Problem Characters

If I were you, I'd take the player aside and flat-out tell him that if he doesn't want to take your game seriously enough to write & play a real character, he doesn't need to show up to game sessions.
Flagg said:
If I were to, say, start developing Tits Galore as a role-playing product, would you want royalties?
To late.

More on topic, it seems to me that, as problem players go, this one really isn't that much of a problem. Why does it bother you that this guy just wants to to play a rat all the time? I mean, so he's taking up space. So what? How is it any different that having a guest at the game who just watches?
. Of course' date=' the Tyrant lizard might just have a thing for tits...but somehow that doesn't seem too heroic a concept to end up exalting. 'I like tits, hehe,' just doesn't seem to heroic a motivation. ;) [/quote']I don't know. with some of the anime that my ex-roommate had, I can see the argument for Luna giving Exaltation to the "greatest pantie raider in all creation". Heh, some of that stuff is just plain weird. That said go with the xp crush. A group I play with has some terrible out of character players, so much so that I literally have at times considered shooting people. Well slapping them really hard at least, that said in the middle of a mission my character did something that on reflection I realized was not within his character or abilities, so the next week when we received xp I stated my action, apologized and declared I was taking a xp penalty. This shook up one of the two twinks enough that he is starting to be better. The other is so absorbed in his internally active character, that I don't think anything will change him, however he's moving away soon so I'm less than concerned.
Now, the greatest pantyraider in Creation maybe. But they'd need to do more than just sit in the same girl's cleavage all the time. I mean, sure that's nice and all, but...none too epic. If you're the epic panty thief of doom, constantly stealing the undergarments of every beauty you expert that they don't even notice unless you want them too...that's another story.

Then again, I did inflict a DB with a penchant for collecting undergarments as the perverted twin sister of one :)
i really can't see the problem

most GMs need to make an NPC for the comic relief

ustlet the otherplayers know that the lunar IS the comic relief and watch as theoterplayers laugh at his antics

and ust don't bother maing plot hooks for him... he's the sidekick
Now' date=' the greatest pantyraider in Creation maybe. But they'd need to do more than just sit in the same girl's cleavage all the time. I mean, sure that's nice and all, but...none too epic. If you're the epic panty thief of doom, constantly stealing the undergarments of every beauty you expert that they don't even notice unless you want them too...that's another story.[/quote']
Epic motivation:  Stealing the Scarlet Empress' panties.

Plot twist:  She's not wearing any!
Then again' date=' I did inflict a DB with a penchant for collecting undergarments as the perverted twin sister of one :) [/quote']
Why was I always the only one with strange family members or wierd Sifus? Did you hate me? :P

...Then again, I was the only one who gave you back stories or family to play with. Nevermind. I don't know whether I should be proud of that fact, or a little sad. Ah well...they've been fun. *chuckles*
Hey, I like the fact you give me something to play I do. ;) You give me a backstory...I'll be more than happy to run with it. You're the one that kidnapped your own sister. ;)
...Yeah, and then my Sifu KOed the entire army she had been with (that had been marching on our had a number of Anathema leading it) to teach me that violence wasn't the answer to everything. Since we then got to send the Realm's army home minus a few Warstriders because of this, I'm still trying to figure out how violence doesn't necessarily fix the problems of an army on your doorstep...he probably should have worded his lesson a little better.

It doesn't help that he forgets that a less than a year exalted Siddie can't do the same thing that a essence 7+ Siddie can do...'course, he'd have pulled it off even more easily in 2E...Charcoal March paired with Compassion Style via Prismatic Arrangement...whee.
Well...he has been able to do that sort of thing for thousands of gets a little forgetful about what the kiddie can do these days. And yes, once he's reworked to 2E he'll certainly be a master of Victorious Concession...makes being a god-like MAist pacifist much easier.

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