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My Interest Check
“This was the home of the great godPain, and for the first time I looked through a devilish chink intothe depths of his realm. And fresh shells came down all the time.”​
Ernst Junger, Storm of Steel​

“The German bourgeoisie heads onegroup of belligerent nations. It is deluding the working class andthe laboring masses by asserting that it is waging war in defense ofthe fatherland, freedom, and civilization, for the liberation of thepeoples oppressed by tsardom, for the destruction of reactionarytsardom. In reality, whatever the outcome of the war may be, thisbourgeoisie will, together with the Junkers, exert every effort tosupport the tsarist monarchy against a revolution in Russia.”​
Vladimir Lenin, The War and Russian Social Democracy​

“It is very queer that theunhappiness of the world is so often brought on by small men.”​
Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

Europe woke in 1920 from its delirium.Thrown into the dramatic fits of war over the course of six years. It had bled the flower of its youth. Gun smoke evaporating into the skies, they came out of their opium haze of violence. But bad dreams do not leave explosive seeds. Bad dreams do not leave an emptiness in the heart as does war. The men of Europe and the world had eaten the fruit of a more violent lotus than the crew of Ulysses'. Men, aged in generations by years in the trench stirred out from propaganda dreams to undertake the calamitous reality of postwar. Generations passed in a space of a year. Fresh boys turned into hard cynical men. Once proud nationalists turned into anarchs. Within trenches, misery created jealous and bitter classes of soldier who denounced the war of another as a simple fairy tale vs the war they had fought the last season. They turned against state and government where men in cloakrooms and boardrooms dictated orders to take a ounce of flesh there, a pound of grist there, a loan against futures and a mortgaging of a Belle Epoch. An entire romance turned to salt to spread across Europe.

In the year 1914 a Serbian of then no great reputation, and now of tremendous consequence killed a son of the House of Hapsburg launching a cascade of events that one after another dragged Europe into an inescapable coarse towards war. A German offensive meant to sweep Paris and end the war before summer was turned aside, only for the Germans again to parry the counter thrust. Some years afterwards, in terror or nostalgic admiration many would describe the German offensive into Normandy in autumn 1914 as“The greatest display of Cavalry since Napoleon and Murat”. Almost by accident the Germans entrapped and destroyed a combined French and British force gaining them access to the North of France,riding down from the north towards Paris. By December, the generals hoped the war would be over. But coming upon the Seine and Oise at the doorstep of Paris, with the government of France retreating to safer quarters, the Germans would be prevented from reenacting 1871.

And there on those banks, though the line would crawl about but never reach Paris: war would stand.Churning the countryside under the deliberate wail of artillery.Carving the landscape into something not seen since Virgil took Dante on a tour of Hell.

Under the stagnation of war, unscrupulous and shifty men wrote conspiracies in dark backrooms. The colonies, following suit had joined in the war would play a bigger front in the coming years. With the stagnation in France, provocateurs and spies conspired that would be exported; in Somalia to the Belgian Congo, Terra del Fuego to Barbados, and Tsingtao to Tehran agents of either powers would seek the end of the war from some back door. With the best of efforts possible, the hands fed mouths that would bite them.

Surprise would strike the gut of the Entente in May 1916. A feint at sea by the Germans drew in sequence elements of the British North Sea fleet into battle, where it was devoured in detail. Though the whole of the British navy would not be destroyed, in the North Sea the Germans gained a decisive advantage which they sought to greedily exploit against the British coast and the Channel. All the more better to reinforce the vulnerable underbelly of its army in Northern France. What better armor is provided by a screen of battleships and wolf packs. The sudden freight in Spring of that year and the violent turning of the war would strike inspirations elsewhere in Europe. As all war does. Considering its leverage as neutral, the schemes of the Spanish court drew to Spain the shipping of Europe, offering in a naval treaty agreed by everyone to defend the neutrality of all shipping into Spain. They, already manufacturing for both parties would soon cometo manage the export of supplies to the war through Cadiz and Galicia. Spanish masters, clever and taxing quietly taking a pound of ham for the pleasure.

For the Entente, a horrifying turn would occur further with the sudden departure of the Russians from the War. Total failure by the Russian army in an ill-fated offensive by Brusilov in 1916 ended in absolute failure. The scale of defeat forced the Tzarists to acknowledge their desperate position in the field and at home and by the end of the year signed a hasty and debilitating peace with the Germans. But such a peace also struck the twilight hour of the Russian Empire who, compounded with debilitating crises at home and a failure to cow the people into place began its dissolution. The Empire of Russia would not see the thirties as a going concern, carved between its marshals and revolutionary cells of all stripes. In the later decades, feisty Finns took Nicholas II straddling a new Emperor Alexei with the winter darkness of a thrashing Empire.

And while the victory in the East was a profound boost to the cause of the Germans, giving them the manpower to pour into the West, the war in the Channel, and the North Sea, the very extreme circumstances brought upon the war was coming for them. A nation can not long live with its men and boys pulled away from farm or factory in such great numbers, chewed beneath mud. Rendered blind or breathless by gas. No one could run the farm.Factories choked. Food scarcity became more and more an inescapable reality. The years of 1916-1918 were brutal for the Germans. The armies of Germany, as much as all of Europe were beaten leather, who marched through their trenches like Lazarus from the tomb, desperately shielding themselves from the winter snow and summer rains under thread bare blankets. Eating rats and spoiling rations. Turnip was the plats prinic paux of all meals, for civilian and army.

Revolution erupted finally in Germany on Christmas Day 1918 with a mutiny of sailors. The war had been long unpopular. The Kaiser's police had repressed the sentiment, sending the most unpatriotic advocates against the war to the front themselves. But this had become their own undoing. Now the conditions of life were unbearable. Soldiers and sailors ceased their habit of isolated and spontaneous mutiny and threw in with the workers in the streets. By the end of the year the Imperial government was deposed and the Kaiser sent into exile. A new government was formed around the SPD as a Republic. While preaching peace however, they sought to continue the war for an advantageous peace, looking to Russia as an example of a non-advantageous peace. Through spring and summer 1919 they could hold a strong hand against the still radicalized and mobilized Left, who brawled openly with state security and rightist groups by decamping the German Army under ceasefire to the Line of early November 1914. But by 1920 with no peace, the revolution kicked into a second phase and a formal peace was signed in summer 1920 among all parties.

It was a pitiable deal. No blame would be assigned, so it went to everyone. Territories changed, but always to the wrong person. The status quo was destitute. The financial instruments destroyed, banks in London were foreclosing and instead of any gains, there were only loses. Men awoke in 1920 from their delirium. But the echoes of their nightmare persisted for some years to come. From their bad dreams they awoke with only hate and paranoia in their hearts. Simmering wars between former belligerents continued in a last breath of action to fulfill unresolved goals. The organs of the Concert were fell silent. Revolutions across the continent, and across the world even broke out. For a generation Europe went to heal with the succor provided by Spanish Dons. Millions had died. Eastern Europe was a endless ocean of mud. Northern France was a bent burnt over moonscape. It would take a generation to recover, and more to heal the wounds of faith.

It is now 1955​

Precipice of War is an alternative history RP, set some years after a longer and more disastrous World War 1. But opposed to any side claiming an assured victory, the attrition suffered from the conflict and the weakening of the political structure that upheld its participants forced them decades ago to simply quit the war. In the meantime, history as always continues and the world moves on. But the threat of another war to finish the job looms on. In that time, the Russian Empire collapsed into new polities ruled by marshals and self-proclaimed generalissimos and who engaged, and continue to engage in the long competition for political unity in Russia.

The concept of the roleplay dates back a little more that a decade and has been variously rebooted and retooled to fit the changing dispositions and growth of its core participants, as well to bring on new people. The RP follows a narrative format, there are no or minimal game play elements to moderate it. Merely that a convention of good faith is followed: what is written is fun, cool, not insanely improbable, and agreeable to the people directly involved. No action is taken instantly either. In this setting you will take up the mantle of a nation-state and its peoples and the component of its State and simply tell its story as it buffets and is buffeted by the interests of everyone else and finally break through the Precipice of War.

To that end, the following NationStates are on hold for traditional core of PoW players:
  • China
  • The United States
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Mexico
  • Canada

These people will also serve as mods, as the story cops in effect.

Before continuing it may be sufficient to do a recap. To lay it out in bullet points:
  • The Great War began is it did, July 28 1914
  • The Germans invade France according to the Schlieffen Plan, but the advance of the German army was not held and in what would in our world the Race To The Sea, the German Army instead breaks out, outmaneuvering the Entente Armies in France to invade Northern France – Normandy – and to sweep south towards Paris, held back just north of the city. They would never enter Paris.
    A decisive series of naval engagements off of Jutland between the British and German navies ends in German victory. While the Germans are not able to press the advantage, the British are defeated enough that the nature of the war at sea is dramatically altered.
  • The Madrid Naval Treaty, drafted and signed after Jutland is made with the intent of curtailing excess civilian casualties at sea to otherwise unrestrained Uboat commerce raiding. Ships from neutral nations, or even belligerent nations are invited to dock in Spain, ships bound for Spain are thus protected with the assumed threat that Spain would join any side of the war opposite to whomever attacked a Spanish bound ship. This gives the Spanish an upper hand geopolitical in Europe through an increased involvement in supply of both sides as a neutral party.
  • The Russians are defeated during the Brusilov Offensive so soundly, they are forced to leave the war earlier under a “peace for bread” arrangement, where the Central Powers alleviate the Empire's growing food scarcity because of the war to keep them out of the war
  • The Russian peace sets up a sequence of events which ends in the breakup of the Russian Empire over time. Separatist movements first come to light in the Caucuses and labor and civil unrest strains the legitimacy of the imperial government and its too-late reforms of the Russian Empire. Instead of transforming into the Soviet Union, it entirely breaks down.
  • Under their own strains of food shortages and massive discontent within their borders, the German people stage an uprising under the SDP and form the Weimar Republic. The otherwise conservative SDP regime attempts to continue the war for a better peace before itself is overthrown in a Communist uprising, entering into peace with the allies as it falls into civil war and national instability. All the same: it's the Communists who succeed where their Russian counterparts had failed.
  • While the main thrust of the Great War is concluded, the following inconclusive war, tensions persist as world-war revolution and wars spun off in continuation in other parts of Europe and the world broadly, ending the Great War period broadly in the mid-20s.
  • There was of course an economic crash roughly coinciding with our Great Depression, which given the scale of destruction and disruption the Great War Period brought on the world would have been variously as-bad or worse depending on where in the world you are; consult with how your nation got along during the depression as a reference point before you write about it.

Technical details​

  • Nuclear power and weapons are only theoretical. The general physics exists despite it being the 1950s, but the technology is far from any practical application
  • Jet technology, while technically very old is very new as the industrial materials development would have by now caught up. But the ability for nations to construct jet-propelled aircraft is not universal for that reason. Only countries with a significant degree in industrial development are able to produce jets: France, Germany, the UK, US, Japan China. But this generation of aircraft are, like helicopters still experimental and not in their “first generation” phase are approaching it
  • The over all technological aesthetic and weapons/commodities available are roughly within the scope of the 1940s; bolt-action/semi-automatic, submachine guns, early intermediary cartridges, light/medium/heavy tanks and half-tracks
  • Doctrinally, many of the armies of the world are at a base assumption formed through their experience in World War 1; mass mobility, trenches, counter-trenching, massed artillery, chemical weapons attack/defensive doctrine, stockpiling of strategic resources
  • Black and white television, personal radios, and early cathode-ray computers are a thing
  • The dominant medium of exchange in Europe is still most likely gold, which the Spanish probably control a much larger share of than OTL. The massive Russian gold shares are indisputably in the hands of warlords, America probably still has roughly its same share if diminished

Rules and Guidelines​

Before I set anyone on their way to the app, I think I should lay out some general guidelines and rules based on what I've seen on this board. This is not to say that anything ya'll are doing is bad. But perhaps the practice is different compared to what you often do. So:

Guidelines (Informal Rules)​

  • Precipice of War isn't a necessarily competitive setting or story. While the premise is that at some time “soon” there will be a Second Great War, and necessarily there'll be winners and losers, it is not written for anyone to “one up” someone else. In all instances you should give someone time to respond, or measure out the time it might take to do something with how many posts you will need to in essence tell a complete story on that process. If for no other reason then to keep things “lined up” actions shouldn't all be finished in one post. But not always. It's a “it depends” situation.
  • Because it's not a competitive, game format; all interactions with players are on an at-will basis. Establish an end goal, and at least generally figure out how to get there and to finish what episode you are doing. While you're free to do this as a series of on-offs, for the sake of cleanliness I personally prefer that posts with direct interactions between players in a moment are done so in DMs or elsewhere, and compiled into a collaborative post one or the other releases with credit to their peer.
  • Legible, ready-to-read posts, please. BBCode can be excited but I would rather not have every other post break a consistent formatting so keep a post as standard to the RPNation style-sheet as possible
  • History has changed until from the fall of 1914 onward, all events before the fall of 1914 canon. Though between the 1914 Offensive and the 1916 Battle of Jutland may be thought of as the “period of divergence”. If needed however, you can make adjustments as early as 1912 but nothing too major

Rules (Formal)​

  • No images in posts larger than 200px tall
  • Original artwork and writing only; unless quotations from historical texts that would exist in this timeline or “documentary” wikimedia images of a “time or place”
  • The aforementioned “story cops”/assistants and I – the DM – have final say before site admin if a dispute arises.
I'll out myself now as the Mexican player and shoot everyone here a link to the previous iteration of the country. I want to change up a few aspects but the basic style of how Mexico was/will be played will remain similar, just to give some flavor to the North and Central American world building that wasn't directly addressed in the interest check.

I'll out myself now as the Mexican player and shoot everyone here a link to the previous iteration of the country. I want to change up a few aspects but the basic style of how Mexico was/will be played will remain similar, just to give some flavor to the North and Central American world building that wasn't directly addressed in the interest check.

And here is the Mexico one
Well, I'm obviously in and would be willing to play a Spain if you need it filled.
Last edited:
Hello, I'm playing as the United States of America, and here's the revamped sheet:

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

In the autumn of 1920, an armistice was declared after eight years of a barbaric war between the European nations. The United States of America, having remained neutral throughout the conflict, was chosen to lead the peace negotiations. President Woodrow Wilson set forth several crucial points for enduring peace, including the creation of a "general association of nations," the abolition of secret diplomacy, and the decrease of armaments. But, before having the chance to finish composing his speech to Congress, President Wilson suffered a severe stroke that left him comatose and then passed away in the White House. With a lackluster Thomas Marshall assuming the presidency while the nation was mourning and yearning for normality, the Republican Party claimed a landslide victory in the 1920 election. This led to the United States withdrawing their delegates from the peace talks, signaling an end to their involvement in "European matters."

On the domestic front, the "return to normalcy" many people expected from President Warren Harding was far from ordinary. The post-war recession hit the country hard, and labor unions staged strikes to defend their wartime gains. President Harding sought compromises that only favored the companies rather than the workers. But with the collapse of the 1922 Great Railroad Strike, the labor movement reached its turning point. Labor groups set aside their differences and united in a widespread general strike across major industries. President Harding, seeing the revitalized organized labor movement as a threat to business, began efforts to combat it. However, it didn't deter union memberships from seeing record highs throughout the twenties despite encountering fierce opposition from local authorities and the state and federal government, regardless of political affiliation.

By the 1924 election, the United States was now riding high on economic prosperity, solidifying its position as the world's wealthiest nation per capita. So it came as no surprise when Republicans clinched another victory, having Vice President Calvin Coolidge step up after President Harding died of a heart attack in the days before his re-election campaign. President Coolidge took a hands-off approach to the labor problem, preferring to leave the matter to local and state governments. He even scaled back federal regulatory agencies during his time in office, upsetting much of his fellow Republicans. However, his refusal to support farm subsidies and military bonuses through veto power caused fierce frustration among farmers and soldiers. Despite the controversy, the public still held President Coolidge in high esteem, thanks to the thriving economy and a whopping $300 million surplus. It made his refusal to seek re-election evermore surprising to the nation.

The White House still remained in Republican hands after a decisive victory with Herbert Hoover taking the reins in 1928. His vision of a prosperous future free of poverty was shattered by the Stock Market Crash of 1929, followed by a global economic depression. President Hoover chose to prioritize strengthening businesses and initiating public works projects rather than direct federal interventions, a decision that ultimately failed to revive the economy. The situation was further exacerbated by the passage of the Tariff Act of 1930, which implemented protectionist trade policies, and President Hoover's refusal to enact relief measures. This led to significant losses for the Republican Party in the midterm, as control of the House shifted over to Democrats. The country witnessed the emergence of shanty towns and homeless encampments; all the while, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to 24%. It all reached a critical point when the "Bonus Army" set up camp in the nation's capital during the early summer.

In a dramatic turn of events, two months later, on July 28th, federal troops stormed the camp following riots caused by the death of two veterans at the hands of the District police. Under orders of President Hoover, General Douglas MacArthur began advancing upon the campground, intending to evict only the marchers and their followers from the area. However, chaos erupted as gunshots rang out and fires engulfed the shacks, leaving hundreds injured and dozens dead. Eyewitness accounts revealed that MacArthur ordered troops to open fire on the crowd without warning. During a committee hearing, MacArthur testified he witnessed individuals leaving a shack with weapons in hand, believing them to be part of a syndicalist conspiracy poised to attack the federal troops. Regardless, the harrowing event, known as the Anacostia Massacre, sealed the fate of the Hoover administration, extinguishing any ambitions of a second term in the 1932 election.

Pressure from the labor unions and military personnel, the Democratic Party nominated former mayor Jacob Coxey for president, with Henry Wallace as the vice presidential nominee, a move made to appeal to moderates within the party. Coxey championed the restoration of labor rights, financial reforms, and new programs, while Wallace worked to win over conservative Democrats and centrists. Their efforts paid off, leading to a landslide victory, with the party triumphing in all but five states. However, behind the scenes, the Democratic victory sparked concern among conservative businessmen, who feared significant changes to the status quo, including the potential end of the gold standard. In response, a desperate Republican Party was approached with a bold conspiracy—The Business Plot—in a bid to reseize power with military support from the "radical socialists in the White House."

As Inauguration Day arrived, the world was stunned to witness General Douglas MacArthur being sworn in as a temporary president. He announced in front of the U.S. Capitol building that the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect had been arrested for allegedly "orchestrating communist activities against the United States." The accusation sparked widespread protests organized by left-wing third parties, with some House and Senate Democrats vocal against the MacArthur administration. Despite the initial uproar, most politicians from both sides chose to remain silent on the matter. And amidst the turmoil, a committee was formed to find a replacement for the presidency, which only heightened the country's divide. After two weeks of intense closed-door negotiations, Senator Huey Long of Louisiana emerged as the surprising candidate, sparking even more unrest.

The Democratic Party immediately denounced the nomination and called for a general strike nationwide, while the Republican Party backed the committee's choice. Naturally, the House would have opposed such a controversial choice if it hadn't been for the nomination of William Lemke as Vice President. Lemke championed the causes of farmers at the onset of the Great Depression, with family-owned farmlands being subjected to foreclosures. That balance of power was enough to secure a narrow victory in the House, paving the way for the Republican-backed Senate to vote for the choices. Predictably, the left-wing third parties mobilized for an immediate protest in the nation's capital against the vote. Police and National Guard troops used force against the protesters, leading to a full-scale riot. It had gotten to the point that President-appoint Long had to enlist the help of William Pelley and his Silver Shirts to quell the unrest.

The Silver Legion sought to suppress the protests through aggressive tactics, leading to the detention of thousands and the injury of hundreds. But despite criticism from the National Guard and military personnel, Pelley found favor with the White House and solidified their friendly relations in the newly refurbished East Room. With support from radio evangelist Herbert Armstrong, his pro-segregationist, antisemitic rhetoric gained traction across the country, attracting numerous new followers. As tensions further rose, an exodus was beginning to take shape in fear of further violence. Their fears materialized when the headquarters of the Socialist Party of America was engulfed in flames, resulting in the tragic deaths of several party leaders and members. The surviving leadership, fearing arrest, fled to Chicago before going into hiding following the outlawing of leftist third parties.

Pelley's Silver Shirts gradually incorporated into the United States Military for their efforts in restoring order in the nation's capital. Many of the active duty officers were caught completely off-guard by the unexpected development. Then, a shocking revelation came to light—plans were leaked for the Long administration to grant pardons to high-ranking members of the Black Legion, who were serving life sentences for murder. This was the final straw for Major General Smedley Butler and Rear Admiral William D. Leahy, who hatched a daring plan to liberate Henry Wallace and Jacob Coxey from prison and flee to Europe aboard the battleship USS New Mexico. Unfortunately for them, Brigadier General Hugh S. Johnson, who was initially part of the conspiracy, tipped off the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the plot. So when the day of the escape attempt arrived, a task force ambushed Butler's militia at the prison, sparking an intense week-long siege at Barney Circle.

In the end, the escape attempt was a catastrophic failure that claimed the lives of Butler and Coxey and left Wallace severely injured. Meanwhile, Leahy and the crew had already been captured onboard the New Mexico prior to the ambush. This attempt led to a military purge known as The Grand Cleansing, which lasted until 1937, allowing the Silver Legion to consolidate significant power across the country. While the Ku Klux Klan experienced rapid growth, establishing chapters throughout the Midwest, and securing political influence at both state and federal levels. It fundamentally resulted in Huey Long winning a second term in the 1936 election, despite widespread allegations of voter intimidation in several states from the Democratic Party. During his second term in office, Long initiated the dismantling of antitrust laws and embraced pro-business policies while collaborating with Henry Ford and several businessmen to combat the Great Depression.

But during a week-long rally held in Savannah in 1939, a resistance group using the name "Sons of Liberty" launched a blazing attack on President Long. The fiery assault left President Long with minor injuries, while Vice President Lemke succumbed to smoke inhalation, and Pelley was gravely wounded. Even though the National Guard eventually overpowered the rebels, the assassination attempt was a devastating blow to the nation's security. Remarkably, the country did not spiral into total anarchy as President Long continued to fulfill his duties from his hospital bed. The Secretary of State served as a transient vice president before being swiftly replaced by Earl Long, Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, in anticipation of the 1940 election. Concerns about a potential third term for President Long were raised from both sides of the political spectrum but were ultimately mitigated when the Republican Party gained control of the Senate for the first time in 1932.

This marked the beginning of the Long family's foray into politics. Although medical complications prevented Huey from seeking a fourth term, he passed the torch to his brother and aimed to reclaim his Senate seat in Louisiana. In the 1944 election, Earl Long clinched the presidency, and Republicans seized control of the House for the first time since 1928. Renowned as "Uncle Earl," he was a brilliant campaigner with an erratic political behavior, often demanding unwavering loyalty to him. Consequently, his administration ushered in a wave of new appointments and dismissals within the federal government, with loyalists assuming key roles at the expense of established civil servants. While Republicans savored their newfound power, the Democratic Party's feeble response allowed the country to descend into an autocracy as they sought to safeguard their dwindling political influence.

But after Earl secured a third term in office, his behavior grew increasingly erratic, causing his inner circle to start getting concerned. The administration was plagued with resignations and firings of political appointees, leading to instability. The Republican Party was willing to put up with the embarrassment until the 1954 midterm election. To their surprise, Republicans almost lost all the gains made in the House, while the Senate losses were modest. This close call prompted several members to call for Earl's resignation, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives and a handful of cabinet members. Although Earl initially refused to listen, he was eventually convinced by his brother Huey to resign and rerun for lieutenant governor of Louisiana instead. While it was a solemn moment in the history to many, others breathed a sigh of relief at his replacement.

In 1955, with the presidential election looming, the Republican Party was already plotting its comeback after the midterm losses. While some party members are pushing for a shift towards social and environmental justice policies, the majority are rallying behind the powerful Long family and their conservative politics, backing the potential candidacy of Russell B. Long. On the other side, the Democratic Party, taken by surprise by their recent gains, is resorting to a bold last-ditch effort to reclaim the presidency. However, they're facing stiff opposition from their rivals, including the formidable Federal Bureau of Investigation led by the unyielding J. Edgar Hoover, determined to quash any remnants of leftist ideals. And some Democrats are getting a little too cozy with the Long family, and it's stirring up talks of a potential party split. Meanwhile, whispers of underground resistance groups biding their time to restore democracy still persist, adding an air of intrigue to the rocky political landscape of the United States.

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The Battle of Jutland solidified Romania's position as a neutral power and, despite ongoing attempts by either side to lure her into an alliance, she remained clear of the Great War until 1918. Although not as geographically strategic as Spain when it came to Naval operations, the Romanian government quietly sold oil to the Central Powers as part of a secret agreement to relieve the diplomatic and military pressures being placed on them. Their proximity, and near total encirclement by the Central Powers, forced this diplomatic tight rope to continue for much of the war.

As the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires crumbled, the Romanians declared war on the Central Powers and attacked Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria. Exhausted, war weary, broke, the defenders were forced to give ground as the Romanian forces quickly drove them back and occupied the territory of Transylvania, part of Banat and other territories from Hungary, as well as Bessarabia (Eastern Moldavia between Prut and Dniester rivers) and Bukovina. In the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary renounced in favor of Romania all the claims of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy over Transylvania. As Russia collapsed into anarchy, the Romanians took advantage of the chaos to move into Moldova and occupy it. Sensing the strain on his country, King Ferdinand I reined in his land hungry generals and worked to solidify the gains Romania had made.

When the war officially came to an end in 1920 Romania was nearly twice the size she had been before the war and occupied the strategically important oilfields throughout the region. What should have been a golden age for Romania was badly shaken by German Communism as it spread throughout Europe and the absolute chaos that reigned in the former Russian Empire.

The Great Depression hit the country as hard as anyone else. The army was called in to suppress Communists, Anarchists, and Republicans alike, as the tough times created fertile breeding ground for radical minds. Fascism even began to rear its ugly head and only the arrest and execution of several key figures prevented open warfare in the streets. Even when the depression passed and Romania saw it's economy explode the troubles continued.

Through the 40's, and into the 50's, Romania has stood as a pillar of resilience in the region. Troubles of the ideological sort still plague the interior while warring Russian factions continue to generate instability on the frontier.

As a matter of course I'm not going to explicitly accept any sheets until I drop an official OOC thread and then character sheets thread (and probably use that so we can dump like, encyclopedia-esque posts on things that come up in the RP so we have a way to keep an ongoing Bible. But that'll literally be up to you)

Until this point, and I'm still angling for anyone from RPN to bite, anything posted here should be treated as tentative so ya'll can bounce back and force over first drafts. For my part, I'm still working on my China app, because I'm insane enough to go over the details of the Chinese Warlord and Sino-Japanese War periods.

Also as way of announcement, the guy who would have been Germany has to dip for a while and won't be able to post while he's doing more immediate things. He has released himself from Germany. But if anyone wants to pick up Germany, you can. But: doing so will have you pretty well rail-roaded, as is the case for Japan as well; if to a slightly lesser extent.
First draft, dates aren't meant to be final, some things like the fate of the king may still need to be decided, things ironed out, etc. With Romania gobbling up the Austrians at around the same time that may also need to be addressed. I also consider this app unfinished, though I also feel like I want to figure things out as I go.



When the great powers of Europe made war and clashed like titans across the continent Italy too became besieged but by the pressures of the belligerent nations, who sought to bring Italia to their side with urgings incessant, and promises of gains that like the machine-gun fire from trenches across Europa roared with a heavy persistence from the mouths of diplomats who were likewise dealers of death. This mass suicide of nations beckoned the Kingdom of Italy with an intrusive thought in the public consciousness: Italia Irredenta. The idea that Italy had yet to be fully redeemed, and that it would remain so until all Italian lands were incorporated haunted all public discourse and pushed the nation ever closer to that putrid pit to which all the nations of Europe had gone to die in search of glory and redemption.

While the great powers of Europe fought across the trench-scarred countryside, Italy too pushed its territorial boundaries across spans of paper in secret negotiations with both alliances, finding itself in the crossfire of a war waged with pen, paper, and promises, where the frontlines were marked not by a great network of earthen ditches but the delineating lines of ink drawn on maps stamped not by craters but the approving signatures of foreign dignitaries promising ever more for the blood of Italy's sons.

The envoys of the Entente had by 1915 gained the upper hand in this parallel battlefield of negotiation. In April of that year, Antonio Salandra's government signed the Treaty of London in secret, committing Italy to the Allied cause in exchange for much of the Adriatic at the War's end. The Risorgimento was at hand, and with it Redemption. In early May, Italia renounced its membership of the Triple Alliance. Its withdrawal opened a new front in the Italian parliament with an offensive by the neutralist majority, over which the former Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti held sway like a rear-leading general. Fearing Salandra would take the country to war, Giolitti returned to Rome to persuade King Victor Emmanuel into calling for a vote of confidence to show parliament did not support Italy's entry into the War. The counteroffensive succeeded, and Salandra resigned on 13 May.

The political battle to determine Italy's role in the War spilled out over the parapets of civil discourse and into the streets as pro-war advocates agitated for national redemption. Fearing Giolitti's return to power would extinguish the flames of the Risorgimento, pro-war militants decried neutralists as traitors to be assaulted, and made attempts to burn the government chambers they occupied when Salandra's resignation was made public. The Radiosomaggismo - the Radiant Days of May - brought home a taste of war as demonstrators took to the streets in support and opposition to the European conflict and the reinstatement of Giolitti as Prime Minister.

What had been a series of skirmishes and street brawls erupted into all-out battle as pro-war nationalists stormed the centers of government calling for the removal and reinstatement of Salandro, entry into the War and, in the most extreme cases, the complete overthrowal of the liberal democratic establishment led by Giolitti. A state of crisis was declared, but Giolitti maneuvered to not deploy troops for fear of an escalation into civil war. Instead, heavily armed - and well-paid - police were deployed to disperse nationalist manifestations that were quickly becoming blocs of organized resistance led by charismatic leaders intent on seizing power. Giolitti, who had been a master of transformismo - the practice of isolating the political extremes through the use of a flexible centrist coalition - was forced to court the leftward extreme, bringing them into his fold with promises and concessions. Soon, the social democratic Italian Socialist Party had organized a counteroffensive led by workers and paramilitaries armed not just with the state's weapons but with its consent.

When the crashing tides of nationalist discontent were met by a sea-wall of armed labor the streets ran red with blood. The Radiant Days of May became Red May as Giolitto navigated the center by characterizing the struggle against the War as the only truly patriotic action, taken to save the Italian nation and its working class from a mass suicide in the trenches that doubled as graves. When the bloody tides of pro-war nationalism began to recede beneath a hail of rocks and rifle butts, armed workers continued their struggle by occupying factories against the wishes and instructions of the Italian Socialist Party leadership. Fearing he had overshot to the left, Giolitti maneuvered to negotiate with the nationalists, offering amnesties, pardons, and positions in government to some of its most prominent members, while mobilizing the state's police and military forces that until then had remained on stand-by to disperse the workers and dismantle their factory councils. Maggiorosso had come to an end.

By the end of May, Giolitti had averted disaster at the cost of nearly a hundred dead and many more wounded. He granted concessions to the Left and appointed some of its moderate figures to positions of government. The nationalists were granted their own concessions and amnesties, and its most prominent members were elevated to positions of government viewed as more valuable than those of the left; Giolitti had successfully maneuvered to form a new government that toed the line between the two emerging anti-liberal powers. By 1918, the right occupied a more powerful position in the coalition than that of the socialist left, which had been gradually pushed aside in favor of Giolitti's liberals, who became vindicated in their opposition to the War as the years and bodies piled across Europe. When the Russian and German revolutions came to head, Giolitti's coalition was ready to prevent the same in Italy, bringing to bear the political and paramilitary power of the liberals and their emerging fascist allies, and aided by the Italian Socialist Party's social programs established soon after the Maggiorosso with the aim of reigning in the radicalism of the workers by providing them with all manner of Party-run institutions, from schools to sports centers, and ultimately helping create a sort of parallel society that acted as a pressure release valve and prepped future democratic socialists while isolating its more radical elements.

Between 1919 and 1921, inspired by and in solidarity with the German and Russian revolutions, Italian communists launched a series of strikes across Italy and once again occupied factories; the Italian Socialist Party provided only words to condemn violence and encourage civility. Millions of workers across Italy took to the streets across hundreds of strikes. Giolitti's government responded with force, supported by fascist paramilitaries. The Triennium Rosso - or Three Red Years - were characterized by militant labor and the suppression thereof, as well as the increasingly weak will of the Italian Socialist Party, which in 1921 suffered a split led by Antonio Gramsci and Amadeo Bordiga that gave rise to the anti-parliamentarian and pro-revolution Communist Party of Italy when the communist faction marched out of the 17th Congress of the Italian Socialist Party singing the Internationale in protest of the Italian Socialist Party's complicity and inaction during the Three Red Years and the struggle of 1915.

The Three Red Years and the withdrawal of the Communist faction spelled an era of increased political strife as the democratic socialists became isolated in government and the more radical elements of the left took their program to the streets to further encourage and lead the workers into action. In 1921, amid another uptick in violence and social upheaval, and fearing a fascist over-empowerment as the Italian Socialist Party collapsed, Giolitti viewed the dissolution of the Austrian Empire as an opportunity to release the revolutionary tension of both extremes, and harvested the very notion he had fought against to the benefit of the liberals by calling for the sons of Italy to march on the dying Habsburg demesne. To the nationalists of the right wing, it was the conclusion of the Risorgimento for the national redemption of Italy, and thousands of young fascists enlisted eagerly to claim what belonged to Italia; for the communists, it was an opportunity to liberate the Italian proletariat still beneath that ancient yoke, and to strike down once and for all the tyrant of Europe with a coup de grâce.

By 1924, the Italian Army had swept over much of the Adriatic on a mission that took the character of a peace-keeping endeavor or victory parade without much resistance, and which energized the nation with an air of pride and accomplishment in spite of international condemnation, for the Risorgimento was complete and Italia was whole at last. This maneuver deflated much of the political strife back home and realigned the nation's interests toward the reclamation and resettlement of these new, old territories. The men who partook in the War, dubbed the Fourth War of Independence by some, were often radicals of the left and the right, who took on their roles like political commissars, often at odds with one another as they raced to secure parts of the crumbling empire for the glory of their creed, helping to organize these territories along communist or fascist lines like colonies of thought.

With the near complete collapse of the Italian Socialist Party, its institutions became increasingly subject to communist influence as faith in the democratic socialists waned and more workers - especially in the urban centers of the north - turned to the Communist Party. As the two shared a constituency, these institutions were host to a growing number of communist sympathizers, who took to these community centers to agitate and organize the working class. The schools and sports centers that had once been centers for deradicalization became strongholds of the Communist Party during this time.

The period between 1922 and 1929 saw a time of economic prosperity and Italy benefited greatly from the reconstruction of Europe and its newly-acquired lands in the Adriatic. The political strife of the previous years receded for a time amid these economic fortunes.

In 1929, the Great Depression struck the world and sent Italy into a sudden downward economic spiral. Under the direction of the revolutionary Communist Party of Italy, the country's urban workers took to the streets again to strike and occupy factories across the north. The Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome was seized by Red Guards and its liberal parliament was relieved, to be replaced wholly by the worker's Party, who declared a dictatorship of the proletariat. The fascists responded with ruthless repression of strikes in the south - where their hold was firmest - through the use of well-equipped paramilitaries the liberal state had fostered for fear German communism. The Communist Party mobilized its brigades on a violent southward march striking down its opponents without mercy and seizing whatever proved useful to the revolution. In the Adriatic, communist strongholds were bolstered by weapons coming through German Austria, sending the local fascist resistance into the sea and opening a corridor between the two nations that allowed for the distribution of arms and volunteers. By 1933, the Communist Party of Italy had seized control of the country despite Spanish and French support for the fascist opposition, which gradually dissipated into a clandestine resistance headed by exiles who had managed to escape the closing jaws of militant labor.

Between 1933 and 1955, Italy underwent a period of development, and cooperation with Communist Germany, on whom it relied during its early years. The Italian Communist Party made attempts to spread its revolution abroad with limited success, but when the tide of communism was slowed to a near halt by the failures of the Russian Revolution, the Party found itself increasingly isolated, leading to a degradation of communist orthodoxy by theoreticians who argued for the defense of the Italian revolution from mounting external pressures by turning inwards, while others attempt to steer the ship to orthodoxy and world revolution.
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Italy and Romania going toe to toe in the Balkans on top of everything else going on? What a cluster fuck. Fantastic.

OK everyone you know what to do

OK everyone you know what to do
I would be interested in joining, I see the link above and I dont seem to be able to see which "nations" are taken aside from USA, China, Poland, Mexico, Canada, since Germany dropped out. and some people want to play Romania and Italy. Are there any other nations that are off limits or taken? if not id like to join. For reference, I have roleplayed for 12 years on another site, and I am a DM in DnD for 5 years, and I will try my best to adapt to the style of RP if you are down.

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