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Fantasy Prestigious Bloodlines Academy


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
Many students were arriving now, the start of a new school year immanent. There were enough that it was even causing a little bit of a traffic jam on the narrow roadway leading up to the school. The town further down the slopes, outside of the forest, knew this school had their new students coming in this time of year. Though they had no choice but to drive through the town, it never really prepared well enough for it. The small city got so congested on the main road that led to the eventual school. Past the town, the road winded through the hills that came before the mountains, and split through the dense forest that surrounded the perfectly placed school. In places, the leaves and branches cascaded above the road, intertwining to form bridges of nature. The road didn't seem to split the forest, it was only a feature added in that was passed by with a polite glance. For once, Mother nature welcomed this modern piece.

The closer one got, the more that they could see people inside milling about. There were a lot of people, looking no different than a human, but once they checked in, and got in past the gate, their view would change. The glamour bubble made it seem to those outside that this was a normal human academy, but the instant that they got inside, they would be able to see gargoyles and dragons keeping people safe, vampires talking to one another, someone in a wolf form perhaps, and even people flying about.

Over the loudspeaker, a female voice kept coming up, likely a recording, that announced the introduction tents and assembly. "Welcome new students, there are a couple of things going on all day. There will be introduction tents set up in an outdoor area to the left of the entrance. There are signs pointing the way. There will also be assemblies taking place there throughout the day. For times of these assemblies, check with one of the information booth. Have a good first day," the voice said, and then repeated over and over every five minutes or so.

This outdoor location was a large area set aside. There was a flat area for the tents, looking a lot like a more organized renaissance fair, and a sloped area with tons of seats that made up a natural amphitheater. A number of the tents had large letters above them on signs, and a couple signs on the ground near them that explained, "Go to the booth that corresponds to your last name, or your first name if you do not have a last name. They will give you your classes and your roommate list.‏" Not only students were around, but there were also staff, teachers, and guards, even though most had been there for a while already, all getting whatever note the people in charge wished to give them this time around. Some were simple, others were a bit more complex.

Angelos Durahim,

We appreciate your interest in the school. You are the first of your bloodline to come to our school, and we are looking forward to see what you have to offer. We see that your bloodline has a strong inclination towards magic, and so we put you into the Salvaeus house. Your roommates will be Evalyn, a feeder who cannot be in the human house because it is full. Despite her being a feeder, you are not to feed outside of the designated areas.


We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and unfortunately we must inform you that while you are accepted, the lodgings of the feeders like yourself are all full-up of people. You have been given lodging in the Salvaeus housing area, but while this is a vampire building, you will not be inappropriately harassed about providing feedings at hours not approved by administration. Please come forward with any concerns or problems presented by other students, and we will treat them accordingly. Your roommate is going to be Angelos Durahim.


We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and are more than happy to accept you into our ranks. Your exceptional natural talents have been well documented, and we have studied these closely. Naturally, you are going to be housed with other psychic talents in house Denerus. Your roommate will be Marc Lovias.

Nezera Ophelia Pandora,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and it is our pleasure to teach someone who has spent most of their life as a vampire; the process of learning should be significantly easier for you than it is for most. We understand that you are close to Lady Garcius, and we are more than happy to offer you extended access to the mail office accordingly so that you have an easier time maintaining contact. You will be housed with Meara Valor and Rylar.

Meara Valor,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and while we have very little by way of information to help sort you, we believe that you would best be situated in the Malific house. We look forward to having you as a student and learning more about you. You will be housed with Nezera Pandora and Rylar.


We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and we are pleased to have one with your level of experience in real vampiric society attending our academy. We have taken note of your long history and methods in your field of assassin’s work, and have accordingly decided it best to house you with Meara Valor and Nezera Pandora in house Malific, where you can keep up with your workout regimen more easily with the on site exercise equipment.

Lord Philippe Denerus,

We greatly appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching you and advancing your already reputable standing among your ilk. We assure you, you will be receiving only the best that we have to offer, and we have made sure that your room, the penthouse of the Denerus building, will receive service very regularly by the staff we have selected to be dedicated to serving your needs without the hours limitations provided to most.

With respect,

Headmistress Lavius

Lord Ambrogio d’Clemente Sansone,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and are pleased to be selected by the prestigious Lady Adalina Sansone to teach you the ways of vampire kind in function instead of in theory. Rare are the cases where we have little to teach one before they even arrive, but we assure you that while you do have an extremely extensive history of research and study, we have more than enough information to further your education.

We assure you that only the best will be provided, the penthouse of our own well known accommodations of house Malific at your disposal. You also have the access to the rarest of feeding options, of the sort that are extraordinarily rare to find even in royal households. These will be served at any time you wish, with a section of our staff dedicated to serving you at all hours, unlike the limitations provided to many other facilities. Only the best for those of pure blood, after all.

With respect,

Headmistress Lavius

Lady Shanae V. Aeternus,

We greatly appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching one with such close ties to King Aeternus himself. We wish to assure you that while the penthouse is not available to your use, your accommodations will be in no way sub-par to your expectations. You will have a fully dedicated staff at your disposal and full access to the fourth floor. While standard living quarters are right below you, the floor has been reinforced with soundproof material. Your quality of living here at the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy will be nothing short of superb.

With respect,

Headmistress Lavius

Fane Aliestar Malific,

We greatly appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching one with such close ties to the pureblood Lady Vasilia of House Malific. We wish to assure you that while the penthouse is not available to your use, your accommodations will be in no way sub-par to your expectations. You will have a fully dedicated staff at your disposal and full access to the fourth floor. While standard living quarters are right below you, the floor has been reinforced with soundproof material. Your quality of living here at the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy will be nothing short of superb.

With respect,

Headmistress Lavius

Rhapsody Lyre,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching you all we can about how to survive in the human world. You will be living in the Animalia house with Karin Kurayami. Also, if you are willing, there will be some study of the Partial Animals, since they are so new to the supernatural societal scene. Thank you.

Karin Kurayami,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching you all we can about how to survive in the human world. You will be living in the Animalia house with Rhapsody Lyre. Also, if you are willing, there will be some study of the Partial Animals, since they are so new to the supernatural societal scene. Thank you.

Connor McKinley,

We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching you all we can about how to survive in the human world. You will be living in the Animalia house with Annushka.


We appreciate your interest in the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy, and look forward to teaching you all we can about how to survive in the human world. You will be living in the Animalia house with Connor Mckinley.

Luka Verney,

Thank you for joining us to teach the young and uneducated of the supernatural society. Your contributions will be remembered for years to come. As is the norm with teachers and staff, you will be in your own house. Thank you.

Yoruko Katsumi,

Thank you for joining us to protect the young of the supernatural society. Your contributions will be remembered for years to come. As is the norm with the guards, you will be in the guard house. Thank you.

Obsidian Scoria,

Thank you for joining us to protect the young of the supernatural society. Your contributions will be remembered for years to come. As is the norm with the guards, you will be in the guard house. Thank you.


Thank you for joining us to help teach the young and uneducated of the supernatural society. Your contributions will be remembered for years to come. Your ability to make the library run smoothly is extremely useful and important. As is the norm with teachers and staff, you will be in your own house. Thank you.

There was currently an assembly going on, loud talking in the background explaining the various parts of the school, the areas where you could eat, what to do if you had a problem with your schedule, and other important things. After a while, the man, a dragon with a particularly loud voice, flew down and touched down, standing on the students' level now, "Ask me any questions about the school or its policies if you'd like to. The next assembly is in an hour. My name is Jashi'il, just to remind you, and I am the head of the guards here. If anyone knows the answer to a question, it'd be me."

Time: About 3-4 hours past sundown.

Important Events: Introductions and information.

Front Page News:

School - The Beginning of the School Year.

City - The Beginning of the Academy's Year.

Days In Real Life to Post: About 3.
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Yoruko reads the housing packet that was handed to her carefully. "Guard house. Understood." She bends down to pick up her suitcase and sword case. I hope nobody talks to me much today... She thought to herself as she flung her sword case over her shoulder. She looks around the grounds seeing the endless pool of students of all races. "This might be harder than I thought... But I wont let this school down. Yoruko made her way through the sea of students to the head guard to introduce herself. She bowed deeply.

"Good Afternoon Sir, I am Yoruko Katsumi and am looking forward to serving this prestigious academy with you. This is a great Honor For me. I was sent to serve this school by the great Malific Family. They oversaw my breeding and training. I hope to be of use to you."

Obsidian Picks up her packet off the table curiously. "What an intriguing substance paper is..." She read over the contents thoroughly. "Guard House. Fine by me." She glances around at the students, looking for any signs of trouble. Obsidian bends down to leap in the air with her powerful wings for a better view of the grounds.
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Finding the proper booth had been a small hassle for the Were as she had never learned the humans' languages, and the bustling crowd of youths did nothing to help the matter. She simply wandered from stall to stall asking her name while ignoring the constant looks of disgust the blood-sucking staff would often send her way. Annushka emerged rather proud of herself for managing to stay calm, even if only just barely; the air surrounding her form hummed, cracked and hissed with her leaking magic, sending her peers running. A simple scoff escaped her lungs and she glanced down her slip of paper.

"Connor... McKinley...?" The name left her lips with a slight sour tone and Annushka could not help but to roll her eyes. "The hell kind'a name is that? Idiots. I told them I wanted my own room! Ughh..."

Her thoughts were soon interrupted when a frightful shadow interrupted the moon's rays--a dragon. Annushka's eyes widened with poorly-contained awe; she had never seen such a beast before! She was nearly blown back by the boom of his voice as he introduced himself, but her ears were closed to his words as her brain processed only the image of the scaled creature.

A sudden slam brought the older teen out of her reverie, and she rounded with a bestial snarl on her teeth, the air around her whipping about wildly. But it was too late, the offending passerby had become lost in the sea of students and she had no choice but to force a calm over her mind or else lose herself to her bloodlust. A few deep breaths, her mind focused on the pitch color of the backs of her lids... Calm... Shhh... Stay calm... Finally, the Were opened her eyes, her formerly slit pupils returning to a normal circle. Her fists clenched into tight balls at her side, her whitened knuckles now painted scarlet with blood her nails drew.

Without another glance towards the crowd nor the dragon, Annushka walked off from the hub to find a solitude tree. She dropped her rump at its base and allowed her small back to rest upon its bark as a solemn expression came over her features. A long year lay ahead of her.
Karin's ears twitched slightly as she looked at the housing packet. "Rhapsody.. Lyre.." She pursed her lips together and nodded. She would try to get to know this person, slowly but she would. She looked around at the other students, taking in her surroundings. Dragons, vampires, partial animals like herself, Weres, and many others. She felt extremely self conscious being this outsider, a nobody to anyone.

If only she had something she could say really made her stick out. She was pretty plain... Okay, maybe the white hair and blue eyes were something but it didn't distinguish her. She sighed and shook her head, smiling a bit. She would be okay here.. Maybe she would find friends here like her clan had said. She walked to a nearby tree and jumped onto the branch gracefully, making sure she was by herself, and sat. Would she really fit in here..?

She looked back at the packet and saw that her kind were to be studied. Maybe if she would become a test subject... She could figure out what killed her family... She smiled slightly at the thought. She had always been told they died of a dibilitating illness, but now she might actually get answers. Maybe even her new roommate could help her. This excitement was practically killing her, no pun intended.

She continued to look up at the sky and smiled. This first year would be exciting.. She hoped. She would finally be able to fit in somewhere. She reached into a bag and pulled out at black and ivory piccolo and began to play a sweet and melodic tune.
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Nezera sighed as she walked around the courtyard grounds. Being a short Vampire was horrid, always having to jump up to see anything. She hated being short because she was always made fun of when she was younger. With a huff, the Vampire pushed her way through the many student. "Excuse me, pardon me." She said, making her way through before she was pushed. The housing packet and her suitcases were thrown to the ground, resulting in the case popping open and clothes flying out."Fucking watch it next time!" She yelled angrily at the creature, bending down to pick up her stuff. I hate this...I wish Lady Garcius was here, then I wouldn't be in this situation. She thought as she shoved her belongings in her suitcase. The Vampire grabbed her things, but not before glared at the Were that had pushed her. Nezera had made it to where there was barely anyone and she sighed in relief. She never liked being in crowds, it made her uncomfortable. The housing packet sat on her lap as she tried to reorganize everything in her suitcase. Stupid Werewolf, stupid school, she though as she closed the suitcase once it was neat.

Nezera nervously opened the housing pack and looked at her roommates names.
Meara Valor and Rylar, those sound stupid. Who even names their kid Meara, she laughed as she pulled out her schedule. Nez didn't know how the school year would be, she just hopped it was worth her while.


Fane Aliester

Fane picked up his housing packet and flips open the package. He wanted to get this done and over with so he could go to sleep. Not was tiring for him to have to come all the way here when he was comfortable in his mansion down in the city.
No roommates. Thank god, I can't handle brats for even a day let alone a year. He thought, running a hand through his hair.

Mingling with people wasn't his thing, knowing that there were Werewolfves here already pissed him off enough. He was okay with all the other creature or mythical animals, Were's just had him angry. Picking up his thing, Fane walked around the campus and looked at all the different species. He thought he should get to know some of them now, but decided against it.
I'll just meet people in my class, he thought as he looked over his schedule. Seeming that the classes were okay, he stuffed it in his pocket. Fane was friendly, but today just wasn't his day. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed did that to him. Would he ever get through the year talking to anyone? Would he be able to pass his class?

Angelos Durahim


Angelos would slowly walk his way down the winding drive of the school, reading the info guide he was given explaining the school. "Put with a feeder eh.. Great, well I hope this feeder is at least cute.." His train of thought would be interrupted as he tripped over the steps leading to the main building. With an almighty thud he would face plant into the step. "ow ow ow ow ow" Standing up Angelos would hold his face, the pain of face to concrete is quite painful to say the least. His eyes would dart around, seeing a few people chuckling at his misfortune, he would snap at them "why don't you face plant the frickin concrete while I laugh!" his face forming a frown as he entered into the building

Entering the main hall, he would note its impressiveness, "
Fancy.." he would sigh as he thought about his lodgings back home and how mediocre they were compared to this place. "I bet my dorm room will be even more impressive than my entire house.." Sighing Angelos would look at the map, searching for where to go to find his room. After locating it on said map he would depart his way to his dorm. After much walking he would eventually find his room.

Opening the door, he would be Assaulted by richness, "Jesus.. what the hell, My house looks poor compared to this" He would look down the halls, wondering if there was a mistake. but it wasn't, printed on the side would be his name, Sighing he would enter the room. looking around he would see that at least his stereo was put somewhere decent. wandering over to it, he would turn it on and put on some music. the song Let's Go by Stuck In The Sound would play, filling the room with the sound of music, the music would make its way into the hall, filling some part of the dorms with music


Yoruko rose from her bow to meet her new boss's eyes. They were bright, fiery, and peirced her to her very soul. It was almost like he was searching for something in her. Was this customary? Did she mess up already? No. The head guard gave her a slight nod of is head and looked back to the others around them. Her wings drooped, saddened. Yoruko wanted to get to know her new boss more, mainly because she had never seen a dragon like him before. The only members of her kind she new were her parents back at the Malific home guarding it with there lives. But He wasn't her kind really, he was true perfection to us mere Kin. Jashi'il, was a true Dragon. "I shall set up my quarters and begin familiarizing myself with the academy and my post scheduale Sir." Yoruko gave one last quick bow to the mighty dragon and rose promptly, spreading her wings. With a mighty wave, she was air bound. I hope we could talk more when he is off duty... She thought to herself as her wings pushed her forward. She looked at the map in her hand as she flew. "okay. guard house is this way."

Yoruko approched the Guard house and made her decent from the skies. Even the guard house is grand here. A gargoyle was pearched nearby on duty. She opened the door slowly, hoping no one else was here. Much to her surprise, no one was. She looked around the House to find her living quarters. It was towards the back of the building, and small compared to everything else on campus. She didn't mind though, in fact, she preferred it. She moved to the bed with a sigh of relief. "This is nice." she said with a smile as she set her suit case down and opened it. She removed her sword case from her back and laid it on the bed. She opened it slowly revealing the large and heavy black enchanted sword within. This is her most prized posetion. It was forged for her by the Malifics and enchanted by her father. Neatly packed besides it was her throwing knives, and a wet stone for when she is bored. She picked them up and placed them in her holsters on her thighs. Then she carefully picked up her sword, sheathed it and tied it to her waist. Yoruko sighed and looked back over to her suit case that held some off duty clothes." I guess I should put them away.." She said to herself clenching the hilt of her sword. She placed the clothes in the dresser by the bed carefully. She then moved to the closet in the room. In it were some uniforms just for her. They even had nametags on them.

Overjoyed by their crispness, she inspected them closer. There was both summer and winter uniforms. She went back to the cases on the bed and closed them tightly. "I can store these in the extra space in the closet... And i need to stop talking to myself. Its becoming a bad habbit.." Yoruko took the two pictures she keeps out of a special pocket on the front of her suit case and sat on the bed. One is a picture of her parents, the other is the only friend she ever had. A deep sigh escaped her as she looked at her friend longingly. "I'm sorry Iridia..." She whispered to herself. She placed them under her pillow for safe keeping them straightened up the rest of her things as a single tear escaped her eye. A wave of memories and emotions surged throug her at the thought of Iridia and how she lost her. She finished up as she sniffed and laid her papers neatly out on the bed and sat down again. "Now. When do I start work."


From the air Obsidian saw the students wandering about. Some took to the shady trees, while others explored a little. She smiled watching them for both the living and dead fascinated her greatly. She circled the school to watch and make sure no one is getting into trouble. I will protect them all. She thought to herself with a smile. I will follow Master Aeternus's orders. No need to worry young ones. Obsidian hovered in the air to read through some more of her packet to find more information for her "job". She laughed a little for the concept of "jobs" amused her. The thought of giving what just needs to be done a name and deeper concept felt silly to her, but intriging none the less.

So i will mostly be doing patrol or keeping watch at one of the towers on the perimiter. Sounds about right for what one calls a guard I suppose. I'm supposed to start tomorrow night. I suppose I should familiarize myself with the guard house to kill time until then. Time is also a concept that amused her. She had been alive for a very long time and as long as Her Master's spell holds, Erosion will hardly touch her as well. To her, time is a never ending cycle and means nothing. But that doesn't stop her in the least for making bad puns about it. Obsidian shufled the papers in her hand to view the school map and locate the guard house from her position. I guess i will go this way then...

The view of the guard house deflated Obsidian a bit. She hates being indoors for long periods of time. A gravelly sigh escapes her cold lips as she opens the door and looks around. The concept intrigued her but has no true interest in it. She located her area in the gargoyle section towards the front of the building. There was a "closet" and what she believe was called a "bed" i the corner. She never had a Bed before and found it strange. She set her things down on the floor and poked it with a long stony claw. The way the fabric of it sprang back startled her. "What sort of magic is this?" Obsidian said to herself in shock. She placed her full palm on the sheetz and pressed firmly. The cool fabric felt soft against her hard skin. "How intriging". Obsidian tilted her head poundering what this "bed" is. How can this be soft and mailible but still sturdy? Amazed she slowly crawled onto its surface ito a pirch wrapping her tail around her. Is this what "Cozy" is? she thought looking around. Perhaps indoors aren't as bad as I thought..
Karin continued to play her piccolo as she looked around the school grounds at the other students. She saw one individual sitting in a tree not too far from her, then saw another whose clothing was scattered all over the ground. She frowned as she thought about helping the student, but decided against it as she yelled at the individual who had ran into her. It was best to probably not mess with her so she could calm herself. Other places, she could hear music and the chatter among students.

Then she saw an individual with a different aura to him that most of the others. She looked at him for a few seconds before realizing he was a royal vampire. If she wasn't mistaken, he was probably the Malific vampire. Karin had heard stories about him and decided to stay as far away from him as possible. As much as she would like to have a friend, she didn't feel like having someone flirting with her 24/7. That and the fact that he was vampire. She had her run ins with vampires before and knew to stay on her toes when they were nearby.

She sighed slightly and put the instrument away before looking at her schedule. These classes seemed entirely way too easy. Hell, human schools seemed more daunting this, but that may just be because humans feared what she was and hiding her true self behind glamours was not fun. About the only one she knew she would need is the physical one. Gymnastic was her speciality, but hand to hand combat with physical strength was not. She needed to improve thst strength. That way she could protect the people she cared about if the time came. Magic could only do so much until hand to hand combat was put into play.

She would have to admit, the one weapon she loved more that anything was what was called the "Desert Eagle". She had fired one with ease, the recoil not bothering like the humans said it would. She promised herself she would buy one and learn how to use it in combat.

She jumped down from the tree as she continued to think about the gun. Her movements felt floaty and she smiled. People would think she was crazy if she continued on like this.
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Arriving on the grounds for the school, Shanae reaches her senses out and observes her surroundings. From listening to those around her, she determnes that she needs to go to the booth for those with the letter A as the first letter of their last name. Heading over to the correct booth, almost seeming to glide across the ground due to the grace of a royal vampire, she picks up her room disignation and the list of classes she will attend. "A room to myself huh? May not be a penthouse, but im sure I will settle in nicely." Shanae heads through the grounds until she reaches her bloodlines housing area and stands before her new place of residency.

Once she has settled in some, Shanae decides to go back out to the main area where everyone is currently congregated and observe them. Arriving once more in the entrance hall, she finds a nice ledge the curves around a pillar that she jumps up to and relaxes on. From here she can see most of the other individuals around and can take her time watching.

After some time passed, Shanae empathic nature rose to the surface and began to ping off the different Weres and part animals in the crowd of people around the entrance. She has always been intrigued by those who are more intuned and open about their animal sides. Seeing groups of them start to form together, Shanae repositioned herself so she was able to observe these groupings of new students or staff as they interacted with each other. Occasionally, Shanae would watch a dragon out of curiosity as, even being a royal, she has had little contact with their kind. "The magic and awe-inspiring power and beauty of dragons...it never disappoints," she whispers into the air as her eyes trace the movements of one.
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As a black fancy limousine stopped in front of the school, one of the Sansone servants quickly went out of the vehicle and opened one of the back seats. A teenage boy, stepped out of the car, followed by a graceful stance as he grabbed a rather big-looking suitcase from the seat next to his. The same servant, who had opened the door for the young man, walked around the car to the back of it and took out the teenager's luggage after opening the trunk. The two men - the teenager and the servant - were on their way to the Prestigious Bloodlines Academy; while the driver went out of the limo to close the trunk and also went to his destination.

"Thank you, dear Talli. I do not require your services for now. Could you please hand me my baggage? " the boy asked as he was standing in front of the gate with his servant, "Talli". "As You wish, Your Royalty!" the older-looking man answered, standing stiff and handing over the luggage to the "Royalty", as he referred to him. The young man looked at Talli with a slight smirk and exclaimed with a quiet chuckle, "Dear Talli, how many times have I told you? You do not have to call me "Your Royalty". It sounds rather... weird, don't you think?". "B-but..." "I do not wish for any special treatment, Talli. Not even if my parents oblige you to. Please, call me by my first name - Ambrogio. I know we will not be seeing nor hearing from each other for quite some time, but grant me this one wish. Okay?" The boy glanced at the servant, smiling with an expression full with expectations. "As You wish, Yo-" Talli stopped for a second and continued, "... lord Ambrogio...". "That's more like it, dear Talli. Next time, please spare the "lord" part."

That boy seemed to be Ambrogio d'Clemente Sansone, one of the few pure blood vampires on school grounds. Although living with "special treatment" all his life, he did not desire any of that at least in the academy he was going to attend. But due to his mother - a well-known vampire of the Malific bloodline - personally signing him up for this prestigious educational facility, it is not likely for the school staff, at the very least, to treat Ambrogio as an equal to the other students.

Expressing his goodbyes to the loyal servant, Talli, with quite the disappointed and sad tone, Ambrogio shook the man's hand after he had removed his glove (as a form of respect) and put his glove back on before picking up his suitcase and luggage from the ground. Considering the clean freak he was raised to be, the dust on his suitcase bugged him quite a bit. Good thing his luggage was put in those types of travelling bags with wheels, so he didn't have to worry for the bags' fabric. Looking at the watch on his left hand, Ambrogio decided he had a lot of free time to get settled in as he (was supposed to) arrived early.

As he was walking around the outdoor area, he heard a female voice basically "greeting" the new students, explaining about accommodations, information booths and the such.
"That's quite helpful.", he thought and oriented himself to the booths and signs, which were very well-organised. There were many signs pointing in certain directions, that led to the very important for the students booths. Ambrogio successfully got to the booth, labeled with his last name - Sansone.

He took a not, which looked pretty fancy with very nice ornaments around the edges, framing the piece of paper. While reading it, he thought "
How lovely! But why so much flattering in just a couple of lines?". As he re-read it twice, Ambrogio perfectly memorised it, as expected of a vampire who has been learning to remember so many works by heart most of his life. He had actually expected such treatment and was quite delighted, even though claiming "not to want any special treatment". He secretly adored being viewed as royalty and the way those, who know of his family, respected him made him feel tingly on the inside.

While looking at the map he had also taken from the same booth as the note, Ambrogio was walking around the outdoor section of the school, while listening to the voice of the same female he had heard earlier in the background. Then he got startled by a dragon that had just landed on the ground, a couple of metres from the teenage-looking vampire. Ambrogio raised his alert a bit after nearly losing his balance off the ground, making his eyes get a sort of purplish. When he heard the dragon's notice, the boy cooled down a bit, his blood rate slowing down to normal and his eyes returning to their previous state. Ambrogio asked "Jashi'il", whose name he needed a couple more seconds to remember than he would normally need, about directions and after hearing out the information, the boy thanked him and continued on his way with the bag in the left hand and the suitcase in the right.

Finding his way to the Malific penthouse after walking through probably half the school to get there, he felt pleased as he opened the door and discovered what a nice area it was. Placing his luggage neatly next to the bed and the suitcase on top of a desk inside the same room. He admired the tidiness of the are for a moment before leaving his living space, so to say, and locking it with the key he received for it.
Connor had arrived. Pulling up in a beat up and very used van, he was ejected from the passanger seat, a glimpse of little heads and a mother figure was seen, and then it was gone in a cloud of dust. "Love you to!" he shouted after the fleeing van. Looking around, he openly eyes anyone that crosses his path. A disgusted look of prejudice born from a few years of being told how things were. There were three things here he had an opinion about. Vampires, feeders, and partials. Partials he didn't really care about. He respected them like anyone else that was human or were. But vampires were the exact opposite. Of course, looking around at all the female students, he figured he could get used to them. And Feeders were almost as bad, basically brain washed, and little better then cattle in his eyes. It disgusted him that they let themselves be treated the way they were.

But he was told to be good and not get into to much trouble by his adoptive father. So he tried his best to wipe the look of disgust from his face and go about like he wasn't thinking all vampires were looking at him like trash. Then he smelled it, the wonderful smell of other werewolves.
She looked at the new were who was just dropped off and the disgust he seems to have that would suddenly disappear. She pursed her lips together before walking over to him. As she did, she thought about a way to say hello to this newcomer. She had no issues with Weres in the past. She actually got along with them quite welcome consider she was partial wolf. This one seemed to be put off by many of the kinds here.

She remembered one werewolf who was especially kind to her and who taught her some thing's about her wolf side. It had been almost ten years since she has seen the werewolf and Karin missed her deeply. That's why, despite some of the harsh things she had heard about weres, she would always give them a chance.

As she approached him, she felt slightly more self conscious and looked at him. "Hi there..." She smiled as her ears twitched. She sounded cheerful and at the same time a bit nervous. "My name's Karin. What's yours?" Her white tailed swayed slightly and she looked at him, hoping he would answer.

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The Were drew in a deep breath to stretch her lungs full, wishing to catch the scents of pine forests and open fields residing in these mountains--the nostalgic spices of the closest thing to home she could have--but instead nearly choked on the bloodsuckers' stench. Her lids lifted to reveal coal-colored orbs that blazed in the light of the moon with her inner beast's yearning to be set free. Her magic gave a sudden flare and without warning, a thick and large branch of her tree came crashing down beside her. She did not flinch at the sudden impact, only grit her teeth and clenched the grass at her sides while her eyes set in hard stare at the crowd ahead of her.

Kir had told her about Vampires. He said only that they were the Were's natural enemy and refused to talk any more on the subject. Annushka had thought that statement strange--how could anything be a "natural" enemy, especially two entirely different species that had no other qualms? But the moment these scents hit her sensitive nose, the beast inside her raged without abandon. The Were's lips stretched with a wince and her eyes slammed shut once more as she fought to maintain what little authority she had. She just entered this school, it would not do to have her chances at full control be annihilated in mere minutes!

A grunt and a groan rumbled out of her chest and then, just as quickly as it had come, the fight was gone. Annushka's grip on the earth softened, her breath coming out in short and speedy gasps. What happened...? Why had it... Oh.

She lifted her head to spot him in an instant: a boy, not much older than she, approached by a young wolf-wannabe. Another Were. A hand lifted up to reveal the piece of parchment naming her living partner.

"Connor, huh?" came her whispered alto words, her head lifting to once again stare in the other's direction. "Tch. You have no idea what you're in for, kid..."

A long sigh escaped Evangeline as she glared at her Father, "Father... Dagan, I don't want to go to this damned school. All they are going to do is treat me like I am some delicate piece of glass. A statue that would break if you looked at it wrong. On top of that they will be scared of me, scared I will go to you and complain." She rested her chin on her hand, her elbow against the window of the car. She was watching the trees go by, watching some people walk up to the school, glance, and then immediately glance away. Any vampire worth their blood would be able to smell her from a mile away. They'd be able to smell Dagan approaching from even farther.

He looked at Evangeline from the corner of his eye, "It is a face thing. Aeternus built the school, it is appropriate for you to go there. If you complain to me about things, I could knock a few heads together. You'll enjoy the pampering, stop complaining. Besides, you'll get away from your hated Father for a while, isn't that what you want?" Evangeline sighed, not saying anything for or against it, and reached back her hand into the backseat, cupping Hannah's protectively. Her Father noted this, "Eva, don't loose your feeder, alright? She's got special blood, and I don't think I could find you another. She's yours, but for gods' sake, don't lose her or something."

Evangeline glared at Dagan, "I wouldn't lose Hannah. I've had her since I was little. Stop assuming such horrid things." They pulled up to the school after what seemed like a tense eternity, and she grimaced, students staring at the two of them. Most of their looks passed by Hannah entirely. Some vampires even looked scared, hell, some werewolves did too, but in a different way. Dagan even got out of the car, which garnered a groan from Evangeline. "Sure... make it worse...," she muttered under her breath as she caught Hannah's hand. "I'm going to go talk to the superiors of the school. Have fun here. I will see you later," he said, and patted her head twice before darting off so fast he almost disappeared.

A servant of his moved his car out of the way after handing Evangeline her luggage, and they left too. It was just Hannah and Evangeline now. She smirked, "So. I guess we go the way of the signs." They had wanted to help with the luggage, or even make Hannah carry it, but she refused that notion and carried them herself. It was silly to make a human carry bags, she was so much stronger, why shouldn't she do so? Evangeline looked to Hannah, "Let's get our room letter, and then you can go off on your own, alright? If you want to anyways. I'm certain we will both have a key to the room, and there are guards about everywhere right now. I feel safe enough with you socializing on your own."

They made it to the tents, got their letters, and Evangeline groaned loudly, "We have an entire floor to ourselves... You, me, and some personal guard. Lovely. Special treatment galore..." In her annoyance, she flared her energy out a bit, and noticed other purebloods on campus. Her brow raised, and she touched Hannah's shoulder, "You'll be okay? I'm going to go check out something." She only glanced at the dragon while she left, her Father had meetings with them on a semi-regular basis, for all she knew, she might actually know that one in particular. It would make sense.

Evangeline followed her senses to the other pureblood, and once close enough to see him, she smiled, "Hello there. It has been quite a while since I have seen another pureblood beyond my Mother and Father. I am Evangeline Aeternus, pleasure to meet you." She curtsied, smiling still. It was actually a little exciting, a pick-me-up from her Father being on campus still, and her having to be here in general.



Hannah listed the entire way, not saying a word while Dagan was around. If she wasn't spoken to, she wasn't supposed to talk, even with Eva's hand in her's. She had learned that the hard way. Broken ribs or fingers luckily healed perfectly when people had magic to heal them, but it was still so unpleasant. She'd prefer to avoid it at all costs. Dagan finally left, and she breathed a sigh of relief, taking the moment to look around at all the people both admiring and fearing Evangeline. She wasn't as used to it as one would think, a lot of time it was just Eva and herself, hardly anyone else around. During meetings they were more afraid of Dagan than they were Evangeline. Here though? It was a much different situation. It amused her a little bit.

She smiled at Evangeline's frustration, looking at her own letter. Really, she was just happy she had been thought of enough to get one. Hannah sighed and smiled more directly at Eva, "Yes, Evangeline. I'll be fine. Don't worry so much. Go have fun, you look like you could use it. You also look like you might explode if you don't do something." She watched her almost bounce off towards whatever it was she was set on, her bags hardly bothering her. Hannah on the other hand was having a little trouble with her own bags, they didn't want to balance at all. She got away from the tents, but the dragon landing on the ground startled her, and her bags came tumbling down. She grumbled, tucking the letter in her pocket before picking them up sheepishly, "Stupid bags..."

Some vampires were actually chuckling at her. Yeah, yeah. Stupid Human. I know. Yuck it up. she thought to herself and sighed, wishing that for once she could say it aloud. Always quiet, always good, always damn near perfect. Hopefully she could actually speak her mind in her classes. Ignoring those thoughts for now, she stood, finally cleaning up the remainder of her luggage. Nothing had spilled luckily, all of her clothes and belongings still contained within the bags themselves.

She looked at the wolves and the other people who had ears and tails, she wanted to pet them. They looked so soft and inviting. In reality they'd probably bite her hand off or something, and on top of that she smelled like vampires. That's what being around vampires day in and day out did to one, she supposed. She was trying to recall what she knew about them, their likes and dislikes. At the same time, she was also aware of anyone who might approach her, keeping a close eye on the Dragon guard leader, so he knew who to direct her screams at if anyone tried anything shady.
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Connor whipped his head around, turning towards the sound if a voice. A look of pure hatred melted away as he saw it wasn't a vampire, and a girl at that. Well, his ma and pa weren't around. And he very much doubted either of them would care, he was 20 after all.

"Why hi!" he said, a grin splitting his face. "Thought it was a blood sucker coming to say hello and how much better they were then me." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand for a, you guessed it, handshake. "Names Connor...."

Here was when he noticed someone staring at him. The wind was blowing wrong, so he could catch her scent. But he would bet his canines that it was a camp giving him that death stare. A look of stubborn determination entered his eyes. Abd if anything, his chest puffed out a bit. He was a werewolf, and proud of it. Let her huff and puff about going to a school with a werewolf in it, see what he cared.

Snapping back to attention, he continues where he left off. "Names Connor McKinley, nice to meet you."
Rohawk Rachonith apparated in front of Karin and Connor. He looks at them both and smiles brightly. "Hello! Need any help? I am the guide around these parts. You see when you get turned around I'll come show you the way because, I know this place like the back of my hand." Rohawk raised his hand to there level, but it was a faint mist shimmering. "Oh, that's new. I should probably get that checked out huh?" He made a slight pause to see if either of the two would respond to his joke. But they just looked at him funny instead so he continued with his speech. "Well anyways I'll get you where you need to go. If it's this way or that way, here or there, you can count on old Rohawk to get you there! So stay in milk, don't do drugs, and drink plenty of school. Haven't heard enough yet? Well I got more for ya!" He makes a dramatic wink at Karin as he continues on.

"Let me think, your dormitories are right this way. If you will kindly follow me." Rohawk spun around in the air and floated through a nearby tree. Disappearing from sight briefly but pokes his head back through and points in the true direction while laughing. "Just kidding kids. They are that way." He shrugged his shoulders as he pulled the rest of his body from the tree. "Of course there is this, that and some other stuff along the way. But if you want we can take a detour to see those wonderful things. No? Alright then. Your the bosses." Rohawk started to actually lead the young were and wolf girl to there destination.

The three approached the large housing building for the children. The doors were wide open as they went in. "So, how are ya liking it here at the school?" Rohawk asked as he floated blindly reclining in the air. Soon they reached Karin's room to there relief. He floated through the door and to his companies horror, while talking. "This here is your room doll. Its really nice in here." He poked his head through the door and pointed at the knob."Do you want to get that and check out your sweet digs? Although everything is nice here. The scenery, buildings, even little old me." He winks again at Karin as he floats through the door back to them and phases through her. "But it does tend to get kind of boring after a while. But that's why new students show up. To keep it lively! and not well. Dead. Like me." He gave them a smirk and turned to the young were and asked. "Your room is next. Want me to take you?"

(@Karin Kurayami) (@Beowulf)
She would be slightly scared as she saw the hatred, but then saw it retracted and sighed with a little bit of relief. Once she introduced himself, she smiled. Connor McKinley huh? I have to remember that. She took his hand and smiled, shaking a little bit. If all the people she met here at this school were like this, she would be really happy. Now if only she could trust vampires to be this open to them...

"No no." She laughed a bit. "I'm not a vampire... I don-- Is something wrong...?" She frowned as she noticed the demeanor change. He looked determined, almost like someone was judging him and he was putting them in their place. She looked around and frowned a bit. "Is it a vampire...? They have absolutely no write to judge you. You should be extremely proud to be a werewolf.." It was then she saw a spirit and it sort of startled her at first. I have never seen one before...!

As he addressed them, she couldn't help but smile at this individual. He's a member of the staff? I'm going to love it here. As he brought up the dormitories, she realized she hadn't actually checked out her room yet and happily followed him. He was definitely a quirky fellow, he was someone who could open up to in a heartbeat. She laughed a few times as he winked her and once they reached her room, her eyes widened as he just walked through the door. That is going to take some getting used to for sure... She opened up the door and looked at her room with absolutely wonder. She had never actually had her own room, or her own bed for that matter.

"I'm actually liking it so far.... Needless to say, the experience is getting better as the day goes on for sure." She smiled and looked at the spirit. "May ask you're name, kind sir?" As he would take Connor to his room, she smiled. "If you want to talk about anything, let me know, Connor." She was still concerned about what he had felt earlier.

(@Beowulf) (@WaffleReaper)
"Yep." he said over his shoulder, adding a little wave to it as well. Then he motioned for the spirit to lead the way. "I might as well go see where I'll be stayin' all year." He had his room number in his pocket, but figured it would be rude to tell a guide not to do his job.

As he took the short journey to his room, he thought back on that girl that had stared at him. Come to think of it, there were a few others that looked at him funny. This school was meant for vampires, he could practically hear them think it. Well, the could just go suck it, because he was here to stay.

Then they arrived at his room. Walking through the ghostly figure was wht made him stop. "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was thinking." he said quickly, trying his best to avoid any early dislike for him that may crop up from that.
A brow raised upon the strange sight of the giddy spirit, eager as a living child to do something worth his time. Annushka watched as they spoke with an oddly curious gleam her eyes, though her lips pulled at the corners with a look of slight disgust. Oh, god, that's what I'll be forced to live with? Neither the Were nor the halfling showed any sort of promise in the spellwolf's eyes, but she pushed herself to her feet anyway after a roll of her eyes.

"Might as well get this over with..." After another glance at her housing assignment to note her room's number, Annushka made a beeline for the Academy's entrance, meaning to follow the supernatural to the room she would share. To do this, however, required passing through the massive bundle of students. That would most certainly mean getting a bit up close and personal with the many vampires who attended, which would no doubt lead to another flare...

The Were gave only a massive huff of agitation towards her inner beast and steeled herself for the short walk. She was going to Bloodlines now; if she could not handle a simple stroll past the bloodsuckers, how would she ever survive an education with them? A fearsome glare overcame Annushka's features and she marched forward without care.

Those in the crowd gave looks spotlighting their abhorrence for the woman, be they Vampire or halflings or even the Werewolf species, but all hastily moved well out of her path once catching sight of the murderous flash in her feral gaze. All but one. This one, this singular scholar cloaked in vampire's scent was perhaps too caught up in the grandeur of the opening ceremony and saw not the spellwolf on her journey. She was roughly pushed aside by the clash. Annushka pivoted a half-second after the collision to confront the offending body.

"Why don't you fuckin' watch where you're standing, idiot girl?!" Her voice, once cool and collected, now reverberated gruffly amidst the air, no smoother than raging ocean's waves.

[ @kinadra ]

"This is a horrible idea..." Marcius muttered to his Grandfather as he got out of the car. They were still in town, they couldn't get close to the school or someone would recognize the old man. They'd recognize his Father even quicker, or at least that was the argument he made for not coming. He'd gotten turned, an idiotic mistake on his part, and it was only thanks to some miracle drug that he was still alive. If not, he'd be a full vampire, and just a monster. At least this way he was a dhampir. Still an unfortunate circumstance, but not a full blown monster.

"Yes, well, there are purebloods there this year, so your misfortune can be a blessing. Don't take it for granted, as now you have a much higher purpose to fulfill," his Grandfather said and he nodded, taking his pack which looked like an overstuffed hiking bag, and he started on the trek from the town to the school. It was a bit long, but there were others walking the same path as well, though likely for far different reasons than he. The were-wolves he passed he minded less, the vampires he barely gave them a passing glance. He didn't feel they were worth the time of day. Humans on the other hand that he passed, he watched them from a polite distance, making sure that no one messed with them.

He even came upon a large group of humans and stuck behind them a-ways. It would be best if there was someone to assure their safety among the fangs. As he walked, Marcius wondered about the school, rarely was it that a hunter went to the school, or at least that school in particular, because they rarely survived their stay. It was well protected, and as thus was rather cocky. They paraded their students through a town, letting all know the school year started. Though the people of the town didn't know what the school was for, the hunter and the supernatural community had no doubts.

Marcius finally arrived at the school and told the guard at the gate his 'name', and gave him his papers as well to prove it. As far as this school knew, his name was Marc Lovias, not Marcius Devinae. He'd hardly gotten in the gate before he noticed someone yelling at someone else in the distance, some wolf girl and another girl who'd knocked things over. Marcius grumbled to himself and attempted to ignore it, strolling to the tents with a sour look on his face to receive his information letter. He'd be roomed with someone named Adalyn in the Denerus house. He thought for a moment muttering under his breath, "Psychic house, huh? I guess it would be nice to learn more about how those things work."

He looked behind him and raised a brow towards the Dragon. He'd missed his name, but the scaled beast was certainly formidable. If those were ever on their side... Marcius sighed, rubbing the back of his head before moving on. He supposed he would just try to find his room, though he had no idea where to go.



The small, only slightly more than 5 feet tall Human girl turned to look at the source of the yelling, and she blushed. Hannah brought a hand up to her cheek and curtsied politely, "Oh miss I am incredibly sorry. I wasn't looking well enough. I hope you are not too angry with me." She looked to her bags, "My luggage was not balancing properly, and it tipped over. I should have packed better than that. Evang... Ah... I mean the vampire I am bound to, I am a feeder after all, she left to do her own things. I was attempting to figure out something to do in the meantime."

She blushed again and smiled apologetically, showing not even a hint of fangs, "Ah... um... my name is Hannah, Miss. Despite bumping into you, it is a pleasure to meet you. You seem extremely tense. Is that my fault?" She frowned deeply, "Oh if so I am incredibly sorry. I hardly meant to cause any distress or discomfort." She looked at the dragon again who was answering various questions, and then back to the wolf girl, "Um... What's your name, Miss? I have not met many wolves. I live with vampires, and am not often allowed to go anywhere else, so my experiences are lacking."

She didn't really know why she was explaining her life story to the girl, she just felt so bad, and it seemed like the polite thing to do. "I'm sorry that I smell offensive to you. I certainly don't try to... though, thinking about it... I perhaps should try harder to smell human here. It might cause trouble if I don't. I don't need people being rough with me and accidentally breaking something. Though... if it did break something, it would more than likely be my fault than theirs." She smiled awkwardly, cupping her hands in front of her, "I'm sorry. I'm rambling. Ah... though... If I might ask, why do people seem afraid of you?"

Obsidian decided to look inside of the closet that also was in her room. It was fairly barren. But had a few hats in it for guarding, if she chose to wear them at all and that was very unlikely. I can fill this with rocks andd jems just like the ones i brought. That would be nice. Obsidian grabbed the bag she left on the floor with her papers. She pulled out rock after rock from the bag, most of them being obsidian rocks. She began to organize them in the empty closet and ended up covering most of the available floor space. Feeling pleased about her organization she took a few back and slipped them in the puch she keeps tied to her waist. She likes to keep a few on her in cause she needs to heal herself for any reason. Its better to be safe than sorry she thought to herself. She learned that the hard way a long time ago. Obsidian started to feel claustrophobic and constricted by the walls surrounding her so she decided to make her way back outside. Just because im not supposed to start until tomorrow doesnt mean i cant guard tonight... She smilied as she took to the skies once more looking for anything out of place on the prestigious grounds of the academy.

Suddenly she felt something. She could sense her masters was on the premises. The man who created her. Dagan Aeternus. But there was an unfamiliar one as well. They had the same Aeternus blood but was pulled towards Dagan. "Perhapes Master Aeternus has more orders for me. I should find him. He could probably tell me who this other Blood is too." Obsidian looked around feveriously trying to locate him. It has been a long time since she saw the family she was bound to obey. The last time was about 200 years prior before being sent to guard a dragon hatchery, or at least felt like it. Being 400 years old, you loose track of what happend when.

Obsidian saw a flash on the ground and knew it was him. She followed the derection he went and soon caught up to him with her powerful wings. But him stopping helped a lot with that as he is far faster then her. He was talking to some of the other staff members of the school. Obsidian glided down and landed beside them. "Master Aeternus" Obsidian knelled down on one knee and lowered her wings to the ground. "It has been quite some time Sir. Do you have any orders for me while I am bound at this current assignment?" She looked up at him hopeing that there was something he recuired of her. Something to make her useful for being created. "It has been a long time since i recieved orders directly from you Sir. Her stoney face cureled into a mimicked smile that she has seen so many times before on the faces of those around her.

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Shanae abruptly straightened as her senses pinged off vampires of the bloodline she belongs to. She smiles some as she realizes they are more than just vampires of the line, they are purebloods. Standing up on the ledge she had been perched on for some time, Shanae jumps down into the crowd of newcomers and begins to track down the pureblood Aeternus vampires. On the way she catches the scent of a feeder who smells of a pureblood and detours to locate the human first. Finding the human, Shanae discovers that a spell wolf is currently confronting the small female and seems rather agitated.

Once Shanae sees the human attempting to calm the situation, she lingered for a few moments longer before turning around and returning to her original mission of tracking down one or both of the purebloods she had sensed. There were two directions she could go to find one and she ecided to go hunt down the stronger signal. As Shanae neared the location of the stronger pureblood, her blood started to run cold as her empathy began to feel the power and other energies flowing off of who she could now tell is the king of the Aeternus line. She stopped abruptly and was fighting to stop her whole body from visibly shaking as she attempted toignore her senses. Too fearful to move any closer, Shanae turned tail and ran quickly through the crowd, making as much distance as possible from the king as possible.

Once back to the pillar where she started, Shanae began to relax as she then honed in on the other pureblood and began to track he or she down. After some time following the signal, she found herself near the livng quarters of another major bloodline. Continuing to go forward, Shanae found the pureblood chatting with another and began to consider if she should go say hi or wait until invited over. Shanae had little knowledge of proper ediquette around purebloods of her line, let alone those of other lines. After a long mental debate, she decided to wait a respectful distance, still close enough to be noticed or sensed, but far enough away to not be intrusive hopefully.

(@WeabooTrash, @kinadra)
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Ambrogio left the school building with a book, labelled "The Basics of Magic", and the key of his penthouse inside the right outer pocket of his blazer. Walking while reading wan't the smartest thing to do as one could easily bump or trip that way, but the young vampire knew how to successfully focus on items, covering his vision of the settings he was in, like books for example, without unnecessarily colliding with anything on his way. That's due to well-developed analyzing skills and a naturally wide peripheral vision, inherited by his incredibly-sighted parents and ancestors.

While walking around the outdoor area of the academy, he felt... uneasy, at one point. Looking around himself, still holding the book in one hand, he noticed the troubling glares of werewolves, as they were supposed to be a vampire's natural enemy. Although being tense, he tried convincing himself that as long as he is on school grounds, he wouldn't have to get involved in battles with other students. Magic and psychic capabilities were all he was lacking, but Ambrogio knew that just physical strength wasn't going to aid him as much in battles - at least that's what his mother used to tell him. Feeling nervous, he decided to hide his current emotion by getting back to reading, and continued on walking.

Half a minute strolling around campus led him to a nicely-ornamented wooden bench, which he then used for his own comfort - sitting in the middle, as though he owned it. While carefully examining each word of the book he was reading, he smelled blood... sour, low on hemoglobin. The stench he himself emitted was similar - a bit too much, by that. Which meant he could smell a pureblood vampire. Moving the book aside, he saw a young girl closing in on him. He expected her at the very least greet him, judging by the direction she was walking in and her line of vision. So he stood up, not moving his gaze from the vampire, and waited like some sort of spoiled snob.

"Hello there." She greeted him, followed by another sentence including a short reason as to why she approached him and and yet another one with an introduction. At least that's how he viewed her words. She was smiling, a sort of "friendly" smile, one would say. Ambrogio wasn't used to such a way of speech, as he has never been spoken to in a way that didn't include a huge amount of flattering words because of the authority of his bloodline. He decided to reply appropriately to Evangeline - the same way his mother taught him to treat royalty, so he gave out a friendly smile and exclaimed "Why, good day, Miss Evangeline Aeternus. It is a pleasure to meet another pureblood vampire, by that from the Aeternus bloodline. I am called by the name Ambrogio d'Clemente Sansone, from the Malific bloodline. It is an honour to meet you, Miss Aeternus." and bowed at his last sentence.

He did not notice, whatsoever, the vampire who was standing at a distance, as he was quite immersed in the conversation with Evangeline, especially because it has been a long time since he last even saw a pureblood from a different bloodline than his.

(@Phoenix Lord , do your magic, guys~)

Evangeline chuckled at Ambrogio's impressive introduction and smiled again, "You don't need to be as formal as you are, especially with me. After all, we are both Pures. I'm guessing you got here recently? I have, though I hardly need to say such considering I am still holding my luggage." She looked to the royal standing off a ways, but who was clearly interested and wanting to say hello. She waved and chuckled again, "You're about the shiest royal I've ever seen. Usually they are very in your face about who they are and what they want. Starstruck or something?"

Her focus turned back to Ambrogio after that, and she touched his shoulder in a friendly way, her other hand freeing her silvery hair from behind her back. "So, what brings you to the school? For myself, my Father decided that I needed a good show of face. He puts so much into the school it might as well be his... so I suppose I understand. I don't enjoy the idea though. Private tutors do just as well, if not better in some situations."

She glanced down at his book and grinned, "You like to read? We should compare our libraries sometime. I had a lot of my books sent ahead of myself, so that I could read freely. I feel like I might be disappointed in the library here, though I'm not certain. My Father has donated a good number of books here, so I suppose I might find something of interest..." She looked at the royal again and sighed, thinking about how Hannah might be doing. She was all on her own... "Do you have a personal feeder?" she asked suddenly of Ambrogio, and then looked to the royal, "And do you? I do, though I see her as more like a sister. Her name is Hannah. I'm certain you'll like her, sometimes she's more of a bookworm than myself."

(@Phoenix Lord)

Angelos Durahim


Angelos after awhile would turn off his music and leave his room, slowly making his way down the hall towards the steps. "
Lets see what's going on." He would slowly descend the stairs, making his way towards the main hall area. Reaching the final flight of stairs before ground level he would jump them. landing with a stumble "HAH I did it.." He would exclaim triumphantly before succumbing to gravity and balance, toppling over and face planting the floor. "Curse you physics.. why must you mock me so" He would shake his fist angrily towards nothingness. shooting back up from the floor he would look around at the people. seeing who and what they were.. "No. No. No. No. Maybe. No. No." Angelos would slowly mentally take note of some of the girls around. picking which of them he shall attempt to engage in flirtation.

Having spent long enough looking at people. Angelos would shrug and move to one of the free spots on a bench. sitting down he would bury his face into his hands. "Im so bored. who do I talk to. I don't want to end up looking like an ass, and saying something stupid to a pure blood." Angelos would let out a long sigh of uncertainty. his mind trailing off in thought to figure out his next step. for the day.

Maybe I should have stayed in my room, at least that way. I wont be stuck in some awkward dance of who do I talk to or what do I do" Groaning and stretching himself he would take one last look around the main lobby. wondering if he should stay or go. "I might go back to my room soon, theres too many people around for my likes. it seems rather cluttered. and besides Im missing my music."

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