Project: Cliques

Potato said:
Heeh. Can I post a character?
You bet!


Potato said:


Vienna "Vee" O'Malley










Vee is a very shy person. She hardly ever talks to anybody, and when she does her voice is soft and loose, as if she wasn't trying to speak at all. She is kind to those who are kind to her, and she loves to express herself with the clothes she wears and the way she does her hair.


When Vee was very young her parents moved them from Ireland to the place they are now because one of her fathers had a very important job opportunity. Her other father, whom she called 'Daddy' was the one who took care of her. Her father was Irish, and her Daddy was American, so she ended up with an American accent with just a hint of Irish, though nobody really ever hears her talk.

When Vee got old enough to think about love, her fathers were slightly disappointed that she was straight. Secretly they wanted her to be gay so that they could keep the family tradition going, but it was not to be. Vee fell 'in love' with a boy when she was in middle school, but she could never tell him. She tried asking her dads for advice, but all they did was look at each other confused. They had no idea how to pick up a straight guy.

When she finally told him, he laughed at her, and soon the entire class was laughing at her, so she was forced into hiding. And by hiding, she started hanging with herself, and maybe a few other friends. She started putting most of her attention into writing poetry and short stories, and she vowed that when she was old enough she'd begin writing an autobiography.


(PM me!)




She has three dogs.





Max&Katie's Puppy; Polly


(I only put these so that you could get an insight of Vee's life in the play; if you need me to remove it I will)​
EmilyPower said:
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell
Age: 17

Gender: Female


View attachment 111729


Artistic, creative, intelligent, introvert, a bit mean, sarcastic, aggressive, kind

History: WIP

Crush: No one yet

Clique: Drama kids/ a bit emo

You're both missing something in your CS. Check the overview to find it out
Stoked911 said:
What's with the pairings?
I paired randomly and paired up those who's categories fitted what others wanted. I said in the rules to PM me if you know who you want to be paired with. It's not like it has to be boy girl boy girl. It's a mix of everyone. They will change in time as well.
Stoked911 said:
...Pairing as in...friend pairings?
It was as in who you wanted to be partered up with for the project.

They don't have to date. They are just partners. But I guess I was the only one who understood so Ill change the title.

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