Problem Players Anonymous [a 1E game]

How would you deal with this asshat?

  • Send his char. off to be re-educated by an elder Lunar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Remove his character from the loom of fate entirely (with a big pink eraser to the sheet) and have h

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just boot his bum out of the game entirely.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kind of long sorry...    

   When I've encountered problems like this, I tend to try to resolve the issue in game, for a character like this make it painfully aware that your not going to tolerate this kind of bungholery OOC, pull him aside in private and say "dude... yadda yadda yadda".

    If the problem persists, give the PC's who are his target an UBER powerfull ally who doesn't like this guy, for whatever reason, and make it clear that if he tries anything against aforementioned PC's he'll smite thier ass with some bacon and lettuce on the side and his character will be nothing more than a smoking hole in the gorund by the end of it. This way you assert your control over the game as storyteller, the offended players get some good yucks should you have to use this option, then quietly slip any dead PC's who behaved some XP so they don't feel their time is wasted, plus it makes them feel speical and ingratiates them to you. If the offending player doesnt get the clue after that...well you get to laugh at him now cause he's such a tard, or throw him out, or both. The point is you have a good time at someones expense... :twisted:

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