. The group seemed good, and her point was proven further by Dane's admission of it.

Taking a breath she nodded to her partner, whose sea-green eyes lit up before he bounced into the open.

"Hi!" He said as he landed in the middle of the hall behind them. Lana followed quietly after him.

"Hey," She said softly. "Um...sorry for butting in." She strode over to the group. "I'm Lana, and this is Tiramon. We're sort of new." She tried for a friendly smile.

Lana examined the ring of open circles on the tablet, pointing to the one that had been filled.

"Does that symbol maybe have something to do with this place? Or that thing you just fought?"

"Which was awesome by the way!" Tiramon laughed. "We just caught the end of it."

@PyroWarriorZ @everyone else in the group
Neil seemed unaffected by the fact of Bethany bumped into him. He gave her a friendly smile and a thumbs up, "No worries Miss Bethany it's only natural that you would be a bit on edge. Ain't that right Robomon." The little robot nodded his head and waved his hands at everyone. "Pleasure to meet you everyone." The human and Digimon duo then turned to look at the tablet with serious expressions. He watched as Dane reached out to touch it and was a little disappointed when nothing happened. What could this be... Maybe it lets us reach a new level of Digital evolution like the digi-eggs or something like that... or maybe its something much more sinister... Neil shot a side glance down at Robomon and he could tell they were thinking along the same route. That or it could be some kind of key to the digital world. Neil slowly approached the tablet and placed his hand against it hoping his evolution theory was true, though most likely it wasn't. 

@MoltenLightning @PyroWarriorZ @Everyone else

Micha scratched at his chin lightly as he paced with small steps besides Dane and Neil. many thoughts popping into his head at once, he politely waved off another new comer while he traveled through his thoughts. Yunomon however sat cross-legged on a pile of collapsed stone while looking at his partner with little concern before addressing the others.


"You'll have to excuse Micha, he tends to get like this when lost in deep thought or at least when he's linking ideas together. I'm Yunomon his partner, if you have any questions regarding digivolution or the digital world feel free to ask us."The wolf like digimon gave a small bowl before returning to his original spot to oversee his blonde partner who soon jumped when he took note of Neil's actions.


"What if! only reacts to specific types of digimon, all of our partners have different powers and what if it takes a specific digimon to activate it. maybe Champion or even rookie level!" Micha exclaimed as he mover closer to the tablet and gestured to the blank slots.


"Those could represent other typings as well, only found in specific areas and most likely guarded by powerhouse digimon like Grandiskuwagamon! that could be the link between it all, even though it's just a hunch..what do you guys think?" Micha began over looking the temple walls to find more clues relating to the symbol on the tablet.
Dane pondered.

"All of those theories are possible, but it's not doing anything now and to be sure we may have to wait till another one fills if it does to be sure. But no way to know if it even will, we need to know." He rubbed his chin in thought as he took out his D-Cell.

"Hey, DigiSeer, we need to talk..."

The DigiSeer appeared on Dane's D-Cell, covered in the usual hood that covered the entire face, except the mouth and that seemed to look like the night sky itself with a large crescent moon ornament over the forehead.

"Yes?" The DigiSeer's asked in an emotionless tone.

"We found the tablet, but how does it work? How do we use it? How is it going to help save the worlds?" He barraged the DigiSeer with questions.

"All will be revealed in time. Don't seek the answers, they will come." The DigiSeer nodded.

"Well thanks, that was useless as per usual!" Pyromon grumbled at the DigiSeer, annoyed and rolling his eyes.

Dane sighed remembering Lana's introduction.

"Hey Lana, Tiramon. I'm Dane, this is Pyromon. Since there are so many of us and this probably isn't the best place to chat. I say we all head back to my place and discuss this properly." He looked at everyone and headed out, showing them the way back to the nearest computer they could use as a DigiPort, he gave lifts on Pyrodramon to those who didn't know how to digivolve their digimon yet.


Later @ Dane's place:

Dane's room was messy, with his random junk lying everywhere. It wasn't a massive room, but it would be just big enough for everyone to sit with their Digimon. Pyromon was now DemiPyromon as he took his place on the highest desk to make sure he was above everyone else and they knew it. Now that he was this small, he would have to be twice as mean and sassy to make up for it.

"Ok, now we are back in the Real World. First before we discuss how to solve this collision. SInce a lot of you are new and since I get the feeling things are going to become more intense from this point on, I must ask: Are you all sure you want to be here, to be a part of this? We are trying to save the world, you can't be undecided and half-willing with this. If the Digital World or all this pressure freaks you out, now is the time to go! Go home though the DigiPort and leave this craziness behind. Otherwise, those that stay here commit themselves as a group, as the Digidestined to stop the two worlds from colliding and saving both of them." Dane spoke as he stood up.

"So who is in?" DemiPyromon asked.
Lucas wasn’t really sure what was going on. He had only been a Digidestined for a couple of hours and still didn’t know everything. He got that this DigiSeer guy had tasked them with saving his world and the digital world but was unsure of how exactly to do that. The tablet with the symbol didn’t seem to mean anything to him right now, but he figured he had solved harder puzzles in games before, so he was confident that the answer would come to him.

Jagermon was more interested in the new arrivals, specifically the Digimon. He wondered how useful they would be on their quest, and of course in battle. He had already seen some of them fight, and it wowed him. If all these Digidestined and their partners had such power potential than made their chances of saving both worlds a lot better. But secretly Jagermon was worried that he would be the weakling on the team. A feeling worsened when he saw Pyromon become the mighty Pyrodramon.

“I guess that’s our ride,” said Lucas, “You don’t have a fear of flying do you Jagermon?”

“Of course not, I’m calm and composed in all situations.” Jagermon replied.

Lucas just gave a wry grin. Truthfully Jagermon was not calm but he wasn’t freaking out, as he didn’t mention he’s never flown before. After a while though he was starting to feel a lot better, only to realize they had reached their destination. Lucas grabbed on to Jagermon and held out his D-Cell. The next thing Jagermon knew, he and Lucas were travelling into the DigiPort and through the place between their worlds. But quickly enough they landed in Dane’s room, falling onto the floor near his computer.

“I really need to get the hang of that.” Lucas said as he stood up.

Jagermon tried to stand up, but realized he didn’t have feet as he was now in his In-Training form, Jungemon. As he now was just a head and a tail he tried to figure out how to move. He found that he could bounce around a little. It wasn’t great but at least he could move.

As Dane gave his speech Lucas’s fists clenched. Hearing how serious the situation was made him want to do it more. His life consisted of playing games of epic scale, but they were artificial. Here was the chance to go on a epic quest with real stakes, a group of chosen heroes saving not one but two worlds. He figured that he and this team could beat this challenge. Lucas then looked down to Jungemon and shared an intense stare, before nodding their heads.

“We’re ready, we can take whatever is thrown at us.” Said Lucas loudly.
Lana leaned in when Dane called up the DigiSeer. When it left just as quickly Lana made a face. "Well, that was specifically vague, is it always like that?"

She nodded at Dane when he introduced himself and his digimon. "Nice to meet you." She caught a few names in passing but realized she'd have to get the others later. They were about to head out.

The digiport impressed her. "We can go back whenever we want? That's a relief, and here I thought this was going to be some Narnian, through the looking glass deal. Good to know its not."

She gladly accepted the ride, tucking Tiramon under one arm to keep him safe. When they reached the other side she stepped into what was obviously a teenage boy's room.

She pushed some of the junk aside and made a space for herself on the floor. Tiramon had changed, he was now a furry blue ball with large ears and stripes, a stubby, tufted tail protruded from behind.


"Riamon." He said simply. Lana was wondering if she'd ever get used to switching what she called him every time he changed.

As Dane spoke she listened intently, and thought hard about his words. When he spoke about quitting Riamon turned to her, his eyes huge and round.

"Tira-, er...Riamon came to me for a reason. I want to see this through Dane, so we're with you."

"Yaaay!" Riamon bounded up and down in place, looking a lot like a big-eared basketball.

Micha listened quietly as he watched the hooded figure speak, not really giving them any answers but regardless he listened while also grabbing a few books to take back with him and by the time he was done the digiseer had already put an end to the short conversation. "You ever wonder why we never get straightforward answers? like why all the cloak and dagger if you need us to save our worlds." Micha stated as stepped back with the group, nodding in approval when the topic of them heading back home came up. 

Taiyunamon rushed through what was left of the forest, carrying books, Micha,  and whoever else needed a ride. Making sure to keep pace or even ahead of Pyrodramon every now and then. once the group made it back to the real world and obviously Danes messy room, Micha cleared a spot on the floor with DemiYunomon in his lap. the small black ball of  fur moved lazily around until he found a comfortable spot, small yellow eyes quietly judging everyone while his tail rested as Dane spoke to them all once again.

Micha and DemiYunomon locked eyes for a moment before nodding in unison. "Well there's no doubt that me and DYunomon are in for the long run, besides we've come this far already as a team..let's see what we can accomplish with other digidestined." The blonde chuckled as he gave the group a warm half-smile"And let's face it you'd be lost without me around."DYunomon pitched in with a small chuckle. 
"Well... With all due respect, this is an item of interest. Not a thing to be looked upon with a frown nor a smile. I believe I'll be in, if only to bow out before the final act." William said, tipping his hat to take out a pack of cards and continually shuffle them.

Nullmon was a bit more excited, practically jumping, if he could. The thought of saving the digital world... More amazing than saving William twice, however he liked to think about it. He shouted "I'm in!" a little louder than he should have.
Neil had gone quite ever since they had left the temple, he chose to ride on RoboToromon's back instead of one of the others. Neil's mind was still fixed on the strange tablet, he had no Idea what it was for and the Digiseer was no help. RoboToromon noted his partners change in behavior , "You alright back their Neil?" it was a moment before Neil registered that his Digimon was talking to him. "Yeah I am fine, I just want to know what that tablet is for." Seeing as how He wouldn't get anything else out of Neil, RoboToromon remained silent for the rest of the trip. 

Once they arrived in Dane's cluttered room RoboToromon reverted to his training form DemiRobomon. DemiRobomon sat in Neil's arms as Neil picked his way over to the door and leaned against it watching everyone from the sidelines. The two of them watched as everyone slowly began to voice their opinions and one by one they started to agree on working together. Such a mix of personalities, this would prove to be quite fun. Neil didn't feel the need to voice the obvious fact that he was in but DemiRobomon did. "Me and Neil are in! After all we are heroes!"
Dane nodded as he looked around, surprised everyone was so willing. He looked to the girl called, Bethany. The one that had fainted, the only one left and the one he was most unsure of if she would join. She seemed the most shell-shocked new arrival.

"And you? You don't have to do this, no one can or should force you. We are not asking something simple, we are asking for kids to fight to save the world, to put their lives in danger. If you are not ready for it, you can choose to leave and go home. It's up to you..." He looked around the group once more before turning his attention back to her.

DemiPyromon just stared on, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

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"Maybe it would be better if you thought about it and decided later. You seem to not know much about Digimon, it's hard to believe the DigiSeer would choose someone who didn't even watch the show. Do some research and make sure you know what your getting into before you decide.

I guess the rest of us should rest, we do know what could come next. We'll just have to play it by ear until we can find out more information about the tablet. For now, it's been a long day and we fought a strong enemy. So we should rest, so-" Before Dane could finish, he was interupted.

"Yea, so in other words... GET OUT OF OUR ROOM!" DemiPyromon yelled at the top of his lungs with surprising volume and anger for one so small and cute.

Dane simply rolled his eyes.
"Use my computer as a DigiPort, just enter in your address and it will find your home computer's DigiPort and send you back to your own room. Get some rest."

(You guys have a post of down time. You can rest, sleep, play video games, maybe even go to the Digital World and practise Digivolving for the first time, whatever. My next post will segway into the next part of the story)
William went back to Harebourg Manor, his house which has at least 100 rooms. He started to write down more of his story. Nullmon flew around, then went down to the living room. Once he finished Chapter 27 he called Nullmon over for a game of checkers.
Lana blinked. 'Watched the show'? She wasn't sure that was the most important thing, wasn't it heart...or courage...or something? Sure not everyone would know about the digital world. Lana hadn't even believed it until she found her way in and found Tiramon. She stood up, Riamon tucked in her arms.

"Right...well, thanks...I guess? I think I'll go back to the digital world." Right now that beautiful place seemed much more welcoming than the cramped city apartment she lived in with her parents.

"Anyone who wants to come with me, I'll gladly take. I'm still not sure exactly what sort of threats are over there, and going alone doesn't sound great."

She stood up and made her way to the small computer. Taking her digivice carefully in one hand she used it to open a gate.

"Oh oh! I know this great place, its a beach! You can rest on the soft sand under the trees, and there's lots of room to train!" Riamon was trying his best to bounce in Lana's arms and it made her laugh.

"Ok buddy, how about we go see this beach of yours?"

Riamon giggled energetically and launched himself out of Lana's arms and at the portal. "H-hey! Riamon! Wait!" Lana dashed after him and together they both vanished.

Amazingly they came out at the exact point Riamon mentioned, Lana wondered if he had manipulated the portal somehow but decided not to question it. There was still so much she needed to learn. The moon sat low, hanging above an ocean, its pearly doppelganger reflected in the quiet waves below. Lana drew in a breath, it even smelled like real sea water. the beach was lined with trees and it looked calm and peaceful. 

Tiramon came trotting up to her, looking for anyone that had decided to follow. "Well? What do you think?"

                   Tobias Nylander

His cellphone was blinking, marking a single place on what looked to be a GPS. Tobias wasn't even sure if what he was looking at was a cellphone at all instead of some sort of PDA. His parents weren't home, he just got a call from a stranger, and his phone turned into something completely in recognizable. As far as he knew, this was not a prank, this was calculated, intentional even! Tobias picked up the D-Cell and inspected it further before suddenly seeing an egg depicted on the touch screen, it looked like that of an amphibian, but it was an egg nonetheless. He stared at the thing for a whole minute before touching the egg, feeling something, Tobias dropped the D-Cell in surprise as it soon lit up in front of him. Then it materialized in front of him, he looked at it, trying to make out what it was. It was like a tadpole...except...with fangs!


"I'm Teuthimon! Your Digimon partner! I-" he was then swatted away as Tobias shuffled away from it, "What. Wha-What! You're an actual digital monster!?" he was hyperventilating and coughing before eventually settling down. "Gah! Yeouch! It sounds like you need some proof!" worried that the little tadpole would do something drastic, Tobias stood up and shook his hands frantically "No,no,no. I believe you, trust me, the DigiSeer told me I would get someone." Teuthimon then started bouncing around his room and into his arms "Then I must show you the digital world at once! You should be able to open a DigiPort with your...D-Cell, I think he called it that, should be a button." Still holding the creature, Tobias eventually picked up the D-Cell, then directed it at his computer. A portal then opened, blinding light pouring out of it. "So, do I just..climb in? Wait, WHAAAT!", he was sucked in, and before he knew it, Tobias tumbled out onto a beach with Teuthimon.

"We're here, We're here! Wahoo!" Teuthimon then bounced his way into the moonlit waves, looking ecstatic and comfortable in the water. "Wait! Hold up!" Tobias ran after him with the D-Cell in his hand, seeing for the first time, The Digital World.



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