Princess Academy

Murr Murr Sheep Sheep!



First Name: Evelyn

Middle Name: Grace

Last Name: Oss'garnd

Nicknames(opt.): Eve, Evie

Age 16, 0r 17: 17 years old.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

Evie is short, however she is not frail. Her parents taught her a good work ethic was really the only thing you needed to be successful in the world. Between helping around the house, raising other children, and helping her father due minor maintenance on the house she had developed a toned body. Her sacrifice was that she was not as light or thin as some of the other girls. Her edges were defined rather than soft, however, her curves were still there and accentuated in an nontraditional way.

Birthmarks: Small birth mark on the base of her neck, resembles a shooting star.

Occupation: Merchant and helps with logistics around the gemstone mines.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab): Kranxs

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

"Mother if you keep worrying like this, you're only going to make yourself look older!" She could hear her voice echo off the stone walls of her house, it was a chilly day but it was a good day for dear Evie. "Evelyn, did you just say I look old?! How dare you!" Evie smiled and in a couple strides was in the kitchen by her mother. A smile played on her lips, "Mother, if I grow up to be half as beautiful as you are now, not even the prince could deny me!" Seeing her mother blush, she winked at her, and danced away in to the next room. Spying through the crack in the door she could see her father reading, she couldn't tell if it was important or not, as she leaned in closer her clumsiness got the best of her and she fell face first in to the door.

"Ow..." she mumbled to herself, looking up at her father she rubbed her nose and gave him a sheepish smile. At first his face remained flat, stern, almost cold in away, similar to the city that they lived in. But in a split second, emotion flooded his face. A smile so grand it made the whole room warm. Evie quickly stood up and ran to her father, giving him a hug.

"I'm off to the market! Do you need anything?"

His smile ever so vibrant broke for just a moment as his lips had to separate to speak, "Nothing at all. Evie, just watch yourself. We really don't need you knocking over a cart because your face was buried in a book, okay?"

Evie stuck her tounge out playfully but shortly after gave a respectful nod. Closing the door after her she grabbed her robe and tied it around her waist. She stood at the front door for a moment, just listening to the sounds of her house, her castle. Sighing quietly she grabbed a book out of her pocket, it was a leather bound book, worn from years of use. On the front, barely legible, it read 'The History of...' and it faded off. Evie had this book with her wherever she went, face buried so deep she almost forgot she was running errands. Picking her head up one last time, she opened the door, and departed in to the brisk day.


Evie is the oldest of three girls. The younger two sisters (Ana Lee and Marilyn) idolized there older sisters, they both being much younger and twins spent most of their times to themselves though. The preferred dolls and pretty dresses, Evie on the other hand, enjoyed exploring the town and reading. Ever since Evie was young she helped her parents as much as she could especially since she knew the burden of not having the son around the house to help with the physical labor.

Evie's mother (Taleah) was a kind woman, elegant, and soft-spoke. However, Evie took after her father, Branstan. Working in the mines had made his skin tough, his patience short, and built quite the work ethic. He was not soft-spoken, if anything he was incredibly opinionated and fairly intelligent. Between arguing about small things at the mines with his fellow miners and getting in to the occasional tussle on the street with the arrogant neighbors down the way, Branstan spent as much time as he could at home with his daughter.

Evie loved to read, sing, and learn. It didn't really matter what she was learning about as long as she found the information useful and interesting. Her newest endeavor was to learn some basic medical practices! She hated how her mother would worry so much anytime got a sniffle, so maybe she could help ease that pain with her knowledge.

All she wanted was to be intelligent, help her family, and build a family of her own.
Appearance: She stands out in her village since most of the inhabitants are of darker complexion.

First Name: Loretta

Middle Name: Annalise

Last Name: Williams

Nicknames(opt.): Lory

Age 16, 0r 17: 17

Height: 5' 4''

Weight: 120

Body shape: Loretta is average height and weight. Although she is flat, she has a well defined waist.

Birthmarks: Loretta has a birthmark on her upper left arm. If you draw a face it looks like a sheep. (Murr Murr Sheep Sheep)

Occupation: Loretta works in a small fabric store. The owner of the fabric shop is a fragile old lady who had a glass eye.

Where are you from: Yurnits

Personality: She is an odd girl... Loretta isn't really into things that normal girls are such as boys and makeup. She isn't in love with the idea of dresses and frilly nonsense either. Loretta is an imaginative adventurer who loves sword fights and spending her free time running around in the dessert killing snakes for their skin. Loretta is independent and hates being told she can't do things because she is a girl. She will not play the role of damsel in distress just because that's what girls do.

Bio: Loretta's parent prayed for a boy but instead had a girl still naming her Loretta Annalise. Loretta after her father Lawrence, and Annalise after her mother Anna. She grew fond of her first name since it was unusual for a girl. However, her mother always called her Annalise in hopes that she would be proper damsel, but Loretta was everything except a lady. Ever since she can remember she had dreamed of going on adventures and saving the day... breaking the girl stereotype her mother wished for. Loretta wears whatever she feels necessary to wear and doesn't worry about it looking cute or sexy.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Thyme.jpg.04a2e3f1d8277bd44fd1e8a4168ec039.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Thyme.jpg.04a2e3f1d8277bd44fd1e8a4168ec039.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:




Age 16, 0r 17:

16 1/2





Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

Thyme is small and lithe, her body only marked with small curves. She is also very small boned and looks almost as if a hard gust of wind could break her into pieces.


Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

She never had a job, her mother and father were nobles. So, she never had to work.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):

Essex (Aka: The capital)

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Thyme could be described as a mouse. Quiet and frightened of almost everything. She isn't the type of girl you just go up to and talk to in fact if you tried she probably just cower away from you, and try to hide in her own shadow. She is shy and almost always on alert, her body stiffening and fringing up every time someone so much as glances her way. She is more likely to hide from her own shadow than to even think of going up to a stranger and talking to them.

Yet, sadly because of her fair looks men seem to be oddly attracted to her it is only after she has whacked them with there nearest item at hand is it when they learn to back off, because even a rabbit will bite you if it is danger. Though I would compare Thyme either to a dwarf mouse, or maybe a swallow with a broken wing. Sometimes she just looks dutiful and frail. Her quiet voice never seeming to reach above a whisper. Thyme also seems to lean more towards the magnanimous, and is often very forgiving even when people can be quiet cruel towards her. It is a wonder she hasn't be trampled to death by now. Because it seems at times her presences is barely there.


Thyme was born sickly and frail, a white haired baby who the doctors said wouldn't last an hour much less sixteen an a half years into the future. Her sickness pasted when she was around 8, but it left her skin pale and her bones weak, so for a good part of her life all she did was sit around the house, eating rich cheese and foreign fruits, and become slightly spoiled. Her mother would stay indoors and tell her tales of evil men and sharpe toothed creatures that would eat you alive. Truly that is what most people think caused her to be this way. Though her mother thinks it was just all teh candy she ate before bed.

She grew up and though she lived in a noble household she never really had to learn think about etiquette since her mother forbade her to really do anything but play in teh garden just in case her health starting failing again. So, it was only by chance that one of the searchers happen to see her by the gardens gate and offer her a black orchid. 



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[QUOTE="Arianna Philocuri]Appearance:

First Name: Mira

Middle Name: Kandace

Last Name: Tennior

Nicknames(opt.): Kandi

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5"3

Weight: 92 lbs

Body shape: She is shorter than most, with a skinny body. Her legs are long, suited for running, and her arms are average length.

Birthmark: (located on the lower part of her back, in the center


Occupation: She works at her mother's wood-carving shop where she makes various things out of pieces of wood.

Where are you from: Yurnits

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): Mira tends to keep to herself and is often a mystery to those that are not close to her. Mira is serious, yet humorous to the ones close to her and she is a very hard-worker. Her quick thinking helps her in most situations (especially the ones that involve her getting into trouble). Her intelligence level is high, and she often astonished others that underestimate her because of her quiet manner. When given with a task, Mira quickly starts working, aiming to complete the given assignment quickly and excellently. Mira is nimble from dodging sailors and ships and is light on her feet.

Bio: Mira was born in a house in the woods, and her mother left for Port-side, carrying Mira in a bundle of clothe. The two have made a living carving magnificent pieces of wood-art and selling them to those who pass by. They are infamous for the services they hold every week for the poor and needy. Mira wondered where her father is, but quick learned from her mother that he was killed by people from the royal line. The girl learned to hate those of royalty and does not want to be shipped off to the Princess Academy to be readied for someone she doesn't know, but only the future lies ahead and no one knows what might happen. Mira owns a cat named Salaya, who keeps her company in the wood shop and her mother's name is Telena. Mira has no clue of who her father once was.

Oh yea...........

Murr Murr sheep sheep


Leon Angelico Deynair

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf60dbb81_LeontheGreat.jpg.beb0bc7ccbd5a0034542aff3572b500b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf60dbb81_LeontheGreat.jpg.beb0bc7ccbd5a0034542aff3572b500b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






183 lbs.

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

Leon is tall and muscular.


Like everyone in the royal family he bears the mark of a lion on his body.

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

He is the eldest son of King Theodore Leonious Deynair (The Third). The next heir to the throne of Essex.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Leon is haughty and overly confident. Not knowing that in life there are limits that must not be pushed, but that isn't his fault. In all honesty after growing up in a palace where your every wish was granted from birth most people would gain a god complex. And truly Leon has one big god complex, or something like it that is. He is greedy and often yearns for the finer things in life, which at times can give him a more dark, sadistic side. Though he can keep that side hidden from others quiet easily. Along with being born with the mark of the royal lion Leon also seems to have inherited a silver tongue, and regal, charismatic air that follows him where ever he may be. He may be slightly rotten, but one can often hide rot with a rug and thick perfume.


Leon was born the eldest of 7 children in which he was the first. Out of the litter though he has two brothers (Gilbert and Xaver. Which were twins). Plus four beautiful sisters (Marigold, Rhea, Angus, and Olivier). Though it was very rare that all 7 of them were ever in the same room, or even talking to each other. They were all raised to play there separate roles, and not to interfere with each others affairs. If news got around that Gilbert had been having relations with one of the chambers maids around the palace. Which now bore his illegitimate child. Neither Xaver, nor Leon would try to interfere with the problems that involved poor Gil and his little wrench.

If Olivier happens to break her ankle while riding her pony non of the others would attempt to care. They would leave it to the healers of the court. It isn't there business. It was often like they each grew up in a different houses. They might have be related by blood, but you could never really say they were siblings.

So, be treated as if he was an only child when he had brothers and sisters all around him started to take its tole. He became spoiled and selfish, and very skilled at getting what he wanted with just a look, but that life gets boring after a while and you start wanting something to entertain you. To cause a ripple in the calm lake of his life.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_m6ogyfHyU91qacj77o6_1280.jpg.a999f3b39a615382ed9d5872de0833a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_m6ogyfHyU91qacj77o6_1280.jpg.a999f3b39a615382ed9d5872de0833a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:



No real nicknames but Leon calls him Vladdy

Age 16, 0r 17:






Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

He's a good, average size for a man his age.


A small blob, nothing special

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

Advisor to the Prince

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Vladimir is very snobbish. He has manners, but always holds his head up high ( metaphorically ). The only people he shows any real courtesy are the people above him. Anyone below him and his words are laced with pride. He never gets close to anyone so no one really knows much about him, even though he doesn't really have a mysterious vibe. He is very nosy, mainly with Prince Leons business though, since he is his advisor. He isn't always upfront with the nosiness but if he feels he has something to say he will say it.


Before he was born, his mother was from Essex, his father a scholar originally from Shix. They settled down and starterd their family when it was found out his mother became pregnant with him. He grew up well off, learning all his father learned and then some. Soon enough he'd been asked to come to the castle to be an advisor to the prince. He still visits his mother and father some times, bringing them fine gifts and he also bought them a nice home in the country side. He has a young sister who is 6 years old.



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