Primordial Secrets

Ooooh, I've got a new one. It's partially a product of how I regret Creation doesn't really facilitate great voyages of discovery.

In the original format of Creation, the four directional elements didn't occupy the North, South, East and West quadrants of Creation.

You see, as Creation formed, Isidoros, the Black Boar Who Twists The Skies, pulled the four directional poles around Creation's rim to churn the stuff of the Wyld as it solidified into Creation. Think of it as a frozen whirlpool, with the elemental regions braided around one another.

One reason for this was that the ocean was the primary carrier for the new essence entering Creation from the Wyld, as it's the most Wyld-touched of the elements. This allowed a more balanced essence distribution, diffusing into the lands on either side of the sea.

The original shape of the world is one of the many (few?) things lost in the Three Spheres Catacylsm, causing the monolithic structure seen today with a single element lumped in each compass direction.

With the Sun and the Moon (which were later additions to the original plan) and the relatively pristine state of Creation's geomancy, this didn't create any huge problems. Or at least, not huge compared to the ones the Solars were causing. If anyone in the Age of Sorrows gets serious about restoring Creation to a pre-Great Contagion state, they are going to see all sorts of nasty essence imbalances.
Oh I got a good one that is small but could have some serious consequences if revealed.

There is a perfect strategy in the games of Divinity that exploits a flaw in the rules to always win no matter what the opponent does, but only Malfeas knows it, for it is a part of his nature and thus the other primordials cannot understand it. This is how he managed to win in ever game the primordials ever played.
Is it making up new rules while you're teaching the others to play the game?

It's that, isn't it?

(No-one dared question the Holy Tyrant, you see)
Arhra said:
Is it making up new rules while you're teaching the others to play the game?
It's that, isn't it?

(No-one dared question the Holy Tyrant, you see)
I thought it was going first and putting your X in the middle all the time.

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