Prologue: Heaven's Devils [Scion: Time Of Judgement]

(ooc, I'll admit the last post was just filler. I was too excited at finaly getting a job to be in any state of coherent thinking.)

"Well then, lets get straight to business. De different oracles and other farseers aligned with the higher ups, or in some case the higher ups themselves, have felt that something big and ugly is about to happen around here. The spirit world is agitated in a degree not seen since the big breakout of the titans. A shadow is falling on the city of light."

He takes a sip of his wine glass, seeming to enjoy upping the drama of this exposition.

"The even more fun part is that despite the omens, no one yet can tell what is supposed to happen. Naturaly, this slightly upsets the higher ups that something is happening and no one has a clue... well, no one willing to speak at the very least. And this is where you come in. Your parents and their bosses have picked you to go looking around and finding out and, preferably, dealing with it before it becomes a bigger problem."
Tristan puts down his glass and smirks, trying to repress a chuckle, "Try not to take this the wrong way, but is that it? Make no mistake, I do appreciate the warning, the allies, and the knowledge that my father doesn't know everything. But if all you can give is 'Something is going to happen. Go find out what and stop it,' then there must have been an easier way to relay the message -- to all of us. Is there more, or should we just go roam the city hoping to stumble upon some kind of arcane catastrophe?" While his questions are genuine, those at the table can't help but get the feeling that Tristan is also trying to bait the man or break his momentum -- either to get a better sense of this messenger, or just to see if he can.
Cross just showed a little smirk, somewhat amused by Tristan's remark.

"Some heroes of legend have started with far less detailed instructions. But in the meantime may I suggest reading the news ? One can not help but find some form of enlightenment in their words."

He passes his hand over the table and, as in a many conjurer's trick, something appeared on it. It is today's edition of Le Parisien (french paper). The main article on the first page is an article about the impending train strikes that would hit in the week. Under it is one about the PSG's latest abysmal performance. The more observant might notice a small begining of article at the bottom right corner of the page about the Police still investigating the disapearance of a chinese bank executive four nights ago.
Because I am the only one who can read the french, I take the paper and read with a perplexed expression

"So so so ... a strike ... again ? State employees ... The PSG lost his match ... again ? perhaps, one day, they'll learn to play football ... the only strange news is this disappearance"
Fi sat waiting for the messenger to expand. As much fun as it would be to run amok through Paris, possibly knocking prissy boutique shopping snobs off their pointy stiletto heels, she was pretty sure there was something better she could be doing with her time then chasing rumors with no leads. Somewhere that wasn't Paris.
Mr Cross takes a look at his watch and begins to get up.

"Well look at the time. I'm afraid I have another engagement I must make my way to."

Again like a conjurer, he makes appear some business cards. They have the logo of roads crossing. There is one for each of you.

"If any ever require my services, I am more than happy to prepare a deal. Know that I am rather... felxible, when it comes to terms of payment. To this I bid thee a good evening and wish you luck on your endevours."
"Well that was informative," Fi took a chug of her actually not too bad beer. It was starting to look like she was going to be stuck in Paris.
Tristan picks up one of the cards and smoothly places it in an inside pocket without looking at it. He then leans back and closes his eyes, contemplating the encounter. This was what he hated most about dealing with his new world. He can't stand people smug than him -- especially when they were justified.

Coming back to the matter at hand, he leans forward and looks at Jacques asking, "Did you find anything promising?"
Deciding just to shut up and listen, John got out his wallet and placed one of the cards in it. Placing it back in his back pocket, the tall man eyed each one in the group, humor in his eyes.
While Jacques is reading, Tristan looks around the table at the other guests, trying to formulate some semblance of a plan. Unable to think of anything without more data and realizing that this group was not likely to chatter idly, he asks, "Forgive the question, but precisely how familiar are you all with this city?" He adds in his head, {And what can you do?}
Fi shrugs, takes a rather battered street map from her jacket pocket. A coworker had lent it to her when she'd announced her little 'vacation,' "this, not much else." She took another chug of her beer, finishing it off and gesturing for the waiter.

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