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Fandom Power Rangers Sentinels

Gawain's appreciation softened April's expression under the visor greatly. She also really admired the scent in the air. Ahh, chicken... coming from a crow monster... but chicken. It seems to be on everyone's mind as of this moment so why not toss it into her cerebral mass as well? Not that she isn't getting distracted by the big bird with a god complex and that overgrown python running around. Bird...snake... Venecorva and Avlazor together make a boa. Get it? Boa...boa constrictor...feather boa... Jokes aren't exactly April's strong point as you can tell. She heightened her sense as Gawain morphed and stood up to Venecorva, going from timid and feminine to bold and...still feminine. Sassy hips and a flowing cloak go for the best silhouette. "Avalon will never belong to you, you avian ass," April called out to her. Is that a good one? Her brothers and father were better and insulting people usually.
Ready and waiting she would go in as soon as Gawain gave the word. Everybody in the are seemed to go after the Spawners and such while they handled her. Everybody standing together and united for their home is so beautiful. The human world needs to learn a thing or two from this. Times of strife should be met with unity and team work. Not chaos and violence. But this one exception means violence is the only way to get through to these monsters.

April let out a battle cry all her own, running in for the Legion freaks behind Gawain. She's bloody exhausted, having cast wind gusts all day. Not much more is in her, but she'll keep going until it's done. Weapons ready, she's locked on and ready. Her heart keeps beating and she keeps fighting. All of them. "For Camelot!" April cheered out of character. Something has to be cheered as they start the final fight!
Colorful Sentinel Rangers collided with a big bad basilisk and a big bad birdie. That's a lot of b's there. Not bees, thankfully. The bees can just buzz off. So nice of Avlazor to specify that this was the final battle. It was already quite obvious, but really thanks for the clarification! Lots of sarcastic thoughts going through Erin's mind as she slashed her fiery blade at Avlazor. She's let Gawain have the big bird. She's done more than enough to make this fight personal for Gawain, after all. "Guys,"she signaled the others to follow her lead in focusing their powers on the Basilisk instead of the Birdie. Avlazor was sure to put up a fight. He's not a general for no reason. Best the four of them used all that they had. After lashing out with what seemed to be a fiery snake, for irony's sake, Erin moved out of the way for her friends to go in.

Gawain went in full force, his Greatsword colliding with the Onyx-tipped staff of Venecorva. She let out a high-pitched caw-shriek, which pretty much went paired with a sonic burst, causing the knight to stagger backwards, dropping the blade and covering his ears over his helmet against that awful noise. Venecorva made quick use of the opening, rushing towards the Sentinel, striking him with the Onyx tip. When properly polished and sharpened, a stone made for a decent weapon. Let along a gemstone that symbolizes dark magic, fueled by actual dark magic! Gawain rolled to his side, kicking back Venecorva as she closed in on him. After everything that had happened this day, Gawain was getting as exhausted as his friends facing off against Avlazor were. Hold on a moment... friends? Gawain surprised even himself, mentally referring to these new Sentinels as such. They, too, had been through a lot recently. Their lives have been turned upside down with them being chosen by Fate to defend the Wheel against Vorkalth's evil plans. And to top it off they just lost a friend and now witnessed the death of someone of great importance. And now here they were, all five of them, fighting to protect one of the many worlds. One that wasn't theirs, but one they'd all grown to care for. That and well... if one world were to fall all the others were sure to follow. Gawain pushed himself towards his Greatsword again, picking it up and swinging it heavily at Venecorva. Sparks went flying, as did feathers. Again Venecorva shrieked, but this time more in pain rather than to attack. Gawain pushed himself back to his feet, facing off against the monster.

"This has been going on for long enough," he said.
"I agree completely," Venecorva said darkly, twirling her staff as dark magic swirled around it. Black magic versus the Sentinel of Light. Again the two charged, weapons colliding again and again. This time Gawain kicked the witch backwards, causing her to stagger. Gawain's blade became engulfed in bright golden light as he lifted it up above his head, bringing it down diagonally, back up to the other side, and down again. An X-formation of sorts, if you will. "Blinding Light Double Slash!" Gawain called out as the slashes of light hit Venecorva, temporarily blinding anyone looking at it. He himself turned his back on it, not giving a damn as Venecorva went down in a blazing explosion of sparks and feathers. Like a pillow blowing up, but with more fire involved. Gawain took a deep breath. Venecorva was, for now, defeated, but this battle wasn't over just yet.
A dark portal opened, calling back Avlazor and the remaining Spawners and Ryxens, and... making Venecorva grow to her giant size.

"If I can't have Avalon, nobody can. I will crush this place!" she called from up high. Erin glanced at the others, slight panic growing in her chest. They'd seen giant monsters before, but now... there was a difference.
"Guys... now what?" she asked them. Without Dylan... how would they form the Megazord without the Capricorn?
Flashing flames shoved him back with a deal of damage but Avlazor did not tremble. He's completely overtaken by power and blood lust--nothing can detour him from his goal of making Christmas ornaments out of Sentinel skulls. Legionaries celebrate it...right? It has Pagan roots so perhaps it's something to look into. hard to imagine any of them in Santa hats or talking about the three wise men. Holiday cheer make Avlazor angry! Instead of reacting to fie, he just bull-rushed Erin with his shoulder running right past her and into the others dumb enough to bring him on.

Gawain's battle with the insufferable Venecorva is something to see. He's motivated, he's mad, he's blinding. Every bit of the knight in literal shining armor with bravery as a cherry on top of the sundae. He inspires a lot in the team. Right now he's inspiring Benji to toss the glaive at Venecora so he can just knock the shi--! Nope, instead Avlazor rushed into his scrawny body as well. Even with the suit he felt it hard. He skidded backwards, his heels dragging marks in the cobblestone. The basilisk laughed and stomped around, swinging his weapon heavily around. Clay rolled up metaphorical sleeves and ran in from the side. "Giddy up, varmint," he said, whacking him as hard as he possibly could in the side with the mace to crack into the monsters armor with a fell swoop of steel! Avlazor staggered back, snarling and swinging at Clay to land a solid hit. The cowboy yelped as he landed on the ground.
Benji boldly ran in from behind and instead of tossing it, used the glaive as a melee weapon, slicing down Avlazor's back with a trail left of light and hisses. The basilisk swept around and knocked him away, Keen eyes may notice Erin's fire, Clay's mace and Benji's glaive had all hit the same spot. It's getting vulnerable!

Gawain eliminated Venecorva without a care or hint of chivalry. Just let her die in a blinding fashion. Avlazor cried out for her, but felt the pull of the portal home. "Uh oh... Vorkalth not going to be happy about this... Venecorva go boom and be big! Master be really mad! Avlazor get yelled at!" Thinking of him as anything other than a moronic monster, that's kind of sad he's afraid to go back and see what his leader says. No way in Hell they're about to feel sorry for him but still.
Watching feathers flock into a new form of giant, Benji and Clay grouped with everybody and stumbled around.
"Shit, she's out of control!" Benji stated the obvious and pointed out how mad Morgana's gone!
"We need the Beasts, even if we can't bring 'em together. Ya'll think Merlin can get into cappycorn or something? We gotta do something!" Clay exclaimed. Fighting with basic beasts isn't a bad idea but not wise either considering. And cappycorn...there's the southerner.
She wanted to help Gawain fend off this feather-headed loser after all of the death and despair she's caused today. More under her belt, that's for sure, but today took the cake in April's eyes. If tales such as this do repeat then she'll keep doing it unless she's stopped. April's heart pounded faster than a freight train driven by Quicksilver. Instead, she would help her friends against the basilisk with an IQ of...mustard. Avlazor's IQ is equivalent to mustard. But he'd taste awful on a hot dog no matter how thick of a layer you coat onto it. Ketchup might fix it...god damn why does everyone sound hungry right now? Not the time at all to be hungry. But an appetite is being worked up, definitely. Avlazor is a lot more apparent to her than food. He's plowing through the others like a ball through pins. Yet in bowling, hot dogs are relevant. She quickly checked on Erin and the others, taking time to spot a nice sore spot on Avlazor. All of that [power he's got and Vorkalth can't give him better armor? "Say goodnight, creep," she said. April ran around as he rampaged, looking for a time to shoot. Sights on the spot, she fired a bolt from the bow into his weak point. Again and again she fired! Her aim's improved a lot over time!

Venecorva had fallen but soon grew again like a phoenix from its ashes. April immediately had the same thought as Erin. Without Dylan can they even do anything? "Everybody stay back!" she warned the folk who'd fought with them against the small fry. Tiny people and big angry crow aren't looking too favorable as odds. "Chance! Are you out there? Can you maybe talk down your crow kin?" April shouted out, wondering where he was and semi joking about him being Morgana's kin. She trembled slightly, uneasy at the thought of what would happen should they fail here because of a must crucial death... departure...whatever.
"Where's Merlin, anyway?" Erin asked. She hadn't seen the wizard around this entire day. Maybe not even since Dylan... She shook her head. Merlin was a previous Blue Sentinel, right? Surely he could control the Capricorn just for this one battle? Now she imagined the old wizard in tight blue spandex... That's an odd thing to imagine, really.
"Merlin's in the Castle, getting the servants to safety and making sure the Legion can't get to Queen Guinevere," Gawain said. He had spotted the wizard when he went looking for Arthur and Venecorva inside the walls. Heck, it was Merlin who pointed him in where to go. Either way Merlin wasn't going to be able to help them out here. And without the pilot of the Blue Beast... There would be no Titan to stand and defend Camelot against Venecorva. Unless...

A thought crossed Gawain's mind. If he had reformed his bond with Aurelius, if he had made his choice in where he stood in the current affairs...
"I'll handle this," Gawain announced, once again rushing off. But this time he didn't head into the Castle on his own, no... he ran up the stairs to one of the walls, climbed them and continued on to one of the watchtowers.
"How often do you think he's gonna do that?" Erin pondered to the rest, referring to Gawain charging off on his own without telling them what he was really planning. Also, what was he planning? did he want to jump of the tower and try to attack Venecorva with his sword? At this size the massive blade was like a toothpick! Yet there wasn't much she could do to stop him. They could probably call their own Beasts, but without combining it wouldn't come close to having the effect that it should. She glanced upwards to Gawain, who seemed to be... praying? Yes, she knew he was a religious man, but sending thoughts and prayers had never really helped anyone.

"I know it's been a long time, my friend," Gawain mumbled to himself up at the watchtower. "But please come to me. You're needed." He gently touched the place where his Charm would be if he wasn't transformed. After what felt like hours, Gawain felt that familiar tingle, and a voice piping up at the back of his mind. "Gawain? You're alive? By the Gods, it's been forever!"
"Nice to hear you too, Novus. Would you be so kind and send my companion over? The poor Beast must have had many dull centuries."
"On it's way!"
the fairy confirmed. A portal opened up in the sky, and out came a metallic, golden dragon, roaring as it soared through the sky. It struck awe, and perhaps a certain degree of fear, into the hearts of the civilians watching. And... most definitely in Erin too.
"That's a freaking DRAGON!" she called out. Okay, so maybe thoughts and prayers did work out when you had magic and centuries old allies that gave you giant legendary creatures to fight with. Gawain leaped off the tower, merging with the Dragon.
"Initiate Transformation," he said, feeling the dragon morph in its own fashion, limbs changing form until it stood tall as a Megazord of its own. "Chevalier Titan!" Gawain called the name of his personal Megazord, popping his neck and knuckles to get ready for the fight.
"Ah, so that's what he was planning," Erin said from the ground. Captain Obvious saves the day! She was definitely in awe, not just of seeing a dragon which is basically her favorite mythological creature, but also to see it was capable of transforming into a Megazord of it's own.

"One single knight can't save the day!" Venecorva called. "You will fall, like your comrades, like your king, like soon the rest of this realm."
"I've had more than enough of your talking," Gawain said. His Megazord wielded a shield and a sword, and to put emphasis on his words, Gawain shield bashed Venecorva to make her stagger backwards. She probably stepped on a farm or some houses as she did so. Erin, tiny on the ground with her friends, looked at the others. "Maybe we should head to the castle and watch from a safer place rather than out here?" she suggested. Nobody wants to get stepped on by an evil crow. Or by their friend piloting a Dragon Knight Giant Robot. Erin motioned them to follow her towards the Castle. With all the Ryxens and Spawners having retreated, the place should be a whole lot safer. As soon as they entered the hall, they were greeted by Merlin, who looked like he had a rough day. Technically everyone did, but the poor older wizard looked like he was at his limits of what he could muster in one day.
"Sentinels, thank goodness you're all still alive!" he said with a breath of relief. The commotion from outside told him it wasn't quite over just yet. "Gawain remembers, doesn't he?"
"I'm not sure he remembers," Erin said. "But it seems he has made his choice."
"Why are you in here, though?" the wizard questioned.
"We didn't want to get stepped on," Erin answered, dead serious.
Defeat makes for an ugly garment. Said garment does not come in an XXXL as Avlazor may need if he actually wore clothing off the rack of any kind. Barraged with attacks and magic he found himself weaker than before. "Avlazor go, but she kill!" he said, retreating with his brethren after what was a perfect storm on the castle and kingdom as a whole. It's rightful ruler would crush it, smash it all to pieces. Whatever does not submit to the Legion will be broken!

Merlin should always be there when they need him! Old wizard so wise and powerful. He's like Oz, only less fictional and more blue opposed to green. Capricorn needed a soul to merge with, Essencia to fuel it, and the creature had none to spare. "You think he would come out to help us instead?" Benji asked half kidding but half serious. The queen and servants had knights to protect them from stragglers, and a big helping of old magic would be greatly appreciated in this instance. He almost readied to call the Centaur before Gawain excused himself. Benji tilted his head. Clay wobbled as Venecorva stormed on, attacking Camelot and threatening life within her wake. Now whatever Gawain's fixin' to do he better do it fast. Something told him that in a minute there'd be a lot of pancake people running around. Flipping around, if pancakes have a method of moving themselves. Sentient pancakes...what a thought.
"Not that I'm opposed but I don't think a prayer is going to help us immediately..." Benji said to Erin skeptically.
"Ain't he gonna like...be all fancy and just hit her again with his sword? A lot harder," Clay said on the scale of an ant to a human.

Before their mothers could birth them (weird phrase) a dragon flew into the scene. A dragon. In Avalon. Not good. But it's golden, glimmering in the sun and shining a beautiful shine. But not just any dragon. Gawain's dragon. "YOU HAVE A DRAGON AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US???" Benji yelled up at Gawain mid merge with the beast. A golden beast would have been handy before! A damn dragon! Gah! How did, where did...ehhhhhhh?
"Well I'll be... " Clay said and backed up slightly as it turned into a Megazord. "Yeeeeeeehaw!" He cheered out, slapping his knee and basking in the glory of the Chevalier Titan. He nudged Erin hard. "Better than hittin' her with a sword, I'll tell ya that right now," he said. Thick accent. His accent didn't hide his awe, either, marveling at such a beauty. Benji on the other hand just couldn't help but think well this is what it's like to be down here for these fights...it sucks. Don't get squished.
"Good idea," Benji said a little too quick when Erin wanted to go inside. April asking for Chance might b answered if he's inside the castle. "I hate being a bug and I will not be one, let's MOVE," Benji sort of took the lead into the safety of the castle. Clay followed.

"Did you know he had a dragon?" Benji asked Merlin. No hello or anything like that on contact. Just that.
Queen Guinevere. God, April hadn't thought about her in a moment. Is that awful or relatable?. With all that's happening, she can barely think about a woman she briefly met no matter how important she is. Chances are collateral damage is through every roof around here. Hard to make one person stand out to her... but she wants everybody who can possibly be saved to be saved. Important or no. People are people, April needs no convincing that Merlin's doing something good where he is. Just happens that where he is is not here. To have come so far only to stop now? Unthinkable. Letting the woman who tried and nearly did win over Avalon crush it all like bread in a shopping cart? Not gonna happen, but it's difficult to be so sure they'd stop her when the only way to stop her isn't really an option with Capricorn unable to be called or really do anything. Asking for guidance is out of the question, mentor figures being busy or scarce!

While Gawain said he would take care of this, April shared in the skepticism. He's going alone to handle something. A big something. "I really hope he doesn't make a habit out of this," she said, caring for his well being and the bond between team mates. He trusted them now and wanted to help them more, so why would he go off? Secret meeting with the secret people in charge of secret things? So secretive. Big secret by the looks of it. Wait literally, a big secret. From the sky, a portal opened up. A beast portal, but instead of the hippogriff or the others... dragon? A dragon, full with wings and golden scales, roaring and flying in the air like all of the fairy tales claim they do. April's eyes reflected the shine off of the dragon. Her head held incredibly high as she looked up, she swallowed and regaled in shock under the dragon. "Alright, this he can make a habit out of," she said, noting the dragon turning into it's own titan form. Golden, armed, and battling Venecorva with the might of Camelot behind it. Breathtaking! Divine! Among the staring, she agreed it would be better to go somewhere else. Maybe Merlin's 'coven' space in the castle? Safe there, and there's magic. She felt safe around magic. Now she did anyway. Some people maybe got a little forceful, but she went with the others to safety. "Be careful, Gawain!" she yelled up at him, her heart going out to him in his final battle with the witch responsible for the death of many.

Inside, April caught her breath for a second and gently rested a hand over her stomach to show her state of being. In the hall they found Merlin! Right when they... didn't need him. Thanks, old man mage. "It's good to see you," she said softly to him with genuine delight. Nice to see another important face hasn't been crushed by evil.
"Yes," Merlin replied to Benji. "I knew, but it's been a long time since he's been capable of summoning it. After all, up until not too long ago he had forgotten he was a Sentinel. It wasn't my place to inform you. I trusted Gawain would tell you eventually. When he remembered, or when it was needed. Or in this case, both." Erin nodded, thinking she understood. She was with April here. It was good to see him. A face that was important in this world, and to them as well. "How is Queen Guinevere doing?" she asked. Nobody had had the time to think about her just yet. With everything that was going on and how much it had asked of the Sentinels who were aware of Vorkalth and getting used to dark magic running rampant... but here... Here the worst they had to worry about were witches and the plague, right? For such a powerful villain to just show up and rip apart the balance in the world... She silently thanked whatever Godly Entity that might be listening in that she hadn't witnessed just how King Arthur was slaughtered.
"She's in mourning for the loss of her husband, as well as close friends among the knights, but she will recover in time," Merlin assured them. How long it would take... nobody could tell. Plenty of things that had happened here weren't supposed to happen. Vorkalth had brought imbalance to the Realm.

A large Raven flew into the hall, transforming itself mid-air into a man they knew s Chance. "You called earlier, dearie?" he strolled over, casually wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You know, crows and ravens are not the same, right? A crow caws, a raven croaks. Tail's different too." He plucked a feather out of his hair and tucked it in April's. "Anyhow, even if I could I ain't going to talk to a crow that's big enough to swallow me whole thinking I'm a fly."
"I see you haven't changed much over the centuries, Chance," Merlin said dryly. In looks as well as actions Chance still resembled the being he was long ago, when Merlin was a young man.
"Nevermore," Chance said with a wink. Get it? Because he's a Raven. Maybe even the Raven. If he is he won't tell you. Merlin sighed deeply and shook his head. Commotion from outside, said commotion being the obvious sounds of a huge battle, drew their attention back to what was happening just outside of the Castle. Logically, if drew Erin's attention as well. They moved to a window in the castle, peering out at the knightly giant fighting the bird-woman.

Weapons collided. Sheer, brute force and violence. No chit-chat or trying to be funny. Venecorva just wanted to destroy Avalon, Gawain wanted to do everything in his power to protect it. It was an even battle, with blows behing thrown and hits being taken on either side. Sparks went flying wildly, thankfully not setting even more buildings ablaze. Camelot was already burning more than enough. "Chevalier Final Slash!" Gawain eventually called, charging the blade with bright golden energy. He dealt a heavy slash, leaving a glowing gash over Venecorva's torso. It almost seemed to be smoldering, burning from the inside out. As if the pure light of Aurelius directly countered the foul magic that had corrupted her. She sparked and shrieked, going down in a big explosion once more. But this time, she was gone for good. "Villain Vanquished," Gawain announced.
"EEEH? But we say...." Erin started, considering for a moment. "Actually... let's do that from now on. Vanquished. Love that word."

Gawain sent the Dragon back to his home in Nexilis and took a moment to look around the ruins of Camelot. They would rebuild, sure enough. But it pained him. The loss, the suffering... and he would no longer be here to assist them. For there were other people, other worlds that needed his aid. Vorkalth was back, that's clear as daylight. And he's stronger than ever before, that much is clear to him too. He remembered Fate had once spoken of this time. Where Vorkalth would be stronger than the Sentinels, and they would have to do everything in their power to hold him back. He took a deep breath. "I'm going to miss this place," he mumbled to himself. Then, he walked on to the Castle to reunite with the others. Once there he was greeted by Erin, Chance, Merlin, and of course the rest.
"That was absolutely amazing," Erin said. "But please don't rush off again without telling us what you're planning. We're a team, aren't we?"
"Yes... we are," Gawain nodded. Wait, did that mean he was going to come back with them, whenever they would go home again? Was he going to join them as their sixth... fifth? This was difficult after losing someone... Anyway, was he going to join as their newest Sentinel Ranger? Speaking of which... as if he had been reading their minds, and it wouldn't surprise her too much if he did seeing as what Novus and Fate could do, Merlin cleared his throat.
"I know the timing is terrible, but... after I had ensured Queen Guinevere's safety, I finally managed to contact Novus and Fate. They have restored their energy and the Nexils portal. You can head back to your own world in just a few hours time. So take the moments you still have here to enjoy the scenery... or what's left of it. Say goodbye to the friends you might have made here."

That... somehow struck. Home. They would go home again. After what felt like forever in Avalon, they would soon be back in Ebongrove. Sleep in their own beds, take a proper shower... They would leave this Realm behind, possibly to never return here again. They had so many memories of the time spend here. But what bothered Erin the most? They were leaving without Dylan. How would they have to explain that to his family and friends? And, and and.... Erin had so many things on her mind it almost made her dizzy. She swallowed hard and nodded. This part of the adventure was so close to an end now....
Blood people running around in chaotic fear and eagerness upset anyone with a heart. Beating heart, not the heart anyone in the Legion hight have. Physically there but not beating in any way, shape or form. Changing the course of history or direction for a realm makes it hard to imagine what people are doing. Nevertheless it's good that the Queen is alright. She's a nice woman, and her people will need her more than ever after this is through.
"Next time somebody has a dragon that can do that, please nobody hold it a secret... just ride it in front of our faces or something," Benji said, still hung up on the dragon. What a secret that is to hold. Skeptic as he is, he's really drawn to things that just make his jaws drop lower to the ground than natural. Clay tapped his arm to get him thinking about something other than a dragon. Cool as it is, the dragon's the least of the worry now. Death and destruction everywhere and it's at the climax now. Ultimately it came down to who wins and loses the giant fight.

"Jesus, you 'bout scared the britches off of me," Clay exasperated as Chance poof in from bird form and into human shape. Clay's exasperation was that of a high-pitched southern belle. Yeah, he went total feminine.
"...Edgar Allen Poe?" Benji question Chance. Poets from Earth are a thing here? Or his time alive exposed him to it? Either way it is the last thing Benji would associate with anything here. Poet aside, the commotion drew attention clear. Loud and unavoidable it was. Benji leaned his head at the window to get a good view of what's going on. Clay poked around as well, watching the Titan battle the witch. With one final attack, a light cast from the blade which cut through Venecorva like butter. And she's vanquished. "Alliteration is fun," Benji commented to himself, clapping down on the ground in castle walls with Clay and the other viewers of the fight. Gawain had single-handedly saved Camelot! Sound the horns!

Shedding their suits and back to normal, or one thinks, reuniting never felt so good. Gawain's face said he was happy to win and proud, but also sad and a bit burdened.
"What she said! It was spectacular! You didn't step on us either, I appreciate that!" Benji sounded like he was happy to be not-flattened. Who'd have thought.
Clay extended his hand to Gawain. No, not like that. He offered him his hand after he said they were in fact a team. "How about we shake on it, partner?" asked the cowboy in his southern charm. Losing one of their own but gaining another is bittersweet at best. But shortly thereafter...there was a pause. Novus and Fate? Merlin talked to them. They can...go home? Back to Ebongrove? "Home? Ain't that a bit fast? The fight only ended now, what if they come back?" Clay asked Merlin. He was excited to go home, but so sudden? Not like he got a feel for this place, really. He met knights and had a fair share of fun but it felt like they were still needed. "Merlin, for what it's worth... thank you for helping us. I'm sorry we couldn't do more for yuns…" Clay said to the wizard.

"Sure it's fast...but I want to go home so bad. I miss my kids at the orphanage. But we're gonna leave without... I mean... Guys we don't even have something to bury... " Benji said, confused. He's cross on going home and staying in a few hours. His head hurts. Hurting less was the familiar feel of branch limbs crawling around. "Pyuuuuu?" the Spriggan returned. Benji glanced down at it, kneeling to his level. "Hey there. Yeah, we get to go home now... We did what we came here to do. We did our best and beat the bad guys... but it'll feel weird to go," he said to the creature. A goodbye? The children he'd gotten to know where long gone with their families in safety. Really aside from this Spriggan, he hadn't gotten to know anyone. They were here so long but it feels like he's not seen it yet, as odd as that may sound. It's a beautiful place when you see it without damage like this.
"Hey Gawain... are you sure you're ready? If you're one of us...you'll be joining us right?"
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April shrieked! "Ahh! Chance! What. Are. You. Doing. Popping. In. Like. That!" April said, hitting the sage's arm between words hence the pauses in her speaking. She squirmed his arm off of her in a semi pout as he mentioned birds. So he and Morgana took different bird types, sue her. The feather tucked in her hair both pricked at her scalp but undeniably looked pretty. If he weren't Fate's brother and important to that owl lady, she'd tear more than just a feather off of him. Both may hurt to lose, take the hint birdie! Softly, she breathed and leaned on the wall. Poor Guinevere. The Sentinels lost one of their own...but the queen lost her husband, friends, and countless innocent people to this battle. She'll make it through, alright, but at the cost of her being possibly traumatized? Motherly instincts washed over her, and even if the queen is older, April wanted to bake her something. Pastries make people happy sometimes, so maybe she'll convince a cook to make some eclairs? Chocolate ones with creme filling. Yummy. Okay this is the millionth time food's been mentioned what the hell? April watched out of the window with everyone as Gawain put an end to Venecorva in his Megazord. Ohhhh wonderful! Popcorn would make it better. WAIT DAMN. Play a drinking game every time April mentions food in the last twenty minutes. You're welcome.

Later, she smiled as Gawain returned to their side. She went in for a hug. Brave move, Brubeck. Brave move indeed. "I'm happy you're okay," she said to him as any friend would. "You did it. You stopped her!" April praised him. A literal knight in shining armor, as has been stated before. She smiled softly at him and turned to Merlin. Did he need some water or is he getting their attention the old fashioned way? Her breath stopped. Knees weak, she didn't believe it. And Clay said it well. "Home? We...we get to go home?" she asked. Her mom, dad, brothers, her classes at school, the Brubeck diner... coffee! She's getting to go... but Clay said it well. Feels rushed...
"Shouldn't we check on the queen? We came in, trouble found us, and now Arthur is gone... " April pondered. But his death can not be blamed on anyone but Vorkalth. Them being here halted many more deaths from happening. And...what if the Legion does come back? Scary thought...perish it. Her heart swelled in her chest. Dylan died, the King died, knights died, people died, so many died. Are they at least going to stay for some kind of memorial service to be held? If it's a few hours then surely... Heroes of the hour can do that right? Is that what they are? Heroes? Or just some dumb kids with power they don't understand...

"Merlin? If we don't see the queen before the portal opens... Tell the queen I'm sorry, too. About all of this. Her hand maidens better take care of her. And their families of course. I hope everyone's okay... " She expressed concern for all here. Feels weird to go, but she's more than ready to leave this place. She'll miss living like royalty but candied grapes only go so much farther than Chinese food takeout on a Friday night with a bad movie. God, she'll see movies again. It's been too long since she's seen a movie or worn something non-dress related. Dresses are pretty but they don't really compare to jeans. She noticed the Spriggan again. Gently she pet it on the head. Over her shoulder she looked at Chance. Fate's brother...he'd better come, too. Not to take all of the powerful people but it feels right that brother and sister be reunited. Some peace after the chaos. A happy ending if there can be one. April is prepared to say goodbye to Avalon and its people with a metaphoric kiss.
Erin laughed at Clay being scared by Chance, and April slapping him repeatedly. Sure, Chance startled her a bit, but nowhere near as bad as the others seemed to be. Chance just looked at them all quasi-insulted. "Rude!" he said in a fashion you might expect from a SoCal girl. What's with the being slapped for teaching these Sentinels about birds. Well, at least Venecorva was taken care of expertly. Chance might not always be the best person to have around, but he's not evil. At least, he doesn't think he is. Definitely not "good" per definition either. More like the neutral third party who just does as he wishes? These Sentinels going back home at long last made him smile faintly. Soon, he too would leave this world. And where he'd go? Nobody knows. Not even him. He just sees where he winds up. Though maybe he should visit certain Raven-related friends again? It's been forever since he's seen the old man for the last time. So much to ponder. And not a thought was spared thinking of all the people and chaos here. It didn't affect him personally, so why would he care?

Gawain smiled as April hugged him. Had been an awful long time since something like that had happened to him. "I know any of your would have done the same in my position. That's our duty as Sentinels." No need to praise him for that. He shook Clay's hand and nodded to Benji. "From now until the last day, you can count on me to fight by your side," he swore. And this knight stuck true to his words. Never one to break a promise, for then his word would be meaningless. As Merlin let him know they would soon leave, he fell silent. There were definitely some goodbyes to be said on his end. The Knights of the Round Table had been his companions for so long. Some had died today, and they deserved to be honored properly. Those still alive would stay behind and make things right in this world again. He walked off for the moment, ready to say his goodbyes and gather a few of his belongings. Can't travel to a new-old world empty handed!

Erin took the time she had to stroll through the castle for the last time. Medieval times had always fascinated her. Having lived here for a while now made her appreciate what she had in the modern day even more. Yet still... part of her would miss this place. Not the dresses, though. Definitely not the dressed. She still hated that bit. Though Avalon still looked gloomy, that unsettling eerie darkness had gone. The rain had stopped, the sky had its natural color again. There were even some careful sunrays daring to poke through and touch the soil. Erin smiled. They had done good, all of them. Though in the end it was Gawain to save the day, they had worked up to this point together. She looked up to the sky. "And once more... Farewell Dylan," she mumbled to the clouds. As Benji had pointed out, they'd go back without him, with nothing to bury or honor but his memory.

Rushed as it may have been, as the time was there, everyone had gathered in Merlin's personal Coven, where he had prepared a circle to teleport them back to Nexilis, back to the precise location they had left from. Quickly the coven-space was getting crammed with people there to see them off. The remaining knights came to bid their companion farewell, as well as the heroes that had battled alongside them so valiantly. The Spriggan was there too, looking up at all the people there to see the Sentinels off. Guinevere was there too, dressed in a dress appropriate for a queen in mourning. However she bravely smiled at the Sentinels. Before they would leave, she still had a few words to say.
"I thank you all for the things you have done. We might have suffered great losses, but Avalon will rebuild. We will stand united and be stronger than ever before. If it wasn't for you, our world would have been destroyed by the foul magic from this 'Legion'. The people of Avalon owe you a favor. That is why I shall grant you this," she approached the Sentinels, handing them a war horn. "If you ever find yourselves in dire need, blow the horn and we shall come to your aid as you have come to ours."
Erin accepted the war horn graciously, holding the engraved ivory in her hands.
"Thank you, Queen Guinevere. We shall never forget you, nor the things that have happened here." She stepped back, closer to the others once more. "I guess it's time to go, then," she said softly, nodding at Merlin.

The wizard took a breath and started his spell.

"I am the keeper of this gate, Watcher of the realm.
Nothing shall break, be torn asunder
Keep separate and keep it so that none need ever wonder
Each world on their own, a thread in the web
Treading to another an impossible step

Our veil was ripped but now has mended
The Realm was saved before it blended
I ask the Ancient Gods for aid
To keep the veil, may it not face

Allow these five to pass back through
So they may do as heroes do
Let them return to the home they miss
Open a Gate to Nexilis."

Very much like the spell that had called them there, Merlin altered the spell so they could go back. Moments before they would be engulfed in the magic that would sent them home, a shrieking "PYOO" cut through the air. In ran the little Spriggan, twiggy arms extended. He didn't want the Sentinels to leave. At least not without him! The little creature clung tightly onto Benji's legs as they were teleported back home.
Outside of the Coven-Space, as a matter of fact on top of the Castle, sat Chance, looking at the horizon. A tingle of magic down his spine told him the magic had been done. The Sentinels were back home. "I guess it's time for me to leave as well," he mumbled to the ravens sitting next to him on the rooftop. Clever birds they were. It's exactly why he chose it as his form. He patted the closest bird on its head, stood up and changed into his birdlike form again. He flapped his wings a couple of times, and then disappeared in a swirl of magic and feathers, on to the next adventure!
Back in the Underworld, Vorkalth watched the Scrying Window overlooking Avalon. In the end, the Rangers had won. But it couldn't truly be called a victory. They had lost one of their own, Avalon had lost their leader and was in shambles. They would rebuild eventually, but it was going to take a long time. And with the tiny rips still there... he could practice some influence even still. Nowhere near as much as when the Sentinels had lost their companion, but it would do for now. A time would come where he would be powerful enough again to rend the Veil apart entirely. He had already set his mind on a new target. After heading back to his lair after destroying King Arthur, he had already set up a next plan of action. However, there was something that bothered him.
"So.... Golden Boy remembers at last," he said. "They have lost one but gained another." He turned to his Generals. "Perhaps we have underestimated them until now. Even when they are down one crucial member they will not bow of break." Inexperienced they may be, but this Generation has proven already to be a pain in the ass. Soon, soon he would crush them. If Vorkalth wasn't mistaken, one Charm and thereby one Spirit was now without host. If they could obtain that gemstone, then... "Avlazor, make sure you recover quickly. I have a plan, and you are needed."
Magic teleporting still upset the stomach. Maybe it was just because it's been a while. Maybe it's being flung from one world into another that makes things worse. Being flung back into Nexilis, in the exact spot as Merlin had promised, knocked the Seninels off their feet. A clumsy mess on the ground they were, right now.
"You're back!" Novus exclaimed happily. "But... where's Dylan?"
"Gone," Erin said coldly, pushing herself back up and glaring at Fate. She wanted to rush right up to that bird woman and pluck her feathers! She didn't even care if they could read her mind now. Erin was furious!
"Did you know?" she asked, getting back to her feet. "DID. YOU. KNOW?!" she was shouting now, tears burning behind her eyes and blurring her vision. Fate hung her head and cast her eyes away.
"I did not," she said softly. "This was never supposed to happen. The entire course of everything has been altered. I... I'm powerless now."

Tale 9: Out of the Blue

"I don't know..." Gawain inspected himself in a mirror, wearing jeans, a shirt and cardigan instead of the trousers and tunic he had worn in Avalon. "The fabric's so... scratchy. And itchy. Feels like I look like a fool."
"Well... you can't walk around in the other outfit. It would make you stand out too much among the people of this time," Erin said with a tiny smile that had been rare in the two weeks that had passed. She had kept quiet and stuck mostly to herself, never letting go of Dylan's Charm. Subconsciously her hand reached in the pocket of her jeans, clenching her fist tightly around the gemstone. Every time she touched it a new memory flowed back into her mind. Little discussions on mythology, joking, everyone going out for burgers shortly after their first encounter with the Legion... They had known each other for only such a short while, but it had felt as if it was forever. She had promised Dylan she wouldn't forget, and she hadn't. She never would, or could. But nowadays she sometimes wished she could forget, even if it was just for a moment. That last day haunted her. Nenet's warning, Morag's satisfaction, Dylan just fading into thin air. But what pained her most is what Fate had explained to them after their return. Since Dylan had passed in a different Realm, it had made him a part of that realm. Similar as how Gawain crossed over from Earth to Avalon 900 years before, Dylan... he simply no longer existed in their world. And it was as if he never had. His parents, grandparents, all the friends he'd had in his life... Nobody would remember him. Nobody but the five Sentinels and their mentors. And that knowledge was taking it's mental toll of Erin. As well as that ever lingering feeling of guilt. If she hadn't told him to dive after Morag, then maybe...! For God's sake she knew it was a Kelpie they had been dealing with! She'd gotten mad at Clay for tackling one into the water, and then ordered another friend to do just that. She took a deep breath and shivered, face once more turned into that stone cold mask.

Needless to say, her studies at the University hadn't been going too great. She's been "sick" for almost a week now. It didn't matter how hard she tried to pull herself back together, she just couldn't. Erin hadn't spoken to the others much lately, not even to April even though they were roommates. She was too scared she'd break. Especially now that the Legion was getting the advantage, she couldn't allow herself to be weak. She couldn't allow the others to worry about her. But they did. Even Gawain, whom had only joined the Sentinels two weeks ago. Sure, he didn't see her as often as the others (He had made his home in one of the spaces of the Coven, since he had no place on Earth to live), but when he did he just felt that chilly atmosphere around her. It would be a rather poor choice of words to say she'd been feeling... blue. Seeing her smile for the first time in... well, since meeting her, truly, was a nice change. However briefly it might last.
"You should come with us as we venture into Ebongove and explore the city. If I am correct, you are still fairly new to this area yourself, are you not?" Gawain asked in an attempt to get Erin to join them. Perhaps the others had something to put in here as well? Maybe, just maybe, if they all cooperated, they could bring her along for some relaxation, a distraction from all the thoughts haunting her.
Brubeck's Diner fattened up the stomach more than castle kitchen staves ever could. Home for a minute and Novus nearly bounced off the walls in shock over Dylan and Fate deemed herself powerless. She needn't say why, but April heading to her family's diner for a familiar setting felt like the most appropriate thing to do. Seeing her parents again, her brothers, regular costumers... her happy place. Goes without saying french fries and milkshakes played a huge role in easing her mind. Actual junk food! Eating isn't the answer to everything but she'd be damned if it didn't help every once in a while. Since being back, she's picked up a harder regime when it comes to practicing wind and aiming the crossbow. Seeing battle like in Camelot sharpened her up a lot. April found herself passing through Dylan's neighborhood once or twice. Saddened by the apparent loss of his existence in their world. Gone forever. His family didn't know who he was... She pretended to be lost and needed to use a phone. So Dylan's grandmother let her inside for a minute and she saw no sign of a photo of Dylan anywhere. Nothing to prove he was ever born here. His grandparents seemed generally the same from what he told her about them...so that's a good sign?

Life had to go on, however. While she did mourn she knew she had to live for his memory. Seeing Erin with his charm all of the time really bothered her. She wouldn't say anything, but it bothered her deeply.
"This is how people dress here, now," April told Gawain while he complained about the outfit draping over his body. They're going to integrate him further into modern society today, so what he's wearing for now has to do. "In hindsight when we pulled this outfit together, I should have swiped a better cardigan from my brother... he never washes anything," April said, implying Gawain' cardigan is essentially 'borrowed' from her brother and just might reek of whatever fumes another Brubeck gives off. Hey, Ainya chose her for her heart but not for her willingness to take from a sibling. It's borrowing! She'll give it back!

Faintly, she smiled at Erin per the idea of her coming with them. "It'll be nice to get out. Gawain isn't going to fit in all by himself and none of us really have the sharp wit you do when it's time to be brutally honest if something looks bad on him," she said. Gawain's style in modern clothing might be questionable when let loose in a store on his own. God, imagine how he'll look at pricing... if he'll look at all. Shit, does he know what a credit card limit is? She withdrew a tape measure from her bag and began measuring out Gawain's...measurements. She is no tailor but it's nice to have a size to look for in the mall.
"We can also get some really yummy fattening pretzels!" April encouraged. Erin is still pretty new here. In fact she might have spent more time in Camelot than here.
Changing clothes just may be the most under appreciated feeling in the world. Stuck in one outfit or garment for a long time gets to be a little yucky feeling. Sure, washing it is an option, but without modern methods if washing clothes it can feel like it hasn't been washed at all. Now that is a very first world and middle class thing to say, yes, but now there's a new understanding and respect for people less fortunate without laundry systems. Not only was being in normal clothes a nice feeling but so was being able to wash them right and sleep in a soft bed with sheets and pillows made out of synthetic fibers likely more harmful than good. Ahh, modern society. Clay liked the rugged feeling of Camelot, for it gave him the chance to be one with his inner cowboy. Benji on the other hand was extremely glad to come home. Home being an orphanage he chose to stay in... But home.

Fate's loss of power startled the guys, to say the very least. Benji in particular still doesn't trust that she had no idea about what might happen. Would she be alright, was everything that happened with Dylan, the King of Camelot and everything supposed to happen just to free Gawain of his imprisonment in the cycle? Getting into some deep shit that's frankly a little unsettling to talk about.
Benji loved being home. His brother is the first person he called. He even called his parents in prison. He's not elaborated to the others about that, really..but having jailbird parents is not something you always want to talk about. Took him ages to get the Spriggan off his back, however. In the art studio, Benji made a clay pot for him to stay in. That didn't work out. Therefore Benji ended up crafting another form of pottery-based living. A little cottage, hut, whatever you call it. Made out of clay, it's just a single room that functions basically like a smaller dog house. But the Spriggan seems to like it! It's at the Coven, soil and other nature things in it to make the Groot-like thing more comfortable. The kids Benji lives and works with helped decorate it, thinking it to be a fun school project.
Speaking of crafting... Benji went to see the art gallery. The others had previously helped him remake a statue after Golem...became Golem. Now, Titan, modeled after the megazord, stands in the gallery as it did when they left. But Dylan's name isn't there. Only four names instead of five. That cut him deeper than any knife ever could. He checked out a few books on mythology to study and fill the void left by his friend.

Clay and his roommate Riley got into a normal swing. After coming home Clay wanted to tell him all about it but thought that may be a little weird to explain. And dumb given that he'd been gone for no longer than a minute or so of Riley's time. Obviously not that simple but there's room to digress.
He visited his family, too. Going to a new place like that sparked this overwhelming desire to be with his family again over a home cooked meal. If it's irresponsible to visit family a long ways away while also being part of a task force saving the world one day at a time then Clay is irresponsible. He literally just fought a war. Everything is pretty trivial after engaging in another world. Think of the feeling you get when reading a new book or becoming really invested in some form of fiction. After it's done or on a hiatus, life just doesn't feel the same. Readjusting is hard. Hard for most, that is; Clay kept on truckin. Literally, trucking. He fired up his truck and started driving into the woods every day. That or he'd take a drive on over to see a race. In the woods he really thought about getting in touch with Essencia and being a better fighter. What does Earth as an element mean to him? It's in his blood just to pick up where he left off and get better, focus on something that don't hurt as much.

Shopping! Now it's time to rally up and get Gawain accustomed to life in Ebongrove. Between schooling, Sentinel-ing and work, the guys felt like a breather was ever more important. "You think that fabric is uncomfortable? You walked around in animal hides and chainmail for a good portion of the time!" Benji exaggerated. Not that he's entirely wrong, either. But a cardigan and t shirt is weird? Really? Jeans are weird, jeans are very weird sometimes. But a t shirt?
"Mmm... Now that you say it, April, I sure could go for something sweet and salty... Some of 'em lil pretzel bites with cheese.... " Clay drifted, licking his lips. Benji knocked his arm to bring him back into reality. Tipping his hat, he reassured he was back. Ah, his hat. Normal hat, one of his many hats! "But uh, yeah. C'mon with us. It'll be good to git out," he said to Erin, no where near as southern sounding as it was written out. Clay adjusted his boots, washed out jeans and plaid shirt tucked in to his belt with a massive buckle. Looks good on him, definitely.
Benji in more plain clothes, spoke up. "Yeah! We can give this one a new look, too..." he said to Clay. "Aye!" the cowboy protested.
Again Erin laughed shortly. Even when she was feeling miserable these guys never failed to make her feel a little bit better. But coming with them now... Erin shook her head. "I can't... Right now I would only hold you back. And besides... I've got stuff to do here." Although in the end they had saved the day in Avalon, overall they had still lost the battle. And Erin wasn't about to lose to the Legion again. It was high time she'd dive into the old Sentinel archives, read up on mythology, on legends, on the adventures of the generations before them, but above all on the Legion. Maybe she would discover a pattern, information they hadn't known just yet. She had to be prepared for the next attack. They all had, but she was the ons supposed to lead them, wasn't she? The safety of the others was her responsibility. And if she really needed a break from all the old and dusty books... well... there was a whole world outside of the Coven to explore. Honestly none of them had seen a lot of Nexilis since becoming Sentinels. "Don't worry about me. I will be fine." And with those words she waved off her friends as they portal-ed to Ebongrove to explore the city with Gawain. A little bit of a breeze blew through the Coven as they left, and Erin sighed.
"You're being to harsh on yourself," Fate spoke kindly.
Novus nodded in agreement. "Yeah! None of this is your fault, Erin. The only one to blame is the Legion."
"But am I not supposed to be the Son of the Archon? The one to lead the Sentinels to victory and destroy Vorkalth once and for all?" Erin questioned. "So far I've been doing a pretty bad job. We lost the Eye of the Serpent, Dylan is gone and King Arthur was slaughtered by Morgana-turned-monster. Fate, you said so yourself. None of this was supposed to happen. But now that it did... now what? The entire prophecy you spoke of, the fate of all the worlds connected to this one... Does losing this one battle mean that got screwed up as well?"
To that, neither Novus nor Fate had a definite answer. They simply did not know.

And so Erin went to the archives. Somehow being surrounded by stacks of parchment and old books soothed her. She flicked through the pages, read old records and diaries kept by those who came before them. They detailed of battles against Avlazor and Nenet, first appearances of Vorkalth. How Spawners and Ryxens and even more terrible creatures came to be. Monsters Erin had never heard of and hoped they would never have to face. A first appearance of Morag, the terrible death of Rosemary... best keep that journal far out of Gawain's reach. But the more she read, the more questions she got. No answers, just question upon question. With each page a new fear of what they might still come to face. Eventually, whilst opening yet another tome, she stumbled upon a story and name that made her heart skip a beat. It felt as if suddenly her throat turned as dry as the parchment and all color drained from her face.
The Legend of Sir Dylan. Her eyes skimmed the page, taking in word after word.

Sir Dylan first appears in the story of the Questing Beast, where the knights are chasing the foul and dangerous monster deeper into the woods. This already dangerous creature has been placed under a spell by Morgana, making it even more violent and hostile. The Knights of the Round Table are overpowered, but just as hope seems lost for them, Sir Dylan appeared through a mysterious light, wielding blade and magic, clad in armor coated with blue. Although he appeared to be lost, as if he had never seen the world before, he knew exactly what to do. He did not hesitate for a second, rushing to the aid of the Knights, proving himself as both a warrior and a mystic. Once the vile beast was slain, the Knights took Sir Dylan with them to the castle, which he quickly made his home. Many believed Sir Dylan to be an angel, sent by God to defend Camelot in a time of great need. Others claimed him to be a foreign knight, perhaps even a sorcerer like Merlin. While his true origins remain unknown, it is safe to say he is one of the key figures in Arthurian legends.

With his unmatched charm and genuine kindness, Sir Dylan befriended both commoners and nobles alike, treating them all as his equals. He was very popular among the ladies, but there are no stories that he has ever made any advantages on the women of the castle. Sir Dylan spent his time at Camelot training with the Knights, aiding the priest in his services, and solving the conflicts of the people. Sir Dylan was capable of uniting the most unlikely allies in times of need. It goes without saying he was a well-liked person among both the court and the common-folk.

Only months after his arrival, it became apparent that Morgana had not only cast a spell on the Questing Beast: she had cast a curse upon all of Camelot. Darkness and corruption spread throughout the land, withering the crops, and woods, killing the wildlife and causing unrest among the people. It quickly became apparent the curse was growing stronger with each passing day. Even Morgana herself no longer seemed able to control her own curse: the demonic power she had gained was stronger than she had anticipated. As darkness gathered in every corner of the land and vile creatures rose from the ground, King Arthur, Sir Dylan, and the Knights knew something had to be done lest Camelot would fall into despair. The corruption and darkness spread further and further into the land, carrying the stench of death and leaving nothing but chaos in its wake. This led to the summoning of a dark and powerful entity said to have the body of a fish and the head of a horse. This demon soon took after corrupting the most prominent body of water in Camelot, the lake where Nimue and Excalibur resided. Not wanting the Lady of the Lake to get hurt and have the demon corrupt her waters, Sir Dylan challenged the demon to a duel.The two of them took to the water, where both were most in their element. Sir Dylan used his combined powers of Mystic and Warrior to fend off the demon as long as he could. However, the demon proved incredibly powerful, repeatedly striking and wounding Sir Dylan. Sir Dylan refused to give up and kept fighting even as he was growing weaker and weaker through the corruption in his area and his wounds.

Having sensed the purity of his heart, Nimue lend Excalibur to Sir Dylan, who bravely fought the dark magical entity that had corrupted her Lake. Moments after the battle, once he was safe back on the shore, a light similar to the one he had arrived in appeared to carry Sir Dylan back to Heaven. His ascension only strengthened the belief that he was sent by God. As a sign of gratitude, Sir Dylan was made Honorary Knight of the Round Table by Queen Guinevere, who strongly believed it was thanks to Sir Dylan that Camelot prevailed in the war against Morgana in which King Arthur was slain.

"NO!" Erin gasped, so abruptly pulling her seat back that it send papers flying. Dylan... he.... he was really gone. Part of the legends now as Gawain had been. But even in the legends, he still died. He has still sacrificed himself in the battle against Morag. She needed to breathe, get some fresh air. Erin stormed out of the Coven, up the gigantic staircase that would lead her into the unfamiliar woods of Nexilis. Once outside she slumped down against a tree, wrapping her arms around herself and shuddering. So many things in the Coven reminded her of Dylan. She needn't even read that story for that. Some deep breaths later, she felt an arm around her shoulders. As Erin looked up, she looked straight into Fate's concerned face, and Novus fluttering behind her.
"How about we go for a walk in the area?" she suggested. "It would be good for you to take your mind off things, and provide you with a chance to meet the people of this world."
Erin silently nodded, pushing herself back to her feet. "Lead the way, you two," she said, forcing yet another smile on her face.
"Not like that," Novus grinned. "You guys had your comments on Gawain standing out in your world, but walking around like you do, you'd stand out in this one." He snapped his fingers, and just like that Erin was dressed in an outfit more appropriate for the world called Nexilis. And thank goodness he didn't make her wear a dress! Her trousers did have "flaps" though, to make it look like she was wearing a skirt with a matching tunic. The sleeves started tight, but became much broader beneath the elbows. A broad leather belt kept trousers and tunic in place. The fabric and colors were relatively simple, but her outfit had several red accents to it. "Now you're ready. Let's go," Novus proclaimed, leading the way deeper into Nexilis.
With a poof, a bit of magic and the feeling like his stomach had just tied itself together in several knots, Gawain appeared in Ebongrove with three of the four other Sentinels. The 21st century city was... loud, and reeking of something foul he couldn't place. Not as bad as the smell of Camelot in war, or a medieval city in general.... but it was strange and unfamiliar. Even stranger were the steel carriages without horses. "What magic is this place...?" he wondered out loud. He would make sure to stay close to the others. They knew this world better than he did, and would be able to tell him what to fear and what to treat as normal. Hard to believe that once upon a time he had come from this world and threaded into Nexilis and Avalon. Back in the day, both worlds were more similar to what he had known. But in the centuries that had passed, this place had made progress he could not even fathom. Gawain hardly knew where to look. So many people in those strange and uncomfortable outfits... He spotted a group of young women walking by, their skirts not even close to touching their KNEES! "Are they harlots?" he asked Clay and Benji. And he might just be mentally tying to cope with the fact that many other women, including April and Erin, were wearing pants! Such a strange new/old world...
"We'll feed you, Clay, don't you worry," April pet the cowboy's tummy. Talking like he did about pretzels even made her a bit peckish. First stop off of the list is going to a pretzel stand, bagel stand, donuts even if they had stands. Mall kiosks likely got smart enough for that. Money to be made, people. Food does bring people together, and this band of mythical mortals needs a good bond. Anything but bagels, though, those are so overrated. Ya know, April can't place it but she's sure that somebody somewhere just felt a dagger pierce their hearts. Shrug.
"If you're sure..." April muttered as Erin practically shewed them away like dogs. She eyed Novus and Fate as if to say 'please make sure she is okay' before portalling out into the city with the guys. Little did she know that Erin would make a new discovery in the Coven that may just put the others into shock.
The heart of Nexilis. Close to it, anyhow. The...thymus of Nexiis? It isn't a butterfly-shaped organ or land but it is close to the heart so this region could be known as such. Legends surrounding it make it seem darker than expected. Parts of this realm can be quite lovely, if not a little dreary with a grey sky overlooking things a good chunk of the time. Weather may be changing, fate may be changing, somebody could have stepped on an ant in the wrong place and the wrong time who knows? Okay the ant thing is just a myth. If every inter dimensional traveler who'd stepped on an ant really impacted the universe, then cows would have wings and blankets would be made from steel. Pink skin may even be the norm--like hot Barbie doll pink skin.
Alas, Nexilis is a realm all its own, but it is hardly any different from the home of the Sentinels of today. Different in many obvious ways, but functioning in a similar enough way or at least a comprehend-able enough fashion. People here either lived by loyalty to the King, loyalty to the dark Shaman Vorkalth or simply by the whims of their gut and neutrality. Red-headed wanderers accompanied by a fairy and Fate embodiment may find themselves about to be stirred in a pot of new troublesome tales. After all, if Nexilis holds true to legend, it will be shaken at the news of a Sentinel falling recently. If it'll be shaken at all, if not falling into the new cycle and canon of the Tale of Sir Dylan.

One stretch of land they may walk on is rich with plants. Plants growing berries! Oblivious girls in ragged wears similar to Erin's, only much duller and more beat-up, run through the field with baskets to fill. One darker-skinned girl in particular gathers a basket of herbs, berries and many other useful things coming from a hand written list. Authority figure? Parent or guardian? The girl, far from the others, runs in a hurry to gather her things off of the list and accidentally runs right into Erin, both of the girls falling down in the process with a sound grunt. She rubbed her head and her leg after falling. She can't be more than eleven years old. Maybe early teens? "Oh my... Oh my I am so sorry miss! Are you alright? Here, let me help you up!" She said, genuinely apologetic as she scrambled to her scraped knees to help Erin before recollecting the things fallen from her basket. "My name is Quinn, I am so sorry, miss..."
Ebongrove is way easier to navigate around than Camelot. Funny that Gawain find it all truly magical when to the others, it's just the result of science, technology and in the cases of street litter, poor human concern. Buildings stood taller than anything he had to be used to. And he piloted a massive dragon. She giggled softly at his amazement of everything. Her gut felt a little uneasy after being zapped like that, too. She hadn't been in a portal for a while so it was taking time to readjust. Cars zipped by and people went on about their daily lives. April cleared her throat. "Harlots isn't a term used here nowadays. In fact, I fear a lot of what you say about people isn't applicable here... " she said to him. "Now guys, where would you look for clothes at? I'm a girl, I shop at girly stores. The only gender neutral place I go may not suit Gawain's taste." If he has a modern taste, that is.
Leaving Erin behind at her discretion came easier to one than the other. Benji saw it as he just wanting to be alone or to take care of something herself and he respected it. He's definitely asked for alone time before, as well, whether away from the others or with them in same manner. Now Clay on the other hand took it as a harder pill to swallow. Since they came home she's been different and it worries him. Big family life taught him to read people easier than most, a nice tool when it comes to deciphering peoples bullshit. Invalidating her emotions isn't his goal but he can certainly see maybe she's not just wanting to take care of business then they leave. If not for being in the middle of everyone when they stepped into the portal he would have stayed behind with her to see if she's alright or just to hang out and take care of something himself.

But so be it, they left her in the Coven. No Erin here but a lot of amazement in Gawain's eyes toward Ebongrove. Modern society threw him for quite the loop. Understatement that may be, for he looks like a kid if they had actually visited Santa Clause in the North Pole. Culture change or shock is similar, that's true. Firmly grasping the former knights shoulder, as he does, Clay inhaled a big whiff of the city's scent. The cars especially seemed to boggle Gawain's mind a bit. "This here magic is all Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge..." to list a few. Did he accidentally make Gawain think those were wizards who made the cars and trucks in the streets? Who knows or cares, this is gonna be fun. "Harlots might be more inclined to wear a lot less than those skirts," Clay suggested in a manner to say that the girls in shorter skirts aren't harlots but if you see them at nighttime in less clothing... well maybe call the authorities to help them? God this is a touchy subject and he doesn't want to come off as a douche, because Clay doesn't think of anyone in a bad way like that! Unless they're convicted criminals. April made him bite his tongue and fluster, just scratching the back of his head. "I'd go to Buckle Barn, myself," he said as a store to visit. Wanna guess what they offer there?

"Okay those are manufacturers, first of all," Benji clarified on the car thing for Gawain. He needs to be a voice of reason or logic? He didn't even comment on harlots since it's just going to stir a new pot so to speak and Benji's kind of wanting food now because of the others. Maybe he'll stop in at a supply store for himself, just for a minute, though. He needs new brushes for his art class/hobby. It'll be fun to integrate a medieval knight into 21st century first world society. Really this should be as smooth as butter to do, really, no sarcasm hinted here at all. Nada. Zippo. "Second of all....okay you have a dragon, yes I'm still on that. How is controlling a humanoid dragon less puzzling to you than a skyscraper?" Benji asked the knight, pointing out a skyscraper in the distance.
He didn't know where to shop, really. Not a feminine shop for Gawain, he may be a little uncomfortable. April can go in if she wants to, no reason she or anybody has to be afraid to visit a store they wish to go into. Imagine Gawain in a girly store with...girly things. Gawain may turn red instead of gold.
"If you want something affordable and middle grade to start, I'd go to one of the department store retailers. Like a Target or a Walmart or something just to blend in with everybody. Unless you want to look more sophisticated, Gawain...then maybe we venture into the mall?"
So this is what a world where Evil has largely won look like. Dreary. Not completely dead and always gloomy... but dreary. Either that or they had just picked a horrible day to explore Nexilis. On other days there might be sunshine and rainbows! Nevertheless, even in this dreary state Nexilis had its charm. Poor choice of words, perhaps. This was an old world, without a doubt. One where people still lived in incredibly harmony with nature. Little trinkets and tokens hung from some of the trees' branches. Signs of some animistic religion, perhaps? Wards to keep evil at bay and help the lands stay fertile? Erin's always had a fascination for religions like that. Fate and Novus explained bits and pieces as they walked, telling her how the lands were once lush and green and lovely. They told her of the time from before Vorkalth turned on the people, and of the dark times that followed afterwards. Erin only half listened to them. Not because she wasn't interested, but because her mind just kept wandering and because there was so much to see around them. More so than in Avalon, walking around here made her feel like she could finally live out that childhood fantasy of being an epic heroine in a fantasy land. Fighting with a sword, and shooting with bow and arrow like some sort of Legolass. What? Not all girls have dreams of being a princess in a castle!

Erin watched the girls run around with baskets, gathering plants for... their village? Who knew. She hadn't seen any villages around just yet. By the looks of their clothes, these girls were peasants at best. Made sense too... in which fantasy or real world do the rich kids ever have to work? Guilty as charged, she is. Erin has never had to work a lot, only if she wanted some extra pocket money. Didn't mean she didn't know how to handle herself or would refuse to work when needed, though. Thoughts were interrupted by one of the girls running into her, knocking the both of them to the ground. Erin quickly glanced the kid over. She looked young... and hurt... and so apologetic it was almost touching. Erin isn't known to like children, but this kid almost seemed terrified for having run into someone. "It's alright, Quinn," Erin said, letting the girl help her up and dusting herself off. "Here, let me help you with that," she ducked to pick up the things that had fallen from the basket. She eyed the girl's scraped knees, having noticed before how the girl had been rubbing her leg and head as she fell. "Are you hurt?"
Fate smiled kindly at them, while Novus fluttered off to fetch an apple that had rolled away from the group without them noticing.
"It would be no trouble for us to help you get home, wouldn't it Erin?" Fate asked. Erin shook her head in reply. "Of course not."
"They must be very powerful- oh..." Thanks Benji for clarifying that those strange carriages weren't made by powerful wizards. But there had to be some magic at play here. How else did those things move? "And even less than...?" Gawain glanced towards the girls again. Then, if they weren't harlots, could they not afford clothing? "Aren't they cold?" he slightly tilted his head in wonder. He pitied those girls, he really did. Gawain was only in this century and city for mere moments but already he had moer questions than answers. This century was so strange...
"A magical dragon I can explain, but a building that tall... and not even made of stone?" Gawain replied. "How and why would someone need a fortress like that? Do kings live in those tall and ugly fortresses nowadays?" There must be so much space there to house servants! But it looked hardly protected against sieges such as they had seen on Avalon.

He listened to the shops suggested they ought to visit to get him more properly prepared for life in this century. Target? He didn't need to practice archery. What did that have to do with getting clothing? "Sir Benjamin... I thought we were looking to prepare me for this century, not visit an archery range?" he asked, scratching the back of his head in confusion. And a Wall Mart? A market on a wall? This city didn't even have walls! "I would say you people know best where to go. You know this time and place, unlike me." At least he's somewhat aware he might be making a fool out of himself with all the questions. As long as he'd blend in with the other people here he'd be just f--- WHAT WAS THAT LOUD THING COMING OVERHEAD?! Gawain looked up. A roaring metal thing came flying overhead. And it certainly was no dragon!
Incredibly enough, Nexilis, while in its own conflicts, isn't a dead world. Parts of dreary, parts are happy, some parts are in the middle. It's a magical realm waiting to be explored by the human girl with her fairy and owl comrades. Some would say one has to live in it to understand it but reading about it or visiting is enough. Like New York City. Don't have to live there to know it can be a lot of fun but also take a turn for the worst if one alleyway too many gets strolled into. Plus all of the rats. Nexilis has rats as well, only some of them may be a little larger than normal by Earth standards.
Quinn appeared to have not eaten herself in a while. She comes from a poorer family perhaps? Who is to say not only hr, but her whole family hasn't eaten in a while? The contents of her basket were important, clearly. Needless to say she had not expected Erin to help pick up the fallen goods. All of it can be washed off so there's no reason to fret over dirt getting on it. The tone in this girl changed from quick to react to a little more relaxed and curious. If not a little unsure after hearing Erin ask if she's okay. Almost as if she hasn't heard that be asked of her.

"I am fine," she said. Her eyes averted to Fate standing behind her. "Oh...home? You really do not have to, it isn't far and I'm sure master.... I mean mother would be worried if I brought strangers home," she said with a subtle twitch in her eye. Hesitation may be her most defining factor yet. Glancing at the sky she noticed the time changing by weather. "On the other hand...it may rain soon. If uh... if you want shelter from the rain you may come with me, then. I can offer you that," she said as a drawn out thank you. This girl really doesn't seem well. Mentally she seems fine, physically a little scuffed but that may be a result of being young and energetic. With the hint of rain, which rain is only slightly going to happen if at all, she insisted they follow her home.

A short walk later and Quinn's brought Erin, Fate, and Novus likely with that apple still, home to a medium sized hut on a lakefront. She herself looks poor...but this home...it's beautiful! Quinn at first sounded like she didn't want them coming with her.. but then she had an excuse and bingo! Company!
Many people walked around the area, likely neighbors or people passing through. Thought they all matched Quinn in attire. On the porch sat two people. A man in dark blue robes, and a woman in lighter blue robes. "Quinn? Quinn is that.... Oh? You have company?" The woman asked upon sight.
"Yes Dahlia...mother? These people help--.... it's going to rain, they seek shelter," Quinn said. Play along, everyone... She's either being a playful imaginative kid or just weird. The woman, Dahlia, nodded. "Alright then. Sit on the porch with us, then. Quinn, take your basket inside." Dahlia told her, Quinn did as she were told.
"Travelers?" asked the man the closer they got. "I am Duncan. This is my wife Dahlia. And you are?"
Good suggestions from the guys. Clay's sounds obvious and Benji's...practical. Clothes shopping for someone not of this world entirely is going to be no cakewalk. Bring the knight from Camelot, a real place, into Ebongrove for clothes. Right. Piece of the cake from the cakewalk. Said nobody ever.
"Gawain, just try not to stare at those poor girls... I'm sure they're fine," April said to redirect his attention from anything other than their legs. They don't know how old those girls are! Does Gawain want to be arrested? Don't think so. It is kind of odd that he find dragons more palpable than buildings like this. "But I'm sure there's some stone in the building somewhere." Buildings are made from a lot of things. A form of stone has to be in the mix if it's a lot of concrete or metal...surely.
She face palmed at Gawain's thought process of stores. Then his jumping to an overhead plane. "Hey let's go to Goodwill and get an idea going," she mommed her way through the guys and started walking in the right direction. Shop till you drop. Upon entering the store she noticed right away the prices, and a lot of the surprisingly nice clothes, would be fun to work with. May as well start cheap.
"No Gawain, Target is the name of a store here. You can buy almost anything there by no stretch of the imagination," Benji answered in the simplest way he could. Dumbing things down isn't absolutely necessary for Gawain seeing how he's educated to a degree, although he didn't dumb it down. Adapting him to life here will be interesting to see play out. Fingers crossed it didn't take forever to get him accustomed to everything. At the rate he continues wondering about skirts he'll be used to this place in about....eighty-three years? Well he'll find a way to dress, at least.
"Buildings do not need to withstand sieges here. That and sieges just aren't really a thing that occur around here lie ever. It isn't a thing we think of in daily life. Although you can say the size of a building intimidates people enough to not want to invade it in many cases across the border," Benji explained. You'd think in the two weeks having passed by Gawain would have worked up nerve to explore on his own or get a little exposition on everything for himself.

Clay tipped his hat at the passing ladies whom Gawain definitely made a note of in his head. The girls may have been unaware they were being talked about so it's better to just go on. That and when you make accidental eye contact with somebody in public it's better to just kind of politely smile and nod as a means to let them know you weren't being a creep.
"Goodwill ain't bad. I got these boots from 'er and they was only a few dollars." Clay shopped many places, and Goodwill or any other thrift store really had nice things! Less money does not always equal less quality. His prom date got her dress from a thrift shop, and it originally came from a designer store. She had to have paid a measly fraction of the real cost. Bargaining! Benji got a lot of his painting clothes from thrift stores, too, so he knew they weren't bad places to shop for clothes. The guys followed April's lead on this one into the store. Lots of options here, too. "Aye y'all lookie here," Clay motioned to three hats not so much like the one he had one. A green one that's like a french beret, a white southern belle style hat, and a brown hat with a nice golden strap going around the head and trim of the lining. He plopped the hats onto Benji, April and Gawain's heads respectively. "Only a dollar each! We best get Erin one too, we can all go to the derby together!" Hey, it isn't a bad idea. Derbies are fun! Dressing the part is too!

Eyes looking up and into a mirror... honestly Benji didn't hate this hat... he shook his head and kept it on, despite likely getting head lice from it. Thrift stores are great but they aren't always clean. "Hey let's make a budget. Get some general stuff here and then maybe splurge on a nicer outfit so he's got new clothes if we don't see anythign newer here?" he tried to think up some kind of plan while looking at things Gawain may like.
Either something is horribly wrong, or this child is just a little weird. Just a little bit. Erin frowned slightly. She eyed Fate, and Novus who came back over with the apple in his hands. The two couldn't do a lot more than reply with a light shrug. Nexilis had a whole variety of people, after all. Even children who would the one moment hesitate to bring a stranger home and the next moment be adamant they come with her. The kid doesn't know what she wants, it seems. Something's not quite right about this kid, that much Erin could tell. Her mind seemed to go from one far end to the other one in mere seconds. Well, at least they get to walk the girl home and ensure she's safe. Seeing how strange she was, that was some sort of relief. Better make sure the kid's fine with her parents rather than her continuing to run around slightly hurt and getting in trouble for being so aloof. Rain didn't sound too great though. There was already a dreary atmosphere and Erin had been looking to distract herself and think nice thoughts in order not to keep pondering on everything that's happened as of late.

The home Quinn took them to seemed in no way like she came from a poor family. Unless more families lived there together? Or the house was owned by people who had been so kind to adopt the orphaned children of this area? With the darkness always somewhere around the corner Erin could imagine many kids here grew up without their parents. And she may not like kids, but nobody deserves to grow up without loving parents around. Although this was the first house they had stumbled upon, there were lots of people around. Maybe more houses were nearby? A village, perhaps? And these people just lived on its outskirts? Whichever the case, they were greeted by two people in blue robes. Duncan an Dahlia... Blue, and names starting with a "D". Not too great for distracting Erin's mind. Still, they appeared to be kind folks. Erin eyed Novus and Fate as Quinn came up with the excuse of them needing shelter again. "Should we play along?" Erin whispered. "And should we just tell them who we are?"
Fate lightly shook her head. "Play along we can, but it's safest to lay low. As you know, there's people in Nexilis who have sworn loyalty to Vorkalth. They would want us dead. Now these people do not seem to be the types, but you never know who might be listening in."
Novus nodded in agreement. "It's safest if we have a made up story of our own. One that won't make us stand out among the people here."
"Got it," Erin said under her breath as they approached the couple to sit with them on the porch as invited.

"Pleased to meet you," Erin said, nodding politely. "My name's Harley." Harley... Erin are you serious? She mentally cursed herself for that being the first name she could think of. She blamed Quinn.
"My name is Taerya, and this is our butler Indigo," Fate said, pointing at Novus. The fairy looked like he could just about throw a tantrum, and Fate gave herself a satisfied smile. Technically he was her superior, as far as the Coven worked with structured ranks, but now was the perfect opportunity to boss him around. Erin had to suppress an upcoming fit of laughter. "Indigo, please bring that apple inside to young Quinn."
Grumbling to himself, Novus went inside with the apple. Oh he would throw that apple at Fate's head if it didn't mean it could bring them and poor young Quinn in trouble! Fate then turned to Duncan and Dahlia and sat herself down on the porch. "Travelers indeed. My daughter dearest has recently lost a close friend. We went out for a stroll to distract her mind."
"Mother!" Erin played along. "Must you tell everyone we meet?" she cast her gaze aside and sat down on the porch too, taking in the people strolling through the area. Such a lovely home these people had. And on sunny days the area must look beautiful!
Lots of things he still needs to adjust to, clearly. He would have wanted to go exploring this new place before if it weren't for the fact Novus had hardly left him alone the last two weeks, asking him infinite questions on being ripped from one world and bound to the other and have that same effect reversed. And of 900 years of living in a different world without knowing time had passed. Basically, of everything that had happened. And when Novus wasn't asking questions, Gawain took a good portion of time to recover. Trust him, it's needed when you're tossed between worlds and have your entire being being ripped from one place and stitched into another one. Like repeatedly tearing and mending fabric. It just doesn't look the same anymore as it used to. Anyhow, he just let April lead the way to this tailor named Goodwill. Sounded like a lovely person. That, and always trust a woman's sense of clothing. That's their area of expertise. But once again he had been wrong. Goodwill wasn't a person, it was another one of these stores. They sure didn't look like the shops he used to know. So spacious you could fit an entire market in there! Come on, you can't blame him for being surprised at everything. The man's lived in Camelot for 900 years and prior to that he lived on this world in the 1100's.

Gawain inspected himself in the mirror with the hat on his head. It didn't look to bad at all! "Whatever a derby might be, I am certain she would love it. I still think it would do her well to find distraction from what has happened." Gawain inspected one of the racks full of shirts and sweaters. Ones darker in color, lighter in color, different fabrics. His astonishment kept growing. Fabrics and colors that felt and looked like they would be worn by only nobles where he came from, available for anyone to get. He was more than accustomed to fabrics being plain and simple in color, only having simple dyes if any at all. The bright colors were only reserved for those who could afford it. Back in old times, you could even get arrested for wearing colors that were above your social standing! "What would you suggest fits me?" he asked the others, too unaware of modern day fashion to pick something himself. Already he had made a fool out of himself, and he wasn't keen on keeping that up for all the time he would stay here.
"Pleasure to meet you, Harley. Your daughter appears to be kind, Taerya. Our condolences on your loss," Duncan told her. "Indigo, you will not have to butler while here." Duncan reached around the banister, drawing attention to a young blonde man near the water with a spear, poking down into the water for a hunt. Dinner must be fish tonight for this household. "Boy! Fetch our guests some water, would you?" Duncan asked of, or more told, the boy to do. He looked older than a boy however. Clearly a young man well around Erin's age. Silently he bowed his head and put the spear aside to retrieve cups with liquid. Gentle breezes passed through and cooled the skin of those in its reach. "So, Taerya. Who do you think of our home? Have you been this way before?" asked Duncan of Fate. As Novus, or Indigo rather, brought the apple to Quinn she couldn't help but stare. She eyed him with the childish delight and wonder to expect when laying eyes on a fairy. She has to be accustomed to seeing them, living here, however. Still that magic never leaves a child's eyes!

"You're really a fairy?" Quinn asked Nov--Indigo. Snapping fingers from the porch caught attention inside the doorway.
"Quinn! Please do not bother our guest. It is nice you brought them home for shelter but they look troubled enough . Run along, darling," Dahlia said. First she sounded scolding but she gradually changed into a motherly tone. Quinn nodded, took the apple and went inside. "Pardon my daughter. She is a child, and you know children. Always off in their own little worlds making a game of everything around them." How sweet. Quinn's a little weird but she's just a kid living her life. Dahlia waved it off as just that, and it's not far from the truth to anyone outside of here. Soon after that, the boy Duncan spoke of brought three cups of pure water from the lake. After serving the water, the guy returned to work on the water for getting dinner. He looked really tired. With one eye he glanced at Erin before leaving, however.
Quinn soon returned to the porch after the others got their water.

Spunk to her step now, likely in her own game of mind, she knelt by Erin. "Harley? Come with me, I want to show you something!" she said and grabbed a hold of Erin's arm gently. Kind of like how Novus led the team to the Coven for the first time. That's how to describe her enthusiasm. Quinn pulled Erin from the porch as the 'grown ups' did the talking. Rounding the corner to the side of the house with the same boy from a minute ago, Quinn pull back a slew of leaves and other things concealing a journal. The boy noticed this over his shoulder and firmly stuck his spear into the water. Drat, no catch! Fishes jumped out of water, the young man swinging the spear like a precise weapon in combat. He'll catch one of them, damn it!
Quinn showed Erin the journal, almost secretly. "Have you ever heard of.... the Sentinels?" she asked, whispering the Sentinels bit. The journal had a five point star on the front, bound in a blue leather, worn over time. "This is my journal about them. I think they're really neat...is that why you're here?" she asked Erin. "You can be honest with me. I won't tell anyone!"
The boy approached the girls after giving up for the moment on fish. On closer inspection, his chest has many scars on it. He has heterochromia, basically either eye is a different color. "Quinn's just trying to see if you're here under a fake name. She does it a lot, and that symbol can get her in trouble with some people," he said of the star on the cover of her journal.
"Hey! I'm just wondering. You think they're neat, too!" Quinn rebutted to the boy. Sibling talk, almost. "A fairy with a woman and a fire-haired girl? She has to be a Sen--" Quin basically figured out but the boy shushed her. He looked at Erin like he was sorry Quinn's so perky.
April looked at herself in the mirror, too. "You know Clay? I'm not mad about the hat. Nice picking," she said, modelling the delicate hat and tipping it like he does.
"Derbies are also smelly like horse dung and overly excited cowbo.... I mean hey look at this neat little thing over here," she started and looked at a random trinket in the store to deter from her comment. Whoopsie? Sorry Clay! She did think about Erin again, now that it's up. She knows that her roomy is in good hands but it felt a little cruddy to leave her anyway. Gnawing in the back of her mind said something was about to go wrong really fast and she could not put her finger on it. Planning a budget was thrown out there and while she nodded to Benji's idea, thinking about money is the farthest thing from comforting! Gawain looking at clothes at least is what they're supposed to be doing. That and maybe take him for food. If they do that, she'd bring Erin a little something for now or later. Again, April took the tape measure from her bag and swiftly measured the knight out again. "Patterns or designs vary, but I can tell finding pants is gonna be hard. Your butt's nearly popping out of these ones Gawain! Having too much at dinner are we?" April teased and held up a coupe of items to him. "Looks like this could work on you... not real leather, but this jacket's nice nonetheless. And...oh... I'll put this back." She had picked up a t shirt that looked almost identical to one Dylan had worn before. In fact it looked like the same shirt. Not his exactly but you know what she means. Sighing, she put it back on the rack.
If Erin's getting a hat, might as well be the sport baseball hat in red and black that's resting on a mannequin's head on top of a synthetic wig. Thrift stores carry some of the weirdest things but nobody seems to be questioning it. Like any good friend would do, Clay picked up the hat in question and tucked it into a basket for the future. Getting Erin a little gift may lift her spirits up a tad. Then again it may also trigger something to a person in distress that 'hey people are worried so have some more anxiety' or something of that nature. Less than happy to think about but it's possible. Clay is still going to buy this hat, and all of the other hats, however. April's remark about derbies nearly went unnoticed. Clay just gave her a squint that's both a sign of friendship but also teasing some hostility. Derbies to stink, yes. But ya darn right they make him and his fellow cowboys proud! Yeeeeehaw!
Browsing through options in the store he came across a nice sturdy belt for Gawain. Everyone needs a good belt. Solid matching suede shoes can't hurt either. "Here, Gawain, try these," he said and handed them to the knight. Clay knows more about style than boots and flannel. C'mon, get with the program! After seeing a shirt like Dylan's, however, he faded a bit. Symbolically, Clay picked out another hat...this one in blue. Perhaps he can put it on some type of memorial?

Benji found a selection of shirts. V-necks, button ups, t shirts, sweaters, all of which were under five dollars a pop. Budgeting is fun! Really fun! It's a game to play while shopping!
...wow that's gotta be the saddest thing an 18 year old has ever thought in this city. Oh put a paint brush in it, negative thoughts, Benji's having fun! Artists in theory have excellent senses of style. Naturally he's found a lot of nice things for Gawain. He'd look pretty good in a lot of them, or so he thought. He handed them off to the knight for him to try on if he so wished. "I don't know what you really have in mind but all of these are modern enough. I almost picked out a tie but ties are maybe the most uncomfortable things for men to have to wear in the history of ever," Benji tangent-ed. "You are a bit...plump," he further added to April's teasing over Gawain's behind not fitting into pants. Welcoming him into the pack, of course. The shirt she found did bother him...try not to think about it too much.
Good. Novus didn't have to play butler. Meant he had the afternoon to silently throw the occasional glare in his friend's direction. Somehow, at some point, he would make Fate pay for this embarrassment. He gave a quick nod to Quinn upon being asked if he was an actual fairy. Well... he's about a foot tall, has purple hair and wings poking out of his back. What else he ought to be? A gnome? The three accepted the water the boy came to bring over. Erin gave him a polite nod as he looked at her. He must've been trying to get a fish out of there for hours, judging by how tired he looked. Fate chuckled. "Oh I know children indeed," she said. "Living their fantasies until they grow out of it. My darling Harley wasn't much different as a younger one. Always off causing trouble." Quinn seemed to be of that age right between living their fantasies and growing into the real world. She would change soon, leaving the fantasies behind and starting to see the world for what it really is, finding her place and growing into a fine young woman. "You have a lovely home," she replied to Duncan. "I may have been this way once or twice before, but it's been long ago. We haven't left the area of our home as of late. But for now I thought it would be good if Harley sees more than just the houses of our area. Explore more of the world."
A small smile played around Erin's lips. It was true, she had been one to cause some trouble as a child. But she'd seen more of the world than most people her age. Still, for now she'd stick to the role of grieving young girl. She sipped the refreshing water until Quinn showed up again, more or less forcing Erin to follow her and see what it was the kid had to show. Grown-ups do the talking while the kids go and play? Sure seemed like it.

"I've heard of them," Erin confirmed as Quinn showed her the journal with the five point star. Then again, who in this world hadn't heard of the Sentinels? They were part of this world's history, weren't they? It was likely well known they had been accompanied by a woman and a fairy in days long gone. And her being fire-haired, as Quinn put it... all of it seemed to make it very obvious who they were. Too obvious, almost. She looked at the two. They looked so different, yet they spoke to one another as if they were siblings. Adopted siblings were siblings too, of course. So that might just explain why they didn't look alike but otherwise seemed to be very close. "So I've heard," she said softly upon hearing the symbol could get the girl in trouble. In this world, the five-point star was most likely the symbol of the Sentinels and those supporting their side of the long war. "If you ask that to everyone you meet you're bound to get in trouble sometime soon," Erin said to Quinn. She glanced around upon saying those words. Fate had warned her mere moments ago that you could never be sure who was listening out there. Hearing that people think the Sentinels are neat is kind of strange to her. In their own world the colorful heroes are something relatively new, but to Nexilis they were the great and legendary heroes who returned every so-many centuries to drive evil back again and again until finally the day comes that Vorkalth is taken care of forever.

"I take it it's not very often that a woman walks by with a fairy around?" she asked the two, once again forcing a small smile on her face. "The heroes from our history sure do make for wonderful stories, but I'm just me. Just Harley, looking for some distraction after losing a friend." As she spoke, keeping up the story of just being a normal person on a walk with her mother and fairy butler, she picked a stick off the ground and wrote in the soil. My name is Erin. You are right. Could the people here even read? Their language, that is? Of course they did. Erin had seen Quinn walk around with the list, and they were speaking English to one another right at the moment. Unless this was more Coven magic and she was suddenly speaking some foreign Nexilis language and was writing in it too without knowing. If that's the case, where's the blue police box? She looked back at Quinn and the boy who wasn't much of a boy anymore. "It happened just a little bit over two weeks ago. Lots of things here remind me of him. Even this place. My friend loved the water. He was always very much in his element around there. He fought very bravely until the last moments of his life." That ought to get the message across, right? Quinn was clever enough to pick up on her being a Sentinel just for the fact Erin has red hair and walked around with Novus and Fate. Without even having mentioned they are Novus and Fate.
Why was everyone poking fun at his butt? There was nothing wrong with it! It just meant he had enough to eat. Uncertain what to make of it, he frowned at the others. They had their comments about him staring at those poor underdressed girls, but now they were all staring at his butt! This century was so strange... It really puzzled him. What didn't puzzle him was the look of the hat. "I actually think I rather like this," Gawain said, inspecting himself in the mirror. Then came the suede boots and the shirts. Seemed like it was time for a fitting session! And soon enough, Gawain would look just like a normal person from this day and age. Instead of someone who walked straight out of a renaissance fair. Or someone in borrowed clothes that didn't quite fit.
Vorkalth had been keeping a close eye on the Scrying Windows since the Sentinels had returned to Nexilis. They had escaped their deaths in Avalon... well, most of them. But the Legion had proven themselves to be a dangerous enemy, truly back for the Time of Prophecy and finally having a clear advantage over the Sentinels. He had many eyes in Nexilis, many places with hidden Scyring Windows, and many allies. For thousands of years Nexilis had been divided between the people supporting him, and the people supporting the King. Spies were everywhere, reporting to their superiors, reporting to theirs, and ultimately word of everything going on in Nexilis would reach Vorkalth. Now his spies had reported something most interesting, and he had been closely following it. A woman, a fairy, and a fire-headed girl, strolling through the forests unguarded.
"So they've finally come out of their hiding spot..." Vorkalth tapped his long and bony fingers together. "Generals... it appears we have a Sentinel all on her own. And she has something that belongs to us." He paused, turning his gaze to Nenet and Avlazor, watching the Scrying Window alongside him. "Nenet, I've noticed you have something prepared to keep the Sentinels in the city at bay?"
Once everything was set up.... the Blue Charm would finally belong to them. He turned to Avlazor. "When everything is set up, it is your turn."
"Thank you," Dahlia said to Fate as she complimented their home. "Duncan and I feel as if we have many pairs of hands in order to keep it running, you see. The lake is a crucial point in our area and we try keeping it as pure as possible." Indeed the water was beautiful. Crystal clear, a pretty shade of blue at the same time. Even the stones visible near the surface were smooth and polished. The entire front had been taken care of to be one true marvel among a dreary place. Dahlia's long curls in her hair draped over her shoulders elegantly while keeping an eye out for her children. "Oh dear Quinn is always making things up and playing. She'll grow out of it soon enough but I worry about her sometimes," she said, clearly a mother worried for her child. Duncan stroked her hand with his fingers affectionately.
"Harley seems a respectable young woman, even after somebody's death. I only hope Quinn can match her some day, silly girl. She'd ought to mature soon and be more like her mother," he said. Clearly he sounded like he cared but had that typical dad mentality of having to keep children in line for their own good. Dahlia sounded more hopeful, Duncan sounded more enforcer-like. "So you do live a whiles away? Which area do you live in? Can't say I see many fairies fluttering about, either," Duncan questioned.

How anybody could not hear about the Sentinels is beyond her! Quinn just knew that Harley knew about them, she knew it! "I only ask people who I think are safe to ask," Quinn sort of contradicted herself there. Did they both think her to be a child? Pfft she may be young but she is mature! Forget that she has a couple of stuffed animals where she sleeps. Parting ways with them doesn't ever have to happen. "I know the Sentinels in Nexilis could get you into trouble. Just I think they're so... So cool. I wish I could learn magic like they do. I'd use my magic to help people and make the sick not sick anymore. The hungry not hungry anymore... " Quinn sounded as if she truly idolized the Sentinels.
The boy rolled his eyes to the girl as if he had heard her say that a million times. "Not every day a fairy and two ladies stroll through here, no. Mas...mother and father keep up with everything going. I heard that you lost a friend, and I'm sorry that Quinn is making the assumption that your loss coincides with the loss of the blue--" the boy spoke, Quinn cut him off again.
"Hush, Dmitri! I'm not saying that per say... just--!" Quinn started as Erin wrote in the soil. Confirming her real name as Erin and Quinn indeed figured out who she was already. Quinn, and the boy Dmitri, looked at what she'd written in astonishment then looked at her with wide eyes of amazement.

"So it is true... Oh my, I am not worthy!" Quinn over exaggerated with a bow in the soil at Erin's side. Dmitri stopped her. "Quinn, hide your journal and make sure nobody's listening," he told her, looking like he mentioned the other people all just walking around. Quinn took a minute but did as she were told.
Coast being clear, Dmitri got to Erin's level and sat with her. "It's true. You're really... And those two must be... By the King's glory, what are you doing here? Don't you know how dangerous Nexilis is for you?" he asked of her, concerned. Now, Dmitri had the same awe-struck eyes Quinn had. He honestly did admire the Sentinels as she did but he's learned to be less open given his home realm. "Condolences on your fallen friend, my lady. But even for a powerful hero like you this isn't safe. I'd say go back from where you came before something bad happens. A lot of bad things happen around here," he said, clenching his bare chest as if something pained him to speak. He had a lot of scars, too. Hmm...
"Try it on, then. Fitting room is right there," April told the knight when he looked satisfied enough with everything he had been handed or picked out. Gawain's rump left the conversation as the others shewed him off to try on clothes. Shopping is a lot of fun but boy it takes a lot to shop for somebody else with them at your side. All of the Dylan memorabilia only hardened the shopping spree at that. Part of her felt like also grabbing a little something to put on a Dylan memorial but she had something perfect at home. Well in her dorm room, rather. Sitting down for a minute she looked at the other guys. "After here where should we go? I'm a little peckish if you guys want to grab something to eat before we go anywhere else?"
Predictions made a sphinx happy. Happier when they come true. Camelot lost their King but its walls remain standing, fortifying as time goes on. Nevermind Venecorva's failure to slay all of the land, she fulfilled her purpose to the Legion and got rid of the Arthur. Morag did not get Excalibur, but she did bring a Sentinel with her to Hell. Physically not to Hell, but her intended meaning is there. Ever since the mortals returned home it has been a bumpy ride for them to say the very least. Spies in all of the right places informed Nenet of that. Spies such as the ones tailing a fire-haired Sentinel with that damned fairy and owl. Nenet cackled when Vorkalth restated this information. "Yes, master. I revitalized an old friend of mine. Curses are lovely like that. Just say the word and I'll keep the other brats in their city long enough to not detour us from getting what is rightfully ours."

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