Princess Academy

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Character Sheet.


First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:


Age 16, 0r 17:



Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):


Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

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First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:



Ava, Avan

Age 16, 0r 17:



5' 4"



Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

Short and in between skinny and chubby


A rather unique birthmark on her left side; it is a very very small seahorse

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

Seamstress' assistant

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

She is a rather friendly girl, but is quiet and likes to keep to herself. She is a big bookworm, a passion for reading. She has a temper when she gets upset or angry, but it takes a lot to make her mad. Ava is hard to read, even though she is quiet and friendly. She doesn't voice her opinions very often and keeps most things unspoken. She is a fast learner and gets things down after a couple of tries and when she practices alone. She has a soft spot for all kinds of animals.


Avangilene was born in the town of Rooks, to Rose and Derrik Gracelin. Rose owns a seamstress store and sews suits and dresses of all shades and shapes. Her daughter, Ava, is an assistant and helps her mother as best as she can. She doesn't know a lot about princess etiquette.

Murr Murr Sheep Sheep
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First Name: Eloisa

Middle Name: Alethia

Last Name: Mayers

Nicknames(opt.): Elli

Age: 16

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 134

Body shape: She's taller than most girls her age and she has an athletic hourglass figure.

Birthmarks: A small brown spot under her left eye in the vague shape of a horse.

Occupation: Stable Master's apprentice

Where are you from: Port-side

Personality: Elli is a kind, caring young lady with some rebellious tendencies. She's a very happy person and it's hard to get her down. She lacks control when she speaks and it can be a real problem when she's speaking to her elders. She's quick on her feet and knows how to get herself out of almost anything.

She has a bit of a temper and she's easily riled up. When she wants something, she doesn't usually take no for an answer. She'll find a way to get what she wants but she would never hurt someone else just for her own personal gain.

Bio: Elli is the second oldest of the six children Celina and Harold Mayers had. She has an older brother, Marlo, and four younger sisters, Haely, Jeanine, Deanna, and Shayla. Celina was originally from Shinxs, but when Harold was visiting on business, they fell in love and she left Shinxs to be with him.

Celina, in her youth, had been chosen to go to the Princess Academy. She saw a good opportunity when it presented itself and she learned as much as she could. When the Prince's ball came around, she avoided him as much as possible and acted out when he was near. She did not want to be a princess. The day she returned to Shinxs was the first time she met Harold. Harold had been traveling the seas looking for treasures since he was 14.

Elli is an odd mixture of Shinxs and Port-side. She has her mothers talent with a flute and her fathers skill on the deck of a boat. Her father taught her to trade while her mother taught her to fish and make nets.

As he stepped away from the life of a tradesman, Harold built a stable at the edge of town. Most of the people passing through Port-side board their horses at the Mayers Stable. Elli worked in the stables her whole life and she loves horses.

Despite never having gone to school, she knows how to read and write, courtesy of her mothers days in the Princess Academy. She's also learned the basic history of the kingdom through her fathers stories of being a tradesman. Murr Murr sheep sheep
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5f1b783_Apictureofme.jpg.e25856c5bcbb04abcd441f8f55815c17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5f1b783_Apictureofme.jpg.e25856c5bcbb04abcd441f8f55815c17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name: Persimmon

Middle Name: Izia

Last Name: Rain

Nicknames(opt.): Sim

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5'0

Weight: 112 lbs.

Body shape:Short and thin, but toned with a muscle.

Birthmarks: She has a small red mark under her left eye, but it isn't shaped like anything really.

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it): She was a daughter to a miner, and was thought to work in the mines. But when her oldest sister died they decided to send her to work with the doctor.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab): Kranx

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): Persimmon is a rambunctious, and rebellious. She feels as if she needs to have a choice to do something or she won't do it at all, and that can sometimes lead her into trouble when it comes to dealing with others. The Idea of free will is what she lives by, and that is why she doesn't take kindly to being pushed around. Sim is also very short tempered and can be ticked off by the smallest of things, so I would back off when she asks you to the first time.

Bio: Persimmon Izia Rain was born in the month of May, durring the time of spring. Though in Kranx spring is more of just a slightly warmed up winter. Snow still falls, the storms are just as deadly as they are in the months of November and December, but spring is the time of feasting, because that is when the traders come. Persimmon was born during the feast of the traders the moon rose high over the mountain. She was a small baby, and would stay small most of her life. Afters years of growing and yearning to help her father in the mines the time came, but her sister died causing her to be sent to work with the doctor, learning the art of herbs and such. She stayed there until she was 16 when the royal searchers came to Kranx and just happen to hand her a lovely lilly of the valley.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/lhv.png.9d561202f6f9e5f795d8191878df7ab0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/lhv.png.9d561202f6f9e5f795d8191878df7ab0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name:


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Buttercup ( Because a few times when she was little she threw a cup of melted butter, saying she was trying to lure mermaids )

Age 16, 0r 17:





125 lbs

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

She has a very curvy silhouette, her hips a nice size but no bigger or smaller than her upper body. She isn't bone skinny nor overweight. Her chest is an average size for the women of Port-Side, as well as her rear.


She has a rather large amoeba shaped birth mark on the back of her knee. It is a few shades darker than her skin, very noticeable.

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

Aria works at her parents shop since it's a family business. She stocks, cleans, and helps when they're ready to buy their items.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Aria is very friendly. She openly trusts everyone, showing little caution unless otherwise to to be wary near a certain person. She is very creative. Though very friendly and trusting, she is not too energetic, unless very excited ( though she is excited very easily ). Her friends say that she is very trustworthy but they never go to her with their problems since she never has a helpful answer ( but she always listens well and tries to make them feel better the best she can ). She loves to sing, though her voice can't get too high without cracking. She isn't always happy ms. sunshine though. When dancing she'd be better off with two left feet. She also has this bad habit of taking her locket from around her neck and rolling it like a coin through her fingers.


Aria was born and raised in Port-Side. Her family lives on a nice sized boat, both her parents having a long family line of successful merchants. She always loves getting in books for the shop and reading them before they're sold. Her favourite stories mainly consist of pirates and mythical sea creatures. Aria has a pretty basic life in Port-Side, sometimes getting very exotic and foreign items for her birthday. She never went to school but her parents taught her to read and add up numbers since it's mandatory in the merchants trade.

Murr Murr Sheep Sheep



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BIG News

I just thought everyone should know that it is completely fine if they have more then one character. The character limit is two per a person.

First Name: Alixa

Middle Name: -

Last Name: Granaska

Nicknames: Jack

Age: 17

Height: 5”8’

Weight: Just below average

Body Shape: Athletic build

Birthmarks: A slightly jagged band around her upper right arm

Occupation: Jack of all trades

Where are you from: Port-side

Personality: Growing up with a chip on her shoulder, Alixa learnt to be stubborn and never back down. When she wants something or thinks something is wrong that needs to be fixed, she’ll fight for it (sometimes literally). As far as trust goes, Alixa goes on a trust no one and you won’t ever regret it ideal having had too many bad experiences over the years. She can come across as a bit of a joker with a good sense of humour but anyone who knows her will tell you that she has a heart of stone.

Bio: Alixa was orphaned when she was little as her parents got swept away in a storm. Since, Alixa has grown up all by herself, living on the streets and learning to survive. Picking up odd jobs whenever she can, she gets enough to scrape by and survive while helping other kids in similar situations do the same. Over the years she’s also grown a great contempt for anyone who’s rich since she’s had so little in life which can sometimes get her into sticky situations.

Murr murr sheep sheep

First Name: Amanda

Middle Name: Lexandrea

Last Name: Worth

Nicknames(opt.): Mandi

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect): She is very skinny and she is short. But she id very strong when needed. She has dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

Birthmarks: She has a scar along her foot

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it): She works as a maid, a scullery girl.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab): the outskirts of the town

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): Mandi is a slightly shy girl who keeps to herself, but she has many opinions about everything and is extremely loyal. Once you get close to her (Which is very hard) she is a funny and sarcastic person to be around, she is a great talker and an even better listener. One key thing is that she is afriad of water/swimming.

Bio: Her family is very poor and it is very hard to feed 7 mouths, she is often hungry and works to help with money. 

[QUOTE="Lovable Dark-side]
BIG News

I just thought everyone should know that it is completely fine if they have more then one character. The character limit is two per a person.

What book is this from?



First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:




Age 16, 0r 17:






Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

Saysha is pretty small for her age, with pale and delicate skin and slightly curved hips.


None, but on the back of her hand is a long black scar.

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

She's a healer's apprentice.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Saysha is very shy and quiet, minding her own business and tries her best to stay out of trouble. She is also known to being kind to everyone she meets, even if they are not kind to her. But she is very lonely, because she must stay in the healer's shop at all times, in case an emergency comes up.


Saysha grew up as a poor man's daughter, barely having enough food to eat. So her family sent her and the rest of her siblings awa, so they could find jobs and have a better life. In Shinx she met the Healer, who herself had no child to teach what she knew. They immedialtely clicked, having a great relationship with one another. When Saysha turned 16 the Healer let her take the shop, thinking she was ready for the tasks at hand. She now is known throughout the region as one of the youngest, yet skilled Healers that anyone knows.

Murr Murr Sheep Sheep

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5f48db2_Princessanimegrl(3).jpg.32b80dc8d6fec09ef32c68f8d50c5851.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5f48db2_Princessanimegrl(3).jpg.32b80dc8d6fec09ef32c68f8d50c5851.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/393561-anime-and-manga-medieval-princess.jpg.f5d0d972e8b1e3af26a4e6ef7d2c19eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/393561-anime-and-manga-medieval-princess.jpg.f5d0d972e8b1e3af26a4e6ef7d2c19eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Appearance:

First Name: Luna

Middle Name: Anne

Last Name: Emera

Nicknames: Lulu

Age: 16

Height: 5,6

Weight: 120

Body shape: She is tall and slim

Birthmarks: Crescent moon on her upper thigh

Occupation: She plays music or dances either at parties or at pubs or buisnesses , really anywhere she can.

Where are you from: She doesn't ever stay at one place for very long. She was born in Port-Side but is seen all over.

Personality: Luna is very mysterious. She is often seen outside late at night and some have mistaken her for some kind of a ghost under the moonlight, she can be very kind and caring when she wants to be but often times she appears to be rather cold and distant and doesn't really want to talk about her past. She loves the sound of the piano and she will often play a sad melody that she says calms her down and makes her feel at ease. She really is a good person it's just that she's been hurt so many times in the past that she is afraid to let others she how she is really feeling, you are lucky if you get over this girls defensive walls.

Bio: Luna hasn't exactly had the easiest life. She was born in Port-Side and was born weak and feeble. and she barely survived people say it's a miracle she is here today, her mother died while giving birth and her father had to raise her by himself but that didn't last very long either and her dad was murdered by a killer that is still unknown to this day and all she knows is that he left a note saying that he was after her as well which obviously terrified her since she was only six years old at the time... She taught herself how to play the harp, the flute, and the piano while she was an orphan and took care of herself at only ten years old she ran away and started to travel all around and found herself being taken advantage of by many men when she would dance at parties and whatnot and that is why she is untrustworthy of others still today and feels insecure most of the time.

(WIP spot reserved, please?)



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Character Sheet.


First Name: Alexis

Middle Name: Rose

Last Name: Wift

Nicknames(opt.): Lexi

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5'1

Weight: 103 lg.

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect): skinny and well built.

Birthmarks: her mother always told her that she had none, no matter how she argued.

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it): her mother often tried to homeschool her, but didn't understand the work. Her mother forbade her to work, saying working is nothing for a lady to do. Lexi often snuck out and worked at the market to get alittle money for her family.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab): Shinx

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): not really quiet or loud, honest, kind, often found playing her flute, smart, fun, friendly,

Bio: Lexi is seen as a miracle by her mother and father. She once had an older sister, but she died while fishing during a storm, which is why Lexi's parents forbid her from working. Lexi's father is a fisherman and barely brings home money for their family. Lexi's mother doesn't work. She tries her best to set an example for her daughter. She sews and sells her patterns and clothes to people at the market.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.7e75942d2757d43d35c9478d35b1b5dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.7e75942d2757d43d35c9478d35b1b5dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name: Cecilia

Middle Name: Aretha

Last Name: Fisher

Nicknames(opt.): Cilia

Age: 17

Height: 5' 0"

Weight: 102

Body shape: She's quite short, with wide hips, and a thin waist.

Birthmarks: A small reddish-brown spot in the center of her upper chest. She also has some burn marks on the left side of her face, starting near the joint of her jaw and spreading out onto her face and down her neck a little. The whole left side of her body is riddled with small burn scars.

Occupation: Weaver's Apprentice

Where are you from: Shinxs

Personality: Cilia is very shy and doesn't talk much, if at all. Some people would swear that she is mute. She's very closed off and reserved and she doesn't seem to trust very easily. She is very hard to rile up, but when she is, she talks very quickly in an extremely quiet voice. She does open up a little bit when the topic of the conversation is music or animals. Once she is truly comfortable around someone she will just let go of all the things she holds back from other people. She doesn't know how to say no to people and will generally let people walk all over her.

Bio: Cilia is the only surviving child of Gemma and Kane Fisher. She had two older siblings, James and Linda, died in a fire that burned down the

Fisher's house. James saved Cilia and went back in for Linda when the house collapsed on both of them. She had been extremely close to both of her siblings. Before the fire, Cilia was a very open, excitable person. After the death of her siblings, she basically shut the world out, even her parents had a hard time getting her to speak. She took a few classes at the only school in town, but only learned how to read, write, and do basic maths. She also learned the history of the kingdom and the royal family. Her mother taught her how to play the pan flute when she was only 6 and she's become amazing through the years of practice she has had.



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Is it alright if I add like a theme since she is into music and stuff? I said she is often seen playing a sad melody can I add that to the skelly? 
Yeah, I just edited it. She's from Portland. 
Excuse me port-side...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_16-59-53.jpeg.c9df4b8ab47dd52415570bd0063fa8b3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-3_16-59-53.jpeg.c9df4b8ab47dd52415570bd0063fa8b3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name: Maika

Middle Name: Alexandra

Last Name: Faehtearet

Nicknames(opt.): Miki

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5' 8'

Weight: 120 pounds

Body shape: Tall and Thin

Birthmarks: None

Occupation: Swords woman

Where are you from: Rooks

Personality: Strong and fierce, Miki likes to stand up for her wrights. She is loyal and loves her friends more than anything. She uses her confidence to hide her true feelings out of fear that she is becoming soft. Her father always told her to be stronger than anyone else. She enjoys to sing while she works and is said to have the most beautiful voice in town.

Bio: Miki grew up in a line of swords men that crafted beautiful swords for the rich and for the military. Her mother made Jewelry in her spare time. She didn't want to make jewelry, seeing at it took dainty hands, and took up swordsmanship instead. She practiced for years and years with her father and brother. She lived happily recreating dances that used the graceful Katana and loved wearing kimonos. When she was chosen, she was indifferent about it. She never knew much of the royal family and did not particularly hate them or like them.

Murr Murr sheep sheep



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First Name:


Middle Name:


Last Name:




Age 16, 0r 17:



5' 8


130 lbs

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect):

She is tall and lean, she has muscle from working with her mother.


She has a small flame birthmark on her outer thigh

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it):

No job in particular, but enjoys helping her mother in the forge creating weapons.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab):


Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

Grace is the epitome of her own name. She has always been a graceful girl that has a spunky/sweet attitude. She has this particular giggle that immediately can make a person smile. She is genuinely sweet and kind, but she also has quite a stubborn streak. She loves to pick on her Mom and close friends for little things, and enjoys life to the fullest. She also loves to invent and tinker in her Mother's forge. She stays there most of the time, except for when she went to visit her father's family in Kranx and her friends go and explore the mines for gems. She loves rubies and emeralds the best.


Her father was a miner and her mother still works heavily in her forge to this day, Lilly (her mother) is a known legend in Rooks, as she can create mechanics beyond your wildest imagination. For that, her family is quite wealthy. When her father Malcolm died, Lilly immediately took on both roles, and taught her daughter how to make it in this crazy world. Grace constantly ran the streets around her home as she was younger and soon became her mother's little protege.

She soon adopted a small kitten named Mika, who then followed the girl everywhere to this day. She usually sits on Grace's shoulder.

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First Name: Mira

Middle Name: Kandace

Last Name: Tennior

Nicknames(opt.): Kandi

Age 16, 0r 17: 17

Height: 5"3

Weight: 92 lbs

Body shape: She is shorter than most, with a skinny body. Her legs are long, suited for running, and her arms are average length.

Birthmark: (located on the lower part of her back, in the center


Occupation: She works at her mother's wood-carving shop where she makes various things out of pieces of wood.

Where are you from: Yurnits

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): Mira tends to keep to herself and is often a mystery to those that are not close to her. Mira is serious, yet humorous to the ones close to her and she is a very hard-worker. Her quick thinking helps her in most situations (especially the ones that involve her getting into trouble). Her intelligence level is high, and she often astonished others that underestimate her because of her quiet manner. When given with a task, Mira quickly starts working, aiming to complete the given assignment quickly and excellently. Mira is nimble from dodging sailors and ships and is light on her feet.

Bio: Mira was born in a house in the woods, and her mother left for Port-side, carrying Mira in a bundle of clothe. The two have made a living carving magnificent pieces of wood-art and selling them to those who pass by. They are infamous for the services they hold every week for the poor and needy. Mira wondered where her father is, but quick learned from her mother that he was killed by people from the royal line. The girl learned to hate those of royalty and does not want to be shipped off to the Princess Academy to be readied for someone she doesn't know, but only the future lies ahead and no one knows what might happen. Mira owns a cat named Salaya, who keeps her company in the wood shop and her mother's name is Telena. Mira has no clue of who her father once was.

Oh yea...........

Murr Murr sheep sheep
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Mandi said:

First Name: Amanda

Middle Name: Lexandrea

Last Name: Worth

Nicknames(opt.): Mandi

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect): She is very skinny and she is short. But she id very strong when needed. She has dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

Birthmarks: She has a scar along her foot

Occupation (Not everyone in Essex gets to go to school if you have a job what is it): She works as a maid, a scullery girl.

Where are you from(See locations in the Maps tab): the outskirts of the town

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.): Mandi is a slightly shy girl who keeps to herself, but she has many opinions about everything and is extremely loyal. Once you get close to her (Which is very hard) she is a funny and sarcastic person to be around, she is a great talker and an even better listener. One key thing is that she is afriad of water/swimming.

Bio: Her family is very poor and it is very hard to feed 7 mouths, she is often hungry and works to help with money. 

What book is this from?
She is from Shinx

Bio: She was raised in Shinx and never has been even a step outside of the city in her entire life. Her family is very poor and it is very hard to feed 7 mouths, she is often hungry and works to help with money. She taught herself how to read and she has a beautiful voice, She never attended school a day in her life. She is always working, trying to help her family. She doesn't have time for friends or boyfriends for that matter because of work. It's a very hard life and it has forced her to mature in many ways and miss elements of a childhood she deserved.
Okay I shall post this for everyone to see.

Towns that no more characters can be from....

This was all first come first serve if you did not get the town you wanted I am sorry But I don't want everybody being from the same place. So, please don't be mad and just pick one of the other towns please I'm sorry if you are upset.

Shinxs (People in Shinxs: @Icefox11 @Arianna Philocuri @MattieLee

I am truly sorry if you are inconvenience by this.
Character Sheet.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BlueIcon.jpg.f24de23b2cf3dccb4c590e8a53555218.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BlueIcon.jpg.f24de23b2cf3dccb4c590e8a53555218.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name: Alsatia

Middle Name: Cylla

Last Name: Ionite

Nicknames(opt.): "My sisters call me Cy. Cassandra called me lost lantern- I still can't fathom why, or why Samantha calls her 'Murr Murr sheep sheep'... But you may address me in any fashion."

Age 16, 0r 17: 16

Height: 5' 2"

Weight: 125

Body shape (Are you tall short, skinny fat ect ect): A hair taller and a slight less stubbier than the typical build of a Kranx denizen.

Birthmarks: Three small dark blemishes in the left dip of her collarbone resembling the shape of triangle

Occupation: "Street Merchant"

Where are you from (See locations in the Maps tab): Kranx

Personality (1 paragraph. Detail please.):

"I've always been taught to be aware of my strengths and weaknesses. That's what Miste- Father always told us. Us? My sisters and I. I know I am sure footed, I find I have a keen eye for the slightest of details, have good knowledge of all sorts of wea- ...marketable goods. After all, father taught us to be the best street merchants we possible could.

Father says I act too spacey at times, that I can't fit in like that. I can easily react to an action, but it is another task indeed to understand the intention behind it... Cassandra on the contrary is good at reacting and understanding. Cassandra? My sister. He instructed us to watch like the shadows, never reveal our hand, act and react to maintain our- ...poise. And every initiated action should always have a carefully laid plan and clear objective behind it.

Cassandra only ever made a move after carefully taking all into consideration, Samantha found that to be a waste of time. 'Your instincts are all you ever have to listen to,' she'd say.

You could say I'm somewhere in the middle."


"There are only five of us now. Only three of us were given a flower. I've never seen so many flowers in my life. Didn't know such bright and beautiful things came in such variety. Cassandra is always saying this to me, 'there's more to this world than you know', I asked her if that was what she meant. She only smiled at me. She didn't look happy though, the opposite in fact. Cassandra's only one year older, but she's always been so much more mature. Sometimes I think I'm never going to understand her, let alone catch up to her level... It would have been better if she was chosen.

But it was I. And I cannot shy away from this. Mister saw that I was hesitant soon after the choosing, though I tried to hide it. He's usually so calculative, but there was nothing calculated about his palm against my face. It was more, how may I say it, impatient. How long had it been since I'd seen this side of him? 'Remember your objective,' he spoke roughly, unlike his usual cold but silky tone. He needn't have reminded me, this was what we'd trained, lived, and died for. This is what sixteen years has accumulated to, he needn't have reminded me."

"Who are you talking to, Cy?"

Sasha rose from her knees and dusted off the fading fabric covering her legs, turning her back to the mirror she'd since been kneeling in front of to face she who'd interrupted her.

"No-one, sister."



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