Project Cronus


Junior Member
Daken161 submitted a new role play. @Daken161, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character sheet



Gender :



Bio (optional):

Personality (optional):


Kyd Jhesus= Ares

Jinzo= Hephaestus

Thesquaidsy= Government lapdog

Harbinger= Artemis

Hellkite= Government lapdog

roseylily= Athena (If roseylily is still doing this
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Name: Chrome Tenshi

Project: Hades

Gender : Female

Powers: Nightmarish Visions

Weapons: Her power.

Personality (optional): Due to her anti-social life she has never opened up to anyone and always gets confused and shy whenever someone is kind to her since she had never imagined that her existence could be accepted by people. Because of her timid nature, she never talks nor fights back if someone badmouths or even hurt her, and merely accepted it calmly. This made some people can't be honest with her or think of her as pitiful. She also lacked confidence and tends to need other to help.

Appearance: She is quite small for her age with short, purple "pineapple" style hair. She has violet eyes but one was covered by a black eye patch with a chrome-colored skull due to an injury that caused her to loose her right eye.

Name: Samuel Flumen (Sam)

Project: Poseidon

Gender : Male

Powers: Hydro Kinesis (Power of Water and Ice)

Weapons: Who needs a weapon when you can control liquid?

Bio : Before experimentation, Samuel was what most would call a “troubled kid” with “no place in society” and “a danger to those around him”, but seriously, it was one time! It wasn't his fault that an entire wing his community rec center got burned down when someone left cookies in the oven for too long. It could have been anyone. At least, that what Sam chooses to think, and that’s what he’ll tell anyone who will listen too.

That may very well have been the case and he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, but no one was entirely sure, including Sam himself. So Sam was classified as a “high risk individual” which made him the perfect candidate to go through the Cronus Project and the rest is history.

Personality: Sam has a very active mind, one that likes to switch from one topic to the next very quickly. While he doesn't show this on the outside too significantly, people can still tell that he’d rather be off exploring than stuck in a boring room with someone talking to him. He wants to know everything and anything all the time and loves when he learns knew things and when he meets new people. Overall, Sam is a very friendly person and pretty likable.


Name: Elene Winter

Project: Athena

Gender: Female

Powers: Telekinesis

Weapons: Her power and intelligence; sometimes uses her power to make throwing knives/other blades that can be thrown particularly deadly/accurate

Bio (optional): Elene came from a fairly wealthy family; her father was a high-up government official, and her mother was a successful lawyer. However, both of them were always busy and rarely had time for Elene, instead buying the latest technology to keep her entertained and hiring a succession of nannies to babysit her until she was thirteen, after which she was simply left to her own devices. On top of maintaining decent grades and participating in a number of extracurriculars, Elene used this time to become a very talented hacker. She was able to hack into many government files deemed "secure"; her ability alone caused her to be considered a "high-risk" individual, and after she learned one piece of confidential information too many, she was selected for Project Cronus.

Personality (optional): Elene was never very open with others, in large part due to her parents, who weren't really around much during her childhood. Nor was she particularly altruistic, since she'd never seen the point in helping others�. After being put through Project Cronus, though, she became cold, looking out for mostly just her own interests—though she does try to help the people who escaped with her, and her personality softens around them somewhat. She's quite intelligent, and is witty and sarcastic when she's relaxed, making her fairly likable.

Appearance: Elene is of average height, but a little underweight, and appears to be quite shy.

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Name: Solomn Klark

Age: 18

Project: Ares

Gender: Male

Powers: Matter Manipulation of all metals

Weapons: What ever he can create

Bio: Solomn was put into this project by his mother at 15, He always had been train to be a soldier, But he was a soldier with a anger issue. He was also a junky for adrenalin. His parent train his since the age of 5 in the African rain forest but know a days called Blood rain forest.

He was train in multiple ways to fight, plan and how to use many weapons. He got the training of the normal soldiers and more. He did have a anger issue that would become a problem in training and missions. Once his rage made him shot a man in the head who was important to the mission.

After that, His mother used him as a involuntary volunteer for Cronus.

(Crappy backstory)

Personality: Arrogant, Tactical, Violent, Bullish,



Lucas Quinn (Luke)






Accelerated speed

Moving so fast that the world seem to stand still (Limited to five times a day)

The speed of his wounds closing and healing is accelerated, making his wounds heal up five times as fast as a normal human being

Vibrate his molecules fast enough to go through solid objects (I don't mean like 3 km of god knows what, but like a normal wall, or a door etc)

The speed grants his attacks some extra power, as the greater the speed, the greater the power, but also the greater the impact


His fists of fury, combined with his speed!

And whatever he finds available, non-lethal


Before Lucas was submitted into the Project Cronus, Lucas lived a perfectly happy life. He loved nothing more, but to run as he was an athlete running for his school's team. One day Lucas was a victim in an accident where a driver had driven while he was drunk, and he got quickly ran over by the car. His father, as he was scientist working on Project Cronus, submitted his own son into the Project Cronus, as he saw this was the only way to save his son, and his ability to run as he himself made sure he was accepted into Project Hermes. Despite the pain his son went through, he went through with it, later seeing the potential in the genes his son had enhanced. He knew they could be used for enhancing the skills of soldiers to make them more efficient, and to make thirty man's jobs, into one person. Lucas eventually managed to escape, as he was no longer drugged down, and is now living on the streets. Constantly hiding, but trying his best to not stand too much out in a crowd.


Lucas is scared of his own power that was given to him, but he will not hesitate to use it if he has too. After the betrayal of his father, he has trust issues, but not any drastic ones. He tries to act responsible and calm as he truly believes in: "With great power comes great responsibilities"

He's slightly shy and would rather run away than fight, but if he is not alone, he will stand his ground trying to protect others from what he had to go through.

He is not angry of what his father did to him, but far away from grateful and wants a way to become normal again, as he is almost scared of running, even though he loves it so much.



The scars on his cheek is from the car accident, as it is a constant reminder of the day his life turned around, but he covers it usually up with a couple of band aids or one large band aid.

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Name: Logan (self proclaimed "The Gypsy King") Greyson

Project: Hephaestus

Gender : M

Powers: Creation and Manipulation of Fire

Weapons: Fire, Baby, Fire ;) also a pair of brass knuckles

Bio: Grew up on the road, Knows nothing but the road. Live life, Experience things and get away with whatever you can. His parents both died when he was around the age of 12, but he knew how to take care of himself. He is a force of nature when it comes to trouble, and is now at the age of 19 considered a public menace and/ or possible terrorist. He has a 8.5 million dollar price on his head for countless acts of violence against officers of the law, vandalism, destruction of public property, GTA, destruction of private property, trespassing on private government property, vandalizing private government property and the list goes on and on and on. one day the feds caught him, literally with his pants around his ankles in a portable toilet at a festival. Was immediately selected for project Cronus. Now he's escaped, and on the run again. NO CAGE CAN HOLD LOGAN "THE GYPSY KING" GREYSON!!!!

Personality: Loud and a little strange, has no idea what personal space means, Total goof, "Be like Water", very opinionated and very serious when passing knowledge or when planning things. Not exactly the brightest tool in the oven, but a brilliant strategist when the odds are against him, tries to be charming and smooth.


Name: Natasha Porae

Project: Artemis

Gender : Female

Powers: Bloodrage, superhuman strength

Weapons: Two Scimitar swords

Bio (optional): an orphan born on the streets. Natasha learned how ti survive on her own for over 18 years and has survived and become a healthy adult with a self taught education and knowledge of survival techniques she has learned. She is working at a office building help with fixing computer or any other technology that is important to the company. She heard of the Cronus program from a friend that had connections inside the government and she was intrigued by the project. she asked her friend to see if she e can get her into the program and she did.

Personality (optional):

Name: Fox redtail

Project: Demeter

Gender : Female

Powers: biokinesis

Weapons: knows several martial arts also he can transform into things that don't need martial arts.

Bio (optional): Fox was orphaned as a 9 month old in a plane crash, only surviving by sheer force of serendepity. And as luck would continue to have it she was found and nursed back to heath by a hermit who called the woods his home. Fox grew up in the wilderness with the hermit who was in fact a monk seeking enlightenment in nature. The monk (known only as Silverback) and she spent their days hunting, fishing, hiking and learning about the wilderness around them. Together they learned martial arts from the books Silverback had and Fox learned to read from the same books. However tragedy struck when Silverback was killed by a poisonous snake; and fox, while accepting of his death, was alone and vulnerable when project Kronos came looking for a project Demeter candidate

Personality (optional):

Fox is a simple person. She lives to see the next day, not much else enters the equation. She will be kind, ruthless, clever, simple, dodgy, direct, whatever gets her through. The one thing that holds constant is her love of all things alive and while she may kill a wolf to keep it from killing her, she'll take care of it pups, or if she kills a deer for food, she lets its mate and child go, she takes what she needs and gives what she can.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/la_fille_au_coton_ouate__girl_with_a_hoodie_by_fvenne-d5n7urd.jpg.3df26a96f4ccafb59a9e88f12732d87b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/la_fille_au_coton_ouate__girl_with_a_hoodie_by_fvenne-d5n7urd.jpg.3df26a96f4ccafb59a9e88f12732d87b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Introducing Shemar Jackman. I hope to have many hours of fun on this roleplay.


Name: Shemar Jackman

Age: 18

Project: Zeus

Gender : Male

Powers: Manipulation Of Electricity.

Weapons: Pocket knife, battery bombs (These are basically overcharged batteries which explode), keen knowledge of the human body, Intuitive use of powers.

Bio: He lost both his parents at a very young and crucial part in life. Having to learn how to survive on his own since then, he adapted various survival skills and has had lots of practice in the field of street brawling. Many fights have been won and celebrated, lost and learned from and wholly enjoyed. He started gaining more and more attention from passers by, police officers and agents of the Project Cronus facilities. He did not know anything about the latter, and continued. One day, he was escorted to the facilities and was asked a myriad of questions. He was told that it was decided that he was a viable candidate for Project Zeus. He gained many abilities through inhumane testing, plugging and unplugging from machines and brutal training. It turned out to be nothing like he imagined, and he plotted and executed his escape. He low lives constantly looking over his shoulder for government lapdogs.

Personality: Shemar bends to no one else's will. He would not obey anyone else unless their desires are in line with his. He is very patient and hard to anger and is very lucid, calm and collect, even more so when fighting. He likes to make noise to attract attention, but practices restraint. He is kind and thoughtful, giving much of himself if he sees fit. Not to be taken for a weakling, as this could be a fatal mistake.

Appearance: Shemar has short, curly hair. He is of african descent, stands at 5'10 with broad shoulders. His skin tone is that of toasted white bread. Two narrow slits reveal his black irises. Sleeping bags rest underneath these slits. His lips are pink and lush. With remarkably large muscles, hands and feet, a lash from him will definitely stagger most opponents.
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  1. Ok everyone when I get my character done tomorrow, we will Starr this RP. We will still be accepting sign up even if you come in late with your character. 
    Please note that their are still people who want to be the government lapdog besides me. They may enter the role play to keep things even after they PM a CS or post one here.

Name: Jacob Hensly

Project: Project Cyclops

Gender : male

Powers: Has the power to turn into a 40 foot one eyed beast.

Weapons: His fist or whatever he can pick up.

Bio (optional): Jacob was brought into the project a year after project Cronus was put into play. As a former scientist he was seen stealing secret information and was then classified as high risk. He wears a collar around his neck that was put there to keep him from escaping. And the only way to gain his freedom was by bringing in the 12 mutants that were in project Cronus.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Goth_Anime_Boy.jpg.9a6f2056ce87e8172c63c12ca6cd8b63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Goth_Anime_Boy.jpg.9a6f2056ce87e8172c63c12ca6cd8b63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cory Hartwell

Project: Project Hyperion

Gender : male

Powers: He can bend light to his will

Weapons: anything that has light

Bio: Cory is the only one who actually signed up for this. His father was a great military solider so when he heard about project Cronus he applied immediately. Even though rejected they still put him into a program, however he would only be allowed to use his powers if something went wrong with project Cronus. He waited for a long time and when he had heard that the mutants escaped, he made it his sworn duty to bring them down.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ec9750_images(1).jpg.fac62d24b8d43d806822c6da3d13d848.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf7ec9750_images(1).jpg.fac62d24b8d43d806822c6da3d13d848.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Please note the opening post won't be until tonight. So have patience.



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Name: Solimon DeKitus

Project: Apollo

Gender : Male

Powers: Light Manipulation

Weapons: Taekwondo and a Bow

Bio (optional): Growing up as Bully's little toy, Solimon was being bullied by every boy no matter what school he transferred to even the girls bullied him. His uncle thought of putting him into Taekwondo in hopes that he can fight for himself, but his heart was too pure to be able to hurt anyone. If he had the option, he could have attacked the others since he has practiced with Taekwondo for a long time. But he could never bring himself to do so.....A government agent came into his school and asked if the kids could volunteer for some sort of experiment and the reward for the one that gives the best results will be given 1 million dollars to their family. Of course Solimon signed up to get id Uncle out of debt and give some money to the hospital to support is Aunt who is dying of Cancer and needs treatment. Now the bullies know of Solimon's admission and decided to pay a "visit" in the middle of the night to Solimon's house and wreak havoc so that he won't be able to go. Of course it worked and Solimon was brutally beaten even after fighting back...the cost for his bravery was the death of his Uncle because one of the bullies brought a knife and since his Uncle tried to help, the bullies attacked. Solimon was put into the hospital and his Uncle.....burred. The news was devastating to his Aunt that it placed her in coma and soon had to have her plug pulled. The perfect definition of...A horrible life. At the time, Solimon missed his chance at the money, but the same agent visited him in the hospital with the same choice to undergo the experiment since none of the children passed. He said how this could get your legs back if this worked and of course Solimon took that chance because not only did he have determination but he promised that he would live to see the day that he gets to kill those bullies. The program that the agent gave him was called Project Apollo which would be in a remote area for off town. By the time he got there and after the test was put in motion, the only thing he had in mind was power and freedom from being pushed around. This test gave him something that he could never imagine! fast healing and the capability of utilizing light particles like Apollo himself. He lived most of his days in the facility and was able to walk again....until one day he overheard a conversation between the agent and the other top officers of the government...THEY WANTED THE CHILD! Solimon knew that this was a bad idea so he mounted and escape with the help of one of the scientist who knew that this was a bad idea and a horrible mistake. He finally escaped the area and by the time he reached the town, the facility was on High Alert. Solimon had to leave town so he took whatever he could including his Family Hunting Bow and left the city through a sewage passage to reach the outskirts of town.

Personality (optional): Humble little one with a heart of gold and honest at everything he does. However the Bulling and rage caused a snap in his mind set causing a shift in personality whenever he uses Taekwondo. That shift in personality shows more brutality than expected and takes a long time to shift back because of the rage he feels.



Yes, the tattoos as well
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Name: Luvan Stamar.

Project: Aphrodite

Age: 17

Gender : Male

Powers: The power of Love and Lust.

The power of Charm, Can charm any human being. With the flaw and exception of anybody that know he can do this. Which means his fellow projects. And anybody involved in the project save normal military men. Good for quite a few things. Although it being his only power. Does make him almost useless in combat.

He can also cause a chemical gas to fill the air. Causing all who inhale it to become rather... Well, Friendly and..Loving?. They probably won't be shooting you after inhaling it, now. this isn't 100 percent. And a particularity strong willed individual or Somebody fueled only by hate will not be affected. Can only do this once or twice a day and doesn't work on any of the other projects.

( If you have any suggestions of anything else Aphrodite can do, please tell.)

Weapons: Not exactly a violent type. And prefers others to do the fighting for him.

Bio: Before the Project..Well, He was a rather normal individual, fairly respectful to his parents and the community around him. Average grades. Average appearances. Average intelligence. Now. This was fine until an event happened that shocked his whole life. A burglary. at night.

They weren't supposed to be home. But the event his parents were hosting was..Rained on. So to speak. and they walked in on. the burglar. Who proceeded to. In shock, shoot and kill both of the boys parents. And terribly wounding Luvan himself, And then. In a stroke of luck. The burglar decided his fortune was right there. A now orphaned young boy could be sold on the black marketplace for a fortune.

And as the story goes. he was bought by the sick bastards who run the whole operation. And then they changed everything about him. That's how the story goes anyway.

Personality: Laid back. Flirty. Really chill and friendly, probably one of the best 'friends' you coudl have. Loves pretty much everyone and everything.

Alright people it has started. And on another note if you guys wish to fight one another that's fine by me. The gods were known to not always get along, so if you want to fight each other that's fine by me.

Name: Adam Shoshona

Age: 21

Project: Chimera

Gender : Male

Powers: Adam has abilities that represent each creature that makes up the Ancient Greek monster, the Chimera. When he activates his powers,

(Lion) Adam has increased senses, gains the speed, strength, agility of an alpha lion. He can also sprout a tougher form of keratin that gives him cat-like claws.

(Goat) Adam also gains superhuman accuracy and balance, similar to the sure-footed prowess of a mountain goat, and Adam can balance himself on a variety of structures ranging from the skinny ledges of a window to uneven rocky cliffs.

(Snake) His Snake attribute allows him to be extremely flexible and he can fit into smaller spaces. He can contort his body into different positions that can aid him in a motley of situations.

Adam finally has the power to breathe fire, as the ancient greek Chimera could, and he lights his cigarettes this way, among other things.

Weapons: None

Bio (optional): (Will Add Later)

Personality: Adam isn't intimidated easily though he's more of a nonchalant character than one who underestimates. He is determined and focused when it comes to his objectives. One could consider his personality insipid and tasteless but the truth is, he cares little for what exists in the world. Only catching the Cronus subjects.

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Name: Ana Viner

Project: Hera

Gender : Female

Powers: Enhanced strength, Berserk mode

Weapons: Her powers

Bio: Ana was born into a fairly rich yet cruel family. They rarely paid attention to her and never showed affection. She was bullied at school until she fought back. This gave her a violent reputation to which she's proud of. When she got older she was put into the project by her parents once they discovered what she had been doing and hated it. Her powers became useful to her but she never trusted the government or their intentions. She was for escaping very early on and has the worst grudge against those who put her in the project to begin with.

Personality: Ana is easy to annoy and anger. She's best known for her temper and has little control over it. She'll never back down from a fight and is often rash with her decisions. She rarely forms strong bonds with anyone and has trust issues towards others. Ana is also known for holding longtime grudges against people and has a hard time forgiving.

Appearance: (Source)

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