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Fandom Project: P.E.I.R. (RWBY rp)(Open/Accepting)


Dark Mind; Light Heart
Character Skeleton Sheets


(Or Description)

Name:(Perferred to follow Monty's naming scheme; Have your name represent a color.)


(Student, Staff, Teacher, etc.)

Age:(Student - 15-24)(Teacher/Staff - 21-???)

Race:(Be creative, but not overboard; if Faunus, tell what animal your character is based from)

Home Kingdom:



(If you're not fimilar with the anime, you'll need to create one or two weapons that can be used as a melee type and transform to be a ranged type: i.e. Ruby Rose's Cresent Moon scythe is also a high-impact sniper rifle.)

Semblance: (One trait that defines your character's strength. i.e. Ruby Rose's semblance is speed, while Yang Xiao Long's semblance is every time she takes a hit, she becomes stronger.)

Bio: (Can be short)


Once you have filled this out, please PM it to me so that I may go over it and place them down.

If you wish to be a character from the show itself, you may. All I ask is if you're not fimilar with said character to look them up. Finding full information about each character can be easy to find.
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Username: Bullet Tooth Tony

Since I don’t have a pic of him physically, but I do have one for the armor:

Herbert stands at roughly five foot, eleven. He has broard shoulders, and is of average build. His stomach is ravished with wounds from his early days of training. His hair is a mousy brown colour, which Herbert usually wears messily, unless on formal occasions, in which case he’ll comb it. His eyes are a pale shade of green, and his skin is fair, not pale, but not tanned either.


Name: Herbert Orion Wilkshire

Gender: Male



Race: Human

Home Kingdom: Vale

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Herbert often comes off as over bearing, crass and a complete and utter arsehole. However despite this, is he loyal and will follow his team leader to the end if necessary. He still holds some very stereotypical views on how poor people and the faunas live, often accidentally using derogatory terminology that he thought wasn’t offensive. Despite these flaws, he is principled, and sees it as every human and faunas’ obligation to their fellow people to try and expel Grimm from Remanent.

Herberts weapon is a broardsword called “Envy”. Its called that due to the fact that it glows a shade of radioactive green, alluding to a really shitty pun. When taking out enemies at long range however, Envy can become a high powered rifle which fires eight rounds before reloading. It’s a medium range weapon, but due to its age, the gun may freeze up under heavy duress.

Semblance: Herbert's semblance is being able to add additional strength to his weapons, speeding up either their attack speed, or the force behind the blow, or both.

Bio:Herbert was born into one of Vale’s fifth richest family, the Wilkshires. The Wilkshires have traditionally held very close connections with the Weiss family, and have shares and investments in every corporation to spring out of the kingdom. As apart of family traditions, Herbert was raised to become heir to the families fortune, and was indoctrinated with certain “truths” from his family. He was excluded from mixing outside his immediate socio economic grouping, and was always told to look down upon the faunas as freaks who should have been purged from society long ago.

This all changed however when his Uncle Calthulus was forcibly retired from the Hunter corps after sustaining horrific injuries. Calthulus was a black sheep in the family, as he had been the previous generations first born, and had in fact shed ties with the family to seek adventure. In order to keep the Wilkshire’s name as a hospitable and charitable clan, they took Calthulus in.

Herberts world view over the next five years changed. Calthulus’ tales of finding adventure, comraderie and fortune challenged the indoctrination he received. Soon Herbert began rebelling, at first it was doing activities “unbecoming” of a man of his stature, then it was sneaking out after dark. Eventually his parents, now at their wits ends decided to force Herbert to stay within the garden walls of Wilkshire manor, confining him to their large palatial mansion and its surrounding gardens.

At age 13, at the behest of his uncle, Herbert left, taking with him his uncles sword and armour. He left, hoping to train to become good enough to enter Beacon. Using money his uncle gave him, Herbert enrolled at Cross academy, a training academy for aspiring Hunters and Huntresses wishing to go to Beacon. At first, he was despondent due to the fact that, unlike many of his colleagues, he had never swung a proper sword or had to deal with the recoil of a gun.

However, that all changed when he received word that his parents had written him out of the will, unless he should return. Herbert was determined that he wouldn’t need to return to his parents and beg for their forgiveness. He used that determination to prove that he was going to go in his uncles footsteps, and ensure that at least his branch of the Wilkshire family (should he ever be lucky enough) would have a legacy built on heroism rather than the wealth and greed of his parents. When the time to graduate came, he was fifteenth out of his cohort of one hundred and fifty.

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Username: amdreams

Name: Lazuli Ashtrum

Gender: Female

Position: Student


Race: Human

Home Kingdom: Atlas

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Lazuli is generally what you'd call a "little Devil". At first glance, she's the type of person to do what she wants when she wants to, which many assume is due to her "blessed" childhood. She's incredibly hardworking and strong-willed, not easily persuaded to not do something once she's set her mind on it. And though she's always smiling, there are times where she seems hard to understand. Having an odd almost dark sense of humor and a hunger for conflict, to the point where she's fine with creating it herself, she's often seen doing things like making fun of others and even making footprints in fresh snow. She also enjoys watching people, especially those who make fools of themselves, but also some of the most mundane scenes though she doesn't say why.

She shows a different face when around her family though. When around them, Lazuli becomes quiet and passive, almost meek. She rarely smiles and when she does, it seems forced. Always agreeing with her family members, especially her mother, she seems like a different person. This side does seem to strain her though, as she'll often dig her nails into her hands or arms, as if trying to hold something back. If you ask her anything about it, she will deny and try to change the subject.


  • Apostle Sin - Lazuli's main weapon is a set of Multi-Action Dust Bracers, large metal bracers with a revolving dust chamber equipped with various types of dust. With them, she can use dust to augment her attacks, cast dust attacks and form Longinus, her secondary weapon.
  • Longinus - Her secondary weapon, Longinus is a dust-based bident, made predominantly of stone dust. The lance is meant to extend the reach of her melee attacks and assist in countering other weapons.The large top prongs are capable of separating from the shaft while connected of a chain.


Cherubim - Lazuli has the ability to manifest her aura into winged, spirit-like, albeit fishy looking "cherubs" which she can send out and control at will within a 15 foot radius of herself. By themselves, they produce a catalyzing effect, able to jumpstart or quicken natural processes such as healing and growth. However, they are capable of producing various effects when combined with dust, certain formations and other cherubs.


Hailing from Atlas, Lazuli comes from a well known militia family, Ashtrum, who, though produced excellent soldiers, hadn't had a hunter or huntress in generations. Well, sort of. Lazuli was the product of a brief affair between the head of the Ashtrum family, Albus, and a cabernet singer, Eos. Albus' wife had already died at the time of the affair but a child made by the two of them would still create a scandal the Ashtrum family did not want to accept. So Albus and Eos were married a few years after Lazuli was born.

From the perspective of outsiders, Eos' story was considered a modern day fairy tale, but within the walls of the Astrum family home, things were a bit different. Lapis and her mother were treated as outsiders. They were offered the bare minimum of courtesy and respect. Many family members called them dirty and laughed at them. Even the staff talked about them behind their backs. Unable to talk their looks of contempt, Eos took her frustrations out on her daughter.

"I used to be a star. All the men loved me. All the women were envious. I had it all. But then I had you. A stupid, ugly little brat. I thought marrying the head of the Astrum household would be a dream. Instead, I'm stuck in a nightmare. It's all your fault. If I had known this was what my life would become, I never would've had you."

This went on until one day, Michael, Lazuli's half-brother older by 1 year, challenged her to a spar to test out some of the new things he had learned in training. With Lazuli never having been trained in combat, everyone had expected the boy to beat her down. However, Lazuli had managed to win against the heir to the Ashtrum family. Thinking this was a fluke, the duel was repeated again and again, with Lazuli emerging victorious each time. It was at this point that it became apparent that it was Lazuli who inherited the skills of a huntress.

Things had changed after that. Lazuli and her mother were accepted as Ashtrum. The insults, gossip and pranks stopped. And Her mother loved it.

"Lazuli, you love Mommy, right? You don't want Mommy to be laughed at again, right? You'll become a huntress, right? That's a good girl. My little huntress. Mommy loves you, you know. Mommy has sacrificed a lot for you. So don't make Mommy sad, okay?"

Lazuli was then pushed to become a huntress, put through rigorous training and enrolled at Beacon Academy. It's not like she didn't want to become a huntress, but she never got the chance to decide for herself, wanting her mother to be happy so much. Perhaps, if she were allowed to decide, she'd become one anyway. But now, the only thing that had motivated her to excel at her prep school and make it into Beacon was the fear of being thrown away.


Lazuli can play the violin and has a nice singing voice, though she rarely does either in public.
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Username: XANXeto

Picture: (Once a picture is found/made, I'll post it) Description: Stands six feet tall even. Slim, slightly toned body structure. Medium length jet black hair with dim sapphire eyes. He is usually seen wearing a black trench coat and dark blue with black trim jeans when roaming around during the day if he is not in class. Due to his Faunus heritage he has a pair of fangs protruding from his upper and lower jaw bones, sitting were normal human canines would be, which he tries hard to hide away by not speaking much.

Name: Gorman Vos

Gender: Male

Position: Student

Age: 17

Race: Half-Faunus (Fox-based)

Home Kingdom: Vale

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Quiet in nature, Aravind mostly stays isolated, almost never advancing to others to speak with them. He can be very judgmental at times, and will keep his distance from ones he feels would cause trouble. Even being half-Faunus, he fears ridiculed and poked fun off if anyone was to see his fangs. For those that do attempt to break through his shell and succeed, they will find themselves a kind friend with an open heart and mind that will also act as a guardian; yet betray his senses and trust, and he will shut them out faster than they can realize what is going on.

Weapon(s): Garra Dobre - Dual metal gloves with sharp feline like claw at the ends of each finger tips to give it added damage with each slash. Embedded on the back of each glove are small tubes of dust, four different kinds, that go directly to the claws themselves to empower them with a different element. This can be done with a simple twitch of each of his fingers on either hand (excluding the thumb) to make for interesting combinations. Combined with his semblance, Gorman's attacks have been compared to the speed of lightning. With Garra's second form, each claw flips back, having a gun muzzle like hole on each finger tip. At this point, Gorman can fire the embedded dust out as high speed bullets; though this quickly depletes the tubes of dust. There are attachment on the back of each glove that allows him to insert vials of dust to each tube, allowing him to have more 'ammo'. As a final configuration, he can use all the dust at once in frenzy attack or rapid firing succession, yet this has not been tested in fear of what mixing dust will do in this fashion...

Semblance: Wind/Air current: With the ability to control the air around him in a short radius, he is able to quickly move from place to place and even apply power behind his attacks when using his weapons. Combining this trait with certain dust, he can even create a shield around him for a few seconds with different attributes.

Bio: Gorman's story begins just on the outer walls of the Vale Kingdom, as many other Faunus had lived. He grew up with both of his parents, but never had a place to actually call home. As he traveled, his father told him of tales about Huntsmen and Huntresses, how they fought to protect others from the dangers of the world; from the Grimm and the bad people who wished to hurt others.

Always on the move, even at such a young age, Gorman had encountered much ranging from intolerable human bullies to stray Grimms. Each event had quickly changed the innocent child into a dark mood, isolated teen. His parents did their best to try and keep him open minded and free, happy, and loving, but little did they know that he still kind of was. One day, Gorman had once again went face to face with a group of bullies that just loved to torment faunus, not caring that his father was human. In the amidst of the teasing, name calling, and eventually beating, another teen stood up for Gorman, fighting back against the bullies and finally chasing them off. Gorman was amazed, not because this human had chased the others away, but for the fact that he just helped a faunus. A first he had ever witnessed this, and for himself nonetheless.

Time went on, the two became friends, close buddies that helped one another out when needed. Things seemed bearable now than it had ever been. The teen had even talked to his parents about letting Gorman's family stay with them. It seemed odd, but the teen's parents nearly immediately agreed to this. Once in their home, they found themselves amongst a rather rich family, which was strange since they lived outside of the kingdom as well. Red flags began to go off in his parents heads, and soon after their worries were justified as the teen's parents were looking for faunus to work for them; not caring that Gorman's father wasn't a faunus. This greatly shut Gorman's trust down even though the teen didn't know this would happen. When the family tried to force Gorman to work in a nearby dust mine, he refused and let out something that was never witnessed before; a swirling orb or wind encased him, pushing the members that were trying to apprehend him away. With this chance, he fled, unable to take his parents with him, to the inner city. He did his best to hide away from the family for as long as he needed to.

Not long after Gorman fled in the city, he noticed some of the other teens with accessories that, when he asked about it, found out they were weapons. These teens were training and crafting weapons to become Huntsmen and Huntresses themselves, like in the stories his father told him about. He figured that those stories were more fact than fictional; that anyone with enough heart and soul could become. With this in mind, he began to train on becoming one himself, in hope to one day return to his parents and free them from their unexpected enslavement. As time went on, Gorman finally applied to Beacon; the university he had heard about that would help him finally become the Huntsman he wanted to become. He was surprised, as was other, that he passed their rigorous exam and accepted into the school. He now hurries to what he believes is his destiny, with a goal of vengeance in mind...

Extra: Self-taught fighting style, loves the smell of cooked meat, hates to admit it, but loves being patted on the head.


Username: Mat Blanche

Picture: (Doesn't have drawing .-.) Azura is a average height, average build guy. He has dark black messy hair with a couple blue streaks. He wears a blue hoodie and dark jeans. He wears very light steel armor. He has Black/Blue sneakers.

Name: Azura Stone

Gender: Male

Position: Student

Age: 17


Home Kingdom: Mistral

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Azura is a kind guy. He tries his best, but often messes up in the process. He wants to be the best but is often outshined by others. Competitively, he's not the best, but tries to keep his friends safe from all danger. Azura can be pretty smart at times which is helpful, but it's mostly just lucky guesses. He's not the bravest guy in normal situations, but in very dangerous situations that can cause harm to his friends he can be very brave and risk his life for his teammates. Around new people Azura can come off as quiet, but becomes very outgoing.

Weapon(s): Azura's weapon is Clint Blades (Clint Eastwood Ref) 2 long daggers. When flipped there's a trigger that fire the revolvers on the ends. The gauge on the revolvers can be equipped with dust.

Semblance: Final Stand; when in very dire situations Azura's skills become enhanced allowing him to battle with much more skill.

Bio: From Mistral, a young man from the Stone family. A family of great warriors known for their many wins in the Mistral regional tournament. While he has competed Azura has never won due to his other strong family members beating him late in the tourney. Azura is the youngest son of Indigus Stone. Indigus stone is the younger brother of the Stone families "top dog" Skai.

Coming form a lower branch of the stone family not much is expected from Azura. Azura hopes to one day become the strongest of his family/clan and overcome the odds. To do this he became a hunter. Spending some time at Sanctum Azura ventures to Beacon to hone his skills and be an accomplished hunter. To then return to his family stronger than ever

Extra: Not much. He enjoys junk food and is never too healthy. He's also scared of being isolated.
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Username: Lord Chaos


the eye under the eyepatch is silver

Name: Basil Midnight Seras (Color is dark Blue)

Gender: Male

Position: Transfer Student

Age: 18

Race: Snake Faunus, has slitted pupils and fangs (he is poisonous)

Home Kingdom: Mistral

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: shy and quiet until you piss him off then, you should run


(the gems are blueish black in the lux caestus instead of crimson)

known as lux caestus or Light Gauntlets

wears dual gloves (pictured above) which the fingertips can extend into 5 inch blades, they also channel Basil's Semblance into his hands

Semblance: Known as Reality Weave, Basil's Semblance lets him alter the elements inside objects around him, usually the air, for example he could turn the air solid in front of himself to stop bullets and it would stay this way until he ran out if aura or lost his concentration/used his semblance for something else

Bio: Basil's life has been a hard one, ever since he was a little kid he knew he was different and when he was kidnapped at the age of five by the White Fang proved him right. They put him through deadly training and he was fine with it until they tried to get him to kill normal humans. When he refused, The White Fang members began to beat him which caused his aura to break halfway out of the lock and trigger his semblance which solidified the air around him long enough to escape. After leaving the White Fang, Basil roamed around in Mistral until he heard about Beacon Academy and applied, acing all of the test and transferred in.

Extra: if any more info is needed just ask

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