

Dragon Knight
The wind flew past Dane, pushing hard against his skin. For once he was glad he was given the goggles by that DigiSeer. They weren't exactly fashionable and some people had teased him. He was still sure this "DigiSeer" only told them he had to wear them as his mark of leadership as a joke. Yes, almost all the leaders in the tv show wore them, but that doesn't mean it was actually necessary.


Then again who knows what he believes in any more, the fact the Digital World is real! Everything seems to be crazy and topsy-turvy. Lets not forget the fact he is wearing the goggles over his eyes now is to keep the wind out of his eyes while he rides on his flying dragon digimon! He looked down at Pyrodramon, the champion form was useful for getting around the Digital World.


The Digital World, another wonder. He looked around at the multiple moons, the sky that had circuit lines racing through it, clouds with data flowing across and different areas with who knew what features across it. Hard to believe it was all just data, none of it real.


Suddenly Pyrodramon lowered as he landed, allowing Dane off as he de-digivolved back to Pyromon.

"So this is Memory Forest...." Dane said as he moved the goggles onto his forehead and looked at the trees with wires growing out of them and computer chips growing in them. The forest was thick.


Pyromon yawned loudly and stretched as he asked, "Why are we even here again?"

Dane just glared at him. "The DigiSeer said if we want to stop the eventual collision between our two worlds, we need to find the protected artifact in this forest first. Remeber? I hate his cryptic messages, I wish he would just tell us whats in here instead of making us wander around looking for 'something'. But we gotta go and figure it out. So let's do it!"

Pyromon just grumbled. "Whatever..."
by PyroWarriorZ



Dante Verren

  • The One and Only

  • Members

"I'M SO BOOOOOOORRRRREEEEDDDD"  came a loud complaint from Neil as he spun around in his chair. A small rustling sound came from under his blankets and the small robotic form of DemiRobomon appeared. "I know what will make you less bored! Lets go play! Come on Neil! Play! Play! PLAAAAAYYYY!" the small robotic looking digimon hoped back and forth on Neil's bed and Neil looked at him and stopped spinning in his chair. He placed his right elbow on the desk and leaned his face on his hand. "I want to play DemiRobomon but we can't let people know your real." They stayed silent for a minute, then it seemed a light bulb went off in their heads at the same time. "LETS Contact DANE" the two yelled together. Neil flipped out his teal colored Digicell and quickly hit Dane's number. He put it on speaker and waited for the call to go through.



  • Dragon Knight

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Dane's D-Cell rang, he knew immediately it was another DigiDestined.

"Hey Neil. Sorry, I'm a little busy right now. The DigiSeer has me on a mission at ROM Forest, you are welcome to join me if you are free. I'll send you the co-ordinates" He attached the co-ordinates and sent them off.




Dante Verren

  • The One and Only

  • Members

Neil and DemiRobomon both smiled as they read his message out loud. Neil jumped out of his chair and grabbed his jacket and beanie, putting them on while DemiRobomon turned on Neil's laptop. Once the screen powered up Neil logged on and stepped back, catching DebiRobomon and holding him under his left arm, He typed in the coordinates into his D-Cell. Holding his D-Cell out in front of him a wide smile crossed his face, "Lets Digitize!". Suddenly a digital portal opened up in front of his laptop and sucked Neil and DemiRbomon into the portal. Neil laughed as he shot through the digital plane going through the circuits that would lead him to his destination. In a matter of seconds a white light that resembled a door appeared and Neil flew through it. 

The portal opened a little way away from Dane. From the portal a loud "Yeeeehooooo" sounded from inside and soon the form of Neil emerged landing on his feet. He smiled as he waved a hand at Dane and Pydramon, "Hello friends!" "Hello freinds", Neil's call was echoed by his digimon who was now in his rookie form. Robomon waved one of his silver mechanical hands at the other digidestined and digimon as he stood next to Neil.


  • Dragon Knight

  • Members

Pyromon rolled his eyes.

"Oh great, now we have a toaster!"

"Stop it!" Dane warned Pyromon as he brought up a map of the forest to show Neil.

"The DigiSeer said what we seek is there, near the centre of the forest." He pointed out on the map of the D-Cell, then  put it away as he walked through the forest, followed by Pyromon.

"That is strange, it is so quiet here.... No digimon, not even a plant or bug digimon. That is weird... and worrying."

"They obviously heard I was coming and ran for the hills" Pyromon flexed his muscles as Dane rolled his eyes this time.


Dante Verren

  • The One and Only

  • Members

The two didn't seem to mind Pyromon's comments as they happily followed after the two. Neil nodded his head happily at Dane's explanation and bumped his fist into the air. "Alright we got a mission! Lets do this Robomon!" The little dgimon raised his fist into the air of as well with an excited yell. "Yeah!" After that Neil fell silent as he looked around and took note of his leaders observations. "Maybe they are having a lunch break" suggested the small mechanical robot.
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"This is so confusing!" 

An obviously annoyed voice cried out followed by an old book with very confusing letters being slammed. 

Micha sighed as he moved his blonde hair from his eyes and studied over the ruined books cover once again in utter confusion and spite of the cryptic language.

"Careful with that! It's Older than both of us combined!" 

A small voice cried out as DemiYunomon revealed himself from the foot of Micha's bed and crawled up onto his leg looking down at the book Starmon had passed onto them when they had theor forst encounter and had been warned about the collison between earth and the digital world. And since Micha was eager to learn more about the digital world. the only problem was there wasn't a lock of English in the book just strange symbols and markings on the old pages.


"He couldn't have thrown in a Rosetta Stone while he was at it!"  the blonde yelled angrily as he laid back and looked over at his digivice which sat lazily by his side, the sunlight causing a slight glimmer from the golden coloration. "Hmm maybe I'll take a little study break and see what the boss is doing" the blonde quickly looked over the tracking feature of his digivice and took note of Danes location in the digital world, only problem was he didn't have the coordinates. So he sent his 'leader' a quick text instead of calling which read.


"Hey boss, coordinates? figuredyou might want some extra muscle." 


Micha took note of another unregistered digivice rather close to Dane, so this would be a chance to meet another digidestined. "Hopefully everything replies soon, so I can actually get some fresh air."  DemiYunomon groaned as he watched the digivice impatiently after giving Micha a rather agitated look. "You have a window!"  the boy yelled before getting paid to crack the windowand bit and let some air in as he loaded up his laptop.


"C'mon Dane, I'm dying here." 


Pyromon just rolled his eyes as Robomon's comment.

"Yea, grabbing some DigiBytes." He mocked sarcastically.

Dane looked at his D-Cell as it beeped, reading Micha's message. He quickly replied back:

"Just read the News Feed and use the locating system."

"I don't know why you guys always ask for co-ordinates. Just read the News Feed, the DigiSeer keeps it updated with where all the important stuff and the group is. Plus the D-Cells work like compasses and maps, they can be used to locate other D-Cells" He continued looking around as they walked deeper into the forest. After all this time they still hadn't spotted a single Digimon. However they soon came across a large temple in the middle of the forest. There was DigiCode all over it, it was made of black stone and covered in overgrowth and cobwebs. It looked ancient.

"Called it a completely random hunch, but I think the 'artifact' is most likely in there...." Dane looked over the temple as he added in that little sarcasm. He looked at the entrance into the darkness when suddenly two eyes appears and grumbling echoed forth.
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Neil's eyes lit up as he saw the temple, Danes assesment of the relic being in their only made him more excited. "Heck yeah! Creepy temple here we come." Not Neil and Robomon stepped forwards but stopped when they saw the eyes appear. Neil's ussuall childish self dispersed and the new personality was calm and focused. His hand went to his Digivice and he glanced over at Robomon. "Robomon, get ready." the small digimon nodded His head and got into a battle stance just in case.


"Heh well someone's in a mood."

The blonde chuckled quietly as he looked over the text and went to the locator section of his digivice. "Let's go, buddy." He said as he held his arms open, letting the small wolf jump into right arm as he slung his black blazer over the left one.


Micha held out his digivice and in moments a digital portal opened from his laptop allowing the two of them to step through and go a digital plane, as they reached the end a bright light in the shape of the door made itself visible as the two quickly dived through it, landing only inches from the outside of some old temple. "Hello." The blonde gave a short wave before throwing on his jacket and fixing his glasses from the landing. "What exactly are we doing here?" his partner asked as he took his Rookie Form: Yunomo.


"So what's the deal?"  Micha asked as he stepped inside a bit , only to stop once he noticed a pair of eyes not far from them. he made a reach for his digivice in case this was an enemy digimon.

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"Looking for something we don't even know about thanks to ever cryptic and actually give no useful information DIgiSeer. And now we are probably going to be in trouble and attacked by something big." Pyromon said answering the new arrivals.

The shadow began to emerge from the temple showing off it's massive size as it crawled out, his arms and wings extending out as it towered over the group.


"Get out! No one may enter!" He roared out as the group as he lowered to face them directly.

Dane got out his D-Cell and scanned the Digimon:


Type: Insect

Level: Mega

The Demon of the Deep Forest, it is the ultimate form of the Kuwagamon-species.

Dane noted it was a mega and decided to tread carefully.

"Listen, I'm sorry we are disturbing... But we were sent by the DigiSeer, there is something in that temple we need to help save both of our worl-" But before Dane could finish, GranKuwagamon roared again.

"I said get out! Grand Death Screw!" He said launch his giant scissors forward to slice apart both the humans and digimon in his way.

"Get out of the way!" Dane yells as he and Pyromon both jump out of the way to avoid getting shredded to pieces.
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Neil and Robomon both leapt out of the way and rolled to their feet. Neil was now deadly serious as he held his D-cell in front of him. If they were really facing a mega then having Robomon digivolve wouldn't do much but he still had to try something. "Robomon Lets go!" The small Digimon nodded his head as Neil's D-cell started to glow. There was a flash of light and the digimon that emerged was no longer Robomon. Instead it was a massive bull made of metal, A third horn stuck out from the middle of his head, and three tails made of wires and steal swished back and forth behind him. RoboToromon stamped his foot and steam blew from his nostrils. RoboToromon moved to a ready stance encase they needed to start fighting. His eyes glanced at Neil and gave him a nod, "Ready when you are Neil." Neil didn't answer, instead he waited for Dane's orders. After all Dane was the leader.

Micha and Yunomon jumped back seconds before the massive digimon came charging at the group, and from what their d-cells told them he was a mega digimon so that made it all the more challenging for the lot of them. "Well he doesn't seem like much of a talker." Micha said as he pulled out his digivice and looked over at yunomon who had given him a nod of approval. 


"Let's make this quick." Micha's hand became enveloped in gold energy that resembled the data that lingered around the forest. he wasted no time pressing the palm of his hand against the screen of his d-cell and in moments his partner had taken on his Champion form, the small bipedal wolf had become larger and wore gold and black armor on selective parts of his body, his eyes now a fierce gold as the light reflected off the three golden horns on his helmet. 


Taiyunamon gave a deep growl as he stared down their opponent. "Just give me the word boss." The champion digimon grumbled as they stood a few feet from Grandkuwagamon  who was obviously furious with the small group. "Wait for Danes orders." The blonde whispered as he looked over at his leader then over at the guy who had also evolved his digimon to Champion level. this was the first time he'd ever seen a robotic digimon, he usually saw dinosaurs or bugs but never a mechanical one and he was rather excited to see how this one fought. 
"So lets char-broil this bug already!" He said getting up and dusting off.

"I'd rather not fight him, but he is leaving us no choice.... We need that artifact, we have to stop the worlds from colliding. Pyromon, time to Digivolve!" His hand burst into red data as he slammed his Digi-Soul into the D-Cell as the light blasted at Pyromon, evolving him to Pyrodramon. Dane jumped onto his back as Pyrodramon flew up.

"Use Dragon Flame!" Pyrodramon nodded and let loose a torrent of flames from his mouth at GranKuwagamon.
TL;DR: Bethany gets phone call, hears it in broken bits because of how dumbfounded she is by it. Gets digivice, opens a portal to the digital world. Is sucked in, she gets sick from it. She encounters her partner soon afterwards. Upon seeing the massive bug digimon, she faints. Vespamon tried getting help from Dane, whom she spots not far away.


Bethany had been going about her day, ruffling through her schoolwork and humming to herself. She wasn't one to complain about things often, but her back really did hurt... Sighing, she started the music back up on her phone and settled onto her bed to do her homework. The beats to one of her favorite songs had just caressed her ears when they were abruptly cut off by an incessant ringing. Looking down curiously at her phone, the number on it was a strange one. Really strange. Maybe it was from a foreign country? She didn't know. Instinctively, her finger slid over the answer button and held the phone up to her ear. Only just realizing it was still astoundingly loud, she heard a booming voice speak through:

"Hello? I am the DigiSeer, and you have been chosen to be a Digides-"

This startled her so much that she dropped her phone onto the covers of her bed. Frantically, she attempted to grab the phone again but her hands were physically shaking. It was a challenge, but she managed. She quickly turned down the volume then held it up to her ear again. "... I'm serious, the fate of the world is at stake..." She looked incredibly confused, pulling the phone away from her ear for a brief moment and examining the number again carefully. Then she put it back against her ear. "... Look for Dane, he is the leader..."

"Wait, what? What are you..." She asked, before stopping to try and listen again. "..You have to help stop them, you will need to fight in the Real World and Digital World, to save them both. But you have to keep this a secret or the government will send the military. It's up to you, it's time to begin, good luck!" The call then ended. Just like that. She heard the distinct beeping of the line being dropped.

Bewildered, she attempted to look at the caller's number again. But, before she could, a glow penetrated her eyes and she dropped the phone and looked away. Bethany had a whirlwind of thoughts running through her head at the moment, but she couldn't do anything about it. Uncovering her eyes slightly, she noted that the glow had subsided. But instead of her phone lying on the carpeted ground of her room, a strange device lay in it's place; It had a maroon-like back color to the popping salmon that lay on top of it. It looked rather intriguing, so she grabbed it. She didn't know what to think of it at first, but when she figured out how to turn it on there were some peculiar things about it. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her and she couldn't help but investigate.

One looked like it said 'Portal' or something of a similar caliber. There were other options, but as of the moment, the bright flash of light had slightly impaired her vision. Blinking a few more times, she clicked the one that said Portal out of curiosity. Out of nowhere, her laptop on her desk flew open. She stood up immediately, forgetting about the small device in her hand. She approached the PC cautiously, like a predator to prey. But it was too late. Some sort of force, one unknown to Bethany, sucked her up. And she meant that in the most literal way possible; she felt the Earth beneath her feet disappear and her body get pulled towards the screen. An immediate scream left her lips, but she was already being pulled to some unknown location...

Hiding her eyes and hoping that this was all some kind of dream, a few moments had passed before she realized that she was on solid ground. 'Oh...  Must have been that... Lack of sleep.' She convinced herself, pulling herself off of the ground-- And nearly faceplanting back into it. The eyes she owned didn't believe themselves. She didn't believe them either. She wasn't in her room. No, this was a much different place. With... Trees that had... Wires... Her thoughts at this point had smashed together so many times that she didn't know what to think anymore. It was a mess, everything didn't make sense... Nothing was right...

Holding herself up against a 'tree', she felt her stomach flip several times over itself. 'Oh... Oh god...' Where... Where was she!? Looking around frantically, hoping to encounter another intelligent life form. Anyone would do... Picking a direction and setting forth, she didn't get far before she felt her stomach nearly throw out what she had left in it. She put her back up against the tree and slid down it, holding her mouth in one hand and her stomach with the other. Suddenly, movement caught her eye. It was way too fast for her sickened eyes to trace, so she just found herself slothfully trailing after it.

Bethany didn't even think that there might be danger here... Blinking slowly and attempting to settle her stomach, she watched as the figure slowly approached and stayed in shadow. That wa, until it got within ten feet of her. It came out of the shadows before she could even see anything, and suddenly what looked like a bee was right in front of her face. She let out a blood-curdling scream, one that could probably be heard by other Digidestined. But she didn't know that. She just knew that there was a giant wasp sitting right in front of her, staring at her! She attempted to swat it away, but that only seemed to make it more persistent. When it had had enough, the wasp turned abruptly. "Exactly as I thought, hehe... You're my partner! I knew it, of course, but you never truly know with these sorts of things..." The bee was...  Talking? It seemed to have a feminine voice too... Bethany blinked rapidly.

"Uhhh..." Was all she could muster up before the bee was suddenly in front of her face again. "No need for words, miss Bethany! I know all about you already, no need to worry!" She finished, seemingly happy about it. Bethany couldn't even manage to stumble out a phrase. That didn't matter long, though, because she saw a massive bug rip through the trees near her. He didn't get far before getting hit with some sort of flame. She looked up to see... A dragon. A dragon up in the air. This was... Too much. Too much... Bethany felt her mind overloading with all this new information. So her brain did the best it could do in its current situation.

It knocked her unconscious.

She fell limp, her eyes closing. Vespamon, quite literally, flipped out at this. "BETHANY! WAIT, HEY, BETHANY! WAKE UP, THERE' S HUGE DIGIMON, I NEED YOU TO DIGIVOLVE ME! HEY!" She prodded her with her legs, landing on the ground. The poor bee panicked further, but upon seeing the other digidestined she flew up to meet him. "UH, EXCUSE ME? MY PARTNER IS PASSED OUT THERE ON THE GROUND, SHE'S IN DANGER! PLEASE, SAVE HER!" She sounded desperate, and immediately after rapidly telling Dane this she raced back to the ground and tried to pick Bethany up herself. She was too small, unfortunately.
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Both Neil's and RoboToromon's head turned as they heard scream from behind them. They watched in confusion for a minute as the girl with a wasp Digimon flying around her fainted. The wasp flew up to Dane and seemed to be in a panic, by the look of everything Dane and the other Digidestined who Neil didn't know would hold their own for a little bit. The two ran over to the girl and the wasp, coming to a stop next to them. "RoboToromon cover us." "On it!" RoboToromon turned around to face GranKuwagamon but did not move away from the two humans and the wasp. RoboToromon got into a defensive stance and lowered his head, electricity crackled along his third horn, and his three tails lashed out behind him. Neil turned  to the wasp that was trying to help the human girl up. "Need some help?"

GranKuwagamon was engulfed in flames, giving Dane the chance to turn around once he heard the yelp.

"Great, another newb freak out." He montioned for Pyrodramon who flew down besides her, Neil and the bee-like Digimon and picked her up with his tail, lifting her onto his back next to Dane.

GranKuwagamon flapped his wings dispersing the flames, barely showing any damage.

"I will destroy you all! Zone Black Hole!" No one may trespass, he launched a large black hole like ball of destructive energy that shot towards, Dane, Neil, the girl Bethany and their Digimon.

Dane yelled back to the others, in response to the incoming attacking

"Keep him busy! Stop that attack!" Before returning his attention to the girl. "Sorry, I know this a shock. But right now, I don't have the time to babysit, so you gonna need a rude wake up call." He took out his bottle of water from his backpack he generally brought to the Digital World and began pouring it over Bethany's face to try wake her up.
Neil nodded as Dane told them to stop the attack. He turned around quickly, "Now's our chance, lets show this over sized bug what a hero is capable of!" A smile crossed RoboToromon's face as the electricity increased. "Understood!" RoboToromon reeled up on his back legs and his third horn glowed brightly. "Shining Blaster!" as RoboToromon yelled he brought his front hooves down onto the soil in front of him, In a flash of brilliant white a blue the electricity shot from his horn like that from a rail gun. The blast arched forward slamming straight into the Black ball of destruction.

"What the.." 

Micha was distracted by the sudden  scream and noticed a girl fainted over by a tree with a wasp digimon flying frantically around her  before approaching Dane and pleading for help, who wasted no time getting over to her followed by the other digidestined. 


"Great I guess he's got that handled." The blonde said as he rushed over to help cover them, now side by side with the others as Grandkuwagamon fired a stronger attack in their direction. "Taiyunamon..handle it." Micha ordered as he looked over at the wolf. "I'm on it."


Taiyunamon planted himself firmly on the ground, his tail glowing a bright yellow as he charged his attack before leaping in the air and swinging forward a wave of energy along side the blue lightning "Crescent Blade!" Taiyunamon called out as both he and Micha watched both attacks connect with the enemies oncoming ball of destruction.
Vespamon watched as Bethany was put on Pyrodramon's back and he rudely poured water all over the poor girl. Vespamon flew up to Dane again. "Hey, stop that! What do you think you're doing, anyway?! She's obviously overloaded, do you just have to go and make it worse?!" She shouted this in the clearest way she could, obviously angry. Bethany shifted, shuddered, then convulsed as she realized what was going on. Blinking her eyes rapidly and pulling in jerkingly quick breaths, she sat up. But as she did, she immediately looked down and noticed that she was flying. She would have screamed, but she couldn't seem to muster one up. So, she did the only logical thing she could think of while her mind was backed into a corner. Ask questions. "W-WHERE AM I?! WHAT'S GOING ON? WHO... WHO ARE YOU!?" She shouted, before noticing the giant black orb headed for them. Out of instinct, she covered her head. There wasn't anything she could think to do, much less put into action. Vespamon shot in front of her, then positioned her large stinger at the ball. "Piercing Stinger!" She roared, shooting yellow glowing arrows at the thing in an attempt to stop it. It might not help, but... She had to do something.

Tags: @PyroWarriorZ
"No! Worse is leaving her unconscious while a giant bug is rampaging, ya small bug!" Pyrodramon grumbled at being left out of the battle because of this.

Dan saw Bethany awake and was barraged with questions.

"Well in that order: the digital world, that giant bug over there is trying to kill us and Dane. Listen, this is the Digital World just like that TV show Digimon. That person on the phone, the DigiSeer wasn't joking. I know this a lot to take it, but right we have to fight that giant bug. It's bad. That little small bug over there is good, she's your partner. Now you two choices, you can either hide behind the trees with the your new bug partner who will protect you or you can make her Digivolve and fight with us. Up to you." With that he lifted her up and helped back to the ground.

RoboToromon, Waspmon and Taiyunamon's attacks collided with the black ball as they pushed against it. The attacks were destroyed, but it enough to make the ball veer off course and shoot to the side as it hit the forest causing a massive black explosion that engulfed the trees, leaving a massive smoking crater in the forest.

'Woah....' Dane thought to himself as he saw the destruction and power. 'Champions are not enough to take this guy on....'

GranKuwagamon roared.

"Fine, if you won't die quickly. I'll show you my true power! Slide Evolution!" GranKuwagamon was enveloped in light as he began to shrink.



"Wait, he Slide Digivolved, how is that even possible!" Pyrodramon dropped his mouth in awe.

GrandisKuwagamon suddenly disappeared in a burst of speed, as all that was seen were slash marks as trees were sliced down in an instant.

"Ok, time for our trump card. No holding back. Bio-Merge Digivolution!" Dane yelled as Pyrodramon de-digivolved back to Pyromon. Dane was surrounded completely by his orange Digi-Soul as he pulsed into his D-Cell then held it to his chest as both he and Pyromon were enveloped by light, fusing together as WarPyromon emerged.His wings spread out and he flew to take on GrandisKuwagamon.

Micha sighed heavily as the attack was redirected, causing a rather large crater on the other side of the forest. "This guy doesn't pull any punches." He said as he turned his attention back to the fight  deciding to let Dane handle the girl since he and the other digidestined were a bit occupied at the moment.


But the second Grandkuwagamon decided to display its ability to slide evolve into Grandiskuwagamon, things took a turn in a whole new direction and Dane wasting no time burst into action with he and pyromons bio-merge evolution. "Well..I guess we gotta follow suit." Micha said as Taiyunamon digivolved back into Yunomon. "Ready when you are boss." The small wolf stated as he faced Micha.


"Then let's rock..Bio-Merge Evolution!" Micha yelled as he was covered in his gold d-soul, grabbing tightly onto his d-cell before placing it on his chest. in moments he and Yunomon were covered in light, fusing together. only to erupt from the light As FeralAisomon, grabbing hold of both his katanas while charging behind Warpyromon 
Bethany listened carefully to what he said. The guy on the phone... She hardly heard what he had said! But, being too dumbfounded to argue, she hopped onto the ground with Vespamon coming after her. Bethany, against her better judgment, decided to trust her for now. There wasn't anything else she could do, after all. But, Bethany was still incredibly confused about something. 


Sure, Bethany wanted to do whatever she could to help. But the girl had no idea what he meant by that. She had heard, however, that he was Dane. And this 'Digiseer' mentioned something about him being the leader...? Her mind drew a blank upon thinking about it, and she instead decided to flee to safety behind a few trees. Holding her breath as she watched... Whatever was happening, she only drew from the scenarios a few more questions. Digimon, huh..?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Vespamon flew right up to Bethany and appeared concerned. "You're alright, correct? Nothing was broken..?" She continued, examining her with her spastic flight pattern. Bethany waved the wasp off with a distracted nod, returning her attention to the ensuing 'battle'. That's what she thought was going on, at least. There were a lot of bright lights, and suddenly the humans that were around her were gone. They were replaced by... Monsters...

She watched as they rushed after the apparently changed bug 'Digimon'. Yeah, she didn't know what was going on. He had tried to explain, sure, but nope. Nothing connected or made sense. So she sat, helpless; couple that with the sinking feeling in her stomach, and she was nearly hyperventilating. This was so foreign to her. Not something her mind would readily accept, that was for sure.

Vespamon had been looking at her as she watched, to which the bee Digimon followed her gaze and watched the GrandisKuwagmon along with her. This was trouble, she realized. Bethany had no idea what she was doing, and she appeared scared. Sighing internally, the wasp Digimon eyed the D-cell Bethany clutched firmly in her hands. This was going to be a problem, all right... But her main duty right now was to protect Bethany.

And protect her she would.
Harebourg first thought the man mad when he said it, now he knew he was right. For a couple of days now he and Alephmon, his robot companion, had been traveling the digital world. They had to look for this stinking "artifact" the Digital Overseer, the most likely full title the leader gave himself. In any case, he DID need to go there. At a bit of boredom, this should cure it. He poked a button on his D-Cell. "Digitize." Him and Alephmon stepped into the digital portal and came to the forest. 

The two wasted no time waiting. "Bio-Merge Digivolve!" William's purple DigiSoul appeared, and a semi-blinding light emerged, Infinimon emerging. He flew up to WarPyromon, obviously annoyed at the fact that Dane was chosen leader. He seemed to wait for orders.
As WarPyromon raced past GKuwagamon, they both tried to slash each other with their claws, but GKuwagamon was so fast he almost seemed to disappeared and all WarPyromon had left was three slash marks on his chest.

WPyromon held his chest in pain.

"He is really fast...." He mumbled as another Digidestined appeared. He reconognised this one as William. Good, they would need all the help they could get.

"Guys, he is too fast to take on one by one head on. We have to attack as a group, surround him. FAisomon, you take right. Infinimon, left. Neil, you take his back." WarPyromon flew around to take up one flank. He then pulled out a DigiCard and slotted it into his D-Cell which was now built into his armored wrist guard.

"Starmon!" Starmon popped out.

"Yo, yo, finally time for Starmon's time to shine! I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille." He transformed into the Star Sword and went into WarPyromon's hands.

"Dragon Buster!" WarPyromon blasted a huge force of flames from his hands towards GKuwagamon
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Infinimon sped, not flew, somehow to the left. With his sword and cane simultaneously he drew a five-pointed star. It was a bit of reflective barrier, which split into six parts, all capable of relative sentience and motion. If the guardian was to rush to this side, it would be stopped at the very least.

NOTE: I will not be able to RP today, so whoever needs to use the barrier can. Please wait if I need to counter something or something.
Neil and RoboToromon watched as the other Digidestined bio merged. "Neil are we going in?" There was no response from Neil as he watched the battle, it was't going well to say the least. Neil's hands curled up into fist and he nodded. RoboToromon de digivloved into Robomon and Neil's D-cell glowed bright teal. He raised it in front of him with a new intensity. "Robomon it's time to hero up! Bio-merge Evolution!" Neil slammed his D-cell into his chest and both he And Robomon had disappeared. 

Out of the light stood a tall figured whose armor reflected the light giving him a glowing appearance. A shield hung over his right hand and a blade covered his left. MechaHeromon shot forwards behind GrandisKuwagamon. "Valiant strike!" MechaHeromon's sword glowed bright blue as he slashed it at GrandisKuwagmon's center efficiently piing the digimon between MehcaHeromon and WarPyromon
GKuwagamon managed to dodged WPyromon's flames, but soon found himself surrounded. He tried to rush past Infinimon's, but one part of his barrier moved and bounced him back. He was then stuck by MHeromon's attack which brought him down.

"Now, let's finish him." WPyromon flew past as he slashed with the Star Sword, whose blade was engulfed in his flames as he cut through Gkuwagamon, then allowing the others to strike as well to finish him off. "Burning Strike"
Lucas had been in the Digital World for about three hours now and was still amazed. Sure he already kind of knew what the Digital World would look like from the games but actually being there was so much more incredible. He had just left a field with microchips growing on weeds and had now entered a forest with data floating about. It was so much too take in, and Lucas was, walking slowly through the trees.

“Will you hurry it up, we should have already caught up with them by now.” Said the Digimon in front of Lucas.

“Sure…and where where are we going to meet up with them again, Jagermon?” asked Lucas, kind of out of it from the surreality of the situation.

Jagermon sighed as he marched through the woods. He had devoted his life to protecting the Digital World and now he was forced to work with this kid? He wondered why couldn’t he have been teamed up with the leader of the Digidestined, surely he would see the gravity of the work they must do to save both worlds. But the DigiSeer had paired the two together and Jagermon had yet to see the DigiSeer make a mistake.

It was the DigiSeer who had just given them their first mission together to rendezvous with the other Digidestined who were recovering some artifact that could be useful in saving both worlds. So Jagermon was determined and felt a need to rush, nimbly making his way through the digital undergrowth.

But Lucas was also determined. To him this was the ultimate game, and he was going to win. But he figured that right now was going to be his only time to take in the world before the difficulty of the game ramped up. And even though he barely knew Jagermon he was eager to see what he was made of in battle, as he knew that was one thing most Digimon were good at.

Lucas decided to pick up the pace and be closer to Jagermon as they made their way through the woods. After a while Lucas got a bit tired from his brisk pace, but noted the fact that even though the world he was in was digital it didn’t operate on video game rules. Lucas was thinking of asking his Digimon partner for a break when the sounds of battle became audible. Lucas exchanged a look with Jagermon, then they both nodded before sprinting toward the source of the sounds.

As they got closer a temple came into view as did several strong looking Digimon. Lucas was about to approach the others when he was stopped by Jagermon pulling him to the ground.

“Be careful, not every Digimon is a good person.” Whispered Jagermon.

“But my D-Cell says there are other Digidestined here.” Replied Lucas.

“Well then we wait until they show themselves.” Stated Jagermon.

As they hid in the trees the dragon looking Digimon’s blade cut through the mighty looking bug type. Jagermon wondered if that was the power a Digimon could get by working with a human.

FeralAisomon moved quickly around the trees, trying to keep up with Grandiskuwagamon as it moved at faster speeds. he did however manage to get overy on his right side, using is katanas to push against his side and slow his movement as the others began striking at him. looking back to make sure the girl was okay, he saw her off a good distance away from the fight which meant they could deal greater damage without worrying about any bystanders being hurt.


FeralAisomon watched as yet another digidestined joined the fight, fully Bio-Merged with his or her digimon. and just in time as Dane ordered a final assault, even calling out Starmon to help with the attack. "Hmph..alright let's end this."he growled as both his katanas began glowing a deep purple as he charged at Grandiskuwagamon. "Cosmic Assault!"


(hope this didn't die)

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