Project Atlas - Character Sign-Up


Shiny Browncoat
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This roleplay is currently closed. Accepted characters are listed below.

Accepted Characters

The current team roster (in no particular order):

@Dear Inspector

@Mr. Grin

Willoughby T.(Thea) Fu, "Soapbox" - @Trignome

Vivienne Cote, "Silhouette" - @Erica

Project Atlas Character Sheet

Character Sheet Template with Details on How to Fill Out the Fields

Note: If you decide not to use this format, that's okay with me. (I know bbcode makes some users curl up into the fetal position.) Regardless of what layout you use, please have all the required information in your application.

  • Vital Statistics

    Provide the vital information on your character here. Feel free to include what you want as vital stats; some suggested things to include are below.

    Real Name: The name your character was given at birth and/or is on official records about their existence.

    Codename: If applicable.

    Aliases: Are there any names your character has gone by in the past? Nicknames that your character is commonly known as other than their code name?

    Age: Due to the nature of the Project, I ask all characters be at least 18. I would love to see a variety of ages.

    Height & Weight:

    Hair & Eye Color:

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:

    Appearance: Describe what your character's body is like, what kinds of clothes they like to wear, accessories they may wear (glasses), etc. If you want to use a picture, please use real life (not anime, etc.) photos and include an additional written description.

    Occupation of Record: Assuming your character has a job (most adults do), what is it?


    Personality: Give some detail on your character’s attitude and typical behaviors. What’s his/her position on “the metahuman question”? On the Guardians? How do they react under pressure? What kind of quirks do they have? Please include strengths and flaws; everyone has both.

    Goals & Aspirations: What does your character aspire to do or be? What drives them?

    Restricted Personality Types

    Because this group needs to function as a team to drive the story, loners and anti-social characters will not be a good fit. Can your character have some angst? Absolutely! But if your character won’t interact with others or will always be going off on his/her own, it won’t work with this story.

    The same goes for sociopaths and psychopaths. You don't need to be a white knight by any means, but the Project will weed out truly unstable people before putting them in the field.

How Many Spots Are There?

I will only be accepting 3-4 characters for this roleplay. The final number will depend upon the powers of the characters accepted, as the team needs a certain balance. I will not hold any spots; if you’re interested in applying, post an application.

When Will the Game Start?

Because character creation takes time, I will not accept anyone until April 13th. This gives those who want to take the time to write up a well thought-out character sheet a chance to apply. On 4/13, I will review the character sheets and decide on the players. We will start shortly after that, probably the week of April 20th as I may need to tweak the opening based on the final character roster.

What Are You Looking For?

Fleshed out characters that fit well in the world and story. I do also check users' posting history on the site (if applicable) to see how you interacted with other stories and if you post regularly. I'm looking for creative, character-development centered players who are willing to work as a group (either with or even against me as a ST) for the sake of the story.

What's the Style & Pace for this Roleplay?

This will be a detailed roleplay by the site's definition. Pacing-wise, my aim is 1-2 posts per player per week, but we'll adjust as needed with everyone's schedules.

Other Questions?

If you have other questions, drop me a PM.

Code for the Character Sheet Layout Above

  • Vital Statistics
    Real Name:

    Height & Weight:
    Hair & Eye Color:
    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


    Occupation of Record:


    Goals & Aspirations:

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More Questions!

See below for answers to some questions that have been asked that may be useful to everyone.

Note: For more information on Project Atlas structure and some of the history your character might know, see the Organizations tab.

Where should I post my application? Should I post it here or send it via PM?

When you're ready to post your application, please post it in this thread. I won't review until 4/13, so if you need to make modifications, you can do so up until that date.

On the character sheet, you mention occupation of record aka the character's job. If our character has been working with Project Atlas, would that not be their job?

It could be, if they're part of the organizational structure with a rank. There aren't meta-human emergencies every day, so some people will have "day jobs" or even covers, then be called in when needed; they will be part of the Project but acting more like contractors.

Looking through the overview, no official year is ever provided, only references from the current year the roleplay is set in. Are we to assume that the roleplay begins in the year 2015?

Yes. It's obviously an alternate timeline, but if you need a year, please use 2015.

Assuming a character has some kind of history within Project Atlas, would it be possible to create previous missions or events that they would have been a part of?

Yes, but please run anything beyond basic reconnaissance and detainment of very low-level supers by me. For instance, if you want a mission involving a super who tried to destroy a city or a mission tracking down a super who was assassinating world leaders, I need to give it the green light. (And possibly adjust the world history if I say it's okay.)

Also please keep in mind that Project Atlas operates under the radar. They are not the Guardians; so all past missions should be as inconspicuous/lacking in public record as is possible.

Does the Project ever grant new aliases to contacts or members, as well as provide them with necessary resources (such as a fake birth certificate) to improve the believability of their stories?

Yes, depending on the need, especially for contractors/agents to be used in the field. (Which are what metahumans would generally be unless they were in the military as their job.)

Is it possible for members of the Project to lead double lives (e.g. being employed in a time consuming job, creating personal relationships, etc.) using fake aliases?

Yes. They can be like contractors, pulled in when there's a mission. The benefits provided by the Project would scale accordingly, of course: if they meta only works the occasional mission, the pay from Project Atlas and any additional support (fake identities, getting them out of hot water, etc.) would be less.

How exactly are members recruited? Does someone contact them privately, or do they have to seek a recruiter out themselves?

Since Project Atlas is not a publicly known organization, there are two primary ways for someone to join the organization:

  1. Someone recruits them. The Project keeps an eye out for metas, and approach those who may be a good fit privately. Less often, a member of the agency might know the person and suggest they be approached. Either way, the initial invite will not say "we're a clandestine organization, wanna join?"

    :) It will be more subtle, about an opportunity to help - and the recruiter will feel them out. If we're talking about a borderline criminal that could be redeemed, it might be more of an ultimatum, but they won't recruit hard-core criminals that are deemed dangerous.
  2. They volunteer. Candidates applying for the Guardians are reviewed and may be approached by The Project. Or, if the meta heard about The Project (it's clandestine, but some people have heard whispers), they might try to find a contact and offer their services.

Is there any sort of structural hierarchy within the organization? Which members, if any, have more power than the rest?

It's a military organization; thus a military structure. So traditional ranks will be in play. (If you need an order, use NATO's Army ranks, with a field agent added at the same level as Private.) I expect most characters will be a field agent, but if you've been in the Project for a long time, they may have climbed ranks to a Corporal (individual contributor) or possibly a Sergeant (if they're leading teams). If they are leading teams, all of the teams to date have been a mix of 1 or 2 metas with other non-meta support.

During the review process, will you ask for any revisions if a character is a good fit but needs a tweak?

Yes, I may. It will depend on the applications I receive, but if there is a character who is otherwise a good fit, but just needs a tweak (i.e., adjustment to their power set, a correction to their history based on the setting, etc.), I will work with the player to make those adjustments.
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Work in Progress !

  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Kennat Grouser

    Codename: Dagger

    Aliases: People who are too lazy to speak the full length of his first name, or just want to get his attention in a short amount of time, usually settle on calling him Kenn or Nat, though he prefers to be called Kennat.

    Age: 31

    Height & Weight: 5' 9", 160 lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: Black hair and brown eyes.

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: Kennat has dagger tattoos etched onto all of his fingers, save his thumbs.



    Appearance: Kennat has a youthful face for his age, making him appear quite handsome. His black hair is almost always slicked back to match the lavish attire he commonly wears—a suit vest paired with a luxurious tie (of varying colors), a solid-colored dress shirt underneath, dress pants, a leather-bound watch on his left wrist, and a pair of solid black, wingtip dress shoes. Out of habit, he usually rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt to be tucked at his elbows, revealing his forearms.

    Occupation of Record: Stockbroker

    Personality: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Kennat was raised to be witty and sarcastic. He is selfish and self-absorbed, arrogant, greedy, and tends to lack sympathy, though he does dabble in empathy from time to time. He is a man of common sense and street smarts, and was the maker of his own destiny, so to speak (other than him being born with extraordinary abilities, of course). As a result of this, while he may be an incredible asshole, he has respectable work ethic and boasts pride for both himself and those he does business with.

    Goals & Aspirations: He wants to be a billionaire. While stocks are fickle bitches and he rarely has a consistent rate of income, his annual average is a six-figure salary. He craves more though, and his avarice is not the easiest element of his personality to quench.

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Work in Progress

  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Hazel June Cash

    Nicknames: Haze, June, June-bug(only by her mother), Barbie, and Doe-eyes


    Lucy Diamond, Barbara Roberts, June Carter, and Janie Smith.

    Age: 27

    Height & Weight: 5'6" and 138lbs (normal form)

    Hair & Eye Color: Natural brunette, dyes blonde. Blue eyes.

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


    "Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2"



    Hazel's two most striking features may be her big diamond blue eyes, and long curly blonde hair. She has a young face and her height a build a fairly average, she has slight toned muscles. Her skin is naturally fair, but she tans in the warmer seasons. Hazel is quiet fashionable, and loves experimenting with her style, however she likes a laid back look.





    Occupation of Record: Currently working as a recruiter for Project Atlas



    Goals & Aspirations:

    Hazel hopes to rise to Guardian status one day. To be loved and adored like the other Guardians, to save people around the world, and to be honest, the idea of being famous and respected doesn't sound to bad either.

    But more than that, more than anything, Hazel wants a normal family. She wants the cooking cutter suburban home, with a perfect marriage, loyal and devoted husband, the soccer mom car, and two beautiful kids. She would give everything up for a shot at a perfect normal.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Nisa Jai Verion

    Codename: Mouse

    Aliases: N/A

    Age: 29

    Height & Weight: 5'7" 120 lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: White / Peach

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: N/A

    Appearance: Nisa definitely stands out in a crowd. She's albino for one, but on top of that, she's very gaunt. In contrary to her solidly built, round faced parents, Nisa has a delicate and angular facial shape. She is very forgetful when it comes to self-maintenance, and it shows. She keeps her hair in a messy bun, dresses in comfortable but unprofessional clothing, and regularly fails to eat a wholesome meal. Due to her unfortunate mix of genes, her vision is also quite abysmal, meaning she must wear thick glasses to see. This combination of factors lends a very 'mousy' appearance, which is where Nisa's nickname comes from.

    Occupation of Record: Pharmacist


    Personality: Quiet and shy, Nisa rarely even smiles. Not because she is an unpleasant person or has a burning hatred towards all things good and cuddly, but because that's simply how her face rests. She does her best to be as efficient as possible with her work, often tidying up other people's things out of a slightly compulsive nature. She is incredibly fond of chemistry and math, claiming that it helps her 'understand the infinite complexities of the universe'. Under that mechanical and stiff surface lies a more free spirited being who desires a normal life full of social interaction and helping people. Nisa is fascinated by metahuman genetics.

    She tends to think in binary, pragmatic terms. If someone does wrong, they should be punished. Their punishment should scale in magnitude with their wrongdoing. It should also be memorable. Nisa is not a fan of jails, as she finds them a waste of time and resources. Better to execute a murderer or cut the finger off a thief than waste time locking them away.

    Nisa is also a drug 'enthusiast'. She has experimented with almost everything, but finds that psychedelics appeal to her the most. That doesn't stop her from making other types and selling them to people, though. If it is going to be on the market anyways, why not have it be as pure and 'safe' as possible? Of course, she knows that selling drugs on the side, as well as those types, is highly illegal, but she is prepared to accept the consequences. In her mind, she is doing the world favors.

    Goals & Aspirations: Nisa loves nothing more than chemistry, and wants to create the perfect substance, aka the 'Philosopher's Stone'. Of course, using such a thing for the archaic and backwards superstition of turning lead to gold holds no interest to her. No, she has her sights set on something higher. A universal cure to disease and sickness, which can heal wounds and reverse aging. It is most likely impossible, but that's the point of dreams. They are something to work towards, no matter how high they might seem.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Evan Myers

    Codename: Charlatan

    Aliases: Call him Evie if you’re trying to tease him, but otherwise his name is Evan and he likes it. After being arrested, and his Meta-human abilities discovered, he was jokingly referred to as 'The Human Copy Machine" by the police.

    Age: 25

    Height & Weight: 5’10’’& 150lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: Brown hair & blue eyes

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:

    Appearance: Evan’s got messy, medium-length brown hair that he doesn’t usually bother comb—just brushes it to the side—and blue eyes. He’s a bit skinnier and paler than he should be due to his brief stint in prison and his face got a bit more angular. He also gained facial hair which he keeps trimmed, but can’t be bothered to shave clean. Plus he believes the bit of hair makes his weak facial features look a little less weak.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-20_5-49-14.png.34b0210364f526c125c394f6ff8e06a9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/upload_2015-3-20_5-49-14.png.34b0210364f526c125c394f6ff8e06a9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Occupation of Record: Freelance photographer


    Personality: He’s generally pretty easy-going, if not a bit lazy. Responsibility is not his strong point and he generally avoids “hassles” if he can help it. Evan hates being tied down, which is why he chose a freelance job where he’s essentially his own boss. He’ll go out his way to avoid fights if he can and will tell people what they want to hear, if it will avoid confrontation. In that sense, he’s a bit of a people pleaser. It takes a lot to get him angry because he tends to view things in a positive light. Evan hates people who try to force their will on others. He believes strongly in the power of choice.

    Goals & Aspirations: To become a famous photographer and make lots of money so he could be lazy for the rest of his life.



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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Victor David Hume

    Codename: Erebus

    Aliases: Victor David Kant

    Age: 43

    Sexuality: Asexual, pan-romantic

    Height & Weight: 5'7" & 120 lbs.

    Hair & Eye Color:
    Dark, greying brown hair & light brown eyes

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: N/A

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c260529d9_VictorHume.jpg.6050161e5d016dfbaae5bac0bb725674.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c260529d9_VictorHume.jpg.6050161e5d016dfbaae5bac0bb725674.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Victor possesses a highly scrupulous demeanor - a deeply creased brow and an attentive, lingering gaze remaining the only features capable of restoring life to his otherwise pallid face. His predominantly weak chin and jaw are devoid of any facial hair, likening his appearance to that of a young, infantile boy. His thin nose is long and slightly hooked, accenting the relatively flat slant of his forehead and cheekbones. Victor's greying, once dark brown hair falls gently upon his forehead, never settling neatly to the side, much to its owner's dismay. His cheeks are shallow and indiscernible, lacking any abundance of pigment, as well as exemplifying the odd structure of his jaw and slight chin. With clearly illustrated stress lines highlighting the space between his eyes, Victor imposes a somber presence upon most passerby, often evoking half-hearted stares of pity and mild curiosity, which he blatantly attempts to ignore. His hands, narrow and long, could have belonged to an elegant pianist if it were not for the nearly translucent skin revealing heavy, blue-hued veins. Despite the unappealing nature of his appearance, Victor’s speckled, creamy brown eyes retain a certain unique type of beauty and warm glow laden with understanding that never fails to inflict a sense of security upon those who catch his gaze. His lips, thin and chapped, rest downwards, rarely lifting up in a small, but genuine, lopsided smile. Victor's voice is deep and saturated, contrasting his otherwise small figure and presence.

    Victor prefers to dress in rather inconspicuous attire, as he dislikes drawing the attention of people whom he knows will not hesitate to form judgments based solely on his appearance any more than he already does. His wardrobe generally consists of drab collared shirts and dark colored dress pants, which he takes care to keep impeccably clean and well looked after. He often is found wearing an ill-fitting black jacket that droops just above his knees, and has sleeves that nearly conceal his bony hands. Victor also is in careful possession of his silver, thin-wired glasses, whose lenses are often smudged due to his habit of rubbing them with his fingers during moments of contemplation. On his left hand, he has fitted the wedding ring of his deceased mother upon his ring finger, the slenderness of his fingers allowing the jewelry to masquerade as his own to ward off any unwanted questions concerning his non-existent marriage. Despite this precaution, Victor personally doubts that such thing would be needed to ensure his singledom, perhaps suggesting that he continues to wear the ring more out of sentimentality than for practical purposes.

    Occupation of Record:

    Victor teaches as an anthropology professor at Columbia University, and serves as a contractor for Project Atlas.



    Always toeing the fine line between romanticism and realism, Victor possesses numerous seemingly contradictory ideals and beliefs, turning to the cold, hard truths of science, as well as the far more abstract concept of philosophy and fate. He wishes to prove that it is possible for the two to co-exist, supporting the belief by stating that "magic" is simply a form of science that the world has yet to understand. Such theory ties in closely to his experiences as a metahuman, and his fear that his abilities may suggest that there is something wrong or broken within him. In order to reassure himself of his wholeness, Victor has consciously chosen to believe that those few in his generation of people were chosen by a higher power to lead a new age of human existence and protect it from those who would use their powers for personal benefit. To relieve himself of past insecurities that haunted his youth, he seeks to restore self-worth and stableness into his life, clinging desperately to any purpose he may find.

    Victor retains a passionate disdain for make-up, costumes (which he finds utterly ridiculous and humiliating), and any other cosmetically altering method or invention, as he believes that they are a sorry attempt to conceal one's self from the rest of the world. His hatred for cosmetics is a result that pertains heavily to his childhood, in which his mother received multiple implants and liposuctions in order to fulfill society's and her husband's unrealistic standards. Victor's father often commented snidely on his mother's weight and desirableness, complaining of her lack of self-control and disgusting eating habits, which ultimately led the woman to believe she must change herself in order to be beautiful.

    Victor's views of propaganda are no different, and he looks down upon Prometheus and the Guardians (with exception to Glenn Millspaugh) with vigor, believing them to simply be mindless sheep drunk on their own desire for recognition and fame. Prometheus in particular he frowns upon, viewing the man with a certain degree of pity as he watched previous interviews in which the man would flout around foolishly, smiling at the audience with no certain lack of smugness. It must take a man with little to no security in himself as a person to thrive in such a situation, Victor had thought. It almost came as a relief when Prometheus' interviews (and public existence) ceased to continue. It was only Hercules, with his benevolent nature, and Glenn Millspaugh, with his sheepish smile and awkward humor, that Victor managed to tolerate, seeing them as two well-meaning men whose good actions were only rewarded by media's enthusiastic attempts to turn them into celebrities.

    Despite his apparent lack of adherence towards attention-seeking methods, Victor secretly craves the admiration and praise of his fellow peers, a feeling that he has been deprived from nearly his entire life. Envy of others whom society has deemed considerably more attractive and virtuous than him forever brings a bitter taste to his mouth, no matter how hard he tries to bury his jealousy. He refuses to admit that his disapproval of the Guardians and other high-level metahumans may be directly correlated to the idea that he perhaps longs to be in their position, and that he looks down upon them only to convince himself that he is a better person than them. As an effect of his desire to be viewed as a confident and capable person, Victor becomes irrationally irritated of questions regarding his personal health or state of mind, taking such inquiries as suggestions of his weaknesses. He briefly responds with a polite, yet somewhat cold assurance that he has never, in fact, felt better, often resulting in a rather bewildered acquaintance who had only meant to begin a friendly conversation.

    Although his jealousy and lust for appreciation occasionally lead him to proceed with unreasonable measures, Victor, for the most part is an affable man, disliking conflict of any sort. His aptitude for recognizing and understanding human emotions allows him to easily speak words that will temporarily encourage or persuade people to acknowledge an idea or follow through with a task, a skill which can be used to manipulate both friends and enemies. His gentle, and honest tone of voice often play a key role in his success, as well as the less than threatening nature of his small, almost sickly presence. Although Victor tends to prefer a slightly distant, yet pleasant, emotional connection with his friends and acquaintances, he retains a relatively high set of morals and loyalty if he becomes particularly attached to someone or a group of individuals. It is only when one begins to question him insistently or tells him what he can and cannot do, does he display any outward hatred, feeling that me must counter such attacks with purposeful anger. Victor rarely raises his voice, instead, his words grow quieter and calmer as his fury increases.

    Victor finds it wise to strive to achieve one's goals based on strong ideals and beliefs rather than for loved people, as concepts cannot die, but all humans do. He believes that in order to be able to fully trust someone with a mission, they must be emotionally invested in whatever they are doing. He thinks that desire drives all of human will rather than reason, which is why all orderly governments fail to perfect their efficiency and stability. It would be more rational to unify everyone under a set of universal beliefs that can apply to a vast variety of people, instead of dividing into differing class groups and political parties. Unfortunately, he knows that such utopian conclusion could never be reached due to the limitations of human behavior and variance of conflicting personalities. Although individuality and human error are what stand between the world and (in Victor's mind) the perfect society, he still values difference as a whole, as he knows that without it there would be no possible way for anything to improve and evolve.

    Prone to be overly controlling of others and their ideas, Victor is known to force his opinions upon people, all the while believing that he is doing them a in the long run. Ironically, he despises being told what and how to think... As a child, his father's beliefs were shoved aggressively upon him, and the right to form his own opinions was strictly discouraged. Now, as a free adult, he wields that right vigorously, but often forgets that he has more in common with the man that he loathes. It is only when someone whom he trusts impeccably, sits him down and explains what he is doing does Victor ever manage to reach a state of horrific realization. Needless to say he retreats into a vigil of distant existence for the next few following days, regaining himself.

    Even though Victor is adverse to forming deep connections with other people, he appreciates genuine kindness and acknowledgement of smaller details greatly, attributes which may tempt him to speak to a person more than the compulsory "get to know each other" routine that he has become especially tired of, but tolerates nonetheless. He respects honesty in co-workers, as well as a healthy share of determination and intelligence. The one principle that Victor holds most highly is the idea that having only hope is nothing short of giving up a fight, and that one must have the desire, will, and capability to follow through with what they believe in to ever have any chance in gaining what they long for. He forces this ideal upon anyone who voices that hope is the only thing they have left, leaving them wondering what possibly could have happened to the man before them to make him recoil from such a positive concept.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    Victor is driven mostly by his overwhelming desire to be acknowledged and appreciated. He longs companionship of any kind, despite having sworn that he would never marry due to past family experiences. For that reason, he wishes to locate his old, childhood friend who disappeared unexpectedly from his life, even though no trace of her has been found throughout decades. Victor aspires to be as great as the historical figures he teaches about, and often loses himself within their characters. He is a highly spiritual man, yet belongs to no particular religion. Victor believes that he must be destined for something great, as that is the only way he may achieve a sense of purpose and self-worth.


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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Boe Bowers

    Codename: Spotlight


    Age: 30

    Height & Weight: 6'3 - 193lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: Dark brown, brown

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: Mole on right cheek

    Appearance: Boe has an attractive blend of genetics from his mixed heritage (Native American & Western European). His playful dark hair, hawkish eyes, quiet smile, and acorn-brown skin are often summed up with the broad compliment "exotic."

    Boe's an athlete, a powerful swimmer, and it shows. His ex-girlfriend referred to his wardrobe as "adventure wear." It mostly consists of cargo shorts/pants, breathable shirts, sandals, sneakers, and an extensive collection of sun visors.




    *Helmet system detailed under Powers tab

  • Occupation of Record: Security Agent, former Paramedic


    Personality: High on life. Tomorrow can provide a new hill to hike, a new trail to ride, a new shipwreck to dive, or a new woman to love. There's a gorgeous dawn each morning, and Boe doesn't hit the snooze button. He's self motivated, and he's drawn to similarly wired people.

    Boe's relationships are great, but outside of family they have a shelf-life. He enjoys them while they last. Though the friendship or romance has to end, he still celebrates ever having it.

    What ruffles Boe's feathers? Cynical people. The perpetual naysayers who would rather complain and throw in the towel than work for better results. What does he dread? Loss. Love is worth dying for, but losing it is crippling. Boe's been lucky so far, but there's a sleeping dragon waiting for him. What does he fear the most? His own power. Sure it can be used to protect and serve, but it can also burn the innocent. And if Boe ends up with the wrong blood on his hands, then whose side is he on? It's a short jump from hero to villain.

    Goals & Aspirations: To inspire and protect oppressed metahumans. He plans to start by cleaning up the bad examples of the superpowered and then one day, hopefully, mentor a few who need direction. Boe will need to be an example, so he's trying to work out what exactly that looks like.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Jenna Yun-seo Kim

    Codename: Sleeping Beauty ("SB")

    Nicknames: Jenny, Yuni, SleeBoo, Jennacoptor

    Age: 28

    Height & Weight: 5'8", ~130 lbs.

    Hair & Eye Color: Black (dyed brown) and brown

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: N/A


    Appearance: Jenna is a rather unassuming girl, with the possible exception of the fact she is a minority race in the United States. She is slightly taller than the average woman, but is considered quite tall for her ethnicity. More than one man of East Asian origin has made a remark about her 'giant stature.' Despite this idiosyncrasy, she is petite, has no real muscle mass/tone, and has does not possess a strong presence. While she is somewhat pretty, her beauty does not make her any more particularly memorable.

    As a young professional, her weekday clothing consists of pencil skirts, slacks, suit jackets, and nice blouses. She takes her job seriously and this is reflected in traditional yet modern clothing that speaks to how highly she respects her business. Weekends she indulges in jeans that should have been thrown away years ago, sneakers with freakishly bright colors, and quirky T-shirts that she almost always buys a size bigger than she intended to. The disparity between her work and home wear might be quite large, but nothing altogether uncommon.

    Occupation of Record: Occupational Safety & Health Administration ("OSHA") Investigator


    Personality: Jenna is the eternal optimistic, full of life, and often accused of being 'insufferably perky' by some of her co-workers. Whenever she is faced with hardship she strives to see the silver lining, point it out to others, and keep emotions buoyed while they trudge towards resolution. It's not that she hasn't had to endure pain (mentally and physically), it's just that she simply sees no need to let it win a victory over her attitude. Once when dealing with a particularly different manager, a smile plastered on her face, a co-worker asked her how she endured it with such cheer. Jenna remarked she had read in a book that smiling and laughing was the best way to combat oppression and hostility; because being angry and depressed meant they won.


    In addition to her apparent jubilant approach to life, she has also mastered the art of perseverance. Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting for long and hard she had always been taught. This is obviously complimented by her optimism insomuch that she can always see something to be won if she only hangs on to the good fight a little longer- but it can also spell her doom. Jenna has a hard time 'letting go' and knowing when to cut her losses. She wants so desperately to help everyone and fix everything that at times she can not properly appreciate that something truly is a lost cause. This has most extensively injured her with toxic or borderline abusive friendships that she clung to with more determination than was warranted.

    Partially due to her powers and partially due to her nature, Jenna cares quite a good deal about others. This bled into her college major and career aspirations- she has always held onto an altruistic goal to make everyone as safe and happy as possible. It has given her a slight martyr complex. She frequently takes on more than she can handle, with a bright confident smile, and then tries to avoid the inevitable disaster that accompanies. Someone's having a hard time moving their 300-lb. dresser into their house? Jenna will try to help you even though she can't really lift it while assuring you that she can... all out concern for your well-being. Some friends and family call this well-intentioned maneuvering the "Jennacoptor."


    • Cheerful/Optimistic personality
    • Perseveres in adversity
    • Gregarious, naturally sociable
    • Caring/Kind


    • Martyr complex
    • Difficulty "letting go"
    • Takes on more than she can handle
    • Follows rules/laws/orders to a fault

    Goals & Aspirations: Peace between regular folks and metahumans might be out of reach, but that won't stop Jenna from trying to make it happen. She works fervently to convince everyone and anyone that will listen that everyone can get along if they will only think of their fellow man/woman. While other girls dream of the perfect man, marriage, and children, she dreams of everyone safe and happy without much in the way of selfish aspirations. What's better than virtuous work? Her parents, however, have a goal of wedding her to a nice boy so they might have some grandchildren this century instead of just a cheerful spinster.

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  • Name: Robert West

    Codename: Robert’s official codename is Magnitude, which is often shortened to Mag or M, after the James Bond movies. He is also sometimes called 007. Robert isn’t picky about being called any of those codenames and will often answer to any and all of them.

    Birth Date: 3/2/1971

    Birth Place: London, United Kingdom

    Birth Weight: 3.67 kg

    Birth Length: 49.78 cm

    Appearance: With broad shoulders, well defined jaw-line, with a gruff look about him, no one is surprised to hear that Robert works for the military. His face has begun to develop wrinkles, the only indication as to his age. His hair has yet to begin to turn to grey, although it has become a lighter shade of black than in his youth. His face is well maintained, hair kept in a sleek razor cut with a slight beard. Robert’s body is of average build. He’s more lean than muscle, although he does sport a six pack.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Geoffrey Alan Vaughn

    Codename: Protean

    Aliases: Geoff, 'G'

    Age: 28

    Height & Weight: 5'7", 159 lbs.

    Hair & Eye Color: Dark brown

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: Arms and shoulders completely covered in tattoos with some 'drifting' on to chest and back areas. Eventually looks like they will all be connected.



    At first glance, Geoffrey is an average looking white male of almost thirty. His shoulders are not particularly broad and he is slender, but holds a bit of built up muscle behind his slim frame. He's usually seen dressed in rather plain attire: jeans or slacks, plain shoes and a solid colored button up shirt with a half-tied tie (generally pulled at nervously).

    Despite the shock of messy brown hair, dark eyes and thick framed glasses, the man's most striking feature would be map of tattoos that splay brightly across his upper body. Monstrous creatures of all manner can be seen here, sewn together by a skillful artist on a canvas of flesh.

    Occupation of Record:

    Information Security Analyst III



    Geoffrey Vaughn is the very definition of skittishness. Never staying still for long, the man's general attitude is one of semi-panic and disdain. Always one to side (at first) with the 'worst of things', the man stays many steps ahead - all the while being paranoid about the steps that have passed.

    Despite all this, he is almost neurotic about finishing a task and finishing it right. Many late night and even full days have been spent working tirelessly to solve a problem, only stopping for nourishment and rest when he's either reminded that those are important, or simply toppling over from exhaustion.

    At first glace (and even the second), G might seem like a very antisocial person. He is, in reality, deeply caring for those he trusts and calls friends, he just has a very difficult time opening up and 'showing' his emotions.

    When his powers are mentioned, he becomes even more withdrawn than usual, only working with a select few that he trusts and even keeping his notes to himself. This likely stems from the reactionary nature of his powers and his paranoia that he will cause others harm or react in a destructive manner.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    First and foremost, he aspires to one day gain greater control and understanding over the powers he's been granted. He wishes to share the understanding of his own powers and the abilities of others, with non-metahumans, in an attempt to bring an end to the fear that surrounds being different.

    Secondly, he aspires to keep learning in all things and to improve his ability to interact with those in his various relationships - working or otherwise.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Penelope Urbain

    Codename: Pluto

    Aliases: Penny

    Age: 24

    Height & Weight: 5' 2" 85lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: White & Black

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: None

    Appearance: A frightfully frail figure, Penny is abnormally thin and sickly looking. Large circles around her eyes, ribs visible under the skin, small lesions in high friction areas and a sickly pallor. She gives off the impression of someone dying from a long battle with a terminal disease.


    Occupation of Record:

    A lengthy series of power plants found nationwide



    Restricted through most of her life, Penny is an explosion barely contained. Raised via intercom and computer terminal, the majority of her physical experiences with people via a lead lined suit. 95% of her life has been indoors and most of that spent watching TV or reading. In recent years, her relative freedom in the internet has given her an extremely skewed view of reality, viewing most of the world as an anonymous chanboard or a self righteous blog program. By no means is she naive, her experiences on the net making her second guess almost everything and taking nothing at face value. Only when confronted with something in reality does her inexperience with life show, anything physically done around her drawing instant attention and adoration.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    Become something other than what she currently is, a fuel rod. Penny wants a real life and one not half lived through a computer screen. If she could cure herself, she would. More than anything she wants a family.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Willoughby T.(Thea) Fu

    Codename: Soapbox

    Aliases/Nicknames: Will, WTF, Miss Chan, Miss Chin, Miss Chen, THAT Asian girl

    Age: 18

    Height & Weight: 5’2” 166 lbs (1.57 meters, 75 kg)

    Hair & Eye Color: Black hair, dark brown eyes

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: N/A

    Birth Date: 5/16/1996

    Birth Place: Athens, Georgia

    Current Status: Alive but stressed; undergrad at Columbia U.

    Current Residence: New York, NY


    Do you like Doritos? What a coincidence, I…a cute guy is sitting at our table.


    If models and Adonis-reincarnates are the cream of the crop, then Will is the frog swimming around in the dregs of the barrel. And unfortunately, no amount of magical kisses will rescue her from what she describes as “aesthetic mediocrity”. With her short stature and chubby figure, she’s unrefined at her worst. But when Will is at her best, she is an absolute, jaw-dropping…well, she looks about the same actually. She’s constantly worrying about her flat nose, heavy jawline, and weird, puffy Asian lids scaring away romantic interests, though her friends all think she’s being far too critical of herself. The only feature Will claims to really like is her hair. She keeps it in its natural color and texture, but often experiments with its styling and usually carries a comb in the outer pocket of her messenger bag.

    Nestled in a pocket adjacent to her comb is an arsenal of lip balms and lip gloss. Despite religiously browsing make-up tutorials on Youtube, Will just can’t seem to get anything but her lips to “work” properly. In compensation for the inadequacy of other cosmetics products, Will wears lip gloss every day, all the time. This can be a tiring ordeal, since she has to apply a fresh layer after she’s eaten; a situation that occurs more often than she’d like to admit. But surely, her efforts will be rewarded when she can catch the attention of that cute hipster guy from Philosophy class, right? Or maybe the tennis player with the nice abs will sit next to her in the lobby, inexplicably drawn to her lip luster.

    On-campus, Will is extremely diligent in maintaining a clean, wholesome appearance. Her wardrobe contains a modest array of collared shirts, sweaters, and dark jeans, which she wears to classes on a near daily basis. The only exceptions are her art and design classes, where she is usually found gallivanting about the room in sweats and a smock-like T shirt. Coincidentally, that T shirt also serves as her pajamas, a habitual nightwear she has thanks to her tendency of dozing off in the middle of her nightly projects. Off-campus, Will dresses down in baggy, well-worn hoodies and jeans, which gives her greater anonymity in the bustling streets of New York. She is extremely self-conscious about drawing attention to herself in such a big city and the paranoia, coupled with her runaway imagination, has Will convinced that all sorts of horrible, Hollywood-esque disasters would befall her if she stands out too much. Unwarranted catcallers, kidnappings, psychopathic killers, alien abductions…

    Occupation of Record

    Part-time waitress/fast food worker: She passes through these jobs pretty quickly, due to her unfortunate habit of sampling customers’ orders.

    Commissioned artist: Occasionally takes requests for advertisement/conceptual designs, but she’s rather sensitive to critique and guards her sketchbooks with the ferocity of a mother bear.


    From a young age, Will has always been obsessively following reports and media coverage of the metahuman population, an interest fueled by concern and macabre fascination. She herself likens the interest to continually picking at a scab, even if it hurts, just to see if it’ll bleed. Though as a child she often entertained the fantasy of waking up one day, suddenly able to change into a frilly magical girl like her favorite anime characters, Will quickly grew out of the phase as she realized more and more the stigma and prejudice real metahumans had to go through. But more than the sympathy she felt towards the ostracized people, she was scared of how dangerous and prolific they were becoming. Even when reports of crimes perpetrated by meta-activity became commonplace, such news always managed to scare Will.

    On one particularly memorable day, her parents had come home from work only to find their 7-year-old daughter had barricaded her bedroom door because there was a televised news coverage of a metahuman that’d robbed a house in the neighboring state. Will’s parents had to spend the rest of the evening trying to coax her out to eat dinner, while her brother just laughed and went about his day. The feats of the Guardians weren’t enough to sooth Will’s fears, as she imagined increasingly improbable situations where the Guardians wouldn’t be able to protect people, like a unified force of antagonistic metahumans, or nuclear warfare, or alien abductions...The discovery of her own inherent power only exacerbated her fears, as she was forced to consider the very real possibility that she herself would become mistreated and outcast by normal humans.

    Besides her bouts of extreme paranoia, Will has a rather pessimistic mindset. Or, perhaps it’d be more accurate to say she has a morbid mindset, since she isn’t cynical and depressed so much as hyper-aware of all disastrous possibilities in a given situation. She is quick to dismiss anything claimed to be “purely beneficial” or “perfect”, and angers easily around people who’d believe or make such claims. Will is extremely honest of her feelings, sometimes unintentionally so, as she is prone to wild hand gestures and exaggerated facial expressions. Oftentimes, she will blurt out her thoughts, not really knowing or intentionally disregarding the fact that her opinion is unwelcome and even offensive for those around her. And if anyone were to comment on what Will says or does, she will give the unfortunate individual a rather memorable tongue-lashing.

    Will is a thinker, and has learned to process situations faster so that she isn't always preoccupied with her runaway thoughts. This allows her to serve as the "idea-man" of her friends' schemes, though her hyperbolic mentality will sometimes lead her to very impractical solutions. She is also partial to first impressions, and any attempts to change her opinions on someone is met with the stubbornness of a mule.

    Take Five Summation


    • Creative
    • Quick-thinking
    • Honest/Expressive
    • Sociable
    • Independent-minded


    • Pessimistic
    • Impulsive/whimsical
    • Quick to judge
    • Self-absorbed
    • Stubborn

    Goals and Aspirations

    Will has no set goals for the future, and is more preoccupied with paying her university’s tuition through scholarships, several part-time jobs, and frugality. She wants to avoid taking out any student loans, and absolutely does not want to ask her parents for help, especially since they already had to pay for her older brother’s medical school expenses. If she can survive the next few years, Will wants to realize her dream of being an artist entirely independent of patrons or commissioned projects. But for now, she’s happy enough experiencing city life with her friends and sketchbooks at hand.

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To all those applying and considering applying: Wow. Just ... wow.

I'm thrilled with the interest so far and can't wait to read all your applications next week. I suspect I will have an incredibly hard decision to make.

I will be on vacation starting this Wednesday until Monday. So if you have burning questions to ask about your characters, please PM me soon. I will be able to check PMs after Wednesday, but my responses will be slow, so please be patient.

Thank you all for your interest, work, and creativity.

  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Aurora 'Rori' Hutchins

    Codename: ROAR

    Aliases: DJ R00R, Rori,

    Age: 26

    Height & Weight: 5' 3"

    Hair & Eye Color: Natural hair is brown & Hazel

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: Unique hairstyle, twin Mohawks often varying in color


    Appearance: :

    Rori is a lanky 26 year old female of mutt like descent. If it is European, she probably has it in her bloodline somewhere. What is most remarkable isn't her eyes (Hazel) or her skin (acne still) but it is her hair. Twin Mohawks which she keeps the color different. verage height woman, officially 5' 3", Rori has the look of your stereotype House/Techno/Electronica/Noisestep DJ. Natural hair color is black but has currently been cut and spiked into the hair style known as 'fallen Angel' or more simply put, a pair of mohawks running parallel down her head. These are tipped orange but dye must be applied often, her hair never holding the color as long as she liked. Having a rather hectic life style, sleeping all day, working at night, has caused her skin to be pale. Not unnaturally so, but pale enough. Her eyes are normally hazel but will wear colored contacts when doing shows or out on the town. Out of shape and slightly underweight, she has developed a rather thin appearance and could do to put on some weight.

    Occupation of Record:

    Student, DJ,


    Personality: Laid back with a curious bent. Rori can also be described as a bit lazy and disorganized. Apathetic to the plight of her fellow metas, she maintains a 'hidden' identity and has not come forward as meta. If just to remain in favor of the public and her family. There is a layer of fear hidden within her. As her powers continue to manifest and her mutation becomes more evident, she is worried about exposure to the world as a Meta. Optimistic, she attempts to live each day as positively as possible. Preferring to either go to clubs she has worked at, she spends her weekends and work nights out at clubs, lounging about. when not out, she remains at home, generally being slothful and happy go lucky. As of late, she has been more focused on political happenings and has a slight hero fantasy.

    Common Behaviors and Mannerisms: Humming, tapping, clicking, singing. She is essentially a living iPod and can play back any song she has heard sometimes using sound effects and cheesy theme songs when entering a room, much to the confusion of everyone.

    Character Flaws:

    Disadvantage 1: Lazy. Rori is quite lazy. Passing with B's and C's in her classes, she could do much better if she applied herself.

    Disadvantage 2: When excited or disoriented, she can lose concentration of her current levels of vibration, causing feedback or local area muting or simple as speaking far too loud.

    Disadvantage 3: She almost, unless concentrating, cannot sit still. Her body will involuntarily shake, though this can be vented through irritating behaviors like tapping pens, clicking her nails, or even humming and singing.

    Disadvantage 4: Due to her rough patches, these areas prove to be sensitive to physical pain and often will turn off potential suitors as mistaken symptoms for sexually transmitted disease.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    Fame & Comfort

    Where else (besides crime or school) would she want to be than in the music business. Having a special spot of clubs, she wishes to become the number one name in her current genres before progressing into every single style and note. Mastering it it all.

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Joshua Wilson

    Codename: Checkmate


    Prisoner #1B793, Trash, Trickster, Inception

    Age: 18

    Height & Weight: 6'3''

    Hair & Eye Color: Brown, scruffy hair and Black eyes

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


    He is a tall man of medium weight and has a peach complexion. He walks like a prim and proper man, with a bit of swagger in his step. He has no facial hair of any kind, though he has a habit of scratching his chin as if he had one. He wears tattered blue jeans and black socks and converse shoes. His black shirt was covered by his white hoodie. with a black Rook, which he obtained from a older chess tournament. He's not too obsessive with cleanliness (has run into his share of fights) , but it helps.

    Occupation of Record:

    He'd call it being a 'Idea Man' for certain people. After a run-in with the police again, he's going clean, honest!



    He's more of a rebel than a actual law abider. He used to love seclusion, but now loves to be social, but because of his powers, he's generally feared. He's felt a bit of guilt of his actions, he must admit, He's only human, alright?! He can only hide his feelings for so long. But if you cross him or any of his Friends, The game shall start. He will destroy you and anyone else you love.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    To just have a nice life, have some kids, and do his service to his fellow man and all that jazz. Go legit, you know?

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  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Daniel Cross

    Codename: Volt

    Aliases: Roy Parker, Anthony Montana

    Age: 32

    Height & Weight: 6 feet and 1 inch, 177 lbs

    Hair & Eye Color: Short brown hair and bright blue eyes, hidden behind glasses

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos: N/A

    Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2147346b_character1.jpg.896a8519189ac79c1dcb64a07c8a8f9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c2147346b_character1.jpg.896a8519189ac79c1dcb64a07c8a8f9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Occupation of Record: Daniel works as an author, albeit unsuccessfully, and works as a cook in a diner.



    Goals & Aspirations: Become a SUCCESSFUL author, possibly the driving force behind him volunteering for Project Atlas.



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Work in Progress

  • Vital Statistics

    Real Name: Pippin H.(Hazel) Anisette

    Codename: Frigid

    Aliases/Nicknames: Hazel, Cream, "Pippy" or "Puff" if you want to get on her nerves.

    Gender: Female

    Marital Status: Single

    Occupation on Record: Pastry Chef/ Baker

    Age: 29

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 140 lbs.

    Hair: Long chocolate brown hair that warms to an auburn at the bottom.

    Eyes: Maple

    Identifying Marks/Tattoos:A burn scar on her inner forearm from the oven rack.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/195142_483360441682366_554481422_o-630x778.jpg.2c912ca5e35f7f7fc5535bb90832691a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/195142_483360441682366_554481422_o-630x778.jpg.2c912ca5e35f7f7fc5535bb90832691a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/chi-amanda-rockman-20130211.jpeg.f66e0bf98343098292c4df1520ead1d5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/chi-amanda-rockman-20130211.jpeg.f66e0bf98343098292c4df1520ead1d5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Pippin considers herself to be plain, and rather unremarkable in terms of beauty, given her round face, dull brown eyes, thin lips, and slightly snub nose. She doesn’t push herself too hard either, leaving her nails plain and opting for a classic hair-in-a ponytail, cleaned face look. Pippin is more often covered in flour than any sort of make-up, as she doesn’t go out of her way to clean up from the profession.

    The pastry chef can usually be seen in a stripped apron tied twice around her waist, with a plain T-shirt and jeans underneath. Pippin has a straight and lean body shape, with weight settling evenly across her frame and leaving her rather average in terms of bosom and butt. If anything, her shoulders and arms are probably the most toned due to the kneading of dough and the precision of decorating.

    When she is off work hours she still has a familiarity with jeans and a T-shirt, although the jeans may be colored or designed. Pippin’s one guilty pleasure seems to be her shoes, as they range from boots, heels, sneakers, flip-flops and strappy heels depending on the day. At work she is forced to wear a regulation black sneaker, but her shoe collection makes sure that her hours off work aren’t so plain.



    Pippin is an extrovert and likes to be involved with the world and people around her. A real people- person, she is generally friendly, jovial and meets people with a wide smile on her face. Outgoing, she enjoys activities with groups of people and is rather adventurous in terms of new things. Rather charismatic, she is usually seen working the front counter of the patisserie and is probably the most compassionate towards the customers.

    That doesn’t mean she isn’t hardworking in her own right, as she is interested to learn any new methods of the craft. This leaves her somewhat absent minded if there’s a baking show on or she is baking herself, focused wholly on the craft. Baking is also her vice when she is stressed or worried about something, making the treats her guilty pleasure.

    Pippin can also be seen as very emotional, quick to act on her feelings rather than logic and causing a larger issue. The girl sometimes gets hung up on the simplest of problems and might be over dramatic despite their relative size. Due to the close relationship she has with her mother, she can also be seen as rather weak-willed in comparison, often going with ‘mother knows best’. This complicates her relationship with her father, as her parents don't talk and his philosophy is widely different.

    When it comes to conversations about meta-humans, Pippin's personality drastically changes- often becoming guarded or quiet in regards to her own opinion. In reality, she has complicated feelings due to the drama that surrounds the question - regardless of her feelings of them as a third entity, she now has to deal with the fact she is one. Rather self- conscious already, she refuses to acknowledge the fact she is 'different' and keeps her abilities a secret.

    On the other side of that, her father proudly displays the fact she is a meta-human and is adamant about her joining Project Atlas. As much as she wants to be close to her father again, she is visibly bothered by the fact he wants to 'show her off'. What bothers her more is the threat of him revealing the secret of her powers to her mother.

    Goals & Aspirations:

    Pippin wants to be accepted, first and foremost, by her family. Being of the family mindset, she often finds herself torn between her parents. Her father accepts her more for being a meta-humans and seems to support her e devours as one, while her mother has always accepted and supported her through out her life.

    Pippin herself is confused about whether she wants these powers or not. There might be some part of her that hopes for a 'cure' but there is a equally sized part of her that is interested in Project Atlas. Pippin's ultimate goal and aspiration is to resolve this internal dilemma with herself.



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A friendly reminder to all that today is the deadline for submitting CS applications. I will review complete CSs staying late tonight.

First of all, THANK YOU ALL for your interest in the roleplay and your awesome applications. I am reviewing all of the applications, but I am also juggling work today and it's being merciless. I want to give everyone's CSs the attention they deserve, and that will take some time. Based on what I've read so far, I have a very hard choice to make. So please be patient. I may reach out to some of you over PM for some tweaks to your CSs.

My goal is to have a decision on Thursday at the latest.

In the meantime, the following incomplete applications will not considered. With one exception, these have been hidden behind a spoiler tag. This makes it easier to see who is in the running while keeping the unfinished content available for the original poster if desired.

  • Kennat Grouser, "Dagger" by Ire
  • Hazel June Cash by Little Lozy
  • Robert West, "Magnitude" by WritingMan
  • Penelope Urbain, "Pluto" by TehFrixz
  • Daniel Cross, "Volt" by Natevess
  • Pippin H. Anisette, "Frigid" by Kagura
    (@Kagura - I know we talked about a possible guest starring role, so I'm leaving the incomplete app unhidden for updates later)

If you see your CS in this thread (not behind a spoiler tag), then it is being reviewed and considered. Thank you again!
Drumroll please...

First, I want to thank you all again. I had a blast reading your CSs. I laughed; I cried; I spilled my coke. (Okay, not literally, but I did laugh and feel for your characters.) I am flattered by the quality of players applying and hope that I can write with everyone at some point. It was incredibly hard to choose.

However, there are limited spots available and the team needs a certain balance for what I have planned. I looked for well-rounded characters, balanced powers that fit well into Project Atlas and field team work, and strong writing.

Conditionally Accepted Characters

The following characters are conditionally accepted; each of you has a PM outlining the tweaks/changes to your character I would like to see in place before the acceptance is final and we can start.

@Dear Inspector

@Mr. Grin

Willoughby T.(Thea) Fu, "Soapbox" - @Trignome

I recognize some of the requested changes may take a few days to implement. I would like to aim for launching the story next week; please let me know if that will be an issue.

Boe Bowers, "Spotlight"- @Bone2pick - Originally conditionally accepted. The user politely declined to make the modifications requested (which I completely understand and respect)

Another character has been added to the roster.

Non-Accepted Characters

For those not listed above, I want to thank you all again for the time & effort you put into your CSs. I know when I am not accepted to a roleplay, it helps me to know why. The largest determination here was the limited number of spots, but the spoilers below contain more specific feedback for those who are interested.

@Mosswine Leader

The character concept and power is very interesting. The power requires a strong understanding of chemistry and anatomy to play out in this setting. There was some inconsistency in mentioning EMT/medical training in the sample when her history only included a doctorate in chemistry. More importantly, the Project would not accept or recruit a drug dealer. Likewise, it seems unlikely that she would seek out working with the Guardians or accept and offer from Project Atlas given her opinion on incarceration as a form of punishment.


Yours is a strong application. Having him coerced/persuaded to join the team to avoid jail time was a double-edged sword of introducing lovely conflict while possibly causing issues with the team dynamic; this gave me pause. Ultimately his power set was less useful to the team for the story I have in mind than some of the others.

@Teh Frixz

You created a strong character with a power that could be refined to fit in the setting, but she has no tie-in to Atlas. The character history does not need to be exceptionally long, but Rori's was thin on details. I'm looking for characters already involved in the Project, and other characters had that tie-in identified and fully rounded out. Her desire to keep her powers secret doesn't fit well with the Project and my goal to hit the ground running with a formed team.


His is a disallowed power. It falls under "Powers that control other characters. Examples: Mind Control, Emotional Control, Possession." Also, the Project would be unlikely to approach someone with a criminal past without some sign of his desire to be redeemed or at least serve the greater good.
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Vivienne Côte ("Silhouette")

  • Vital Statistics

    Full Name: Vivienne Côte

    Code Name/Alias: Silhouette

    Given Name: Juliette Bettencourt (no longer used, and not on file)

    Ethnicity/Nationality: French

    Gender: Female

    Marital Status: Single

    Parents: Noemi (48) and Dexter (50) Bettencourt

    Siblings: Jacques Bettencourt (28)

    Age: 36

    Apparent Age: Early Thirties

    Birthdate: August 3

    Height: 177 cm (5’10”)

    Weight: 63 kg (~140 lbs)

    Hair: Dark Brown, long with slight curl

    Eyes: Blue

    Identifying Marks/Tatoos: None

    Occupation of Public Record: Interpreter/translator for the U.N.

    Primary Skillset: Saboteur

    Current Residence: Astoria, New York


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Silhouette_md.jpg.ccf798f509b4a471255dc801748a4c3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Silhouette_md.jpg.ccf798f509b4a471255dc801748a4c3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Even at a distance, one might assume Vivienne to be French. While it’s true that anyone might dress sharply in dark colors with an occasional splash of color (fashion is not only for the French, of course), there is something about the way Vivienne carries herself that belies her heritage. Tall for a woman, she highlights her lanky build with sleek lines and a casual attitude which is typically reserved for cats and tomboys.

    Attire: Vivenne tends to dress in dark colors; often business suits with touches of high fashion. When on a job, she wears a customized skin-tight outfit that looks like leather. In both cases, she wears sunglasses during the day.


    Vices: Puzzles, Nicotine, Control, Military and mercenary men

    Fears: Claustrophobia

    Likes: Wine, wit, running, and C-4

    Dislikes: Being touched, especially without permission; prideful ignorance


    Vivienne is, in a word, a little uptight. While she adores causing chaos in her mercenary work, that chaos is controlled. Precise calculations and a wealth of knowledge about how explosions behave allow her to dictate the effect of her handiwork. The debris may fall randomly, but she knows just what will no longer be available or useful once she leaves the premises. She attempts to apply this principle to her everyday life with limited success. The rest of the world is messy and unpredictable at the best of times. She deals with this through a mixture of cigarettes, wine, and a desire to organize her space to her liking. (Not quite OCD, but the term has come up on occasion in describing her.)

    Despite this, Vivienne adores pushing limits and cherishes her freedom. Competition is a strong motivator, and she runs when she has to clear her mind. She is constantly testing herself and her abilities. Luckily, that goes hand-in-hand with her paranoia about being discovered; for when she pushes her metahuman capabilities, she will not be seen.

    In her above-board work as an interpreter and translator, she is impeccably professional, almost to the point of being distant and cold. Outside of work, she has a sharp wit and enjoys going out for a drink with her friends, but she ultimately keeps them at a distance because it’s simply safer that way. In her Silhouette persona, she has a better sense of humor, but it’s often dry and snarky. It’s an obvious defense mechanism, but she rarely works with anyone long enough for him/her to figure out how to dismantle it.

    She has a soft spot for metahumans who have been overlooked or abused by the system. Due to the nature of her first crush, she also has a weakness for mercenary and military men, but it comes coupled with a tendency to expect betrayal.

    Ultimately, though, she has one motto: do what you must to survive.

    Goals & Aspirations:
    Above all, Silhouette wishes to be free. She’s not idealistic, so she knows that the world will never be entirely safe for metahumans. But she will do her best to knock down anyone who is actively hunting them. Working with Atlas has her walking the line; but she intends to say on the right side of it.



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