Pretty in Porcelain (Sky & Cat)

Oliver scuffed his feet along the cobblestone of the landscape as he walked up the stairs of this great mansion and to the front door. He looked at it up and down and noted how old it was from the dull bricks to the vines growing up the sides of the giant house.

'Amazing...' He thought, 'and i'm going to live here..' he closed his eyes for a second thinking everything over. His best friend, who happened to be a girl, had invited him to live at the mansion with her for a little while. Oliver didn't know what to think of it at the time but accepted the offer all the same and now here he was. Standing outside probably looking a bit like a fool and staring at the big doors to the house in silence.
Alexandria heard the door open and peeked from behind the door of the doll room. She immediately hid back in the room and walked to the closet where she stood still. Only one thought ran through her mind, "Was that Oliver..?" She thought to herself, leaving the doll's body and floating around the mansion as a spirit.
Oliver went in and looked around taking in the size of the entry way and let out a little sigh, hearing it echo in the slight eerie silence. "Alexandria? Are you around?" He called out and looked to his left and right and up the stair case that was in front of him.
Alexandria paused, she was right in front of Oliver right now, not like he could notice. "I'm right here, Oliver.." She said, sending a wave of cold air in his direction as she floated backwards to go back in the doll. "Oliver?" She called out, being audible to him now as she walked out of the doll room. A chip in her face was missing, a heart shaped chip.
Oliver shivered a bit from the sudden cold air and rubbed his arms with the opposing hands. "'s cold in here..."

"Is that you upstairs, Alexandria?" He called up and started to move up the stairs to where he heard her voice.
"Oliver?" Alexandria raised an eyebrow, smiling and looking over to Oliver. "I thought you were dead!" The porcelain doll ran to Oliver and hugged him tight, her porcelain skin was as cold as ice as she buried her face in Oliver's chest. "I've missed you.."
"Dead? What are you talking about?" He asked her confused and flinched a bit at her body being ice cold, "Man, girl, you really need to turn up the heat in this place. Its freezing....and you're freezing too...." Oliver said softly at the end as he hugged her back gently.
"Don't you remember?" Alexandria raised an eyebrow. "You died.. Then, I killed myself." She backed up from Oliver and moved her hair out of her face to show him the ship in her skin. "I gave this to you, at the funeral.." Alexandria said as she tapped the empty space.
"I...don't remember dying the last time I checked..." He said and gave her another confused stare, "There hasn't been a funeral anytime since I remember...What happened to you face? Is that a cut?" Oliver asked her and reached forward to look closer at her face.
Alexandria shook her head. "Oliver, there's been something I've been meaning to tell you, but I figured this mansion would spark your memories.." She sighed. "I'm not the girl you think I am, and you're not the man you think you are.."
"What do you mean?" Oliver paused and drew his hand back a bit, "How can I be anyone but me? I know who I am."
"Oliver.." Alexandria sighed and looked up at Oliver. "You're definitely not going to believe me.. But back, about 200 years ago, we were in love.." She turned away a bit, just the memories made her want to cry.
"I'm, wait-what? 200 years ago is impossible..." He frowned and looked down at the floor in lots of confusion.
"I knew you wouldn't believe me.." Alexandria sighed and shook her head. "Let me show you something.." She walked to the wall and leaned against it, her spirit escaped the doll and she floated past Oliver to a mirror, since she was frigid, her spirit made the mirror fog up and she wrote something on the mirror. "After you died.. I killed myself.."
Oliver couldn't say anything, he had frozen up and was staring in disbelief, this was far worse than his greatest imagination could conjure up and he was on the verge of a panic attack from seeing Alexandria disappear and become a spirit then write on the mirror.
Alexandria went back to the doll. "See?" She said, her voice cracked a bit. "And I've been waiting for 200 years to tell you I love you again.. Do you know the hell I went through?" Alexandria sighed. "Now I have you again and you don't even remember me, let alone love me.."
"I just....I don't...get it..That hasn't happened, I would know if something like that happened to me. I've only lived for 17, almost 18, years." He said after quite a long pause.
"Of course.." Alexandria shook her head. "Maybe I shouldn't have invited you to the mansion, Oliver.." She started walking to the doll room, closing the door and walking to the case where she kept her 'body.'
"Wait...don't leave.." He called after her, he was curious for sure about the while situation but he was also a bit, or a lot, freaked out about the fact that the girl he had started to like was actually dead from 200 years ago.
"I won't, I live here." Alexandria muttered as she looked over to the mirror, grimacing as she looked at the chip in her cheek. She knew telling Oliver what happened would be a bad idea, but she couldn't just pretend she never met him before.
".....Would you be mad if I said I didn't have anything like that chip on your cheek....?" He asked her quietly
"You're not Oliver.." Alexandria turned to Oliver, glaring a bit. "That chip was made into a necklace after your funeral and passed on through generations!"
"But, I am me! It's just no one ever gave me anything like that of the sorts, its not my fault..." He said while backing up a bit

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