Private Rp for Ryn, Chicane and I




Appearance (description or picture):


Species details:





Family (include their species):

Extra Information:
Name: Kaede Blanchard

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance (description or picture): Straight, layered chestnut-brown hair a little below her shoulders. Dark brown eyes. Pale skin. Thin smattering of freckles. 5'5", fit, thin. Looks like she has a permanent frown on her face.

Species: Loricatus Interfectorem (LI for short.)

Species details: Once they hit the age of 13, LIs start getting these dark thoughts, desires. They must satisfy those thoughts: thoughts to kill. Once they've killed someone/something (their favorite target is the faerie), they craft armour out of their corpse. LIs charm the armour to appear like skin and clothing, so they are not detected and killed themselves. LIs are feared and hunted down, to prevent deaths of many others. They spend a majority of their life watching their back.

Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat, gun usage, sprinting, agility, lying/acting.

Weaknesses: Desires to kill anything and anyone. Once they get an urge to kill, it is almost impossible to escape. It will drive them crazy, killing other things won't satisfy: it must be that specific being.

Bio: Both of her parents were LIs, before they were murdered by a guild dedicated to exterminate threatening species. They were murdered when she was 8 years old, not old enough to show evidence of becoming an LI. She was closely watched by the guild and many others.

Personality: Harsh, abrasive, blunt, negative, impatient, arrogant, reserved, introverted, calm, cool, opinionated, grudging, skeptical & untrusting, intelligent.

Family (include their species): Mai Blanchard (LI)--Mother. Jacob Blanchard (LI)--Father.

Extra Information:

- When Kaede learned that LIs were feared and "bad/evil", she started to form a small dislike for her parents. When people pronounce her name as 'Kah-ay-day' (the correct pronunciation), she quickly corrects it to 'Kayd'.

- Tsundere except for the 'soft inside' part.
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Name: Naida

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance (description or picture): Long, wavy blonde hair, green-blue eyes (too Mary-Sue-ish?), fair skin, athletic build, about 5'4 in height
<~ somewhat like this??

Species: Mermaid

Species details: Mermaids grow tails, begin suffocating whilst not in the water and reside in the sea. Can have aura powers and can will bystanders into the sea with their sweet singing, drowning them. They may also grow feet, but this is painful to them and they can only stay on land for an hour every day.

Strengths: Excellent swimmers, attractive, graceful, alluring, excellent singers

Weaknesses: Can only stay on land for an hour - anything longer than that will result in their deaths

Bio: Naida grew up as an only child, but was considered popular amongst her peers due to her mermaid heritage. Mermaids were almost idolized as much as the faeries, and throughout her childhood, some would flock around her. She befriended them and was very popular as a child. As her parents were both mer-people, she had to raise herself. Her parents did help her, but it was difficult as they could not leave the sea. She lived in a small house near the ocean and would swim with her parents when they couldn't grow legs. Fortunately, she had a neighbour to help her - an elderly widow named Eiteach. Eiteach visited her every day to feed her and put her to bed. Naida swam regularly in order to socialise with her parents, thus becoming an excellent swimmer. As gaining legs was a painful process, her parents only ever emerged from the sea on special occasions, such as her birthday. She always wore her treasured pearl necklace, gifted to her on her seventh birthday. A life where she didn't live with her parents may have been lonely, but she had Eiteach and her friends to keep her company.

Personality: Naida is a bubbly, quirky girl who isn't shy in the slightest. She's very friendly and is willing to approach anyone. She also isn't judgemental of other species', which is uncommon for people of her heritage. She's confident and outgoing, but also tends to be rather stubborn and attention-seeking. She whines constantly just like me :L, through both desperation for attention and irritation. She's very loyal to those she cares about and is willing to stand up for her beliefs. She is passionate about the things and people she loves. Despite being a friendly person, Naida can't stand being insulted or belittled and can be quick to anger.

Family (include their species): Mermaid mother, merman father

Extra Information:

  • Finds the sea comforting, and mainly goes swimming when confused, frustrated or met with conflict.
Name: Alexander Vinson

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Appearance (description or picture): Short black hair. Dark red eyes with long eyelashes. Very pale. Sharp bicuspids, but still quite dull. 5'6", fit. Angular face and jaw. Looks intimidating and dangerous.

Species: Vampire.

Species details: Sensitive to sunlight. Requires at least one "shot" of blood (slang for one cup) a day. Vampires can eat regular food, but they usually dislike it. Can substitute blood with red wine, hot sauce, or grapes. If they eat/drink the substitute, it needs to be 2 cups. Appear normal except for their extreme paleness and red eyes. Vampires aren't feared and hated like LIs, but are still shunned for their blood drinking.

Strengths: Strength (
xD ), intimidation, agile, speed.

Weaknesses: Sunlight, need for blood (or the substitutes), onions, garlic

Bio: Parents died from the guild that killed Kaede's parents. Grew up in an orphanage as the weird, shy kid with an odd obsession with the color red. Shunned for his resemblance to vampires.

Personality: Intimidating, sweet, arrogant, impatient, mature, cunning, independent, introverted.

Family (include their species): Nadia Vinson (vampire)--Mother. Stephen Vinson (demon)--Father.

Extra Information: N/A.
Name: Nathair Age: 13 Gender: Male Appearance (description or picture): Straight black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, 5'7

(idk I couldn't find anything better also idk why he's blushing)

Species: Half-naga

Species details: Lightly scaled skin, snake-like tongue, the ability to communicate with snakes, fangs, ability to grow snakes into hair which can stun and/or hypnotize people

Strengths: Fangs can inject venom into people, can prompt snakes to attack people, grow snakes into hair to stun/hypnotize people, ability to communicate with snakes

Weaknesses: Colourblind

Bio: Nathair grew up with an angel mother and a naga father. They were quite the odd pair, but they loved each other dearly. He has two younger sisters, Realta and Leargas. His family were rich and he grew up in luxury, with many lowly servants to cater to his needs. He

Personality: Nathair is rude and arrogant, with a big ego and a tendency to look down upon others. He believes that he is superior to everyone else and regards himself as possibly one of the most intelligent beings on earth. He is sarcastic and cynical in nature. He has a pessimistic outlook on life. He's very critical of both himself and others. He proudly flaunts about his family name, despite it being frowned upon due to the relationship of his parents. Despite claiming that he's proud to be a half-naga, he is agitated that he is only a halfblood and considers it a mutation.

Family (include their species): Angel mother, naga father, his sisters are going to turn out to be angels once they come of age

Extra Information:

  • Is actually extremely protective of his family members and is willing to defend them at all costs
  • Does not take criticism well, but hides his anger with sarcasm

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