Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Descending Air 27

The lot of you have gathered from far and wide in T'chala, following dreams and portents. The night before another such dream has woken you up, drawing you to the forest near the city limits, whereupon you got to a large clearing in it's midst. Not too far away, you can hear the sounds of hustle and bustle, and from rumors you've heard, you know that the Court of Seasons is getting ready to leave, now that the Season of Air is about to end.

At the moment you all stand still, a strange shape appears in the clearing. 4 female figures emerge from the ground. They are beautiful, and each is more exotic than the others. One is as white as snow, her hair and eyes blue like ice. Another is all green, with a dash of gold and brown in her hair, and brillint green eyes, with a reddish rim. The third one is shorter in stature than the others, but stocky, and she is colored in browns and gold., though her hair is slightly gray. And the fourth is blue-green in color, with eyes of deep blue, and hair like the color of sea shells.

As they stand before you, you can sense sadness in them, and longing, and soon you realize that a fifth one is missing, a red and fiery one. For the 4 figures standing before you are the goddesses in charge of the seasons.

The lady of snow white color turns to you, her voice melodious, but cracking like ice at times "I'm sorry for leading you all from your normal actions, but our plight is great. Despite what the Court of Seasons might have others think, they do not have any influence on the turning of the seasons, except to ensure proper prayers. We five maidens are working for the Department of Seasons in Yu-Shan, and are in charge of their turning. But in the past few days our sister, the maiden of the Fire Season, has disappeared. We have no idea where or why she left, but if she isn't found, it can have repercussions. Already temperatures are lower than normal, and don't seem to show much interest in rising, and if it keeps on like this, and she doesn't return, we might not have a fire season, which can cause even greater disruptions, the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Great Contagion."
(Just edited some spelling errors in the first post, if you don't mind)


Emerging from the woods comes a flawless figure, wearing golden plating across their chest, their lower body wrapped in pale yellow and crossed down the front and back with bright red. Their skin is perfect as marble, their hair like that of turned leaves. It is impossible to tell if they are male or female, their perfect eyes scanning over each of the goddesses with a look of utter serenity.

"A pleasure to meet you, great goddesses, and your apologies are most unnecessary. It is a great delight to be in your presence and most saddening to hear of your woes. How might this humble servant of the Unconquered Sun assist you?" With dignity and comfortably gentile mannerisms, Odalis delivers a sweeping bow, revealing the shield on their back, marked with the solar symbolism. They are utterly unshaken by the sudden appearance of four gods and of portents of doom; such thoughts had already occurred in their mind when they had first started receiving dreams that were so familiar as those.

Bow complete, the Exalt rises, awaiting the declaration with clarity of purpose visible on their face.

The young Lunar has her slender and bare arms folded behind her back, her slender fingers playing with the long strands of black hair. She was nervous to say the least, Solars were here, and she has heard the stories. Not that she cared for them, after all there was stories for the Lunars too. Still she listens to the goddesses and worries a bit. First an Empress and now a goddess. I like the season of fire, the young woman thinks to herself, it will be heartbreaking if the Season of Fire forever disappears, and I do not like the sound of what could happen if the other seasons are messed up because of it.

At least with the dream answered she was sure to get a better night's rest now.

Toyakasha Todomi's mind races. The dreams had been too foreboding, too intrigueing for a curious man such as himself to miss. As such, he had rapidly set up some sham mercantile arrangement in the vicinty of T'chala - an agreement he had actually arranged -, in order to explain his leaving Nexus without a decent reason to do so. Not that he suspected anybody to complain, but it's always a good idea to cover oneself. The Quill thinks over the situation. A lack of a fire season would ensure failed harvests - of food, but particularly of drugs. Slaves would suffer and regularly die at freezing temperatures. Traveling caravans could be stranded by snow and hail. Guild profits would plunge!

His hands clenched together, his thumbs twisting, Toyakasha lifts his face towards the goddesses. "Oh, but there is no need to apologize, noble goddesses. Should the season of Fire not occur, that would most assuredly have dramatic consequences! I would wager to call it - an Ice Age?" The Quill pauses a few moments. "It is in the interest of all of us, ofcourse, to aid you in your endeavour."

The Haltan Lunar sits in the lower branches of a tree as she listens. Any child of the forest understands how important the Seasons are to the balance of nature. The Goddesses of the Seasons bring grave news. She quells her feelings for Halta for a moment. This is grave news for Creation, not just her homeland. She drops from the branch to the floor with barely a sound, landing in a crouch and bows her head to her raised knee.

"Goddesses, I will do whatever is necessary to ensure the balance of nature. I am at your service."
Garbed as Debarik 'One eye', the sly immaculate, wore brown robes over his more flamboyant purple silk, what passed as incognito for his solar alter-ego. He listened curious as the Winter Lady told of their plight, glancing about his fellows, it seemed he was not the only who had had the call for aid dirupting his normal diet of nightmares. Some of them he had even seen about the town and even in the very inn where he had spent the night. He wondered how many would except the task.....Surely they that could steal a goddess was a force to be reckoned with....

With a start he realized that he had already accepted the task in his mind, but then, ensuring the proper functioning of the spirits in all their variety was part and parcel to being an immaculate, whatever spin fate and Sol Invictus had put on that. He finds himself nodding as several of those gathered agree to help, blinking in slight surprise as one even leaps down from the tree tops and (speaking in what he'd grown to know, if not understand, as one of the local languages) apparently joined the effort as well /We might have a chance, it seems folks are coming out of the woodworks to help/ he thought to himself with a chuckle before adding his own "Quite right, I too shall do what I can. Do you have any idea where she may be, or even who may have taken her...." to the mix in Old Realm, the normal speech of spirits.

Under his persona as Illuminated Shadow provided by the effects of Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise, Yingko emerges from the shadow of a tree. If not for his crimson scarf draped around half his face, it would betray a grave expression. If what these entities were saying was true, this would be the greatest threat Yingko had ever faced, far beyond mere underworld gangsters. He attempts a joke to deflect some tension, and to get a read on those around him.

"I once dreamed I tore my skin off and was someone else underneath. But this. This seems bad.
Furious Whisper creeps into the clearing, his clothes perfectly matched to the area to aid in stealth. He half expects a trap until the spirits show themselves. After their speech he simply nods his assent. Only then does he take notice of the others that have been gathered for the task.

This should prove interesting.
A young woman with blonde hair sits with her back leaned against a nearby tree. Her hat hanged low over the front of her face, it's hard to see if she is actually sleeping or paying attention. When the goddesses have finished their request, a hand reaches up and places a wheat straw in a pair of lips as they curve into a smile.

"Where was she last seen?" she addresses the Goddesses of Seasons.
"So that's what you've been leading us along for, hm?" A red-haired woman steps into the clearing, glancing around at the assembled group. And a rather odd bunch you've chosen, I must say, She thinks, smiling and leaning back against a tree, her arms folded across her chest. "Don't worry, we'll find her. Just let us know where to start."

Rhea glances over again, her gaze focusing on Odalis for a split second before returning to the goddesses. It looked like... well, no, it didn't look like, but she was still certain that was the man (woman?) from before. Well, the one from the most recent before, at least. With any luck, this quest would be her chance to find out just what was going on...
The Lady of Air steps back, while her sister, the Lady of Water steps forward and begins to talk, addressing each of you in turn "Odalis, your help is needed in finding our lost sister, and bringing her, or convincing her to come back with you, from wherever she is. Your reputation of wanting to restore the Old Order has reached our ears, and we can be of assistance."Next she turns to Altieria "We have heard some of your plight, and if you aid us in this, we will help you with your past. Also, we know our missing sister had some interest in you, but we do not know the extent of it."

Turning to Todomi, she gives a slight curtsy "You ambitions are great, and we can aid you in achieving them, so I'm sure missing a season or more will not damage your standing much, and can prove a good business deal for you."

With a slight smile she turns to Ashnia "You value the land much, and in return we can help you and your people to get more from the land. Enough to give you what you seek."

"Eth'n, your work is admiring, though your path is precarious, more so than any other here. We have secrets to divulge that will steady your course, and we are willing to share."

"Illuminated Shadow, we will keep your past behind, and help you find the thing you seek the most. We have the means to give it to you."

"Furious Whisper, your campaign is commendable, though slow, and very difficult. we can aid you in making it more effective."

"Rhea, we have but one thing to give you that you lack, but it will take some time to fulfill, so in the mean time, if you aaccept this quest, we will give you a small token. As for your question, we last saw her no less than 15 days ago, when she was supposed to go to Yu-shan to deal with some matters, except we have inquired after her, and she never got to the city. We can give you the location of where we last saw her, and where she was headed, but you will have to pick up her trail from there."

"Last, but certianly not least. Ruby Eyes, an apt name. Your personal quest is of interesst to us, and rest assured that the two have something in common, more than might meet the eye."
Altieria stiffens for a heartbeat moment. Help me in my past? A thing so lost that I have almost despaired of its recovery? And the Missing Fire Goddess, interest in me?

"I shall do my best," she answers her voice musical nearly in its lilting ways and grants them a graceful curtsy.
"My personal quest...So they do already know...The Court of Seasons certainly are more informed than I thought..."

Ruby Eyes slowly stands up, she pads the loose grass away from her duster and her chaps. Adjusting her cowboy hat with a slight upward tilt, she focuses her eyes on the the four goddesses. As her name implied, her eyes does indeed glow like rubies underneath the sun.

"If yall got some belongin' of hers, don't need be nothin' fancy. If it carries her scent, might be easier to track her down."
I don't like how you seem to know so much about me, but if you need my help, you have it.

The man comes out from what he had thought was hiding. He wears a well fitted suit and long overcoat with a worn fedora. He also has on a mask that covers the top half of his face. The colors change from forest green to grays as he walks out.

What was she doing in Yu-Shan? Who was she going to see?
Toyakasha smiles. "I suppose I'll just have to send a few messages to warn my superiors that I'll be away for some time. I'm sure they'll understand." As the man seats himself in lotus position, he takes out a small pot of ink, a few sheets of paper and a quill. Keeping a discerning ear to the rest of the conversation - he is never one to let information go to waste -, he nonetheless focuses himself on writing a letter to his fellow Guildsmen.

(OOC: writing a letter with Twisted Words Technique and Second Linguistics Excellency to convince my immediate superiors that legitimate Guild business will require me to be off for an unpredictable, though lengthy amount of time. I don't have a combo, but I do have Linguistics Essence Flow. Buying five successes on the Linguistics Excellency. I rolled 2 successes on 10 dice of Manipulation + Presence (lucky for me I bought those successes). Target's MDV can be adjusted for my Linguistics 5 by the Appearance rule. I spent 16 motes of personal essence and 1 willpower.)
A nearly imperceptible emotion flickers across Rhea's face, quickly replaced by her usual smile. Something I lack?

"Well, of course I accept," she answers, fingering her silver necklace idly. "No worries, I'm sure we'll find out what's going on here before anything goes too wrong."

She casts another glance over the group, taking in their reactions. Looks like I'm not the only one wondering about this. Just how long have they been watching us? Is this quest all they have in mind?

Odalis, unlike the others, does not seem taken aback by the goddess's pronouncement that they are well aware of their activities. After all, they were gods of Yu Shan; it was only becoming for them to be well aware of affairs the Princes of the Earth, was it not?

"You are too kind. This humble servant is happy to serve Heaven. I shall serve to the best of my abilities." They declare, standing upright once more. The pleased and unperturbed smile refuses to leave their face, even as they look to the others, seeing unfamiliar faces and curiosity crossing their features as well.

Others have already asked questions worth asking, there no need to repeat them to the goddesses. For a moment, though, the Exalt muses on the thought of them visiting Yu Shan. What wonders would they see if admitted into the Heavenly City? Delicate fingers traced their cheek as they faced forward and lost themselves, staring into infinity, eyes lighting up at the thought of meeting the Unconquered Sun, face to face. It would be... Glorious.
The Immaculate solar, oxymoronic hero, listens, considering. He'd always known that his secret would one day get out, and just as well knew that a great resource would be lost when it did, to speak to anyone that was privy to his secret, it was....disturbing to say the least. His curiosity burned to step forward and ask what information the goddess's possessed that might aid him....but he awaited the opportunity to approach the gathered Ladies of the Seasons, filled as the air was with the clamour caused by their statement...Having struck home to more than just he exactly how well informed they were...

She did not need an incentive to take upon the task of finding the lost goddess but the prospect of helping Halta, albeit indirectly, is certainly agreeable. Indeed, she would have no hand in anything so the two elders of Halta would be unable to blame her for anything.

"I did not intend to ask for a reward because of what is at stake but I accept your generous offer."
"I'm not sure what I seek can be given, or even attained for himself. But someone's in trouble, so I'll take the job."

Inside though, Yingko wasn't fully certain on the truth of on his words. These sisters seemed on the level, and their level of detailed information on himself and the people around him would seem to verify it. But in his world, healthy skepticism never hurt.


Using Gem of Surface Thoughts to read mind of the lady who spoke to him.

Perception+Awareness roll of 8d10 1 4 1 3 7 5 6 4 = 1 success, which only brings up a single word :oops:
Out steps forward the third sister, the Lady of Earth Season. Her fullness of body is enticing, and she carries her weight as if she's a slip of a girl. Her voice is rich and low, yet unmistakedly feminine.

"We appreciate your eagerness to find our missing sister, and our promises were given in honesty for performing such a momentous task for all of Creation. As for your questions, let me address them. I have here" and she pulls out a scarf of orange and red and yellow, so vibrant it almost looks like it's on fire, or about to burst into flames "a scarf of our sister, which she left behind when she went missing. Hopefully it will aid you in finding her.

As for her mission, she was supposed to meet the head of the Department of Seasons in Yu-Shan, to deliver him her report on the past Fire Season, and her ideas for the upcoming one. Since she wrote them herself, we cannot duplicate them, and so not only do we have an imbalance in the seasons, but with the reports missing, we may be facing an audit."
Furious Whisper will never see the season of Earth the same again.

"I have some more questions for you ladies. Is that the appropriate way to address you or is their a title or honorific that I should use? Please bear with me as any information could prove useful in locating your sister."

Furious takes out some paper and a pencil to write notes.

"Did she travel alone?

Did she have any enemies or rivals? Who would want to keep her from delivering her report?

Who else knew about the report?

What sorts of things were in her previous reports?

I presume all of you do reports for your seasons as well. What sort of items are in a report? Did you expect that Fire Season's report would be unusual in any way?

How did she get to Yu-Shan??"
Lady Earth turns to Furious Whisper with a slight smile "Let me try and answer your questions as best I can. There is no honorific we need, since we are quite content in our role.

We always travel alone to make our reports, it takes a lot to keep an eye on the Court of Seasons.

Naturally we have rivals. There are many gods who would love to assume our position, many of which believe our job is simple enough that anyone can fulfill it, not realizing the complexities involved, or the mess a misstep can cause.

Almost everyone in the Department of Seasons knows we make regular reports.

We each prefer to keep our reports to ourselves. While the geenral managing of each season is similar, there are peculiarities to each, and things to watch out for that are best left known to as few as possible.

One of our duties is to come up with ideas for things to add some variation in the season, lest they are the same thing every year, which can lead to stagnation. Rarely are such suggesion radical, and those are usually ignored by the department.

There are secret ways to Yu-Shan we use, but they must be kept secret. So we cannot discuss them with you."

The mention of unwillingness to share these passages to Yu Shan saddens Odalis a little, the look of hope vanishing a moment. Still, there is hope yet for a sojourn to Yu Shan...

"But, fair goddesses, how are we to find your sister if we cannot go to Yu Shan? Surely, if she was intercepted on the way to these secret portals or in the Heavenly City itself, must we not investigate?" The Solar asks hopefully, both serious and yet finding an inexhaustible wellspring of desire to visit the Celestial City and to, if but for a moment, gain a glimpse of its monarch...
The Earth Lady looks at Odalis with sadness "Ever since the Usurpation, Yu-Shan has become one of the worst places for Solars and Lunars to go to. We have inquired in Yu-Shan, and in the hidden ways that lead to it, and none have seen out sister, which suggests that she was kidnapped, or left, before she ever reached those hidden ways."

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