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Princes and Princesses


Clay Terran: no.1 space baby
I love roleplays that involve princes and princess and i have several pairing ideas in mind, though I am open to more suggestions. (please note that i just joined last night so i will not be able to private message anyone until later tonight)

Princess x Princess

Prince x Prince

Princess/Prince x Knight (male, female, non-binary)

Princess/Prince x fantasy creature (male, female, non-binary)

Princess/Prince x servant (male, female, non-binary)

Princess/Prince x commoner (male, female, non-binary)
I'd be interested in some of these. Namely:

Princess x Princess

Princess x fantasy creature

Princess x servant

Princess x commoner

If you'd like I can PM you with my characters I have in mind, and we can discuss further in there ( :) )


amybri18 said:
I'll do a prince/princess x servant! Which one would you prefer to play?
Ohai Amy xD Didn't expect to see you here
LegoLad659 said:
I'd be interested in some of these. Namely:
Princess x Princess

Princess x fantasy creature

Princess x servant

Princess x commoner

If you'd like I can PM you with my characters I have in mind, and we can discuss further in there ( :) )


Ohai Amy xD Didn't expect to see you here
Oh, hey Lego!
I'd like to do the Princess/Prince x fantasy creature. I'd prefer to play the creature, but would you be ok with the creature also having a human form?
Thank you all for replying!

@amybri18 I'm fine with doing with doing either

@LegoLad659 I don't think i'm able to pm until tonight but I would love to hear your character ideas! Hit me up later tonight so we can discuss over pm

@WolfOfProphecys I'm perfectly fine with the creature having a human form! What kind of creature did you have in mind?
PraiseThePrincess said:
@LegoLad659 I don't think i'm able to pm until tonight but I would love to hear your character ideas! Hit me up later tonight so we can discuss over pm
Actually, I can PM you even if you can't start a conversation with me, that's completely doable ( :) ) I just have to be the one to start it.
Hey! Idk if you're still looking for anymore partners but if so! I think it would be an interesting twist to do a princexFemale Knight. The prince thinking she isn't fit for the job. Her having to work for a place to be a knight, i think it could be really cool! Pm me:)

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