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Fantasy Prestigious Bloodlines Academy


"I would very much so prefer if you don't mess up my order again. Can't you people get one thing right? With how much I put into this place..." Dagan almost growled at the front desk receptionists, which made not only them cower, but also a number of students nearby. "I ask for ONE DAMNED TH..." he cut off mid yell and glanced behind him, where there was a gargoyle kneeling and calling him her master. It took him a moment of processing before he actually recalled who the hell she was, "Ah. Obsidian, right? I haven't seen you in a while. That's a rather new thing, a smile."

He looked back to the incompetence behind the desk and sighed, "Just get it right this time. I'll visit again later on. Ah, and also... I don't want to hear any complaints from my daughter, and I am certain the other purebloods' parents don't want any complains from their children either." They agreed and went off to fulfill his demands. Dagan glanced at some vampire talking to himself, and he looked at Obsidian, "I worry for Evangeline's patience with people like that... not that he would even stand a chance with her." He grinned and made sure to say it just loud enough for the vampire to hear it, before focusing on the gargoyle.

"You want orders? Fine. I suppose. Well. First thing is first, you should bother mister schizo over there. I think it'd be funny. After about a day of that, you should just continue to protect the school. Make sure you are on the lookout for any hunters who might want to ruin things. Watch for vampires or really any race causing problems. Talk to my daughter Evangeline at some point, and make sure she's settling in alright. That's all I can think of." He ignored anything that the other vampire might have to say, and nodded to Obsidian before walking out at a slow pace.

(@Yoruko Katsumi, @Fujiwara Tadayoshi)

After opening opening up her note that revealed the names of her new roommates and the name of the building she started dragging her stuff over to said place. As she did she looked around at the other students with her good left eye.
I have never felt so out of place in my life. Gargoyle, dragons, half-animals, next thing you know I'll be seeing goblins. And it doesn't help that I'm in disguise as a vampire to make me feel even more out of place. At that thought she then wondered where Marcius was since she was told that he would be "undercover" as well and takes any orders from him since he was above her in ranks. She had met him only once before and that was to clean up a mistake she made on a previous mission around when she first started, so needless to say, their impression of each other was not on good terms.

She looked down again at the piece of paper reading the names once more with great distaste. For a majority of Meara's life she has been on her own which includes living alone, without anyone else in the room. She was fully stepping out of her comfort zone getting out of having personal space.
I really hope neither of them are annoying. I'm already a short-tempered person as it is. I don't want to do something that I'll regret later on and jeopardize the task at hand.

Once she reached the Malific housing she walked right in without hesitation and looked for the room setting the bags down with a thud. Inspecting the room for any bugs before her new "roomies" came in. She found nothing except an extremely nice room compared to the studio apartments and motel rooms she has been living in. @

@WeirdPrincess @Rroda


Evalyn carefully opened her note to read it and once she got done she sighed feeling a bit nervous about her new housing. She knew and understood that under the circumstances she was the best choice on who should be kicked out of the feeders building because of how popular and more respected than most other feeders. Most of the other feeders would not stand a chance living in any of the other buildings.

Pulling the handle up from her suitcase, she rolled it with her down a hallway towards her destination. As she walked over she passed the physical gym which brought her attention to a reminder that she'll be going back to working out running around the campus in all her free time. She also remembered how she had to eat healthy again since classes have started up again. She pouted at the thought of giving up junk food yet again.

After seeing the gym she went by the hall and then finally to the housing. She walked into the Salvaeus housing walking down until she saw the name of the person she was going to be rooming with's name on the door. She raised an eyebrow at this, "Figures that they wouldn't put a feeder's name next to a vampire's, hmph." She opened the door and immediately noticed how someone was already there. Obviously the someone being this Angelos person, since there was stuff left in the room. She dropped her things next to her empty bed way across the extravagant room on the other side. After setting it down, she did not rest just yet and decided to just get the unpacking over with. @
Fujiwara Tadayoshi


oh hell naw

Hearing the man speak, most likely about him. "who does this arrogant man think he is. some jumped up bastard son probably" Angelos would let out a sigh "If your going to be an asshole come be an asshole in person, not from a few meters away" Angelos would stand up and stretch his body, some cracks would be audible slightly. Sizing up the man before him, he would be thinking he could take him. Walking up to the man, Angelos would give him a look of 'What you gonna do now' as his eyes locked with the man's "Bet you aren't used to people talking back, Bastards son?" His hands forming a fist and tightening.

Angelos could be very stubborn and quick to temper, He didnt like being insulted or told he had no chance with anything without even an attempt of knowing him as a person. "
So Bastards Son, what is it you were saying?" his voice would have a hint of anger to it. though he would be doing his best to not swing for the man's mouth, as to not hear any more silly things from his mouth, and to give the people around him a break from his drivel and annoyance.

Angelos is not the most intimidating. nor was he that strong in a physical fight, but he head spirit and heart, although that wouldnt count for much when a punch hits you. because that cant count on those things to block a punch, but to never give up is a admirable trait, well to most anyway. for Angelos it just made him seem like an idiot and often led to him getting knocked out or beaten up. Angelos would ready himself for what the man's next course of action would be in response to Angelos's confronting him


Dagan raised a brow, honestly amused at this child's show of stupidity. He smirked, looking the boy up and down, "I suppose my Father was somewhat of a bastard. They weren't married at the time, after all." His voice was butter, and you could cut the tension in the room with a chainsaw, but his words weren't angry, just amused. He suddenly exuded immense power, practically suffocating the room with it, his energy easily felt across the whole school, "Now... I assume that you aren't so dense that you don't realize your mistake?"

"Just in case, let me spell it out for you. I am Dagan Aeternus, king of vampires. I am the first vampire. While I find your spunk amusing, you should really educate yourself a bit more. My daughter is Evangeline Aeternus, a pureblood who is attending this school per my orders." He pointed a finger at the boy and lifted it, using his psychic ability to lift him as he lifted his finger. The boy would feel pressure on his chin and throat, "I don't really care who you are... or at least I didn't. Now? Now you're amusing. A plaything. I have better things to do, and I will definitely do them, but I can pop in every now and then. See how the little boy is doing."

He smirked cruelly, "You know what will be fun? It'll give the receptionists a bit to clean up, but I think they can handle it." Dagan used his psychic ability to pull the boy closer, and tilted his neck to the side, hair falling out of the way. He had obviously done this more than a couple times. He grabbed the boy's wrist, perhaps a bit too firmly, and tugged him so close he was almost shoved into his neck. "Drink," he ordered, "I like this idea, because this way, you'll struggle. You'll learn quickly not to mess with me." After a moment or two, Dagan pulled away, "Have fun. Bye-bye." He waved, and was gone almost in the blink of an eye.

(@Fujiwara Tadayoshi)


Having been forced into drinking the blood of the king of vampires, Angelos would be subjected to a new taste of blood. one that could not be described with simple words. Dropping to the ground after being released from the psychic hold that Dagan had used on him, Angelos would wipe his mouth. the remaining blood that was on his lips would be wiped away. "What in the hell.." Angelos would mumble as he was on his knees looking at the traces of blood on his hands. "Bloody Bastard Son.. King of vampires, more like King of being a dick." He would look around at the crowd that formed to witness this strange form of dominance display. made by Dagan.

"what in the hell did he mean, that he would pop in every now and then to see how this little boy was" He would wipe the blood on his hand onto his jeans "who the fuck is this little boy, and why did he make some speech about his kid, I dont care who she is." Standing up and looking around. He would let out a sigh and begin walking to the stairwell. Reaching the stairwell he would make his way slowly up it, reaching the dorm floor, he would wander to his dorm room. Placing his hand on the door, he would slowly push it open "Hi." He would mumble as he wandered passed the girl who was unpacking her items.

Reaching his bed, he would flop onto it, the mattress springs making a small squeak, reaching out to his bedside table, Angelos would grab the stereo remote and turn it on. Letting his music fill the room. as he lay on the bed, one of his legs up, while having a arm behind his head, he would look at the ceiling as he skipped songs till he just let the song Monster by Skillet play. his mind just going blank, as he lay on the bed.


@kinadra @Maeve Valor
After leading Connor to his dormitory Rohawk apparated in front of Karin and said with yet another bright smile and said "The name's Rohawk. You see I was named after my very very ancient ancestor who no one really cares about anymore... So that's fun. " Rohawk started to float blindly again saying with a surprised face "I can't believe it! Did I really forget to ask for your name! Ah, I am such an Idiot! Well I guess I should just ask... So what's your name? I maybe physic but I can't read minds" Rohawk went back to ground with an eagerness to learn someone's name after 141 years have passed.

Rohawk said with a cheery face "Finally! I learned someone's name after 141 years! That really felt good... So Karin you think your gonna have a great year? Because everyone at this school will have a FANTASTIC year!" Rohawk said with excitement "Not only that but this has been one of the few times someone asked for my name! Well, I am filled with joy to know not everyone will be awake during lights out, you would be surprised by how many vampires want a late night snack around here." Rohawk said with a smile he just can't stop "That's about what I have to do, so how are things between you and um, I don't not remember his name... Alright, how are things between you and that were?

Rohawk's smile had gone "I'm sorry did I make you uncomfortable? I thought you two knew each other because of the staring... Well then it's settled, I asked something that made you uncomfortable you get to ask me a question!" Rohawk said with a new smile.

He began to float in the air as he said "Ah, how I died huh, well here's what happened" Rohawk began to look at the roof as he said "My parents were driving someplace for vacation when a truck was going right for us. It seemed the truck was in the wrong lane so we tried to avoid it but there was trees to our side, so we ended up crashing on those instead. If your wondering about my parents, they didn't have a strong will like me so I'm the only one who is, still here" Rohawk looked back at Karin and said with excitement "Oh I just can't wait for the first day of school! You see I get to be the guy who tells everyone where to go more than any other day on the first day since no one knows where to go! This is a big place after all, anyways It's been good meeting with people who don't go, oh that guy the annoying ghost who was only useful on the first day, yeah he sucks. Man do I hate people like that, after all they got lost more than anyone." Rohawk continued with much energy "I have got to go, people are getting lost and It's my job to fix that. I have enjoyed being around you though Karin, since your one of few people that actually understand spirits are different from poltergeists, I have to tell plenty of people about that... I hope you can find everything okay, but if you can't you friend Rohawk will be there!" Rohawk had said with a smile as he apparated away.

(@Karin Kurayami)
She smiled as Rohawk disappeared and laughed slightly. "What a kind spirit... He likes to talk for sure, but he is just excited..." For her, the excitement was contagious and she smiled widely as she thought about this school year. Maybe everyone would be nice here... Even the vampires. Yes she had many altercations with them, but who said that all vampires were the same.

The only thing that frightened her was the name she had gotten after one incident... It was so horrible she hated to think about it, but her memories came rushing back as she remembered a fight with a pureblood that had went deadly... She couldn't remember much of the fight itself, like something had possessed her and hid her away from the death that was about to ensue... The next thing she knew, there was a dead vampire and she had been holding a scythe that she didn't remember at all. Needless to say, she made sure to keep her temper in check... The White Demon would not be showing up anytime soon.

She was pulled out of her reverie by the sound of Monster by Skillet playing in another room. It was rather loud and would probably annoy some students, but she loved this song and stepped outside of her room to try to find the room. "I feel it deep within... It's just beneath the skin... I must confess that I feel like a monster..." She frowned slightly at how much it felt true. She felt like there was something inside her that she was afraid of.

She heard the music coming from the housing she knew belonged to vampires. She frowned as she looked at the room that she knew belonged to the song played and shook her head. "Bad idea for sure..." She decided to leave and go back outside. A swim was in order...


(@Fujiwara Tadayoshi)
[in reply to Hannah]

"Stupid! Just--Shut up and move, why don't you!"

The girl's words fell on deaf ears and Annushka slapped a hand to her face in a quick, sudden movement, her palm shielding a single eye while her fingers clutched at her skin. Her lids once more shut tightly over the feral gleam of her eyes before opening to show their normal coal color. She repeated this action several times as she fought the wolf inside her, each blink showing different orbs. All the while, her magic shot out in every direction, bright flashes of a sort-of sinister white light that cracked the air like lightning.

"She's not a vampire, she's not a vampire, she's not a vampire...!" The Were muttered these words over and over, like a desperate chant. If it wasn't the show of flat teeth that taught her this, it was most certainly the human's rambling. Certainly no other creature could spout words in a continuous fountain as well as the humans could! Deep breaths. Stay calm. She's human. Control. Control... Control!

Annushka dropped her arm and fell to her knees with a pant, her form visibly shaking, her magic subsiding for now. The thought of her old mentor entered her mind; what would Kir think, if he saw her like this?

"That," she began in response to the girl, "that is why people seem afraid of me." She lifted her head to meet the human's gaze, a weary scowl on her lips. "You'd do well to follow their example." Slowly, the spellwolf made move to stand, but her legs crumpled beneath her in an instant, much to the chagrin of those who had watched the whole ordeal. "Dammit it all...!"

[ @kinadra ]
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Nezera picked up her belongings and decided to her to her room. On her way, she notice a vampire that seemed to have a different scent then the others. A few Royal vampires were amongst them, one of them she knew. Waving at him, she continued to the dorms. It should be here somewhere, she thought looking through the Malific housing system. She hesitantly opened the door to her dorm and peeked inside, already seeing someone in there. She groaned inwardly, great. I wonder who this is, she thought, putting the suitcase on the floor. The living space was actually quite nice and roomy.

Lady Garcuis would be proud. I have to send her a letter later, she though making a quick reminder to do so. With a sigh, she threw her stuff on the nearest bed and sat down on one of the chairs. "So, which one are you? Rylar or Meara? I don't really know," Nezera asked as she looked at the girl.

@Maeve Valor
Obsidian felt what she learned was joy as her Master had remembered her name. He forgot it often, but she expects it knowing what a busy man he is. The attempted smile grew larger and felt more real than just a mimic. She listened to his words carefully and memorized them happily. After he turned to leave she picked herself up off the ground. "I wont let you down Creator" She called out after him. Dagan was very important to her, you could say he was her world. But she doesn't know what that means. Obsidian was grateful to be of use to him after many years apart. What is a schizo? What is it to bother someone?

She wondered staring at the boy he referred to a moment ago as he insulted Dagan. She stood by ready to step in for him, watching the scene as it unfolded. Obsidian tilted her head at the strange punishment her master gave the young Vampire. What is that red substance? She was shocked by the display and tried to comprehended it as the boy cleaned himself off on the ground. I'm supposed to follow him and "bother him". whatever that means. Obsidian remembered heading the direction he began in. She let out a heavy sigh as she watched him go into another building. She braced herself for the walls to consume her once more as she entered, following him closely. The young vamp entered a room and closed the door behind him. Great.. should I wait here or knock on the door. She starred at it intently as she weighed out her options, contemplating what to do. Strange sounds started to float out of the room. What is that noise?

Obsidian gave in and knocked on the door as lightly as she could so she wouldn't damage it and waited for its occupants to open it. The young vamp gave a shout to hold on as he got the door and opened it. "Excuse me. I was ordered to follow you for the day. but first, do you know what a schizo is? And what is it to 'bother someone"? She stared at him intently wanting to know more about what she was ordered to do. Obsidian peered over his head and into the room behind him and noticed the girl already inside unpacking. "Do you know what that is perhaps?" She said directed at the girl.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Maeve Valor
When the pureblood female addresses her, Shanae blushes some and shuffles her feet in a mix of shame and embarrassment. "I'm sorry Miss, I was just unsure of the proper procedure of addressing a pureblood, let alone inturrupting one in the middle of chatting with another," Shanae says shyly as she approches them. When she reaches them, she bows to the female pureblood first and then the other, "Hello to you both, my name is Shanae V. Aeternus. It is nice to meet you both."

Even though her question was to the other, Shanae also responds, "I enrolled because I thought it was time to reintroduce myself to the vampire way of things. I have been hiding within human society since the pureblood who changed me ran off and stranded me." At Evangeline's mention of her father, Shanae thinks of the earlier pureblood she ran away from and shivered. "I think i may have gotten close to your father before my empathy sent me running in the other direction." Her voice is quiet again as she is worried that Evangeline would take it the wrong way.

"I personally enjoy reading, its a safe way to learn things without crushing emotions always getting in the way. When written down, most emotions are simple and understandable. In reality, that is usually not so." When asked about a feeder, Shanae replies, "No, I dont have one personally but I think i saw yours earlier. It looked like she was being confronted by a spell wolf, but at the time, she seemed to be handeling it alright on her own so I let them be. I tend to leave others to their problems unless I think I can help."

(@WeabooTrash, @kinadra)


"Did Bastards son put you up to this?" Angelos would be stood by the door way looking at the person before him "Why follow me? dont you have better things to do?" His voice would sound somewhat annoyed and confused. Before moving away from the door and back onto the bed, taking up his resting posture once more, and flicking through different songs on the stereo. "If you want to, come in or something. doesnt bother me" around his bed would sit the boxes filled with his stuff, having been not bothered with unpacking. unlike his room partner, Angelos wasnt too fussed with putting things away.

As the songs on the stereo changed, Angelos would drum his free hand on his stomach, to some of the beats of music, his hair falling infront of his eyes as he nodded along to some songs, Being rather indecisive when it came to music, he would just listen to the songs for a few seconds before changing them. Finally landing on a song he liked, he would let it play as he nodded and hummed along to the music, Lost in his own world. partly trying to ignore the person whom was sent by Bastards son.

As the song on the radio played, Angelos would sing along to it. His hand drumming on his thigh in time with the music, his eyes closed. Angelos would have a somewhat decent singing voice. as he sung the lyrics perfectly, the song playing on his stereo would be Drowning by Endwell, Angelos would enjoy his metal music the most out of most music he listens to.


@Yoruko Katsumi @Maeve Valor
Obsidian looked around the room before entering. I might as well. He might be able to tell me what those things mean.. She sat in the center of the floor where there was the most space and went into her perched position while wrapping her long tail around her. She stared at the vampire intently, albeit a little confused as well. "What is that noise box?" Obsidian stretched a clawed finger at the stereo in wonder. "I have never seen such a thing before." She looked around at all the other fascinating things and boxes. I also don't know what you mean by "Bastard". What is that?" She asked curious and wanting to learn more about the creatures she is "protecting". Everyone here is so fascinating. She stared at the boy and tilted her head hoping he would teach her about such things. "What is that sound coming from it? What is it's purpose?"

"I hope I'm not interrupting you settling in here. My Master ordered me to follow you today." Obsidian stretched her wings from where she was perched as she began to grow restless. "He is the one who created me many years ago. I am bound to Dagan Aeternus and his bloodline." She looked about for something to do in this confined space but found nothing so she decided to pull out one of her rocks to chew on. I hate these walls.. But orders are orders.. "Master called you a schizo. What is that? Would that be your name?" Obsidian continued to gnaw on her rock curiously.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Maeve Valor


Yoruko memorized her schedule and made route notations on her map. She looked around the decorated room and sighed. "I suppose I have held off the inevitable long enough.. Time to go meet the students.." She pulled herself off of the bed slowly, not wanting to go through with it. she gave a deep and sorrowful sigh as she walked out of the guard hose to begin making a rounds to introduce herself as one of the new guards. Yoruko inhaled deeply to find the nearest persons scent but gaged instead. Jeez. there is to many people her.." She frowned as she started to walk towards the jumble of scents trying to think who she should talk to first.
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At Evangeline's words, Ambrogio straightened his back and smiled back at her, following his mother's instructions carefully on communication skills. Looking at her, he replied, still rather formally due to his habits: "Why, yes! I have, in fact, just arrived. A couple of minutes ago, I even left my luggage in the penthouse I received keys for, as I arrived quite early." After she waved and addressed a certain vampire on quite the distance from them, he looked at that certain person. Their stench of blood was pretty strong, although not as sour his nor Evangeline's. He guessed that must be a royal, judging only by smell.

When Evangeline continued the conversation, he returned his gaze back the pureblood, listening to each of her words with interest, but also with a bit of anxiety as he was also worried of his own words and actions. He tried as hard as he could to mask his feelings by acting friendly, welcoming and formal. But then she touched his shoulder... What was he supposed to do when a simple acquaintance he barely even knows makes physical contact with him?! He tried sticking to her way of communicating and decided not to show visible nervousness in such cases.

Listening to her, he then answered to her next question while adding a bit of an opinion considering the one after her question: "I agree that private tutors would be as good, if not better, than teachers in public schools. I personally never really minded any way of teaching, especially since I have been taught only by my father. The reason I am here is to perfect my skills and especially to gain magic and psychic capabilities, because my mother insisted. She even signed me up without my consent!" He was slowly getting comfortable with this vampire, as his way of speech gradually became more informal.

After listening more to her part in the conversation, he said: "I have actually been reading books most of my lifetime as it was expected of me to have a rich dictionary and high intelligence. At one point I was required to memorise quite a lot of works - mostly theory books. This one, in particular, is also a theory book about magic. I do enjoy reading it, though, but when I have to put what I've learned into personal experience and abilities, that is when I fail." Putting in thought her next words, he instinctively expressed his opinion on the matter: " I personally think that there is no reason in "comparing our libraries", as one's collection of books does not concern the other in any way. We could, though, share our opinions and impressions on certain literature works as that could actually lead to nice recommendations for the other!", he suggested, as he cheerfully clapped once with his hands. Realising that his idea was most probably the same as hers, he felt nervous suddenly, but tried concealing the angst by focusing on the royal vampire who was still on a "safe", one could say, distance from them.

When asked about the feeder, he felt confused at first, but then remembered the purpose of one. Not feeling the need to impress her anymore, he wished not to lie about it, so he shared: "Actually, I have never even met a feeder, what's left to have one personally. I think it could be quite wonderful to have such a human blood bag, as one could refer to it, but at times I feel it being unnatural. That person allows the vampire to take a little bit of their life source just for the sake of the vampire's hunger, than having to wait until more red blood cells are generated. I see that as...", he thought for a moment. "... giving up on their lives, as though they don't mean anything to them. It's the same as allowing a werewolf to eat a part of your limbs each time that creature feels hungry, then wait for it to regenerate. I greatly apologise, but I do not respect in any way such humans." Faith and reason were important yet fragile topics for him, so he couldn't help but be passionate about that topic. Even though he heard about Hannah and being intrigued as to what kind of a person she is as a feeder, he did not wish to ask any questions regarding her.

Then he noticed the royal vampire joining shyly in the conversation after being called out earlier by Evangeline and listens to the half-blood answering those questions. He didn't want to leave her out, so he bowed and introduced himself to Shane:
"Good day, Miss Shanae Aeternus! It is a pleasure to meet you! I go by the name of Ambrogio d'Clemente Sansone of the Malific bloodline! What may your history be?" Although similar to the way he introduced himself to Evangeline, that was simply the way he was raised to speak and knew he was expected to use such speech.

(@Phoenix Lord (o'v'o))
As the day continued as normal in the academy, a cloaked figure approached the academy with a briefcase. He lifted his hand to look at his paper. "Science teacher, huh. I can finally teach the young ones of... my ways in the art." He walked on the path to the entrance, and many of the students stared at him, strangely. The man kept mumbling some things to himself, but no one could hear what he was saying. As he opened the door, he yelled out loud as he checked his watch, "DAMNIT! I'm late again!" He began rushing to the reception desk as quickly as he could.

The man handed over a packet of papers to the receptionist. She asked him his name as she was dealing with the papers, and he replied "Turmol. Turmol Genki. I'm here for teaching the children of my art. This beautiful craft is known as science! Just that word fills me with cheer! SCIENCE! Hahahahaha! Well, where were we? Oh, yes. I was in the middle of making some waffles." Turmol opens his briefcase and pulls out a waffle iron. He then opens the iron. "Great. This glorious piece of food is undercooked. If only there was a way to heat it here... Oh, yes! That's correct, I'm magical!" Turmol closes the iron then proceeds to shoot it with a small bolt of fire. He then takes the waffle out and gives it to the teller. "A gift from yours sincerely, madam. Now I'll be heading off to my lab to get... things... set up for the year. Toodles!"

Turmol then closes his briefcase with the iron inside it. As he enters the hall, the receptionist stares at him, as if he belongs in an insane asylum. "Now... to head off to my classroom." He is still rushing throughout the halls past the students walking throughout its interior. "You better not get lost again, fool. No, I won't get lost once more! I'm not letting the Molestain Lab incident happen again! Oh, you will, you fool. You always do. Just like you always mock me..." Turmol continues to argue with himself as he rushes to his classroom. for his initial setup. "This time, I will teach the students everything they need to know. This time, the first time. Oh great. Where am I now?"
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Rohawk Apparated in front of Ambrogio and said with high spirits "Hiya". He had a confused expression as he said "What? Never seen a spirit before? Oh wait! I have something perfect for this" He then smiles and turned his head backwards to realize Shanae Aeternus and Evangeline Aeternus standing there. Although he knew it was weird Rohawk continued his joke by saying with a smile "Then you've never seen one do this!" His head jumped off his shoulders like a basket ball and spun it on his finger waiting for applause, but got nothing so he turned his head back to the right position and moved to the left. After moving so he wasn't standing directly in font of anyone, Rohawk smiled and asked "Do you know where your dormitories are? If not you should follow me. If you already found them and went inside please tell me." Rohawk waited for there responses and found that two had already found their rooms. "Oh" he said somewhat deflated then turned to Evangeline. "I can take you to your Room though" He said brightening up. Rohawk turned back to the othes. "You can come along if you wish! We could go on an adventure afterward!"

Smiling with a clownish grin at the girls he said "Follow me." He turned around and phased through a nearby wall, then came back chuckling and said "This way" as he pointed to the true direction with a smile. While leading Evangeline to her room through long corridors, Rohawk said while floating, "Just so you know, and I can't stress this enough, make sure NOT and I repeat NOT bite me for blood. I have told every vampire in this school but when they get hungry and I'm here, they mistake me for a feeder and try to bite me." He rounded a corner to go up a flight of stairs continuing on. "Of course they end up falling on the ground and I say "What have I told you? I told you I am NOT a feeder, I have no blood, I am a spirit. Now go find an ACTUAL feeder." He laughed at his silly tale and pretended to wipe away a tear from his eye. 'Man it's just, I hate constantly telling them." Rohawk said jokingly as he stops with a smile and say's "We're here Milady!" He did a dramatic bow and floated backwards though the door. Rohawk come back through the door upside down. "Welcome to where you will be staying! And a Penthouse too." He winked at the Vampire girl as She unlocked her door.

He then got back on the ground with a smile and said "My name is Rohawk Rachonith by the way. But you can also call me the guy who has the coolest job ever for the rest of eternity. Well either way it's my job. So, just say the word and I will take you to the place you will live for the school year! Tell me where you want me to lead you and I will show you the way with HUMOR OVERDRIVE!" Rohawk floated in a circle as he said "Ask me to make you a PB and J and I will use EXTRA JELLY!" He continues smiling and begins to float as if he was on a chair with his feet on a table.

@Phoenix Lord @WeabooTrash


Flamin gargoyles man

Angelos would look over at the girl on the floor, "A schizo. is another word for someone who is insane, which i am not. A bastard is a insult and also another way of saying a child born to a couple whom was not married. at the time" Letting out a sigh as he watched her eat a stone. "also by bother me, he means you must go and get me some blood. but not any kind of blood. a certain kind of blood." Angelos would do his best to attempt to spin this event around in his favour.

A smile would creep along the edge of his mouth as he wondered how he could persuade the gargoyle to get the blood of bastard sons daughter, whom he was boasting about when he forced him to drink his blood. Deep down he was hoping he wouldnt have to seek out pure bloods to get their blood. it would mean he may have to either take by force or attempt to seduce someone.. and it would be quite the task to do so. "
The blood would have to be from His daughter. that is how you will bother me." He would let out a small laugh

As the music ended, he would turn off the stereo. "
Now if you dont mind, I need to get undressed. would you mind turning away or something, or even going to get the blood" He would look at the ground, as he spoke. hoping the Gargoyle and his room mate got the idea, he would like some privacy for a moment so he could change clothing, since it would have some light blood stains on them.

@Yoruko Katsumi @Maeve Valor

She turned around to the voice that was addressing her and saw a blonde vampire girl that was shorter than her. After looking her over she set her suitcase on her own bed and started to unpack. "I'm Meara, I'm assuming your Nezera since you don't look like much of a Rylar." She glanced over to her again for her response as she adjusted her eye patch to make sure it was in place.

By the way the girl addressed her, she obviously did not care for formalities. In Meara's mind she knew that this was going to a be a long year having to share the room at all, let alone this person. She then looked to the other extra bed wondering if he will be showing up anytime soon as well. She took a pile of clothes out of her bag and set them in a dresser nearest her bed. "Anyway nice to meet you, I guess. Any rules you want to lay down about the living situation before I start sticking my stuff anywhere?" At this point she was just trying to be social and to feign interest. (
@WeirdPrincess )


As the scene was being revealed in front of her she just listened for a while as she was unpacking. She didn't quite understand the situation at first considering they kept on referring this other someone as "master" and "the bastard son". As the conversation went on she learned just who this person was, Dagan Aeternus. Angelos gave her instructions that was all sorts of wrong, but for living there as long as she has she knew that gargoyles were not very keen on picking up these sorts of things. Her new roommate for sure did not know exactly what he was getting himself into; then again, she didn't either. Her whole life living there she was just told he was one of the most feared at the academy and to address him with the utmost respect as a feeder. Regardless she stayed quiet because of how she was a feeder that would be talking out of turn, although she did wonder if she should report him. For now, she decided to just watch and not be part of this.

After he addressed her and said how he needed to undress she bit her own tongue to keep from saying what she was thinking which was
Then use the bathroom and be courteous like most others you pompous vampire. Instead she nodded and said, "yes, of course." She then grabbed a few of her things to set in the bathroom and then closed the door. ( @Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Yoruko Katsumi )
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While Ambrogio was conversing with the two girls, he got startled by a ,what seemed to be, ghost. As the spirit greeted him, the male vampire decided to do so as well, but was interrupted before even speaking with a joke, he didn't find funny at all, but tried faking a laugh just to appear interested in the spirit. The Malific vampire did not find the ghost in any way entertaining, but attempted to look as if he was having fun by watching the spirit's trick. Although Ambrogio has never seen anything like it, he for sure wasn't amused.

Soon the ghost moved his attention to the ladies and, after continuing his trick, the unknown to the male vampire spirit moved a bit further and asked whether everyone has found their rooms. "Why, I have in fact found my dorm and even left my luggage there.", Ambrogio answered, revealing to the ghost that he has actually oriented himself to the penthouse. Then the spirit offered his services, so to say, by leading Evangeline to her penthouse, also inviting Ambrogio and Shanae with them.

Although the Malific vampire wanted to simply read his book outdoors, he decided to come with them just to attempt to be on good terms with his school mates. Thus he grabbed "The Basics of Magic" and went along with a now faked smile. In reality, he felt as though he was trying to do a chore by walking with them to the dorms.

As the spirit was talking with Evangeline, Ambrogio continued his book while in their company. He didn't pay any attention to their conversation, though, and didn't hear himself mentioned there either, thus he did not socialise with them any further. After some time, they arrived to Evangeline's penthouse and Ambrogio just stood. However, he offered helping Evangeline with the organisation of her bags and waited for an answer.

(@Phoenix Lord (OUO))
Adalyn sighed, and made her way to the booth matching with her name, lugging her duffelbag filled with stuff along. She recieved her packet of information, and left the booth. She wandered around for a while, until she found a nice tree to sit under, and sat down. She then opened the packet, setting her class list aside. she wa sonly really interested in who she would be rooming with. 'Marc Lovias' was the name listed, not a name she knew in anyway. It would be interesting to find out who said person is. She looked back towards the booths, to see a dragon making some sort of annocuement, and had a feeling she probably should've been over there for it. Nothing she could do about it now though.

She returned her items to the packet, and stood. Now came the task of finding the dorm, though it wasn't really all that hard. She made her way back to the booths, still carrying her bag, and looked aorund for some kind of map. Un fortuneatley, there wasn't one, and she had to settle for haning about listening to conversations for information. Eventually, she had gathered a basic layout of where she was headed to in her head, and started walking. Good thing too, as her bag seemed to be getting heavier.

The building that made up the school were extravagent to say the least, and would probably confuse many of the students. Adalyn made her way to the Denerus housing system, and wandered through the hall, looking at name plates. After a bit, she found the one listing her name, and entered. It appeared that her roommate had yet to find the dorm. She made her way to one of the beds, and dropped her bag on top of it. The first thing she pulled out was a large stack of books, some informational, some just fun, and she set the stack on the bed. for now, that was all she really wanted out, and she moved the bag to the floor at the end of the bed. She then turned back to her books and seperated them out accordingly, then moved the now neat stacks to the end of her bed. She stepped away, holding a plain red hardcover book.

Book in hand, she left the room. Apparently they had time to kill, so she retraced her steps through the building back outside. She returned to teh tree she had been at earlier, and sat down at it's base. The air was filled with the sounds of other students, but she didn't mind it. She opened her book and began reading, soon becoming lost in the words.
Yoruko heard a commotion coming from the entrance to the housing building for the students. She quickly made her way to the distant shouting parting and dispersing the students on the way. Looks like my job gets to start a bit early. She thought to herself happily. Yoruko grasped the hilt of her sword firmly as she neared the commotion. She saw what appeared to be a girl on the ground and another holding her suitcases. She inhaled their scents to try to grasp more of the situation. The one on the ground reeked of wolves, but slightly different from most weres. The other smelled greatly of vampires, but definitely human. Humans. Disgusting creatures. They think they own the world.

"What seems to be the problem here
?" Yoruko shouted over the two and the crowd's murmurs, spitting a small flame as she did so. She looked at the crowd that was starting to form around the two girls. I hate people like that. Can't mind there own business. Yoruko thought before breaking up the students. "Break it up people! Don't you have to go find your rooms and find where your classes will be? Nobody needs such loitering." She stated while breathing more small flames to rid the area of prying eyes. Turning back to the girl on the ground she asked "You okay young Were?" Yoruko reached out her clawed hand to offer to help her up.

"Now, would you two kindly tell me what all this fuss was about?" She looked between the two girls awaiting a response. Yoruko listened carefully to what each had to say. "It appears this was just an accident then." She studied the girls faces carefully to see if either one wasn't being truthful. But it appeared that they were indeed telling the truth on both ends. "Both of you, watch where you are going from now on. I don't want to have to break up anymore fights today." Yoruko said calmly still grasping the swords hilt. "I suggest you two get your rooms in order instead of lingering about out here." She hated the idea of what she was about to do but she turned to the young human. "Do you need help with those bags of yours? They seem rather heavy for you." She asked watching the girl struggle. She fought the urge to bit her tongue. "I will be happy to carry them to your room for you."



Obsidian tilted her head still not understanding everything she was told. Blood? Is that what that red stuff was from earlier? She thought turning around like the boy asked and watched the girl go into a different part of the room. Obsidian was curious as to what the girl had to say on the matter and wanted to know what she had to say. Clothing. such a ridiculous notion. Its much easier and less restricting without it. She thought as the boy changed behind her. She looked around the room. Everything is so decorated here. Obsidian squinted her eyes as she thought going over her orders in her head.

"What is blood?" She asked as the boy finished changing. "I don't know what that is exactly." Obsidian twitched her wings from being inside so long. She contemplated chewing on one of her rocks again to help pacify her claustrophobic feelings, but decided against it. The girl came back in the main room as Obsidian asked "Why does it have to be from his daughter, Lady Evangeline?" She looked between the two students hoping to learn the rest of what she is supposed to for her orders.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Maeve Valor


Explaining the finer things

"Blood is a red liquid in the body, We vampires drink it." He would nod as he ran his fingers through his hair. "and as to why her blood, Because it is the same blood that runs through Bastards Son's veins" Wandering over and looking down at the Gargoyle "It is no major task, just collect some blood and bring it to me. Bothering was your order am I correct?" Raising an eyebrow, Angelos would attempt to rouse to Gargoyle into motion, by challenging her loyalty

"Or Are you not going to obey the orders passed down to you by bastards Son?" He would give her a soft smile, Behind it the smile, would lay at its core a man who is used to being deceptive and cunning, a cool and calculating man. Patting the Gargoyle on the head and wandering back to his bed. "Human, I know you were thinking I was being rude, but I doubt you would have wanted to witness me in my naked form, Or am I wrong?" He would laugh as he finished speaking. before sitting on the bed.

"Look Human, I know you arent happy with sharing a room with me.. I get it. you would rather be with your fellow Humans or something, Far away from people like me" His head would lower as he looked at the ground. "If you want this Room to yourself, I will see what I can do to find somewhere else to go." Letting out a deep Sigh, Angelos would flop back onto the bed "You know.. I never asked to be a vampire.. Never mind, you dont care, you people only ever care about yourselves, and while you are at it, quit acting friendly. I could smell your act a mile away" as the silence became almost deafening the familiar sound of the radio would spark into being "Perfect Timing..." the song playing would be Cautionary Warning by John Sykes


@Yoruko Katsumi @Maeve Valor
The sound of an approaching figure drew Annushka's gaze to the side and a scoff from her lips. A mighty guard to the school coming to investigate, perfect; exactly the kind of attention a spellwolf would want. The crowd's whispering lips fell like white noise to the Were's ears.

"What seems to be the problem here?"

"Some idiot pet can't seem to mind her own business," came a murmur from her mouth, scornful orbs directed at the offending human. When the Dragonkin approached and offered her hand, Annushka only rolled her eyes and swatted the offered help to the side before standing on her own with a grunt.

"Now, would you two kindly tell me what all this fuss was about?"

The Were managed her best grin--which couldn't quite be called much of a grin, if one was honest--before replying, "No 'fuss' here, lady. Just a misunderstanding is all." Her gaze darted to guard' grasp of her sword and noted the weapon. Silver, perhaps? She inwardly shivered at the thought and made a mental note not to cross this guard again. She gave only a curt nod to affirm the guard's request of no more trouble before pushing past the human girl to enter the academy's doors.

@Yoruko Katsumi @kinadra ] [Apologies for suckish reply... >.<]
Obsidian watched the boy and began to feel what she only assumed was a new emotion, anger. How dare he question my loyalty. Enraged by what she had processed, stood up abruptly. Her skin hardened as she approached the boy, towering over him on the bed. She reached for him with her clawed hand and grabbed the fabric of his shirt. Obsidian picked him up off the bed by his shirt as if he weighed nothing and held him high off the ground. Her tail flicked back and forth as her wings twitched in furry. "Never question my loyalty young vampire." She glanced over to the Human girl. "Do you mind if I borrow your roommate to fulfill my orders miss? I feel he needs a lesson in loyalty." She looked the boy dead in the face "You are coming with me young sir."

Obsidian threw the boy over her shoulder as if he were nothing more than a sack of feathers. She then bound his hands with her tail to keep him from trying anything funny. She turned back to the girl one last time and said politely, "I am sorry for interrupting your day Miss. I hope you have a nice stay here at the school. Please inform me or one of the other guards, or staff if there is any issues. We will take care of them promptly." She turned to face the door and proceeded to look for her Master's daughter.

I assume that Lady Evangeline has already found her room. Hopefully I can find her promptly. She thought to herself scanning the crowds in the hallways. Obsidian began to head in the direction she felt the presence of the Aeternus blood. The young Vampire began to protest in retaliation so she covered his mouth with her wing. "Calm yourself young one. I won't hurt you." How troublesome this bothering is. But I will fulfill my orders to the utmost caliber. Obsidian thought to her self as she began climbing the stairs to find the young Evangeline.

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi @Maeve Valor
After getting the students to their rooms, Rohawk apparated away and found the science teacher. Saying with a grin "Hey. You see your going to the math class, where you really want to go is that way." Rohawk pointed where the teacher just was and lead him to the science class. Rohawk says as he floats in the air "Look pal, I've seen teachers come and go, but, they where mostly vampire hunters who blended in. The one thing they couldn't do is actually perform science. So, we discovered them, you find out what happens next. Anyways, you look like someone who isn't going to throw holy water at me and try to stab one of the students in the heart. If we didn't have people like Obsidian a bunch of students wouldn't be here. Now, I think you are going to be the first science teacher who doesn't turn out to be a vampire hunter." Rohawk smiles as the reach the science class.

He then says with a grin "Welcome to the staff. I've been here for about over 100 years. But unlike me most people are going to end up without the job where you get to boss people around saying HEY, get to math, It's to the left then right. So I'm pretty lucky. Anyways I made a list of people in the staff to remember all of them. I just feel like I should mention, if the guard positions weren't filled, I would have mastered my telekinesis. There are so many threats when it comes to the vampires. Here's a list." Rohawk then handed a list to the science teacher.

The list read "1. Vampire hunters. 2. Vampires getting hungry. 3. The pure bloods act better then other vampires. 4. Sucking all the blood in a Feeders body." Rohawk then said with nervous look "The last one I've seen. Twice actually. I mean, not only can vampires have to much blood, the feeders are slowly being killed by the vampires. It is the worst job ever. You let yourself slowly be killed as others are only doing it for sustenance." Rohawk smiles and says in the air "Now it is time to go into the science class! I think there's a lab in there somewhere... yup, there is. But just promise me something, don't stab a student in the heart. Geronimo!" Rohawk then flew into the roof and continued looking for anyone lost. Then Rohawk realized the 3rd thing on his list might need some explaining until he though "He's smart, he'll know how that leads to vampires sucking the blood of pure bloods. Come to think of it, do they HAVE blood? I dunno. Well they drink the pure blood and start all out war on the pure. Obsidian stopped this the first 4 times it happened but still. Vampires are more complicated then humans.


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