Prelude 4: The outcast [Elemental Upheaval]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Piacu stands in a small house, one of the few things he owns, though it is located far from the Imperial City.

He moved here to get away from most of his fellow Dynasts, who still scorn him, and his family. Even as part of one of a Great House, his ancestry haunted him still. But then a letter arrived just recently, from none other than Kilam. saying that he needed to meet with him as soon as possible, and something about a great adventure, though the writing is smudged, apparently having been written very fast. Then again, Kilam was never known for his great calligraphy.
Holding the letter in his hand, Piacu frowns.

Evidently something of importance was happening, if Kilam needed to meet him so urgently. And when important things are happening, one must go prepared.

Calling a servant over, Piacu kits himself out in his armor and girds his ancestral daiklave around his waist. Settling a few small household affairs that remained, Piacu strides out of his house, to Kilam's requested meeting place.
Heading to the stables, Piacu mounts his favourite stallion - Red Tide, a red-haired warhorse that his father had given him as a gift for leaving the academy. Spurring his stallion on, Piacu gallops towards the Imperial City, and the society of his fellow dynasts once more.

(OOC: I suppose it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to say Piacu owns a few horses, would it? He's poor by Dragon-Blooded standards, but that's still pretty rich.)
In the distance, not too far ahead, you see two figures standing in the middle of the road, and they seem to be talking. One is sitting on his horse, while the other stands next to his horse.

It's kinda hard to notice any more details on them from this distance.

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