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It began...with an island.

An island of beauty and splendor.

Nothing could outweigh it's magnificence.

and then...

the prison was built.

On this island, hidden deep in its dense forests, there lays a very well structured prison. Built out of the sturdiest metal that the workers could buy, its walls are impenetrable. What this means is, once you are in there is no getting out. Not by any means of your own...

But...why are you here? What could you have done to be sent off to this unknown island, and be placed in its prison? The answer is simple really, yet massively complicated at the same time. It is this: the government doesn't like you.

Wether you know this or not, you have done something that made the government want to conceal you. To hide you...forever. Maybe you gave away military secrets to someone. Maybe you just simply know too much and they can't risk this news being let out. Even if you never would say anything to anyone, they still brought you here. Or maybe, you are just bad. A nuisance that they wanted to get rid of, but could not legally punish you in court because they really had no reason for getting rid of you - no valuable evidence to say 'this person is a danger to society'.

Then again...there is also a possibility that you work here. Most likely not one of the builders, but there are people who believe that what the government is doing to these certain people - that locking them up here - is right. Those people are hired secretly to work here on the island. Maybe as a prison guard, maybe just as a janitor.

No matter what you do, no matter the reason you are here, you are here for good. Here, on this island we are all...


Alright, now that you've gotten a basic idea of the whole thing I will explain it in a little bit more detail.

The main idea:

- You are on the island

- You either work at the prison, or you are a prisoner

- You can't really escape the prison, or the island but it wouldn't be a fun rp if no one tried

- This is all about your experiences in the prison, and don't worry you are let out of your cells so it won't all take place in your cell by yourself. That would be terribly boring.

Some Info. on the prison:

- There are guards usually in the corridors that hold the cells

- There are guards stationed outside of the main gate, and all around the prison walls

- The prisoners are let out of their cells more than you would think typical for a prison - there is an area much like a courtyard outside of the actual building itself, but it is fenced in by the walls of course

- The prisoners are actually allowed out of their cells whenever they please. There are guards in the corridors that they can wave down and the guard will let you out. They will escort you to the courtyard though, once you are there they will leave you alone. (As you can see, the workers are very confident in the structure of the prison and have no fear of prisoners escaping)

- Then, there are other workers just doing their job at various areas of the prison. Some of them are part-time guards who work as a type of janitor by day, and take over the night-post as a guard. Some are just strictly janitors 24/7, but who's to say janitors can't see and hear some interesting things.

- On special occasions, the prisoners may leave the grounds (meaning they can go outside of the walls and into the forrest for whatever reason they wish) but a guard must be with them at all times, and they must have permission from that guard to leave.

And now...the Character Sheet:

Full Name: (First, Middle, Last)


Age: (18 and up)


Position: (Guard, Prisoner, Janitor, etc.)

Why are you there: (If known. Some people may not know exactly why.)

Family: (If any)


Quirks: (Any interesting things your character does when in a certain mood. Ex: Bites nails when anxious. Rubs eyes when annoyed. Etc.)


Other: (Any other information on your character that I missed, or that you would like to mention)

My Characters:

Full Name: Daniel Henry Abbot

Nickname: Dan, Danny, or just Daniel

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Position: You could say Janitor. He just keeps the place neat looking. He actually spends more of his time cleaning the guards's cars that are parked out in the garage outside of the walls of the prison more than anything else.

Why are you there: His brother began as a guard there. he was a very well-known guard, and has been commended for his duty many times over. The other men that really run the whole place thought it would be a good idea to have his brother, Daniel, come and work for them too. He proved to be less than expected, so they made him a permanent janitor. Of course, now that he knows all about the place, he can never leave. Yet, even though they don't know it, Daniel despises the place. He finds it disgusting, and cruel to lock up practically innocent people. He is against it all, yet he must play along with their game or they may just kill him.

Family: Only his brother, Michael.

Personality: He is actually a really sweet guy. Very kind and considerate. He can be timid at most times, and he is actually so ashamed to be part of the work force at this prison, that he can hardly look any prisoner in the eyes. If it came down to it, he would risk his own life just to save the life of one prisoner here.

Quirks: He has a few quirks. He glances down at his watch when he is nervous (anything to keep him from looking someone in the eyes.) He pulls at his bottom lip when he is thinking about something. He bounces his leg up and down when nervous or worried. He runs his fingers through his hair when he is unsure of what to do. He is constantly apologizing and stuttering.

Looks: He is rather short for his age and gender. He stands at 5'8" and is constantly picked on because of his size. He is not muscular, yet he is still strong. His hair is a short, yet thick and wavy. It is as black as night. To most people his eyes are a dull brown. Yet, for those who care enough to look deeper, there is a fiery red, flame-like circle around his pupils that portray the same burning intensity inside of his heart which is also masked by his timidness. Just like the red in his eyes is masked by the dull brown. For clothing he usually wears blue jeans and a dark colored t-shirt. And of course, work boots because the ground can get sloppy on an island.

Other: Nothing that I can think of at the moment.

Full Name: Michael Allan Abbot

Nickname: Mike, Michael

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Position: Guard

Why are you there: To work, of course.

Family: Daniel

Personality: He is the exact opposite of Daniel. He enjoys working at the prison, and he takes pride in his accomplishments there. He is one of the harsher guards. He can be quite rude, and obnoxious. He believes he is better than most people, and loves to complain about them to his younger brother who never listens to what he is saying anyway.

Quirks: He squints a lot when he is angry or serious. (Which is most of the time)

Looks: He looks a lot like Daniel with his black hair and facial structure. Yet, he stands at about 6'2" and he is well built muscularly. His eyes are an intense green that frighten many people because they are usually filled with hatred. His clothes are always his guard uniform. Blue, and always sparkling clean because he makes sure Daniel cleans it well each morning.

Other: None that I can think of.


Full Name: Nathaniel Phillip Filmore

Nickname: Nathan/Nate

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: Aside from a few tickets, legally he has no clue why he's there.

Family: His parents, and his older sister Adel.

Personality: Very distrustful of others and their motives, and can be quite strongly opinioned when need be, despite these traits he has a kind heart. Once someone breaks past his barrier he is loyal to them, willing to risk almost everything for that person. Being a prisoner hasn't made him lose his wit, either.

Quirks: He bites the same area of the inner side of his lip when he's confused or puzzled, slightly opening his mouth subconsciously to show this.

Looks: Stands at 5'9 with a somewhat fair complexion, and his build is toned but not muscular. He has shaggy dark brown hair that reaches slightly past his ears and bold, light blue eyes. His clothes consist of a dark red t-shirt, blue jeans that are shredded on the ends and a black hoodie with the vault symbol in black and white from the game Borderlands on the back.

Other: --

Full Name: Donovan Luke Glidewell

Nickname: Dlou

Age: 23


Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: Was caught hacking into the FBI and CIA database. Was releasing information for profit.

Family: Two brothers, Dominic 18 and Dillion 14

Personality: Talkative, eccentric, easy going. Brilliant.

Quirks: he whistles the tune of "Over The Rainbow" when he is in deep thought.

Looks: 6'5, tan skin, black curly hair, light blue eyes, skinny. He wears a black V-neck and cargo shorts.

Other: ""
Name: Annabelle Lucille Barns

Nickname: Anne, Annie, Luce

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Position: Guard

Why she's here: She needed a job and they were hiring. She could care less what kind of place this is, as far as she's concerned this is just another job.

Family: Her parents who she never interacts with and her older brother Dante, 26.

Personality: She looks on the bright side. Very smart, but a bit naive. She's not quite an open book, but people often feel that way about her. She has a kind heart, but her relations with others are always shallow. Despite her facade, she often feels very alone.

Quirks: She usually avoids looking people in the eyes. There is no perticular emotion associated with this, she just feels like when people look into her eyes they can see all of her.

Looks: 5'3", mid-length black hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, slight build. Her clothes alternate between her guard uniform and her favorite black jeans, a red tee with an owl on it, and white converse high tops.

Other: She's fairly new and doesn't know all of the area yet. She tends to make friends with everyone she meets, including prisoners. She tends to hum and/or sing a lot.
Full Name: Taylor Ann Tamblo

Nickname: Tay, T

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: Taylor is not exactly sure why she is there. Her family is all mostly associated with either the FBI, Military, CSI, Police, SWAT, all kinds of government founded programs. She suspects she's there because the government thinks that she knows something she shouldn't or something important that she might tell someone.

Family: Has an older brother Ethan, age 27, is a CSI agent in training and he doesn't know she's gone.

Personality: For the most part Taylor is pretty outgoing and fun to be around. Since she's been at the prison, she's become more reclusive and reluctant to talk to anyone. She deeply misses her family and cracks under pressure. It's all she can do to stay sane. Before the prison she used to make friends easier and now it is a little harder for her to trust people but it's easier when prisoners talk to her. She is caring about people she's grown used to and would never leave anyone behind if she truly cared about them. There is nothing more she wants than to escape and is determined to find a way out.

Quirks: Taylor bites her fingernails when bored and nervous. She shakes a little under pressure, not obviously... She's pretty quite and reclusive, avoids eye contact with people unless she trusts them.

Looks: Taylor has slightly curly brown hair that falls to her shoulders. She has light green eyes and is 5'8.Her usual attire consists of jeans and long sleeve t-shirts. She doesn't have designer brands or anything but prefers more expensive clothing.

Other: None
T.B.F - funny thing about your characters, my name is Michael and my brother's name is Daniel in RL.

Full Name: Jason LeBlance

Nickname: J or "473" (his prison number)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: Jason is a "dirty little secret" of the government, when he was still unborn, his fetus was injected with a drug that made mental development go in to overdrive, he's a genius who has an ever-increasing IQ, and some of the scientists who have looked at him say that his IQ could reach 500 before he hits 30, but there is a problem with this, his mother was a meth addict who was shot and her body burned by the government after he was born, Jason used his incredible intellect to break into the office of his "Principal" and hacked his computer, and there he learned what he truly was, he then threatened to go to the media with the truth about him, how he was experimented on, observed ect... of course human experimentation is frowned upon in the international community, so to hide him away, he was sent to the prison.

Family: None.

Personality: Shy, Withdrawn, Eccentric, irritable.

Quirks: When scared he bites his nails and cries, when put under a lot of pressure he just cries but doesn't stop working, likes flowers and gives them to people he likes, so far he has mostly given them to guards who keep other inmates away from him. He also reads lots of books, so much that often he has missed out on "yard time" and on meals because he's been too engrossed in a book.

Looks: stuff/anime boys/pain.jpg

Other: The staff have orders to never let him near anything electronic, and if he asks for a book on something about either plants, astronomy or comic books, he is to be given them, or have them ordered in, his cell is to have a constant supply of electricity for his U.V lights and water for the plants he is allowed to cultivate in his cell, it is important that these requirements be met, or else he may seek to use his intellect in conjuncture with the strength and numbers of the inmates, which could spell the end of the prison and perhaps the island as well.

all his meals are to be served with a small cup of strawberry yogurt, any inmate who tries taking it from him is to be subdued and the cup either returned or replaced.

He is required to have at least 3 hours of yard time every week, and to be kept under constant watch, any other inmates who make any threatening gestures are to be subdued before they can harm him.

Jason poses a most severe threat to the stability of the prison if his intellect is employed by more radical prison members, because of this these requirements must be met to keep him docile, happy and most importantly, to keep his mind off harming or escaping from the prison, he has too much potential to simply kill, but he's too dangerous to be treated as a common prisoner.


Full Name: Heather Anne Morrison

Nickname: Just Heather

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: She doesn't really know why she's there but she has a feeling it was because her father worked for the government before he was killed.

Family: None.

Personality: She's a little spit-fire. She doesn't agree with why she's at the prison and she makes sure everyone knows it. She's sarcastic and bitter and she doesn't care who knows it.

Quirks: She twirls her hair when she's bored. Her face gets red when she's angry. She always has a rubber band on her wrist that she flicks at herself when she thinks she deserves it.

Looks: She's really short, which is sometimes funny when coupled with her personality. She has long dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Full Name: Alexander Harald Becker

Nickname: Alex

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: His older sister used to work for the government, and she always took care of him. But one day, she suddenly disappeared, and they took him to this prison. The reason his sister disappeared is a mystery, but the reason he is there is because his sister had told him too much about the government; things he shouldn't of known.

Family: Only his older sister, Maesa.

Personality: Alex is typically a very anti-social person. And one you probably wouldn't want to socialize with in the first place. He is quite an angry person, although he rarely shows it. It seems when he is the most angry on the inside, he is the most calm on the outside.

Quirks: He smiles a lot when he's angry, although it's not exactly a happy smile. More of an annoyed, calm smile. He also clenches his fists tightly when he is in pain, nervous, or scared.

Looks: Shaggy, dirty blonde hair that goes just above his shoulders, a yellow-green eye color. He's not too muscular, and is rather thin. His skin is pale and spotless, despite the light freckles that dot the bridge of his nose and cheeks. His eyelashes are quite long for a male, and his nose is petite and up-turned, and his face makes him look much younger than he really is. He has a heart-shaped face, and wide-set eyes. He stands at 5'10".
Full Name: Ashlyn Luarel Gatess (2 S' on purpose..)

Nickname: Ash, Ashlyn

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: Ashlyn really doesn't know. She was a great girl all her life, and one day she was taken into the prsison against her will. She fought and ried so much they had to taze her, although she didn't hit anyone, just cried and asked "Why?"

Family: Her elderly Grandmother. in which she lived with at the time of being taken.

Personality: Ashlyn is a very sweet girl. She gives in to anyone, and anything. She doesn't like to protest, and can be taken advantage of very easily. She is very nervous around men, and usually doesn't know what to say around them. She is funny, shy and cute overall.

Quirks: One small quirk she has is one of her eyes is just barely bigger than the others. And I mean like, a hair. Usually, you can only tell by looking into them for a while, or by a picture, if you look hard enough, but it's there. She also tends to sneeze loudly and when she is embarassed or nervous she bites her nails, blushes and somtimes tries to smile it off.

Looks: Brown/chestnut hair that gets red highlights in the summer sun, hangs low to her chest. She has beautiful Hazel eyes and small dimples when she smiles. She is regular height and extremelly thin, being a bit underweight, on the verge of becoming Anorexic, or getting another eating disorder, but not to terribly bad. She has longish eye lashes and slightly rosy cheeks, along with perfectly white teeth and a wondeful smile.

Other: She is very emotional, and doesn't like being alone. She loves to smile and laugh.

Name: Emma Sophia Swan

Nickname: Em, Emzy, Sophie, Blondie

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: She doesn't really know why she's here. But she guesses it's because the government tried to interrogate her once and she didn't work with them at all.

Family Her parents and a little sister called Irene

Personality: She's smart and a little bookworm. She always tries to get along with everyone to avoid any quarrels and troubles. People like her for always being nice and polite. Moreover, she despises the government for sending her to prison for no reason and tries her best to plan her breakout without finding out. She can be pretty mischievous to anyone being mean to her. She's a serious but can be funny.

Quirks: She always bites her lower lip when she's in thoughts or nervous. She also taps with her finger a lot than she's impatient or annoyed. Moreover, she runs her fingers through her hair when she's unsure of something.

Looks: Pretty. Average height. Long, blonde hair. Chocolate brown eyes. Skinny. Wears mostly worn out skinny jeans and a top.

Other:​ --

Full Name: Vincent Arden

Nickname: None, he hates his name being shortened and will only answer to "Vincent" not "Vinnie"

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Position: Prisoner, under psychiatric watch

Why are you there: Trained for two and a half years in multiple martial arts, a black belt in two, his family have been working to end the suffering of all those in the prison. They arm themselves and have made many attempts at gaining information, as well as actually breaking into the fortress, all those attempts have failed, though they had stolen enough info to last several life times, the fact is they lack the funding to act. His combat training though incomplete isn't the only skill learned. He was home schooled thoroughly, not a day went by he wasn't working in some way.

Family: His father, and Englishman was killed on an attempt into the prison, he showed an amazing bravery but it was not enough, he was shamed, executed publicly the year before.. as an example to the prisoners of the governments lack of any mercy. Following this, his mother of Japanese decent too was captured, he knows not what happened to her. The only family he is now certain of is his sister, Aki, only 16 she's yet to take on the true meaning of their family, adopted by his uncle.

Personality: Vincent holds inside a lot of pent up anger, which he suppresses well. To make up for this and push down those negative feelings he often adopts a casual attitude, often teasing people he meets or making jokes, sometimes at inappropriate moments. He doesn't often speak about who he is, or what he's there for, finding it hard to trust people. The way he acts can shift when the wrong subject is brought up, he's attacked guards and other prisoners, beaten them near to death, earned a title, a certain credit for it, not that he enjoyed it.

Quirks: Vincent almost never looks serious, odd considering his life. He's almost always lent against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, tapping his foot to one of several songs in his head.

Looks: He has black hair, down to his shoulders messy, with a few thin strands often coming down in front of his face. He always wears black, both a style and so people don't notice him at night, pointless considering he'd not escape but still, he thinks he looks good in the colour. He has dark brown eyes, a perfect solid colour. For clothing, he often wears long sleeve tops and cargo trousers, usually without shoes. Wrapped around his hands and often feet he has bandages or strips of cloth, almost always ready for something to kick off, more often than not fighting was all on the prisoners minds and he often got the brunt of it. Standing about 6 ft 2 Vincent is above average height, with a partially slender figure with a toned muscular structure.

Other: Vincent often has cravings for certain foods, doing favours to get his hands on them, he's often hired even by guards, taking on tasks for food, sometimes things for his cell, paintings, books, so long as it's allowed.
Full Name: Ravine Fair

Nickname: Rave

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Position: Guard/Janitor

Why are you there: With little work and a squeaky clean background Ravine managed to get a job as a janitor at the Prison, at first he worked the outside walls cleaning up trash left over by guards that either they threw out or it fell, after a few months and making friends he became a part time guard/janitor due to shortage of guards. After seeing the inside and encounters with innocent prisoners locked away for no reason he begins to despise this place. Now wanting to destroy it from the inside out he vows to himself to free everyone from this place, no matter who they are. No one should live in this hell on earth, no matter how pretty they make it seem.

Family: A mother and a younger sister whom disappeared from his life after he started working at the prison, he sends some of his pay check to an account to support his mother for whatever she needs no matter what it could be. Though he longs to see his sister again hoping his mother is helping her with her anger issues that could get her sent here

Personality: Soft Nature, Soft spoken, once focused will do almost anything to complete it. He always sticks up for the under dog, even if it lands him in hot water.

Quirks: He drums his fingers when bored, and scratches the back of his head when embarrassed or nervous.

Looks: Black hair standing at a lean 5'10 his soft green-yellow eyes always gives his soft nature away at first glance during the time of the day depends on which uniform he wears.

Other: Keeps a picture of his sister in his wallet, the last image of her.
Full Name: Kiyomi Lilith Mae

Nickname: Kiy, Kiyo

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: She threatened the C.I.A. when they locked up her fiance, she was sent to the prison as well as fired from her postion in C.I.A. She's unsure if it was the threat that landed her at the facility or her previous employment (considering she knew every dirty secret the goverment had).

Family: Her sister, Laya and her fiance, Max.

Personality: She's sarcastic, intellegent, and keeps to herself. She's finds everyone untrustworthy and 'guilty until proven innocent'.

Quirks: She crosses her arms over her chest when she's annoyed or angry. She braids, unbraids, and rebraids one section of her hair over and over when she's bored. She usually hums or sings when she's alone and in a relatively good mood.

Looks: She has long, dark, red hair that goes to the middle of her back. Her eyes are a light blue and she has light skin. She stands about 5'6" and usually wears standered jeans and a red t-shirt with sneakers. She has a tattoo on her right shoulder of a rose and is almost always wearing a sliver bracelet.

Other: Prefers activities that expand her knowledge or keep her outdoors. She gets stir crazy very easily and it is rumored that she's not all there in the head.

Full Name: Ruevanae Anna Claire

Nickname: Rue

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: She has no idea why she's here. She doesn't know anyone that works for the government. She's never broken the law. She feels she has no reason to be here.

Family: None

Personality: She's quiet and keeps to herself. She doesn't like people. She's the one that you see standing in the corner, watching everything and everyone, but no one knows anything about her.

Quirks: Although she would never act on her anger, when her temper flares up, her hands ball into fists.

Looks: She has short blonde hair and green eyes. She is 5'3" and wears a light blue sundress with black, knee-high, high heeled, boots.

Other: N/A
Full Name: Kai Matsumoto

Nickname: K

Age: 21

Gender: male

Position: Prisoner

Why are you there: He used to hack simple websites, like restaurant's sites or blogs, stuff like that, it was just for fun since once that he hacked the website he didn't do anything. But one day he got bored of those sites that were pretty easy to hack so he decided to hack the government, so he found out lots of secrets that he shouldn't have ever seen, when the gorvernment found out this they decided to make him a prisioner of this island.

Family: just his parents, but he lived by his own.

Personality: he has a pretty calm personality, normally he doesn't talk too much he just says the necesary and he is also a bit distracted

Quirks: He bites his thumb nail when planing something, he makes circles with his finger in anything plane when he is bored

Looks: He is a bit shorter than the average height of his age (he is around 5'7"), he has a messed, slightly curly, short black hair, his eyes are dark brown and wears a plain green t-shirt and dark blue jeans

Other: though that he has a clam personality, he is always trying to make a plan of how to escape from the prison.

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