Private Rp for Ryn, Chicane and I [Inactive]

Kaede ducked under branches, swung around tree trunks, and dodged dangerous vegetation before emerging out of the dense forest that surrounded the civilization. She jogged over to the school, entering two minutes before it began. Most students at her age were babbling and chattering and gossipping about transformations and who would become what. Kaede had already turned 13 last month and has killed four people since then. With incredible willpower, she directed the vague thoughts towards animals and evil people. But she wouldn't be able to do it for long. She sat herself in the corner, trying to prevent a friendship from sprouting. What if she wanted to kill them too?

Alexander smirked at the kids late arriving, and turned back to his conversation with Mason, Nathair, and Zachary. Mason was already showing tufts of fur, signalling his transformation into a werewolf. He bore his creature title proudly, as his parents were great werewolves who accomplished great things. Alexander occasionally teased him about his hairiness but mostly admired him. He was cursed to become a vampire, to hide in the shade and feast upon the crimson bodily liquid. The teacher calmed the class down and everyone took their seats for attendance.
Naida was 20 minutes early to school. She'd gotten up early to have a dip in the sea (her parents were asleep, so she had some peace and quiet for 15 minutes.) Then, without anything else to do, she begun to head towards the school. She bumped into a haughty girl named Sara, who had a triumphant grin across her face. Naida rolled her eyes. She knew what she was going to say next. "Ooh, hi, Naida! You're changing into a mermaid, right? I'm a faerie! It's not as though I ever doubted it, though. My family's purebred - not a single member of the dynasty wasn't a faerie!"

"Yeah, I'm turning into a mermaid," Naida mumbled.

"So, you're going to school now, hm? I'll walk with you." Sara said, and Naida knew that she couldn't get rid of her now. She daydreamed about swimming in the sea and finally gaining her mermaid tail at long last while Sara rambled on about her perfect family and how cool it would be to a faerie and the colour she hoped her wings would be.

Once they both entered the school, the other girls rushed towards her excitedly. "Sara! Naida! The faerie and the mermaid!" they cooed. Naida sighed. Why was there so much fuss over this? It wasn't anything too special. She slipped away from the crowd, and fortunately everyone seemed to be more interested in Sara than Naida, so she went unnoticed. She noticed a girl sitting in the corner. Shrugging, she headed over to her. Perhaps this girl hated the drama just as much as her. She sat down on the seat beside her.

"Hi," she smiled. "Don't you think they're being so melodramatic? Transformations aren't really anything special."


Nathair frowned as he watched the others chattering away. Usually, he would interrupt everyone with his boasting, but he didn't really feel that he could boast about the beginning of his transformation. His father had examined him, and concluded that he wasn't exactly a full naga. His legs would have been tingling by now. Half nagis were uncommon, but not impossible. Nathair was crestfallen. He rolled his eyes as Mason informed everyone that he was a werewolf in a proud voice. "Lycanthropes are scum," he muttered under his breath.

Mason didn't hear his rude remark - and it was just as well, he'd probably get pretty strong in the future - but he did hear Nathair mumble something, which reminded him of his presence. "So, Nathair, what are you?"

Nathair scoffed. "I don't reckon you deserve to be gifted with such knowledge. I wouldn't want you to get jealous."

"What are you?" Mason repeated. Everyone turned to him, and he sighed. Faking haughtiness, he stated that he was a half-naga.

Half-naga?" Zachary said in shock. "Someone as pompous as you is only a half-naga? Ha!" he laughed.

Nathair clenched his fists. "You're one to talk. And besides, a half naga is a more honourable title than any of your common ones."

"Sure." Zachary smirked. "Whatever you say." Nathair was enraged, and felt the need to punch him, but resisted the urge to keep up his reputation and stormed off into the corner furiously. Taunting words filled his head.
Mutant. Halfblood. Useless.

"Shut up!" he mumbled to himself angrily, pulling at his hair. Oh god, how stupid would he look once he'd transformed? Would he have any redeeming abilities at all? Not much was known about half-nagas. He turned to the wall and scowled. "Why me?"
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Kaede gasped when a nice-looking girl approached her. It was the mermaid. She shook her head. "Please, get away from me." she hoped the girl would go away, leave her be. Kaede turned away and started chewing on the sleeve of her sap green hoodie. The girl didn't leave. Kaede turned back and gave a death glare. "Get away from me if you know what's good for you." She couldn't reveal what she was or she'd be killed, but it seemed the girl got the message that she was dangerous. Still, the girl remained put. It frustrated Kaede, but at the same time piqued her interest. What was it like to have a friend, anyways? What if it

Alexander sighed. "Alright guys, that's enough. Nagas are already uncommon, half-Nagas are pretty cool." He stated, trying to defuse the situation. Part of him wished he could be a half-Naga, since they were lucky enough to still look semi-human-ish. But no, he was stuck with being some pale, sun-sensitive, bloodthirsty boy with sharp teeth.

"Okay, class, settle down! We'll be starting with a presentation on how to handle your transformation!"

The class groaned collectively. They had to suffer through the presentation
every year. It was the same thing over and over again. Everyone will be different and unique. Every creature is beautiful and special. Faeries are not the only good species. All the same.
Naida listened to the strange girl's pleas, but ignored them. It wasn't like the girl could be that dangerous, anyway. She couldn't quite guess what she would turn out to be, but she didn't look insanely inhuman, so she probably wasn't as hazardous as she claimed to be. She stayed sitting, then casually leaned into her schoolbag and pulled out her books and pencil case, preparing for the class ahead. When the teacher announced that class was about to start, she got to work with ease.


Once it was announced that class had begun, Nathair hesitantly left the corner. He refrained from sitting in his usual seat beside Alexander, Mason and Zachary and instead slipped off to the edge of the classroom, sitting down in isolation, fists still clenched.

(sorry it's so short I just have no clue what else to put ;u;)
Kaede took out a notebook from underneath her corpse armour (since it was charmed to look like skin, it seemed like Kaede stores notepads under her skin.) and jotted down her name and the date on the first paper.

The teacher paused after the introduction to the presentation. "This year, I have something I want you to do. I want you to write down all your thoughts about this. What you think about becoming a Lusus Naturae. Is there anything you are unsure of, worried about? Write it down on a piece of paper and turn it in at the end of class today. I won't share it, but I can help." She turned back to the presentation.

Kaede sighed and wrote down one single question; "
What do I do if I am dangerous?"

Alexander rolled his eyes at the teacher's request. What would she know about dealing with transforming into something terrible? She's a freaking faerie. She can help, yeah right. He wrote a few basic questions with obvious answers so she wouldn't suspect he's hiding something. What would he write, anyway? I don't like burning in the sun, how do I not burn in the sun? Pointless.

((btw Lusus Naturae is Latin for a freak/mutant/'s what the people call themselves instead of Monsters :L sounds better than Monster...LN for short))
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