• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Project Guf CS & Application


true force

New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Any CS or template is allowed just make sure to have the following included
- Powers/Magic if any
- Limitations
-Items/ weapons (if any)

Please only submit ONE CS. You may make more characters if and when you are accepted but for applications only one, please.
This rp also uses anime style characters for human players but can be expanded to other art styles, just no real face claims

* Child of the Comet

  • req.


    * The Herald

    Between 5000-4500 B.C

    * p.o.b.
    Uruk, Ancient Sumer

    * n.name(s)
    The Second Beast

    * question




    * height

    * weight

    * build
    Slender and rather lanky with surprising strength

    * hair colour

    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡


* Morgan Dismas

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Vampire, The boss guy
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    Naples, Italy
    * n.name(s)
    The Crimson Moon
    * threat level
    division 3-4





    * height
    * weight
    * build
    An average man with runes burned
    onto the majority of his body
    * hair colour
    Dark blonde
    * eye colour
    A dull blue color






* Black Sun

  • req.


    * Julius Volkanovski

    * 11/24/2005

    * p.o.b.
    Dresden Germany

    * n.name(s)
    Child of the Eclipse, Arsenal Junkie

    * question





    * height

    * weight

    * build
    Muscular with many scars coursing over his body, rather snow white skin, notable stigmata type scars on hands and feet

    * hair color

    * eye colour
    Dark blue





♡coded by uxie♡


* The Star Shepherd

  • req.


    * Endymion


    * p.o.b.
    N. America

    * nickname
    Endy (informal)

    * birthname
    ??? ???





    * height

    * weight

    * build
    Long and lanky. Poor muscle tone, slightly malnourished, and in severe need of sun exposure.

    * hair colour
    Medium nut-brown

    * eye colour
    Icy blue





♡coded by uxie♡

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* Endymion

  • req.


    * The Star Shepherd


    * p.o.b.
    N. America

    * nickname
    Endy (informal)

    * birthname
    ??? ???


    Mixed Race

    * height

    * weight

    * build
    Long and lanky. Poor muscle tone, slightly malnourished, and in severe need of sun exposure.

    * hair colour
    Medium nut-brown

    * eye colour
    Icy blue





♡coded by uxie♡

Everything looks good, a rp with a opening post will be up soon.
Name: Zack McGill
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: July 4th, 2010
Type: Mage

Appearance: 1719077598278.png
Weight: 130 pounds
Build: Skinny
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Cybernetics: All of his limbs have been replaced with cybernetics created by Tecnet that are designed to resist the fire that shoots out of them. All of his limbs are gone because he accidentally burned them off the first time he used his powers.
Likes: The Crimson Hand, his friends and family, dogs, all of the things Zack has from being rich
Dislikes: The Underground Pillar, criminals, villains, the fact he lost his limbs

Personality Overview: Zack is a caring, hopeful, and optimistic young man, wishing to make the people around them happier as a coping mechanism for his self-worth issues. Despite the traumatic event when he was 13, he is generally naïve to not only his only actions but how dark and horrible the world can be, especially since, as someone who works for the Crimson Hand, Zack is blinded by the horrible atrocities the group has committed in the past before Morgan Dismas took over. To Zack, criminals are criminals, villains are villains, and threats are threats, which need to be dealt with to avoid people from getting hurt, believing that the detectives aren't doing enough to stop the dangers that roam the streets. Zack wishes to make the world a better place by stopping crime and help the people around him, proud to consider himself a hero working for Crimson Dawn, wishing to be the mage equivalent of a superhero. Zack is a bright light in a dark world, putting on a happy face to try and get through the trauma of losing his father 5 years prior.
Backstory: The McGill Family for many generations have coasted off of being one of the richest families in all of Mage Society, owning a national bank franchise all across the United States, collecting and housing gold for mages known as McGill Gold Banking. It's because of this privileged background that Zack managed to grow up in a comfortable but blinding lifestyle, as Zack grew up completely unaware of the darker world around him. Zack knew growing up that criminals and villains were bad but he never thought they would ever attack him or his family.

That's why, when the New York City branch of McGill Gold Banking was attacked and robbed for millions of dollars worth of gold, Zack, who was 13 at the time, was awaken to the potential darkness the real world had to offer. His father was murdered in the robbery, leading to Zack begging the detective agencies across New York to locate the mysterious robbers and bring them to justice. However, the detectives proved to be unhelpful, as the robbers managed to cover their tracks and avoid getting caught. Determined to bring his father's killers to justice, Zack became a vigilante, training himself to improve his magical capabilities that he ignored for most of his childhood; his power to conduct pyrokinesis.

After losing his arms and getting them replaced with metallic ones that can resist the heat and power of flames, Zack, more determined than ever, eventually found the robbers who murdered his father and robbed their bank; the Underground Pillar criminal organization, who recently moved from New York to the new city of Drezzen. Despite Zack's best efforts, his skills and powers weren't enough to defeat the villains, nearly resulting in his death before a member of the Crimson Hand managed to save him before both of them made their escape, with the hit on one of the members of the Underground Pillar complete. Zack eventually located the people who rescued him and joined forces with the Crimson Hand, wishing to bring criminals to justice and, hopefully, face off against the Underground Pillar once again.

Ability Name: Pyrokinesis
Ability Description: Zack can summon fire and smoke from the tips of his limbs, using them to shoot projectiles, increase the strength of physical attacks, and fly.
Weakness: Despite his powers, Zack is not fire proof and must be very careful when using said powers, making sure the fire doesn't touch his organic skin. His powers also do not work outside in the rain.

Equipment: His Tecnet cybernetics, an expensive commodity that he was able to pay using his McGill money, provide many gadgets inside them, such as grappling hooks, guns, knives, and medicine. Eventually, supplies would run out and he would have to refill at Crimson Hand HQ or whatever he can find on the scene.

Skills: Zack is doing his best to take after his teammates Morgan and Julius, being a novice infiltrator and assassin.

Overall Weaknesses: Zack is young and inexperienced. Zack usually relies on his powers and equipment due to have little hand-to-hand combat experience, meaning when he's low on magic or equipment, Zack is screwed. He's almost heavily emotional and naive, leading to moments where he doesn't think straight and gets himself and his teammates in danger. He is not a leader at all; he would rather follow their directions than give out orders of his own due to being afraid of messing things up.
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Media Vita in morte sumus
Full name
Fr. Flemming Hammershøi, OQV
> N/A
> 27
> 22nd April, 2001
> Male
> Vowed Celibate
> Odense, Denmark

Overall appearance
> Flemming is seldom seen in anything besides his black Cassock and triple knotted Cordon, the habit of his previous community which he has refused to get rid of. He always wears a golden profession cross around his neck, given to him at his investiture as a member of the Oblates of the Five Wounds. On rare occasions, especially when he is in a particularly hot climate, he will wear a short sleeved clergy shirt and black slacks. On more formal occasions, a Biretta accompanies his Cassock. He looks younger than his age.
> Fr. Flemming Hammershøi, OQV
> He has ear piercings from the time before he entered the Seminary. He seldom wears earrings.
> N/A
> 5'6"
> 142lbs

Quem quaerimus adjutorem nisi Te, Domine

> N/A
> N/A
Personality Description
> Fr. Flemming Hammershøi is not an easy man to understand. His difficult relationship with his parents, his young age (for a priest), traditional aesthetics, reading habits, and his love for all things baroque would give the image of a strict zealot. However, though Flemming is by no means a lax Catholic, and is wholeheartedly dedicated to his Priesthood, he is quite a jovial presence as well as a social butterfly. He has a good sense a humour, loves playing video games, and is a great public speaker. Perhaps this is why he was chosen as the face of the Oblates of the Five Wounds. He is, however, a master at controlling and disseminating information, and is a worthy Provincial Superior for the local Oblates. Many other members of the society foresee his place as the General Superior one day, if he plays his cards right.
Character Background
> Flemming comes from a small family in Odense, Denmark. His father is a Professor of Theology at the University of Southern Denmark and his mother was the secretary of his local Lutheran Parish. His parents were both devout Lutherans and Flemming received his initial religious formation largely from listening to his father practice his lectures in front of him. Because of this, Flemming held a curiosity for Religion since his early childhood, and initially planned to follow in his father's footsteps and become a theologian, or perhaps even a Lutheran Pastor. However, fate would not have it be so, as at the age of 16, he would have a Roman Catholic become his homeroom teacher who would inculcate within him a deep reverence for the religion during after-school tutoring. In defiance of his family, he converted by age 17 and entered the Seminary at 18 with the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, after being thrown out of his home by his parents. He has yet to talk to them again. He largely copes with his detachment from his family with his laissez-faire attitude, his casual approach to faith, and his sense of humour.
In the seminary, Flemming was known for his love of aesthetics, his dedication to his prayers, and his simultaneous, almost contradictory facetiousness. He was noted by his superiors for being "pious, proper, and proud of it," but also "far too needlessly comical in the Sacristy." Other negatives they identified included his difficulty getting along with those who took things too seriously, and his lingering sadness and frustration with his parents. He made his first vows at 21, and was ordained a Deacon at 25. After serving in Helsinki, Finland for a pastoral year as a Deacon he was approached by an old friend of his- his old homeroom teacher. It was revealed that he was in fact, not merely a schoolteacher, but in fact a lay agent for the Vatican who had been scoping out promising young talent for an otherwise rather selective and obscure Religious community. He, along with five others had been selected by the Holy Father to enter an ancient Congregation named the "Oblates of the Five Wounds", a community dedicated to fighting and keeping the people of God safe from what had been previously unknown to him- Magic, and its misuse by men of ill intent. Though initially hesitant, as he loved his former Congregation, he accepted when it was impressed upon him the importance of this duty. He was ordained a month later, and together with the other four selected, made their vows as Oblates of the Five Wounds. He has since been sent to New Versailles, the European colony upon the continent of Rodinia. He operates one of the many Catholic parishes in the city, maintains a professional level polyphonic choir, and ensures that Tecnet doesn't interfere in the work of the Church. However, affairs have often drawn him to Drezzen, where he maintains an office in the Provincial Motherhouse of the Oblates on the continent. It is here he does a great deal more of the wetwork of the Congregation- that being combating evil Nephil and wicked mages who seek to abuse magic to harm the Catholic Church and the people of God. He is currently Provincial Superior of the Rodinia province, the first named since the province's elevation from a district in 2027.

qui pro peccatis nostris

> The Catholic Church and those who belong to her
> Classical Music, especially the works of Bach and Buxtehude
> Winter Sports
> Cheese (give him a brie en croute and he'll be the happiest priest alive)
> Conducting his choir
> Anti-Catholics
> Radical Traditionalists
> Rap music
> Stoic Philosophy
> Tecnet and its vice grip on the public
> Flemming bites his cheek as a regular habit
> He also habitually fingers his Rosary beads when under duress
> When mentally praying, he always mouths the prayers which looks awkward with others around
> Flemming is quite active on social media, and maintains a decently large following. His content is primarily about baroque music, and secondarily about his duties as a Catholic Priest (though nothing from the Oblates works its way into his messaging here)
> Angering his superiors if he fails an assignment
> Making a fool of himself in public and embarrassing the Oblates
> Cockroaches
> His responsibilities to the Congregation stealing him away from his choir too frequently

juste irasceris?

> Severe hay fever
> N/A
> N/A
> Exorcism rites and all powers given to the clergy by God to confect the Sacraments
> As an ordained cleric, he also has access to Divine magic. This magic is seemingly only accessed by those ordained to the clerical state. Namely, he can call down God's light to disable the unrighteous' magical capacities. The duration of this depends upon the fervency of the prayer, the wickedness (or wicked intent) of the target, and ultimately the will of God, this can last as short as an hour or as long as a lifetime. This applies to any person who wields arcane magic, and divine magic not obtained through the Christian religion. He can also call upon the Lord's protection from spells cast at him or his allies, heal injuries, and Sanctify and Bless objects. If he blesses a weapon, it will do considerable burning damage to wicked creatures or wicked users of arcane magic.
Limitations (power/physical/mental limitations)
> Flemming is unarmed, and outside of his ability to exorcise and invoke Divine magic is defenceless and armour-less in combat.
> Flemming would never harm another Catholic, and would find it difficult to ever engage in a protracted fight with one
> He scorns those users of magic who have not obtained it from Divine sources. He views them as Contra Mundum and meddling with the affairs of God
Skills (Minimum is 3 but feel free to add more)
> Flemming is considered quite intelligent, very well read, and possess two Master's degrees, one in Divinity and one in Music. He uses the music degree to run a Sacred Music choir out of his parish in New Versailles, though due to his frequent work in Drezzen, he can't always be present.
> Flemming is always on the defensive and maintains a very good mental mapping on any area he is in to plan for escapes, or to hide from possible armed opponents.
> Flemming is a musical virtuoso, and sings, dances, as well as plays the Organ. The Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Julius Reubke which tells of the end of the world and God's triumph over evil is a personal favourite.
> Flemming can speak four languages: Danish, French, Finnish and English.

> He has all the tools necessary for exorcisms, Holy Water, Crucifixes, etc, but bears no formal weapons.
> He carries a black attaché case.
> a Mass Kit, a small Bible, a wooden Rosary from Jerusalem, his copy of the Divine Office, and his exorcism tools. He also has a phone with an extensive kindle library, including the complete works of Martin Heidegger, Plato, Aristotle, and St. Thomas Aquinas. He also has lots of digital sheet music loaded there, just in case.
> For allergy fits, he also has a couple travel packs of tissues in his pockets.
> N/A
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Name: Zack McGill
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: July 4th, 2010
Type: Mage

Appearance: View attachment 1169134
Weight: 130 pounds
Build: Skinny
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Cybernetics: All of his limbs have been replaced with cybernetics created by Tecnet that are designed to resist the fire that shoots out of them. All of his limbs are gone because he accidentally burned them off the first time he used his powers.
Likes: The Crimson Hand, his friends and family, dogs, all of the things Zack has from being rich
Dislikes: The Underground Pillar, criminals, villains, the fact he lost his limbs

Personality Overview: Zack is a caring, hopeful, and optimistic young man, wishing to make the people around them happier as a coping mechanism for his self-worth issues. Despite the traumatic event when he was 13, he is generally naïve to not only his only actions but how dark and horrible the world can be, especially since, as someone who works for the Crimson Hand, Zack is blinded by the horrible atrocities the group has committed in the past before Morgan Dismas took over. To Zack, criminals are criminals, villains are villains, and threats are threats, which need to be dealt with to avoid people from getting hurt, believing that the detectives aren't doing enough to stop the dangers that roam the streets. Zack wishes to make the world a better place by stopping crime and help the people around him, proud to consider himself a hero working for Crimson Dawn, wishing to be the mage equivalent of a superhero. Zack is a bright light in a dark world, putting on a happy face to try and get through the trauma of losing his father 5 years prior.
Backstory: The McGill Family for many generations have coasted off of being one of the richest families in all of Mage Society, owning a national bank franchise all across the United States, collecting and housing gold for mages known as McGill Gold Banking. It's because of this privileged background that Zack managed to grow up in a comfortable but blinding lifestyle, as Zack grew up completely unaware of the darker world around him. Zack knew growing up that criminals and villains were bad but he never thought they would ever attack him or his family.

That's why, when the Drezzen branch of McGill Gold Banking was attacked and robbed for millions of dollars worth of gold, Zack, who was 13 at the time, was awaken to the potential darkness the real world had to offer. His father was murdered in the robbery, leading to Zack begging the detective agencies across Drezzen to locate the mysterious robbers and bring them to justice. However, the detectives proved to be unhelpful, as the robbers managed to cover their tracks and avoid getting caught. Determined to bring his father's killers to justice, Zack became a vigilante, training himself to improve his magical capabilities that he ignored for most of his childhood; his power to conduct pyrokinesis.

After losing his arms and getting them replaced with metallic ones that can resist the heat and power of flames, Zack, more determined than ever, eventually found the robbers who murdered his father and robbed their bank; the Underground Pillar criminal organization. Despite Zack's best efforts, his skills and powers weren't enough to defeat the villains, nearly resulting in his death before a member of the Crimson Hand managed to save him before both of them made their escape, with the hit on one of the members of the Underground Pillar complete. Zack eventually located the people who rescued him and joined forces with the Crimson Hand, wishing to bring criminals to justice and, hopefully, face off against the Underground Pillar once again.

Ability Name: Pyrokinesis
Ability Description: Zack can summon fire and smoke from the tips of his limbs, using them to shoot projectiles, increase the strength of physical attacks, and fly.
Weakness: Despite his powers, Zack is not fire proof and must be very careful when using said powers, making sure the fire doesn't touch his organic skin. His powers also do not work outside in the rain.

Equipment: His Tecnet cybernetics, an expensive commodity that he was able to pay using his McGill money, provide many gadgets inside them, such as grappling hooks, guns, knives, and medicine. Eventually, supplies would run out and he would have to refill at Crimson Hand HQ or whatever he can find on the scene.

Skills: Zack is doing his best to take after his teammates Morgan and Julius, being a novice infiltrator and assassin.

Overall Weaknesses: Zack is young and inexperienced. Zack usually relies on his powers and equipment due to have little hand-to-hand combat experience, meaning when he's low on magic or equipment, Zack is screwed. He's almost heavily emotional and naive, leading to moments where he doesn't think straight and gets himself and his teammates in danger. He is not a leader at all; he would rather follow their directions than give out orders of his own due to being afraid of messing things up.
Looks solid this works
fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone
johnny stimson
lylianna n. leon
she/her - twenty four (24)
waist length, onyx black
evergreen emerald
167.6cm / 5'6"
sunburn easily
lylianna noelle leon
lylianna noelle leon is her full name, at the age of 24 years old -- she is born on november 3rd, 2004. her ethnicity is chinese but her nationality is french, allowing for her to be able to speak english, mandarin, and french fluently. her other infamous alias is the blue spider, due to her weapon.
lylianna, also known as lyli, is a relatively stoic girl -- it is more of the fact that she finds it a lot harder to show expressions than most. don't get her wrong, she feels emotions all the time! but about majority of the time, she finds it hard to use her facial muscles.. this could cause a misunderstanding that she is a cold person, that is absolutely not the case -- hell, she can even confess to someone with a blank expression but still actually mean it. she is just horrible with facial expressions, ignore that part of her.
okay, she does smile here and there, so don't think she is a robot or something else -- although maybe it could be on awkward moments.. giving an example would be of maybe if you had said you broke your arm, she might smile. wait, don't beat her up for that, she isn't smiling at your pain but more of smiling to like offer condolences .. no yeah, never mind, please hit her in the head.
❝ BACKSTORY : YOUTH ❞ 𑁋 lylianna was born into a relatively rich family, as they own multiple casinos from across the region -- but that was it, her family owns a line of casinos called 「the black lotus 」she comes from a family of four, her parents: who are still very much together, her older brother, and herself being the youngest. the young female got everything she ever wanted, her family spoils her to death, including her older brother; theon. theon is about seven years older than lyli, so he was always the one leading the young girl around. her family is infamously known to be able to work with shadows, bending it to their will.
❝ BACKSTORY : TEENAGE ❞ 𑁋 even during her teenage years, lylianna was still spoiled rotten -- she did not go to a regular public school as her parents wanted the best for her. ending up in a private school, the onyx haired female didn't quite like anyone in her school, most of them were relatively stuck up and it sit weird with her. this actually had led to her growing a tendency of fighting other girls, lyli didn't stand for anyone's lies and fake smiles. it was.. boring. although due to the fact that her family was relatively rich, the school was a little intimidated on getting lylianna upset.. especially on the fact that her family works with shadows, people didn't want to upset the leon family.
❝ BACKSTORY : RECENT YEARS ❞ 𑁋 after graduating from high school , lylianna did not go into college but instead just practically did whatever she wanted. she did dabble into different hobbies: horseback riding, cooking, reading, and having a million pets. although life got a bit boring for her, she wanted excitement, she didn't want to be like her parents nor her brother, having to worry about so many different casinos (which is also the reason why they are so busy). this led down a relatively weird path, she ended up joining crimson hands -- not for the money, but for the thrill of things. lylianna likes to do things her way -- somewhat selective of what job she wants to pick up.
❝ BACKSTORY : CRIMSON HAND ❞ 𑁋 lylianna ended up joining crimson hand within a year or two after she had graduated from highschool. how did she end up doing that? may or may not have gotten practically joined on accident but stayed on purpose, she walked into a certain elimination mission -- it was someone that she never really liked to begin with, so she had decided to be the one to finish the task. it even seems like someone else practically did the same in one of her mission, a young dirty blonde male was there at the same time that she was. all just bad timing, really. although she did think about possibly getting rid of him too because he was there and witnessed everything, but she changed her mind. which in the end, zack ended up joining them in the crimson hand, what are the chances of that?
almost every time a person is killed, lylianna leaves a blue rose without a stem, as if it was her signature as she loves to show that it was her kills.

lylianna can be seen as a peculiar person, due to the fact she is usually pretty stoic -- giving the false information of not liking or disliking, and even fear certain things
spiders, snakes, knives, books, animals, greenery
kids, balloons, the sun, mushrooms, avocados, mess
ocean & thunderstorms
shadow manipulation , something her family seems to have practically "pass down" to their children. her biggest weakness is anything bright, lylianna has a light sensitivity due to this ability -- hence why she would have a tendency in being in the shade or wearing sunglasses.
🠂 capable of moving inanimate objects by controlling their shadows, same with human but not recommended due to the fact that it is a fully conscious being, which can easily cause for physical pain if attempted
🠂 short teleportation, traversing through shadows -- she is capable of doing further distance but a lot more straining on her physical being, so it is never attempted except for once
🠂 capable of interacting with other people's shadows as long as her own shadow is capable of touching it
🠂 lyli is capable of hiding in shadows, as if she had turned into her own shadow itself -- making it easy for her to spy on people or sneak attack
where... did i.. put my knife ?!
❝ WEAPONS ❞ 𑁋 lyli is a spoiled young lady, spending most of her money to fuel the unhealthy obsession of weapons or her unhealthy amount of pets. along her person, there are 5 hidden daggers all around 5 inches -- for up close combat if ever needs be. you will every once in a while find lylianna be using a sniper rifle, ai at308, that she had named pumpkin.
the blue rose
someone catch that raccoon !
she moved out of her family's mansion, moving into a house that she had bought -- towards a more rural area as she likes to be surrounded by greenery. if you must ask why.. lylianna's house is filled with animals. two sugar gliders, one raccoon, one horse, two cats, five dogs, four leopard geckos, two snakes, three spiders, and three alpacas. her house is definitely not small but not count as a mansion. while she is away, she does have a professional team of zookeepers that works at her place.
the blue spider
okay, but like what does that mean..
‹ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒆𝒃 ›, her main weapon which are wires made from multiple pairs of whiskers from different assorted east asian dragons. due to how weak she actually is in physical strength, this magical weapon allows for her to be able to cut through tough materials that usually requires an unnatural amount of strength. it is similar to working with a whip but definitely more complicated; when she first acquired the golden web, she would return back into the house with many cuts, sometimes relatively deep cuts, all along her body due to the lack of experience in wielding such a flimsy weapon. lylianna had gotten this weapon when she was seventeen, freshly graduated from school -- her older brother brought her to an auction to pick anything that she wanted as a graduation gift, ending up the golden web. as difficult as it is, lylianna has gotten to the point of where she is relatively proficient with it -- being able to control the amount of strength she wants. whether she wants it to wrap around people's limb, lifting them off the ground by the said limbs, or simply just cutting someone's head clean off. taking the young lady almost five years to just get proficient with it, although mistakes will still be made at times.
this weapon appears as two silver rings on her index fingers, disguised as simple jewelry when wearing other actual rings, controlling five wires on each hand like a puppeteer. this is also how she has gotten the alias of the blue spider.

you're like

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Name: Angelica Pierce
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: October 31st, 1996
Type: Mage

Anime girl in a suit sitting in a chair in a city - SeaArt AI

Weight: 190 lbs
Build: Average
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Likes: Her pet fish Finny, power, money, The Underground Pillar, torturing, killing, and imprisoning her enemies
Dislikes: Crimson Hand, most people, her past, arcane society, Tecnet

Personality Overview: Angelica Pierce is a sadistic strategist with a great amount of patience. Apathetic to anyone but herself and her pet fish Finny, Angelica is a selfish being who doesn't care about the harm she is causing by distributing illegally made, dangerous weapons. Everyone around her is simply a tool to her; sentient objects that would allow for her to become even richer and more powerful. She receives great pressure from the act of committing horrible atrocities and en-massing power over the rules of the arcane world. When she's not sadistically happy, she is furious and hateful, wishing for the destruction of her enemies. Deep inside, she has a deep hatred of the arcane world and its secrecy, believing its secrecy led to her suffering and currently limiting her true reach of power. She is a deeply traumatized being who masks that trauma by engaging in selfish, destructive behavior that benefits herself most of all. She does not care for neither her allies or victims; all are pawns to her goals, in which she plans out and prepares for.
Backstory: Angelica Pierce was born into a human family of rich oil tycoons, which was slowly become a fading industry due to the advancements of technology provided by Tecnet. With oil becoming outdated and the Pierce family slowly losing their profits, the Pierce family and their company Heavenly Energies began to become desperate to keep their power and wealth. The Pierces began to invest in more futuristic, green forms of technology, hoping to catch up to Tecnet's advancements and eventually surpass them. However, no matter what they did, Heavenly Energies could never seem to catch up to the technology being created and nurtured by Tecnet. Desperate to find out their secrets, Angelica's father hired a team of mercenaries to break into Tecent headquarters and figure out their secrets. After completing their heist and learning of the existence of magic, the mercenaries demanded a large pay from Pierce in order to reveal their secrets. Refusing to pay the ridiculous amount of money, the mercenaries, as retribution, kidnapped 6 year old Angelica instead and demanded to Angelica's father their payment in exchange for their daughter. However, before he could pay them, the authorities were made aware of the Pierce's illegal activities, thus resulting in the arrests of the Pierces and the mercenaries going in hiding, still holding onto Angelica as a prisoner.

Angelica was brought to a secret island owned by the mercenaries, where she was forced into slavery by helping the mercenaries manufacture illegal cocaine. Angelica's life, which was once filled with riches and happiness, was now an endless torment of slavery and torture, with Angelica developing her apathy and selfishness from a young age. However, with the discovery of magic, the leader of the mercenaries, Derek MacBeth, a normal human originally unaware of the existence of magic, was determined to use his discovery to conquer the world. He began to train Angelica in the ways of magic, hoping her young age would allow her to learn magic easier and turn her into a weapon of mass destruction. This is where Angelica developed her power to control water and ice, with Angelica accompanying Derek on missions to assist in wiping out their enemies. Determined to escape from her captors, Angelica continued to learn more magical spells and increase her power and strength in secret, becoming an extremely powerful mage despite being born a human through the desire for survival and revenge. She became filled with anger and hatred over the fact her life was taken away from her, causing her to keep pushing through her development of becoming a mage. Eventually, when she was 16, Angelica finally led a revolt against Derek by summoning a small tsunami that destroyed much of the structures on the island, causing Derek and his mercenaries to drown. Angelica, who developed antisocial tenancies, left all of her follow slaves and prisoners to die as she made her escape, passing out unconscious on a raft due to using up all of her power.

She was eventually found by a cargo ship, where she was brought back to the United States, where her parents were still imprisoned. Blaming them for her kidnapping, Angelica ordered the deaths of her parents through prison connections when she turned 18, becoming the sole leader of Heavenly Energies, which she then sold for billions of dollars. For the next 5 years, Angelica coasted by on her family's riches, trying her best to overcome her traumatic history. However, in the back of her head, she could not ignore what had happened and how magic was a real thing that has been hidden from humanity for centuries. Angelica, who was now part of the arcane world, learned more about this secretive magical community and how they truly held all the power for themselves. Thinking back to when she was trapped and used magic to escape, Angelica realized she could turn a profit by selling magical weapons to normal humans. Starting up The Underground Pillar when she was 23, the organization began manufacturing weapons infused with magic to sell to criminals. However, there were no where near as good as the weapons Tecnet was creating. That's why, when Tecnet created the continent of Rodinia and the city of Drezzen, which was now their new headquarters, Angelica saw a golden opportunity to shape the criminal underworld of a brand new city using locally stolen weaponry. Angelica proceeded to move her organization to Drezzen, starting up New World Shopping in the process to act as the organization's front. Now in control of Drezzen's criminal underbelly, Angelica plans to keep her power and expand her empire, which has become difficult due to Crimson Hand getting in the way, nearly assassinating her when she was 31. She vows to destroy Crimson Hand, and maybe even Tecent itself.

Ability Name: Hydrokinesis
Ability Description: Hydrokinesis is the ability to control water, which Angelica is very good at, as she managed to summon a Tier 3 tsunami before. She can control the flow of water, fling or weld it as an ice projectile or weapon, and, when in contact with someone, can manipulate the water that makes up most of the human body, allowing for very torturous results. She can also manipulate one cloud at a time, using it for flight.
Weakness: In order to Angelica to use her powers, she must remain hydrated and cool. Her powers don't work when there is too much heat or when there isn't any water nearby. She is helpless in a desert.

Equipment: She has a water jug she keeps as a backpack whenever she has to take matters into her own hands. In said water jug is her pet fish Finny, who has a strong bite. She also has an entire organization to her disposal.

Skills: She is a leader, survivalist, fighter, strategist, and a good fighter, although she doesn't often get her hands dirty.

Overall Weaknesses: She often relies on others to do things for her, resulting in her becoming rusty in combat and situations where she is alone. Her selfish nature has led to her becoming an enemy of many, leading to her selfishness getting in the way of her thinking and turning many people against her. Getting her upset is really easy; either bring up her trauma and threaten her pet fish and strategy soon flies out the window.


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Name: Baron
Age: Unknown, contracted his spores when he was in his late thirties.
Species: Human/Fungus
Gender Identity: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pan/Demi
Type: Mage

Second in Command of The Underground Pillar. Manager, enforcer, dealer, personal weapons modder... whatever Angelica needs to boost TUP.

(Not my art)

General: Appears as a sturdy, hulking figure. A well worn man wearing a light rebreather attached to a slim tank on his back beneath his clothes. His face beneath the mask has a light grey skin tone, only a shade or so lighter than his eyes, and shows signs that he was relatively handsome as a human.

Height: 6’0

Weight: 180 pounds

Eyes: Dark gray sclera and irises

Affliction: Was exposed to a rare parasitic fungus that feeds on Tenebris Energy. The fungus has greatly altered his body and cannot be removed, though he managed to retain himself enough to create a symbiotic relationship with the fungus. Growth that looks like Turkey Tail and Fomitopsis rosea grow densely around his neck and torso.

Clothes: Wears a broad visor, matte rebreather with two release valves on either side along with the tubing. Covers his mouth and nose, eyes mostly visible through the visor. Many layers of grey and brown clothing, hood included. His clothes keep the spores from the mushrooms on his torso from constantly becoming airborne.

Personality & Background
Morally grey. In far too many ways.

Survivalist. Pragmatic, sadistic, clever, tough, kind once you get below the layers.

Baron was once a bounty hunter, taking on jobs anywhere from hired hitman to drug fixer. He was exposed to a rare and highly complicated fungus on a particularly risky job within a manmade cave system outside of the country. This mind altering fungus, which currently is nameless, feeds on the Tenebris Energy created by other living beings. Baron wasnt a mage before this event. But he naturally had a lot of mental fortitude and stubbornness due to his profession, able to maintain his sanity and persist through the fungal invasion through his mind and body.
His memories pick back up within the boarders of Drezzen, where he was quickly introduced to his new existence as a plague on society. He had retreated into the depths of the city, and naturally began creating a small horde of 'afflicted' to protect himself and fulfil the fungi drive to expand to other minds.
He slowly regained his previous abilities as a mercenary while hiding from the rest of the world, but his horde was becoming a problem for both the Crimson Hand and The Underground Pillar. It was a matter of time before one of those groups to put an end to his meddling. Lucky enough for his continued existence, it was TUP who first made contact.
Given his talents, he worked quickly through the ranks as an enforcer, till he caught the attention of Angelica Pierce. Becoming her ultimate pawn, she gave him purpose beyond his meandering existence outside of TUP.

Aspirations & Fears
Likes: Reading, his rifle, tinkering, working for TUP.

Dislikes: Bright lights, dry climates, bureaucracy.

Fears: Open spaces, intense fire.

Psychedelic Spores: Creates a spore cloud through his breath or passively from the growths on his torso (his rebreather collects the spores he naturally exhales, storing them to be released in measured doses, whereas they would naturally just collect in the spaces he occupies). The potency of the spores attributes to the 'spore count' of the cloud. Barons spores last indefinitely, but are rendered impotent if reduced to a SC less than 'low potency'.
All of the side effects of Barons spores last until they are processed out of the victims system. This depends on the person but once they are no longer exposed to the fungus the effects usually lasts between an hour to a few days.
In 'low' doses, the spores create temporary telepathic links between himself and those who breathe them in. 'Higher' doses cause vivid hallucinations and fear responses. 'Complete exposure' in an unventilated space for more than ten minutes turns the victim into an 'afflicted' (mushroom zombie), and will start growing a small colony of fungi on/in their bodies. Those who become 'afflicted' can be healed so long as the fungus is removed from their bodies within forty eight hours.
Non-sentient 'afflicted' are compelled to take simple orders from Baron, but otherwise act on impulse or go dormant. Permanent long distance telepathy is possible between other afflicted.

Constitution: Takes damage like it's his job. He can heal in 2-3 days what most humans can heal in 2-3 months (2 seconds what would normally take 2 weeks, 2 months what would normally take 2 years, ect). Thick blood.

Poison Filtering: Can ingest poison and neutralize it, turning the poison into a oil to be applied to other things, or airborne as spores. Because of this, his blood can be used as a multipurpose antitoxin in small doses.

Marksman: Uses an older model of the standard issue rifles given to the troops of Drezzen, modified to take bullets laced with whatever poisons Baron may produce. Can shoot out from 600 yards with no more than two shot accuracy.

Weakness: Fire. Intense heat wilts the fungal growths and reduces the amount of spores he creates.
Strong gusts of wind, or just generally good ventilation, redistributes his spores and renders them useless. Unless he puffs them right into your face, but the potency wouldnt be more than 'high'.
He can be pummeled to death, so long as all of the fungus is destroyed in the process. Otherwise he gets back up after taking the appropriate time to heal.

Limitations: It takes a little more than a day for Baron to build up enough spores to fill a 90x50 space (with 'complete exposure' potency). While he can fill that amount of space with 'high' potency about six times a day, he has to take time to restock after releasing 'CE' potency, or six iterations of 'high' potency. 'Low' potency (small does for telepathic use) can be deployed around twenty four times a day before restock, though is replenished quickly (about every hour).

Due to where the fungus likes to grow (the airways), Baron cannot speak. Either he uses body language, writing, or limited telepathy to communicate (intricate business deals are set up in enclosed spaces, where upon entering, Baron releases a fine pink cloud of spores by twisting one of the valves on the side of his rebreather).
Unknown to Baron, he and the fungus are now one and the same. The magic infused fungi gained true sentience by bonding with him and has laced itself within his mind. Other rare examples of the same or similar fungus afflicting other creatures usually doesnt end in such a mesh, but wouldnt be impossible.
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fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone
the ninetailed fox
she/her - over a thousand ..
past the back of her knee, in crimson red
moonlight silver
175.2cm / 5'9"
spider lilies down her spine
yue honglian (yu-eh hoe-ng lee-ann) name means the red lotus in the moon. honglian is a traditional jiuweihu, better known as a ninetailed fox. nobody actually knows how old she actually is, but one can be sure that she is over a millennium years old. she is born chinese, but with how long she has been alive, an old fox got pick up some tricks here and there .. she had practically learned most languages that she encountered, go figure how old.
honglian is a purebred ninetails fox, commonly known as the umbrella term, nephils. the biggest indicator of honglian's age was her tails, that is if she decides to even reveal that -- each tail takes one hundred years to cultivate and earned, considering she has the max amount of tails a fox could have, it shows that she is over a thousand years old. this leads to the vixen to have relatively a vast amount of knowledge, as her kind is known for knowledge and trickery. she loves making deals with people in exchange for information, any kind of information you ever need, the red fox would have as long as you are willing to pay the price for it. it is relatively easy to bargain with her, as she loves making deals with people. deals are contracts to her, she cannot break them but she loves the excitement of what she can extort from others for either a simple favor, a spell, or just knowledge.
at her current age, it is hard to surprise her anymore -- she has gotten to the point where she tries to enjoy life in every aspect, from the minuscule to the substantial aspects. so it can almost too easy to make her happy, but for her to be genuinely happy about something is almost to a zero percent chance. on another hand, due to her experience and her race, she is a very smooth liar, hard to detect a lie from truth that comes out of her mouth. this leads us to the fact that you cannot lie to her, she knows every lies and tricks, she will see through your act practically immediately. for a fox, she does not like it when others tries to trick her as she is the only one who can do that. a little tip, take everything she says with a grain of salt unless it is through a deal, that is when you know you can actually trust her words. other than that, people would say she is relatively friendly to approach!
BACKSTORY : YOUTH ❞ 𑁋 the red fox was born into a tribe that was filled with different variety of foxes who had trained to get a human form or close, only a small handful of them ever gotten to the point of being a ninetailed fox. her family was of the highest ranking within the tribe, think of them as the leader, within the yue bloodline appeared multiple ninetails throughout the general history. this tribe was called 青丘 (qingqiu), throughout history has been recorded that only females have the highest role -- at the time honglian was born, it was her grandmother who ruled qingqiu. like most other fox pups, she lived a relatively free life -- running wherever she liked and climbing trees, just causing trouble wherever she went. out of her six other siblings, her family had the hardest time keeping track of honglian due to how much attention and excitement she craved; sneaking out of qingqiu mountains and into human villages for fun but getting dragged right back by others.
BACKSTORY : TEENAGE ❞ 𑁋 due to the fact that she was not human, she had aged a lot slower -- by the time she was actually count as teen, it was already 50 years by human count. half a century already past, this was around the time where the red fox had finally stabilized her human form without it fluctuating due to her emotions being out of control. as most can probably guess by now, she was still sneaking out of the tribe to go wander around and basically watch the human civilization -- the young fox was curious about how human civilization work..
BACKSTORY : QIN DYNASTY ❞ 𑁋 as she had reached her second tail, honglian has gotten permission from her grandmother -- who was the closest family member she has -- the young fox tend to go out. sometimes her adventures could last for a year or shorter, it all varied depending on where she went. to her, it was like wherever the wind decides to carry her. still oblivious to how the human world worked, in a small town not too far from her tribe -- honglian was spotted spending an unusual amount of time interacting with the townspeople. it was a very small town, where everyone knew each other, the young red fox who in fact hid her identity at that time, was secretly helping the farmers to grow crops. during the daytime, she was seen as that cheerful child that seemingly appeared out of nowhere to help everyone who needs it.
BACKSTORY : TANG DYNASTY ❞ 𑁋 having to go into hiding for a while, as honglian cannot be seen as the child that never aged -- at this point, the girl had already developed six of her tails and she was not a girl no more, but a young lady in the eyes of the fox tribe. travelling away further from qingqiu this time, during her travels throughout china, the female had a small reputation for herself as a psychic. being able to tell people of what they want to know, their deepest and darkest desires.. it was all like an open book for her, humans were like open books to her.. this was all during the time of not exposing anything to the human world, keeping her identity hidden. that was until it had caught certain greedy nobles attention.. humans were greedy beings, the first time honglian ever fully experienced it.. smooth sailing till she was forcefully captured at that time to said greedy nobles estate, at that time she didn't want to harm anyone as she was just simply trying to enjoy her silly adventures.. one thing led to another.. from the red fox revealing her identity, almost losing her tails.. to massacring an entire town..
BACKSTORY : SONG DYNASTY ❞ 𑁋 as one can tell, honglian had appeared throughout history of china, although thankfully namelessly.. but it was still throughout history, causing for the folklore of the ninetails fox to slowly spread throughout china, slowly but surely. yet as years past, it merely turned into a folklore, not knowing whether or not it was true.. within the song dynasty, the vixen had made her way into the imperial palace.. she became one of the strongest and most treasured concubine of emperor taizu. she was practically the puppeteer using the emperor.. the red fox was merely just bored and wanted some excitement in her life, wanted to see what the big idea and how hard it was to become the most treasured companion of a emperor. which proved to her to not even be a struggle..

honglian is not an easily surprised female, having to live for over a millennium and possibly more, she has developed a unique taste for.. entertainment..
knowledge, magical weapons, well made mead, humans (mage or not), various art forms, museums, poison testing..
liars, silence (in the sense of boredom), being touched especially by the tails, rabbits
lightning, mainly the god itself
˃ art of disguise, being capable of shapeshifting as it is not limited to her original form, she can take on a whole new person's appearance that she can imagine in perfect detail or someone she has seen even just once.
˃ touch of memory, being able to alter or read into a person's memory from a single touch. she can alter their memory to make it seem like it has never happened or it had happened in a different way. sometimes simply to just read their memories, to understand and gain knowledge, sometimes blackmailing materials
˃ retractable claws, like her original form of a fox, she grow her claws relatively long and they are unusually strong -- like tiny little daggers, but rarely ever used since she does not like getting her hands dirty
˃ fox fire, the infamous ability that practically all and foxes that acquires a human form is capable of using. it is a lot hotter than regular flames, capable of melting anything within its bright flickering touch with ease
˃ hypnotizing and psychic, allowing her to be able to hypnotize people and having them do her bidding -- as mentioned before, not fond of getting her hands dirty. she can also read into people's minds, after prolonged eye contact but she can read people's mind basically immediately if she were to touch someone skin to skin.
˃ illusions, capable of casting strong illusions upon multiple of people -- making it hard for people to differentiate from reality and illusion. this also can be used to help her become invisible to people's eyes.
˃ control of blood -- she doesn't like other people's touch, let alone other people's blood, even if she can manipulate it, honglian refuses to touch other people's blood. majority usage is that she would make a slight incision on her finger with her nails, using her blood like a harsh whip. although due to the fact that she has a constant hobby of testing out poison on herself, there is a large quantity of poison within her bloodstream. it was a mixture of practically anything at this point, over 500 years old worth of poison coursing through her bloodstream. so if contact was made with her blood, chances are high for poison to seep into victim's body
˃ control of the wind, one other element that the fox is capable of doing is manipulating the wind, this was more or less accidentally learned from watching other nephils..
˃ honglian is capable of seeing dead spirits and communicating with them, as long as they has not moved on from the mortal world
˃ manipulation of her tails, they can act as multiple different limbs for attacks, relatively similar to much more enticing tentacles
˃ healing, despite all the attack spells, honglian can in fact heal, and relatively talented in that area but she has only ever healed herself..
tell me, how much you would offer me to get what you want?
THE GALE'S EMBRACE ❞ 𑁋 a family heirloom magical weapon, it is indeed a fan, but don't underestimate it, this empowers her ability of manipulating the wind even more. although the origin of the fan is a mystery to honglian, but it has survived longer than her and is still in pristine condition, so whatever material it is made of -- it's a lot stronger than it looks. this allows her to more fluidly create strong gust of winds, capable of pushing people back and away from her. it could even help her create quicker wind blades, that are capable of causing deep cuts and sometimes removing a limb..
oh how funny! don't ever lie to someone who has mastered the arts of lying.
THE EUPHONIOUS SILK ❞ 𑁋 it is one of her most prized treasure on her person, as it is a celestial ribbon -- it's as if it has a mind of its own, being peculiar of who gets to wield it. silk made from phoenix's feathers, making it practically unbreakable. it's as if it can read the wielder's mind, bending and twisting in many different ways without actual actions. although it is mainly seen cascading around her arms and off her shoulders, when need be, honglian is capable of making it cut and strangle if ever needs be. outside of the fan, this is her other main weapon.
okay, who has the mead?
quick little psa, one of the biggest reason why her tail was sought after and why it is such a sensitive and area, is due to the fact that when it is cut off -- the tail can turn into anything a person wants. whether it be one of the strongest magical weapon or the most minuscule item, but this causes excruciating pain to the owner -- could practically take their life. this is why she prohibits anyone from touching her tails if she were to ever have her ears and tails out in the air.


* Nosk

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    ouroboros, walking corpse
    * d.o.b.
    january 1st
    * p.o.b.
    kyo, Japan
    * n.name(s)
    Ashiya Mitsuhide
    * threat level
    division 3





    * height
    host: 6'1
    * weight
    120 lbs
    host: 180 lbs
    * build
    pale, sickly and frail
    host: tall intimidating, pale
    * hair colour
    host: black
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡


* Alexandra Vandyr

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Truth Seeker
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    Hamburg, Germany
    * n.name(s)
    Detective Vandyr





    * height
    * weight
    162 lbs
    * build
    Athletic body with proper muscle tone due to training and her line of work, scars accumulated over years of experience
    * hair colour
    black with white highlights
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

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Designation: T.A.P #7/Tenebris Automaton Platform Number 7.
Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 185 years old
Height: 5'5/165cm
Weight: 314lbs/142kg
Sexuality: Unknown

Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Fears: Being alone, unfamiliar creatures
Skills: Cooking, cleaning, sewing, knitting, basic woodworking & craftsmanship
Power Source: Ambient Tenebris energy

A being used as a testbed, and meant for nothing more, #7 was a step into new territory for the Leon family. She was created all the way back in 1843 with the help of some other talented Tenebris users who specialized in the creation of automatons. She was a platform to see what exactly an automaton of the time could do. She was put through many different tests. Everything from simple movement and strength to casting spells and having spells cast on her to see what they would do. For almost a year, she was simply tested on, until the family felt as if they had made up their mind. They would focus on their own spells and abilities, rather than making, maintaining, and creating automatons. So, roughly a year after creation, #7 was given a new task. To act as a maid and bodyguard for the family. She would go on to do this for quite some time, almost a decade, before someone real and nicer to look at was hired for this position. So, #7 was deactivated and put into storage.

She's remained there since then, moving from place to place in a giant box that has remained unopened since being sealed inside it. It's unknown if the family even knows she still exists today, or if she was a memory lost to time between generations. However, due to coming into an area with a large concentration of Tenebris energy, #7 has reactivated and has been attempting to escape her wooden crate she'd been sealed in. Which finally happened only recently. Now a new, scary and unfamiliar world is all that she sees with none of the familiar faces of the past...

#7 is basically a blank slate. Almost entirely a robot. However, she has the mental capacity to develop a personality, likes, wants and her own opinion. It's just a matter of growing into that and being in an environment that promotes such growth. At the moment, this all depends on who she interacts with, and what she learns from those around her.

Skills: Doesn't feel pain, flexible, can simply replace parts instead of healing, hand to hand combat training, isn't bothered by temperature.
Weapons: Her right arm is a cannon that can shoot Tenebris in the form of any element. Any of her two cores can also release high amounts of Tenebris energy for her to use, if she has enough.

#7 has the power to alter any light within a small radius of herself. She can focus this light to cause damage, refract it to hide herself or control how bright or dark it is around her. #7 Also has the capability to alter her size. Thanks to one of the automaton experts who helped create her, she can change her size from 1ft tall to 6ft.

Her first power is completely dependent on how much light there is or isn't to be effective. Meaning in some situations, it's not very useful. As for her second power, her Tenebris energy capabilities scale with her size. Her cannon becomes less powerful the smaller she is. She can't hold as much energy either. On the other side, it takes more power to use her cannon the bigger she is, and the more Tenebris energy she can store. Her weights also scales based on how big she is.

Unfinished first draft
View attachment Winter_Sketch (1).jpg

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