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Fandom Power Rangers Divine Knights

"Rune crafting and handling is risky business, yeah," Peter said. "Braxton's right on account of it being as delicate as it is, and Mellany's right because...well, a boom is probable." Both of the mages were right, despite the lack of mutual standing on their personal level. Can the mages ever work together? Peter glanced back down at his work. On the table in front of him was a circular object similar to that of the Rangers' medallions. No color to it though the carvings/tracings the boy had been working on were there. As well as some other things that looked like they belonged in Harry Potter or Star Wars. A very fine line between science and magic at play, here. He glanced up at Braxton at the mention of his late father.
He was coping, still, getting used to this. But he had mourned and learned to live on. "Well dad didn't teach me directly. I think he meant to, but I did watch him a lot. So I'm really learning as I go, here. Hopefully I don't send myself into a dimension where King Henry VIII is in need of yet another wife and I'm somehow a fertile woman cleaning his floors..." Peter rambled and let his train of though derail so hard. He shook his head and resumed his work. Vince couldn't help but check out what he was doing. Like Raijah, all of this technical stuff was a bit foreign to him but not at all uninteresting. "So you're putting a rune into a new medallion?" He asked. Peter nodded for that was in fact what he was doing. Putting a rune into a new medal to make it powerful!

"History tells us Dumanax gets a new Disciple every generation. He already has six, so before he gets his seventh, we'll get the advantage," Peter said and copied from the book, carefully weaving a rune. That's a funny part of history. How the Supreme Disciple gets a new lackey every time is beyond him. Nobody knows how. Demonic privilege? Vince let him and everyone go on for a bit as he looked at his cell phone. Not a single text from Chloe. That girl...
Ganoko rampaged on in the main hall and bounced around. "Loud as I may be, you have nothing to worry about, dear Disciples. Discord is at your service, I'm going to rip up those Knights! Dumanax pointed to Zaken. Chaos had ought to pair nicely with Discord. Through the broken shards of their Mirror, Torth looked out into the world. "It looks as if that young archer is without her fellow Knights. Deal with her," Torth spoke on behalf of Dumanax. Indeed, the Yellow one is alone, not another Knight in sight. She is the target. Ganoko delivered a loud farewell and gathered a bunch of Andero's Thralls, taking Zaken and off to attack the young and naive Yellow Ranger! Haha!
"Well, either a boom, or the rune does something you don't want to happen at all. You might want to craft a Shield Rune, and end up crafting a rune that makes things slippery. Or you forget a few lines and your shield's full of holes." Mellany nodded faintly, remembering the times she'd read about Rune Crafting and the few lessons she recalled from her parents. She ignored Braxton's snarky comments on how unlikely it was that she knew a thing or two about Runes. Prick. She snickered as Peter made his remark on an alternate dimension. "That... wouldn't end too well, no." History had proven as much. Interesting how Peter was trying to put a rune into a medallion. Hmm... what was it going to be? Only time would tell when Peter would be finished with his work. Mellany watched him with fascination, the same fascination as with she watched the tools laying around. These things almost looked like props from movies... except that she knew they weren't props at all. Each and every thing served a purpose. She might not precisely know what it was, but ever since becoming a Knight she'd learned there's a fine line between magic and science, and that things she saw in movies as a child might not actually be as unlikely as she'd assumed.

Raijah nodded and listened to Peter as he explained his work. He didn't understand all that much, other than what Vince had concluded. Peter was making a new medallion of sorts, and it would help them against the Shadoji. Hopefully before Dumanax would get another Disciple. How did that happen anyway? People deciding they wanted to join with the demons? But... why? Raijah knew there had been people in the past of his tribe to go crazy because of spirits with ill intends... maybe this was the same in a way. He shuddered. Spirits were something he'd rather not think about. Heck, in his tribe magic tended to be more of a women's business anyway. Sure, there had been some men who knew a bit of magic... but the shamanic things dealing with spirits and such... He couldn't think of any men doing that.
Zaken bowed to Dumanax as his master chose him to side with Gakono and step into the mortal world. Like Torth, he eyed their mirror. Ah, perfect... the young archer girl was all on her own. Excellent! She'd make a fine bait to lure out the other knights. And then... the demon of Discord and he himself could deal with them. Zaken shot Torth a glare. "Right as you may be, I only obey the orders of the Supreme Disciple. Do not command me, Torth." And with those words he followed after Gakono and the thralls. Time to deal with the Yellow Ranger and lure out the others as well. Let's see how much their apparent leader has improved his swordsmanship.
Marvelously put for a young man who is literally making it up as he goes. Learning is easier when doing so by experience. While most matters are better left to delicate hands and precious amounts of time, a crunch session on rune-smithing will suffice. Braxton cautiously observed. Peter was doing fine. He did blank a bit on Peter's brief alternation possibility of time. "King Henry VIII....Peter I do not believe that is how magic and runes work," he said. Jokes are fine but this is one he cannot tell if it is humorous or a legitimate statement of concern from the Guardian. Braxton held back a comment because he liked Peter. Especially more than the rest of his present company. Took Everyone long enough to figure out runes and medallions went hand in hand. Sure Braxton only just had that confirmed but from the moment he saw Peter start work he knew that runes would be implemented into the medallions one way or another. Just a mystery as to which rune this will be. One thing stuck out like a sore thumb. "Peter you still neglected to mention the humming. What hums are you hearing?" Braxton inquired curiously.
Rogana's hand across her forehead showed her mood as Zaken had been chosen to accompany Ganoko. That yellow power brat being surrounded by others of her peers outside of the safety of the Knights made her an excellent target. Rogana only wished she would go. "I must say, it is a bold move to send Zaken. Loyal as I am, I can not help but question your compatibility skill, your worship. Most mysterious," Rogana said and fanned herself elegantly. Andero stumbled around in a hurry and faced her. He cracked that cane and commanded Thralls to aid Ganoko and Zaken. "Rogana! How dare you speak of our lord in such a manner!" He said and got too close for comfort. Rogana chuckled and jabbed her umbrella's handle into his gut.
"Now now. I didn't say I lacked support. I am allowed opinions. Fair travels, you two," she said and waved goodbye at the leaving Disciple and demon. 'Twas going to be an interesting day for that little yellow brat.
Jacob distanced himself from Chloe as she tried being the standard cute girlfriend. He was way more interested in talking to Brooke. Without noticing it at all Chloe just joined their conversation and laughed along as they talked bad about people and rambled on shallow subjects. She didn't make fun of anyone, just smiling and laughing when they did. A few other football players and cheer leaders circled in. Kelsey, the slightly weighty girl whom Brooke judged, excused herself to throw away the banana in her bag. Now the poor girl was self conscious about her weight because of Brooke. Chloe saw her and felt bad...Kelsey looks fantastic, what is Brooke on about? She redirected to her boyfriend though, who was far more involved in conversation with his friends, Brooke, and the other girls on the squad who low-key fawned over him. Chloe again tired to give Jacob a sweet peck on the cheek, genuinely trying to be a kind and affectionate girlfriend. Jacob let it happen but gave what everyone else could see as an 'ugh' expression, whereas Chloe saw it more as 'he is just shy.'

"You know, I think you've been working out, Jake," Brooke said to Jacob. Jake is something only people close to him say...it's what Chloe calls him... Jacob then immediately took the arm Chloe had in her grasp and took it out, letting Brooke feel his muscles up and flex for her.
Chloe just smiled and nodded as Brooke felt her boyfriends strong arm. The football players whistled at the girls, mainly Brooke and her two main girls. The girls fluttered their eyes. It was at this fest of vanity--Urla would love this bunch--that a girl with streaked pink and black hair walked by the football field. She was a new student who had transferred from Jefferson High. Seems like almost every state has a school called Jefferson, doesn't it? The girl was a little pale, wore dark clothes, considered borderline goth or punk, and carried a hand-me-down backpack that looked like it was from the 90s. Brooke being the queen bee glanced over and whispered about her. Chloe mindlessly droned on with her until Brooke called out to the girl passing by the field. "Hey! Goth girl, check your Myspace recently? Hear anything by Greenday?" Brooke teased. To most that isn't really a huge tease, but to teenagers in this case it must have been. The girl ignored her and popped in an earbud to listen to music. Jacob then thought it would have been funny to toss an empty bottle at her. The bottle went long--okay football joke--and hit the girl in the arm. The girl walked faster after it hit her. Chloe, not part of this, reached down in her bag to get something. Her medallion, Divine Cellular among other things were inside. She picked up her medallion and realized she would be in for it when she got home. Sigh. Or she's in for it now.
Appearing just outside of the field near this pink and black-haired girl from seemingly nowhere were Thralls pouncing on this girl being picked on and surrounding her. The girl screamed bloody murder as Thralls surrounded her catching attention of everyone on the field.

Behind the Thralls as the wild foliage/reptilian creature known as Ganoko and the Disciple of Chaos, Zaken. Cheer leaders and football players alike screamed at the sight of the scary and powerful demons. Chloe had been jerked back and unknowingly dropped her medallion on the artificial turf of the field. Thralls persisted on the girl and tossed her around. "Welcome, all! I am Ganoko of Discord!" The creature yelled as the pink haired girl screamed in fear. Discord? Kids screamed again in fear. "Shouldn't we help her??" Chloe yelled as the girl was being attacked.
"No, screw her! We have to save ourselves, I'm not being monster food!" Brooke shouted and pushed people out of her way, the cluster of teenagers following after her. Chloe had been pulled back by them but shook her hand free. Ganoko sensed the lack of harmony in mindsets of the teenagers. "Ahh, discord at its finest. I shall feed off of your disability to agree and become stronger! The more you frantically run, the less chance you have!" Ganoko chanted and loudly shouted, a blast coming from his mouth and hitting the field, sparks flying up and scaring the running teens.
Chloe was admittedly afraid of him and that Disciple with him, but more afraid for the girl by herself. Chloe heard her friends shouting her name like she was stupid as she darted over to the girl. Chloe swept her arms out and rapidly pushed Thralls away, grabbing the girl and running away with her.
"Oh right, the humming! I haven't really heard it before. It's like...music, almost. Like if music itself could hum, that's it. Soft and faint, like it's ambient settings..." Peter said, Braxton pointing out the humming again. "I don't know what it means. Maybe it's something I ate?" Humming wasn't in the books. Shit what if he's just missing a book like '101 Things You Should Know About Being Guardian.' Ya know, that sounds like it would be his luck.
Out of the blue one of those splitting aches came to him. Peter cried out at random and fell out of his chair. He should invest in floor padding. "Ahhh!" Peter shouted and gripped his head. It only meant one thing: demons. Vince rushed to his side and helped him up, asking what was the matter when he already knew. Peter's veins nearly popped out of his forehead as he pitifully squirmed around. Peter just slammed in a few commands on the computer. "At the high school...the football field...under attack...Zaken, a monster, Chloe in trouble," Peter spoke broken. Luck isn't on their side.
At the mention of Chloe in trouble, Vince understandably went pale. That is his sister. His little sister. Everyone may be annoyed with her right now but he was not about to let anything happen to her. She's alone and probably not the first person anyone would call on to protect an entire field by herself. "We have to get there now," Vince told the others as a worried older brother and as a warrior. He left Peter to ease off and grabbed his morpher and medallion. On the way through the mirror, he and the others morphed so they'd be ready as soon as they arrived.

And they were. After traveling through the mirror and going to the high school football field Vince could see a monster, Zaken, and a lot of Thralls. Unmorphed Chloe and some girl with pink and black hair, as well as the entourage of football players and cheer leaders running away in fright. Vince ran onto the field with greatsword in hand and took a massive sweep at the Thralls and flinging the grunts into the air. "Go, guys!" Vince called out to the others and ran, a blur of red charging in through Thralls to get to Chloe, who was now running with the girl to safety and looking back. She was so glad the others were here! "Look, the Power Rangers!" called a football player. Everyone felt relieved watching the four Rangers attack the demons.
Vince motioned for Chloe to take that girl away to someplace safe and then join them. For now Vince swung his blade and let the Thralls taste steel. Zaken and Ganoko were rampaging, however, but Vince was too focused on the Thralls now to care. Ganoko still fed on the teens discord and blaster a sonic wave to the Rangers, Vince getting a hit on the back and falling to his knee. Ganoko, without a word, laughed and went to attack Vince from behind chaotically. Red Ranger braced for what surely would hurt.
Swift strokes of his chin and adjustment to his glasses and Braxton pondered that hum Peter experienced. Musical in a way, yet ambient. Hums from a rune enticed him to believe something was going wrong or right depending on the material at work. He sighed a sigh only the most brilliant of minds must emit when in the company of those the lesser. Peter was far from his lesser, however Braxton found himself questioning the boy nonetheless. Just before he said anything one of those painful headaches came to the Guardian once more alerting them of danger. Justifly so he aided Peter up in the madness and listened carefully. The football field at the high school is under attack by the Disciple of Chaos, a monster, and Chloe is the only one there to protect people? Well that is not a positive situation for anybody to be in. Literally the most incompetent one of them all is there. Who is to say the reason the attack is happening isn't because she's there drawing attention when she should be home with the other Knights? Braxton shook his head and sighed as if he too were getting a splitting headache. His gaze fell to Vince as concern grew over him about his younger sister. A wash of compassion touched him. "Incompetent as she is, we mustn't let Chloe fall to the Shadoji," Braxton commented and saying in his own way that they would rescue the girl and those around her.

True to that word he morphed through the mirror whilst heading for the football field. His unparalleled magic radiated from him as he appeared on the field to find a peculiar creature terrorizing the youths among the turf. Braxton wasted no time and listened to no 'oohs' or 'awws' from the teenagers baring witness. Chloe appeared to be helping some girl get away--noble as that was he did not care. She should have first called them herself or ran off to morph unseen and then start fighting, not dilly dally. "You know I doubt they'd be under attack if she had not wasted time here," Braxton said only in earshot to the other morphed Knights. Chained lightning cast from his staff and grouped a section of Thralls on the fifty yard line together and zapped them into a crispy cluster of demon. He swept his bladed end into another and darted off to the Disciple, interjecting Chaos with a jolt of lightning as if he were the strongest mage on the planet. "Figures you would assault one of our own on her lonesome, cowardly demon," Braxton said to Zaken and kicked him back, quickly acting again getting a blast to his chest from the other demon and flinging a strike of lighting out towards the loud demon about to attack Vince on the ground. "I have to do everything around here," Braxton remarked as he had been blasted and then attacked the other demon as well as Zaken.
"Music, huh...?" Mellany nodded faintly, losing herself in a strand of thoughts. She'd heard that before, she knew it for sure. A source of magic she'd studied on before, that she in a way even found quite logical herself. She didn't draw on it yet because she hadn't dared to investigate it any further. Perhaps it was worth looking into a little more in the near future. "That's really quite interesting." Sure, Mellany -even as an inexperienced mage- knew there were several sources to potentially draw power from, but she didn't quite know what sources were safe to draw from and which ones were better left untouched. Mellany eyed Vince as his face went pale. Sure, she might not actually like Chloe a lot, but the girl was still a part of what was supposed to be a team. That, and she was Vince's sister. It made sense that he'd rather not see her in any kind of danger. And let's be fair, with Zaken, Thralls, and a monster, Chloe definitely was in danger. Any and all of them would be given their current skills and situation. "We have to help her," she nodded.

Raijah frowned. Music... well, music was a powerful tool when it came to magic, was it not? How many rites and rituals in the tribe used the assistance of drums and flutes and other sorts of instruments to be more powerful? The answer was: a lot. He would know; he had been playing the drums in many of those cases. Too bad Mellany and Braxton didn't seem to appreciate it when he'd play his drum to assist them when they were practicing their spells. But now Peter was hearing music! So maybe that would change something. Speaking of Peter... poor boy fell to the ground again screaming in pain, and that could only mean one thing: demons! As he heard they were attacking the school where Chloe was, with her friends but obviously with no other knights around, he too got a little bit pale. After all... Chloe's friends weren't nice. And she'd have to help them all alone. AND she was Vince's sister. Many reasons to go quickly and help. "We go fast then," Raijah said.

The two rushed through the mirror with Vince and Braxton, morphed and ready to get to action. They spotted Chloe trying to help the girl who was being pestered by the Thralls. At least she was a nice person, Raijah thought to himself. The other teenagers were more keen on saving their own hides. Not that he didn't understand them. Demons were dangerous after all and they had even less experience with the demons than the rangers. But still. Leaving someone behind was... you guessed it. Not nice. He grabbed his daggers and started slashing into the Thralls. He'd keep the Thralls away from Chloe so she could help the girl with the funny hair to safety. He heard Braxton's comment and shook his head. He couldn't blame Chloe for the demons showing up! And if Chloe wasn't there and the monster still chose to come to the school, there wouldn't have been any knights at all to protect the teenagers!
And although Mellany couldn't hear Raijah's thoughts, she agreed. Chloe might have been irresponsible to ditch her duties as a knight and hang out here, but at least now there had been someone around to at least try and keep the other teens save. Instead of making a snarky remark, she focused her mind on casting a flurry of icicles and pelleted the Thralls near her, creating at least a tiny bit of rom for herself to breath and assess the field. Zaken, a loud demon, lots of cliché mean teenagers, Thralls everywhere... yep. Just your average Tuesday people. Or whatever day it might be. Any day a monster showed up looked like this. It may have been quite recently that the Shadoji started showing up, but it already didn't surprise her anymore. Then the demon basically burped a sonic blast at them, knocking both rangers off their feet. Yikes!

Zaken laughed, watching over the ensuing Chaos. Aaah, the screams of terrified humans always sounded like music to his ears. Not quite as much as pleas, begging for mercy and their very lives... but it was close enough for now. He brandished his sword, caressing the blade as he eyed the humans scutter around and about. None of those pathetic little beings were worth his steel, but instilling some fear in them could never really hurt, could it? He slashed a wave of energy at the teenagers, purposely missing them but hitting the ground close enough near them to get his message across. With Gakono mentioning how their discord would make him stronger, why not aid the demon a little bit? He laughed darkly, walking across the field in the way a warlord would walk across a battlefield after a massive slaughter. He was stopped by the blue mage who kicked him back and called him a coward. Again Zaken laughed, even more so since the mage was knocked to the ground by Gakono. "Fool," he called to the mage in front of him. "You aren't worth my time." He send another slash of energy, this time not at the teens to scare them, but at the mage to hurt him. As the dark energy slash struck the mage in the chest, Zaken turned around and made his way over to the warrior who was already under the attack of Gakono. Not that the Disciple cared much for that. "So we meet again, Ranger," he said, pointing the blade at the Red Ranger's throat.
Gakono grabbed at his butt at the very moment a burst of lightning hit. "My butt!" he shouted and rubbed his bottom vigorously, hissing at the stupid mage who hit him! Zapping someone in the hind quarters is just plain wrong regardless of intended blast zone. Gakono will be farting sparks for weeks, now. By all that is foul and wretched he would get revenge on that mage. Adolescent people screamed and ran with the teenage rogue guiding them, the oddly-colored haired girl pulling her by the arm to get away. Chloe threw up a 'sorry' expression to everyone as they fought the bad guys and just ran with her peers. Chloe would get them away from here and meet back up. Honest, she would try! This girl has a grip and a half, though. Gakono leaped around distracted from targeting the red warrior and focused on the remaining three Knights.
Vince granted Zaken with a glare as the blade pointed to his neck. He shrugged his weapon away with his own and rolled to the side, sweeping the heavy blade he wielded under Zaken's feet. "So we do, Zaken," Vince replied to his greeting. Gakono's wild attitude prompted a response from the Knights as he expected. He sensed discord, hearing the thoughts of them disagreeing on every little thing. One common goal is not enough for them. Now or previous, Gakono felt these Knights had a strong sense of it and he would use it to his advantage. As Vince distanced himself from Zaken, Gakono snapped his fingers and commanded the Thralls to chase after Chloe and her fellow students as the Knights gathered behind Vince at his gesture. "Thralls, get those teenagers! Disciple, sir, go after the archer while I handle these pests!" Gakono blurted in his sonic scream way. Vince tightened his grip on the sword as Thralls fled with Zaken, Gakono promising to handle the rest of them single-handedly. He started to run off after the demons now chasing Chloe and her friends but Gakono stopped him. "Never mind her, save yourself!" He blurted so loud it caused Vince to go up in sparks and tumble backward towards the rogue and two mages.

"Yes, yes! Give me power, you stand no chance!" Gakono chanted wildly as was his trope. Aah the sweet discord simmering inside of these Knights was truly delicious. Whether they knew it or not they fed his powers. Vince got to his feet and assumed auto leader position again.
"Shut up! We won't give you anything. Raijah, make yourself useful and go in from behind, Braxton and Mellany flank from the sides with your magic while I cut him down," Vince ordered and started shoving them all. Normally he wouldn't be so pushy but his sister was on the line here! He shoved them around in a way that was bound to stir up some inner conflicts here and give Gakono what he wanted. The monster watched them and snickered to himself as Vince finally forced everyone to move as he ran in. Not truly working like a well oiled machine and more like crude assembly line.

Away from the football field and more around the school where it was more deserted after hours, Chloe and the jocks/cheer leaders ran as a group not knowing they were now being chased by Thralls and the Disciple of Chaos. The pink and black haired girl clutched tightly to Chloe's arm while they ran to make sure the girl who bravely saved her was safe too! Jacob and Brooke led the panicked pact of teenagers of all cliches. Catching their breath for a minute one of the boys yelled out "Fuck what were those things after us?" The teens were in such a daze. Immediately, Brooke pointed at the girl.
"Bet they want her. New here, no friends, came right for her, she's probably some kind of freak!" Brooke assumed in the bitchiest way possible. The other girls timidly agreed and the boys yelled inappropriate slurs at her. Chloe stepped up, sensing the girls lack of emotion. She must be numbed to bullying. "Lay off, Brooke. They aren't after anyone, they're just monsters," Chloe said because she knew what she was talking about more than Brooke did. But as far as everyone else here was concerned Chloe had no idea what she was saying.
"Excuse me? Some girl we don't know gets attacked and leads those things to come after us? Sounds like I am right,' Brooke said again with people backing her. Stupid and scared, teenagers are the worst...

Chloe sighed. She looked at Jacob. "Jacob, please back me up here, we are all scared of--"
"Babe! For Christ's sake the girl isn't even from around here. Might as well be one of them for all we know. You know how dumb you are about people sometimes," he said to her. Chloe trembled a bit. The pink and black haired girl stepped up and slapped Jacob squared in the face. She ran off...crying. Jacob rubbed his cheek. "Psycho slut!" he yelled after her. Brooke joined in. "Just kill yourself and spare us all the monsters!" Everyone joined in as the girl ran off. Chloe couldn't believe her ears and eyes. Sometimes everyone could be a bit much but... Unlike her from normal times, Chloe left everyone as they yelled a the girl. She chased after her behind a corner, seeing the girl on her knees, crying still into her sleeve. Chloe knelt down. "Hey...are you alright? I'm Chloe," she introduced herself. The girl looked up through a pink streak of her hair and sniffled. "Ingrid..." she replied.
Zaken scoffed as the Red Ranger moved away from him. No duel today, it seemed. Ah well... He shot a glance Gakono's way. At least he called him sir, but who did that demon think he was to command a Disciple and tell him what to do? That wasn't the order of things! Zaken growled something under his breath before heading after the archer as Gakono... suggested. The little girl was just with her friends, was she not? No chance for her to transform without giving away her identity, no chance to properly defend herself. Yes... this was going to be an easy one. He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and headed to where the teenagers rushed off to, walking behind the Thralls in an intimidating fashion.

How often was Raijah going to have to think the people here weren't being nice? What Vince said wasn't just not nice anymore... it was really mean! Raijah was useful! He thought of the plan to get Peter back, and he looked after the Mounts, and he could fight... Vince made it sound like he was lazy. Sure, Raijah liked napping every now and then, but he was NOT lazy! He shot Vince a dark look, even more so when Vince got physical and started shoving everyone. "Raijah is useful," he commented to Vince.

Mellany too wasn't quite happy with how Vince was acting. Back to the asshole modus, it seems. And he was doing such an okay job the last time! "Excuse me? Listen here you..." she started, but she was cut off as Vince started to literally push everyone around. She didn't quite see it coming and lost her balance, landing flat on her behind. Okay, now he's done it! She channeled just a few icicles and send them to Vince's back. "Oops. I must have slipped. That's what you get for pushing a mage when they don't expect it," she said sweetly, but with an obvious hint of sarcasm. Dcaid she re she was attacking an ally while there was a monster around? No, not this time. Vince had it coming at him for being such an insufferable ass. Raijah even snickered, instead of calling her out like he'd usually do. Made sense... Vince's words could easily be implied as Raijah being useless. Which wasn't very nice. Oh god... she's starting to think like Raijah!

The two stepped aside to let Vince rush to his doom, neither particularly eager to leap in and help him out. But... well, there were innocent teenager lives at stake here, so really they didn't have much of a choice. Raijah tossed his throwing daggers at Gakono, missing Vince by a hair... and in his case it really was an accident. Mellany went next with a cone of cold in the hopes of freezing Gakono in his place. What's this demon blabbering about anyway, abut giving him power?
"Perhaps there is a certain etiquette your parents neglected to teach you when dealing with others, especially someone who may shrivel your skin into nothing," Braxton said to Vince as their leader began barking like Wolf did at dinner time. Uncivilized swine, he is. Magic is not something one can just pay with at whim, for it is a delicate art to be cherished and respected with much intensity. Had this brute learned nothing? And Braxton had just started to get some sense of an understanding for him, too. Unlike the clumsy mage with him, Braxton did not falter by being shoved around and instead regained his posture. He would fight this demon but at no behest of some sniveling fool with a large hunk of metal in his hands. He watched Mellany 'accidentally' fire ice at him from behind like a child. Pitiful, truly. And that jungle man...oh how he wished he would just shut up.
"Oh, are we to resort to childish actions such as hitting our own? No wonder you're so beneath me, you lack the cognitive functions of basic adult maturity," Braxton snorted at Mellany to call he rout on being an annoyance at best. He shook his head, for split second giving into the unknowing desires of this creature. Whatever Gakono wanted he was probably getting it and none of them knew it. Shame. " I swear I am the only adult here having to babysit you all," Braxton announced just as Vince ran off to commence his rushed plan at the demon from Hell or wherever the Shadoji pull wretched creatures from. Depths of the darkest regions, no doubt about it. Sad that the Knights have such incompetent people in its ranks. Braxton annoyingly gave his fellow 'mage' and the rogue a lecture in one sentence and railed in after the warrior.

Flinging a blot of lightning down from the sky he charged enough energy into his staff to swing it with a mighty sweep at Gakono. His skill alone would be enough to bring him down if the fools with him couldn't get it together. Maybe Bracton should just take over. They would be so much better off. Under his lead, which he was clearly trying to demonstrate, they would be so much more in line and disciplined than they are now. King Ascelin would have something worth waking up to. Braxton went after the warrior narrowly avoided more friendly fire from daggers and an ice attack, twirling his staff around and jamming it forward in a thrust, electric sparks charging it right into this demons heart. Someone had to be worth a damn around here, anyhow.
Sweet aromas inside the nostrils of Gakono from the Knights before him. Carrying on and bickering like those teenagers beforehand was icing on the cake of discord. Oh if he could just taste that cake and let it fill his stomach even more he would! Feasting on the mortals' discord powered him to the core and enabled him to serve his lord with more power. So long as there is discord he is unstoppable.
Vince grunted and heavily turned when Mellany shot ice at him. "Hey, watch where you aim those things," he retorted to her quietly moments before feeling whooshes of daggers past his dead. He grumbled and sent a mental curse to Raijah. He noticed that snooty Braxton was way more intent on letting everyone know what he thought rather than fighting the monster here. Why can't this group just get it together already? Vince angrily charged in after the daggers were thrown and ice/staff attacks were put towards the demon. While he was close Vince used Braxton as a ramp and jumped off of his back and slammed the great blade down on top of Gakono to chop the vined reptile in half! Gakono sparked from all four attacks, feeling the sharp daggers, chilly ice, shocking staff and the heavy sharp thing cutting down across his torso. Vince kicked him back and demanded everyone regroup in his rude fashion. Leader he was, and he was going to make everyone follow him whether they liked it or not because something personal is at stake here!

While he did indeed fell pain from the Knights' power, Gakono laughed and stood perfectly still as the Rangers grouped back up and continued their arguments. "Bossing around, infighting, calling one another out on flaws, superiority complexes, this is delicious," Gakono chanted to himself alone as Vince went in on the others again and they were bound to follow. None of the four seemed to be working to well together. Perfect. Gakono's laughter caught Vince's attention and made the warrior look at him as he just stood in a pillar of smoke from the sparked attacks.
"Oh you are simply delightful! Taste my power from which you give me!" Gakono shouted in that loud tone again, a sonic blast erupting from his hands, sparks immediately taking over Vince and the others forcing them to drop their weapons and fly back, soaring through air across the field and demorphing on the hard asphalt of the track circling around the football field. Vince landed on his back which was already hurting from the icicles and groaned hard as his muscles ached and Gakono laughed and laughed. "Well it has been marvelous, Rangers. But I believe another group demands my attention for a feast! Ciao!" Gakono waved and bounded up, leaping like a frog almost over the field and across high points. Discord awaits all over Westfield!
Vince breathed heavily and grabbed at his chest and stomach. "Jesus, guys...when I say do something, do it. Don't just stand around and get on my nerves!" Vince called out in a clear state of stress. Off in the distance of the football field, a yellow glimmer came form the turf. Chloe's medallion had been dropped in the commotion before. Had anybody else noticed it? Vince saw the yellow glimmer and pointed it out near Chloe's abandoned bag with her stuff in it. She's still out there somewhere and Zaken is after her...
"Well hi, Ingrid. Sorry about everybody else. They can be kind of..." Chloe started to say to comfort this girl.
"Mean?" Ingrid asked and brushed hair out from her eyes, pinning it back behind her ear. Chloe responded with a nod, first.
"Yeah..." The popular kids could be heard, still, yelling and in a most disorganized way tried making sense of it all. "Brooke is the most popular girl in school so everyone just listens to her, I guess. At least in her crowd they do. And my boyfriend Jacob...well..." Chloe started. Ingrid shook her head and dried her tears for a second. Clearly the girl was scared after the attack and those kids made it worse by being so mean. Have they do common decency?
"Wait a second there. That guy is your boyfriend? I thought by the way he and Brooke were being together..." Ingrid said, confused? Chloe tilted her head and peaked out from the corner at Jacob and Brooke with everybody. Funny...by the way they stood around each other when Chloe is not there, it does look like something is going on... Chloe sighed and redirected at Ingrid. "Okay maybe there is...maybe I've seen it for a while. But hey, it could be worse right? Getting a boy to like you is hard so I take what I can get." Chloe admitted to sort of knowing about them...but had she such low self esteem? Ingrid perked up, still sniffling a bit. She looked like she had already gotten a good opinion here.

"I do not think that is a good mindset to have... Jacob is such a loser, and a jerk. And Brooke is...well..." Ingrid tried finding a word for it.
"A total bitch?" Chloe interjected. Ingrid cracked a smile under her tears. "Yeah that," she said. The two girls shared a quiet chuckle. Really, Chloe followed up with this crowd because nobody else seemed to think a cheerleader belonged. So being the in the popular crowd was easy, especially since Chloe was good with makeup and gave even Brooke some tips. Vanity is everything to these teens.
"You know, Chloe, you're like the first person since I've been here to be nice to me... Why? Isn't that against this whole clique thing?"
Chloe tilted her head again. "Cliques are weird. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they were being mean. I wanted to see if you were okay after all of that, especially after those monsters attacked." Ingrid was relieved. She thought Chloe maybe came to her aid as a sick plot of the popular kids for some reason... "Good thing the Power Rangers showed up when they did."
Ingrid nodded again. "I thought there were five, however. I didn't see the yellow one anywhere?" Ingrid pointed out. Chloe played along and shrugged. The girls shared a moment of peace. Chloe was helping calm Ingrid down and show a little kindness to her as the other kids went on and on.
After enough time had passed for the others to notice Chloe's medallion on the ground and bicker a lot more, Peter called them on their morphers. "Guys, come home now. Chloe doesn't have her morpher on her either and I can't find a way to track her. I saw everything. And what's the matter with you guys? Explain when you're back. I have something to show you anyway," Peter said over the phone. Vince sighed and nodded. Great. In trouble with the kid not even old enough to vote...
The Rangers did go home after that. He didn't want to since Chloe was out there somewhere...alone...with no powers... As they walked in, Peter demanded to know what was their problem. He folded his arms, seeing Vince had since picked up Chloe's medallion and morpher. He put it aside and looked at everyone as if he were so annoyed with them. Discord roamed in this group!
Just as Ingrid calmed down and Chloe made her feel better, the cheer leaders and football team screamed again. The girls snapped their heads around the corner to see not only Zaken leading the Thralls around and attacking the teens, but Gakono had rejoined them! He fed off of the discord among the teens as even now they refused to work together, pushing each other around scared out of their minds. Ingrid tensed up yet again, scared of the demons attacking, surely going to eat them all alive! Thralls swarmed around everyone, Gakono feeding in discord, and Zaken being threatening enough by standing there! Chloe sighed and her heart raced. She didn't have a morpher on her...she doesn't stand a chance. But Knights have unbelievable courage...she is so dumb.

Chloe ran off, thinking she had to help. Ingrid called after her. "Chloe, what are you doing?!"
But she just kept going, running into Thralls and shoving them around. Cheer leaders and football players watched in awe as Chloe of all people cartwheeled right into a Thrall, taunting the bad guys! She swept her foot around and kicked one down, kicking into another and elbowing its buddy in the wicked face. Nobody helped her, she was outnumbered. Chloe was scared...beyond scared, really. She had not fought alone before...she needed the others...she wanted them! She isn't ready for stuff like this yet! But Chloe stupidly kept fighting the Thralls and gesturing for everyone to just run. Brooke and Jacob were shocked and tried to get her dumb ass to leave with them. But Chloe kept going and kicked a Thrall back, letting one hit her back and knock her down. She landed at Zaken's feet..oh God...what's he gonna do, grab her by the neck? Oh please, he isn't a cliche. Right?
Collecting senses among Knights here was a lot like attempting to douse a fire in whiskey. Not a good idea, for somebody is bound to be burned. This creature's demeanor was so casual and childlike. Demons do bask in the glory of attacking humanity, however. Like Braxton, Gakono probably got a good kick out of everyone else being immature and completely worthless as a team. He knew his own attack was likely the one that struck the most damage on the foul beast whereas the other three people's lacked a certain flare to them. Typical postulation for Braxton take part in.
Suddenly that postulation was cut short when he felt that stinging headache from the others again, shortly taking another blast from the demon. Braxton yelped and tried to hold on to his staff but dropped it as he himself fell back through air on the field, dropping the pole a few feet from where he had ended up grasping at his torso, groaning in aggravation as he did so. And just in the blink of a laughing eye he got away. Braxton slammed his fist on the ground--hating it when the demons escaped. And it is all the fault of his fellow 'Knights' if they even deserve that title.

Another group? Perhaps this demon, Gakono, is after those teenagers... Chloe is with them, after all. Another incompetent being. Easy victory awaited this demon, unfortunately. Vince's barking caused him to huff and hurl a dornick from the ground at his direction. Who says throwing little rocks is childish in a fit of annoyance? Okay, now he's acting like damned Mellany. Terrific! "Pardon me, but I fail to see where I even lay in your little nerve charade. You act like a tyrant and these two morons just get in the way. Had I enough time I could have easily taken him myself!" Braxton retorted and sat up, having demorphed as they all did on the asphalt.
But what is this? Among the bickering he spotted Chloe's medallion and her other things still on the field. Wonderful, she's even defenseless against the demons if and when they catch up to her. Not like her powers would help her much anyhow in his opinion. He forced himself up to go collect it and displayed it in his palm to the others, a big scratch on his cheek and hands letting Vince take it.
"Oh lovely, Peter, our junior Guardian is upset," he said after getting a call on his morpher. It never ends.
Going him through the mirror network, Braxton quickly excused himself to a book of healing magic. Creation spells, spirit healing, rejuvenation, that sort of genre of magic. What other way is he supposed to make his body recover faster from that damned demon? "If anyone else needs a heal, I would provide them with one as well, should you prove not immature or foolish, that is," Braxtron snarked at everybody and flipped through the magic time. Hmm, now where is that bloody spell he is searching for?

But the boy wants an explanation? Give him one. "Peter, there must be some mistake. Surely these people are not of Divine blood. Until now, I've reserved my doubts. Mellany attacked Vince, Raijah was more focused on his own image rather than helping any of us, and Vince's leadership skill is that of a dying mongoose. Every time one of them slipped up, Gakono would attack. He presumed to be enjoying it, as if we gave him power, but we did no such thing. Or at least I did no such thing."
Zaken laughed menacingly as he watched the chaos unfold. Chaos... that's really his cup of tea, isn't it? Gakono might be annoyingly loud, but he sure is effective. And this proved Chaos and Discord did work very well together. His fingers twitched around the hilt of his sword, hands itching to put the blade to use and have his steel taste blood again for the first time in a long while. Too long. And with some defenseless children running around, surely it shouldn't be much longer. Then the yellow ranger came rolling in, landing right at his feet. Oh, this was just too evilly good to be happening. He kicked her over before grabbing her throat and lifting her up into the air.
"Foolish little girl," he said. "Oh, how easy it would be to kill you here and now, just as how our master has killed your Guardian." Although he hadn't been there himself, he was well aware of the day Dumanax had impaled Alexander on his sword. And now... now he had a chance to do just the same to one of the rangers. His fingers twitched around the blade again, pointing it upwards at the Yellow Ranger. And again, he laughed. This was too easy.
Mellany snorted at Vince's tyrant behavior, as well as Braxton being his insufferable self. Acting all high and mighty like he always did. She didn't get the time to respond, however. Gakono blasted at them again, and she was sent flying backwards. Mellany tried holding on to her staff, but she ended up dropping it in her fall on the asphalt. The weapon rolled away from her, just out of her reach. She grunted upon impact. Geez... this was a pain. Both the larger part of this team, and this demon.
Raijah snarled, mostly at the demon, but there was definitely some annoyance towards his team in there too. Everyone was acting rude, some were calling him useless. This team really didn't work together. Back home everyone had their tasks and knew what was expected, similar to here... but at home there wasn't someone acting rude shouting how they should be obeyed, and people didn't go calling each other useless. Most of the time. Leaders are only respected when they earn it, and Vince... Vince wasn't earning it. Then he too was sent flying backwards by Gakono's attack, dropping his daggers as he rolled backwards. Before they could even get up, the demon was already gone.

"Maybe instead of just acting high and mighty, if you think you can take that guy on by yourself, be my guest. Go ahead and prove it instead of just talking," she snapped at Braxton. Really... if he thought he could take the demon on on his own, let him prove it. She wouldn't rush to his aid if he got his ass handed to him. Perhaps they could find another mage who was more tolerable and just let Braxton be demon food? Was that a solution everyone would be happy with? Ah well.. in the end they would all be fine and forget about Braxton. Unless the replacement had an even larger stick up his ass... no wait... that really had to be impossible.
Raijah, instead of making any remarks to the others, looked in the direction where Gakono was jumping off to. Another group... yes, there were others here. Chloe's not-nice friends. And Chloe herself... He eyed the medallion in the grass. If that was there... she didn't have it with her. And there were demons after her. Bad news...

Well.. seemed like even Peter was pissed at them all. Not too much of a surprise, really. They were all screwing up here big time. And all they were doing was blaming everyone but themselves. Made sense on some accounts... If Vince didn't act like a tyrant, they might just listen to him. And if Braxton didn't act like he was better than everyone around, they might just tolerate him enough to work together with him.
"I don't need your help with healing magic," Mellany snarked back, sitting herself down cross-legged and closing her eyes to meditate. She had practiced this before, after injuring herself in a training before joining the Knights. Although she hadn't needed it afterwards anymore and it had been a while, the knowledge was still somewhere there inside her mind. She just had to recall it. Taking deep, slow, and steady breaths she focused her energy inwards, searching her mind. After a few minutes, she glowed the faintest minty-green, and her scraped and bruises healed. The smallest smirk played around her lips. Take that, Braxton!

"Raijah is okay," the rogue declared. Sure, he had some scratches, but it was nothing too bad. He had suffered worse injuries falling out of trees and accidentally cutting himself when practicing with his daggers. All when he was younger, mind you! Still... a few scratches weren't going to kill him. They should focus on finding and helping Chloe! That was more important right now. And listening to what Peter wanted to say. And saying sorry to him because they let the demon get away. See, many things were more important than healing through magic right now.

Raijah looked at Braxton, trying to keep up with what he was saying. He understood as much as "everyone is stupid and I'm the only one who's good here." Which wasn't very nice. There it was again, that phrase he had thought so often recently it was starting to become repetitive. "Everyone was acting mean," he said, partially to Braxton, but mostly to Peter. "It made the demon strong, then he ran away."
Bellies of demons often fill when their power is all around them. Either from the spread of natural development of a subject; demons' bellies fill quickly when the humans they seek to attack and conquer act obedient without knowing it. Gakono's discord ability merged well with Zaken's chaos among the humans. Adolescent beings such as these teens were such easy prey. Difficulty in taking the world by storm was an all time low. Teenagers frantically ran around in fear as they found themselves surrounded by Thralls, trapping them in a big circle. Jacob and couple of other boys tried being all macho and standing up to them, only to get pushed down on the ground flat on their padded asses. Remember, they're all wearing gear and uniforms from practice! Never had the boys been so glad football players wore butt pads. Brooke and the cheer leaders just screamed and pleaded for their lives, shoving one in front of the other. None of them working together, human nature and survival kicking in. Yum, Gakono smelled the discord among them all...it was delicious.

Chloe kicked around and choked under Zaken's grasp as he held her up off of the ground. She grabbed at his hand to free herself but he is definitely stronger than she is. Chloe coughed and coughed, punching his arm over and over to no avail. Great. Maybe if she had went home today then she wouldn't be in this mess. Or if she had, the attack would have happened anyway and people would be hurt..well, more hurt, really. Ugh why hadn't Chloe's dad made her train all her life? Then she could handle herself better! She helplessly squirmed around and snarled as Zaken spoke about Peter's dad. The other kids couldn't really hear him speak to her over their shouts. "You...suck," Chloe barely spoke to Zaken as he legs kicked around. It's getting harder to breath.

Seeing that the demons were really focusing a lot on Chloe, Brooke got an idea. "Please! You...you can have her, just please let us go!" Brooke bargained for her life in a desperate state, asking to basically exchange Chloe like an object for their own asses. Instead of trying to help her in any way. Gakono nearly vomited, he was so full of discord! What a sweet sound and taste. Jacob confidently nodded as if this was morally correct. "Yeah, take her! Please!" Te other kids for the most part followed in the plead. Chloe could hear this... her 'friends' are saying they would let her die to save themselves...ouch...
Gakono accepted. "Oh what wonderful discord. Run along, I have no further use for you!" he told the teens, all of them quickly booking it out of there and leaving Chloe all alone...severely outnumbered and near death.
Chloe slipped a tear that hit Zaken's hand. No this can not be happening...
Ingrid watched this form the corner. She panicked. The one kid who showed her kindness had gotten so much...ugliness thrown at her. Ingrid is scared but she can't just sit by and no nothing. She hummed to herself--her passion for music making her calm down enough. Gakono heard the hum. "What a foul sound?" He said about the lovely hum. Ingrid snuck around behind a barrel.
"Leave her alone!" Ingrid cried through adrenaline, pushing the barrel and rolling it over to Zaken and Gakono. Gakono dodged it, but it went straight onto Zaken's legs. "You dare!" Gakono shouted. Chloe managed to break free and run. Ingrid...she came back for her?
"We were almost turned into puddles on the ground because nobody did what I was saying. I didn't appreciate getting ice on my back, nor daggers near my head, or a snarky mage constantly nagging us like an old woman," Vince spat at the others. "I Just want to get my sister back, how come you guys can't just work with me here?" Vince was really upset.
Everyone in the Lair seemed to be on edge. For good reason, too. Vince and Raijah seemed to have a tension, that was new! And the mages had their constant bicker fest but it seemed worse. All of this was wrong. Their auras, their moods, all of it was so bitter. But nothing magical about this. They were all just naturally making one another mad. Hadn't they already worked on this? Did movie night mean nothing to them all? Peter shook his head and rubbed his head as if it ached again. It did but not from its usual aching source. Now it is just stress of grown ups acting like toddlers.
"Shut up! All of you!" Peter explained loudly as they bickered slightly or made comments. Vince went silent. Peter never yelled as long as he knew him. Admittedly that wasn't long, but he digresses. "Listen, I din't care who did what or what drama you guys have going on. You're adults, act like it. One of our own is missing and in danger! Be more concerned!" Peter said, trying to get them to listen for once.

"They don't care about Chloe. Shit, they only care about being better than each other. Or in Raijah's case, he only cares about being in the way," Vince said, still some of his own stressed out snark. Normally he wasn't really mean but he was in quite a mood. Yeah he wants his sister but he had no reason to be a jerk. Vince can't see that, though. He just has to pick u[ a fight with Raijah since the mages are at each others throats.

Peter shook his head and rubbed his eyes once again. He cleared his throat and shuffled through a bag. He withdrew a poultice. Peter smashed it on the ground and a big puff of blue smoke filled the room, immediately catching Vince's attention as bickering resumed. "Now I have your guys' attention again? Thank you." Peter said and waited for it to clear. Once it did he pointed at the table again where he was working before. "I'm working on a new medallion. While the computer searches for where Chloe might be I want to show you guys this. Now if you'll all stop acting like idiots for three seconds please?" Peter especially was never mean. He is a genuine sweetheart, so if he is angry or upset it is incredibly serious. He showed everyone a medal like theirs only this one is pink in color. Etchings of a rune lay within. "This medallion is etched with the runes of a bard. Bards are capable of enchanting people through song, stories, or buff up the valiant. Or in many cases, bards were spies. This rune offers an energy boost based on some kind of music-like energy. I know runes hum already, but that must be why the hums here are so strong. Only my trouble is I can't find anything to bond with this. Like your medallions it needs an organic source. I'm hoping you guys can find one with me if you're done arguing?"

Wow...so Peter did make a new medallion? A bard one? Interesting. Vince knew about bards and minstrels. Not a lot but enough to talk about it. "I can work on it. I'm not the one refusing to work," he sneered and sniffed, his big chest puffing out. So they need to find a power source for the rune within? Easy enough. Vince started looking and trying to think of an idea. Or so he tried anyway.
Zaken faintly heard the hum in the background, but really he was too busy laughing at how pathetic the Yellow Ranger was. Crying in his grip now that her so-called friends were willing to let her die in order to save their own skins. It wouldn't help them in the long run. Soon enough the Earth would belong to the Shadoji and each and every last of those filthy teenagers would be enslaved and put to use. "Poor, poor little Ranger," he said mockingly. "Your teammates have abandoned you, your friends have abandoned you. All alone and nobody left to save y--... ack!" He heard the call from behind him only moments before the barrel struck him at the back of his legs, causing him to drop the Ranger to the floor and stumble forward. Once he had regained his balance he hurled around, glaring at the pesky unknown girl that had embarrassed him just now. "Foolish human! You have no idea who is standing in front of you. My name is Zaken, Disciple of Chaos, first Disciple to serve our Supreme Master Dumanax. Soon your world will belong to the Shadoji, and you shall perish!" he pointed his blade at the sniffling girl in order to scare her.
"You would be a lot easier to work with if you didn't act like a tyrant whenever things look grim for even the shortest moment," Mellany spat back at him. "The second it looks like things might get tough for us, you turn into an even more intolerable asshat than Braxton, and that's saying something!" She glared at Vince, then, accidentally, also shooting a glare Peter's way for interjecting with their argument. Peter might be their Guardian (which was a weird thing to say considering how he was just a minor without parents and they were all adults, save for Chloe), but he hasn't been on the battlefield with them. Okay, he sort of was that one time where they had to save him and the time they showed up at the farm and killed Alexander... but that aside. He hasn't really been in the heat of battle with them all. He hasn't seen Vince turn into a tyrant dictator literally pushing everyone around to get things done his way. If the boy had been, he would be a little bit more understanding as of what the situation with them all here was about.

Raijah shot a glare at Vince as he said what he was saying, walking straight up to him and getting as close to Vince's face as he deemed necessary. Which, mind you, was pretty darn close. he stared him right into the eyes and let his gaze last for a few seconds, in total silence. "You. Never. Say. Again," he said slowly. "Raijah not get in way. Raijah do care about Chloe. You asshat." He backed away again, still keeping his gaze locked with Vince. And despite the tension between everyone, Mellany chuckled in the background.

As Peter smashed the poultice to catch their attention, both waved their eyes to get the smoke away from them. They looked at the table Peter had been working at before, seeing the shiny new medal. Seemed like he was done etching the rune on it. "Hey, impressive work, Peter," Mellany said, giving the boy a pat on the back. He sure worked fast to get that rune done in the couple of minutes they had all been gone from the base. "I suppose it makes sense for the hum to be so strong if it's the rune of a bard," she nodded. She knew about bards, mostly though the occasional RPGs she had played back in high school. That felt like forever ago. Bards had always intrigued her, in a way. Nothing for her to become a bard herself, but it seemed like they had fun and adventurous lives when they managed to stay out of trouble. But then, of course, Vince couldn't resist dropping another sneer. That was such a typical Braxton-move. Geez... She accidentally elbowed Vince in the back hard, trying to get a closer look at the medallion. "I could help looking for one too," she said.
"Raijah too," the rogue nodded. "More medallions mean more help, yes? But first, we should find Chloe, no?" Getting their friend back safely seemed more important than to find something for the medallion to bond with. The magical shiny thingy could wait. If they were too late to safe Chloe, they would need to find two things for medallions to bond with. And Raijah did not like that idea.
Braxton observed Mellany's healing mist of a spell over take her. Green mist, healing magic, senses of rightness and healing about it. Well done. However green fainted hues such as this remind him of a particular spell from another text. "Well done, Mellany. However, that healing spell if not completely focused, is a great alternative to a fertility spell. I would be mindful if I were you and not slip up. We would all hate to see a miniature you running around with a pacifier and a wet nappy," he said to her his his chin up. Choosing the more English term 'nappy' opposed to 'diaper' is anyone's guess, truly.

Admirable of Peter to raise his voice. A backbone was something this kid really needed. "Nagging? I believe the term is leading. What you should be doing, not poking at us all and causing a ridiculous argument. Are you all such fools?" Braxton daggered Vince and Mellany. "Honestly, we need your sister to return to us because she is one of us. Even if not, she'd be a civilian. My personal opinion of that girl does not determine my actions toward her, nimble-minded neanderthal," Braxton retorted and Vince. Mellany had gotten too close for his liking, so he physically pushed her back a little. Not a brutal shove, just he made distance between them. Seriously, what is the point of such mind numbing drivel?
"Mellany you're one to talk. Stabbing your own comrades in the back, quite literally, makes you no better than a dirty demon. Weak-minded girl," Braxton let Mellany have it in the coldest way possible. If she behaves that way with magic, she is totally at risk of possession. And if she's brutish without it? Well that speaks volumes for her now doesn't it? She should not com crying to him when she is taken by a demon because of her stupidity. Braxton had been reminded that he was obviously the most stable person here. Everybody else is acting like a child. And now they have to waste time finding an actual child.

"Out of my way, rat," he said to Raijah and stepped aside. The poultice really caught his attention, however. He joined the boy around the table beholding the new medallion. A pink one, etched with the runes representing minstrels, bards, or often spies if history was kind to Braxton's memory form studying for so many years. "Ah. Perhaps that would explain the nature of the hums," he low key agreed upon. Ugh. The boy was lost on one thing and needed him. Figures for such a bright young man to be so naive when thrown into the heat of his work. Braxton would help. In fact he already knew of an excellent tome to read from. "No, you aren't the only one to work. You're the only one to complain," Braxton sneered at Vince and began searching around the Lair independently. Capable of completing the task at hand without suffering the ignorance of his peers he snapped his fingers and used magic to levitate himself upward to a higher shelf. High concentration required.
Ingrid paused in a fit of fear having done something sorely stupid. Those who are not in power rarely challenge those clearly above them. This applied to a common person standing up to an ancient demon with a sharp weapon and a mad temper boasting about his purpose and master. Striking fear into a young girl called in every stereotype of a demon ever. Agendas from fiction to reality apparently had a thin border. Ingrid backed away as the blade was raised towards her, nervously humming a comforting tune to herself. Breaking tune was too easy. Ingrid swallowed, Zaken and Gakono closing in on her from where she hid. Punishment for avoiding the rules of horror movies. Never go back for your friend...
"Yeah yeah, nobody in this time period knows who you are, dweeb," Chloe snorted at Zaken with utmost disrespect and annoyance in her voice. Gakono snarled and threatened her as she scurried away with a menacing growl and charge of his sonic attack. Chloe dashed past the danger and grabbed Ingrid by the forearm, shielding her from whatever was about to happen. "Ingrid, watch out!" She called out and grabbed ahold of the girl tightly clinging on to her. Gakono let loose his attack at the teenage girls and felt astonished when the unthinkable occurred. His blast simply bounced right off of the girls and hit him and Zaken, flinging him back into a nearby wall leaving him gasping for breath.

"Inconceivable! What in the name of the Supreme Disciple was that??? I am discord, I know no weakness!" Gakono shouted from the ground and scrambled up. The girls were strangers, yes, but they worked so well to protect one another with great effort. Already this is a budding friendship!
Chloe and Ingrid thought not twice to book it out of there as soon as this happened, both girls left a little fascinated with what they just did!
Escaping the demons clutches, the girls would soon find a small place to rest. Chloe checked to see if they were being pursued. "Looks like we lost the demons," Chloe noted much to Ingrid's comfort. After running, they both needed to catch their breath. On one hand Chloe is sort of used to the idea of running from demons now. Ingrid had only heard of demons and everything being real so this was absolutely petrifying. Ingrid slid down a wall and hugged her knees as Chloe tried to think of what to do. She knew there was probably a mirror they could go through nearby after memorizing the mirror network rather quickly. Ingrid can no be exposed to it, though. She can't reveal her identity.
"Hey Ingrid, can I ask you something?" Ingrid nodded in response.
"You came back. The demons nearly had me, and my friends...even Jacob, left me behind. I get it. They were just scared and panicked...but you didn't run. Why?" She asked her, lowering herself to the same level.
"Because it was the right thing to do. I'm really scared but I knew it would have been wrong to just run. I had to try...plus, you were nice to me...nobody's ever really nice to me." Ingrid frowned, as did Chloe.
"Well...thank you, Ingrid. Really I think I owe you my life."
Vince grunted on being hit in the back and talked back to by everybody. Even Raijah, the one who's extremely passive, got in his face and yelled at him. "Your breath is horrible," Vince coughed and shoved Raijah back before searching fro the book Peter needed. And...what did he hear about fertility? Really if anyone knew about magic it was probably Braxton, the prick. Vince shook his head at everyone and kept looking for something to Peter's use. "Bunch of assholes. I'll get her back myself if I have to," he muttered under earshot of everyone, narrowly avoiding another hit to his back. Funny the one who should have his back ended up hitting it twice.

He 'accidentally' caused a book to fall on Braxton after his sneer remark, hitting the top of the mages head in the process. "Oops," he said and got on his knee to look for something. Peter sighed and shook his head. This is really happening, isn't it? The people fighting to protect humanity are fighting each other and not a single ounce of evil magic is at play. They're just being big dicks to each other. All four of them. Disappointment is not a good feeling to get from a Guardian. And Peter was chock full of it at his very moment. Headaches from his powers had scaled nothing in comparison to the one he is getting right now. As everybody searched about, Peter decided to be productive about his demon. "So, and without anyone bitching at each other, what is his demon, again?" Peter asked everyone as they searched around. He never swore...damn, Peter's mad at them. Good reason.
Vince turned to him with little appreciation, but understanding. He sighed himself and shook his head. "Discord is the nature, I think it was," he told him. Peter nodded with this bit of info. Discord, discord... Hmm.
Vince then found a book on animals typically serving as mounts to people in the past. However, books with animals on crests, books on the very subject of bonding, or books on rune smithing in advanced detail would have been of equal value, should the others find anything of their like. He set the book down on the table by Peter as he flipped through another book on demons. "I thought the rune was important here?" Vince asked, Peter seemingly off task.
"Shh, I'm reading." Well then.
Outstanding that yet again the protein shake junkie yet again assumes he is the only one interesting in rescuing his bratty sister. Mercurial people like this are what made Braxton's teeth ache at night, what with everybody erraticly changing what they say and express every couple of minutes to express the angst they had never apparently released as a hormonal teenager. If not already thought before it was thought again. "I am surrounded by incompetence," Braxton thought. Not even searching for a damned book of something useful would be easy enough around such simpletons.

Braxton had felt the weight of the book on his head just as he reached a good height from the spell, falling flat on his behind on the hard floor, in turn knocking over a small object in Raijah's path that may in turn domino its way to Mellany. Chain reactions are so interesting. "Yes, knocking books onto my head to spite me, well done, churl," Braxton called Vince as he picked up the book that hit him and stood up off of the ground dusting himself off. Seriously if anybody else tries something with him he may not be held responsible for the amount of limbs to go missing. Easy, easy Braxton. Do not stoop to these churls' levels. You are far better. He thought to to himself. Gathering a lick of peace in his mind he put away the book that fell and resumed the search for whatever Peter was wanting and needing. He did however feel a sliver of sense when Peter swore proceeding his question on the demon. As if anybody else could provide helpful detail on whatever this demon was. Perhaps Mellany if she had properly studied on demons in her past, but she was prone to confuse one for another. That isn't even full of snark from Braxton--demons can be rather tricky to learn about in some ways. Dangerously tricky, as a matter of fact.
"Vincent is correct. Discord demons from what I have read are vile creature--rivaling the sheer brutality of a warrior and mage in this room, as well as the intelligence of a particular loincloth-wearing mongrel." Braxton looked to everybody in the room behind their backs as he too answered part of what Peter wanted to know.

"By the God and Gods, Vince, while we must search for your sister it is also important we try and accomplish some sense of knowledge on the demon as well. You know, so we might endure the not-end of the world? Do be a dear and hush up. You're grinding my gears more than present company has since I have known them," he said to the warrior and slipped a book regarding the subject of bonding living things to rune symbols and the magicks behind it on the desk. Bonding books should be useful and Braxton even opened it to the exact page that may apply to Peter's work at this very moment. Once again e proved to be maybe the more valuable mind among them all. Fixing his glasses Braxton took pride.
"Be my guest and go out. Get your butt kicked by that demon. Maybe he hits you hard enough on the head to knock some sense into you," Mellany said. Another person to add to the list of people she didn't mind to become demon food. Funny how the one who's supposed to be the leader is the one who can't get along with anyone. Okay... nobody got along with each other. But Vince was doing a very poor job as a leader, seeing as none of the others even remotely respected him. Good reason, too. He's acting like a complete asshole to everyone, even to the point where Raijah insulted him! Okay, the guy was mostly copying what he had heard Mellany say, but it still said quite a lot about a person if RAIJAH decided to call them an asshat. Speaking of Raijah, he grunted as Vince shoved him aside after insulting him.

Shrugging it off, Raijah went looking at the shelves. He might not be able to read too well, but even he might be able to find a useful book if it had pictures on it. And indeed! He spotted a book with crests and animals engraved on the leather. He carefully took the book, almost as if he feared it would fall apart or some weird magical spell would fly right off the pages into his face if he opened it the wrong way around. He put the book on the table with Peter.

Mellany turned to Braxton. "He said without bitching at each other," she pointed out as Braxton still added in a snark when speaking of the demon. Maybe the book hit him on the head hard enough to make him forget? Hey, anyone up for throwing more books on his head to see if it eventually might turn him into a tolerable person? Or anyone else agreeing the mage should be demon food? After all, mages were much more prone to be demon-targets. Something with magic, and funky realms where both magic and demons spawned from. She kept a chuckle to herself when Braxton proceeded to completely roast Vince on the spot though. This was kinda fun as long as the snarks weren't directed at her, which they usually were. A nice change of pace. She had to climb on a small step-ladder in order to reach one of the higher shelves. A particular book had caught her eye, but it was just too high up for her to reach, and no way she'd ask for help. She blew a cloud of dust off the cover. Another book on runecrafting, but this tome was much bigger than the other one. Quickly flipping through the pages she noticed the incredible details and descriptions on various old runes. Perfect! She placed it on the table, together with the books the rest had found.
"Hey, guys, that shh? It was meant for all of you." Peter went into full sass mode and directed it at the mages. Raijah wasn't vocal but his overall energy really gave into the discord running rampant in the room. Even as they mutually worked together on bringing books to the table they were being insufferable. Vince himself was still aggravated. He proved himself a leader when they faced the Revenant a couple of weeks back hadn't he? Strong and sure he was truly a people person and easy to get along with. Maybe his demeanor gave everybody the wrong vibe. What's wrong with being overly confident sometimes? Or being the only one to immediately focus on saving the powerless girl in trouble.
A moment of quiet slipped in to the Lair as everyone converged with books. All for the one opened for him--thanks Braxton--Peter opened the books brought his way and flipped through them until he found the most appropriate pages for what he needed to accomplish. "Thank you, guys. You're actually a good group when you aren't all being so discord-like," he dropped the demon's theme. Cue a spit take if he had been drinking water! "Wait a second, discord? That's it!" He said and furiously flipped (alliteration!) through the demon book and slammed it on the table in the middle of the opened rune-helping books.

"Right here. Demons spawned out of Discord feed off of the wild and wicked nature of the human brain. Feasting on the energy of those who refuse to work together, and adding to this inability to fuse their minds together by scaring them and lowering inhibitions. It's like this demon sees people being animals to each other, feeds from it, and makes it darned impossible for them to work as one! God, you guys are just making the freak stronger, no wonder he beat the crap out of you!" Peter yelled as he read from the text and displayed it for their eyes to see. A good hour of time had gone by in the search for books and the reading of books, as well. "Don't you see? The Discord demon wants you to fight like this. He probably ate like it's Thanksgiving with you guys around him," Peter mentioned. This took Vince back a step. Everyone at each other's throats like this did not seem to help anything at all. Because of the infighting, Gakono did seem to get an advantage on them all... Shit. So it wasn't just their own faults entirely--Gakono just grew fat on their discord and NOW it makes sense when he said they gave him power. Vince and everyone had been complete idiots. Peter has a right to be upset with them.

"Peter's right...It's right there in the book. We gave Gakono power. It's all of our fault that he beat us, and that Chloe's lost, probably," he spoke up. Dull silence. In hindsight Chloe is lost because teenagers are the worst sometimes, but that's to come later! "I'm sorry guys. Sorry I said you were useless. I just... God I just want my annoying sister back," Vince cracked his voice and openly apologized to everyone. Peter gave the group a look saying 'you should all apologize, really.' Damn, a stern teenager is scary...
Ingrid shook her head. "No I didn't really save you... If anything, you could have escaped yourself I think. You seem strong. Or the Power Rangers would have come to help you," Ingrid said blindly to Chloe, still frowning. This girl really had no friends at all, so the kindness being shown was new to her. That and she's too modest to admit she probably did save Chloe. She looked down and hid behind her mixed pink and black hair.
Chloe lifted Ingrid's head by her chin. "Hey, you were a hero back there. If not for you, that loser would have totally pounded me into a little Chloe puddle. Plus your humming really seemed to bother the monsters. I guess they hate sweet sounds," she said to lift her spirits. Ingrid chuckled.
"Well I do sing and everything, but I think my lack of real talent scared them more," Ingrid replied.
"Oh bite your tongue. I bet you're an awesome singer. Demons like that hate pretty things, so you probably just warded them off with talent!" Chloe reassured her. Come to think of it, Gakono especially seemed weak when the girls worked together. Like their small bond was enough to...wait a second...Snap, Chloe just came to the same realization as the others back at the Lair!
Mellany. Poor, sweet, short and foolish Mellany. Having no siblings of his own, she gave him the roughest idea of what it meant to have annoying younger girl around at all times. Not a sister: He could never see her as a sister. Think of the mages as an even more strained Vince and Chloe relationship, here. Incomprehensible to think such a formation could be attained. Such an immature girl as her hardly proved herself as anything more than the occasional back stabber and walking ice cube tray. Braxton had taken back a peg as Peter completely ripped into them by silencing them. Alright, the boy had some backbone after all. Or it was an mask of snark covering his bendy vertebrate once again. One way or the other he certainly managed to grab Braxton's attention.

Dropping Discord's name like that must have sparked something inside of him because when he pointed out the Knights were being slightly more tolerable when gathering texts he went off like a light. Circling around the book used for citing discord and demonic power were the opened rune books supposedly useful for crafting this new piece of equipment. With his arms folded and eyes squinted Braxton observed Peter's actions. He jumped back as the book slammed don onto the polished wood of the table. In black and white the solution to their problem here, or one problem. "Discord feeds from inability of cooperation," Braxton repeated from the text after Peter laid some serious facts on them. "Heavens, we did make him stronger. And I would assume that the teenagers being so frantic gave him an appetizer, as well." Braxton stroked his chin and fixed his glasses while his eyes danced on the words written in the old book. Superior as he may to be to a lot of present company even Braxton would admit that some of the insults and overall negativity being passed around like a hot potato in a game of...well, 'hot potato', added to the fire that is Discord. Human nature only dictates that people go into self-preservation in times of panic so they are less likely to act with common sense and just frolic in stupidity. Damn, had Braxton just thought of himself as stupid? By the Gods...

Hearing Vince apologize in what he thought was a real soap opera way, Braxton sympathized a little bit. While Vince more likely directed the 'useless' apology at Raijah based on an earlier comment, he was getting the idea and a very particular look from Peter to do the same. As if Braxton would speak anything less than the truth or his true opinions of anybody present. Sigh. However, he is not so high as to not admit when even he is a bit of a jerk. Though he is not a jerk. Everybody else is just upset hearing true things about them that he dishes out. Specifically Mellany, whom he was about to say something to. "No Vincent, it is not the fault of us that Chloe is apart from us. Painful as it is to vocalize, Mellany, I suppose you are not as incompetent as you make yourself out to be. Maybe less icicles thrown at your comrades' backs would prove that?" Braxton said to her. Oh, rust him, that was an apology. Honest it was. He's being nice... Even if his tone is mono as usual. Hopefully she and everyone got the vibe he was indeed sincere. "I can be overzealous, I know. We will get Chloe back, obviously. The first step is to figure out how, and where to look." He's on board!
Mellany hadn't got the slightest clue what it would be like to have a younger sibling. Chloe didn't quite count, seeing as how they only just met each other relatively recently and didn't have the chance to form a proper bond yet that was anything more than "just happening to have the same destiny". Raijah on the other hand, had much more of a clue. So many siblings in the Tribe, be it blood-related or not. And sometimes things were fuzzy seeing as how everyone treated each other as family. Hard to tell who were your siblings, cousins, just friends... Anyway, he knew the idea of losing someone he cared about... the fear of it, at the very least. He wouldn't want his siblings in the Tribe to be in danger. If a demon would come to harm them, Raijah would rip the demon apart with his bare hands! Both were silenced in thought and voice as Peter got sassy and more or less scolded them. Again. Dang Peter! Better not annoy this kid or you'll grow to regret it.

Discord... Discord... Discord... that being the demon and it being mentioned here seemed to spark something. An idea, a thought, a solution? Or at the very least a clue where they should be looking. There it was, black on white... or yellow... anyway... it was written right there on the pages before them. Feasting of the energy of those who refuse to work together. And what had they done? Refused to work together. Damn, this was some bad news. "So it's true. We did make him stronger. All of us. Unintentionally, perhaps, but we still did it," Mellany shook her head.
"We, those kids. Everyone did. And now Chloe is in danger," Raijah hung his head. He liked Chloe. They were both rogues, after all. He taught her something about daggers too! She still had lots to learn, but Raijah would be happy to help. That's what friends do. They help each other, not be mean to one another.

Both smiled faintly as Vince apologized to them. Everyone had some apologizing to do here. After all, they all had their share in the trouble caused and their comrade being in danger.
"And I'm sorry for hitting you in the back. Twice," Mellany said. "I have a way of showing I really disagree or dislike someone. Not the most proper way, but..." she shrugged. Words weren't really her thing. But she was trying! "I know I'm not the best mage around, but I'm doing my best and after all I am still learning."
"Raijah is sorry too," Raijah said. "Sorry for being..." he paused, thinking really hard, looking for words he didn't know. He knew he didn't fit in. He knew he was different. Not always smart in the same ways the others were, being wilder... but that's hard to put into words when you don't speak English too well.
"Chloe not lost yet," he said after a moment. "We find her, yes? And help." He wasn't going to give up on her yet.
"I like your confidence," Mellany grinned. "Raijah is right though. As long as the rest of us is still standing, Chloe isn't lost yet. We'll find her, get her back safely, and kick that Discord-demon back to hell." Two more in for whatever plan might come up!
Simultaneously, the Wells siblings recalled the same flashback. Chloe in Ingrid's company remembered a time when she and Vince were fighting as kids and she was waiting to be found... and Vince remembered this, too, only from the worried older brother side of things as everyone apologized for being jerks.
Vince was only 13 at the time, Chloe 6. Or something close to those ages, at least. He had been tasked with taking her down to the playground around the corner from their house to play and of course him being a kid that age was not about that life. Spent with headphones in and music blasting his ears, Vince sat on a bench as Chloe swung, slid, and skipped along with all of the other children. Cute as a button, she was. Vince was supposed to be watching her but he had his eyes on his MP3 player instead. This was ten years ago, so those weren't a thing of the past just yet. Chloe wandered from the playground to the nearby woods on the edge between woods and playground. He looked up to make sure she was there but did not see her. Vince got scared, his little sister who whined all of the time and just wanted to annoy him was now the one thing scaring him most. She was not in sight. Granted no malicious factor kept them at bay, just circumstance. Like now. But Vince then sped off to look for her, finding Chloe with a scrapped knee in the bushes. Little thing fell when she nearly got lost. At that moment the siblings hugged and Vince never wanted to feel that fear again. Now, that's what is on his mind again. Simple fear, common fear, no demons or anything involved. Only now, Vince is actually worried she may be attacked with no powers! So yes, demons involved sort of. Chloe was not afraid now. She has a new friend...but she would give anything for a sense of security. And her 'friends' abandoned her. Both of them felt odd now...

Chloe shook her head. Snapping out of it and back to reality in a matter of seconds she looked at Ingrid. Back then, she may not have had to work with her brother, but she had to trust him to find her. Like now she has to trust Ingrid to stay calm. And Ingrid has to trust her. Gakono's discord was fueled by the chaos earlier. A good pairing for Zaken. Together, she would find her way home. Safety and security were not far away! Suddenly the popularity and selfie game being on point seemed like the least important thing. She smiled at Ingrid. For reasons galore!
Ingrid continued being modest. "Can I hear you sing?" Chloe asked Ingrid. Why now of all times?
The black and pink-haired girl sighed but smiled softly. Looking at Chloe behind her hair, Ingrid softly sung a humble song. She's...wonderful!
In the Lair Peter smiled at the four Knights standing around in close proximity. Discord is a nasty thing. No wonder demons thrive on it, no wonder there is a demon in its name, and no wonder its such a pest to take down. People by nature at less than able to stand as one in times of stress and anguish. Discord must grow fat quite a lot in today's world around the globe. Vince felt the pressure of this demon. Not driven from his sister by anything bad, just a scramble of people. Even though behind the scenes of things around here she gets on his nerves with the smallest of things--he's a big brother and you don't ever mess with a big brother. The whole male-domination masculinity thing makes the musk rumble! Vince smiled at everybody slightly and patted the mages arms, as well as Raijah's back in a way to get them all together. Now one thing stands before them: Finding Chloe!
"If you guys are together now?" Peter asked everybody. Vince nodded and inhaled. Peter laid out the books on the table and went to the computer. "Now, my dad had to have had a back-up plan in case one of you had to be found without a way to track you. Chloe's phone was in her bag, which she doesn't have on her now... " Peter had no idea how to track Chloe's location. "Still working out how to tap into city cameras and stuff, so this might be hard. Anyone know a spell? Or a way to sniff her out?" Peter asked the others. Way to be subtle, Peter.
No need for that! Because once again, Peter's head began to throb. Only instead of hurling in pain, he grabbed his head to let everyone know. He saw Gakono in his mind, or at least his energy. Only a few minutes of searching, too! "Well guys... I think I know where she is," he said.
Vince rubbed Peter's shoulder, poor kid. "Can the mirrors take us there?" He asked him. Clearly the mirrors could! Vince grabbed Chloe's morpher and medallion. "Let's go get her, guys. Together," he led the other three in a true and more welcoming manner. There's the charm Vince is known in the rest for town for! Onward to battle! Before leaving for the mirror network to the location, he led a group morphin right there in the Lair. Peter stood aside and watched, close to where he could continue working on the medallion. Cool! "Divine Change!" Vince called with everybody, medallions and morphers in use, light overtaking them before they left. Hang on, Chloe!
Well-timed points of headaches for Peter meant poorly-timed events for young girls in the open. While the girls had found a good spot to rest and hide from Gakono and Zaken, they were far from safe. Recovering from before, the demons advanced further in. The plan was now to hone in on the yellow knight and her irritating friend. Then, discord for all of humanity! Ingrid finished singing her song to Chloe. Both of the girls smiled. "That was lovely, Ingrid. Really, so pretty! You need to record yourself, sometime," Chloe said and nudged the girls arm. Ingrid was so modest and just shook her head.
"You just say that because you think I saved your life," she commented. Chloe snickered, contagiously causing Ingrid to giggle in return. The girls shared a quick bond. True friends, new or not, are hard to miss. The girls smiled before getting rudely interrupted. Gakono barged in from the side, knocking over a set of barrels in his wake with Zaken and Thralls behind him. The girls yelped at the surprise.
"Found you! That sound you make with your voice, hair-color-girl, is so annoying! How can anyone function with harmony like that?" Gakono shouted in his wild fashion, foliage and loud features on his body boldly standing out. "Die!" the Discord demon beckoned. He cast a sonic wave of energy from his jaw, his own pent-up discord fueling his power. Chloe hugged Ingrid and prepared to take the blow in her back to protect her. This is gonna hur--what?

On the ground crashing from nowhere, blocking the blast, was a greatsword, wide in form, the shield half of it blocking the attack from the girls. Demons and girls alike shot their glances to the side. Standing there were Red, Blue, Black and White Knights in spandex, bravely standing together to the dismay of Discord. Vince waved, having thrown his massive blade. "Got here just in time?" He spoke out. Gakono growled.
Chloe looked out at them...she's in shock. They came for her...they really came for her...
Admitting when he's wrong is not a thing Braxton has grown accustomed to. For he is typically never wrong about anything academic, magical or mundane. Heavens forbid he not be one hundred percent accurate in his personal thoughts on an individual. However just because he is not used to it, he can admit when he is in the wrong on those rare occasions. He hadn't picked up on any apologies directed at him specifically, granted maybe he chose not to hear them, but his were caught back and appreciated. Tiresome, this bunch is so far. Tiresome among other things. Dysfunctional being the strongest adjective.

The girl is important. Chloe may be irritating to some degree and she was not on time this afternoon. But that is no excuse to leave her behind. "No one gets left behind," Braxton commented as Peter rallied everybody together in the Lair.
Observations on the table in front of him and listening to Peter speak enlightened him on the status. Alexander left some knowledge with his son, but not quite enough seeing as to how Peter could be considered an apprentice at best. Tapping into city cameras? Illegal but not impractical. For the greater good, Braxton saw no wrong in breaking into the city's technology if they absolutely had to. Spells sounded a lot more their style. Stroking his nimble chin, Braxton postulated a solution in the matter of arcane knowledge. Location spells are tricky when you have no direct ideas. Maybe getting a lock of her hair from a brush upstairs and using that as a source? Probably contaminated. Saliva samples from her dish this morning? Unlikely, given how the dishes have been washed. What to do, what to do...
You know, migraines are the least friendly way to alert them to demonic entities in Westfield.
Mirrors of the magical variety are a handy tool. They can take them all straight to Chloe, no spells of illegal hacking required. Or having someone sniff things out like a dog. Granted, Wolf does like going for walks...
Lining up, vowing to get Chloe back and defeat the demons threatening the peace, Braxton inserted his own medallion into his cellular, hit 1, and closed it with everybody in line in the Lair. "Divine Change," he said and shimmered in a bright blue light standing among his peers.
Just in time. Gakono, Zaken and their band of Thralls showed up where they were most unwelcome. Prevailing through the mirrors led them all to where they stand now witnessing Vince hurdle his weapon between a blast and Chloe, along with another girl about her age. Nice use of the weapon as a shield there. "Alas, I fear we may have interrupted the demons plot to attack more innocent souls," Braxton said in his normal demeanor. He gave Mellany a nod and wielded his staff forward. He flicked it around with a glyph at Chloe and hoped Mel would cove the second girl, working in harmony with her to hopefully transport both Chloe and this mysterious girl over to their direction for safety.
Admitting she was wrong was not one of the things Mellany liked doing, but sometimes there was no other choice but doing so. Now was one of this occasions, lest she'd get scolded by an angry teenager. Man, they were a strange bunch altogether, weren't they? Cooperate didn't seem to quite be in their dictionaries yet. Raijah had less trouble admitting he was in the wrong. It was one of the crucial things in the society he was raised in. Be honest, be true, be respectful, and admit your mistakes. Apologies to one another said and done, now was the time to focus on the important things. Or thing. Saving Chloe definitely had priority. As much as some people here might seem to dislike each other, every knight was needed to stand against the demons. Except maybe Braxton. Mellany still thought he'd be better off as demon-food.

Mellany's mind raced. Was there a spell she knew that might help tracking down Chloe? There was one, she knew... She had never used it, but she did know how the spell worked. all she needed was one of her personal belongings. Something that meant a lot to Chloe, or at least something she would use a lot. Just as she was about to utter something about the scrying spell that was on her mind, Peter seemed to be having some problems with his own mind. Headaches generally meant demonic presences causing havoc. Or was discord more fitting here? Discord and Chaos.
Raijah knew of nothing that could help. Spells weren't his forte, and he may have been raised in the Tribe, but that didn't mean he was a complete wildling sniffing out people. His senses might be sharper due to having to rely on them more than the people in the cities or the rest of the "civilized" world, but he was no superhero... not in that way. He didn't have superhuman senses. All he knew was that saving Chloe was very important. Chloe was Vince's sister.... she's their friend and Raijah liked her. Now what they had to do was get to her as fast as they could and help. The two lined up with the rest, promising they'd do all they could to get Chloe back safely and in one piece. Mellany and Raijah placed their medallions in their Cellulars, pressed the button, and initiated the morph. "Divine Change!" they called in unison before being surrounded by bright light and heading off into the mirror network.
Zaken approched with the Thralls in his wake, Gakono leading his chaotic attack on the two foolish girls. "Such a horrible sound," he said, agreeing with what Gakono had said before. On the bright side that hideous sound made it much easier for them to find both girls. It shouldn't be that much harder to finish them off now. There would be nobody to save them, and the little Ranger had no ways of transforming and saving her skin. Finally his blade would get a taste of blood again, albeit not of a worthy opponent. The little knight foolishly attempted to shield her friend from hurt. It wouldn't last. First they would deal with the knight, and next up was the colorfully hair girl. Zaken hated colorful. It reminded him of the knights. But then, out of nowhere, came the greatsword. Ah, seems like the other knights decided to crash the party. How inconvenient.

They shouldn't have been a second later. If they had been, things would have ended very nasty.
"Hi there! Sorry to keep you waiting," Mellany said, leaping into the battle, twirling her staff and slashing some Thralls with the blade. She nodded back at Braxton as she noticed his glyph, quickly copying it to ensure both girls would be safe from the demons' harm.
"Are you okay?" Raijah called to both girls. They had been running, chased by demons, and who knew what had happened while they had retreated? And where did the other teens go? There were more people here before.... Where'd they go? Probably fled... But then why were the girls still here?
Admitting she was wrong was not one of the things Mellany liked doing, but sometimes there was no other choice but doing so. Now was one of this occasions, lest she'd get scolded by an angry teenager. Man, they were a strange bunch altogether, weren't they? Cooperate didn't seem to quite be in their dictionaries yet. Raijah had less trouble admitting he was in the wrong. It was one of the crucial things in the society he was raised in. Be honest, be true, be respectful, and admit your mistakes. Apologies to one another said and done, now was the time to focus on the important things. Or thing. Saving Chloe definitely had priority. As much as some people here might seem to dislike each other, every knight was needed to stand against the demons. Except maybe Braxton. Mellany still thought he'd be better off as demon-food.

Mellany's mind raced. Was there a spell she knew that might help tracking down Chloe? There was one, she knew... She had never used it, but she did know how the spell worked. all she needed was one of her personal belongings. Something that meant a lot to Chloe, or at least something she would use a lot. Just as she was about to utter something about the scrying spell that was on her mind, Peter seemed to be having some problems with his own mind. Headaches generally meant demonic presences causing havoc. Or was discord more fitting here? Discord and Chaos.
Raijah knew of nothing that could help. Spells weren't his forte, and he may have been raised in the Tribe, but that didn't mean he was a complete wildling sniffing out people. His senses might be sharper due to having to rely on them more than the people in the cities or the rest of the "civilized" world, but he was no superhero... not in that way. He didn't have superhuman senses. All he knew was that saving Chloe was very important. Chloe was Vince's sister.... she's their friend and Raijah liked her. Now what they had to do was get to her as fast as they could and help. The two lined up with the rest, promising they'd do all they could to get Chloe back safely and in one piece. Mellany and Raijah placed their medallions in their Cellulars, pressed the button, and initiated the morph. "Divine Change!" they called in unison before being surrounded by bright light and heading off into the mirror network.
Zaken approched with the Thralls in his wake, Gakono leading his chaotic attack on the two foolish girls. "Such a horrible sound," he said, agreeing with what Gakono had said before. On the bright side that hideous sound made it much easier for them to find both girls. It shouldn't be that much harder to finish them off now. There would be nobody to save them, and the little Ranger had no ways of transforming and saving her skin. Finally his blade would get a taste of blood again, albeit not of a worthy opponent. The little knight foolishly attempted to shield her friend from hurt. It wouldn't last. First they would deal with the knight, and next up was the colorfully hair girl. Zaken hated colorful. It reminded him of the knights. But then, out of nowhere, came the greatsword. Ah, seems like the other knights decided to crash the party. How inconvenient.

They shouldn't have been a second later. If they had been, things would have ended very nasty.
"Hi there! Sorry to keep you waiting," Mellany said, leaping into the battle, twirling her staff and slashing some Thralls with the blade. She nodded back at Braxton as she noticed his glyph, quickly copying it to ensure both girls would be safe from the demons' harm.
"Are you okay?" Raijah called to both girls. They had been running, chased by demons, and who knew what had happened while they had retreated? And where did the other teens go? There were more people here before.... Where'd they go? Probably fled... But then why were the girls still here?

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