Princess and the Traveler [Inactive]

Kendrick rolled over and allowed his legs to stretch. He brought his arms over his chest and as he did so bits of hay fell. Sitting straight up he had to squint his eyes as the barn he was sleeping in lit up from the sun. He let out a sigh and began to roll up the thin blanket that he was laying on. He ruffled his hair a bit and shoved everything into a leather bag. As he was walking to leave the attic of the barn he heard some voices down below.

"Yep, in there," a man's voice said. Kendrick peered through a hole in the floor to see two men standing below. One of them had a wanted poster with his face drawn on it. He rolled his eyes and grumbled. At least this place allowed him to sleep through the night before turning him in. It was only 5 days in this town. He would have to move on. Kendrick quickly looked around for an exit. Slinging the bag over his head and through one arm he spotted a window at the back of the barn. He tiptoed quietly towards the window and peered down. It was a 15 foot drop. He gritted his teeth and sat on the edge of the window. He heard the ladder to the attic creek. He did not have much time. Closing his eyes he slid himself from the window and let his body fall. He landed with a thud on his feet for a second but then toppled over.

"Ow!" Kendrick grumbled and tried to hold in a scream of pain. He quickly dashed off into the field of wheat in front of him. After he was safely away he pulled out an apple from his bag and took a big bite of it. Another successful night spent for free. His mind began to race as he tried to figure out the next place to stay. This current town, the town of Avendorn was five towns away from his home. It only took two days for the news of his movement to spread. He knew he would not be able to just hop to the next town. Surely the people would be aware there. He decided this would have to be his longest journey yet before he stopped for some time, but no longer than a week.


Kendrick had traveled eight towns before decided that this kingdom would be where he would stop and stay for a bit. He was not a total of thirteen towns and three kingdoms away from his home. He finally breathed a sigh of relief as he walked along the cobble stones of this new place. It was nice. It had a different feeling about it. As he passed a local shop he saw his reflection in the mirror. No wonder that kid a few shops down hid behind his mother's skirt when Kendrick neared them. He looked...well he looked like he was just what he was, a homeless vagabond. This would not do. Kendrick slipped into the nearest pub and took a look around.

"Welcome sweet heart," a busty lady with thick red curls said as she adjusted her top and batted her lashes towards Kendrick. "What can I getcha?" she asked. Kendrick smiled.

"M'am, I just need a place to wash up. Can you point me in the right direction?" he asked.

"Certainly. My room is up the stairs and to your left!" the lady let out a loud cackle at her own joke and shook her head. "I'm just teasing you, boy! I am old enough to be your mother! Now, get your dirty handsome butt down that hall and take two rights. There is a room with a tub and a spicket out the back. Use them!" she said with a wink.

Kendrick nodded and thanked her. He walked down the hall and found the room and began to wash up.
It had been another late night alone, just like most nights were for Anna. Most of the time, she couldn't sleep or woke from a nightmare sweaty and shaking. She'd worry about her eyes shutting again only to see the images she'd seen only moments ago that haunted her. Blood and clashing metal, her father collapsing in his own life force. Scarlet war tainting his white skin and beautiful face....Anastasia shook the thoughts from her mind, it was morning now and she'd needed to head down to the throne room to meet with the commoners who needed to speak with her. Anna was not like her father when it came to dealing with the people of their kingdom. She actually listened, and tried her best to please those who were deserving of her help. Sighing, she ran a hand through her long dark hair and glanced at her tiny figure stuck in a sea of pillows and blankets in the reflection of her mirror across the room. Dark circles were under her eyes, she could see them from even that distance. If she had someone put powder on her face, no on else would even notice.

Quickly, Anna threw back the covers and slipped out of bed, the cold stone floor causing her to shiver. A maid made her way through the door a moment later and helped her get dressed. It was impossible to get those dumb corsets on by herself no matter how hard she tried. "I'd like to wear my brown dress, please," Anastasia mentioned to her service, and walked over to the mirror, it wasn't long until she was bound and dressed with a dainty crown on top of her head. It sparkled in the morning light, and made her eyes do the same. "Good Morning, Mother," Anna whispered with the mother of pearl ring pressed to her lips, "Watch over Father."

It had been hard since her father had gone, even if she knew how hard it was for him to be around her. She looked much like her mother, who was once the most beautiful woman in the land. He couldn't look back at her without his heart breaking at the remembrance of his beloved wife, her mother. It had been tough for the both of them when she'd died, but it had killed her when her father King Fredrick had so willingly lead his people into battle. Though Anna understood the duties of the king, and she couldn't argue with him or say anything to get him to stay with her. Now Anastasia worked hard in his place, working herself to the bone and hiding the loneliness and pain she'd been feeling. It was tearing her apart but she couldn't let anyone see it. It was not their burden to bare, the kingdom needed her to be strong.
Kendrick walked through the back door and found the spicket. Reaching for an empty wooden bucket he began to pump the metal handle. After five pumps water began to spew from the faucet and into the bucket. He carried the bucket back to the room and hung it from a small fire that was going in the corner. He repeated this six times before he had enough warm water. He stripped to nothing and placed his clothes with him in the tub so that he could wash them as well. He allowed himself to sink low enough that the water came up just about to his nose. He could feel the aches in his muscles relax a bit. He knew he would not be able to take as much time as he wanted. Kendrick changed his focus to his clothes and sat up. He began to scrub out the dirt stains from his pants and used his shirt to scrub down his body while also cleaning his shirt.

"Mr?" a small voice called from the other side of the door. Kendrick grabbed his shirt and sat rigid in the tub.

"Uh...yes?" Kendrick said back nervously.

"My mum would like you to have this until your clothes dry," the unknown voice said and suddenly the door opened and a small hand held a pair of brown pants and a dark blue shirt. The hand let go of the clothes letting them fall to the ground and shut the door quickly. The messenger giggled and Kendrick heard footsteps as they ran away. Kendrick smiled and sunk into the tub and took a deep breath so the he was fully submerged by the water. After about a minute he came back up for air. He lifted himself from the tub and grabbed a wool blanket off to the side and did his best to dry off. He changed into the clothes brought for him and wrung out his wet clothes and hung them to dry on a hook on the wall. Kendrick ruffled up his hair and walked out back to the main part of the pub.

"Thank you, kindly," Kendrick said nodding towards the bar keep. "How much?" he asked grabbing his bag. The lady behind the counter let out a loud laugh.

"It's not everyday a handsome strong young man like yourself wanders into my humble business. Say, how about instead of charging you I trade it for labor around here?" she asked. Kendrick thought a moment.

"Sure, m'am," Kendrick said with a smile.

"But not now! Not now. Get on out and explore our kingdom!" she said quickly coming towards him. The lady came to Kendrick's chest. She reached a hand up and and placed it on his shoulder. "Go." she said firmly.

Kendrick sighed and placed his hands in his pocket. He nodded and headed towards the door.

"Thank you," he added before leaving.
It'd been a few meetings before Anna felt herself becoming antsy. She didn't know what it was but something about today was telling her to get out and into the kingdom. It had been long enough that she'd been sitting inside day after day, "Ready my horse!" She suddenly demanded, rising quickly from her throne. It wasn't long before she'd put on riding clothes, which consisted of a thick dark cloak with a hood that covered everything but her full lipped mouth. She wore the same dress as before, but it was now pinned up so that she could avoid the mud or tripping on top of it. "But miss, there is so much to do today," Someone had protested as she sent people off to fetch her ride. "I don't care, it's time for a break!" She felt as though she were being a little snotty, but she was so anxious to be out in the day feeling the wind that she didn't much care until later in the day.

Once she'd hopped up onto her horse with out effort, Anastasia rode off and didn't look back. All she wanted was to go forward, to see her people and explore. It wasn't often that someone from the castle would have ever done something like this and she hoped that the people would be excited to see her and not upset to have a royal out at the markets. Sometimes people were weird about things like that, and though it made sense to her, Anna didn't want it happening to her. It was only a short ride until she found a stable and tied her horse up securely, paying the stable boy much more than he would have charged someone for use of the facility. He hopped with joy and ran off to find someone, probably his mother Anna guessed, and share in the newly found gold coins he'd just received. Anastasia knew it was hard here, being below, being the lower class. It was hard to pay for food, and though there weren't may taxes, her people still struggled to pay them.

Slipping from her horse, Anna decided that it would be better to keep her hood up so that people wouldn't pay attention to her. If they were going to get upset by her presence she didn't want to find out. Quietly, Anna made her way down to one of the main parts of the market, taking in the sites and smells. People weren't as clean as she was, but they were friendly enough and the food people sold smelled amazing and the trinkets they made, beautiful. Every now and then she would hand someone a few gold pieces, more than they'd probably ever had, and she would refuse their attempts to give her goods in return. If she only did a few and moved on, people wouldn't notice who she was, would they?
Kendrick blinked in the bright afternoon sun and looked around. The people were busy bustling around trying to set up their stands and sell their goods. He held secure to his bag and mingled among the excited vendors.

"Care for an apple, sir?" a man asked holding up the bright red fruit. Kendrick nodded and tossed the man a coin from one hand and catching the apple in the other. He loved apples. He took a bite and continue to travel calmly down the cobble stoned streets. He felt no rush, he felt no pressure to hide. This was a new sensation for him. He liked it...

Kendrick admired the craftmanship shown by those who lived in this area. They were more creative with their hands. Where he was from it was mostly agriculture and livestock. They always traded those things for the things like he was seeing here. Kendrick stopped suddenly when he saw a particular stand. The old man was sitting in a rocker and was surrounded by shelves of blue and green gems. Kendrick walked closer to it.

"Sir, excuse me," Kendrick began eyeing a particular blue stone. "What is this"? he asked picking up the stone and turning it over in his hand.

The old man stood slowly from the chair and walked over.

"That's a sapphire, chap," he said clearing his throat. "It's my only one. I had two once...gave me first one away to a man I owe my life," he said and then his eyes glassed over and was lost in thought. The man suddenly snapped back to reality and let out a sigh. "This one is not for sale!" he said taking it from Kendrick's hand.

"Why is it out, then?" Kendrick asked.

"To show off. Everyone wants it, I always say no," he said gruffly. Kendrick reached into his bag and pulled out his mother's necklace. He held it by the chain and let the tear drop shaped blue sapphire spin and sparkle in the sunlight. The old man stopped dead in his tracks.

"Where did you get that?" he asked in a hushed voice.

"It was my mother's. My father gave it to her after he came back from a long business trade. He said it was a gift from an old friend..." Kendrick said eyeing the man. Suddenly the old man leaped towards Kendrick like he had lost 30 years of old age and embraced him in a big hug.

"Kendrick?!" he said kissing Kendrick's cheeks. Tears were streaming down his face. Kendrick stood there shocked and confused. "Your father saved me! He told me all about his family. He talked about you. He was proud of you even then! How is he doing?!" the man asked. Kendrick felt a lump form in his throat.

"I have to go," Kendrick said putting the necklace back in his bag and turning away.

"But-" the old man said reaching out for him. Kendrick quickly ducked behind a group of passerbys and went and stood in an alley way. He took a couple of deep breaths. He had waited all his life to hear where his dad got the mysterious necklace from this mysterious good friend of his far off. But just didn't seem to feel good knowing the man. Maybe one day he'd go back and tell him his father was dead.

Kendrick shook his head and resumed his tour of the market.
Things were going well, Anna was enjoying seeing the people she tried her best to do well by. They smiled at her, clearly not seeing who she really was through her hood. "Morning ma'am," A little girl with long braids and dirty cheeks had said to her. She even curtsied just as her mother probably taught her to do. "Well Good Morning, there," Anastasia said and pulled up her own heavier skirts in a curtsy as well. But it being just her luck it hadn't been a good idea for her to do, because it revealed more of her that was she'd concealed away than she'd expected. It was the girl who knew right away who she was, and she began to shout with excitement in the street, "THE PRINCESS!! THE PRINCESS!!" The girl screamed and jumped up and down.

"Shh, SHH!!" Anna tried to silence her, but the little girl just couldn't help herself. Though Anna didn't know this, this young girl had dreamed of meeting her. Maybe running into her once and then becoming friends with the princess. It was something that a lot of little girls dreamed of, and it had never occurred to her that this meeting was much more than pure celebrity shock. "No, N-no!" Anastasia tried again, but the girl was now tugging people toward her, people she must have known. In the commotion Anna's cloak hood slipped off her head and her long brown hair tumbled down past her shoulders. There was no mistaking who it was now, and half of the market place saw her there now it was only a matter of time before word traveled.

Anna had to think quickly, and the best course of action she came up with was to run. Get out as fast as she could before either people tried to come at her for money, or before she was berated with complaints due to her father. He hadn't been as kind as her, and most of the laws that people hated were do to her own flesh and blood so people hated her for it. Purely because she was related to her father, the king. Quickly Anastasia started to weave in and out of people, and fumbled with her hood int he process. She couldn't quite grip it while she ran in her riding boots to pull it over her head and in her commotion she hadn't noticed the horse and carriage heading straight for her at full speed. If she didn't move soon she wouldn't make it back to the castle in one piece. Anna would have permanent cobble stone tattoos printed into her temple.
Kendrick continued to eat his apple trying to forget his encounter with the man apparently his father had saved. He looked up at the sound of commotion. He walked over to where people were shouting and saw someone running in his direction fumbling with a cloak. Kendrick paused and then heard the clacking of a carriage against the cobble stone street. Putting two and two together he realized that this person running would get hit by the carriage. Kendrick dropped his apple and sprinted towards the person. He quickly wrapped his arms around the person's waist and pushed the both of them out of the way. The two of them landed in a pile of hay.

"Holy cow! Are you okay?" he asked quickly pushing himself up off of the person he had pushed out of the way. The hood had fallen off revealing a face he was not expecting. It was a beautiful young woman.

"I, uh, I..." he quickly stood up and jumped about five feet away. He did not recognize her as any one of importance, he was just embarrassed that he had landed on top of a girl.
Anastasia was shocked to say the least, and not because someone had grabbed her and landed on her. Her shock came from the fact that a carriage had almost beheaded her and she hadn't even noticed. The street had gone quiet as people watched her and the man who had saved her from fate. She looked up at him from the ground, and of course couldn't help but notice that he was handsome, but also that she'd never seen him before. There were a lot of people in her kingdom, but she'd seen most of them, or at least they looked familiar to her. This man didn't look like anyone she knew at all, he didn't even seem to know who she was.

Slowly, Anna pushed herself up and brushed off her dress, no longer finding it useful to put on her hood. "I'm alright, really, you saved my life. I'd be dead if it weren't for you," She said and shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know what I was thinking..." Her voice trailed off and she realized people weren't staring at her but rather the man. They seemed nervous for him, worried that maybe she was going to behead him on site for grabbing her? She didn't know. But what she did know was that she was in debt to this man who risked his life for her own. "Good people, everything is alright!" They seemed to relax some with her powerful and confident tone, "This man should be celebrated for the act he has just performed!" The crowd around them cheered, and some even clapped him on the back.

"What's your name?" Anna finally asked, stepping near him so that she could hear. When she got closer she realized that she was a good few inches shorter than he was. "You must come back home with me so I can repay you! Give you a warm meal at least, my horse is in the stable," People gasped in surprise at this, well surprise and jealousy. Anna was sure that now they had all wished to be the one to have saved her, but alas they were not and in turn needed no rewarding or thanks from her. " Please, follow me," Anastasia begged, and tugged the man by the hand in the direction of the stables.
Kendrick looked around confused. People were staring. I mean, yes, he had just saved this girl but normally people would gawk and then move on with their lives. They were all still staring. Oh, and now cheering. Kendrick ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"I, uh, my name is Kendrick. Kendrick Galloway." he said staring at the young woman slightly confused. Kendrick suddenly felt a hand in his and was being dragged away by the woman towards the stables.

"Your name, Miss?" he said and then suddenly stopped causing the girl to lurch. "My bag!" he said and released his hand from hers and ran back to where they had landed. His bag had fallen from his shoulder and slid under the hay. He began to quickly search the hay. He saw a glimpse of the brown strap and grabbed it. He did a quick search to make sure everything was still in it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his contents were still in it. He went back to where the girl was.

"Sorry, this is basically my life," he said shrugging and placing the bag back over his head.

"I don't really need to be rewarded," Kendrick said playing with the leather tassle on his bag. "I was just doing what I had to do. But I would like to at least know the name of the person I saved..." he added with a small smile.
Anastasia smiled when he smiled at her, it made her heart flutter a bit she noticed. Man, was this guy good looking. "Please, come with me then and I'll show you." She told him and tugged him back toward the stables again. They needed to leave spoon or there might be a riot in the street for her very presence there. Surely the news of what had happened had already spread like wild fire. If they didn't leave soon they were going to have to fight through tons of people that were either overly happy to see her or overly angry with her father and trying to take it out on her.

Luckily Kendrick followed her with no problem after he had his bag. She noted that it was important and decided that she would get him a new one to put his things in. One the was more secure so that the things he carried would have no chance of falling out. They'd finally made it to the stables and the boy whom she'd paid handsomely was grinning at her and waving, "Hello!" Anna said cheerfully to the boy and walked over to her horse. It was the best looking horse there and anyone with knowledge of anything would know that the horse she was about to mount was very expensive.

"Climb on," Anastasia said to her savior, she'd pulled her cloak snuggle around her still concealing her clothing and waited. He was hesitant but Kendrick hopped on and she took off like a shot, not waisting any more time. As they toed Anna's hair being long flowed in the wind. She smelt of honeysuckle and vanilla, and controlled the large expensive steed with grace and confidence, "It won't be long," Anna informed her passenger over the wind. Only a few more minutes and her home her castle would be in view.
Kendrick followed quickly behind the girl. She was very persistent and it seemed like she was used to giving orders and people just following. He was still in the dark about why she was so adamant on getting the two of them out of the market. They approached the horses and Kendrick noted the way the young stable boy acted when he saw the girl return. They walked towards a horse that he recognized. His father owned one once. He had to sell her to get enough money to send his sister away and to give him a cushion so that he could travel away.

"Climb on," the girl ordered. Kendrick stood there a moment hesitantly reaching up for the girl's hand. He placed his foot in the stirrup and hoisted himself on to the back of the horse. Kendrick was about to readjust his seated position when the horse took off in a fast trot. He immediately seized the first thing he could find and wrapped his arms around the waist of the girl. What was happening? He shows up in this town, this kingdom gets a free stay from a nice lady on the limits of helping her out, he found the man who gave his father the very necklace was nestled in his bag and then he saves this girl from carriage...and now he's on the back of her horse riding off to her home. She seemed confident in every way.

He heard her say that it wouldn't be long until they would be there. He wondered where she lived because they had passed several small groups of homes and continued on up the grassy hill. He poked his head around hers just in time to see a large grey building coming into view. A very, very large building. world? As the neared the top of the hill a castle emerged. Kendrick almost slid off of the horse out of shock. Once they stopped Kendrick hopped off before the girl.

"Where...what...why...uhm..." Kendrick tried to find words to say as he awkwardly looked around. What was going on here? Was he going to be put in the dungeon or something? "Name. Birthright. Now," Kendrick demanded suddenly putting together all the little pieces he had been missing earlier. Trying to hide her face. Her dress and appearance. The awes of the crowd. The horse. The castle. He looked at her urgently and his eyes begged and demanded an explanation.
Anastasia frowned, this was the sort of reaction she hadn't hoped for. "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to tell you before, it's Anastasia, or Anna for short...but only people close to me call me that." She waved her hand dismissively, clearly excited to be talking to someone who was near her age. It wasn't often that she was talking to someone other than a maid or hired hand. "I'm the princess of this kingdom, my father is off fighting in the war which....makes me sort of acting Queen." She shrugged as though she hadn't really thought about it before and was now unsure of the fact. "Anyway, you saved me, and well you're new around here I can tell..." Anna slipped from the horse and patted his thick neck.

"I just have wanted to thank you for doing what you did, had I died...this kingdom would have been thrown into chaos..." She shook her head at the idea clearly not wanting to think about it for long. Quietly, Anna walked up closer to Kendrick, "You don't have to come...but I wouldn't feel right letting my savior go un-rewarded..." Anastasia frowned, "My mother wouldn't have been happy with me if I did deserve at least one night of rest, relaxation, and feasting!" She threw her hands up in the air over dramatically in excitement. "Please?"

Anna looked up at the man now, her bright blue eyes locked onto his own. He seemed unsure of her and of everything going on, did he not believe he was to be rewarded? Anastasia wasn't exactly sure what was going through this mans mind, or if he even wanted anything to do with her. Maybe he thought that she was someone else when he'd saved her and was now disappointed. "Just one night." She nodded in confirmation of her own words.
Kendrick looked at her curiously. Who was this girl? Yes, she had just told him she was the princess of this land but who was she? What was she doing in the market? Why was she befriending and willing to help out and serve a strange man, a man not from this place? Kendrick did his best to place his doubts aside.

"I would love to, Anna...stasia," Kendrick said her nickname but quickly added the more proper name because he was not someone she knew well yet and would not be calling her a name so casual. "Only one thing," he said adjusting his bag. "I already have previous sleeping arrangements for the night. I must go back and tell the kind woman that I will not be there tonight. She was so kind to me earlier," Kendrick stated.

"Perhaps you'd allow me to take a horse and go visit her quickly? I would even leave my bag here so that you would be sure of my return," he said trying to think of something so that she would trust him with one of the palace horses. She had no reason to fully trust him. He had to reason to fully trust her and yet, he did. "And I don't have to leave right away, just before night fall," he added.
Anna clapped her hands together in excitement, clearly have not expecting the answer Kendrick gave. "I'll let them know as soon as we get there to start preparing dinner!" She was beaming now, grinning from ear to ear. Her bright blue eyes and begun to shine and sparkle with excitement and it was becoming more and more evident that this was something that didn't happen to her often. "Father would have never allowed for this...." She added as an after thought, but smiled in spite of it and shrugged her shoulder. Anastasia looked down at Kendrick and offered her hand once more like she had back at the stables, "I'll make sure that the woman you owe is well paid so that you can rest while you're here. You're a hero you know, and hero's deserve to be well fed and kept up in a nice room." When Kendrick finally mounted the horse Anna took off like a shot digging her heels into the side of her steed. It only took about another fifteen minutes to reach the gates, and of course they were let in with no problem.

It wasn't Anna that her work staff was looking at, but the man on the back of her horse. He was new, and none of them understood why he was here. It wasn't until she'd walked him in and explained to several of the maids that word started to travel. "We'll start supper right away, Miss," One said and curtsied before hurrying off down the hall.

"Please get Kendrick something more comfortable and warm to wear, it get rather cold in here since we can only have fire in well...the fireplaces..." Anna laughed at herself and shook her head.

"Right this way, Sir," The other maid said and held out a hand in the direction she intended him to follow her in.
Kendrick couldn't help but smile when he saw how happy Anastasia suddenly was. She was...unique. He allowed himself to smile and got back up on the horse. He liked that she was up for letting him go back to the first place he had been welcomed when he came to this kingdom. And especially that she was going to be so kind to the lady in return. He held her waist tight as they rode into the kingdom walls.

He noticed that the people were staring again. This time it wasn't at the princess, it was at him. This was a new and weird concept. Kendrick ran a hand nervously through his hair. The servants were busy wandering around trying to serve the princess. One of them reached for his hand and began to pull him away.

"Uh..." He began nervously and looked towards Anastasia. "My clothes are fine," he tried to say and remove his hand from the maids.

"Anastasia, I'm fine, really..." He said again feeling very uncomfortable.

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Anastasia frowned slightly, a small crease forming on her forehead. "No no, I wont have it," She said and walked toward him pushing a hand into the small of his back to lead him on. "Make sure he gets to pick something warm, don't just give him any old rag," Anna said to the maid tugging on Kendrick, "Please, let me do this, I owe you my life," She said and looked up at Kendrick with pleading eyes. When their eyes locked, she dropped her hand however in slight embarrassment. "Besides, in those close you'll freeze your toes off," Anna looked awkwardly off to the side and had stopped walking behind him as he was still being lead by the hand.

For a while she watched them head down the hall together, worried that he would be upset at her for doing something like this. But, she couldn't help but want to thank him for what he'd done. She'd felt like such an idiot for not seeing it heading down the street toward her. He'd risked his life to save her, without even knowing who she'd been. That meant everything to her, in this kingdom people only did nice things for her because they hoped to gain a reward in return. Kendrick was different, and she wasn't going to let him slip away without her showing him just how thankful she was.
Slightly irritated Kendrick allowed himself to be dragged away down the hall and into a large room. His eyes scanned his surroundings and felt suddenly very small. He had never really thought of himself as someone who was poor. He knew he wasn't super wealthy...and especially now that he doesn't have a permanent home but being in this room he realized how little he had.

"Sir, have your pick," the maid said opening up an armoire.

"Call me Kendrick," he said walking over towards the clothes.

"Yes sir," the maid said bowing and took a few steps to the side.

Kendrick ran his hands over the material. He hadn't felt anything like them before. His eyes stopped on a dark red top that had a silver hem. He then reached in and grabbed a pair of black pants. He stepped awkwardly away from the rest of the clothes and turned towards the maid.

"Okay..."he began. The maid smiled and walked over to him. She reached for the shirt that he was wearing and started to pull it off of him.

"Whoah, wait, what?" Kendrick said surprised and stepped away.

"Sir, I will help you dress."

"It's Kendrick. And no... No, I can dress myself. Honestly." Kendrick crossed his arms across his chest and took three steps back from the maid. The maids face dropped. She didn't know what to do with herself.

"It's my job." She stated.

"Please don't do your job," Kendrick said shaking his head. The maid sighed and walked outmoded the room.

Kendrick breathed a sigh of relief. He placed the shirt and pants on the bed and stared at them. He slowly and reluctantly took off his clothes and replaced them with the new ones. Just as he was about to leave he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He paused and gazed at his reflection. He adjusted his shirt and ruffled his hair. This was weird.

He walked out the door and saw the maid.

"Thank you," he said to her and walked down the hall to find Anastasia again.

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Anna had changed her clothes, having the other dress been dirty from her fall. She was now in the study, and though she should have been working on signing laws and reading them over, she fallen asleep with her head on the desk. Her long brown hair half hung in her face, with the rest fanned out gracefully on the wood beneath it. It was easier to see now, in the sunlight and fire light that lit the room, the dark circles that lay under her eyes. How tired she looked, but her peaceful state of sleep would not go unnoticed either. In one hand was her quill, the ink had gone dry at the tip, and it rested on her finger that she wore her mother's ring upon.

Papers were spread out across the dark wooden desk, and Anna's dress brushed the floor from the seat she was sitting in. Had her eyes been open then, the light blue fabric of the garment would have made her eyes shine brightly. But now they were hidden away by shadowed lids, and her chest rose and fell rhythmically as rested. It was often this happened to her now days, falling asleep where one wasn't meant to. With her working so hard all the time, her body would from time to time give up on running and force her to rest. No matter it be in a bed or a desk.
Kendrick walked down the hall a little apprehensive. He had no idea where he was going.

"She's in the study, sir," a man said who was stationed out by the main doors. Kendrick stared at him. "Ten rooms down and take a left. Second door on your right" the man said noting that Kendrick had no idea where the study was. Kendrick nodded a thanks and continued his way down the hall.

There were many paintings that adorned the tall walls. They were mostly men. As he turned the corner he saw a painting of a family. It was the first one. There was a small child about the age of five and two adults. The woman looked very much like someone he knew but he couldn't place it. He counted two doors down and opened it.

Stepping inside he saw the princess asleep on the desk. The light from the fire place bounced off her hair. He stood there mesmerized for a moment. Snapping out of it he walked towards the desk as cleared his throat. Nothing happened. He cleared his throat again. Still nothing. He sighed and walked closer to her and tapped her shoulder. Nothing seriously?

Kendrick reached out his hand and touched her shoulder and gently shook her.

"Anastasia?" He called softly.

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Anna woke up with a slight start, and looked quickly around the room before seeing that Kendrick was standing in front of her. "Oh my...I must have dozed off there..." She said and ran a hand through her slightly messy hair. Standing she smoothed out her blue and white skirts before looking back up at Kendrick. "I see you've picked something very becoming of you, Sir,Galloway" She said and smiled at him. It was true he did look very nice, but she wasn't going to let herself dwell anymore on the matter.

Stepping out from behind the desk, Anastasia looked up at Kendrick, noting again how much shorter she was than he. "Dinner won't be for a few more hours, is there anything you'd like to see? I would love to show you around if you like," She offered and glanced over to the fire before walking over to it for warmth. Anna yawned, hoping that while her back was turned Kendrick wouldn't notice. It was hard doing all of this alone, even if a wait staff. She never did work them as hard as her father had.
Kendrick looked down at himself self-conscious at her comment. He didn't like these fancy clothes. But at least he knew he looked good and that was a nice feeling. He walked over to her and was glad to be near a fire.

"I don't know," he said trying not to stare at her. He suddenly felt hot and a bit flustered. What was happening?

"You should rest," he suggested remembering how she fell asleep at the desk. She must be tired.

::ack sorry. Writers block::

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