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Futuristic PROJECT: CODE - characters

Reign of Terror

Destroyer of Ramen
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • tumblr_myxbid5oHY1rr6aa6o1_500.gif


coding by leviathan

GM Inubue.
Co-GM morbidity.

Gender: Go nuts. Specify pronouns, character dependent.
Distinguishing Features:
If they tend to accessorize, have any major scars, or have ink on them, put it here. Cybernetics also go here, specify what/where they are located. (Implants, arm blasters, fingers, etc.)

Personality: Sociopaths and some lunacy are fine, non-sentient characters are not. They must be capable of independent speech, thought, and action for this taskforce, they can't be so unhinged that normal conversation/interaction is impossible. A 'feral' psychopath would be counterproductive.

Code Classification: Codes only. Highest danger level first, lesser categories last. Ex. 'DRAGON - GHOUL' or 'KING - DRAGON - SNAKE'. Having a lower danger level does not mean your character is of 'lesser' value, only that they don't pose as big a physical threat to others. WOLVES and SNAKES have that single code. DRAGONS have 2 codes. GHOULS usually have 2, sometimes 3. KINGS will always have 3 or more.

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: For Codes OR Supervising Agents.
This is where you ought to highlight your character's work history or criminal background, as I'm not looking for an actual biography. This will highlight the important events leading up to the start of the roleplay. I need to know what use they are; Are they a strong WOLF? Are they an ex-Navy Seal? Include their combat/weapon expertise here, as well as any college degrees or other skills/knowledge they've accumulated.
Codes; List the crimes that they've committed that earned them their code(s). Be as creative as you like, so long as it fits the code(s) you've put them under. Feel free to ask if you're unsure.

Rank: Supervising agents only. Do/Did you have a proper title? Are/Were you military or PD? What did you do before you were transferred to this new unit of oddballs? Examples include: Colonel, Officer, Lieutenant, Doctor, Chief, Director, etc.

Apprehension: Codes only. Tell me how they were caught~ Did they turn themselves in? Were they finally caught after years of being hunted? Did they surrender on their own? Were they betrayed?
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20-30 / Cis-male / Biophysicist & Biochemist Extraordinaire​
Det. Caldwell(right) with Forensic Scientist Markus Grant(Left)
Name: Thomas "Tom" Caldwell
Age: 38
Gender: Cis male, he/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 186 lbs
Distinguishing Features: Caldwell over his years of service has accumulated his fair share of scars, the most notable being the bridge of his nose, a large laceration scar across his abdomen, and the fact that his left arm is prosthetic. It is usually covered in a fake 'skin' so as to ease others, but sometimes he just does without, the metal a jet black, and military grade in terms of durability.

Personality: Thomas, despite everything he has been through, is not the grizzled, stereotyped tv cop... At least all the time. He is entirely a takes no shit person when serious work needs to be done, but that part of him doesn't rule his life. Off duty Thomas is quite a nice guy, the kind of person to buy you a drink and talk about your day with you, joke around and have a good time. Some of this slips into his 'work persona' with the occasional joke or two. A very observant and calm person, it's hard for him to miss something when he actively searches, and even harder to get him angry, but it is possible with some effort.

Not one to give up easy, and certainly not one to leave a man behind. Should one of these Code's prove useful and perhaps even establish a good rapport with him, he may even take a bullet for one of them. He isn't the type to judge a book by its cover, even if the book is a mass murderer or terrorist who under any other circumstance he would probably have killed or detained.

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: Thomas has a heavy background in service, at 18 he had enlisted with the U.S. Air Force, fresh out of high school and ready to serve his country. His path would lead him down the path of a Pararescueman, highly trained special forces specializing in rescuing downed pilots behind enemy lines. After two years of training, he had no time to sit on his laurels, being deployed two weeks after graduating. Unfortunately for him, his tours of duty were not quiet, and he would be deployed to several hotzones over his 9 years of service. However, his continued service, bravery, and aptitude in his field granted him several medals in his time, even earning himself the Medal of Honor for saving the lives of a dozen men in the field after losing his own arm in an ambush. He was honorably discharged a few years after this incident, continuing to fight on with a prosthetic as the military deemed him okay to continue.

After his discharge he returned home, hailed a hero by old friends and retired comrades alike, but he was far from done. A month after getting settled, he began applying for the police academy, and was quick to begin the four month training process to becoming an officer. Six more years of service as a beat cop and he would find himself promoted to Detective, but only for about a year and a half before he was pulled into being a supervising agent.

Relevant Expertise:
- certified paramedic
- extensive weapons training/hand to hand
- SERE(Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) Training
- Experienced Skydiver
- Diver training
- Law Enforcement training

Rank: Supervising agents only. Prior to becoming a Supervising agent, Thomas held with ranks of First Sergeant and Detective in his time with the Air Force/Police respectively. He has about 11 years of military service, about 2 of which were spent in training, and 6-ish years with the police force.
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No registered name due to lack of birth records. Code has specified she likes to be called Ayami.

Ayami is believed to be around 18-20 years of age on psychical assessment.

Ayami prefers to be identified as female, but doesn't seem to have a strong grasp on the idea of gender itself.

Ayami has shown a lack of interest in anyone other than her assigned supervisor, and whether this is romantic, sexual or otherwise has not been distinguished.

Ayami stands at 5'5.5" with currently equipped cybernetic limbs.

Ayami weighs in at 52.3kg a small portion of this is however attributed to cybernetics due to her form being recorded as underweight.

Distinguishing Features:
Ayami has a series of distinguishing features including all four limbs being completely cybernetic. None contain any weapon like features however have a surprisingly high amount of modifications to the base design in terms of inhuman flexibility and speed adjustments. They are coated in a thin layer of prosthetic skin giving a more realistic appearance. They are fitted in a manner that allows 24/7 usage and they do not come off without serious damage to the connection points of her biological flesh.

Other body modifications include manual creation of sharpened canine teeth. And the voluntary use of a mouth restraint that covers the lower half of her face, it's appearance resembling a gas mask to a degree. When restraint is removed the ghoul shows a sudden increase in aggression and highly obsessive biting behaviors. These are dulled however when in the presence of her supervisor, where its shown she appears to be more in control even if still likely to lick those around her.

Ayami is also often noted to be adorned in Asian style clothes that cover a large portion of her skin. Her hair is most commonly in a set of twin tails at the sides of her head. Underneath the garments lies a horrific scene of heavy scarring across her back, stomach, chest and most prominent directly under the face mask, a large collection of what appear to be both surgical and injury related cuts. Overall the girl on appearance alone appears fairly harmless and young.


Ayami's personality is hard to record on paper. A seemingly quiet, well behaved and innocent girl, however the line between her flickering to aggressive and unhinged can be triggered at complete random. She has small animal like quirks in the form of frequently licking and sniffing others with little idea of personal boundaries. What little is known of her upbringing brings into question whether she even learnt proper human behaviors as a child. One thing however is clear, she is far from feral and mindless like other Ghouls can be. Her views on others and the world is warped but the best way to describe her would be unpredictable, something along the lines of chaotically intelligent, someone who seems so detached from what's going on around them, and yet everything works so perfectly in their favor when needed, creating an unnerving lack of understanding just how crazy she really may be.

Code Classification:

Skills include an unnerving understanding of the human body and how things work within it through- 'experience'. Along with her unsuspecting appearance at first often throwing off expectations of just how brutal she can be, using her surroundings and weapons to make up for her lesser strength. Her movements in a fight are fairly unpredictable, meaning its hard to block against her or judge what she may do next. She has a seemingly heightened sense of taste and hearing, presumably due to how she attacks.

Ayami has committed a range of mainly violent crimes despite being fairly young. She seemingly did so out of both an obsession to get revenge on anyone 'bad' along with satisfying a part of herself that craved the adrenaline rush and blood. She also has a fair few reports of non-lethal attacks, either scaring and simply beating or biting her victims, instead of her usual brutal style of leaving a mangled body. Most of her crimes take place out of direct view, usually allowing her to take out small groups or individuals with none being the wiser till a later date. She seems to be against fighting around others she doesn't want to get hurt or to see the other side of her, and even has one unusual case of saving the victim of another criminal Ghoul.

Ayami's capture was strange to say the least, it was almost as though she wanted to be caught. Her actions up until such a point were unpredictable and although she had vague descriptions from fleeing witnesses and the barely conscious survivors, the only thing ever truly noted in a consistent manner was her heavily scarred face around the mouth, and her unique style of attack. However on this one occasion, she walked straight out from the scene of the crime covered in blood right in front of the officers, smiling wildly as she licked the blood from her palm and didn't struggle in arrest. When going inside, it's noted that the bodies were so mangled, you couldn't tell who they used to be.
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Veronica Lee
Age: 24
Gender: Female, She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128 lbs
Distinguishing Features: Butt length silky black hair. Her skin is very very pale from lack of sun light, preferring to stay alive or use a sun umbrella. Her back is covered in a tattoo depicting Eve being tempted by the devil as a snake.

Personality: Two word that one might use to describe Veronica as calculated and seductive. She finds joy in studying human behavior and discovering what makes them tick. in this, preferring to watch them from a far though a lens; often capturing moments of weakness and humiliation, finding those the most compelling and arousing.
She studies criminology, psychology, and philosophy as well as coding and hacking. Her primary skill being hacking, having been the thing that sealed her fate.
She's found that through physical companionship some people become more willing to do as she wishes and will attempt to seduce who ever she can. Not to say she doesn't enjoy the physical companionship, she does to some degree but mostly sees it as a tool of power and a way to ingratiate herself to some one.
Having not had a long life of experience in proper world she hasn't developed much outside of her studies and little bit of life before imprisonment. Her view of the world is bleak and cynical, while capable as she may be she knows she can likely never turn against those who wish to control her.

Code Classification: Snake

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: When she was 8 she had learned how to hack, originally though just simple little sites, messing things up with no real purpose. By 10 her parents found out about her skill and forced her to use her skill for more illegal reasons such as hacking local banks. This went on for some years. By 15 she was pulling more advance hacking jobs, namely hacking into security controls. Around this time she decided to hack into security cameras to people watch. Soon she began to use her skills to toy with people she could watch, enjoying watching their lives crumble. She had grown cocky, deciding to toy with the live of government officials. Ultimately this was what got her caught at the age of 17 she was captured in her home.
Imprisoned, she found out the perks being a woman could have. Using this charm she soon had some of the guards and fellow inmates eating out of the palm of her hand. For the next year she used her power to acquire knowledge about psychology and criminology. This lasted 2 and a half years till the head of the prison found out about her corruption of the guards and had her moved. Despite this she began her same take over of the prison. Not long after her 21st birthday the new project started, faced with a new reality she decided she'd at least rather not die.

Apprehension: At the age of 17 she was still somewhat unaware of the consequences she would have to face due to her actions. When messing with small fish by comparison she had never really been hunted. But due to her own hubris she took on stuff currently out of her league. She was sloppy, having never had to cover her digital trail so thoroughly, a mistake she'd never make again. Immediately tracked down and located she was captured in her own home with her family.
Name: Caroline Reed
Alias/Nicknames: Diamond
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Female, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’3
Weight: 143

Distinguishing Features
All that remains of Caroline’s illegally-acquired wealth are her
multiple gold rings and chain necklaces. Her right arm and side of her back are covered in intricate tattoos,
indicative of her criminal history, including roses, diamonds, pin-up girls, dollar bills and more.

Previously, she was shallow as can be, oblivious to the concerns of everyday life,
her only priority being to have fun. She was sociable, talkative and demanded the spotlight, adoring attention and compliments. Flirtatious, she seemed to constantly be trying to seduce whoever she’s with. Indeed she was a very sensual and physical person. Energetic and lively as can be, she could party for hours on nothing but a gram of coke and an iced tea.

Now that she’s been busted, she’s assumed her more natural persona, the one she confined to lead feds off her trail.
She’s not nearly as dumb as she appears to be, atleast street-wise; she’s familiar with the ins and outs of the criminal world and knows exactly what to say and do to persuade anyone she wants (excluding her agent). She’s incredibly manipulative, a master of putting on a show to get her way. With a sweet, girly appearance and a near-constant smile, she has a natural charm that cannot be denied. That’s not to say her smiles are anything more than cold and empty, devoid of good intentions. Cold and calculating, Diamond doesn’t care what lines must be crossed and what promises she has to break to get her way. The compassion she has for others is low, to say the least. It seems that somewhere inside, there’s a glimmer of concern for others’ wellbeing, but it rarely presents itself. Her highest priority most of the time is herself, and she doesn’t consider anyone else’s struggles
to be worth her time, unless she can use it to benefit herself. Her loyalty would be laughable if she hadn’t gotten so many killed with her lack of it; to put
it plainly, she doesn’t care who she has to throw under the bus to avoid blame. She’s too prideful to admit when she’s done something wrong, preferring
to pin the blame on someone else; despite this, she’s usually aware of when she’s in the wrong. She’s fairly self aware and knows when she’s messed up.
Inside, she’d rather chew glass than show any trace of vulnerability. In a sense, she’s scared of it being used against her, to take advantage of her.
With a strong hatred of feeling below others due to this, she tries to put herself in a position of leadership whenever possible.
Her favorite game to play with her agent is playing dumb, convincing them into thinking she’s as clueless as she looks.

Though she can be self-centered, you can earn her friendship with a good sense of humor and a shared enemy/ambition.
Not that she’s the best friend.

Code Classification: Wolf.

Occupation | Expertise: wip.

Caroline has been convicted for:
- Prostitution

- Procuring (pimping)
- Drug possession
- Purjury
- Extortion
- Fraud
- Money Laundering
- Harrassment
- Bribery
- Voluntary Manslaughter
- Running a red light

Caroline had been on the radar of law enforcement for a few years before her arrest, but it took one ran red light, a discovery of
cocaine in her car, assault of a police officer, and a too-long car chase before she could finally be taken to justice.
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gif_comm.gifName: Cassandra Mafiel
Alias: Dún Scáith
Age: 26
Gender: Female (She/Her, They/Them)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 124lb
Distinguishing Features: Cassandra's most distinguishing feature is her just-below shoulder-length red hair, paired with her lips - always painted a matching shade. Her eyes are just as striking - emerald-green irises, inlaid with dozens of tiny wires - a result of the cybernetics within them. Beneath them, across her nose, lies a long brushstroke of freckles. Just as omnipresent, though, as any other part of her is the teal earring she wears upon her left ear.

Generally, Cassandra wears darker clothing, along with long sleeves. Should they be rolled up, countless scars would be revealed on her pale skin - most faded, the results of shrapnel collissions. There are certain patches, though, of her skin which are pristine - until closer inspection reveals them to be access panels to the technology within them that Cassandra requires, lest her nervous system fail her.

Personality: Cassandra is characterised by an unshakeable belief that, at any time, she is the smartest person in the room. This speaks to two aspects of her - the first, her inteligence, and the second, perhaps more so, her ego. Cassandra is proud - though not quite to the level where she'll boast about her exploits. Instead, her pride is a quiet one - driving her further, pushing her to do more and do it better than anyone else possibly can.

Paired with this to devestating effect is what, if Cassandra had ever deigned to let herself be tested, a strong case of psychopathy - along with a solid few hallmark traits of a narcissist. Human life is just a number to Cassandra - a tally, or a score, more than anything else. The people around her are tools to be used and disposed of - the idea that they may be just like her is almost an insult, and the thought of their feelings mattering is foreign. Empathy, to Cassandra, is a weapon for her to wield - nothing more, and most certainly nothing less.

While she's more than capable of repressing them, Cassandra will come across as warm, emotional - charming - if she needs to in order to manipulate somebody. Lies are easy, for her, as are half-truths, obfuscations, and manipulation as a whole. It is not an art, to her - but it is a means to an end, and to Cassandra, the end will always justify the means employed - no matter what.

Code Classification: Dragon - Snake

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: Cassandra is, by all means - invisible in the eyes of the law from bith to the age of 14. Her career - if you could call it that - began small. A string of thefts, associated with her - an opened investigation into a large surfeit of cash that appeared in her account, later closed - then reopened. Every crime commited, though, was small - too small to land her in anything but a slap on the wrist. She went into higher education, and, despite not working, continued to have a large amount of money on hand - piling up in her bank account, seemingly.

Police were first properly involved with Cassandra as an adult - though they didn't know it until later - when investigating an arson - seemingly random, a mere two blocks from her apartment. This was the first of many - a string of fires, for each of which she had an airtight alibi - at a club, studying, at a friend's. Things progressed quickly - a restaurant exploding, small devices under each table, a shop collapsing thanks to tactically-placed cutting charges. Leaks online to plummet stock, with one person always making off richer - though tracking them was always easier said than done.

It was during Cassandra's earlier forays into "tinkering" when one of her projects exploded in her face - literally. Her body was ruined, mangled - but, fortunately, she had money, and contacts. Illegal cybernetics weren't uncommon, though the corporations running the world put as much of a stop to them as they could - and with the right contacts, Cassandra was almost as good as new - nerves replaced with wires, eyes, formerly a lost cause, fully replaced, arms patched back together. She kept the scars, though - and her efforts grew ever more ambitious.

Soon, it wasn't shops or businesses - it was entire buildings, collapsing into one another. Exits slamming shut, fires blazing into life out of nowhere. Servers wiped, a string of dead guards and leads that pointed to others - innocents, perhaps, sent to die in Cassandra's place, a fired gun in their hands and confusion on their faces.

Now, Cassandra's talents are varied. She is a manipulator - but she excels at building weapons - bombs are her forté, though she's done more than enough research to take apart, put together, and fire the vast majority of conventional weapons - and a fair few unconventional ones too. She says what people want to hear - and knows how to get them to do what she needs.

  • Fraud
  • Theft
  • Laundering
  • Murder
  • Reckless Endangerment
  • Arson
  • Terrorism
  • Illegal firearm possession
  • Unlicensed cybernetics

Apprehension: Too many one-time grunts had fallen to Cassandra - and she had grown too careless, thirsting after a bigger target. A number of suspicious transactions, improperly concealed, brought the police to the place they'd been delivered to - and she was followed back to her place of work. She was caught, tinkering - a new bomb, devestating - had she been allowed to set it off. She fought the whole way down - killing as many as she could before finally, she was subdued, and brough to justice - though, if she has her way, it certainly won't last very long...
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  • Toni stands at roughly six foot one, he maintains a steady workout routine and possesses well-defined muscles, most of which make up his body weight. The blonde weighs one hundred and ninety-one pounds. As far as his typical day to day attire, Antonio likes to dress comfortably (such as activewear) when he's at home. When out and about he'll tend to dress in business casual clothing. He's often told that he looks young for his age, those close to him say he hasn't aged since high school. Antonio has a scar located on his left shoulder secondary to a gunshot wound. Toni has minor scars painted in various areas, however, none are as severe as the scar on his shoulders. The most visible attribute Antonio possesses would be his piercing eyes, like perfectly cut sapphire gems.

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Anora Wes
Age: 32
Gender: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Hetero
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 137 lbs
Distinguishing Features: She's a fairly average looking woman. She was minor scarring on her legs from childhood.

Personality: Anora is an easy going woman. She seems to veil her deeper emotions with quippy lines and witty come backs. She wears a smile on her face and prefers to just have fun. While she will let a few things slide she never lets anything get out of hand and is quick to stop anything that might be going to far. Her serious demeanor in contrast to her usual laid back one can be quite scary and intimidating to a normal person with out the constitution to deal with a knife pointed at them faster than they can say "supercalifragilisticexpialidotious". It's those moments that make you remember she's an elite trained military sniper. She can be rigid and serious when the chips are down but would rather not have to ever reach the point of that necessity.

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: When Anora was 18 she joined the military, something she almost always knew she wanted. She became trained as a sniper; having a real knack for shooting in general, almost always hitting her mark. Being trained in the military she's efficient at hand to hand combat and has fairly good endurance and strength.

Rank: Military sniper, nothing more or less. She was called out for special missions.


Scar is possibly one of the most unapologetic and self aware people you’ll encounter. She’s not the type to hold back any punches when she’s offering advice, or anything that requires her honest opinion; which you can trust her to give one hundred percent.
She enjoys talking, even small talk compared to most who would rather stay silent in most uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations- that’s not Scar at all. You can count on her being the first to speak up in most given situations and the first to extend her hand out to shake.
That said, she can be classified as the “welcoming, motherly type” if you will, this sort of attitude was gathered from years of growing up within a large family, involving several siblings and cousins that she’s had to take care of. So she’s used to having to take care of others and most have claimed they find comfort in her naturally warm presence.
Of course, many more have also found her presence to be equally as intimidating and are quite cautious when around her to watch what they say, knowing she would not hesitate to set anyone straight.
Regardless of how someone may view her, it’s undeniable that she is protective of those she loves and cares about, and even her next door neighbor. Once she considers you with her, you can rest assured you’ll have someone in your corner when you need it.


Scar started out fairly young when she joined the force; being only twenty one years old, and fresh out of college when she was accepted into a police training academy.
Although, it wasn't her original path she wanted to take in life, it was a path that did indeed call to her and she answered.
She struggled at first, mainly due to tough treatment as a new recruit and the covert discrimination's she saw first hand, but as time passed during her time in the academy, she was able to complete with high marks and aced through all test's of requiring intelligence as well as athleticism.

After graduation from the academy, she was given a spot within a local police force where she became known for her high strength and level of endurance. She was able to beat most of the biggest, strongest with her trained skill alone in hand to hand combat. Knowing the right pressure points to incapicate a human, just how to twist a limb at an angle till it became inoperable; it became clear to any of her peers and commanders that she knew how to use lethal force with only her bare hands. It even gotten to the point where she hardly ever brought a weapon out with her on the field unless absolutely necessary, and or required.


Due to her high athleticism that she attained from years of extensive strength training, as well as the high success rates of every job she was sent out on, Scar was offered the position of Commanding Officer at her location where she was formerly in charge of her own division.

Fact Check:

♦ Her hands have been registered as lethal weapons by the state
♦ Originally was into competitive dance during college and planned to pursue a career in it until she decided to join the officers academy
♦ Keeps her nails noticeably sharped to piercing claw tip points for personal preference as well as protection, sometimes wears customized steel guards over her fingers for added weaponry in close combat situations.
1593111786258.png Despite being well trained in the usage of most fire arms and proving to have remarkable marksmanship; she hold a personal aversion against the use of them. In her division she would strongly enforce that any fire arms were to be used sparingly and as the upmost last resort.





Cis gendered female


5'7 - 160lbs



Distinguishing Features

Naturally wavy, long brown locks that flow down to her waist when untied from her usual bun and pony tail
Amethyst shaded cat eyes; framed by thick curly lashes
Impressively toned body muscles, earned from tireless hours of combat training and consistent exercise

coded by natasha.
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Age: She appears to be in her late 20's, around 28

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Distinguishing Features: Piercing and hypnotic blueish violet eyes that seem to beckon anyone that looks into them, which have lured countless people into her control. Her skin is almost unnaturally flawless and youthful, with light auburn hair as soft as silk. She has very expensive sub-dermal implants in her hands that inject a powerful mind altering poison that allows Alice to influence the wills of those she touches.

Personality: Alice is highly regarded in many social circles, especially among those of higher social standing. People that think they know her see her as a benevolent spirit that helps as many people as she can no matter where she goes. In reality, Alice has very little regard for anyone but herself. She enslaves the minds of those she finds useful to her and callously disposes of those that pose a threat to her social standing. Alice truly sees herself as a matronly figure, and very much acts the part. She has a warm and caring personality, displaying a fondness for politeness and etiquette, having grown up being repeatedly taught the importance of decorum. When treated rudely, however, the rottenness of her cold personality will sometimes seep through. Nobody that has seen that side of her has come out unscathed, most are just never heard from again.

Alice never stays in any one place for too long. Her wanderlust will often cause her to lose interest in the city she is in, especially once she has met a certain amount of benevolence and control in an area. Her enjoyment is in the challenge of exerting control, not in the maintenance to hold any long lasting power. Because of this, most of the people under her influence will disappear, never to be seen again, most likely having been ordered to dispose of themselves in a way as to not call any attention to her. Those that she allows to live are left behind to serve a specific purpose, usually in the betterment of their master.

While she has very little actual regard for those around her, Alice has an affinity for people with strong wills and genuinely kind hearts. She never imposes her will against these types of people, instead choosing to pursue short lived friendships, sometimes evolving into shorter lived romances. Any trouble she has gotten into has been caused by these people finding out the type of person she truly is. Not that it ever really matters, as her strategically placed thralls will exert enough influence to get her out of just about any type of legal situation.

Code Classification: Ghoul - Snake

OCCUPATION/EXPERTISE: For Codes OR Supervising Agents.

The bulk of her followers are those that are looked down on by society. They are the addicts, petty criminals, and dregs that weigh upon society, given clarity of mind through her control. With her influence, they clean up and become the best version of themselves, acting as the eyes and ears of the city she is currently residing in.

Codes; List the crimes that they've committed that earned them their code(s). Be as creative as you like, so long as it fits the code(s) you've put them under. Feel free to ask if you're unsure.

Apprehension: Codes only. Tell me how they were caught~ Did they turn themselves in? Were they finally caught after years of being hunted? Did they surrender on their own? Were they betrayed?

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