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Oddball and author

Several thousands of years ago, a shaman by the name of Vorkalth was the right hand and loyal advisor to a king of one of the greatest empires known to mankind. However, as has been proven many times before, power corrupts. As the king grew more powerful, he became more wary of his magical talented friend. Fearing Vorkalth would use his powers to claim the throne, the king listened to his friend's advises less and less, eventually even going as far as to accuse the man of treason. Shocked, angered, and perhaps also saddened by his friend's words and insolence, Volkarth prayed that his friend the king would come to see the error of his ways, and that he would be granted the power needed to guide him back to the right path. And it would seem as if his prayers were heard. Volkarth received powers far beyond what anyone had ever achieved. Vorkalth prove that the gods were very real indeed, and that he was their spokesman.

The king took the shaman back to his side, either having seen the error of his ways or being terrified of his friend's newfound abilities. Together they built a great empire and rules alongside each other. Their Empire knew prosperity and peace. But a shadow loomed over them. As time passed, the two started growing wary of each other again. Vorkalth had reasons enough to believe he would soon be accused of treachery again, and that execution would await him. The king assumed Vorkalth wanted to claim the throne. A battle ensued, one that was won by Vorkalth, who then ruled the empire as the ultimate leader.

He ruled until some very brave souls, shamans as well, dared to stand up to him and fight for the things they believed in, for a brighter future for the Empire. The battle was fierce and long, and none of the shamans survived. None, including Vorkalth. His mortal body was destroyed, but whatever happened to his soul remained unknown. That was, until he rose again and the cycle nearly repeated in full. It would seem Vorkalth could not be destroyed permanently, but merely be banished to the Underworld, where he would slumber and recover, only to rise time and time again.

Now... let's fast-forward to the present.

Welcome to Ebongrove, an ever-peaceful city along the American East Coast. The city is surrounded by the Witchwoods, a mysterious forest said to be haunted. Possibly by witches who were burned in the area in the time of the Salem Witch Trials. But besides the possibly haunted woods, there is nothing quite out of the ordinary about the city. Everyone lives perfectly normal lives. Nothing really ever happens.

But the peace is soon to be broken, and Ebongrove will be far from normal. Ancient, dark powers that have been slumbering for a long time have stirred their tendrils, about to wake up. This ancient evil will soon break free from the Underworld, ready to plunge the world into darkness and despair. All that will stand between the evil hordes of Vorkalth and his Legion and the peace and safety of the world will be the new generation of Sentinels, young heroes chosen by Fate. The Charms have lit up, the Essencia within them having found a compatible match. Soon the Charms will find their new Sentinels. Those chosen will have a long journey ahead of them before they master their powers and are ready to defeat Vorkalth. Here is to hoping they will accept their destiny.
Sofie_Chan Sofie_Chan Venchi1986 Venchi1986 DapperCharmer2.0 DapperCharmer2.0 SAIGO-NO-HEATS SAIGO-NO-HEATS Sorry for the delay. Life happened. We're good to go now!

Tale 1: As Fate Foretold

The sky was on fire, or so it seemed to be. Colored in shades of red, orange, yellow. Like the last golden rays of sunlight touching the earth before night settled in. Under any other circumstances, I would have called it a beautiful sight. It was still rather pretty, in a way. Were it not for that unsettling feeling of looming danger and impending utter doom that had settled itself in my stomach. Footsteps echoed between the darkened walls. They weren't mine, that's for sure. But then whose? And is it weird to say I've heard those particular footsteps a thousand times before?

The blazing sky is high above me. Below is just the cold floor of smooth stone, with the mosaic of a five point star embedded in it. Somewhere here in these walls, there's a door. I've seen it before, I think. But I never passed through it. Not that I can remember, anyway. Perhaps another time. What I do know is that somewhere around here, there's supposed to be a staircase, leading up to... not the sky. Just... something above. Meh, I don't know. If only I could move... But I can't. Again. Just what the heck is this? Am I paralyzed? Being held down? I can't see anyone doing it so... Another thought... Am I, maybe, dying? Too severely injured? It would explain the numbness in my body. If only I knew what the heck was going on. All I know is that I can't move, something's approaching, the sky is on fire... and a doomy thing. This really, really sucks.


Erin shot up, barely managing to suppress a small yelp. That dream again. Not quite a nightmare, but not exactly pleasant either. just.. odd. Yes, that would be the best word she could think of to describe it. An odd, recurring dream. She couldn't remember when it started. At some point it was just there, and then once in a while it returned. It has been like that for several years now. This time it was slightly different though. That unsettling feeling remained. Usually it was fleeting, gone the moment she woke. Not today. Erin simply decided to blame it on her nerves. She briefly shook her head. In all the years spent everywhere around the globe she'd never seen anything that resembled what she saw in the dream. Erin took a deep breath and fel backwards into the bed again.

It had only been a couple of days since she arrived here, in Ebongrove. Flown in at the nearest airport to start college. Hence the nerves. Perhaps this meant some more certainty in her life? No more moving around every two years or so. No more international schools. No more having to make friends and lose them over and over again. Not for a few more years, at least. Knowing herself, she'd probably move away to some other place when she graduated. But that should take more than two years, right? And who knew... perhaps she'd find reason to settle for a much longer term. This was probably the biggest downside of traveling so much. You don't quite know what you want to do with your life. At least, not in Erin's case. Sure, she had "found herself" back in Thailand... And that conclusion was: "I am a hopeless mess of a person with little to no direction." Perhaps she'd find a purpose, or some sort of direction here, in Ebongrove. The city proved to be interesting enough, for sure. Plenty of old buildings, and new buildings in perfect harmony, kind of like Kyoto (and Tokyo, etc.), minus the whole Asian flair. And on just a short walk from the outskirts: a big lake, and on the other side a big forest. Plenty of local legends to those Witchwoods. Her father would love this place, for sure, being as interesting in mythology and the like. Erin sure took after her father in that regard. That, and all sorts of things from the past being dug up again. Ah, archeology. Erin found it rather fascinating as well, but to make that her job for the rest of her life? Why couldn't adventuring and traveling just make a lot of money instead of cost a small fortune?

Erin sleepily rolled over to her side and glanced at the alarm clock. The summer vacation was nearing its end. The tourists would leave, college would start again, and daily life would proceed in its perfectly normal and ordinary way. A little dull, maybe, but calm and peaceful. Here, her new and perfectly normal life would finally start. She didn't know a soul yet, but that would surely change when college started. Maybe a little earlier, if her roommate were to arrive anytime soon. Erin was pretty confident she'd be a rather... interesting person. With her unique mixture of characteristics from all around the world... Or they'd think she's a show-off and hate on her. The chances were 50-50. Ah well.... Time would tell sooner rather than later. For now... for now it was high time she'd get her ass out of the bed before she'd grow roots and be stuck on it forever. Time to go outside and explore the city for a bit. Maybe... maybe she'd go out for a hike in the woods. She would see.


Deep below the surface of the world known to mankind, something evil stirred in the ink-black shadows. A dark presence, awoken once again. It started with a faint glow, two faint red spots slowly growing brighter and brighter, like embers finding new fuel. The spots made up the eyes in a skull as old as time. "Aaah..." the voice was still croaky, raspy... dry and cold as the grave. Any voice would sound similar after sleeping for the odd couple of centuries. "Finally I have awoken again. And this time... Yes, I can sense it... This time is the time." A darker tone, an earth-shattering rumble started coming through the croaky sounds. Vorkalth could feel it within him, burning in the depths were once his soul should have been. His power was returning to him. It always was, and it was always stronger than before. But now... this was different. He felt a power within him he hadn't felt in a long time. Vorkalth was stronger than ever before. Perhaps he would soon be strong enough to breach the surface and assume his old form and rightful position. This was the Time of Prophecy. The time where the chances were high he would at last be stronger than those cursed Sentinels who stopped him time and time again. He raised his hands, chanting in a language long lost and forgotten. The dark hideout lit up, revealing the cobwebs and dust, the stone armies of Spawners and members of the Legion, waiting for their time. And that time... that time was now. "Rise!" he thundered, his magical essence spreading through the Caverns awakening the waiting Spawners, as well as Nenet and Avlazor, his loyal generals. "Our time has come at last!"
"Ah yes... it is indeed," hissed a feminine voice. Slowly Nenet awoke from her slumber, her body freed from its stone like state. She shook herself, trying to make the stiffness fade. How long had they been trapped in their slumber? Centuries for sure. Her eyes lit up as life and dark magic surged through her body once more. Nenet glanced at the glowing red dots, the only visual she had of her master now. He needed to regain his strength before they would be able to retake the surface. "The Time of Prophecy is upon us at last!"
"We are awake!" called another loud voice. With heavy thumping footsteps and the sound of metal scraping over stone, Avlazor wandered in. He wasn't the brightest creature in the Legion, but by far one of the strongest. "When are we killing?"
"Soon, my generals. Soon..."
Spawners roared, filling the underground caverns with their war cries and thumping of weapons. A cacophony of chaos, of hunger for blood and death. Of impending doom for the mortal world.

"Well isn't this just the most curious? You agree, don't you?" A pair of purple eyes belonging to a just as extraordinary figure glanced towards their companion. The large owl looked back at him, shook her feathers, and tucked her head under her wing again.
"You're quite boring as of late. Haven't spoken a word to me in Gods know how long. Is it something I said before?" the fairy let out an audible and dramatic sigh.
"Stop being such a drama queen, Novus. I'm working much harder than you seem to be," a feminine voice replied from the owl. "Shouldn't you be preparing? You know what's coming. You have known it for decades at least. And yet you're awfully unprepared for the task we have ahead."
Silence returned. The fairy with purple hair and eyes glanced back to a large window. It didn't show the world directly outside. More a... broader outside. Perhaps more worlds, even. A few things were certain. Both he and his companion had felt it. A chance in the very atmosphere of the world. Of the Wheel even! Something had stirred in the Essencia flowing throughout the universe. A slumber ended, something dark had awoken. The sensation came to them as a toiling bell signaling the changing of time. Neither of the two had to think twice to know who that was. But this time... This time the change they felt was unlike the many other times that came before. Something was different. They just couldn't quite place what it was.

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