Princess and the Traveler [Inactive]

(( This doesn't give me much to work with, but I'l try. Also, if you think you can't write anymore, just use more details. :) ))

Anna felt herself jump slightly, so he had noticed? "Rest? I'm fine, there is no need for that right now." She shook her head and smiled into the light of the fire in front of them. It was an odd feeling standing in this room with someone beside them, it had been most of her life since she'd last shared a space like she was now. When Anastasia was young and her parents were still together her mother would sit with her here in front of the warmth of the flames. Her father would sit at the very desk she had fallen asleep at and work, looking up at the two of them and smiling fondly. He tried to hide the look, but Anna remembered a few times she would catch him looking at them and he would wink.

"Really, I would like to show you my home..." She snapped herself out of memories, trying not to think to much about what made her sad. Finally Anna looked up at Kendrick and gave him a smile, "Plus, I'd like to know more of my hero," She smirked at the word 'hero' and turned her back to the fire to warm the other side of her body. "I'll make sure you get your clothes back before you go, but you're also welcome to keep those aswell..." Something about being alone now with this man made her nervous....but not in the sort of way someone might have been with a stranger. She found herself being worried about how she looked and what Kendrick might be thinking about her. It as something that didn't happen to her often, or well...ever. She'd had a childhood crush before...but it had never felt like this.

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Kendrick watched her carefully. She seemed a little flustered. It made him want to laugh, but he held it in. It had been years since someone had put so much effort into making sure he had what he wanted and needed. He had been taking care of himself for a long time. Of course he thought of his sister often. It was about the time that he needed to send her a letter. He never got any word back from her through no fault of her. He was never in any place long enough to receive a letter.

"I'm not much of a hero," Kendrick said a little shy. "I did what anyone would have done in that situation. At least, I would like to think anyone would have done it it." Kendrick stepped away from the fire and towards the door. "You know, I think I may just keep these clothes. They're soft. The silver threading is a little much, but I think I can make it work," he said in a joking tone. "In all seriousness though, thank you for the clothes." He leaned against the door frame and stared at Anastasia a moment before speaking.

"I'm ready for a tour, m'lady," Kendrick said bowing at the waist. He gave a smirk.
Anna couldn't help but smile. glad that he was taking up her offer. It was much easier for her than having to stand there and relive the memories of her child hood. "I don't know that anyone would have, especially having not known who was under the cloak...I probably looked like an old beggar woman who hid her own face in shame." She shrugged. It was probably a lot more likely that someone would have let her die and stole any money that she had on her.

Anastasia couldn't help but grin when he cracked a joke about the clothes, "I've always thought so too," She admitted and shrugged, "But Mother always loved anything with silver in it...So Father would always get his clothes made that way...." Anna shook her head, clearly not wanting to think or talk about her parents anymore. "Why don't we get that tour started then?" She asked after Kendrick smirked at her, "There's a lot to see, but I'll only show the important stuff so we'll be ready for supper when it is done." She brushed past him, and started down the hall.
Kendrick nodded and followed after her. He wasn't really hearing most of what she was saying about various paintings. He was kind of in his own world. He was thinking back on what she had said her father and mother. He wanted to ask where her mother was. He thought she had mentioned that her father was away at war. He wondered which kingdom would have to go up against this one. Whom ever they were they were unlucky. Kendrick knew that Anastasia was telling him the story of a certain room they had passed but once again his mind was elsewhere. He was thinking how devastating it would be if this kingdom ever decided to go up against his. His would surely lose. They did not have nearly as much money and resources as this one had.

Suddenly Kendrick stopped Anastasia from talking by interrupting her story about a bust of a man by saying quickly, "Before dinner I must return to the tavern that took me in this morning. I need to let her know I have other arrangements for tonight." Kendrick looked apologetic for the sudden outburst but he was a man of his word and was someone people could always count on. He needed to give her a heads up. He looked intently at Anastasia hoping she'd understand.

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Anna turned from the room she'd been explaining, when Kendrick interrupted her. She frowned, though she wasn't offended and sighed slightly. Anastasia was about to protest about it not being near dark yet, but she'd lost track of the time and hadn't realized how far the sun had set. "Why is there such a hurry?" Was all she asked, and noticed the sense of relief she'd felt along with his small interruption. They had been heading toward a room with on painting in it. The painting was standing up against a wall on the floor covered in a deep blood red cloth made out of heavy material and a thick layer of dust. It was clear it hadn't been moved in a long time, almost her whole life time in fact.

What it happened to be was a painting of her mother and father, with a small child sitting between them. They all smiled, and looked genuinely happy. But when her mother had died, Anna's father, the king had decided he didn't like looking at it anymore and had it taken down and stashed away. Every now and then Anna would sneak into that room late at night to uncover it and stare at her mothers smiling face for hours in the light of the mood. "I'll see to it that you get a fast horse..." Anna started to brush past Kendrick, glancing back at the room she was dreading, uneasily.
"Thank you," Kendrick said with a smile. "I just don't want her to be worried. I haven't had a mother figure in my life for a few years now and I'd like to keep her thinking highly of me," Kendrick admitted.

He watched as Anastasia almost breathed a sigh of relief when they did not enter the next room. He made a mental note to go in it before he left the kingdom.

"Would you want to accompany me?" Kendrick asked adjusting his sleeves. He then thought about what he had asked. Anastasia was not an average girl you just bring home. She was royal. She was important.

"Forget i said bathing your highness. I understand that you have your duties here. I will return as promptly as I can."

Kendrick started to walk towards the way they came in which was the way he hoped to the stables.

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:: haha! That's what I get for typing on my phone. That is not supposed to be bathing. It was supposed to say 'anything' yeesh::

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Anna only stood for a while, watching him walk off, but then she decided that yes she did want to go. "Wait!" She called out and ran toward Kendrick. When she'd caught up with him she caught his arm in one of her hands before dropping it back down to her side. Now she was walking in pace with him, and guiding him toward the stables. "I'll probably regret this later, what with all the paper work, but I need to pay this woman anyhow..." She shrugged and smiled, 'What better way than to do it in person?"
A wide smile speaks across Kendrick's face. He happily grabbed Anastasia's hand and pulled her towards the stables. He picked one that the stable boy assured was strong and fast. This time he jumped on first. He loved the way it made him feel. It brought back memories of better times with his father and herding their livestock. He offered his hand to Anastasia and pulled her up behind him. He felt her arms wrap around his waist and another smile crept on his face. He was thankful he was facing away from her. What was he doing? Was he developing feelings for a princess?

Kendrick kicked the side of the horse with both of his heels and they dashed off. He ride quickly and steadily towards the direction of the market.

Once they reached the cobble stoned street Kendrick slowed the horses pace down. He kept his gaze forward and tried not to give away who his passenger was. they soon arrived at the door of the tavern. Kendrick hopped down and offered again his hand to Anastasia. He tied up the horse and knocked twice on the door frame before walking in. There were about ten other people in the room all seated at tables drinking and eating.

"Kendrick!" a loud voice called from behind him. He turned around happily and saw the lady.

"M'am!" Kendrick said with a bow. "I'm not going to be able to stay this evening. I want you to friend. Can we talk in the bathing room?" Kendrick asked eyeing Anastasia and all the others.

"Sure thing, sugar," the lady said. She took a small leather coin purse out of her bosom and handed it to her daughter. "Take care of orders. Mama is busy!" She then led them to the back room.

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"Hello Ma'am," Anna curtsied and made sure her hood was securely pulled up around her face. She'd grabbed a cloak on the way out, and was glad she did because people in the tavern were were eyeing her already without even knowing who it was they were staring at. Clearly she was dressed better than most of the people there, but she wondered if they thought she was royal or just a wealthy visitor. Considering the outfit Kendrick wore, they both looked like very wealthy outsiders. When they made it into the washroom and the owner shut the door, Anastasia dropped her hood and smiled at the woman. "I heard you extended some kindness to m friend, Ma'am," She touched Kendrick's arm as if they were old friends but dropped her hand to her side a moment later, "I would like to pay you because he wont be able to work. You see, he's rather important to me, having done something great, and there is a huge dinner being made in his honor." Anna smiled at the words she was speaking, and started to fish around her cloak for her coin bag. When she found it, Anna pulled out double of what she probably charged and held the out to the older and much bustier woman.

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