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Futuristic Project Deus


( . Y . )

Project Deus

Project Deus is a government funded project that was started back in 2076, more than a century ago. Since then, the project has made progress by leaps and bounds. It is centered around the BGM Lab or LBGM (also known as the Lab of Bioengineering and Genetic Modification) which is located on a rather secluded island somewhere in the South Pacific.

The Project's main objective is to perform genetic modifications to find a way to "evolve" humans into superior and much more efficient beings. That is, they perform experiments on living organisms. Occasionally, someone working for the project would volunteer for an experiment.

However, those are all modification; like how you might fix or add things on your computer or phone. Never have they made artificial life, almost from scratch... Until 3 years ago. They had finally found a way. Excited and dedicated, the workers at BGM worked day and night to create the some of the first of their kind.

7 were created as the end result.

At 4/11/83, the first one was successfully created. It was a unique, one-of-a-kind being that was superior to all living organisms, both physically and mentally. At 17/11/83, things went haywire. But it was only until 24/11/83 that the government finally noticed the BGM Lab's lack of contact and responsiveness. A satellite image caught a dead body on the island, clearly belonging to one of the scientists working inside the lab.

Thus, they sent a small military group along with some scientists who worked for BGM abroad, to the island. Both to figure out what had happened there, and clear out any threats that might still reside. Little do they know, that it is not a human threat, but something much, much more dangerous.

Will you discover the events that transpired here as a scientist, protect the scientists and fight off the unknown threat as a soldier, or hunt down the new prey as an apex predator and show who's really at the top of the food chain?


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