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Fandom Project Freelancer


W.A.F.F.L.E.O. Employee
Welcome to Project Freelancer, a Special Operations program created by the UNSC.

The main mission of Project Freelancer is to ensure the security of humanity in a harsh and violent galaxy.

You have been picked for being the best of the best, so failure is not a option on missions.

We expect great things from you agents, so see you on the Mother of Invention.

Based off of Reds vs Blues' Project Freelancer.

Reboot of @KillerWilly's The Mother of Invention rp.


The Mother of Invention is where you will be spending most of your time while at Project Freelancer. The ship can accommodate all the necessities of life.

-Respect other RPers. Take any problems off the thread.

-No God-Modding or Power Playing

-No becoming main characters, unless approved by me.

-Don't change scene right off the bat. Lead into it.

-Stick to the Series, but be able to make an interesting galaxy to explore.

-Relationships are fine, but not with the canon characters.

-If you want to act out a main character for a scene, just make sure that the main character sticks with his/her personality.

-You can swear, but make sure not to go overboard.

-Have fun

Any questions can be answered by me or @KillerWilly
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I would've liked to wait for more people to join before we started, but they can come in late. I would've started earlier but I am currently on vacation. I'm planning on getting my first post up by Thursday at the latest, but may need some help running the rp til I get back. PM me with any questions, suggestions, or concerns.

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"Sir, the Agents are all prepared for their next mission." F.I.L.S.S.'s voice informed the Director.

"Good. Where to?" The older figure responds with an eager yet polite tone.

"Outpost 32 in the Hargrove Sec-"

"Never mind about that. Send them." The director interrupts, holding up his hand.


The pelican was ready immediately, the pilot shouting for the freelancers to board. "Move it people!"

"Yeah, yeah. Shaddup would'ya?!" Brooklyn yelled back to the pilot. "You're giving me a damn headache." She took a seat near the rear of the hold and waited, restraining herself from shooting their pilot.

"Calm down Sunshine." Benjamin replied, taking a seat opposite his sister. His helmet was off and a smile was on his face. "This'll be a piece of cake."

"Quiet you." Brooklyn retorted, standing and grabbing her brothers helmet. "Fetch." She stated before tossing the equipment out the vessel.

(OOC: For the first mission we will be without AI assistance. After we complete the task and return, I will begin to have agents prepped for implantation. But for the meantime, feel free to use powers, just make sure that they don't work properly in some way, shape, or form)
"Oww! What the hell was that for?!" William exclaimed after getting hit by a helmet. He enters the Pelican with said helmet in his hand. "Not cool dude." Tossing the helmet back to Benjamin, he sits next to his teammate while looking at him in disappointment behind his helmet.
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Benjamin recoiled to catch the tossed helmet. "It wasn't- aw, nevermind. Sorry William." He said, placing the helmet on his head and motioning a 'You're dead' gesture towards Brooklyn.

"Uh- huh, sure." She responded sarcastically.
Yuki walked over to the pelican and stepped onto the ramp looking at the rest of the team before she quickly headed towards a free seat and sat in it she said nothing but quickly put her helmet on and tapped the side of it.
Gus marched forward, wearing his new armor and being a Goliath, easily the tallest member of the team. Gus took his seat towards the landing flap so he could leap out as fast as he could when they finished. He remembered something, and grabbed onto the side instead, his back and wrists flashing.
(Sorry for the felt on a post just had a Irl thing come up.)

By the time that all the Freelancers where called to pelican he was already strapped in a chair. To him his strict and few moral codes stated as followed. Note the past tense: Do not take off your mask. Stab anything that doesn't die in one shot. Always kill in one shot. Looking around as people entered he just needed to know who to listen to when he had to shoot something.
(sorry guys I was out camping)

Leon walked onto the pelican he didn't pay any attention to the team what so ever he just walked in and sat down near the front he looked straight ahead like a statue he didn't move
Once the last team member set foot on the pelican, a screen near the cockpit flickered on. "Good morning agents." FILSS's voice chimed through the apparatus. "The Director has a few last second announcements." The computer reported and then revealed a live feed to the Director.

"Thank you FILSS. As you are all aware, the mission is steal the intel from the insurgent base. Once the precious cargo is secure, lay waste to the outpost. I do not want that case damaged. I am assigning Agent California as team leader. You are in charge of determining a plan of attack. That is all." Once the director was finished, the screen shut off.

Brooklyn's look of shock was hidden by her helmet and before she could reply, the director ended the transmisson. Her brother had an equally shocked reaction but decided to congratulate her.

"In charge of the team now. Don't screw this up." Benjamin joked.

Her brother's jokes failed to faze her. She was focused on trying to remember everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Dodger is on over watch and surveillance. Massachusetts would create a distraction for Louisiana to infiltrate and grab the case. Montana could help with that. Jersey and Ohio will protect Louisiana after she grabbed the case. But where will I be? She wondered.
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leon stood up and walked over to Brooklyn he looked her over as though scanning her nodded and went back to his seat
Walked was completely unfazed by the feed. Just a simple clean up mission. Get in, get out, blow everything up. He could play his role in that easily enough but assuming that nobody would question whether he was a team player was out of the question. The reach her taught him a few things like you follow all the orders you are given no matter what they will do to your morals.
William was twiddling his fingers when he heard the announcement from the Director. Upon hearing that Brooklyn was in charge of the mission, he stops twiddling his fingers. "Umm... did I hear that correctly? Did he just make California in charge? If so... we're doomed. It was nice knowing you all." The agent said sarcastically before feeling the Pelican lifting off the dock's platform. The ship leaves the docks of the Mother of Invention and enters into space with no problems at all. "So... anyone here wants to cancel the mission and get a drink right now? I prefer that then horribly dying in battle."
Brooklyn shot Will a glare and reached for her sidearm. Too bad the deadly look was covered by her visor. It's just a joke Brook, calm down, she thought, trying to convince herself to release the pistol. Damn Ohio and his dumb jokes.

The pelican was well on its way, the screen displaying an ETA of 56 minutes. "So what's the plan?" Benjamin asked after a few minutes of quiet from him. He knew Brooklyn would put him on overwatch, but the rest of the plan was a mystery to him.
Yuki who was starring at her lap during the flight looked up at this question as she also wanted to know what the plan was.
Jersey started prepping his weapons and adjusting his armor lock he knew he was going to be on defense its only logical to put the guy with a shield on defense then something accord to him do we have a layout of the enemy base he looked around and started searching threw his files in his visor when he couldn't find it he stood up and looked at his team mates
"Something wrong, Jersey? Did you forget your tampons in your room?" William asked his teammate, who looked like he wanted something. "Because if so, don't ask me for a spare. I just ran out of them yesterday."
"Play nice Ohio." Brooklyn commanded. "And about the plan, I need a few more minutes to finalize my strategy." She concluded as she fiddled with her sidearm. Think Brooke, think, she told herself. You are needed somewhere, just think.
"Well sorry buddy, but I don't have a map too. So it must suck to be us." William told Leon before looking at his other teammates. "So while we wait for our 'leader' to think of a plan, who wants to play a good game of truth or dare?"
leon scowled at William but soon sat down not liking the fact that they were moving in blind you would think we would know a little bit of what was going on there
"Alright people. Here is the plan. Follow it or I will personally make sure you are not coming back unscathed. Rhode is on overwatch and surveillance. Massachusetts and Montana will create a distraction for Louisiana to infiltrate the base. After the case is recovered, Ohio and Jersey are going to protect Louisiana after she secures the case. You will escort her to the pelican and radio when you are finished to let everyone know to fall back. Any questions?" Brooklyn stated, saying the last bit in a harsh tone.
"Yeah, I have one." William said rudely. "While everyone else is going into a shitstorm made out of bullets, what are you going to do in the meantime? Stay in the Pelican and watch your brilliant plan fail? If so... can we switch positions? I prefer not dying in battle with thousands of bullets in me."

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