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Fantasy Prison magika

[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Remember everyone has a collar that extremely restraints their powers

i'm guessing i am accepted
Name: Alda of the Ironbloods


Looks:Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Bio:Hes a old enchanter who got sentanced to jail in life for accidentaly killing someone whos in a high ranking position with a weapon to powerfull for him

Other:When he makes or enchants a weapon hes eyes glow blue
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Das Eisenbrecher]Name: Alda of the Ironbloods Age:65 Looks:[URL="https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiA98TTnu_NAhVBL8AKHTlpDI0QjRwIBw&url=/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiA98TTnu_NAhVBL8AKHTlpDI0QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fswords-for-adventure.obsidianportal.com%2Fposts%3Fmonth%3D8%26order_by%3Doldest%26page%3D1%26year%3D2015&psig=AFQjCNEAbm-tzaqGks6k752dr7N0LwpZBg&ust=1468458042882700&psig=AFQjCNEAbm-tzaqGks6k752dr7N0LwpZBg&ust=1468458042882700 said:

Bio:Hes a old enchanter who got sentanced to jail in life for accidentaly killing someone whos in a high ranking position with a weapon to powerfull for him

Other:When he makes or enchants a weapon hes eyes glow blue
Your link doesn't work so if you can fix that your good
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Your link doesn't work so if you can fix that your good

here it should work now sorry for the incovinience
[QUOTE="Das Eisenbrecher]here it should work now sorry for the incovinience

Thanks just wait a bit before joining while we fix a problem that occurred before you showed up
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]Thanks just wait a bit before joining while we fix a problem that occurred before you showed up

well ok if you can tell when its ready to go ill wait


Samael Blackthorne






In his human form, Samael is a dashingly handsome, dark-haired man with a dark suit and tie. He also has a sophisticated British accent, which people usually find "charming". However, no matter which form Samael adopts, even his human one, he cannot hide the visible marks on his back, from where Samael's immense, angelic wings used to be before they were severed from his back.


Samael Blackthorne. Renowned lady killer, literally and figuratively. Once an angel, now cast from the holy heavens to the fires beneath. A man of justice, debonair devilish charms and manipulative play. His coercing tongue and looks aren't just for show, as some might find. Usually an odd-job businessman, messing around in human antics, he was, unfortunately, captured and imprisoned after the unfortunate event of murdering a young woman during a small accident of annoyance. Never holding well with the nobles, it wasn't hard to become enraged at her suggestion of mindless killing. Ironically, or even hypocritically, mindlessly killing her. Brilliant. Nonetheless, creatures of hell are those of justice. Wise and ancient, with incredible magics beyond the comprehension of most. Samael, the wayward son.

HumansArentReal said:


Samael Blackthorne






In his human form, Samael is a dashingly handsome, dark-haired man with a dark suit and tie. He also has a sophisticated British accent, which people usually find "charming". However, no matter which form Samael adopts, even his human one, he cannot hide the visible marks on his back, from where Samael's immense, angelic wings used to be before they were severed from his back.


Samael Blackthorne. Renowned lady killer, literally and figuratively. Once an angel, now cast from the holy heavens to the fires beneath. A man of justice, debonair devilish charms and manipulative play. His coercing tongue and looks aren't just for show, as some might find. Usually an odd-job businessman, messing around in human antics, he was, unfortunately, captured and imprisoned after the unfortunate event of murdering a young woman during a small accident of annoyance. Never holding well with the nobles, it wasn't hard to become enraged at her suggestion of mindless killing. Ironically, or even hypocritically, mindlessly killing her. Brilliant. Nonetheless, creatures of hell are those of justice. Wise and ancient, with incredible magics beyond the comprehension of most. Samael, the wayward son.

So can't wait for season 2 of Lucifer, anime characters only please
[QUOTE="Alaster Von Grim]So can't wait for season 2 of Lucifer, anime characters only please

Name: Mina Ashido

Age: 15

Race: mutated human



(Without the cigarette)

Bio: managed to survive without being seen for the majority of her life, random good-willed people helping her grow-up. She was eventually discovered because of her obviously strange appearance and dangerous ability and was brought to the prison to keep away from the rest of humanity

Nickname:Pico (Hates being called this)


Gender: assumed Male

Height:Normally 6ft7 but full height is 8ft2


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_13-36-15.png.76f5557fced76f83aff1a93f2a2357ab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_13-36-15.png.76f5557fced76f83aff1a93f2a2357ab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Is normally very shy but will get very defesive is anyone mentions his grammer .He hates it when anyone calls him by his nickname or when people step on his tail.He is very hesitant to join large groups and he is not very social.But when he grows attached to someone he will fight for their life is necessary and even give his own.

Likes:Damp areas,The dark,Warm spaces,being alone,Silence

Dislikes:Dry places,Bright lights,being cold,Loud areas,Crowds

Bio:He used to live in a swamp by a mostly empty village. he usually was very carefully at keeping concealed but one day some people were hiking in the swamp and they stepped on his tail while he was hiding in the mud and he stuck them. he killed one of them but the other escaped and reported him.When he was took to prison he only had time to meet a few people before someone stepped on his tail. lashing out he severely injured them and he had to be seduced. when he was put to sleep for some reason the affects kept him asleep for way longer than intended and he couldn't be woken up. when he finally woke up he thought he had been hibernating and was shocked to see inertially different prisoners then he remembered and he is trying to fit in.

Other:Because he is cold blooded he needs to be kept warm or else he will freeze. He has a very hard time speaking english and only understands and can say basic words.Because Of his large forked tongue he has a hard time pronouncing the letter S and the letters th together and ph together.

@Aragon<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_13-26-38.png.9f90edfec529f09e5019cb9f81493b41.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_13-26-38.png.9f90edfec529f09e5019cb9f81493b41.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-7-14_13-26-38.png
    766.5 KB · Views: 2
  • upload_2016-7-14_13-36-15.png
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Trust said:
Name: Mina Ashido
Age: 15

Race: mutated human



(Without the cigarette)

Bio: managed to survive without being seen for the majority of her life, random good-willed people helping her grow-up. She was eventually discovered because of her obviously strange appearance and dangerous ability and was brought to the prison to keep away from the rest of humanity
@Alaster Von Grim accepted or no..?
Trust said:
Name: Mina Ashido
Age: 15

Race: mutated human



(Without the cigarette)

Bio: managed to survive without being seen for the majority of her life, random good-willed people helping her grow-up. She was eventually discovered because of her obviously strange appearance and dangerous ability and was brought to the prison to keep away from the rest of humanity
I suppose you can, a pervert makes things funny now and then


Name: Severux Yordle X.




his phoenix form:



he was once a good man when someday her un-historical lil sister (@Zeldafangirl ) got sick and their parents were dead so he doesn't have much of an option of having a life being a Robber and her lil sister was just a little baby so maybe today she dont know who he is. but all that come fortune to her life with fruits he send for her and to show her that in life even thoe u dont have the same blood there is still kindness... yet... this time... its all about being in a different path of life.

Astaroth Suzumiya] [CENTER] [IMG]http://img12.deviantart.net/f89d/i/2016/169/e/d/cherry_blossom_bishounen__nsfw_optional__by_sakimichan-da6rjk1.jpg[/IMG] Name: Severux Yordle X. Age: Ancient Looks: his phoenix form: [IMG]http://orig06.deviantart.net/6a82/f/2015/034/c/2/c23694d981b8fe93a89a4c05933f4a29-d5mdly4.jpg[/IMG] Bio: he was once a good man when someday her un-historical lil sister ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19024-zeldafangirl/ said:
@Zeldafangirl[/URL] ) got sick and their parents were dead so he doesn't have much of an option of having a life being a Robber and her lil sister was just a little baby so maybe today she dont know who he is. but all that come fortune to her life with fruits he send for her and to show her that in life even thoe u dont have the same blood there is still kindness... yet... this time... its all about being in a different path of life.

@Alaster Von Grim accepted or nah? xD eheeh

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